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Translation - English 1.賦稅人權刻不容緩 1. Taxation human rights require immediate action
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Taxation human rights require immediate action
主持人 Host
談力瑜 Tan Liyu 主持人-女:Host, female: TC=00:00
Hello everyone. We welcome you and your whole family to enjoy the Tai Ji Men Energy Family.
Taiwan currently does not have dedicated tax courts or specialist tax judges to handle complex tax cases. In most cases it is the views of the tax levying agencies that are used as judgements, seriously violating the principles of impartial justice and causing grievances everywhere.
Let’s listen to experts and scholars analyze the problems generated by Taiwan’s current lack of specialist tax judges with the ability to determine cases independently, and how we should reform the way in which we resolve popular grievances. Let’s listen.
理事 Taiwan Criminal Law Association for Financial Study
陸迪安 Lu Di-an 分享人Sharer (陸迪安先生 Mr. Lu Di-an)(英文): TC=00:41
I would like to speak from the perspective of a normal, private, German taxpayer.
我是從事銀行相關產業的工作,在德國每年我必須要繳所得稅,現在同時也要繳稅給台灣,所以每年五月我不只要想著德國漂亮的春天,同時也要想著每年的繳稅的這些繁雜事務,因為我必須安排一個時間和我的稅務顧問討論繳稅,並且準備好所有繳稅相關的文件. My occupation is banker and I must make my yearly income tax return partly in Germany and now in Taiwan too, so, every year on May, I don’t think only on the beautiful springtime in Germany, but also, with a lot of fear, on my annual income tax return, because I must make an appointment with my tax consultant and I must prepare all my tax documents.
我總是想儘量延後幾週碰面,但必須在五月底前完成稅務討論,當五月底時,我總是帶著沈重的心情申報所得稅,我可以想像各位在台灣也懷著相同的感受去申報所得稅. I always try to delay this meeting, week after week, but no later than ‘til end of May. End of May, I must declare my annual tax income with a heavy heart. I imagine that many of you here in Taiwan have same thoughts and feelings about tax return, the yearly tax return.
舉例來說:以個人身份來申報所得,其實應該是可以簡化報稅的內容.比如說採取定額稅的方式來課徵兩間以上的房屋稅,或是加點的餐點稅,或是駕駛車輛的相關稅收. An example: in a normal taxation of private persons, we can be achieved a tax simplification. If we introduce a lump sum taxation in double households, or of additional meal costs, or for travel costs.
另外,我想如果所有德國的稅務官員,都可以很清楚的知道各種複雜的稅務法律,我曾經遇過稅務人員對於稅務法規不清楚的狀況,所以稅務人員必須持續的學習新的稅務規定的改變. Also, I wonder if any one of the German financial tax officers know clearly about the variety of complex tax laws. I have read that tax officials, meantime, don’t know the tax laws in detail, since the tax authorities constantly have to browse these new tax law changes.
另外,德國的社會民主黨想要提高稅率,這意謂著德國財政當局將會持續有更多的稅務工作,且需要更多的工作人員, 我想很多教授有同樣的問題,就是在他需要更多的員工在聯邦財政法院工作. And the Germany Social Democratic Party wants to introduce the wealth tax again and increase the top tax rate. This means, in practice, that the German financial officials have constantly more work around tax and need more staff. I think Prof. Meilinghoff has the same problem, that he needs more staff in his federal fiscal court. .
我相信也希望今後稅務機關應該更加團結,並將層級拉高到國際機關以更有效的管控稅務財務相關的事務. So, I believe and hope that in future the tax authorities of the states should work more together. They must work closely at the international level for a better international control of financial sector.
對於我來說身為一個德國人,聯邦財政法院完全獨立於政府機關中是非常重要的. For me, as a German, it is always very important that a federal fiscal court is completely independent of the government.
National Taipei University of Business, Department of Public Finance and Tax Administration
Associate Professor/Head of Department
黃士洲 Huang Shi Zhou 分享人 Sharer (黃士洲先生 Mr. Huang Shi Zhou)(國語): TC=03:49
我的研究團隊研究100年到102年的這三年,逐案去找到的這一個稅務判決,那顯現出說我們的這個納稅人的這個稅務訴訟的勝訴率,是這個遠遠低於德國的水準. My research team researched the three years from 2011 to 2013 and the tax judgements we found on a case by case basis showed that the rate of victory among taxpayer litigants is much, much lower than the standard in Germany.
會做這樣子的一個研究,最主要是一直以來,都會詬病說我們的法院財稅的判決的話都是「複製」(Ctrl+C)「貼上」(Ctrl+V),然後是一個駁回法院,但是呢這只是非常的很單純的一個主觀的看法. This kind of research has always criticized our courts’ taxation judgements as “copying and pasting,” and it is an indictment of the courts, but it is an extremely objective view.
所以我們就組成了研究團隊,從一個判決,一個判決不斷的來去找,在找尋判決的統計的過程裡面,司法院行懲廳也做公布了一個數據15.92%,那跟我們的這一個研究的結果有相當大的一個相當大的一個差距. So we formed a research team, and searched incessantly, judgement by judgement, and, while we were in the process of searching statistics on judgements, the Correctional Services Office of the Judicial Yuan published a figure of 15.92%. That was substantially different from our research result.
在我的一個研究的話,初步來說的話,我們是要找尋納稅義務人有意義的勝訴的結果,也就是說今天納稅義務人走進法院裡面,走進行政法院裡面的話,他到底可以期望有多少的比例可以得到一個對他有利的一個判決. In my research, initially, we were looking for results in which taxpayers had had significant victories. That is to say, if a taxpayer walked into a court today, an administrative court, what would be the actual probability that he could expect a judgement in his favor?
On this basis, we counted 3122 judgements. Then, finally, from this gross victory rate ― the gross victory rate is the apparent rate that taxpayers can win ― the value of expectation at first instance was 13%.
Only later, after we had differentiated the reasons for victory on a case by case basis, did we discover that only a very few cases had actually been heard by a judge, and only in those cases had the judgement been for the taxpayer.
In many cases, the reason was changes in ordinances. In many others, the defendant agency admitted the error in its inspection. Then there were cases in which victory was because of an interpretation by a grand justice of the constitutional court. There were also cases in which previous procedures had been unlawful.
So, when these things were subtracted, we found that taxpayers truly could hope that the courts would substantively judge their case. Then, the ratio of victories we obtained was 7.15 percent. From this 7.15 percent, we also had to deduct some taxpayers who had actually been victorious but whose victories were of no significance.
TC=06:05比如說:它這個稅額一更改,更改了多少呢?有7塊錢的,有更改900多塊錢的...等等之類的這些.對於納稅義務人來說沒有意義的勝利的話,我們都把它拿掉了,拿掉這些之後我們最後得到一個比較實實在在的數據,這實實在在的數據就是6.11%. For example: when the tax amount was changed, by how much was it changed? There were changes of NT$7, and of more than NT$900, etc. Victories that were of no significance to the taxpayer we dismissed. Once we had dismissed them, we obtained a relatively honest figure. This was 6.11 percent.
那這樣子的一個數據的話,那其實是一個非常危險的一個數據,為什麼呢? This kind of figure is in fact an extremely dangerous figure. Why?
因為這麼低的數據,代表說納稅義務人不只沒有辦法期待行政法院給予一個有效的權利救濟,更危險的是稅捐稽徵機關完全不怕納稅人去打官司,反正我有94%,而且即便是你是那6.11%,那很多的案件也會發回到原核,原核的話就有可能再做成類似或是的一個核定,使得這一個案子變成一個萬年稅單的案子. Because such a low figure indicates not only that taxpayers cannot expect the administrative courts to give an effective remedy, but, more dangerously, that the tax levying agencies do not fear taxpayers going to law. Anyway, I have 94 percent, and even if you are that 6.11 percent, very many cases will be returned for initial inspection. With initial inspection, it’s possible that they’ll be handled in precisely the same way or that they’ll undergo their first check and determination, making them cases of eternal tax bills.
有一個極為令人隱憂的一個趨勢,就是稅務訴訟案件逐年正在減少之中,從100年到102年之間,每年平均掉15%的數據,所以這代表納稅義務人認為打稅務訴訟可能沒有什麼實益,與其要打官司毋寧來說跟你和解. There is an extremely worrying trend, which is that tax litigation cases are decreasing by the year. Between 2011 and 2013, they declined by an average of 15 percent per year, so this indicates that taxpayers believe that there is nothing to be gained from filing a tax lawsuit; they would rather settle the matter out of court than go to law.
If we carry on like this over the long term, as far as the actual method of this tax system, unfair taxation and the tax law are concerned, there is no room for further correction.
In this kind of process, I am gradually coming to believe that the problem lies not in the system itself but in the process of selection and training of judges.
因為我們現在的行政法院法官之所以在審理稅務案件沒有信心的原因,是因為一個行政法官他在上任受任之前只受過20個小時的稅務訓練,稅法的訓練,在這樣子速成的一個這個培訓過程裡面的話,有多少的法官有這麼高深的專業這是很困難的. Because the reason why administrative judges are not confident when hearing tax cases is that, before an administrative judge is appointed or assumes office, he has only received 20 hours’ training in tax and tax law. From such an rushed training process, how many judges could gain an in-depth professionalism? It would be very difficult.
所以當法官在個案判決的時候,就會很容易傾向稽徵機關,特別是在結案的壓力底下,所謂結案壓力就是說一個案件進來多少時間之內,直接要把它判決出去,在這麼急迫的時間上,自然而然的話「複製」「貼上」就是一個比較安全的一個選擇. So, when judges are judging cases, they incline very readily towards the tax levying agencies, especially when under pressure to conclude cases. This so-called “pressure to conclude cases” occurs when a case was filed a certain amount of time previously and is required to be judged and dispatched immediately. When time becomes so pressing, “copying” and “pasting” are very naturally relatively safe options.
那特別感謝是說今天用一個台灣跟一個德國的一個對照,能夠讓大家了解說臺灣跟德國的納稅人權利保護在財稅法院之間的一個差別,我們同時再去思考說台灣應不應該設立一個財稅法院? 謝謝! (掌聲)
I am especially grateful to have been able to compare Taiwan and Germany today, to be able to let everyone understand a difference between Germany and Taiwan, which is that the rights of taxpayers in Germany are protected by tax and finance courts. Let us consider further whether Taiwan should establish tax and finance courts. Thank you! (Applause).
2.保障稅捐正義 2. Guaranteeing taxation justice
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台灣大學財稅法學研究中心主任National Taiwan University, Graduate School of Tax and Finance Law, Director
暨法律學院教授 and Professor in the College of Law 葛克昌Gee Keh-Chang 分享人Sharer (葛克昌先生Prof. Gee Keh-Chang)(國語): TC=00:00
我們國家要追求社會正義:第一個就是要用司法保障納稅人的基本權.第二個要培養稅法人才,法律人才. Taiwan needs to pursue social justice: First of all this requires judicial protection of taxpayers’ basic rights. Secondly, we must cultivate specialists in law and tax law.
我們知道各國的稅法法院,其實就是憲法法院,雖然另外有憲法法院,那是憲法的官司,但是呢人民跟國家最大的憲法問題,就是稅法問題We know that tax courts in all countries are in fact constitutional courts. Those are for constitutional lawsuits. But the greatest problems between the people and the state lie with tax law.
美國也好,各國也好,稅法律師就是憲法律師,這就是我們要來說明為什麼我們的行政法院對人民的勝訴率那麼少? This is true in the US and in all other countries. Tax lawyers are constitutional lawyers. This is why we wish to explain why the rate of victory among citizens in the administrative courts is so low.
最主要的還不是他對於稅法的細節或者是財務報表看不懂這些的問題,因為他有一些助理,有一些這個事務官來協助他. The main thing is not that they don’t understand the detail of tax law or financial reports, because they have assistants and civil servants to help them.
重要的是什麼?他不認識財稅案件在憲法上的地位,要保護納稅人的基本權,這個是他真正要做的事情. What is it that is important? They don’t recognize the status afforded to finance and tax cases by the constitution. The basic rights of taxpayers have to be guaranteed. This is what they truly have to do.
建立這個專業的稅法法院,最重要的訓練就是訓練這個法官的倫理,法官在憲法上的地位,他第一門課就稅法法院法官在憲法的地位,他是最該認識的就是保護納稅人的基本權,也叫做賦稅人權. To establish specialist tax courts, the most important training is training in theory relating to judges and the status of judges under the constitution. The first class would be about the status of tax court judges under the constitution. It should be the most comprehensible aspect: to guarantee taxpayers’ basic rights, also known as taxpayers’ human rights.
稅法學的發展認為是我們法學教育中非常重要的一部分,這是社會公平的基礎,我們始終沒有建立到這裡,考試居然不考稅法,要考商事法,我們要求這個考試一定要考稅法,要重視稅法.The development of tax law is an extremely important aspect of our legal education. This is the basis of social justice and we have never established anything in this field. Examinations do not in fact test students in tax law, but in commercial law. We demand that examinations test tax law. Tax law must be respected.
Among our government agencies, the tax levying agencies are the most important. The standard of the rule of law observed by our tax agencies represents the standard of the rule of law observed by the nation. All tax reform therefore should come from a specialist tax court, and the status of specialist tax judges should be recognized by the constitution.
National Taipei University of Business, Department of Public Finance and Tax Administration
副教授 Associate Professor 孫克難 Sun Keh-Nan 分享人Sharer (孫克難先生Associate Professor Sun Keh-Nan)(國語): TC=02:21
剛才聽到黃教授提到了,我們整個納稅人的勝訴率只有6.11%,比德國的40%差太多了,這問題其實值得好好探討原因何在. We’ve just heard Prof. Huang make the point: the rate of victory in litigation among all our taxpayers is a mere 6.11 percent, far too great a disparity with the 40% of Germany. The reasons for this merit extensive investigation.
剛剛提到說這原因,主要是在這個法官的那個稅務跟會計方面專業知識不夠,另外就是說整個沒有成立專屬的法院,這個是很重要原因. One reason has just been given: that judges do not have sufficient specialist knowledge in taxation and accounting. Another is that we have not established dedicated courts. This is a very important reason.
當然這跟剛才很多教授提到說跟養成教育有關係,假如養成教育不夠的話,基本上他沒有辦法重視人權,沒有辦法重視人民的財產權,平等權等等,這個可能是根本的問題所在,當然這跟整個教育,跟整個法治的教育培養很有關係,這樣的問題造成怎麼樣的後果,可能更值得重視. Of course this has to do with training and education, as many professors have just mentioned. If training and education are insufficient, human rights, civilian property rights and equal rights, etc., cannot be respected. This may be where the fundamental problem lies. Of course this has a lot to do with the whole question of education, with education and training in the rule of law. It may be that the consequences of this kind of problem merit particular attention.
當然這樣的問題,也會影響到整個稅捐單位不願意去思考整個稅制改革的問題,整個不合適宜的法律跟稅法怎麼修正的問題,乃至於整個會阻礙整個租稅理論,整個租稅實務,跟租稅法制的進步的問題,這些可能都要好好的思考這樣的問題,這後遺症是滿大的. Of course this kind of problem affects the tax authorities, making them unwilling to consider the question of how to reform the entire tax system, the question of how to revise the entire tax code, to the extent that the question of how taxation theory and practice can advance is impeded. These things perhaps need to be thoroughly considered. They have considerable repercussions.
另外法院存在的目的,主要是在維護人民的生命財產的安全,維護納稅人的合理的權益,保障人民的私有財產權這個很重要. Another matter is the reason for the existence of courts: mainly they exist to protect civilian life and property, to protect appropriate taxpayer rights and to guarantee private property rights. This is very important.
