Translation glossary: EN-DE Dictionary of Sciences

Showing entries 451-500 of 2,089
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Differential geometryDifferentialgeometrie 
English to German
Differential psychologyDifferentielle Psychologie 
English to German
Digital image processing and graphicsDigitale Bildverarbeitung und Graphik 
English to German
DiplomDiplom (deutscher Studienabschluss) 
English to German
English to German
English to German
Director at the Institute x for/ofDirektor am Institut x für 
English to German
Directors’ handbookDirektorenhandbuch 
English to German
Disability issues, Handicapped researchBehindertenfragen, -forschung 
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
dissertation advisorBetreuer der Doktorarbeit 
English to German
dissertation advisorBetreuerin der Doktorarbeit 
English to German
dissertation advisorDoktorvater 
English to German
distillation apparatus and practiceDestillationstechnik 
English to German
English to German
Distributed systemsVerteilte Systeme 
English to German
Distributive tradesAbsatzwirtschaft 
English to German
DNA analysis (also: genetic fingerprinting)DNA-Analyse, genetischer Fingerabdruck 
English to German
doctoral degreeDoktorgrad 
English to German
doctoral grantPromotionsstipendium 
English to German
doctoral studentDoktorand 
English to German
doctoral studentDoktorandin 
English to German
doctoral studiesPromotion 
English to German
Documentation (humanities)Geisteswissenschaftliche Dokumentation 
English to German
Dogmatic theologyDogmatische Theologie 
English to German
DonorsZuwendungsgeber (Person) 
English to German
Donors’ Association for the Promotion of the Sciences and the HumanitiesStifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft 
English to German
English to German
English to German
E-learning, telelearningE-Learning, Telelearning 
English to German
Ear, nose and throat diseasesHals-, Nasen-, Ohrenkrankheiten 
English to German
Early historyFrühgeschichte 
English to German
East European historyOsteuropäische Geschichte 
English to German
English to German
Ecology of animalsÖkologie der Tiere 
English to German
Ecology of plantsÖkologie der Pflanzen 
English to German
English to German
Economic analysesWirtschaftsanalysen 
English to German
Economic geographyWirtschaftsgeographie 
English to German
Economic geologyLagerstättenkunde 
English to German
Economic historyWirtschaftsgeschichte 
English to German
Economic policyWirtschaftspolitik 
English to German
Economic sociologyWirtschaftssoziologie 
English to German
Economic statisticsWirtschaftsstatistik 
English to German
Economic theoryWirtschaftstheorie 
English to German
English to German
Economics of locationStandortökonomie 
English to German
Economics of the health systemÖkonomie des Gesundheitswesens 
English to German
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