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English to Swahili: Michelle Obama General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - English Michelle Obama
Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama (born January 17, 1964) is the wife of the forty-fourth President of the United States, Barack Obama, and is the first African-American First Lady of the United States.
Michelle Robinson was born and grew up on the South Side of Chicago and graduated from Princeton University and Harvard Law School. After completing her formal education, she returned to Chicago and accepted a position with the law firm Sidley Austin, where she met her future husband. Subsequently, she worked as part of the staff of Chicago mayor Richard M. Daley, and for the University of Chicago Medical Center. Throughout 2007 and 2008, she helped campaign for her husband's presidential bid and delivered a keynote address at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. She is the mother of two daughters, Malia and Sasha, and is the sister of Craig Robinson, men's basketball coach at Oregon State University.
Family and education
See also: Michelle Robinson's family tree
Michelle LaVaughn Robinson was born on January 17, 1964, in Chicago, Illinois to Fraser Robinson III, a city water plant employee and Democratic precinct captain, and Marian Shields Robinson, a secretary at Spiegel's catalog store. Her mother stayed at home until Michelle entered high school. The Robinson and Shields families can trace their roots to pre-Civil War African Americans in the American South. Her paternal great-great grandfather, Jim Robinson, was an American slave in the state of South Carolina, where some of her paternal family still reside. Her maternal great-great-great grandmother, Melvinia Shields, also a slave, was impregnated by an unknown white man, giving birth to Michelle's biracial maternal great-great grandfather, Dolphus T. Shields.
She grew up on Euclid Avenue in the South Shore community area of Chicago, and was raised in what she describes as a "conventional" home, with "the mother at home, the father works, you have dinner around the table". The family entertained together by playing games such as Monopoly and by reading. She and her brother, Craig (who is 21 months older), skipped the second grade. By sixth grade, she joined a gifted class at Bryn Mawr Elementary School (later renamed Bouchet Academy). She attended Whitney Young High School, Chicago's first magnet high school, where she was on the honor roll for four years, took advanced placement classes, was a member of the National Honor Society and served as student council treasurer. The round trip commute from her South Side home to the Near West Side took three hours. She was a high school classmate of Santita Jackson, the daughter of Jesse Jackson and sister of Jesse Jackson, Jr. She graduated from high school in 1981 as salutatorian.
She was inspired to follow her brother to Princeton University; he graduated in 1983. At Princeton, she challenged the teaching methodology for French because she felt that it should be more conversational. As part of her requirements for graduation, she wrote a thesis entitled, "Princeton Educated Blacks and the Black Community." "I remember being shocked," she says, "by college students who drove BMWs. I didn't even know parents who drove BMWs." Obama majored in sociology and minored in African American studies and graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in 1985. She obtained her Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from Harvard Law School in 1988. While at Harvard, she participated in political demonstrations advocating the hiring of professors who are members of minorities. She is the third First Lady with a postgraduate degree, following Hillary Rodham Clinton and Laura Bush. In July 2008, Obama accepted the invitation to become an honorary member of the 100-year-old black sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha, which had no active undergraduate chapter at Princeton when she attended.
She met Barack Obama when they were among very few African Americans at their law firm, Sidley Austin, (she has sometimes said only two, although others have pointed out there were others in different departments) and she was assigned to mentor him while he was a summer associate. Their relationship started with a business lunch and then a community organization meeting where he first impressed her. The couple's first date was to the Spike Lee movie Do the Right Thing. The couple married in October 1992, and they have two daughters, Malia Ann (born 1998) and Natasha (known as Sasha) (born 2001). After his election to the U.S. Senate, the Obama family continued to live on Chicago's South Side, choosing to remain there rather than moving to Washington, D.C. Throughout her husband's 2008 campaign for President of the United States, she made a "commitment to be away overnight only once a week — to campaign only two days a week and be home by the end of the second day" for their two children. She is the sister of Craig Robinson, men's basketball coach at Oregon State University. She is the first cousin, once removed, of Rabbi Capers C. Funnye Jr., one of the country’s most prominent black rabbis.