The courts mainly play roles of checking and balancing, of arbitrating and providing checks and balances between taxpayers and the tax agencies. In so doing, they must maintain an attitude of fairness and reasonableness in handling litigation, and do their best to avoid adopting the substantive taxation principle that the tax agencies are accustomed to adopting, arbitrating instead on the basis of the whole tax code.
This of course has a lot to do with training and education, and, of course the whole question of the tax system, not practicing tax legalism, then frequently adopting the substantive taxation principle, making the tax system insufficiently fair and not transparent.
當然剛才有提到很多教授有提到,這會影響整個投資環境透明化的問題,整個租稅負擔的確定性的問題,當然影響外資,經濟發展也會受到影響. Of course, as many professors have just mentioned, this will affect the whole problem of making the investment environment transparent, the whole problem of the certainty of the tax burden. Of course it will affect foreign investment and economic development.
另外法官整個專業不夠的話,往往受到行政部門的制衡的話,或者是不能夠秉公處理,成為剛才提到說成為行政部門的打手或是延伸的手的話,這樣的問題是使得整個不能夠替人民,站在人民的角度來看這問題的話,實在是違反了整個納稅人的正義,違反租稅正義,違反納稅人的行政救濟的一個精神. Also, if judges are not sufficiently specialized, constantly subject to the checks and balances of the administrative agencies, or unable to operate impartially, becoming, as has just been mentioned, the hired thugs or long arms of those administrative agencies, so that they cannot put themselves in the position of civilians, this truly violates the spirit of taxpayer justice, tax levying justice and administrative relief for taxpayers.
假如說法院如果是整個財稅知識不夠,整個資訊跟知識不足的話,就不能夠公平客觀的審理問題,不能夠替人民主持公道,就容易受到那個納稅單位的指導,然後甚至於仰賴納稅單位的一些說詞跟答辯. If the courts have insufficient knowledge about tax and finance, then they cannot hear cases fairly and objectively, cannot uphold justice on behalf of civilians, and are therefore readily guided by the tax agencies, even to the extent of relying on their explanations and justifications.
這樣的話會造成納稅單位跟那個納稅人要透過整個法院來主持公道的話,在知識上,在資訊上可能居於不公平競爭的地位,很容易偏袒整個稅捐單位. This causes tax agencies and taxpayers to seek to uphold justice through the courts, and, unable to compete fairly in terms of knowledge and information, they readily side with the tax agencies.
這樣的結果會造成對整個對整個納稅人的談判上居於弱勢,這會造成整個違反租稅正義的原則,這可能是會有很大的後遺症. This makes the taxpayer’s position in the entire negotiation weak. It can violate the entire principle of taxation justice. It could have very considerable repercussions.
Taxation law firm
律師 Lawyer 劉士昇Liu Shi Sheng 分享人Sharer(劉士昇先生Mr. Liu Shi Sheng)(國語): TC=05:44
那以一個站在第一線稅務律師立場來講,其實稅務訴訟的當事人他最期待的是什麼?一個實質而且有效的一個司法救濟的途徑. From the perspective of a frontline tax lawyer, what does a party to tax litigation actually expect? A substantive and effective path to a judicial remedy.
那實質的部份這個當然就是我們涉及到我們剛剛講的勝訴率6.11%,那顯然不是一個實質的有效的一個司法救濟. As far as the aspect of substantiveness is concerned, this has to do with the victory rate of 6.11 percent that we have just discussed. That clearly does not amount to substantive and effective judicial remedies.
這中間最大一個問題點我們認為說:這個行政法院的法官專業不足,以至於他沒有勇氣去挑戰稅捐的解釋函令.那導致所謂的以吏為師,沒有去針對雙方一個法律見解去做充分的論理,就直接援引適用這個稅捐解釋函令,這是我們常常看到一個裁判上一個重大的一個問題. We believe that one of the biggest problems in all this is: administrative court judges do not have enough specialist knowledge, so much so that they daren’t challenge the explanatory edicts of the tax agencies. This leads to what is known as “minor officials becoming teachers.” There is no complete theory based on a legal opinion taking both sides into account. They simply cite the applicable explanatory edict. This is a very big problem that we often see in judgements.
那另外所謂有效的司法救濟,這個稅務案件基本上是一個漫長的輪迴,即使你是那6.11%的勝利族,但是我們行政法院很少自為判決,都只是撤銷原處分,然後原處分機關就是被告機關,要依法院判決見解另為適法之處分,那另為適法之處分回到重回處分的階段. Also, so-called “effective judicial remedies.” Tax cases go round in circles and never end. Even if you are one of the 6.11 percent of victorious litigants, our administrative courts seldom judge themselves; they just revoke the initial penalty. An institution that has incurred an initial penalty is a defendant. A court must approve and issue a judgement upon the new penalty that accords with the law, the stage in which the new penalty and the original penalty go round and round in circles.
TC=07:05那往往就只是稅額的加加減減,甚至會做出更不利於對納稅義務人的這樣的一個處分,那緊接著又是再一次的訴願,再一次的訴訟,然後再一次的面對那僅有6.11%的勝訴率. It’s always just the tax amount that is added to or subtracted from, even to the extent of penalizing the taxpayer by making it even more unfavorable to him. Very soon afterwards there’s another appeal, another lawsuit, and then a further encounter with the 6.11 percent victory rate.
所以這樣一個訴訟結果曠日廢時,而且這個當事人他是不是有這樣的一個時間,有這樣的一個足夠的費用,去支應這個漫長的訴訟,我們覺得有很大的疑問? So the result of this kind of lawsuit is to waste time. The party to this lawsuit, moreover, does he have this kind of time, these kinds of funds, to handle this endless litigation? We believe this is highly doubtful.
因此我們不只是贊同應該要成立專責財稅法院,我們甚至要去質問為什麼大家呼籲了這麼久到現在還無法落實? So we are not only endorsing the idea that we should have courts dedicated to tax and finance, but also going as far as to question why something for which people have called for so long should take so long to bring into effect.
立法院 Legislative Yuan
司法及法制委員會 Judiciary and Organic Laws and Statutes Committee
立法委員Legislator 尤美女 Yu Mei-Nu 分享人Sharer (尤美女小姐Ms. Yu Mei-Nu)(國語): TC=07:59
那當然我們也知道說我們的財稅真的是需要改革,我們現在整個一個社會貧富不均,這整個一個社會的問題其實很多都是源自於我們整個一個稅務的制度,財稅的一個制度,那這部分的確是需要很大大幅的改革. Of course we understand that tax and finance in Taiwan do indeed require reform. There are disparities between rich and poor in our entire current society. Many aspects of this problem of the whole of society lie in our taxation system, our tax and finance system, and this certainly needs very considerable reform.
因為在以前我們知道說整個一個稅捐稽徵它其實是以站在政府的稽徵的方便,而不是站在人民稅捐的所謂的稅捐的正義裡面來看的,因此對於這所謂的稅捐正義,稅捐的人權這方面的保障是不足的. Because we know that, in the past, tax inspection and levying was treated as a matter of the government’s convenience, and not a matter of the justice of civilian tax contributions. So, as far as the justice of tax contributions was concerned, there are inadequate guarantees of tax contributor’s human rights.
但是這樣的一個觀念要把它從是為了政府的稅捐稽徵的方便到說我今天稅捐的正義,然後要保障人民的稅捐的正義,這樣的一個觀念的翻轉我想才是最重要的. But this kind of concept, we need to view it as changing from tax inspection and levying as a matter of the government’s convenience to the justice of tax contributions of today, and then guarantee justice in civilian tax contributions. A conceptual transformation of this kind, I believe, is of great importance.
那也因為大家到現在,雖然說我們從戒嚴時期到今天,已經解嚴那麼久,但其實很多的政府官員或是甚至包括我們的法官,其實還是沒有把這樣的一個觀念翻轉過來. It’s also because… martial law ended such a long time ago, but, in fact, many government officials and even judges have not undergone this conceptual transformation.
所以在這裡就會變成說一方面法官的專業不足,另一方面其實我們會看到說就是因為大家一直存在著為了稅捐稽徵的方便,認為納稅是人民的義務,所以今天你會發生這些問題是你故意要逃漏稅,所以你們這些的壞蛋,因些在法院的認定會覺得說以行政機關的認定為準. So, here the issue becomes, on the one hand, that judges are insufficiently specialized, and, on the other hand that, in fact, we see that, because everybody has always existed for the convenience of the inspection and levying of tax, it is believed that paying taxes is the duty of the civilian, so if you experience these problems today it is because you are deliberately evading tax. So, you bad eggs, because of some court determinations, you will feel that administrative agency determinations are the norm.
所以你也會看到說你今天不讓你逃漏稅,所以你要先繳50%,然後你才能再採取你的行政訴訟的救濟,所以這些都是完全站在把人民當作賊來看待的. So you will also see that you are today not allowed to evade tax, so you will first have to pay 50 percent. Only then can you obtain your administrative remedy, so this is all completely predicated on the view that civilians are thieves.
那今天我們站在這樣人權的一個角度,其實是應該要去整個全面式全面的一個翻轉. So today, we stand on this human rights perspective. In fact, a complete transformation is required.
Whether tax agencies should be able to turn people into the essence of this “convenience of tax inspection and levying” and the concept of civilians as thieves and then guarantee justice in civilian tax contributions, I believe this is a fundamental locus.
那這個部分當然如果能夠有制度一個配合,我想這個是非常重要的,那我們在這裡司法法制委員會願意在這一塊繼續的一起來努力.謝謝! In this regard, if there were a complementary system… I think this is extremely important… we on the Judiciary and Organic Laws and Statutes Committee wish to continue to strive for it. Thank you.
3.正視萬年稅單問題-林石猛 3. Facing squarely up to the problem of the eternal tax bill
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OS: TC=00:00
接下來我們的與談人是林石猛,林律師,他是高雄大學財經法律系,同時也是政治大學法律系,同時也是中山大學中山學術研究所的碩士,歷任高雄地檢署檢察官,高雄地方法院的庭長,同時也是高雄高等行政法院的法官,我們請林律師開始.謝謝! Our next speaker is Mr. Lin Sheh-Meng. Mr. Lin, a lawyer, holds master’s degrees from the Department of Economic and Financial Law of the National University of Kaohsiung, the Department of Law of National Chengchi University, and the Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies for the Social Sciences of National Sun Yat-Sen University. He has served as a prosecutor at Kaohsiung District Prosecutors Office, presiding judge at Kaohsiung District Court, and a judge at Kaohsiung High Administrative Court. Please welcome Mr. Mr. Lin Sheh-Meng. Thank you.
National University of Kaohsiung, Department of Economic and Financial Law講師Lecturer 林石猛Lin Sheh-Meng 分享人Sharer (林石猛先生Mr. Lin Sheh-Meng)(國語): TC=00:25
事實上我在上個月才參與了這太極門這個配合的案子,也就是台北高行的第103訴76太極門配合的這個案子,85年的案子打到現在,好不容易打贏了,結果國稅局又上訴了.Actually, it was only last month that I became involved in this corresponding Taijimen case, this high ranking No.103 suit 76 case corresponding with Taijimen a case that has persisted since 1996 until now, very difficult to win and resulting in the National Taxation Bureau appealing once again.
前幾天各位都知道立法委員在質詢部長這件事,我看兩個都不太高興,問的也不高興,回答的也不高興,為什麼這樣呢? A few days ago, as everyone knows, when the legislators were questioning the minister, I saw that neither side was very happy. The questioners were not very happy, and the answerer was not very happy. Why should this be?
就是因為我們採取所謂復查主義.事實上復查主義是最初是一個判例說,行政案只要撤銷到所謂撤銷原處分另為適法決定,就只撤銷到復查決定,但是後來在91年,92年在行政法院新制實行沒多久以後,這判例已經拿掉了.It’s because we adopted the doctrine of review. The doctrine of review initially amounted to a precedent. Administrative cases had only to be revoked as far as revocation of the original penalty and a new decision in accordance with the law, namely only as far as a review of the decision, but, ultimately, in 2002 or 2003, once a new administrative courts system had been in place for a short time, this precedent was dispensed with.
但是拿掉的結果變成什麼?行政法院有選擇權,事實上這基本上要撤銷範圍如何,有行政法院有選擇權,基本上是違反憲法法律保留. But what does the result that we have dispensed with become? The administrative courts have rights to choose. In fact, basically, what scope for revocation is there? If the administrative courts have rights to choose, fundamentally this is a violation of constitutional reservations.
我們再看刑事訴訟法200條這些規定就知道,訴訟權要撤銷到範圍哪邊不是行政法院說的算了,事實上我受理過的案子就有把原處分撤銷,復查決定撤銷,到最後就老百姓終局拿到贏了,但是現在大部份的判決都只撤銷到復查決定. If we look again at the regulations in The Code of Criminal Procedure we learn that litigation rights may be revoked only as far as the administrative courts say they may be revoked. In fact, among cases I have handled, the original penalty and review decision have been revoked, and ultimately the citizens won, but currently, most cases are revoked only as far as the review decision.
表示原核定還在,原核定還在最主要對人民不利的地方是什麼呢?不能享受到核課期間時效的利益.所以變成有萬年稅單. This indicates that the original appraisal and decision persists. What is the main disadvantage to citizens of the original appraisal and decision persisting? They cannot enjoy the benefit of validity during the inspection period. So it turns into an eternal tax bill.
所以85年案子到現在還在打,國稅局還在上訴,就是說老百姓贏了是假的,行政機關贏了才真的,尤其到最後再審,各位只要去看看再審嬴了幾乎都是國稅局贏了,人民的再審大部份都輸. So a case from 1996 continues. The NTB is still appealing, which means it is untrue that the citizens have won. The truth is that the administrative agencies have won, especially as far as the further retrial is concerned. Everyone need see only that the retrial was won mostly by the NTB; for the most part, the citizens were defeated.
也就是在行政訴訟上面,只要有再審成功的幾乎都是國稅局贏的案子,這就是難怪黃士洲黃教授提到一個點,結論就是沒有證據沒有辦法跟人民說,沒有官官相護,所以變成讓人家很洩氣的一個理由. This is also to say that, in administrative litigation, as long as there are only cases in which it is mostly the NTB that succeeds at retrial, it is no wonder that Huang Shi-zhou, Prof. Huang, made the point that, without evidence, there is no way to explain to the people. When officials are not covering up for one another, therefore, this becomes an excuse of which people simply despair.
But, the matters we have just discussed, our lawyers and accountants work hard in these areas, and this is something of a guarantee of human rights, and taxpayers’ human rights; it makes something of a contribution. So, I would echo Prof. Jin’s conclusion, that “Laws alone cannot carry themselves into practice.” This means, that no matter how good your law is, it will work only if it is effectively put into practice.
倒是有一點我為什麼在與談意見沒有寫?因為我剛才又看到2015的報告出來了. Actually there is a further point which was not originally included in my remarks because I’ve just seen the 2015 report come out.
事實上我最近做一個研究,在2012到2014其中有11件一審的判決被選為優良判決,不管你有沒有入選或是入圍而已,但是很不幸的其中有10件都敗訴,都被廢棄,只有一件因為找不到二審的案號,所以命運未卜. In fact, I recently made a study. Between 2012 and 2014, there were 11 first instance judgements selected as fine judgements, regardless of whether you were selected, but, unfortunately, ten of them were defeated, discarded. In one case only, the second instance case number could not be found, so its fate went unrecorded.
