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Search results: (233 matches)
Money matters CAT translation grid for pharmaceutical texts CAT grid When working with a CAT tool, the following CAT
grid may be applied to your rate: New Words:
100% 50-74%: 100% 75-84%: 60% of the word
rate 85-94%: 55% of the word rate 95-99%: 25
Andriy Yasharov Feb 12
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Comparison tool for XLIFFs executable for Change Tracker Download link for ChangeTracker: Download an
executable for Change Tracker
Andriy Yasharov Nov 24, 2024
AI for translators and interpreters Glossary of AI Words A short version created by AI | English Term | Definition | | Artificial
intelligence (AI) | Intelligence in computers or
machines, especially that which mimics human
intelligence. | | Algorithm | A set of
Andriy Yasharov Jul 7, 2024
Getting established What is a good CAT Tool for a novel freelance translator in the field literary translation? 50% discount to individuals from Venezuela Wordfast offers a 50% discount to
individual/self-employed/freelance users buying
one license of Wordfast Pro from Venezuela and
other countries with developing economies. It will
be U
Andriy Yasharov Jan 9, 2024
Translator resources Microsoft Language Portal - No longer available? WinLexic WinLexic is a free and lightweight downloader and
viewer for Windows computers developed by AIT
Software Development Team (WinLexic). It allows
to download Microsoft® Glossaries, as we
Andriy Yasharov Jul 17, 2023
Machine Translation (MT) DeepL DeepL Pro – Terms and Conditions 5.2 DeepL reserves the right to reject Customer
requests to enter a contract. In this event, DeepL
will display a respective message during the
buying process, at latest when Customer has<
Andriy Yasharov Jul 4, 2023
CAT Tools Technical Help How do I use a .tbx file? Goldpan TMX/TBX Editor With Goldpan, you can: Create or edit TBX file
containing 2 separate languages. Export selected
language pairs from TMX or TBX file (export
format). Split any huge TMX or TBX file int
Andriy Yasharov Apr 28, 2023
Wordfast support The Copy Source command inserts commas into years I second that! I have also been experiencing the same issue
Andriy Yasharov Apr 19, 2023
Russian Вопрос по теме "Микробиология" SEM, P value, Eh (mV) SEM означает standard error of the
mean What Is the Standard Error of the Mean
(SEM)? P value — это
p-значение p-значения для
Andriy Yasharov Apr 18, 2023
Russian Вопрос по теме "Микробиология" Access denied Нет доступа к таблице. Andriy Yasharov Apr 18, 2023
Smart shoppers Multiterm subscription Glossary Converter The Glossary Converter allows an easy conversion
between different glossary formats and MultiTerm
termbases. Supported formats include Excel, tbx,
and MultiTerm export files (xdt + xml).
Andriy Yasharov Apr 17, 2023
Machine Translation (MT) MT systems and glossaries/TBs MT systems There are other MT systems that support glossary
integration and learning. Google Cloud
Translation (Advanced Edition) Google offers
glossary support in its Advanced Edition API. You<
Andriy Yasharov Apr 13, 2023
AI for translators and interpreters ChatGPT : Are translators an endangered species ? specialization is a must Types of translations that machines will not be
able to cope with in the near future:
Legal translation Legal translations
require a high degree of accuracy and pre
Andriy Yasharov Mar 31, 2023
Scams Does anybody know this email address? PPD The email address belongs
to PPD, Inc., which is a global contract research
organization focused on delivering life-changing
therapies. PPD, Inc. is a legit co
Andriy Yasharov Mar 31, 2023
Getting established Any tips for finding clients including translation agencies as a [KR, CN, EN] Patent translator? Some tips Join translation associations Joining
professional associations for translators such as
the American Translators Association (ATA),
International Federation of Translators (FIT),
Andriy Yasharov Mar 28, 2023
Money matters Costs of translating the name of a product, how to formulate a quote Economic proposal When formulating an economic proposal for a
translation project, there are several important
factors to consider. They are: Determine the
scope of the project Ask the client for more
Andriy Yasharov Mar 27, 2023
