Freelance translators » English to Italian » Social Sciences » Cooking / Culinary » Page 6

Below is a list of English to Italian freelance translators specializing in translations in the Social Sciences: Cooking / Culinary field. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

465 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Kristina Licen
Kristina Licen
Native in Slovenian Native in Slovenian, Italian Native in Italian
translation, medical, pharmaceutical, machine manuals, user manuals, legal, technical, software, computers, music, ...
Anna Massera
Anna Massera
Native in Italian (Variants: Swiss , Standard-Italy) Native in Italian
Traduttore Inglese-Italiano, Traduttore Tedesco-Italiano, Traduttore Spagnolo-Italiano, Inglese, Tedesco, Spagnolo, Inglés, English, Englisch, Alemán, ...
Francesco Colonna
Francesco Colonna
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Portuguese, English, Italian, law, contracts, technical manuals, personal files, marketing, websites, engeneering, ...
Miranda Menga
Miranda Menga
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Medicine, chemistry, ecology, patents, software, contracts
Silvia Carli
Silvia Carli
Native in Italian Native in Italian
professional translations, literary translations- general, technology, localization, IT, computer, environment, tourism, art, history, ...
Tiziana Moschetti
Tiziana Moschetti
Native in Italian (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in Italian
Traduttrice, traduttore, traduzioni, inglese, francese, da inglese a italiano, da francese a italiano, marketing, pubblicità, multimedia, ...
Felicita Ratti
Felicita Ratti
Native in Italian (Variants: Emiliano-Romagnolo, Standard-Italy) Native in Italian
English, German, Italian, history, health care, economics, constitutional law, contracts, real estate, lease, ...
Native in English Native in English, Polish Native in Polish
My primary interest are literary and legal translations. I also translate personal, historical, medical, Latin and Greek, French and Italian as well as Spanish and Portuguese.
Giovanna Gatti
Giovanna Gatti
Native in Italian (Variants: Swiss , Standard-Italy) , German (Variants: Swiss, Germany, Austrian) Native in German
deutsch, italienisch, Fachübersetzer, Technik, Maschinenbau, Bauwesen, juristische Texte, Strafbefehle, EEA, Klagen, ...
Mattia Brundo
Mattia Brundo
Native in Italian Native in Italian, English Native in English
translator, interpreter, editor, proofreading, proofreader, translation, allign, trados, freelance, SDL, ...
Silvia Guazzoni
Silvia Guazzoni
Native in Italian Native in Italian
wastewater treatment, photovoltaic systems, industrial sludge treatment, solar systems, air treatment, thermal desorption plants, ultrafiltration units, water treatment, oil treatment plants, cooling water systems, ...
vera panno
vera panno
Native in Italian Native in Italian
conference interpreter, translator, human rights, medicine, economics, international organizations, French, Italian, English, interprete, ...
Angela Rampino
Angela Rampino
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Italian, English, beauty, cosmetics, tourism, travel, fashion, food, marketing, e-commerce, ...
Cristina Feletto
Cristina Feletto
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Translation, editing, QA, italian, native speaker, fashion, beauty, luxury, information technology, manufacturing, ...
Mariella Bonelli
Mariella Bonelli
Native in Italian Native in Italian
traduttrice cuneo, traduttore cuneo, traduzioni cuneo, interprete cuneo, interprete torino, traduzioni, interprete, interprete simultaneo, interprete simultanea, interprete consecutivo, ...
Cvetanka Stoilova
Cvetanka Stoilova
Native in Macedonian Native in Macedonian
Macedonian, English, Italian, Spanish, Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian, translation, editing, proofreading, ...
Native in Korean Native in Korean
Giada Atzeni
Giada Atzeni
Native in Italian Native in Italian, Sardinian Native in Sardinian
Interprete, traduttore, traduttrice, traduzione, simultanea, consecutiva, trattativa, interpretariato da remoto, interpretariato a distanza, remote interpreting, ...
Maria Immacolata Coppola
Maria Immacolata Coppola
Native in Italian Native in Italian
日本語, 英語, イタリア語, 翻訳, 通訳, フリーランス翻訳, 技術, italian, japanese, translation, ...
Barbara Zwirn
Barbara Zwirn
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Abricht-Dickenmaschinen, Abricht-Hobelmaschinen, Automotive, Befestigungssysteme für Rohre, Breitbandschleifmaschinen, Business contracts, Certificates, Diplomas, Licences, CVs, ...

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Translators, like interpreters, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. Translators work with written text, as opposed to spoken word.

Translating involves much more than simple word-for-word conversion from one language to another. Translators must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any text they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

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