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Off topic: 6 hours consecutive interpreting
Thread poster: Marjolein Snippe
Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 06:26
Member (2008)
Italian to English
The worst part Apr 21, 2017

The worst part is that if you're doing your job properly, nobody notices. You suffer alone.

Liviu-Lee Roth
Liviu-Lee Roth
United States
Local time: 01:26
Romanian to English
+ ...
Welcome to court interpreting in the US Apr 21, 2017

Daryo wrote:

liviu roth wrote:

a court interpreter does that 8 hours/day, 5 days/week!
From my understanding, you were asked to do simultaneous interpreting (not consecutive, and not translation, as DZiW wrote) of a certain court proceeding. It is normal, and we, court interpreters do it on a daily basis.

interpreting alone (be it consecutive / chuchotage / simultaneous ... whichever) 8 hours/day, 5 days/week ... 52 weeks per year... year in, year out = normal???

Is that some diehard Stakhanovite talking?

If that was coming from people who think that "interpreting is just talking" (IOW a variation on "translating is just glorified typing") I wouldn't be too surprised.

But as far as interpreters I know are concerned, not a single one would consider THAT as "normal" in a year of Sundays. Not to mention what the most serious association of conference interpreters in the world [] would have to say to that - most likely their private opinion would be simply unprintable.

[Edited at 2017-04-20 12:50 GMT]

For languages with a lesser diffusion, where it is hard to find two or three interpreters for the same case, it is normal to interpret for 5-9 hours. I have been interpreting for over 25 years and team-work is the exemption. (maybe 10-15 times in all these years).

Catherine De Crignis
Catherine De Crignis  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:26
Member (2012)
English to French
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Certainly sounds mad May 31, 2017

liviu roth wrote:

For languages with a lesser diffusion, where it is hard to find two or three interpreters for the same case, it is normal to interpret for 5-9 hours. I have been interpreting for over 25 years and team-work is the exemption. (maybe 10-15 times in all these years).

I’m afraid this also applies to common pairs, where interpreting seems to be done "on the cheap" a lot of the time. Where two people should share the workload, only one is contracted. Unfortunately interpreters seem to go along with this trend.

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6 hours consecutive interpreting

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