Working languages:
English to Japanese
Japanese to English
Japanese to Korean

as Pikachu in the translation world

Toda, Saitama, Japan
Local time: 06:02 JST (GMT+9)

Native in: English Native in English, Japanese Native in Japanese
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IT/Telecom. marketing/localization specialist over 20 years.

Recent achievements:

A) Leading Canadian TV crew to the affected areas of the March 11, 2011 earthquake, and the evacuation centers accommodating the residents of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant surroundings areas.

B) 2010 FIFA World Cup caption translation into Japanese for European mobile service providers.

1) Marketing and localization of IBM 360 Mainframe based financial and billing systems and OS/2 Warp - UI/Online Help/Manual.

2) Wireless telecommunications infrastructure marketing and localization - UI/Online Help/Manual.

3) Visualization and Collaboration software solution - marketing/sales/localization - UI/Online Help.

4) MMS composer software localization - UI/Online.

5) Other English journal articles into Japanese. (Financial Report, Sports like NHL/MLB/FIFA)

6) Medical journals/publications translations including dentistry.

7) Physicians’ user manual translations.

8) Business contracts documents translations.

9) Patents applications translations.

10) Interpretation services for Japanese incoming guests to North America, as well as for English speaking people visiting Japan on Telecoms. IT, Tourism, Economic/business affairs, respiratory medical matters.

11) Transcreation for Japanese folk crafts popular among visiting foreigners, Japanese automobile products to be exported to overseas, and foreign made automobiles to be exported to Japan.

Providing the state of the art services between English and Japanese. I am doing to/from Korean and Mandarin Chinese as well.


(IT/Hi tech==Localization)(Medical/Patent==Government documents and/or journals)
One Page of a letter size paper: US$ 50, Can$ 60 plus, 5,000 Yen:

Area determination to inquiries from agencies: 5,000 Yen.

One word: starting with US$ 0.20/CAN$0.25/18 JPN Yens(varied on the technology used)
(Being based on the assumption that one page has 300 words on a MS-Word file.)

In case of hourly rate, the basic rate is US$ 50/CAN$ 55 per one hour for IT/Hi tech/Medical etc.
We will bill on every 30 minutes base, which means, the minimum is US$ 50/Can $ 60/5,000 Yen.

For Linguistics/Hospitality/Tourism/General Affairs, the basic rate is US$ 40/CAN$50/3,500 Yen.

For interpretation, the hourly rate is 20,000 Yens per hour. Minimum 4 hours within the same day.

All pricing will be subject to the estimation in advance. I will reply within 24 hours except holiday seasons. Concerning a cancellation charge after you placed a PO, 50% of the amount on PO will be charged. If you have already been quoted by me, the quoted amount is of your quotation regardless of the pricing schedule as above. ProZ
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 12
PRO-level pts: 8

Top languages (PRO)
English to Japanese4
Japanese to English4
Top general fields (PRO)
Top specific fields (PRO)
Business/Commerce (general)4

See all points earned >
Keywords: Japanese, English, computer, software, localization. Contracts documents, Tour Guide, Medical, Hardware. Korean, Mandarin (simplified) Chinese available with additional hours.

Profile last updated
Dec 1, 2017