意思是說被學者挑選的2012到2014的優良判決,只有一件找不到二審的案號,剩下有找到二審的案號通通都被廢棄,意思就是說學者的見解跟實務的見解,好像有一個很難跨越的鴻溝,那這就是我們的主辦單位要繼續努力,包括在座的律師,會計師要繼續努力了,還有包括我們的金教授,回到大陸恐怕在這方面也要更進一步來努力.好.謝謝! This means that among the fine judgements selected from 2012 to 2014 by scholars, there was only one case whose second instance case number could not be found, while all the remaining cases, whose second instance case numbers could be found, were discarded. This means that there is a chasm between the opinion of scholars and that suggested by reality that is very difficult to bridge. This is what our host organization needs to continue to work hard on, and what the lawyers and accountants present need to continue to work hard on, as well as Prof Jin who has returned to China; I’m afraid that he too must continue to work hard on this. OK. Thank you!
製作人 Made by 洪道子博士 Dr. Hong Tao-tze
諮詢專線Inquiries hotline
(02)2736-5188 主持人Host: TC=03:34
Examples of rebellions, revolutions and even subjugations of nations caused by unfair taxation systems are everywhere to be seen, and all countries of the world should reflect on these.
近年來台灣不合理的稅制問題被廣泛的討論,成為重要的人權議題,期待政府重視人民的聲音,加速改革,伸張租稅正義,保障賦稅人權,讓人民能夠真正的安居樂業. In recent years, Taiwan’s unreasonable tax system has been widely discussed and has become an important human rights issue. We look forward to the government respecting the voice of the people, accelerating reforms, upholding taxation justice, guaranteeing taxpayers’ human rights and enabling the people truly to live in peace and work happily.
感謝您今天的收看,我們再會. Thank you for watching today. We look forward to seeing you again.
Chinese to English: The Experience of the German Tax Courts: A Discussion General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Law: Taxation & Customs
Source text - Chinese 1 .德國財稅法院經驗談
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主持人-女: TC=00:00
Hello everyone. We welcome you and your whole family to enjoy the Tai Ji Men Energy Family.
Translation - English 1.德國財稅法院經驗談 1. The Experience of the German Tax Courts: A Discussion
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Taxation: Bring on the Professionals!
主持人-女: Host:female TC=00:00
Hello everyone. We welcome you and your whole family to enjoy the Tai Ji Men Energy Family.
五月報稅的季節已近尾聲,千萬別忘了去報稅喲! The tax filing season is almost over. Be sure not to forget to file yours!
今天的節目要與大家分享一場重要的公聽會,呼籲政府成立專責的財稅法院來處理複雜的稅務案件,保障納稅人的基本人權,除了國內的專家學者之外,還有德國聯邦財稅法院的院長曼寧霍夫教授,分享已經施行百年的德國財稅法院實際運作的經驗,非常值得我們參考與借鏡,讓我們也來想想台灣的稅務制度如何改善會更好? In today’s program, we are going to share an important public hearing and call upon the government to establish dedicated tax courts to deal with complex tax cases and guarantee taxpayers’ basic human rights. You will hear from experts and scholars from Taiwan, and Prof. Rudolf Mellinghoff, head of Germany’s Federal Fiscal Court, will share the practical experience of that court, which has been in place for centuries. It is very much worth our while to consider this and learn from it, so that we can think about how to improve Taiwan’s tax system.
立法委員 Legislator
Lu Hsueh-chang 發言人(呂學樟先生)(國語): Speaker (Mr. Lu Hsueh-chang) TC=00:48
More than half of all the cases currently in the administrative courts are tax disputes. Citizens enjoy a rate of victory in these types of cases of no more than 6.11 percent, earning the administrative courts the nickname of the “courts of death” outside the legal system.
之前我們司法法制委員會在針對相關的法案在做審查的時候,就已經有提到這一點,凡是只要有關稅務訴訟的案件,行政法院絕大部分都判決人民敗訴. This point has been raised in the past, when our Judiciary and Organic Laws and Statutes Committee has reviewed bills on these matters. In almost every single case involving tax litigation, the administrative courts rule against citizens.
There are scholars who suspect that the reason why citizens’ victory rates are so extremely low is that administrative judges do not understand tax law, to the extent that they plagiarize NTB responses to accusations, jeopardizing equitability and objectivity in their judgements.
那依據本席的了解,在德國有稅務法庭,那他其專門處理稅務的法官,基本上都要訓練七到八年,而德國財稅法官的任命,除了應具備法官職務的一般資格之外,還必須備足以應付審理稅務案件所需的稅務的專業知識,唯有精通稅法的法官,才有可能適切的審酌裁決財務的案件. As we understand it, in Germany, there are tax courts whose specialist tax judges must basically train for seven to eight years, and who, in order to be appointed, apart from possessing the general qualifications for judges, must also satisfy requirements concerning specialist knowledge for hearing tax cases. Only judges proficient in tax law may appropriately review cases involving adjudications of financial matters.
因此其財稅法官在任職之前,都必須有從事過財稅法相關領域的工作經驗,且財稅法官在任職後仍須持續的自行來進修,特別是聯邦財稅法院每兩年舉辦的財稅法官學術研討會,各邦及聯邦的財稅法官們透過學術的聚會,定期的討論交流最新的稅捐實體法及程序法等相關的問題. For this reason, tax judges in Germany must, before they can be appointed, gain work experience in fields related to tax law, and, after they are appointed, continue to study at an advanced level. In particular, the Federal Fiscal Court holds a biannual academic symposium for tax judges; academic gatherings through which state and federal tax judges discuss and exchange at fixed intervals questions concerning the most recent substantive and procedural law on taxes.
反觀我國行政法院稅務專庭的法官,均是一般普通法院的法官來轉任,以致行政法院的法官仍遭許多學者專家及民眾質疑-不懂稅法,而且按現行的稅務專庭的運作-只做分案,沒有稅務法官專業培訓的管道. By contrast, the judges on the specialist tax courts of Taiwan’s administrative courts are appointed from among the judges of the ordinary courts, with the result that they still draw much suspicion from experts and citizens alike that they don’t understand tax law. In addition, in accordance with the way in which the current tax court operates, they simply divide up the cases; there are no specialist channels for training tax judges.
那稅務法官的選拔依舊走論資歷期別的傳統的升遷的途徑,這樣有辦法鼓勵有志努力稅務裁判的法官跟先進裁判的見解嗎?有沒有可能發生劣幣驅逐良幣的這樣的一個隱憂呢? So, if we still select the best tax judges by means of the traditional promotional standard of length of time served, will we succeed in encouraging judges who are ambitious to work hard in adjudicating tax matters and advancing our understanding of such adjudication? Isn’t there a possible hidden danger here of the bad money throwing out the good?
那目前台灣的稅捐稽徵機關是以處罰為原則,輔導為例外,跟國外不同,而且處罰比其他的國家重,那據調查研究報告顯示:台灣納稅人行政訴訟的勝訴率不到一成,為讓民眾有公平的訴訟空間,所以今天特別召開台灣應成立專責財稅法院公聽會. Currently Taiwan’s tax inspection agencies, unlike their counterparts overseas, adopt the principle of penalties, making the giving of advice the exception. The penalties, moreover, are heavier than those imposed overseas. Investigative research reports show that the rate of victory on the part of taxpayers in administrative litigation is less than 10 percent. It is to create impartial space for litigation by citizens that we are today convening a public hearing on Taiwan’s need to create dedicated tax courts.
At this point, I would like to thank the chief judge of Germany’s Federal Fiscal Court and each of our specialist scholars for taking time from their busy schedules to take part in today’s public hearing and giving us their valuable opinions, to the benefit of the Legislative Yuan’s future deliberations on the enactment or amendment of laws, which will raise standards in the handling of tax cases and expedite hearings on such cases.
First of all, then, let us invite chief judge Mellinghoff of the German Federal Fiscal Court to explain Germany’s experience in the adjudication of tax matters. Thank you.
German Federal Fiscal Court
院長Chief judge曼寧霍夫教授 Prof. Rudolf Mellinghoff 發言人(曼寧霍夫先生)(德語): Speaker (Prof. Mellinghoff) TC=05:02
2.財稅!讓專業的來 2. Taxation: Bring on the Professionals!
影部/字幕Film/Captions 聲部 Voices
Taiwan Criminal Law Association for Financial Study
理事Member 連福隆博士Dr. Lian Fu-jiang
發言人(連福隆先生)(國語): Speaker (Dr. Lian Fu-jiang) TC=00:01
德國財務法院事實上它有一個最重要的責任,它不是要幫助行政體系來處罰人民,它是要幫助人民的基本權利. Germany’s Federal Fiscal Court actually has a most important responsibility: not to assist the administrative system in penalizing citizens, but to support citizens’ basic rights.
After receiving notification of the imposition of a penalty, citizens have the opportunity to submit an appeal to this highest tax court. If the fiscal court is unable to resolve the matter, or if it believes that, in constitutional terms, it is being asked to adjudicate matters beyond its jurisdiction, it can make a formal request for a statutory or constitutional interpretation from a constitutional court.
This sort of structure, in fact, comes down to Germany’s Basic Law, which exists to protect human rights; the state’s responsibility is to protect human rights.
The separation of the three powers, executive, legislature and judiciary…the interactive and concerted operation of the three powers, their mutual checks and balances, mutual supervision, have only one common purpose, which is to fulfil a primary objective of the Basic Law: to safeguard people’s basic rights.
But, when a nation’s legislature is corrupt, the executive and judiciary operate in an opaque manner, and there is no mechanism guaranteeing the people’s rights, what should be done?
Our entire executive, legislative and judicial system… Just now Legislator Lu made a remark which I greatly respect. He said, “The main purpose of our administrative courts seems to be to punish citizens, not to advise them.” That is precisely not what Germans mean when they say that human rights should be guaranteed.
這是一個法的精神的一個墮落,這種墮落是非常恐怖的,就是司法,行政,立法你們都是用人民的納稅錢來活下去的,可是你竟然你會認為我來處罰人民是我們的責任,但是你為什麼不想想人家德國說甚至它的財務法院最高的目的是要保護人的基本權利,這種法的精神在臺灣為什麼沒有? This is the corruption of the spirit of law. This kind of corruption is extremely pernicious. It means that you people in the executive, the legislature and the judiciary are all living on taxpayers’ money and yet, despite that, you believe that “it is our responsibility to punish the people.” But why don’t you think about Germany saying that even its fiscal court’s highest purpose is to protect people’s basic rights. Why does this sort of spirit not exist in Taiwan?
2012年10月6日德國的這個透明法,在國德是第一個開跑的,當然最早的還有瑞典,可是德國漢堡的這個透明法走的更徹底. On October 6, 2012, Germany’s Transparency Law… the first one to take effect in Germany…of course there was an earlier one in Sweden, but the Transparency Law in Hamburg, Germany, is more thorough.
First: comprehensive details of your government’s administrative work must be posted on the internet.
Second: all of your contracts with external organizations must be posted on the internet.
Third: all projects that you outsource to a value of €100,000 or more must be posted on the internet.
Fourth: advisors enlisted from city governments and specialist written materials must be posted on the internet.
Fifth: surveys that you conduct about environmental protection or pollution must be posted in their entirety on the internet.
這個是我覺得非常重要,對臺灣尤其是重要,我也希望臺灣的立法院能趕快設立一個所謂的透明法Transparency Law.為什麼呢? So, what must the government become? Constrained by statute and obliged to provide all transparent information. I believe this is extremely important, and particularly important to Taiwan. I also hope that Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan will quickly establish a Transparency Law. Why?
Because it’s not just that the legislature, the executive and judicial decisions are opaque. This is an immense tragedy for Taiwan. You must let people participate; truly let people have opportunities, through a transparency law, to supervise you in government. Thank you!
3.改革讓萬年稅單不再 3. Reform and eliminate the eternal tax bill
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臺灣財經刑法研究學會Taiwan Criminal Law Association for Financial Study
理事長 Director-General
暨台灣大學法律系教授 陳志龍 and Professor, College of Law, National Taiwan University 陳志龍 Chen Tze-lung 發言人(陳志龍先生)(國語): Speaker (Prof. Chen Tze-lung) TC=00:01
我們的法治領域的四大妖魔領域,第一大就是性犯罪,第二大是毒品,第三大是經濟犯罪,第四大是稅務犯罪,那這四大妖魔領域敢碰的委員其實很少. The four demons within our rule of law are: first, sex crimes; second, drug crimes; third, economic crimes; fourth, financial crimes. The number of our members who encounter such offences is in fact very small.
I think one of the problems I wish to discuss today… because our entire population is in danger, our nation is in danger, powerful institutions are in danger, because our nation is not a nation, our people is not a people, our power is not power… what we wish to discuss today is that the main reason lies within several issues:
The first is triple jeopardy, plus double jeopardy, plus ne bis in idem (the doctrine that no legal action may be instituted twice for the same cause of action), plus fair trials.
In fact, the first problem here we largely understand. In the past, during the martial law era, it was the criminal law, but we were still able to guide it towards the correct track: the rule of law. As far as tax law is concerned, however, we face a high degree of difficulty. The first problem is the constitutional perspective. The second problem is deficiencies in the separation of powers.
This is to say that administrative, legislative and judicial agencies are in fact inseparable as far as tax is concerned. They are all manipulated, in order, as they say, to expand the national coffers and increase tax revenues, but have not been brought under the rule of law. This is the first point.
So we enjoy neither the principle of fair taxation, nor that of taxation according to ability to pay.
第二個重點就是官權至上,民權至下,其實我們在這裡最主要談的是human rights,就是taxpayer’s human rights在我們這裡談不到,那最主要法院在這裡也沒辦法做終局的裁判,法院做的判決稅捐機關不聽,所以一事可以再理,可以一直再理,所以憲法的第80條的法院,在稅務案件裡頭不出現.
The second key point is that official rights takes precedence over civil rights. In fact, here, what we discuss primarily are human rights; here, we don’t get to talk about taxpayers’ human rights. The main thing is that, here, the courts cannot make a final judgement. The taxation agencies do not listen to judgements made by the courts, so there is double jeopardy, constant double jeopardy. So the courts of article 80 of the constitution do not appear in taxation cases. So, when we talk about the perspective represented by articles four and five of the two conventions―that all agencies must protect human rights―we are deficient in that respect. So that’s the first point.
The second key point is triple jeopardy. That is to say that there is no separation of powers. Legislative power is not capable of being independently upheld. Not capable, because the executive is more powerful than the legislature. Secondly, executive power does not administer in accordance with the law, so the third point is that judicial power is constrained by executive power. So, here, we call this “triple jeopardy;” executive, legislative and judicial power are all in jeopardy.
司法在這裡沒有final decision,司法權即使做了決定,可是稅單回去它還可重新再開,那稅單還可以有母稅單被撤銷,可是還會有子稅單,子稅單被撤銷還有孫稅單,還有玄孫稅單,所以叫做「萬年稅單」.
The judiciary, here, does not make final decisions. Judicial power may have decided, but if a tax bill is returned it can still be reissued. That tax bill may have a mother bill that has been revoked, but it can still have a baby bill. If a baby bill is revoked, there might still be grandchild bill, and a great-grandchild bill. That’s why we call them “eternal tax bills.”
So we can see that, as far as tax is concerned, a court judgement does not enjoy final power of determination, and therefore does not enjoy the force of res judicata (“a matter judged”). These are very serious problems.
So we can say that what we see is recklessness, institutional recklessness, fiscal recklessness.
