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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Translators' Stammtisch - November 2008

November 27, 2008, 7:00 pm
United KingdomEdinburghIn personEnglish
Monthly informal meeting of translators and interpreters from Edinburgh and surrounding areas. All welcome – whether you are here on holiday/business or live in Scotland all year round!

where: German Christmas Market, at the crepes stall
when: 7 pm
The market closes at 8pm so we'll then make our way to our usual venue, The Cumberland Bar, 1-3 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh, Midlothian EH3 6RT. I expect to be there at around 8.30 for those who will join us later.

If this is your first time, please ask the bar staff for the "translators meeting". There's a table booked for us.

If you need accommodation:

The Edinburgh Central hostel run by the Scottish Youth Hostel Association (SYHA) is a modern hostel about 10 minutes' walk from the pub where we meet.

Identity verification:

If you are not VIDed yet, you can get your identity verified at the powwow. Please make sure you bring some sort of picture ID and that you show your real name on ProZ. More info can be found here: How do I get VIDed at a powwow?

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (12) / Confirmed: 5 / Tentative: 4
Name NoteWill Attend
Marion Lurf  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" Will probably bring two guests too.  y
Manuela Junghans   Will meet you at the x-mas market for sure :-)  y
Ramon Inglada   I actually made a mistake, I thought the Powwow was on Oct 27, not on Nov 27. In any case I can't make it because I have a French class on Thursdays :-S  n
Virginia De Klerk   I would love to join you. I am visiting from South Africa. 25 Nov: confirming attendance and bringing one guest along. Will probably meet you at the crepes stall. Greetings  y
XRebekka Groß (X)   Oh....a pre-xmas Stammtisch with Glühwein and German Plätzchen ;)   m
XAmandine Lepers-Thornton (X)   will be there, looking forward to it  y
pme   Would love to come and meet all of you. Need to check my diary first....  m
Emmanuelle Hingant   I'll probably join you at the Cumberland once you're done with the market  m
Helik van Rynswoud  \"Photographer\" I have never been to this event, but it would be great to meet you all. I also love the crepes at the Christmas market, they are awesome!  y
Becca Thornton   I'l be there, but I'l be a bit late ;)  
Rebecca Hendry   Hi all. Can't make it to the Christmas market but will try to pop into the Cumberland for a drink if that's where you end up. Enjoy the crepes!  m
Pernille Chapman   Sorry to miss out, but it looks like we'll be curling up in front of the fire instead! Manuela, I hope you get lots of customers at the crepe stall in spite of the weather. A very merry Xmas to you all if I don't see you before then.  n

Postings about this event

Powwow: Edinburgh - United Kingdom
Marion Lurf
Marion Lurf  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 05:28
English to German
+ ...
Meeting point Nov 23, 2008

Hello everyone,

Are you in a Christmas mood yet? Last night's snowfall made Edinburgh look so beautiful!
As for Thursday, I would suggest meeting at the German market at 7pm. Manuela, you will be there the whole time, isn't it? Where can we find you? The market closes at 8 so we can make our way to the Cumberland Bar then (or to any other pub closer to Princes Street if you like - any suggestions?).

See you soon!

Manuela Junghans
Manuela Junghans  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:28
Member (2004)
English to German
+ ...
x-mas market Nov 23, 2008

Hi Marion, hi everyone
Yes, I will be at the market anyway. You´ll find me at the Crepes stallicon_smile.gif
Hope to see you all there!

Marion Lurf
Marion Lurf  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 05:28
English to German
+ ...
Crepes stall Nov 23, 2008

Perfect! So let's meet there at 7pm. The Glühwein can't be far off.icon_smile.gif

Rebekka Groß (X)
Rebekka Groß (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:28
English to German
Arghhh.... Nov 27, 2008

Won't be making it to the xmas market after all, still hoping to come for a drink but not sure as I've just accepted a 10K translation starting first thing tomorrow. So I'll be working all weekend and my visitor from Germany will have to entertain himself *grrrrrr*

Marion Lurf
Marion Lurf  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 05:28
English to German
+ ...
Time constraints Nov 27, 2008

I'm fully with you, Rebekka! My mother is here just now and I have no time for her because of work, so I'll just bring her to the Xmas market today. Our visitors should arrange to do things together while we're working.icon_wink.gif
See you later!

Amandine Lepers-Thornton (X)
Amandine Lepers-Thornton (X)
United Kingdom
Local time: 05:28
English to French
+ ...
re time too Nov 27, 2008

Hey everyone!
I'm definitely still coming to the Xsmas market but I may be a bit late, as I have a meeting at work -great way to end the dayicon_frown.gif
Possibly bringing a friend along too.
See you there!


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