She once requested that her then-fiancé meet her prospective boss, Valerie Jarrett, when considering her first career move. Now, Jarrett is one of her husband’s closest advisors. The marital relationship has had its ebbs and flows; the combination of an evolving family life and beginning political career led to many arguments about balancing work and family. Barack Obama wrote in his second book, The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, that "Tired and stressed, we had little time for conversation, much less romance". However, despite their family obligations and careers, they continue to attempt to schedule date nights.
The Obamas' daughters attended the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, a private school. As a member of the school's board, Michelle fought to maintain diversity in the school when other board members connected with the University of Chicago tried to reserve more slots for children of the university faculty. This resulted in a plan to expand the school. The Obamas' daughters now attend Sidwell Friends School in Washington after also considering Georgetown Day School. She stated in an interview on the The Ellen DeGeneres Show that the couple does not intend to have any more children. They have received advice from past first ladies Laura Bush, Rosalyn Carter and Hillary Rodham Clinton about raising children in the White House. Marian Robinson has moved into the White House to assist with child care.
Translation - Swahili Michelle Obama
Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama (aliyezaliwa tarehe 17 Januari 1964) ni mke wa Barack Obama, rais wa arobaini na nne wa Amerika, na ndiye Mwamerika Mweusi wa kwanza kuwahi kuwa mke wa rais wa Amerika.
Michelle Robinson alizaliwa na kulelewa Kusini mwa Chicago. Alifuzu kutoka Chuo Kikuu cha Princeton na baadaye Chuo cha Sheria cha Havard. Baada ya kukamilisha masomo yake, alirudi Chicago na akaanza kufanya kazi na kampuni ya kisheria ya Sidley Austin, na ni huko ndiko alikokutana na Obama. Baadaye alipata kazi katika ofisi ya Meya wa Chicago, Richard M. Daley, na kisha akaenda kufanya kazi katika Kituo cha Afya cha Chuo Kikuu cha Chicago. Kati ya mwaka wa 2007 na 2008, alimsaidia mume wake kufanya kampeni za uchaguzi wa urais na alitoa hotuba rasmi katika mkutano wa kitaifa wa Chama Cha Democratic. Michelle amejaliwa kuwa na watoto wawili wa kike, Malia na Sasha, na yeye ni dada ya Craig Robinson, kocha wa timu ya wanaume ya mpira wa vikapu katika Chuo Kikuu cha kitaifa cha Oregon.
1. Familia na Elimu
2. Kazi
3. Uchaguzi wa urais wa 2008
4. Mke wa rais wa Amerika
4.1 Mtindo wake na mavazi
4.2 Kazi na miradi aliyoianzisha
5. Marejeo
6. Maelezo zaidi
7. Mitandao mingine
Familia na Elimu
Tazama pia: Mchoro unaoonyesha jamii ya Michelle Robinson
Michelle LaVaughn Robinson alizaliwa tarehe 17 Januari 1964 mjini Chicago, Illinois. Baba yake anaitwa Fraser Robinson III na ni mfanyikazi wa kampuni ya kusambaza maji na pia ni kiongozi wa eneo la uchaguzi la Chama Cha Demokratic. Mama yake Michelle anaitwa Marian Shield Robinson na ni karani katika duka la Spiegel’s catalog. Mama yake alibaki nyunbani hadi pale ambapo Michelle alijiunga na shule ya upili. Mizizi ya familia ya Robinson na Shield inatokana na Waamerika weusi walioishi Kusini mwa Amerika kabla ya kuanza kwa vita vya wenyewe kwa wenyewe. Babu wa babu wa babu yake wa upande wa baba, Jim Robinson, alikuwa mtumwa huko Amerika katika jimbo la South Carolina ambapo baadhi ya aila ya upande wa baba bado inaishi. Nyanya wa nyanya wa nyanya wa nyanya yake wa upande wa mama yake, Melvin Shields, ambaye pia alikuwa mtumwa, alitungwa mimba na mwanaume mzungu asiyejulikana, na hivyo ndivyo baba wa babu wa babu wa Michelle, Dolphus T. Shields, alivyozaliwa akiwa chotara.