We’ve come to the third key point which is what is known as “double jeopardy.” Apart from the double levying of taxes, there is in fact another serious problem: in the courts, before a lawsuit, there is a reinspection (appeal) but this reinspection (appeal) costs 50 percent. So, you can be charged 50 percent on this reinspection (appeal). Your judgement has not yet been reached and, before it is reached, you are charged an additional 50 percent. So the force of administrative power is immense. This would in itself be a violation in a country with the rule of law.
So the courts are not respected and legislative power is not respected. So there is a problem here. Courts, compromised in many ways and adjudicating on the decisions of taxation agencies are able to insist on the continued use of eternal tax bills. There can be multiple causes of action over one matter; the cycle can continue. So, the problem of the eternal tax bill, like the 19-year one in the Taijimen case, is very serious.
The second key point is the integrity of the legal order; laws should respect one another, as we say. But if we look at the determination of civil law, we see that the taxation agencies do not abide by it. Giving, in civil law, is giving, but tax agencies say, “This is not giving; it is trading, paying tuition fees.” So this is a problem of double determination, inconsistent determination.
The next matter is determination of the criminal law. Again, tax law does not abide by it. The question of rights and duties in relation to the determination of criminal law, how matters are to be determined…again, tax agencies do not abide by the criminal law.
Nor do the tax agencies abide by the determinations of the administrative courts themselves.
我們剛剛聽到Prof. Mellinghoff有提到所謂法院跟稅捐單位保持等距離,互相的尊重,製造法律的遵守度,但是我們這裡講可以講法院其實做的決定稅捐機關不遵守,那我們也沒辦法,所以我們來講這個是很嚴重的問題.
We’ve just heard Professor Mellinghoff refer to the equidistance, mutual respect and compliance with law-making maintained between the German courts and the tax agencies, but, here, we can say that the tax agencies do not abide by the decisions of the courts, so we are in an impossible. So this is a very serious problem.
The fourth problem we should discuss… in fact the state of the entire tax system is extremely serious…lies in the murkiness of four aspects:
第一個就是SOT,就是standard of target,就是它的構成要件不明確,沒有租稅法定原則,也沒有所謂的裁量標準.
The first is SOT, standard of target. This is to say that the tax system’s structural essentials are unclear. There are no statutory principles of taxation and there are no assessment standards.
第二個點SOP,就是standard of procedure,就是所謂租稅訴訟法它不是用證據為導向,也不是用法院為導向,而是以稅捐機關為導向.
The second point is SOP, standard of procedure. Our so-called tax litigation laws are not oriented either towards evidence or to the courts, but towards the tax agencies.
第三個點,官權至上,民權至下,沒有租稅者的所謂的human rights.
The third point is that official rights take precedence over civil rights and there are no human rights for taxpayers. A final problem is that the system does not adopt the principle of evidence and there is no independent adjudication.
所以我們最後第五個點,就是公正審判要禁止三重危險的機制,立法權要被尊重,司法權審查要被重視,就所謂法院要有final decision的權力,法院做的判決確定一定要被尊重,可是在台灣的法院不被尊重.
So, our final, fifth point is that free trials must prevent the triple jeopardy mechanism. Legislative power must be respected. Importance must be attached to investigations of jurisdiction and the courts must have the power of final decision. When a court has reached its judgement, that judgement absolutely must be respected, but Taiwan’s courts are not respected.
然後再來就是taxpayer’s human rights必須要被列為重點,所以我們在這裡法院判決不被尊重,立法機關做的稅捐稽徵法不夠明確.
The next point is that taxpayers’ human rights must be treated as key. The judgements of courts are not respected here. The Tax Collection Law, created by legislative agencies, is not sufficiently definitive.
Finally, we call on the Legislative Yuan, under the direction of such important legislators as Legislator Wu to pass a first substantive law. The Tax collection Law requires statutory principles. It needs to be made definitive. Secondly, procedural law. Determination in matters of litigation must adopt the determination standards of the courts only. Administrative agencies must never again violate the determinations of the courts, or make determinations on their own behalf. Thirdly, organic law. There should be an independent court for tax litigation. Fourthly, enforcement law. It should not be permitted for 50 percent to be seized before trial. Thank you.
製作人 Made by 洪道子博士 Dr. Hong Tao-tze
諮詢專線Inquiries hotline
(02)2736-5188 主持人: Host TC=07:29
Tax problems are extremely complex in all countries, so many democratic countries governed by the rule of law have established dedicated tax courts in which highly expert tax judges guarantee the people’s taxpayer rights. It’s like when you have a stomach ache and you go to the gastroenterological clinic, or you have a cold and go to the ear, nose and throat clinic. Given that tax matters are so complex and difficult to understand, and are, unfortunately, to do with the balance between government and citizens, of course they should be handled by highly specialized professionals.
We hope that, with our hard work, Taiwan can establish dedicated tax courts as quickly as possible so that taxpayers’ basic human rights can be better guaranteed.
Thank you for watching. See you again soon.
Chinese to English: Ending miscarriages of justice and achieving real justice General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Law: Taxation & Customs
Translation - English 1.賦稅人權他山之石1. Drawing on external support to correct our own shortcomings in taxation human rights
影部/字幕 Film/captions 聲部 Voices
大片頭字幕: Opening title
神氣家族The Mighty Clan
終結冤案實現正義Ending miscarriages of justice and achieving real justice
字幕: Caption
主持人 Host
談力瑜 Tan Liyu 主持人-女: Host-female
親愛的觀眾朋友大家好,歡迎您闔家觀賞神氣家族. Hello everybody. We welcome you and your entire families to enjoy the Mighty Clan
On April 1 2015, many Taiwan heavyweight legal scholars and experts participated, on invitation, in the World Citizenship Day Human Rights Forum to discuss, “The Theory and Practice of Rules of Evidence.” They discussed many actual tax scenarios that the people of Taiwan often encounter; it related very closely to our actual lives.
例如:起訴書可以作為課稅依據嗎? One issue, for example, was whether an indictment can serve as the basis for the levying of taxes.
The people are skeptical about the tax bills issued by the National Taxation Bureau. Who should be responsible for providing proof?
這些屢見不鮮的問題卻是人民時時要承受的煩惱,搞懂它,我們的權益才不會受損,一起聽聽專家的解說. These frequently occurring problems are actually worries that the people face constantly. Only if we come to understand them will our rights not be damaged. Let’s listen to some explanations from experts.
中華民國律師公會全國聯合會Taiwan Bar Association
人權保護委員會Human Rights Protection Committee
主任委員Chairman 蘇友辰Su Youzhen 主講人(蘇友辰先生)(國語): Speaker (Mr. Su Youzhen)
我們請蔡老師,他是台北商業大學財政稅務系兼任講師,是台大法律研究所博士候選人. We have invited Mr. Cai to speak. Mr. Cai is a lecturer in the Department of Public Finance and Tax Administration at National Taipei University of Business, as well as a Ph.D. candidate in the College of Law at National Taiwan University.
Mr. Cai has also served as a researcher in regulatory adaptation and planning with the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs
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台北商業大學財政稅務系National Taipei University of Business, Department of Public Finance and Tax Administration
講師 Lecturer 蔡孟彥 Cai Mengyan 分享人(蔡孟彥先生)(國語): Sharer (Mr. Cai Mengyan)
On the many occasions on which tax is being discussed, I tend to discuss Japanese law. I often hear it said that “this concept is copied from Japan,” or that what a judge has written in his written judgement is copied from Japan, but, then I find myself thinking: “That’s strange! Copied from Japan? When I’ve looked at material from Japan, I don’t seem to have come across such arguments.”
那甚至有一個最好笑是說:日本的原則被我們當例外,日本的例外被我們當原則. There’s an even funnier proposition: we treat Japanese principles as examples and Japanese examples as principles.
有時候我會常常用日本的例子來稍微說明一下,其實如果這個東西在日本法上面它會怎麼去解,其實還是有點擔心的是這樣的問題在日本基本上也不大可能會出現. There are times when I will often use examples from Japan to give a brief explanation. In fact, if this matter could be resolved in this way in Japanese law, one would still worry somewhat that this kind of problem hardly ever presents itself in Japan.
Fundamentally, administrative penalties appear to be the principle here in Taiwan, while criminal penalties are the exception. The opposite is true in Japan. In Japan, criminal penalties are the principle and administrative penalties are the exception.
So, basically, if tax suits in Japan reach the courts, the tax agent will probably come from among the prosecution. Basically, there will be another from the prosecution, who will certainly have previously undergone tax training, so, basically they could not, for example, say, “today my litigation agent will suffice,” or present a public prosecutor who claimed to know nothing about tax; this is a situation which simply could not arise.
Lawsuits in Japan, we’ve seen that they actually give us cause to reflect. Japanese judges may not have quite enough knowledge about tax, but they have powerful tax investigation officials, and such an official is bound to come from among taxation professionals, which means that tax judges need not understand, but the person beside them will, at the very least, tell them what’s what.
Sometimes―quite often―I have to explain practical aspects of tax issues in Taiwan to foreigners, and this is not a simple matter, because foreigners will think, “Why is your tax law in Taiwan so complex?”
It’s like, as we often hear, courts bandying around phrases about a “technical” or “detailed matter.” We say that it is neither technical nor detailed. This has an impact on significant rights of civilian taxpayers. So why is there no legal stipulation and no legal authorization? When a judge throws a “technical” or “authoritative” phrase at you, we in fact ask, fundamentally, whether he actually knows what he’s talking about.
因為黃士洲老師前一陣子大概有做了一個調查研究,就是說分析台灣納稅人的勝訴率,我們的司法院還為此有一個新聞稿去反駁他的勝訴率,他說:台灣的勝訴率沒有黃老師研究的那麼低不到一成,台灣的勝訴率應該還有16%. Because Huang Tu-zhou, not long ago, carried out a research survey analyzing the rate at which the Taiwan taxpayer won court victories, and the Judicial Yuan went as far as to issue a press release rebutting his findings, saying, “The victory rate in Taiwan is not even one-tenth as low as Huang finds. It is still 16 percent.”
The Judicial Yuan’s press release went on to strike a further blow at Huang, claiming that actually our 16 percent was high, and that the figure for Japan was lower, at 11 percent.
After I’d heard this, I said, “OK. I will explain where that ratio comes from.” I said that our Judicial Yuan was very remiss, and that the minimum figure for Japan was not 11 percent, but six percent, but I said that there was no sense in looking at figures. I said, “I will get some figures to compare with yours, then there will be many things that might merit research.”
The equivalent in Japan of our reverification sanction is called, “applying for rectification.” That is to say that today the National Taxation Bureau issues a levy verification sanction . I feel that this levy verification sanction is unreasonable. I can request rectification. This is called “applying for rectification.”
How many applications for rectification are made in Japan each year? According to scholars’ statistics, the approximate average per year is 230,000, so 230,000 also require reverification. What we call “reinspection,” they call “objection.” What we call “an appeal,” they call “investigation of national tax.”
Basically, there’s a situation, and, first, let’s not worry about objections and national tax investigations. Didn’t I just mention that there are approximately 230,000 reverifications each year? How many are left once they’ve all gone to law? No more than 400. So you know that, once 230,000 have gone through this administrative process, there are fewer than 400 left. With fewer than 400 left, the ultimate civilian victory rate might be six percent, seven percent, eleven percent. Why?
其實你如果看日本的文獻他會告訴你一件事,國稅局不打沒把握的仗,也就是說他一定是證據蒐集齊全了他才到法院去爭訟. Actually, if you look at the literature from Japan, it will tell you something: the country’s equivalent of the NTB does not wield weapons that it does not control. That is to say that it will certainly gather all the evidence before taking a matter to court.
Actually, frankly, speaking from a certain perspective, if our courts were not sometimes in fact led along by the NTB, our civilian rate of victory would not be like this. The rate in Japan basically… in fact, if they know that there are cases with problems, they too, actually, don’t wish to proceed, and don’t dare to go to court, because, in fact, if you go to court and the judge checks and throws the case back at you, you will suffer a serious loss of face.
So, if we look at a part of Japanese law… I can only say, in fact, if we talk about rules of evidence, you will not find in a legal textbook the rules of evidence that they expound, because, fundamentally, to where are their rules of evidence cast for discussion? Criminal lawsuits.
Their rules of evidence. Fundamentally, how do criminal lawsuits discuss rules of evidence? In tax lawsuits, how do they discuss rules of evidence? Thank you!
2.建立法治證據為先 2. Establishing the rule of law and evidence first
影部/字幕Film/captions 聲部 Voices
中華民國律師公會全國聯合會Taiwan Bar Association
人權保護委員會Human Rights Protection Committee
主任委員Chairman 蘇友辰Su Youzhen 分享人(蘇友辰先生)(國語): Sharer (Mr. Su Youzhen)
Dr. Hu is an assistant professor in the department of law at Soochow University. He also studied in Germany and is an exemplary member of our legal community. Let’s now invite Dr. Hu to speak.
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東吳大學法律系 Soochow University, Department of Law
助理教授 Assistant Professor 胡博硯 Hu Boyan 分享人(胡博硯先生)(國語): Sharer (Mr. Hu Boyan)
I’ll start with one character and one term at a time. I remember, previously, when I was taking exams to get into graduate school, taking those for Taipei University graduate school, a topic came up entitled, “Laws alone cannot carry themselves into practice.” I don’t know whether you’ve all heard this idiom?
“Laws alone cannot carry themselves into practice.” Many people explain this to mean what, do you know? They explain it as meaning: if there are only legal rules, the people cannot receive or understand such rules as criminal penalties. Only if criminal penalties are insufficient. In fact, this is an incorrect explanation. Do you know why?
Because this phrase is from the Li-Lou chapter of the writings of Mencius, and the complete sentence is, “Virtue alone is not sufficient for the exercise of government; laws alone cannot carry themselves into practice.” It means: if you have very good intentions, very good plans, and a very good legal system, but you lack the ability to put things into practice, basically the ultimate result is that you cannot solve problems.
Now, the environment we face is actually very similar. Is Taiwan a country governed by the rule of law? Taiwan looks like a country governed by the rule of law. The German system of laws, which we often talk about, has been introduced here, but we just copy laws. Basically, we have not fully integrated the overall concept of the rule of law, be it from Germany, Japan or the US. This sense of disparity, in the process of grafting and transplanting the rule of law… we have not grafted and transplanted it into its environment. We have only grafted and transplanted it to a branch. The ultimate result is that we have done only half the job. We have only a foreign legal system. We don’t have the foreign ability to put it into practice. So, we actually have a pure legal regulation. Used overseas it is easy to use, but for us to use it is very difficult. I’ll give you an example. I remember, in 2005 or 2006, while I was still studying in Germany, accompanying a prosecutor from Taipei district prosecutor’s office on a visit to Berlin district prosecutor’s office, and asking what would happen if prosecutors applied to take someone into custody but the judges disagreed and ordered him to be freed without bail, whereupon he absconded. So the prosecutor from Taipei district prosecutor’s office asked, “Excuse me. Here in Berlin, how would you Germans solve this problem?” This district prosecutor’s office prosecutor, the Berlin district prosecutor’s office prosecutor, then answered a question: if somebody is released without bail, our preparation has been insufficient; we have not convinced the judge. When you apply for someone to be detained you must undertake sufficient preparation of evidence to convince the judge that this person represents a risk of flight and collusion. Then he said, “If someone is released without bail after you have failed to convince the judge, where does that leave you? There’s nothing you can do. The prosecution has to shoulder this kind of responsibility!”
