Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

enfermera asistencial

English translation:

registered nurse

Added to glossary by Sheila Hardie
Oct 14, 2024 08:22
5 mos ago
45 viewers *
Spanish term

enfermera asistencial

Spanish to English Medical Medical (general) enfermera asistencial
¿Qué es ser enfermera asistencial?
Profesional de enfermería que tiene formación específica en la planificación, gestión y evaluación de todos los aspectos de la atención de pacientes, en especial aquellos que reciben tratamiento a largo plazo. También se llama enfermero coordinador asistencial de casos.

In my text, the nurse has worked for over 20 years as an ‘enfermera asistencial’ before becoming a patient manager. She has a diploma in nursing and a Master’s degree in nursing leadership and management. I really am not sure of the equivalent of enfermera asistencial in English.

Many thanks in advance!


Chema Nieto Castañón Oct 15, 2024:
Y a título de aclaración adicional, la "enfermera no asistencial" es aquella enfermera cuyas funciones no están directamente relacionadas con la práctica clínica, esto es, con la atención directa de pacientes. Ver pej aquí:

Así, a la hora de traducir "enfermera asistencial" podrías querer incluir dicho matiz, pej. como "clinical registered nurse" -si bien habitualmente se sobreentiende la función clínica de la enfermera, explicitando sus funciones alternativas cuando estas no son directamente asistenciales, resultando así probablemente suficiente la denominación RN.
Chema Nieto Castañón Oct 15, 2024:
Solo por aclarar, "asistencial", en "enfermera asistencial", se refiere al paciente (enfermera que "asiste" al paciente; que presta servicio asistencial), mientras que "auxiliar", en "auxiliar de enfermería", se refiere al puesto; profesional que ayuda/auxilia a la enfermera ["asistente de enfermería" vs. "enfermera asistencial"]. El auxiliar de enfermería no es un enfermero. Tanto en ámbito anglosajón como hispano ambos puestos, el de enfermera y el de auxiliar de enfermería, se diferencian claramente.

En palabras de Eileen, una enfermera asistencial sería una "qualified nursing practitioner"; a (registered) general nurse.
Eileen Brophy Oct 14, 2024:
In the UK, an auxiliary nurse works as an assistant to a qualified nursing practitioner, within both the NHS and private healthcare sector.
Charles Davis Oct 14, 2024:
Not sure about the US. Here's a comment from a US Registered Nurse in a Quora thread on whether an auxiliary nurse can become a registered nurse:

"I had to google what an auxiliary nurse was because I have not heard the term working in the United States. Probably because an “auxiliary nurse" is not a nurse, and we try not to call people by titles which would mislead patients as to what their position is."
Eileen Brophy Oct 14, 2024:
I think the English definition depends on which country the translation is for because an auxiliary nurse helps an officially qualified nurse in the UK and an auxiliary nurse is not a qualified nurse as it seems to be in the USA and perhaps in other English speaking countries.
Charles Davis Oct 14, 2024:
It's what a basic nursing graduate becomes. The following is from an article by a lecturer in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Navarra:

"En la literatura se refieren a la enfermería asistencial como enfermería básica (Hopwood 2006). Esta denominación se debe a que constituye el primer nivel en el que una enfermera puede trabajar después de graduarse. El siguiente nivel sería la especialidad en un área de Enfermería." Carmen P...
Lisa Rosengard Oct 14, 2024:
It seems to be a care nurse with some administrative duties. He or she carries out an initial assessment of the patient's state of health and then continues to monitor progress. The care nurse compiles an individual care and support plan for each individual patient. He or she administers medication and treatments by following prescriptions and the previously established medication and treatment instructions and guidelines.
Charles Davis Oct 14, 2024:
Definition The Spanish definition quoted in the question ("Profesional de enfermería que tiene formación...") is the entry for "enfermero coordinador asistencial" in the Spanish version of the NIH National Cancer Institute online glossary:
It is not a definition of the term "enfermera asistencial".
It is interesting, perhaps, to note that the (American) English version of that same definition reads as follows:

"case management nurse
A registered nurse who has special training in how to plan, manage, and evaluate all aspects of patient care, especially for patients who get treatment over a long time. Also called nurse case manager."