Wakati wa utoto wake, Michelle aliishi Euclid Avenue katika eneo la Pwani Kusini mwa Chicago na akalelewa katika kile anachokiita “jamii inayoiga mfano wa jamii za kale ” ambapo ‘mama hubaki nyumbani ilhali baba anaenda kazini, na jioni, familia yote hula pamoja mezani’. Familia yake ingejifurahisha baadaye kwa kucheza mchezo wa kuunda maneno mbalimbali na pia kwa kusoma. Yeye na ndugu yake mkubwa, Craig (ambaye ana miezi 21 zaidi ya Michelle) hawakusoma Darasa la Pili. Kufikia Darasa la Sita, Michelle aliwekwa katika darasa la wanafunzi wenye vipawa maalum katika Shule ya Msingi ya Bryn Mawr (ambayo baadaye iliitwa Bouchet Academy). Baadaye alisomea Shule ya Upili ya Whitney Young, shule ya kwanza mjini Chikago iliyowavutia wanafunzi kutoka tabaka mbalimbali. Ni huko ndiko aliwekwa kwenye orodha ya walioheshimiwa kwa muda wa miaka minne, kabla ya kujiunga na darasa la juu la kujifunza mengi zaidi kuhusu kazi yake. Pia alikuwa mwanachama wa kikundi cha National Honor na mweka hazina wa baraza la wanafunzi. Kila siku, Michelle angesafiri kwa muda wa masaa matatu kutoka nyumbani upande wa Kusini hadi shuleni upande wa Magharibi. Alikuwa katika shule na darasa moja na Santita Jackson, mwana wa kike wa Jesse Jackson na dada ya Jesse Jackson Jr. Alimaliza masomo ya shule ya upili mwaka wa 1981 na akawa ndiye mwanafunzi wa pili bora zaidi mwaka huo.
Alifuata nyayo za ndugu yake na kujiunga na Chuo Kikuu cha Princeton na baadaye akafuzu mwaka wa 1983. Akiwa angali huko Princeton, alitoa changamoto kuhusu ufunzaji wa somo la Kifaransa akisema ya kuwa linapaswa kusisitiza mazungumzo zaidi. Ikiwa sehemu ya mahitaji ya kufuzu kwake, aliandika tasnifu iliyoitwa Watu Weusi walioelimishwa Princeton na Jamii ya Watu Weusi, ambapo alieleza kushangazwa kwake alipowaona wanafunzi walioendesha magari aina ya BMW na ilhali katika maisha yake yote alikuwa hajawahi kuona hata mzazi mmoja aliyenunua gari kama hilo. Somo kuu la Bi Obama lilikuwa ni sosiolojia au elimujamii na somo lake dogo lilikuwa masomo ya Waamerika Weusi. Alifuzu na kupata alama za juu zaidi katika shahada ya sanaa mwaka wa 1985. Alipata digrii yake ya kwanza ya Uansheria kutoka Chuo cha Wanasheria cha Havard mwaka wa 1988. Akiwa angali Havard, alijihusisha na maandamano ya kisiasa yaliyotaka kuajiriwa kwa wasomi wanaotoka katika jamii ambazo hazijawakilishwa ipasavyo. Michelle ndiye mke wa rais wa tatu kuwa na shahada ya digrii ya pili. Wake wa marais wengine waliowahi kuwa na shahada kama hiyo ni Hillary Rodham Clinton na Laura Bush. Mwezi Julai 2008, Bi Obama alikubali kuwa mwanachama wa kualikwa wa kikundi cha wanawake weusi cha Alpha Kappa Alpha. Kikundi hiki kilichokuwa kimeanzishwa miaka mia moja iliyopita hakikukuwa na kikundi cha wanafunzi ambao bado hawajapata digrii ya kwanza katika Chuo Kikuu cha Princeton alikosomea Michelle.
