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Translator rating on Lingorate without permission
Thread poster: Irene Koukia
Post removed: This post was hidden by a moderator or staff member because it was not in line with site rule
Serena Basili
Serena Basili  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:46
English to Italian
+ ...
....hope is the last to die, but id dies -_- Sep 5, 2016

Serena Basili wrote:

I really hope I won't get into this!

I have just received the same email as Irene!

[Modificato alle 2016-09-05 09:31 GMT]

Andrea Muller (X)
Andrea Muller (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:46
English to German
+ ...
Asking customers to enter review is not the way to fix this, in my opinion... Sep 5, 2016

... as this will help this site to look more legitimate. If no one 'claims their profile', it might just disappear. I am wondering about Klaus Baumann's post - he very much reminds of the poster who had started the other discussion about Lingorate that had been closed.

Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:46
English to Italian
just ignore it... Sep 5, 2016

who cares?

[Edited at 2016-09-05 09:54 GMT]

Thomas Pfann
Thomas Pfann  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:46
Member (2006)
English to German
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Fake profiles Sep 5, 2016

Andrea Muller wrote:

I am wondering about Klaus Baumann's post - he very much reminds of the poster who had started the other discussion about Lingorate that had been closed.

Exactly what I was thinking. Very fishy indeed.

Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:46
English to Italian
agree... Sep 5, 2016

very fishy indeed...

Álvaro Espantaleón Moreno
Álvaro Espantaleón Moreno  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:46
Member (2015)
English to Spanish
I think Klaus is a fake profile Sep 5, 2016

All this is just free advertising for this Lingo thing.

Diana Coada (X)
Diana Coada (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:46
Portuguese to English
+ ...
This is a fake profile - ProZ take action Sep 5, 2016

Klaus Baumann wrote:

I also had an unpleasant experience with this site. The agency I've translated for has rated my translation as 3 stars of 5 without asking my consent for publishing anything like this. I've never registered to lingorate, so it seems like the agency rep has created my profile himself - without even asking me!
I've contacted lingorate and asked them to remove my profile - no reply. Then I've sent an email to BDU (Federal association of German interpreters and translator) and asked for their advice - and unfortunately, they told me that they don't see any legal ways to influence them to delete my profile and/or review.
So I'm afraid that the only way to fix this situation for me now is to ask my loyal customers to post good reviews about me there - that's what I'll do. Good luck and be careful.

Diana Coada (X)
Diana Coada (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:46
Portuguese to English
+ ...
It may be ''Tim Keller'' from TC Sep 5, 2016

Thomas Pfann wrote:

Andrea Muller wrote:

I am wondering about Klaus Baumann's post - he very much reminds of the poster who had started the other discussion about Lingorate that had been closed.

Exactly what I was thinking. Very fishy indeed.

Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:46
English to Italian
Not sure... Sep 5, 2016

he posted in another thread... why would he do that?

[Edited at 2016-09-05 15:29 GMT]

Maria S. Loose, LL.M.
Maria S. Loose, LL.M.  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:46
German to English
+ ...
Have a look at Rose Newell's blog Sep 5, 2016

James Heppe-Smith
James Heppe-Smith  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:46
German to English

Moderator of this forum
Let's leave it there shall we? Sep 5, 2016

This site has appeared on Proz before, and with a rather dubious topic starter (then, not this time!).

I think the best thing we could all do is to ignore the site - I have my doubts about its authenticity and also the "value" it brings to our profession.

I have asked the site staff to look into several aspects of this thread, and await their input.

Edit: Unlocked the topic to edit that the starter last time was dubious, not this time! Sorry for any confusi
... See more
This site has appeared on Proz before, and with a rather dubious topic starter (then, not this time!).

I think the best thing we could all do is to ignore the site - I have my doubts about its authenticity and also the "value" it brings to our profession.

I have asked the site staff to look into several aspects of this thread, and await their input.

Edit: Unlocked the topic to edit that the starter last time was dubious, not this time! Sorry for any confusion!

[Edited at 2016-09-05 18:02 GMT]

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Translator rating on Lingorate without permission

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