Office applications I need a macro for changing font size and a macro for changing the font scale of bullets Macro 2 [quote]Clarisa Moraña wrote: but the second
one is not working. [/quote] It's possible
that macro 2 won't work in all situations. For
example, if your document contains paragra
Andriy Yasharov Mar 27, 2023
Office applications I need a macro for changing font size and a macro for changing the font scale of bullets Another possible variant Here's another macro that might help: Sub
ChangeBulletFontScale() Dim p As Paragraph For
Each p In ActiveDocument.Range.Paragraphs If
p.Range.ListFormat.ListType wdListNoNumbering A
Andriy Yasharov Mar 27, 2023
Office applications I need a macro for changing font size and a macro for changing the font scale of bullets Possible suggestions 1. Macro to change font size from 11 to 12
point: Sub ChangeFontSize() With
.ClearFormatting .Font.Size = 11
Andriy Yasharov Mar 26, 2023
Business issues Seeking advice on the legality of retroactive reductions Sad situation In general, retroactive reductions of payment can
be problematic and may be illegal, depending on
the specifics of your situation and your
jurisdiction's labor laws. You may want to
Andriy Yasharov Mar 23, 2023
Money matters Client wants to change the CAT Tool algorithm and not pay new words.. Opinion It's quite understandable that you're feeling
frustrated with your client's pushy behavior, but
it's important to approach the situation
professionally and calmly. First, you can
Andriy Yasharov Mar 22, 2023
Hardware New laptop/desktop spec recommendations Previous forum threads on the topic laptop_suggestions_for_running_trados_studio lo
_for_translators_and_interpreters_in_2021 new_l
aptop_suggestions choosing_a_com
Andriy Yasharov Mar 19, 2023
KudoZ How can I attach a screenshot with my Kudoz answer?! HTML tags or drag and drop images To attach an image one can use HTML tags to create
a link to an image hosted at any third-party
server. For example, This is the HTML code
of the attached image of a translator
Andriy Yasharov Mar 3, 2023
Business issues Most lucrative >English language pairs Thoughts In terms of translation into English, it's
difficult to pinpoint the most lucrative language
pairs because several factors can impact demand
and supply, such as industry, location, and
Andriy Yasharov Mar 2, 2023
Money matters Minimum hours per interpreting event Opinion In general, if your client has a 2-hour minimum
per event agreement with you, and you worked on 2
events that lasted less than 2 hours together, you
may be entitled to invoice them for the
Andriy Yasharov Feb 26, 2023
Getting established about employment Differences The differences between these types of jobs in the
United States of America are as
follows: Full-time job: a full-time job is
typically considered to be 40 hours per week or
more. F
Andriy Yasharov Feb 26, 2023
Windows operating systems Free File Commanders Q-Dir for Windows OS I use Q-Dir. It's a freeware quad-directory file
explorer that makes files and folders easy to
manage. Fast and easy
access, with a quad-explorer-view technique.
Andriy Yasharov Jan 23, 2023
Money matters Late payment or no payment A phone call Calling on the phone the company that failed to
make a payment on due date usually helps. This
method helped me a few times.
Andriy Yasharov Dec 13, 2022
CAT Tools Technical Help How to convert TMX to tab-delimited? Heartsome TMX Editor 8 Perhaps Heartsome TMX Editor 8 may help. It can
convert tmx files to tabbed txt files. Download
Andriy Yasharov Oct 13, 2022
Money matters Bank transfers from Japan Payoneer Open an account with Payoneer. Payoneer allows to
open a receiving account for Japan (JPY). Use
for local bank transfers within Japan in JPY via
the Zengin System network Only paymen
Andriy Yasharov Oct 2, 2022
Translation in Russia / Перевод в России Активность переводчиков на Всё течёт и ничто не остаётся на месте Жизнь не стоит на месте,
обстоятельства. Полагаю,
что большинство
переводчиков перешло в
Andriy Yasharov Jun 9, 2022
Software applications PDF conversion Online tools C̳o̳n̳v̳e̳r̳t̳ S̳c̳a̳n̳n̳e̳d̳
P̳D̳F̳ t̳o̳ W̳o̳r̳d̳ Convert Scanned PDF
to Word I̼m̼a̼g̼e̼ t̼o̼ t̼e̼x̼t̼
c̼o̼n̼v̼e̼r̼t̼e̼r̼ u̼s̼i̼n̼g̼
Andriy Yasharov May 17, 2022
Post-editing & Machine Translation Has anybody used WordBee for translations? How do you like it? Exporting and importing I use it on and off, and I don't like it at all.
