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Aug 6, 2018 19:00
6 yrs ago
Swedish term


Swedish to English Art/Literary Idioms / Maxims / Sayings

In a book review

Många svenskar lärde sig mer om Asien, inte minst Sveriges förste romanförfattare Jacob Wallenberg som skrev den humoristiska reseskildringen Min son på galejan, eller en ostindisk resa innehållande allehanda ***bläckhornskram***, samlade på skeppet Finland, som afseglade ifrån Götheborg i Dec.

I'm not sure what "bläckhornskram" could mean. Can anyone help please

Proposed translations (English)
4 inkpot trifles
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Agneta Pallinder Aug 8, 2018:
Not an established word Wallenberg was just making a word, which Swedish is good at. He wanted to be modest or mock modest about his book, saying that it was just a collection of odds and ends, produced by his pen and inkpot. What might he have said now? Perhaps "keyboard ramblings".

Another thought is that the "blaeckhornskram" is actually part of the full title of the book Min son paa galejan. Perhaps you can find an English translation of the book which gives the full title translated.
SafeTex (asker) Aug 7, 2018:
@Agneta I now have a very long sentence that uses "put pen to paper" and "trivialities" in its construction. I think this is as about as close as I can get to "bläckhornskram" in English.
Agneta Pallinder Aug 7, 2018:
SAOB again Here is what SAOB gives as examples of "kram" in the sense we are dealing with here:
"3) koll.: smärre handelsvaror (i sht manufaktur-, mode- o. prydnadsvaror, förr äv. specerier o. d.) avsedda för minuthandel; numera nästan bl. (jfr slutet) i nedsättande anv. Ath hans drængh må ffara til mædelpa med nogott kræm thet borthbytandis vtj klyppinga. G1R 4: 337 (1527). (Utlänningarna införa i riket) en hoop lättfärdigt kram och barnalekan. Stiernman Com. 1: 273 (1577). En låda .. full med Franskt kram. Missförståndet 17 (1740). Bland allt brokigt kram, som lyste på de långa diskarna, köpte Alfred åt Maria ett litet rött glashjärta i en kedja av någon silverliknande metall. Siwertz Varuh. 8 (1926)."
SafeTex (asker) Aug 7, 2018:
@Agneta and all Thanks for the explanation. I'm not sure at present that "inkpot trifles" is okay but can't seem to think of a similar expression in English either, at least not with the stem "ink'. Maybe someone out there can...

Proposed translations

1 hr

inkpot trifles

In other words, the texts that he produced with his pen and the ink in his inkpot. He is being rather over modest in this long title, I would say. I had never heard the full title before, always just "Min son på galejan".
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