Alikutana na Barack Obama katika kampuni ya wanasheria ya Sidley Austin, ambako walikuwa kati ya waamerika weusi wachache waliofanya kazi huko (Wakati mwingine amesema ya kuwa walikuwa watu wawili tu weusi katika kampuni hiyo ingawa watu wengine wamesema ya kuwa kulikuwa na weusi wengine walioajiriwa katika idara zingine). Akiwa huko, alipewa jukumu la kumfunza Obama kazi wakati Obama alipokuwa angali mwanandamizi wa majira ya joto. Uhusiano wao ulianza wakati walipokutana kwa chakula cha mchana huku wakizungumzia biashara na baadaye walikuwa na mkutano wa upangaji kuhusiana na maswala ya kijamii na ni hapo ndipo Michelle alivutiwa na Obama kwa mara ya kwanza. Katika mkutano wao wa kwanza wa kiuchumba, walienda kuona sinema ya Spike Lee inayoitwa “Do the Right Thing”. Walioana Oktoba 1992 na wamejaliwa kuwa na watoto wawili wa kike, Malia Ann (aliyezaliwa 1998) na Natasha (anayejulikana kwa jina maarufu la Sasha) (aliyezaliwa 2001). Baada ya kuteuliwa katika bunge la Amerika yaani “Senate”, familia ya Obama iliendelea kuishi Kusini mwa Chicago. Waliamua kuendelea kuishi huko badala ya kuhamia Washington, DC. Wakati wa kampeni za mumewe za urais wa Amerika za 2008, Michelle alitoa “ahadi kuwa angefanya kampeni kwa siku mbili pekee kila wiki na angerejea nyumbani mwisho wa siku ya pili” ili kukaa na watoto wao wawili. Michelle ni dadake Craig Robinson, kocha wa timu ya wanaume ya mpira wa vikapu ya Chuo Kikuu cha Kitaifa cha Oregon. Yeye ni binamu wa Rabi Capera C Funnye Jr., ambaye ni mmoja kati ya viongozi mweusi wa Kiyahudi wanaojulikana zaidi nchini Amerika.
Wakati mmoja, Michelle alimwomba mchumba wake, Obama, kukutana na mwajiri wake mtarajiwa Valerie Jarrett alipokuwa anafikiria kutafuta kazi nyingine. Kwa sasa, Jarrett ni mmoja kati ya washauri wa dhati wa mumewe. Uhusiano wao katika ndoa umekumbwa na changamoto kiasi kutokana na mabadiliko katika maisha ya familia na maisha ya kisiasa ambayo yalileta mtafaruku katika harakati zao za kuhakikisha uwiano kati ya kazi na familia. Katika kitabu chake cha pili, “The Audacity of Hope: Thought on Reclaiming the American Dream”, Barack Obama aliandika kuwa “Kutokana na uchovu na msongo, hatukupata nafasi ya kutosha ya kuzungumza wala kuonyeshana mapenzi”. Hata ingawa wana wajibu wa kuilinda familia kwa upande mmoja na kazi zao kwa upande mwingine, wao hujaribu wawezavyo kutenga wakati ili waweze kukaa na kujuliana hali mara kwa mara jioni.
Hapo awali, wanawe Obama walikuwa wanasomea shule ya University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, ambayo ni shule ya kibinafsi. Akiwa angali katika bodi ya shule, Michelle alitetea haki za watoto wengine akisema ya kuwa shule hiyo inapaswa kuwa na wanafunzi wanaotoka matabaka mbalimbali. Hata hivyo, wenzake katika bodi hiyo waliungana na Chuo hicho wakisisitiza ya kuwa nafasi zaidi zinapaswa kutolewa kwa watoto wa wafanyakazi wa Chuo hicho. Hii ilisababisha kuanzishwa kwa mpango wa kukipanua Chuo. Wanawe Obama kwa sasa wanahudhuria shule ya Sidwell Friends School huko Washington ingawa walifikiria uwezekano wa kujiunga na shule ya Georgetown. Katika mahojiano katika kipindi cha “The Ellen DeGeneres Show”, Michelle alisema ya kuwa yeye na mumewe hawana mpango wowote wa kupata watoto zaidi. Wamepata ushauri kutoka kwa wake wa rais wa awali Laura Bush, Rosalyn Carter na Hillary Rodham Clinton kuhusu njia bora ya kuwalea watoto wao wakiwa ikulu (Makao rasmi ya Rais wa Amerika). Marian Robinson amehamia ikulu ili kumsaidia katika malezi ya watoto.
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Jan 2010.
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