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Source text - Spanish Los factores estimulantes de colonias hematopoyéticas constituyen una de las medicaciones de soporte con mayor eficacia en la práctica clínica. Han logrado revertir la más frecuente de las toxicidades dosis limitante de los fármacos antineoplásicos y han disminuido la severidad y duración de la neutropenia concomitante a estos tratamientos. Numerosas guías de tratamiento, entre las que se destacan las de la American Society of Clinical Oncology [1] así como las de la National Cancer Center Network [2], han racionalizado el empleo de esta medicación.
El Instituto Oncológico Henry Moore (IOHM) es un centro oncológico ambulatorio de pacientes adultos. Cinco subespecialidades médicas trabajan interdisciplinariamente: oncología clínica (tumores sólidos), onco-hematología (tumores hematológicos), onco-urología (tumores urológicos), onco-ginecología (tumores ginecológicos) y mastología (tumores mamarios).
La mayor cantidad de información sobre el uso de factores procede del estudio de pacientes internados (Transplante de médula ósea o neutropenia febril), con la finalidad de evaluar retrospectivamente la eficacia y seguridad de Filgrastim (Neutrofil®) en pacientes con tumores sólidos o hematológicos tratados en el IOHM hemos llevado a cabo el presente estudio.
Translation - English Hematopoietic colony-stimulating factors are nowadays one of the most effective support medication in clinical practice. Among their achievements are the reversion of dose-limiting toxicities caused by antineoplastic drugs and the decrease of severity and duration of consequent treatment-related neutropenia. The use of this drug has been rationalized by numerous treatment guidelines, the most outstanding being the American Society of Clinical Oncology [1] and the National Cancer Center Network [2].
The Instituto Oncológico Henry Moore (IOHM) is an outpatient cancer facility for adult patients. There are five medical specialties working in an interdisciplinary fashion: clinical oncology (solid tumors), onco-hematology (hematological tumors), onco-urology (urologic tumors), onco-ginecology (gynecologic tumors) and mastology (breast tumors).
The information about use of factors mostly comes from inpatient follow-up (bone marrow transplantation or febrile neutropenia). This study was carried out in order to retrospectively assess the efficacy and safety of Filgrastim (Neutrofil®) in patiens with solid or hematologic tumors treated in the IOHM.
Spanish to English: Estudio de reactogenicidad de una vacuna recombinante anti-hepatitis b en lactantes en dos esquemas diferentes General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Spanish Introducción:
Recientemente se ha incorporado la vacuna anti-hepatitis B al Calendario Nacional aplicándose al nacimiento (primeras 12 hs. de vida), al 2º y al 6º mes. Objetivo: evaluar la reactogenicidad de una vacuna anti-hepatitis B (AgB) en lactantes utilizando 2 esquemas diferentes.
Material y Método:
Durante el período marzo-noviembre de 2001 se efectúo un estudio prospectivo, longitudinal que incluyó 98 niños que concurrían al vacunatorio del hospital. En todas las madres de los pacientes se descartó infección por hepatitis B dosando HBsAg y anticuerpos anti-core por ELISA. Los pacientes recibieron una vacuna recombinante anti-Hepatitis B (AgB) por vía intramuscular en región anterolateral del muslo, con 10 µg/dosis. Sesenta y tres de ellos (grupo A), recibieron la primera dosis durante el primer mes de vida, la segunda al mes de la primera y la tercera a los 6 meses (esquema 0-1-6). Treinta y cinco pacientes cumplieron un esquema 2-4-6 (grupo B) aplicando la primera dosis a los 2 meses de vida, la segunda a los 4 meses y la tercera dosis a los 6 meses de edad. Se controlaron los efectos adversos locales y sistémicos dentro de los treinta días del período postvaccinal mediante un sistema de seguimiento personalizado
Translation - English Introduction:
Hepatitis B is the main cause of hepatic disease worlwide. In several countries, the vaccine against Hepatitis B is administered within the scope of School Programs. Purpose: to determine the reactogenicity and immunogenicity of an anti-Hepatitis B (AgB) recombinant vaccine in adolescents aged 15-19.
Materials and Method :
A prospective and longitudinal study was carried out in 98 children between March-December 2001. Prior to vaccination, all patients were given a dose of HBs surface antigen and anti-core antibodies by the ELISA method so as to discard previuos infection.
Patients were intramuscularly injected with a Hepatitis B (AgB) recombinant vaccine (deltoid muscle), following a 0-1-6-month schedule in doses of 10 ug/dose. Local and systemic adverse reactions were controlled within seven days after vaccination through a personalized follow-up system lasting 30 days after vaccination. Vaccine response was measured by detecting Anti HBs antibodies by ELISA (Lab. ORGANON TEKNIKA) Results higher than 10 mUI/ml were considered positive and those higher than 100 mUI/ml were considered hyper-response.
Translation education
Master's degree - Universidad de Buenos Aires
Years of experience: 24. Registered at May 2010.
I provide professional services of translation, proofreading and language training to companies, agencies and individuals. As a Certified Translator in the English-Spanish and Spanish-English linguistic pairs I specialize in different fields and I am highly qualified to translate any kind of text.
My commitment is to satisfy prospective clients in a rapid, efficient and accurate way, therefore providing them with a top-quality product that suits their needs
Keywords: We provide professional services of translation, interpretation and proofreading, and language training to companies and professionals.
Our commitment is to satisfy our clients in a rapid, efficient and accurate way, therefore providing them with a top-quality product that suits their needs.