(Note "registered nurse" here.) So this is presumably a definition of the "patient manager" position to which this enfermera asistencial moved.

Proposed translations

6 hrs

registered nurse [US]

Una enfermera asistencial es una profesional sanitaria formado como enfermera que trabaja como tal. El equivalente más ajustado en ámbito anglosajón (estadounidense) es el de "registered nurse".

Ver aquí por ejemplo:
Peer comment(s):

agree liz askew
39 mins
Thanks, liz!
agree Charles Davis : That's it. Works for UK too: Registered General Nurse (RGN) in full
3 hrs
Thanks. And yes, that "general nurse" is precisely the idea, as opposed to "advanced practice" o "enfermería especializada" (pej. en urgencias, en MFyC, en obstetricia, etc.)
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you for all the replies, comments and discussions - in the end, this is the translation that best suited my text. "
22 mins

care nurse

The person has worked as a care nurse for 20 years before becoming a patient manager (AKA "nursing care manager").
Peer comment(s):

agree Shaun Richards
4 mins
Cheers :)
agree philgoddard
5 hrs
agree liz askew : or healthcare nurse
6 hrs
Thanks for the agree :-)
neutral Andrew Bramhall : Isn't the 'care' bit stating the obvious ?
11 hrs
No. It's part of the definition,a specific type of nurse.
Something went wrong...
3 hrs

Nursing auxiliary/assistant; auxiliary/assistant nurse.

Peer comment(s):

neutral philgoddard : No, 'asistencial' simply means 'providing care'.
2 hrs
..which is precisely what auxiliaries do !
neutral Chema Nieto Castañón : No. Describes lo que en ámbito hispano denominamos "auxiliar de enfermería". No es lo mismo.
2 hrs
neutral liz askew :
2 hrs
Thank you;
agree Eileen Brophy : I would use auxiliary nurse Andrew, which is used in the UK
2 hrs
Thanks ! my point exactly;
disagree Victoria Medina Ibáñez : what you are describing is nursing assistant, which in Spanish is auxiliar de enfermería. Nurses need to do a degree to qualify, however nursing assistants study a Level 2 or 3 equivalent (formación profesional). I agree with Chema Nieto Castañón
2 days 22 hrs
Do you, do you really?
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4 hrs

nursing care coordinator

From the secondary definition provided, this might be a suitable option. "Care nurse" seems a bit too general and applicable to any nurse, and "asistencial" is not the same as "asistente"

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Peer comment(s):

neutral Charles Davis : This does match the definition quoted in the question, but that is not in fact a definition of the question term.
5 hrs
neutral Chema Nieto Castañón : Con Charles; esta sería traducción ajustada de "enfermero coordinador de casos".
17 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 hrs

auxiliary nurse

This is what we called an "enfermera asistencial" in the hospital I worked in.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Chema Nieto Castañón : Una enfermera asistencial no es una "enfermera auxiliar" ni una "auxiliar de enfermería". El equivalente más ajustado de enfermera asistencial sería "registered nurse"//It's the same in Spain!! ¡La auxiliar de enfermería no es una enfermera!
1 hr
A registered nurse is a trained nurse and an auxiliary nurse does not have the same qualifications in the UK Chema
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3 days 2 hrs

staff nurse

In the UK, when nurses qualify from their education setting, they are usually called staff nurses. Then they can progress onto "Senior staff nurse" and later depending on the type of specialisation they want to pursue, they can become "advance nurse practitioner", "matrons" or "clinical nurse specialist CNS"
Example sentence:

This clinic is led by: Ann Smith Advanced nurse practitioner (ANP) So and So Clinical nurse specialist (CNS)

Peer comment(s):

agree Chema Nieto Castañón : Tiene sentido pero dos matices; suele ser hospitalaria y es escalafón "bajo"; "20 años como staff nurse" creo que resultaría peculiar en ámbito anglosajón (¿sí?).
1 hr
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