Freelance translators » French to German » Law/Patents » Automation & Robotics » Page 4

Below is a list of French to German freelance translators specializing in translations in the Law/Patents: Automation & Robotics field. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

88 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Rudolf Edlinger
Rudolf Edlinger
Native in German 
ArrayEngineering: Industrial, Mechanics / Mech Engineering, Automation & Robotics, Construction / Civil Engineering, ...
Carola BAYLE
Carola BAYLE
Native in German Native in German, French (Variants: Standard-France, Swiss) Native in French
Grande polyvalence; longue expérience; médecine, medical devices
Denise Barth
Denise Barth
Native in German Native in German
Übersetzer, Übersetzungen, Korrektur, Französisch, Russisch, Deutsch, juristisch, Recht, Zivilrecht, Kunst, ...
Barbara Schmidt, M.A. (X)
Barbara Schmidt, M.A. (X)
Native in German 
ArrayAerospace / Aviation / Space, Nuclear Eng/Sci, Medical: Cardiology, Petroleum Eng/Sci, ...
No longer activ
No longer activ
Native in German 
ArrayAutomation & Robotics, Engineering: Industrial, Mechanics / Mech Engineering, Transport / Transportation / Shipping, ...
Cécile Kellermayr
Cécile Kellermayr
Native in German (Variants: Austrian, Germany) 
EU, IT, technical, market research, machine translation post-editing, MTPE, marketing, medical, medical devices, english, ...
Kerstin Wagenführ
Kerstin Wagenführ
Native in German 
ArrayLinguistics, Energy / Power Generation, Electronics / Elect Eng, Automation & Robotics, ...
Siegfried Kapl
Siegfried Kapl
Native in German 
electronics, electricity, electrical engineering, mechanics, mechanical engineering, technology, technical, optics, avionics, automotive, ...
Anja Biemann
Anja Biemann
Native in German 
certified translation, traduction assermentée, beglaubigte Übersetzung, Beglaubigung, traduzione asseverata, french, italian, german, technical translation, marketing, ...
Roland de Craigher
Roland de Craigher
Native in German (Variant: Germany) Native in German, Italian (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in Italian
Engineering, custom-made machines, automotive, packaging, ultrasound, robotics, machinery, plastic bonding, internal combustion engines
Kevin Kritzer
Kevin Kritzer
Native in German 
ArraySlang, Idioms / Maxims / Sayings, Names (personal, company), Automation & Robotics, ...
Claudia Peters
Claudia Peters
Native in German 
English, French, Italian, German, technical, translations, industry, contracts, marketing, brochures, ...
siva perugu
siva perugu
Native in German Native in German, English Native in English
Translation, transcreation, transcription, editing, subtitling, proofreading, voiceover.
Andrea Teltemann
Andrea Teltemann
Native in German Native in German
Werkzeugmaschinen, machine-outil, machine tool, CNC, Werkzeuge, outils, tools, Fahrzeugbau, Landtechnik, Landmaschinen, ...
Ursula Antoni
Ursula Antoni
Native in German (Variant: Germany) 
decentralised energy production, distributed generation, combined heat and power, CHP, cogeneration plant, Power-to-Heat, P2H, Power-to-Gas, P2G, Power-to-X, ...
Mélanie Handermann Méheut
Mélanie Handermann Méheut
Native in German 
Geneviève von Levetzow
Geneviève von Levetzow
Native in German Native in German, French Native in French
IT / Engineering / Medical / Safety
Peter Rosenthal
Peter Rosenthal
Native in German Native in German, English Native in English
Translation, personal non-simultaneous interpretation, project consultation, project management, legal certification of translations, book translations, technical translations, manuals, advertising, contracts, ...
Nina Schmolewski
Nina Schmolewski
Native in German (Variants: Swiss, Austrian, Germany) 
German translation, quality, detail, creative
Sabine Wersching (X)
Sabine Wersching (X)
Native in German (Variants: Germany, Austrian, Swiss) 
english, french, german, romanian, translation

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Translators, like interpreters, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. Translators work with written text, as opposed to spoken word.

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