Because you haven’t presented evidence for discussion, but, in fact, in the Taiwanese concept, what do we say judges are? Dinosaur judges. This is a very strange concept. You clearly want to tell the judge that this person is a flight risk, but the result is that the judge says, “You haven’t told me why he will flee. You’ve just thrown all these things at me.”
Basically we talk about indictments or provide some evidence. Actually, the main body of an indictment is nothing more than the prosecutor’s statement. The things on which you rely as evidence still offer proof to him, and demonstrate that you are going to tell him that they possess evidentiary power, to prove that this man will what? What? If you don’t do it, you have no one to blame.
But, if, in Taiwan, we take the opposite approach, basically our stated opinion can be used as evidence. Actually, evidence concerning this determination of facts need not rely solely on case transfer or other similar transfer of documents, records or indictments by investigatory organs as penalties for the payment of overdue taxes
Actually, our NTB relies heavily on these things as evidence for overdue tax payments, but, in fact, this is a statement from an organization, and it is not even a judicial organization. Why?
Because these inspection or investigatory organs are in fact all administrative organs, and are all within the same system of administrative power. You use things from its organizations and then take them straight out and say, “I’ll copy them and then use them,” so this crudeness is extremely clear, and so I believe that, although, in vain, we possess these legal rules, the laws that we have absorbed… those laws… in fact German law is the same as what we are discussing, but we do not have that spirit, and the ultimate result, the result that emerges, is a different result, so, “Laws alone cannot carry themselves into practice,” is a visible situation.
Next, actually, as regards trial procedure, the core of our judicial procedure should be trials, and trials in fact confer the right to be heard upon the parties concerned. The right to be heard implies the parties’ right to request to be able to provide information, the right to request information, and the right to provide information to state views. A final right is that, if I provide my declared opinion, you must, the court must consider it, hear it, otherwise it would not be called, “the right to be heard!”
This, moreover, is just what this regulation requires in relation to trials. This regulation in fact also appears in Taiwan’s Administrative Procedure Act, in administrative litigation and in the administrative investigation process, so only in administrative litigation procedural law is one particular matter emphasized: all evidence must be considered, whether it is advantageous or disadvantageous to the parties.
But, there is one thing that you will discover: our institutions pay attention only to the disadvantageous evidence. They have never paid attention to evidence that is advantageous to you. This impartial task we have assigned to the prosecution. Prosecutors have never paid attention to this issue of whether there is any evidence that is advantageous to the party, paying attention only to whether there is evidence that is disadvantageous to him. In fact, we ask only that they do not manufacture evidence.
It’s a case of, “It’s OK if you pay attention to disadvantageous evidence! But please don’t manufacture evidence, or use as evidence things that should be inadmissible as evidence.” There are in fact many instances of what I’ve just discussed: using the parties’ statements as evidence.
So, in Taiwan, in this sort of situation, it’s not that there are no rules.
It’s just that, in the implementation of these rules, in fact, more effort has to be made, because this is in the interest of every institution, be it a prosecuting agency, a taxation agency, any administrative agency and even the courts; in relation to the parties they have an impartial role to play, a righteous role. They have to investigate this matter. But we clearly, on this matter, in Taiwan, are very deficient. The courts and the NTB were established by the state, so, in administrative litigation procedure, they do not show the necessary bipartisanship, so administrative lawsuit judges need only confirm whether the NTB or this or that agency has done anything wrong, a much more straightforward matter, in fact, than those faced by judges in other courts.
But, why, in our current administrative lawsuits, is the rate of defeat so high? Actually, judges in administrative courts don’t even confirm whether the administrative institution has in fact done anything wrong. Taiwan’s courts and judges basically only see the file on the case; they don’t see the background story. It’s a case of only seeing from the file that you should pay tax arrears or this or that happened to you, but not seeing the background. In each background there is a tale of grief.
As far as the judges are concerned, they have to handle 70 cases each month. If there are 80 cases, they simply have to keep up with their caseload and dispose of them on time to perform brilliantly. This situation needs a comprehensive solution from the judicial authorities, otherwise courts and judges fundamentally will not see your and my grief, nor the grief that everyone has suffered in the last ten years and more.
In fact, in relation to our drawing on administrative procedure in criminal litigation procedure or civil litigation procedure, the question of whether this separate procedure has evidence that can be commonly used, in fact must be determined very cautiously, because, under the separation of powers, each is a matter for different institutions, you know?
So, in fact, most of our administrative institutions, as regards this court or the courts generally, basically, although the court is responsible for adjudicating in accordance with the law, and for correcting mistakes made by administrative institutions, if that aspect is very obvious in an administrative trial, but not obvious in a civil trial… and yet we frequently, regardless of which administrative institution is concerned, frequently rely on courts other than administrative courts to pass judgement, and then basically treat it as the basis for the determination of our administrative penalty. Why? Because an excuse has been found, and it can also be said that, “It was the court that said this, not me.”
This clearly presents an issue, which is that of a role that administrative agencies in Taiwan do not assume for themselves. We call this a collective sense of irresponsibility, because…anyway… to find one person who will take responsibility is fine, but the result of their not taking responsibility is that that responsibility is placed on the shoulders of the entire population.
So, I believe this overall phenomenon is not in fact something which, as far as the legal system is concerned, cannot be resolved, but the human question of how much thinking through will be required to change it―this is the most important, crucial matter.
3.終結冤案實現正義 3. Ending miscarriages of justice and achieving real justice
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中華民國律師公會全國聯合會Taiwan Bar Association
人權保護委員會Human Rights Protection Committee
主任委員Chairman 蘇友辰Su Youzhen 分享人(蘇友辰先生)(國語): Sharer (Mr. Su Youzhen)
Next, we invite the lawyer, Ms. Weng Yi-ru, to speak. Ms. Weng is a Taiwan human rights observer for the UN NGO, the Association of World Citizens.
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UN NGO, the Association of World Citizens
人權觀察員 Human rights observer
律師 翁意茹 Lawyer Weng Yi-ru 分享人(翁意茹師姊)(國語): Sharer (Sister Weng Yi-ru)
In article two of two UN covenants , the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, it is stipulated that the state has an obligation to provide effective remedies, and that effective remedies may only exist when states ensure that evidence is the basis for adjudication by the courts and the appropriate legal basis for determinations of fact, in order to avoid abuses of authority by administrative agencies and recklessness on the part of judicial agencies.
We are very happy that we will shortly, on March 24, 2015, hear Taipei High Administrative Court, after reviewing the relevant evidence, determine that the National Taxation Bureau of Taipei violated the rules of evidence and the rules of logic, and revoke the penalty issued to Taijimen for tax violations.
This case is a long-observed, benchmark case concerning Taiwan taxation services. Today we will take Taijimen’s miscarriage of justice over tax as our topic and raise some observations and recommendations.
As far as we know, Taijimen is a religious sect practicing qigong and martial arts. It is not a commercial organization and it engages in no commercial practices. Taijimen’s aim is to promote the essence of Chinese culture and physical and spiritual health among the people of the world. I believe that the intrinsic quality of a group is extremely important. Taijimen is a sect, with masters and disciples who pass their learning on to one another.
In 1996, Taijimen was falsely accused in a poison pen letter. Kaohsiung district prosecutor’s office and Hsinchu district prosecutor’s office both investigated, found no wrongdoing on Taijimen’s part and issued administrative signatures to that effect. When Taipei district prosecutor’s office faced similar circumstances, however, prosecutor Hou Kuan-ren ignored the result of the previous investigation and brought large numbers of reporters to each Taijimen premises and conducted illegal searches at the private premises of Taijimen followers. That very evening, while the Zhang-men-ren was still being interrogated, news programs were already broadcasting images of the illegal searches.
Prosecutor Hou even released untrue information to the media, deliberately discrediting (Taijimen), causing public opinion to judge without first investigating. Taijimen undoubtedly became a victim of a serious violation involving the prosecutor’s covert investigation.
In 2002, the Control Yuan announced the result of an investigation into Prosecutor Hou’s illegal abuse of authority in investigating and prosecuting Taijimen, determining that there were contradictions between the prosecution’s case and the evidentiary data, and, on that basis , that the prosecution was not in compliance with the rules of evidence, and gave a detailed listing of Prosecutor Hou’s transgressions, the following eight major illegal failings : illegal covert investigation, illegal searches, illegal freezing of assets, exceeding his own powers, issuing orders to county and city governments without the consent of the Ministry of the Interior, closing each of Taijimen’s premises.
I don’t know whether you can all imagine that a prosecutor could order county and city governments to undertake such illegal acts as closing premises. Because of this, in respect of this aspect of the case, the Control Yuan also required the Ministry of Justice to conduct the strictest investigation into and recommend penalties for these violations on the part of Prosecutor Hou.
In our observations, we have found that the prosecutor in this case believed that a gift given in veneration of a teacher amounted to fraudulent income and should be confiscated, but, if it is fraudulent income that is supposed to be confiscated, it is not taxable income; taxes cannot be levied. But the NTB violated article 177 of the Administrative Litigation Act, not waiting for a criminal judgement about a characteristic of the income, but, directly, and on the basis of Prosecutor Hou’s false indictment, viewing Taijimen as though it were a cram school, issued documents calling for taxes to be levied and strict penalties to be incurred.
On December 9, 2001, the Executive Yuan convened an inter-ministerial coordination conference to reach a consensus on the investigation into the nature of Taijimen followers’ gifts in veneration of teachers. It resolved that data from criminal cases must not be cited as the basis for the levying of taxes, and that, in order that the NTB actually be able to discharge its obligations in accordance with article 12, clause 1 of the Tax Collection Law, they should be responsible for adducing evidence. It was therefore agreed that by announcing a two-month investigation into the nature of gifts in veneration of teachers, and in order that there be a consensus about the results of the investigation, if all the funds were found to have been gifts, then the entire case should be concluded with the determination that they were all in the nature of gifts.
After the result came out, we saw 7,401formal statements, a full 100 percent of which stated that a gift in veneration of a teacher is indeed a gift. No one stated that it constituted tuition fees. The NTB, surprisingly, had deemed half to be gifts and the other half to be tuition fees, a somewhat absurd and reckless demarcation, flagrantly breaching the rules of evidence.
In fact, as regards the levying of taxes, modern countries governed by the rule of law, from investigation and determination of facts about the handling of tax to the application of the law, must have quite rigorous requirements about this process, and, as regards the case in hand, the NTB has already publicly stated that Taijimen is not a cram school, while the two historic investigations that I have just emphasized, illustrate that all the evidence shows that gifts in veneration of teachers are indeed gifts by nature, and not tuition fees.
So, let us now call on taxation agencies to face squarely the confirmed “no violation, no tax” adjudication of the court and to face squarely nature of giving in the Taijimen master-disciple sect. As was formally announced, 100 percent of 7,401 statements declared that the evidence was of gifts, revoking the original penalty of a tax levy, ending completely an 18-year miscarriage of taxation justice, taxation error, inflicted upon Taijimen, upholding taxation human rights and returning justice and innocence to the people. This is the appropriate conduct of a government of a nation with human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Thank you, everybody!
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中華民國律師公會全國聯合會Taiwan Bar Association
人權保護委員會Human Rights Protection Committee
主任委員Chairman 蘇友辰Su Youzhen 分享人(蘇友辰先生)(國語): Sharer (Mr. Su Youzhen)
I would like to summarize the arguments of all of the teachers who spoke during our first and second sessions, and, with the united voice of all who are present, put together a five-point public appeal.
一. 行政機關依法行政行使職權,嚴守正當法律程序,並符合比例原則調查及認定事實應憑的證據.
1. Administrative agencies administer and exercise their power in accordance with the law, strictly uphold fair legal procedures, and, in compliance with the principle of proportionality, investigate and determine the evidence upon which the facts rely.
2. Taxation agencies must abide by the principle of statutory taxation, value taxation human rights, fully discharge their responsibility to adduce evidence of tax-related facts in accordance with article 12, clause 1 of the Tax Collection Law, implement article 1, clause 1 of the Tax Collection Law, a human rights protection for tax-payers, before issuing tax-levying documents, and must especially guarantee tax-payers opportunities to state their opinions, read their files, and request written documentation, in enforcement of the right to parity of information.
3. Organizations that conduct judicial trials must abide by the rules of evidence. In particular, administrative courts must require administrative agencies to discharge to the full their responsibility to adduce evidence.
4. To reform the grave malady represented by the failings of the current tax administration remedies, and, in accordance with article 16 of the constitution, guaranteeing citizens’ rights to file lawsuits, and with the stipulation on effective remedies in article two of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, provide citizens with genuine and effective channels for remedies, and immediately amend laws to resolve the original, ancient tax bill problem of unrevoked penalties, to end the interminable, cyclical tax catastrophe afflicting tax payers
5. As regards Taijimen’s miscarriage of justice, which persisted for 18 years, solemnly require the NTB, in accordance with the evidence found by the investigation, to revoke illegal tax bills, bring a thorough end to miscarriages of justice, achieve justice and guarantee human rights.
製作人 Made by 洪道子博士 Dr. Hong Tao-tze
諮詢專線Inquiries hotline
(02)2736-5188 主持人: Host
“Virtue alone is not sufficient for the exercise of government; laws alone cannot carry themselves into practice.” We need administrative officials who enforce the law with a good conscience if we are truly to practice democracy and the rule of law. Taiwan’s tax law is sound, but the problems that occur the most involve administrative agencies being reckless, not stressing rules of evidence, and not being able to administer in accordance with the law. Citizens should be proactive in caring for their own rights, refusing to be duped by state power. Let’s hope that all administrative agencies of government can rely on good consciences to effect good governance, and truly discharge their responsibility to guarantee human rights, end miscarriages of justice and achieve justice.
Thank you for watching today. See you soon.
Chinese to English: Valuing education and training on taxation for tax officials General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Law: Taxation & Customs
Translation - English 1.重視稅官賦稅教育訓練 Valuing education and training on taxation for tax officials
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神氣家族The Mighty Clan
證據法則護人權Rules of Evidence Protect Human Rights
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主持人 Host
談力瑜 Tan Liyu 主持人-女: Host―female:
親愛的觀眾朋友大家好,歡迎您闔家觀賞神氣家族. Hello, everybody. We welcome you and your whole family to enjoy the mighty clan.
科學辦案講究的是證據與事實,同時也要兼顧情理法,這是連一般人民都知道的準則,但是為何行政法院在處理人民稅務相關事務的時候,卻常常是「國稅局說了算」,導致人民的勝訴率奇低,大概只有6%. Science is fastidious about evidence and facts and must also use rational methods. These are standards of which even the average person is aware. But why do the courts of administrative law, when handling matters to do with taxation of citizens, usually say, “The National Taxation Bureau has the final say,” making the proportion of cases won by citizens extremely low, at approximately only six percent?
學者專家苦口婆心希望人民多了解,多充實法律知識,才能夠捍衛自身的權益,讓我們一同來聆聽. Scholars and experts earnestly and sincerely wish the people to be much better blessed with legal knowledge and understanding, so that they can defend their own rights. Let’s listen.
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委員 陳清秀
Full-time professor, department of law, Soochow University, and member of the Ministry of Justice Administrative Penalty Law Task Force, Chen Ching-hsiou 主講人(陳清秀先生)(國語): Speaker (Mr. Che Ching-hsiou)
各位先進大家好,很榮幸有這個機會來參加這個研討會. Hello, everybody. It’s a pleasure to have this opportunity to take part in this forum.