Wordbee's only useful functions are export of a
file, translation of the file in your favorite CAT
tool, importing of the translated file
Andriy Yasharov May 7, 2022
Site forums How to add the strikethrough attribute? Other websites help S̶t̶r̶i̶k̶e̶T̶h̶r̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ text is
often used to show that something is unavailable,
wrong or deleted. There's a website
Andriy Yasharov Apr 26, 2022
Translation in Ukraine / Переклад в Україні В Україні запрацював PayPal. Повноцінно. Не зовсім Я бачу, що для мене ще не
увімкнули повноцінну
роботу сервісу. «Ви можете
використовувати рахунок
Andriy Yasharov Mar 17, 2022
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Free PDF Editor Soft Xpansion PDF Editor Perfect PDF 9 Editor This is the pdf editor I use
regularly, and it's 100% free now.
Andriy Yasharov Mar 8, 2022
Office applications Creating "line fields" in Word Underline (Ctrl+U) and TAB What I usually do is I press Ctrl+U and then TAB
key to create a line, and then I put the cursor on
the line and type the text I want, having checked
that the text being typed in
Andriy Yasharov Nov 5, 2021
Software applications Simple text editor for Windows -- any recommendations? Text Edit Plus for PC I use Text Edit Plus available at Key
Features are: Spell checker Syntax
Highlighter Generate text stats Encode and
decode text Co
Andriy Yasharov Sep 1, 2021
Windows operating systems using straight apostrophes on qwerty keyboard Similar topics There's a discussion on the topic here at I want
straight apostrophes! and here How to insert a
straight apostrophe instead of a curly one?
Andriy Yasharov Aug 26, 2021
CAT Tools Technical Help Translation Alignment ABBYY Aligner ABBYY Aligner may help. It has a batch alignment
Andriy Yasharov Aug 2, 2021
CAT Tools Technical Help How to convert a TBX file into a Translation Memory Goldpan TMX/TBX Editor Goldpan TMX/TBX Editor can help with your
Andriy Yasharov Mar 29, 2021
Translator resources Secure Alternatives to Google Translate for Confidential/Private Information Google Translate Alternatives suggests some alternatives as
Andriy Yasharov Feb 23, 2021
Machine Translation (MT) QTranslate Mac alternatives Alternativeto Here's a list of the alternatives

[Edited at 2021-02-18
11:09 GMT]
Andriy Yasharov Feb 18, 2021
Wordfast support pretranslating only applying 100% matches Pre-Translation in Wordfast Pro 5
Andriy Yasharov Jan 22, 2021
Wordfast support How do I save a txlf file (Wordfast) as mqxliff? workflow Import a mqxliff file into WF5, translate it,
after translation and QA when the mqxliff file is
still open, go to menu File → Save File As
Translated and you will get the translated mqxl
Andriy Yasharov Dec 30, 2020
Internet for translators How fast is your internet connection? Mine is faster I enjoy a faster Internet connection. It's
Andriy Yasharov Dec 17, 2020
CAT Tools Technical Help Terminology management tool AnyLexic I find AnyLexic ( very
useful for my needs. It is not freeware but is
quite affordable (€ 49).
Andriy Yasharov Dec 16, 2020
Money matters Skrill does not transfer my money!! Exactly what happened to me I experienced the same issues with Skrill
withdrawals and verifications. The only outcome I
managed to achieve is to have the funds returned
by canceling the withdrawal.
Andriy Yasharov Dec 16, 2020
Scams Translation agency has no way of keeping track of my word count : scam? No PO? Is there a reason for starting work without a PO?
In fact, a risk of nonpayment is significantly
higher if a translator has not received a PO
before starting a project. Most of the
Andriy Yasharov Dec 5, 2020
Wordfast support How do I exchange a translation job between Wf Pro and Memsource? MXLIFF file [quote]Comunican wrote: I see on Memsource
that I can download a bilingual MXLIFF file in
either DOCX or TMX version. [/quote] The
thing is you need to download the mxliff file
Andriy Yasharov Sep 19, 2020

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