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Estonian to English: Protection of old towns Detailed field: Architecture
Source text - Estonian Ajalooliste linnade kaitset on võimalik tõlgendada utoopiatele iseloomuliku kriitilise vastureaktsioonina modernistlikule linnauuenduspoliitikale, millega Eestis kaasnes ühtlasi vastuseis nõukogude režiimile. Muinsuskaitse omandas varjatud vastupanu alatooni, kandes rahvuslike väärtuste edasikandja oreooli. Samas on kaitsetsoone peetad linnade arengu pidurdajaks, tänast muinsuskaitset on käsitletud totaalkaitsena. Seega saab muinsuskaitset pidada ühest küljest vastureaktsiooniks valitsevatele väärtushinnangutele, teisalt on see aga ennast kehtestav institutsioon. Mõlemal puhul on tegemist utoopiale iseloomulikuga nähtusega, mille vastuolu selgitab selle kahenäolisus – utoopia balansseerib ideaalide ja tegelikkuse piiril. Nii võib ka muinsuskaitsjaid vaadata kui tasakaalu hoidjaid uue ja vana piirimail.
Translation - English Protection of historical towns can be interpreted as a critical reaction characteristic of utopias to the modern urban renovation policy that in Estonia was mixed with the opposition to the Soviet regime. Heritage conservation acquired the undertone of latent resistance, bearing the halo of the advocate of national values. On the other hand, protection zones have been considered the inhibitors for the urban development, heritage conservation today has been treated as a total protection. Thus, on one hand, national heritage conservation can be considered as a reaction to the ruling values, on the other hand this is a self-assertive institution. Both are cases of phenomena characteristic of utopias. The inherent contradiction can be explained by its duality – utopia balances on the border between ideals and reality. Thus the individuals engaged in heritage conservation can be viewed as balance-keepers on the borderlands between the new and the old.
Translation education
Master's degree - Tartu University
Years of experience: 35. Registered at Mar 2010. Became a member: Apr 2010.