這個行政機關跟司法機關都要依法行政,依法審判,那對於一些案件的處理首先當然是因為我們的國民從事了一些經濟活動,他滿足了一些法律所規定的這些要件之後,他可能成立了一個法律關係.譬如說:因為我有所得,有贈與,因此要課所得稅,贈與稅. Administrative and judicial organs must operate and conduct trials in accordance with the law. First of all, the way in which certain matters are handled is a result of the fact that citizens engage in economic activity. After certain conditions have been met that are stipulated in law, legal relations may be established. Because I have an income or a bequest, for example, income taxes must be levied and paid.
那麼這個因此先有這樣一些經濟活動才滿足了法律所規定的這些課稅,成立了一個法律上的一個權利義務關係. So, because I first engage in economic activity, I meet the legal requirement for these taxes to be levied, establishing a relationship of rights and obligations in law.
那接下來就是行政機關在行政程序上,它會做了一個行政處分來做一個課稅.譬如說:發一個稅單或者開個罰單類似這樣.那大家雙方有爭執就到法院去訴訟,大概整個的一個流程是這樣. Next, administrative organs, as part of administrative procedure, create an administrative penalty in the form of the levying of a tax, issuing a tax bill, for example, or an infringement notice. In the event of a dispute, either side can file a lawsuit with the courts. That, essentially, is the whole process.
因此這個證據法則就涉及到一個事實認定,所以如果你事實的認定符合事件的道理,符合徵納雙方各方的利益都兼顧,大概比較持平了,比較公正的,公正的審判,公正來認定事實. Rules of evidence, therefore, involve a determination of facts. So, if your determination of facts is in keeping with the principles of the matter, in keeping with a levy against both sides and taking account of the interests of each side, it is probably relatively fair, relatively equitable. A fair trial. A fair determination of facts.
那這個因此我們這個認事用法要能夠很公正,不偏倚,情理法兼顧,這個還是一個事實認定的一個最高指導原則,當然我們還可以落實到我們憲法上的人權保障的一些基本觀念,譬如說:無罪推定原則. The method by which we determine facts, therefore, must be very impartial, unbiased, and take account of methods of reasoning. This too is one of the highest guiding principles in determining facts. Of course, we can also exert certain basic human rights protections afforded by our constitution, such as the presumption of innocence.
Tax law provides for what is known as the estimation and levying of taxes. If you provide no proof of your account, I will rely on estimation. But we know that our constitution guarantees citizens of one right, i.e. the presumption of innocence. When a citizen is prosecuted or sentenced, he has a right to silence. He has no obligation to incriminate himself. It is the administrative organ or court that must prove that you committed a violation. If you break the law, I must penalize you. So, citizens have the right to silence under the principle of the presumption of innocence.
逃漏稅了,推計課稅來補稅,可是這個補稅的判決可以來做為處罰的依據嗎?這是不可以的. If you have evaded tax, can you have your taxes estimated in order to pay the overdue tax and have that overdue payment treated as the basis on which your penalty will be assessed? No you cannot do that. .
一個是可以概然性推定,推測你可能有多少,按照同業利潤標準來推估,可是當它進入處罰的時候,它要有嚴格的證明,證明被告這個納稅人有逃漏稅的行為,所以不能夠把本稅的判決,把本稅的課稅處分拿來做為處罰的依據. An approximate estimate may be made to extrapolate how much you might owe, in accordance with standards in your particular industry, but, when proceedings enter the penalty stage, there will be strict proof confirming that the defendant taxpayer has evaded taxes, so one cannot use an assessment of one’s basic tax as the basis for one’s sentence.
但是很可惜,很遺憾的,我們全國的高等行政法院的全國的法官聯席會議做了一個決議,說:逃漏稅的處罰的這個判決的時候,認定事實的時候要受到本稅的事實認定的拘束.那就是表示我們的法官在人權保障方面,沒有無罪推定原則的這樣一個基本的人權保障思維. What is very unfortunate and regrettable, however, is that a national joint conference of the highest administrative courts in Taiwan has made a resolution which states that, in the determination of facts for the assessment of penalties for tax evasion, there must be a restraint against the determination of facts relating to basic tax. This means that, as far as human rights guarantees are concerned, our courts do not adopt the basic thinking about such guarantees that is implicit in the presumption of innocence.
So determination of rules of evidence is in fact very important. Our courts have still not clearly grasped this. Look: the majority of resolutions, the majority of opinions hold that our courts may not conduct trials independently, but must be subject to restraints imposed by previous judgements. This does not accurately understand an implicit and basic consideration concerning human rights guarantees: rules of evidence are all different!
還好我們最高行政法院還有一些判決,認為說這兩個本來就不一樣,不應該相提並論,但是這樣的聲音還是很微弱啊!因為我們最高行政法院的有這個判決居然下級審法院集體不服,集體行使抵抗權,一直要推翻最高行政法院這樣一個判決的見解,你就可想而知我們證據法則的教育還沒有成功. Fortunately, our highest administrative court has also resolved that these two matters are intrinsically different and shouldn’t be mentioned in the same breath, but such expressions remain very weak. Unexpectedly, because the highest court has made such a resolution, the lower investigatory courts are collectively refusing to comply, jointly exercising their right to resist, constantly seeking to overturn the opinion within the judgement of the higher court. As one can see, therefore, education on the rules of evidence in Taiwan has not yet succeeded.
因為我們的法官養成教育有問題.我們的法官養成教育普通法院到行政法院來只要三個月的受訓,一個半月是實習實務課程,一個半月是理論的課程,這個是非常可以說非常不負責任的一個一種這樣一個教育訓練的模式. Because there are problems with the education with which our judges are trained. Our judges, from the ordinary courts to the administrative courts, receive only three weeks of training, one and a half months of which is practical training and one and a half months of which is theoretical training. This is an extremely irresponsible approach to education and training.
If we study law at university, we study for four years. Judicial training also takes two to three years. Why would you want to be a judge in an administrative court? This specialism in administrative law, you’ve never studied it before, and you have only one and a half months before you enter the battlefield. When you do enter that battlefield, you barely know how to carry your weapons.
養成訓練那麼短,上戰場之後又沒有時間看書,那當然呈現出來就是這樣一個觀點,所以這個是因果循環的關係,我們一定要種下善因,才能得善果,今天辦這個研討會表示大家也在種善因. Your training period is so short, and when you do go into the field you don’t have time to read. No wonder these kinds of views are the result. So there’s a relationship of cause and effect here. We need to bring about good causation in order to generate good effects. The holding of this forum today shows that you are all cultivating good causation.
I believe we should establish a specialist taxation court for tax cases, a specialist court. The judges for this specialist court will have to charge their batteries for at least one year, perhaps two, on specialist taxation and administrative law, before they may take up their posts.
我們過去這個做法是很不負責任,我們司法院的司法行政是很不負責任的,因為他們可能考上司法官的考試之後都自以為他專業知識很強,很強啦!但是有這麼強嗎?表現出來就是這個樣子啊!這個是很值得我們這個深思喔! Our previous approach has been very irresponsible. The judicial administration of our Judicial Yuan has been very irresponsible, because, perhaps, having passed the Judicial Yuan exams, they all think that they are very strong. Very strong! But, are they really that strong? That’s the way it looks! This greatly merits our deep reflection.
因此我們這個專業法庭的建立,我覺得我們應該去推動修法,行政法院組織法裡面加一個條文,要成立稅務的專業法庭,辦理稅務案件要受訓三年,以後的這個裁判品質一定可以大量提昇的. To establish this court, I think we need to push to amend the law, to add a clause to The Administrative Court Organization Act, to the effect that a specialist taxation court must be established and that to handle taxation cases one must undergo three years of training. This will certainly greatly improve the quality of judges.
We’ve already called for this for so many years. You should let your judge’s pre-service education reinforce you! Let’s look at Korea. Every year, Korea sends many hundreds of public officials, high-level public officials, overseas for advanced study. These advanced studies don’t last for just three months; they last for one or two years. .
Why do they undertake advanced studies for one or two years? According to the logic of our Judicial Yuan, a month and a half is fine; three months is quite enough. The Koreans, on the other hand, believe that, if you want to become a superior public servant, you must undergo an appropriate level of advanced study before you can achieve that standard.
As regards respect for knowledge, we cannot be arrogant about knowledge, arrogant about rights. To be arrogant about knowledge, to appear to understand everything and yet know nothing at all, is very dangerous. One doesn’t know that one doesn’t understand, and it doesn’t occur to one to read .That’s very annoying.
So, everybody, it will only be possible once the Legislative Yuan has pushed for revision of the law. In the past, our Administrative Court Organization Act… when I was helping the Legislative Yuan to revise the law, it was the administrative courts that were supposed to strengthen the handling of in-service advanced study annually, so now they do so by adding a week or so each year, but this is still too short a period of time, an utterly inadequate measure, too little to be of any use. I believe that the problem still lies in the fact that certain circumstances have emerged in relation to their professional training, so let’s look at this problem from the point of view of the rules of cause and effect in order that we can see it more clearly. Please give plenty of feedback on all of the above!
2.賦稅從證據法則開始-陳志龍 2. Taxation begins with rules of evidence―Chen Tze-lung
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教授 Professor, College of Law, National Taiwan University 陳志龍 Chen Tze-lung 主講人(陳志龍先生)(國語): Speaker (Mr. Chen Tze-lung)
Legal people in Taiwan are extremely bad people. They develop theories that don’t exist anywhere else in the world, such as,
“executive before judiciary.” Taiwan’s administrative laws and administrative organs are inextricably linked. It seems to have become guaranteed by the constitution that civil law doesn’t count, then criminal law doesn’t count, only administrative law counts. But administrative law has in fact long been somewhat at odds with human rights protections overseas.
這一種所謂的獉豾未啟的一種恣意角度,「獉豾未啟」的意思就是說蠻荒時代,就黑暗時代,人吃人,然後想辦法欺負別人的. This is a reckless, “primeval” attitude, and by “primeval,” we mean from the age of savagery, an age of darkness, a dog-eat-dog time, in which people thought about how to bully others.
It amounts to a terrorist attack on human rights. It is nothing to do with human rights guarantees. Our so-called holistic view of economic realities is nothing more than this little trick.
那這個就是據法,就是租稅證據的一個判斷依據,如果沒有租稅證據法就沒有所謂稅捐稽徵法的認定依據,缺乏判斷準則,因為不是國稅局講的算,稅捐處講的算,那他們講的都算,那還有什麼,那這樣法官又是屬於他們哪一掛的,那所謂的官官相護,那我想最根本之道呢他們不應該稱為行政法官,他們應該要升為稅務法官或等等應該分出來,分出他們的專業,那他們也不應該稱為官,他們稱為裁判就好. This does accord with the law. It is a basis for judging taxation evidence. If there is no law of taxation evidence , what are known as the tax levying laws have no basis for determination. They lack standards for judgement, because it’s not for the NTB to say what counts; that is a matter for the revenue service offices of local governments. Now, they say that everything counts. What else? The judges are all part of their clique; the officials all cover up for one another. I think the most basic route, they should not call them “the administrative courts.” They should elevate them to “taxation service courts” or something of that sort. A distinction should be made, a distinction of their specialisms. They should not be called “officials,” but “judges.”
那再來就是要有租稅證據法,才會有免除租稅正義的偏頗跟恣意的空間,那我們其實滿重要就是租稅證據法.那什麼叫做租稅的證據法?租稅法會有一個迷宮對不對?租稅法實務呢為什麼跟法治國的一個證據法思維不一樣? Again, we need a law of taxation evidence if we are to avoid scope for bias and recklessness in taxation justice. In fact a law of taxation evidence is very important. What is a law of taxation evidence? There is a labyrinth of taxation laws, isn’t there? Why are the practicalities of tax law different from law of evidence thinking in a country with the rule of law?
Because, for example, explanatory documents, and then several explanatory documents, and then drawers full.! The left-hand drawers make sense. The right-hand drawers don’t make sense. They take the left-hand drawers and the right-hand drawers, as they please. This is very strange!
So explanatory documents are very strange! Explanatory documents are used in law, but they can also hijack the courts, make the courts adopt very strange ways of thinking. In fact, strictly speaking, Taiwan does not have tax laws. It’s a problem with the field of taxation. The original methods were smelted out. Things from the dark ages and things from modern times do not sit easily together! How can we use them? Yet we are still using them, so Taiwan has to undertake many reforms
再來就是租稅法它的迷宮,它根本也不去討待證事項,就像敬師禮到底是贈與還是學費?那這個是牽涉到民法的構成要件,那這個東西我送給老師的東西,我明明是送給老師,那怎麼說是買賣呢?還跟他對價關係呢!跟老師買東西好奇怪! Next, there’s the labyrinth that is tax law. It fundamentally does not have facta probanda (facts to be proved). It’s like the question of whether a gift in veneration of a teacher is really a gift or a tuition fee. This involves key aspects of the composition of civil law. This thing that I give to my teacher, clearly, I’m just giving it to him, so how can it be said to be trading? There’s a quid pro quo! It’s pretty odd to buy a gift for a teacher.
This civil case problem has in fact already been confirmed, with the result that administrative organs again set about confirming the problem of legal disputes among the people, so does their determination count? So this important structural matter is intrinsically a matter of the structure of civil law. How is it that an administrative court can get involved in making a determination on an important aspect of the structure of civil law? Also, separately, it can bring fraudulent matters here for determination. Is this a case of putting together things that don’t belong together?
所以這個第一點呢他沒有待證事項.那究竟稅法裡頭的規定待證事項構成要件,其實應該很明確的. So the first point is that there are no facta probanda. Now, when all is said and done, the essential structure of facta probanda in the regulations in the tax code actually ought to be very clear.
那再來第二租稅法的迷宮.在欠缺構成要件的思維租稅法的迷宮,這不是用邏輯來證明,他是用老大講的就算,你就跟著我的就對了,老大說你是什麼就是什麼,然後這個就滿奇怪的!這個東西最主要就是官權至上,民權至下. Next, there’s the second tax labyrinth. In the labyrinth of a tax law lacking thinking on structural essentials, things are not proven in a logical manner. Seniority decides; it’s as simple as that. You follow me; it’s that simple. If the senior person says what you are, that’s what you are. This is very strange. Most importantly, it places official power above civil liberties.
那再來根本性的就租稅實體法跟租稅訴訟法會結合在一起才對的,那我們要先確定待證事項才能夠建立證據法的規則操作,租稅法的構成要件思維才是基本核心思維,就是整個東西都是要有證據,有證據才能夠支持他的主張. Next, fundamentally, substantive tax law and procedural tax law will be integrated. We must first confirm facta probanda before we can establish the operation of rules of evidence. Thinking about the structural essentials of the tax code is the basic, core thinking. That is to say that there must be evidence for the whole thing. A viewpoint can only be supported when there is evidence.
現在什麼叫做邏輯證明?我們就運用一個這種的規定,叫Stephen Toulmin的一個三段論法,就是DATA跟結論,然後中間有個推論規則就是SR,SR就是推論規則,推論規則就是邏輯規則,那後面用這個來推論的是不是有符合?然後DATA就是證據,用證據來證明你是不是符合構成要求.
What do we currently call “logical proof?” We use a stipulation of this sort: a syllogism by someone called Stephen Toulmin, which holds that there are data and conclusions and, in between them, rules of inference, SR. Rules of inference are logical rules. In the end, if we use these to draw inferences, does everything tally? Data is evidence. If you use data to prove things, are you complying with structural essentials?
那我們來講你的這個敬師禮,到底用證據來證明是什麼?徒弟跟老師(師父)之間,意思表示都認為是贈與,那怎麼變成對價關係呢?那很奇怪了!然後他用經濟的實質的宏觀角度就可以判定,那是什麼玩意兒對不對? Now, let’s talk about your gift in veneration of a teacher. Do we, ultimately, use evidence to prove what it is? Between acolytes and teachers (masters), everyone believes it to be a gift, so how does it turn into a quid pro quo relationship? That’s very strange! A judgement is made using the holistic perspective of economic reality. That’s some kind of trick, isn’t it?
這個是人家本來就是贈與,你說這不是贈與這個就是買賣,契約買賣,那你很奇怪!所以這個就不對. This is somebody giving a gift. You say this is not the giving of a gift, but an exercise in trading, a contract to trade. Then, you’re very strange! So this is not right.
法學三段論法所需要的三要素,證明成立與否的規則應該用所謂的推論方法論證來認定,證據法的證明資料就是DATA,那就證明的資格證據才成為證據. In legal studies, the three requirements for the method of syllogism are: that the rules for proving whether something is tenable or not should be determined in accordance with proof from the methodology for drawing inferences, that the evidentiary material in rules of evidence is data, and that only eligible evidence that provides proof is actual evidence.
那什麼條件才能夠做為證明的條件呢?要證明的理念必須要有方法論,那我們要改採不能用那個方法,要改採更另外一個方法,邏輯方法,本體論的方法,唯一的用這個方法來做. So what conditions can serve as conditions for proof? Concepts that need to be proven must have a methodology. But we want to change things so that we cannot use that method. We want to change to another method, a logical method, an ontological method, and to use that method only.
那可是現在我們用很多奇奇怪怪的觀念對不對?就所謂的一大堆觀念,什麼利益衡量,比例原則,然後經濟實質宏觀角度這種奇怪的觀念,那這觀念一出來以後那根本不叫證據法則,那就亂七八糟法則,那胡亂法則,那胡亂法則也可以在我們法院形成認定,那這法院如果是裁判,如果是啟蒙時代的法院當然不能這樣. But, now, we’re using lots of strange concepts, aren’t we? A great mass of ideas, such strange ideas as so-called “weighing up of interests,” “principle of proportionality,” “holistic view of the real economy.” When this concept first appeared, it was not called anything like a “rule of evidence.” Rules of chaos, rules of recklessness could constitute determination in our courts, but if these courts were referees, if they were courts in an enlightened era, it wouldn’t be this way.
If we wish to change the current system, we cannot do so with so-called “dialectical” thinking, so we must create a system for rules of evidence for taxation out of logical, empirical rules for facta probanda.
所謂改變是系統的改變是非常重要,啟蒙時代就是要除去錯誤,要回答問題,然後能解決問題,然後要待證事項構成要件這一部份來解決,用所謂的辯論的方式,那這一部分是法官要學的,其實一般人都會,但是我們的法官竟然不會,這很奇怪! The change that we are talking about is change to the system, and it is very important. The enlightened era will be one in which mistakes are eliminated, questions are answered, problems are solved, the issue of the structural essentials of facta probanda are solved, by means of debate. In fact, most people can do this. It’s our judges who can’t. This is very strange.
Our prescription, then, is to use rules of evidence to prove points, then revert to the method of syllogism, then restore the essence of tax law, then enter legal ontology and solve problems with scientific methods. Thank you everybody. Thank you.
3.證據法則保障人權 3. Rules of evidence guarantee human rights
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高雄大學財經法律系National University of Kaohsiung, Department of Economic and Financial Law
教授Professor 張永明Chang Yong-ming
主講人(張永明先生)(國語): Speaker (Mr. Chang Yong-ming)
Basically, our administrative organs will inevitably emphasize what about what they do? That it’s all in the public interest and is well intentioned.
As regards cases of civil and criminal law, the case is very strong. But administrative organs will often believe, “My aim is reasonable,” so there need to be restraints as to methods, but that kind of restraint may not be very strong.
So, in the field of administrative law, we are constantly talking about administering in accordance with the law, but that must comply with the principle of proportionality. The law upholds principles, but when we talk about rules of evidence, these seem very alien.
Usually, during legal training, academic training in law, the application of the law is something that is discussed a great deal, but this area of determination of facts is specialized. Each field has its own particular areas. These sorts of difficulties exist about how we determine this aspect or that.
We need to see whether the actions of administrative organs or administrative courts actually have any impact on the people. Now, we all understand that, perhaps in an entire lifetime, we will never commit a crime. Our relationship with the criminal law is one of honesty and keeping a distance.
But what about administrative organs? Even if we haven’t done anything, administrative organs still come calling. The most obvious example, for all of us is the month of May (tax return month), which is rapidly approaching. Everyone, whether we have done anything or not, has to have done something in order to have an income.
So, this kind of situation, I mean the tax authorities, are especially like this. Their impact on the people is quite substantial. Just how substantial? So substantial that, even if I do nothing wrong, they will still tax me. So, our discussion of rules of evidence in this regard, in relation to the administration of taxes, is truly rational and important.
Now, as regards this matter, in our current situation, according to current principles of administrative law, as far as the taxation authorities are concerned, should this be applicable? We’ll look at this from the point of view of the tax authorities; they are part and parcel of administration generally. Our Administrative Procedure Act should of course also apply to the tax authorities, so, in the administration of taxes, they too should be subject to the restraint represented by administrative investigation.
As far as theories of administrative investigation are concerned, again in relation to tax cases, it’s a matter for other organs. Once the investigation is closed, can our tax authorities by rights have it used in their favor? This certainly needs to be considered.
Our public servants have divided this area into many different systems, which means that each should have its own experts, so, if we were to treat the determination of facts investigated by these other organs purely as self-made determinations of penalties, we would in fact be flawed in our approach.
When it comes to the administrative courts, the situation is the same. The courts: we are still saying that courts must judge in accordance with the law, but who is it that should judge in accordance with the law? It is absolutely not just the civil courts or the criminal courts that should judge in accordance with the law. The administrative courts too must judge in accordance with the law.
In judging in accordance with the law, apart from the use made of the law, determination of facts is also very important. So, this area, in relation to a subject like ours of today, in the field of administrative organs, especially tax organs or tax courts, there must be very important situations like this. As to human rights guarantees, which are what we are all discussing today, in terms of our actual relationship with our country, how do we, the people, trust our country? If there is trust, that indicates that our country has done something for us, yet, on the basis of the theories we’ve just discussed, we are likely to avoid both civil and criminal suits throughout our lives, but we cannot place ourselves beyond such a system of administrative action.
So, if, today, we are discussing the people’s distance from the state, what is that perceived sense of happiness that, in terms of daily life, causes the people to have faith in the state? It must be the actions of the administrative organs, making the people feel that there is a part of other people’s views that is very close to their own views.
To view this from the perspective of an individual case, the applicability of the law must be a matter for the specialist expertise of legal experts, especially the courts and judges. As far as the determination of facts is concerned, since we, the people, participate in it, this is to some extent something of which we have experience and with which we have something of a relationship.
So, if, today, we are discussing human rights guarantees and how we should enable the people to have faith in administration and in the country, then it is extremely appropriate to discuss the applicability of rules of evidence in the procedures for hearings by administrative organs and administrative courts.
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Aletheia University, Department of Law
系主任 Head of Department 吳景欽 Wu Jing-yin 分享人(吳景欽先生)(國語): Sharer (Mr. Wu Jing-yin)
Not only did I get involved in criminal procedure with a heavy heart, but I have an even heavier heart about the general principles of criminal law. Each time I talk about Criminal Law 125, article 1, clause three, once I’ve finished talking, I say to my students, “Everybody please mark with a pencil, ‘This offence is no more than a piece of paper; it is fundamentally useless.’”
Why talk like this? Because the structural essentials of this clause are extremely difficult. They require clear awareness. In legal terminology, this is known as “deliberate intent.” It requires proof that personal guilt was clearly known and deliberate. Sometimes this is very difficult.
OK. Leaving aside this area of difficulty, what is even more annoying is that, if, today, we wish, within criminal procedure, to make an allegation or bring a private prosecution, then we need a victim. The result is that our laws of judicial practice don’t use this kind of language. Our judicial practice is great. Our highest court has many precedents, or their symposia, or resolutions say this: as regards this clause, there is no concrete victim, because the legal interest violated is that of the country. So there is no one who can make an allegation or bring a private prosecution. I’ve been abused by you, for ten years! The courts have judged you not guilty. You tell me I am not a victim of this kind of crime. How do you all feel to hear this? It’s too far-fetched! Isn’t it? Even all of you believe it’s just too far-fetched. So do I.
So this makes me wonder what kind of world our judges actually live in. It makes me feel very strongly that courts often write judgements for everyone to read. These judgements are getting longer and longer, and more and more difficult to understand. What’s the reason for this? When you criticize, you don’t understand! You’re not a legal expert. You weren’t involved in the case! The use of this kind of reason, I believe is an abnormal, very abnormal phenomenon.
Because, from this, I can show that our courts, our judges, are not people-oriented. They do not put the word, “people” into their hearts, let alone discuss rules of evidence, that most weighty of matters.
So, from this I believe that… let’s say your original innocence is confirmed; OK. You have no actual liability, so let’s let it pass. Yet, despite everything, there remains the question of tax, and, at the outset this judge was very strange! So, I’m suing you! It’s a criminal matter. Right! In your criminal case, if you are actually found guilty, your illegal earnings will be confiscated! So how will they actually be handed over to the NTB to tax? This is strange! The NTB actually believes it will be able to tax these funds.
In fact, you cannot receive two forms of punishment for one offence. Once the matter is confirmed as criminal, how can tax be levied? Only lawfully earned income is taxable. So the result is that this is turned over at the outset. I’m truly completely baffled. How can proceedings continue? It’s extremely absurd. Exceptionally absurd. I can’t think of any other adjectives to describe it.
所以我覺得太極門案就是一個司法的一個照妖鏡,我覺得人民面對這個東西不能沉默以對,要勇敢的去對抗,才能實現真正的公平正義. So, I believe the Taijimen case offers a judicial means of seeing through a conspiracy. I don’t believe that people can stand by in silence in the face of such things. Only bold resistance will achieve true, impartial justice.
製作人 Made by 洪道子博士 Dr. Hong Tao-tze
諮詢專線Inquiries hotline
(02)2736-5188 主持人: Host
Unfairness is not justice. We hear of the most extraordinary things in cases involving tax grievances. Many people, with the attitude of innocent bystanders, sweep the snow from their own doorstep, little imagining that “indulgence” is an accomplice in the persecution of human rights. If the people cannot awaken themselves and unite to call for judicial and taxation reforms, when the tax catastrophe expands and gets out of hand, ultimately no one will be safe.
May the people boldly strengthen themselves if they are truly to command their own happy futures. Thank you for watching today. See you soon.
Chinese to English: Calling for Tax Reform General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Law: Taxation & Customs
Source text - Chinese 1.呼籲稅務改革
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主持人-女: TC=00:00
Hello everyone. We welcome you and your whole family to enjoy the Tai Ji Men Energy Family.
Translation - English 1.呼籲稅務改革 1. Calling for tax reform
影部/字幕 Fim/Caption 聲部Voices
Taxation human rights with a good conscience and good governance
主持人-女: Host-female TC=00:00
Hello everyone. We welcome you and your whole family to enjoy the Tai Ji Men Energy Family.
For many years now, taxation human rights have been becoming more and more greatly valued by all countries. When May comes around and the people of Taiwan file their tax returns, we are particularly concerned about this issue.
Paying taxes affects everybody, and the inspection and levying process has been likened to “pulling out the hair” of the people. By which principles should we scrupulously abide? Has the inner nature of Taiwan’s tax personnel achieved the level of those in advanced countries? Have the people’s taxation human rights actually been guaranteed? If even the courts don’t emphasize facts and evidence, how can Taiwan be called a country governed by the rule of law?
Today we are continuing to concern ourselves with the topic with which we are all intimately connected: taxation human rights.
中華民國律師公會全國聯合會Taiwan Bar Association
人權保護委員會Human Rights Protection Committee
主任委員Chairman 蘇友辰Su Youzhen 分享人Sharer (蘇友辰先生)(Mr. Su Youzhen)(國語): TC=00:53
今天早上,我從我的事務所來的時候,各位知道嗎?我就接到一張財政部國稅局中正分處的一個裁罰稅單. This morning, as I left my office, do you know what happened? I received a penalty tax bill from the Zhong Zheng district National Tax Bureau under the Ministry of Finance.
Just because of the period in 2012 when I served as director-general of the Chinese Association of Human Rights, because our office was rented, maybe the previous accountant failed to report the tax deduction. We later discovered that our accountant had made good that failure, with the result that, so many years after the event, I unexpectedly receive this tax bill, so the accusation that we’ve just seen on the VCR…they later had to include a certain Mr. Su in their settling of accounts. Today, because I served as secretary-general of that association…they don’t penalize the association, but the secretary-general in person.
這個事情剛好在休息室的時候我提了出來,那我們陳清秀教授他就認為這種稅法是不合法理情的,他認為有需要再做修正,因為法人的違章漏稅,照道理應該罰止於法人的部分,而不應該對這個負責人來課罰. I just mentioned this matter in the lounge and Professor Chen Ching-hsiou stated his belief that this approach is unlawful. He believes it needs to be revised because, in the case of tax evasion by a legal person, reason tells us that it is the legal person itself that is ultimately accountable, not the person in charge.
In 2011, the Chinese Association of Human Rights took the view that taxation human rights were extremely important and established a committee to address reform of the tax system and tax law. This committee lasted until after I assumed the post of secretary-general. So, I had to take particular care. Our accounting objectives had to be clear, because, in my heart, I was thinking … because we support this tax case and have participated in so many symposia of this sort or other related activities, the NTB staring on blankly…when they can do it, they will do it.
So, I wish …especially towards the speakers from the previous session―I believe it was professors Chen Tze-lung and Chen Ching-hsiou―perhaps you need to be careful each year as you file your income tax. Otherwise, when might you receive a tax bill? That eternal tax bill that wraps itself around you and never lets go. These opening remarks of mine today…what I have just been talking about…happened just today.
我想未來可能我們要以這個稅單再繼續尋取有關的救濟,當然陳清秀已經講到了要我提一個立法的提案,就關於這一方面應該是處罰公司或是法人,而不應該只負責人,這一點我想他會擬定這個立法的全文,然後他說建議發動所有民間也好,學界也好,大家共同連署來發動立法院來提案. I think, in the future, perhaps, we will continue to seek relief from these tax bills. Of course, Chen Ching-hsiou has already mentioned that he wants me to put forward a legislative proposal. As far as this aspect is concerned, it should be a matter of penalizing company or the legal person, not the person in charge. On this point, I believe, he will draft the entire legislative text, and then, he says that he recommends that we mobilize the entire population as well as the academic world, everybody, to co-sign and mobilize the Legislative Yuan to submit the proposal.
我們律師在法庭上說有所謂辯論的三段論法:有證據,講證據;沒有證據,講法理;沒有法理,那就是人身攻擊. In the courts, our lawyers say that there is what is known in debating as “syllogism:” where there is evidence, talk about the evidence; where there is no evidence, talk about legal principle; where there is no legal principle, it’s a personal attack.
Of course I see that this syllogism method is not an example to be followed. If a tax organ or an administrative organ seeks to collect your unpaid tax or bring an unlawful judgement, what is the evidence on which it relies? If it’s based on the syllogism rule of evidence just mentioned by Professor Chen Tze-lung, I actually think, of course, it too relies on evidence, but what if there is evidence missing? They use what are known as “rules of administration,” “administrative decrees.”
What if there is no substance to the administrative decrees, the rules of administration? Then they probably draw inferences on the basis of logic, use logic instead, and then, if administrative discretion is exerted, then this tax bill, like the one in which Taijimen has been tangled up for more than 18 years and from which it has achieved no relief, is the original penalty. Although, by way of the appeal verdict, the re-verification verdict, and the second administrative lawsuit…the above appeal and reverification verdicts were revoked…but the original penalty still stands.
So… the original penalty in the form of this eternal tax bill, originally within our rules of evidence, is there somewhere we can make a breakthrough? So, we set this topic today…we are continuing to explore the nature and validity of administrative agreements. We are again focusing on so-called rules of evidence. In the administrative organ’s determination of penalties, what are the rules that can be followed? If there aren’t any, then a tax catastrophe truly will develop. From beginning to end, the rights of all of us have been violated, so we would very much like to take this opportunity to invite our scholars and experts to use this session to expound further, to give us a standard. Thank you.
2.遵守程序正義-黃俊杰 2. Abiding by procedural justice Huang Chun-chieh
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總統府人權諮詢委員會委員暨中正大學財經法律系特聘教授 Member, Human Rights Advisory Committee, Office of the President, and Distinguished Professor, Department of Finance and Law, National Chung Cheng University 黃俊杰 Huang Chun-chieh 分享人Sharer (黃俊杰先生Mr. Huang Chun-chieh)(國語): TC=00:00
我剛好在最近有出一本書,剛好這本書裡面有一個章節跟今天討論的議題接近,雖然是以太極門的事件做為主要的研究對象,但是它對一般的稅務的事件,特別是有涉及到刑事的這個審判的過程,大概也都是類似的這個問題. I recently published a book, in which there is a chapter whose theme is very similar to the one we are discussing today. Although its main research subject was Taijimen, as regards most tax matters, especially those that involve criminal trials, it’s generally problems of the same sort.
所以我想用一個實務上面經常碰到的問題,那我們看看目前有這樣的一個撤銷原來復查決定,那麼發回原處分機關重為審查,那當然原處分機關那應該如何進行後續的處理,那有很多的這個管道可以做一些思考. So I wish to use a problem that is often encountered in practice. We can see that a verdict of a reverification has been revoked, sent back for investigation by the agency that issued the original penalty. So, how should that agency follow up? On this issue, there are many channels on which we might reflect.
But there are some basic problems, namely the controversial contents of the interview records from the former criminal case. They have all been the subjects of judgements by the criminal courts. This evidence and the related contents…how should the NTB or the administrative relief agencies deal with it? I will divide this matter into various parts.
第一個部分呢就是刑事法院的判決對刑事事件的一個影響. The first part is the effect of the judgement of the criminal court on the criminal matter.
那我們過去的行政法院的判例它是有這樣講:刑事判決的認定的事實,原則上不能夠拘束行政法院,那行政法院它如果要認定事實適用法律,那麼它應該自己依照職權調查,那麼自為認定跟裁判. The administrative court’s judgement said this: the determination of facts in the criminal judgement may not in principle restrict the administrative court. If the administrative court wishes to determine the facts in order to apply the law, it should investigate in accordance with the principle of inquisition ; issue its own determinations and judgements.
In principle in the courts, there is no great problem with this view―judicial independence, judicial diversity or dualism.
The criminal court’s determination, on the premise of the presumption of innocence, is related to crime. Administrative courts administer in accordance with the law. The two focuses are different, but if one were to cite a similar fact, then, in relation to when different laws are being applied, can we take such content as the criminal law’s “not guilty” determination and hold, in administration, that it violates taxation legislation? If there were such a recommendation, such as in this case, what procedure should be put into effect to enable the tax bureau, on the one hand, to make it stand up, and, on the other hand, to enable the people to be convinced. Now, this has, necessarily, to go through the courts, and our administrative agencies, and accord with the Administrative Procedure Act, the Tax Collection Law and the Administrative Litigation Act. Each has its laws regulating their powers and responsibilities.
If all of these things are performed, then I believe there will probably be relatively little debate among the people or the taxpayers about a decision of this administrative agency, this high power , and that they will be relatively convinced. Why is it that a case of this sort can be so different from what we might imagine?
那麼我想在第二頁這邊我就特別談到就是說行政法院可以參照刑事法院所認定的事實,所以這個並不是完全排斥的,但是如果它發現刑事判決有錯誤,可以本於職權調查不受刑事判決的拘束,這句話也是對的.On page two, I talk in particular about how administrative courts can refer to determinations of fact made by criminal law, so this is not completely ruled out, but if it is found that there is an error in the criminal judgement, the court can, on the basis of the principle of inquisition, decline to accept the restraint therein. This phrase is also correct.
Why is it correct? You must first point out where the criminal court’s judgement is incorrect! You need to tell us…why you don’t, in accordance with the determination of facts in the criminal court’s judgement… so we must have this kind of understanding when we deal with cases closely connected to us . There is probably something of a basis for this in our hearts.
The Ministry of Finance has talked in these terms since 2004. It says that determinations of facts must rely on evidence and may not rely solely on the authorized investigatory agency. These cases sent by the Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice or the police stations of counties and cities, or other, similar transferred documents, indictments, and so on, are processed forthwith, arrears levied and penalties issued.
那我想這句話就講到我們的心坎裡面,所以說我們說實在也應該要給財政務部拍拍手對不對?可是拍不下來.如果今天拍得下手的話,我們大概應該也不會坐在這裡. Now, I believe this phrase is talking about the bottoms of our hearts, so, to be honest, we should applaud the Ministry of Finance, shouldn’t we? But we can’t applaud. If we could applaud today, we probably wouldn’t be sitting here.
如果刑事法院它所確定的事實是做為行政處分的構成要件,或者是前提要件的時候,那這個時候做為行政處分機關就必須要肯認刑事法院判決它所認定的事實確實是存在的. In practice, it can be said so eloquently, so why are there so many miscarriages of justice? From the perspective of consequentialism, perhaps these questions need to be discussed, so is it the whole process apart from which questions? If the facts confirmed by the criminal courts serve as the structural essentials of the administrative penalty, or the essentials of the premise, then the agency issuing the administrative penalty must be willing to admit the actual existence of the criminal court’s determination of facts.
So this is also to ask whether this case is both administrative and criminal. In the past, as regards this case, we still had no Administrative Penalty Law. After 2005, once the Administrative Penalty Law came into force, we, in accordance with the stipulation in article 26, gave priority to criminal matters and, if there was no criminal liability, did not go to trial, or the trial was delayed in some other way. The administrative law could follow up with a determination of penalty. I don’t think there’s a problem with that.
Of course, when criminal law has priority, a related decision has already been taken about the criminal matter, because our administrative courts, regardless of the content of the Administrative Procedure Act and the Administrative Litigation Act, still have regulations on the matter.
那我特別要談到的就是在第6頁這邊稅捐的核課,因為涉及到納稅者的相關基本權,所以這個基本權的干預,如果這種一個錯誤的一個決定,包括不應課稅而課稅,課稅超過應納稅額或者沒有就罰緩的部分依照比例原則做一個個案的認定,這個部分都是一個可能的一個侵害. What I particularly wish to discuss is the levying of tax contributions, here on page six, because it has a bearing on the basic rights of taxpayers. This intervention in basic rights…if this kind of flawed decision…including the levying of taxes when they should not be levied, the amount levied exceeding the amount due, or, as regards the aspect of delayed penalty, a case not having been determined in accordance with the principle of proportionality, all of these things could amount to an infringement.
所以大概我們最高行也這樣認為,除了對稅捐事實應該遵循的證明度,要接近於真實確信的程度,那麼對於稅捐的裁罰更是要求更加的嚴格,這樣的一個看法不管是實務界近來的一些看法,那麼在學術界大概也都是這樣一個看法.So, probably, our highest ranks also believe this. Apart from the level of proof with which there must be compliance about the facts of tax contributions, a level approaching actual certainty, even more stringency is required in the issuing of penalties in relation to tax payments. This view not only reflects views from the actual world, but also from the scholarly world.
因此刑事的證據在稅務事件裡面的這個部分,應該要由稅捐機關依職權調查之後,在本於行政程序跟行政訴訟的法律依法來做認定. For this reason, criminal proof in tax matters should be determined by the tax agencies following an investigation of authority, and in accordance with administrative procedure and administrative litigation legislation.
When the tax agencies conduct investigations of authority in accordance with the provisions in the Administrative Procedure Act and the Tax Collection Act―Article 36 of the Administrative Procedure Act and Article 11, Clause 5 of the Tax Collection Act ―you must note that first it is necessary to go through the first stage, namely the voluntary investigation of authority.
稅捐機關如果引用刑事證據,除了調查以外還要依照稅捐稽徵法11條之5,讓我們納稅者有說明的義務. If the tax authorities cite criminal evidence, apart from investigating, they also have a duty, under Article 11, Clause 5 of the Tax Collection Act to provide an explanation to us taxpayers.
Currently, the Tax Collection Act is a special law in relation to the Administrative Procedure Act. So the so-called “large quantity of similar penalties” under the Administrative Procedure Act, or this evidence of facts is already objectively clear, or because of the doctrine requiring an appeal to be lodged in advance… because of Article 11, Clause 5 of the Tax Collection Act, none of this should apply, which is also to say that it is still necessary to follow the principles of the procedural justice of the case. Only after providing an explanation to the taxpayer and his agent can one consider the evidence.
When the NTB cites evidence, whether it can make a different determination from that of the criminal court is in principle based on the principle of consistency of the law; first of all the judgement of the criminal court should be respected.
Secondly, if you make a different judgement, you need to look at the nature of the relationship between the criminal penalty and the criminal judgement. Next, and finally, regardless of whether it’s an administrative agency or a court, if it makes a different judgement, it has a duty to give a full account of its reasons. I think that the relevant judgements are all cited in here. Thank you, everyone!
3.執行證據法則 3. Enforcing rules of evidence
影部/字幕Film/Captions 聲部Voices
中興大學法律系National ChungHsing University, Department of Law,
教授Professor 李惠宗 Lee Hwaitzong 分享人Sharer (李惠宗先生Mr. Lee Hwaitzong)(國語): TC=00:00
As regards today’s theme, issues arising from the global human rights framework, I believe my report contains three focal points. .
第一個就是人權的這個保障,那麼不管是什麼人權,那我們有一個人權比較屬於特殊的是在我們司法院大法官的解釋裡頭,他把它稱之為叫做「制度性保障的基本權」.The first is human rights guarantees. We have a human right which is quite special and has been called “an institutionally guaranteed fundamental right” in interpretations by grand justices of the Judicial Yuan.
What are “institutionally guaranteed fundamental rights?” They are property rights, litigation rights. These rights have to be formed by the legislative system of the state. When these rights are being formed by that system, there has to be a guaranteed orientation serving as the key to the design of that system.
The question of the levying of taxes mostly involves litigation rights and property rights. These basic rights have been called “institutionally guaranteed fundamental rights” in interpretations by grand justices of the Judicial Yuan.
An extremely important purpose of institutionally guaranteed fundamental rights is that their content be guaranteed by the institutions and the procedures, because, without institutions or procedures they would be rapidly eroded.
What we call “institutions” must have distinct institutional forms. A guarantee of litigation rights, most importantly, must be an impartial third party in order to be capable of shouldering such a responsibility; this is why our system of judicial independence exists.
An important further aspect is procedure. An important aspect of procedure is rules of evidence. All rules of evidence have one thing in common. The question of rules of evidence exists in civil, administrative and criminal litigation, but to different degrees of stringency.
In principle, what criminal litigation is fastidious about is strict proof, what civil litigation is fastidious about is superior proof, and what administrative litigation is fastidious about is something precisely between the two: reinforced, superior proof.
In terms of this kind of concept, we need to discuss evidential effect. The question of evidential effect arises in the procedure of all lawsuits. It is a question of the lawfulness or otherwise of investigations.
I think that this kind of tax matter …there’s no problem in criminal litigation, but in administrative procedure there is this problem: has the evidence from the criminal investigation been contaminated? An inextricable question, because evidential effect either exists or does not exist, and, only after establishing whether it exists, can one consider whether it has probative value. Just now, Professor Huang discussed the question of probative value. This is an extremely basic rule.
I think that there have not been problems in this case as far as evidential effect is concerned. The important point is in the probative value of the evidence. The probative value of evidence is a question of quantity, a question of whether there is enough. How a fact is described as a structurally essential fact in terms of the Tax Collection Act requires evidence.
The biggest problem with this case lies in the prosecutor’s indictment: whether the stated information and facts possess probative value.
A basic principle concerns the facts stated by the prosecutor. Basically, there are none. Especially the prosecutor’s indictment. Because it is an element of criminal litigation procedure, and has been the subject of a confirmed “not guilty” verdict, the data it contains absolutely may not be adduced as evidence. There is fundamentally none. It’s a question of there being fundamentally none; not a piece of evidence from it can be treated as evidence in a separate administrative case, a taxation case.
So, no data recorded on this prosecutor’s indictment has the slightest probative value whatsoever, but, in practical terms, the NTB frequently does this, so this is how this case arose.
Determinations of fact must rely on evidence. Inappropriate reliance for evidence solely on the transfer of cases or documents by authorized investigatory agencies: Professor Huang has just discussed this. It is something which has no probative value. If the NTB adduces it as evidence, it will have no effect on procedure since it will not have been investigated by the NTB under its own authority.
So, if we look at this kind of case from an institutional and a procedural perspective, for Taijimen to have been wronged for over 18 years, I believe, is a case of a huge infringement of human rights.
In fact, a matter of this sort can enable us to reflect on where, institutionally, we are falling short. Our public officials, especially our tax officials… it is on their inner qualities that we must place the highest demands, they who should be most able to abide by the principles of countries governed by the rule of law, but, in fact, I’m afraid, in this area there is a lot of room for improvement.
The third problem I want to discuss is a constitutional problem of restrictions on leaving the country. Such restrictions are generally imposed once a person has left the country. This problem, which handicaps the sovereignty of the entire nation, is generally used in this way to restrict a citizen’s ability to leave or return to the country.
From a comparative legal perspective, Germany also adopts measures to restrict the rights of people in tax arrears to leave the country, but Germany also adds an important condition called 法官保留原則 , which means that a judge must rule on the determination of facts before restrictions on leaving the country can be imposed.
Now, our system, our current system, is based on Article 24 of the Tax Collection Act. The NTB need only send a document to a bureau of entry and exit and a person’s departure can immediately be prevented. To put it another way, we do not apply the principle of 法官保留 , and the matter does not require scrutiny by the courts. If there are not somewhat strict procedural protections against this kind of measure, which imposes high degrees of restriction against freedom of movement, then it is doubtful that human rights are being guaranteed.
That is all I have to say about the issues I wished to discuss. Thank you, everybody!
製作人 Made by 洪道子博士 Dr. Hong Tao-tze
諮詢專線Inquiries hotline
(02)2736-5188 主持人: Host TC=06:34
Citizens of the world in the twenty-first century bravely expose wrongdoing, and reject opaque conduct. The mighty clan courageously raises its voice to guide and awaken the people as regards proper human rights perspectives. We hope that citizens can awaken the forces of solidarity to lead society’s thinking and bring human rights guarantees into effect.
Through research and sharing, experts and scholars hope, all citizens can together be concerned about their own human rights, and thereby push all administrative departments of government to rely on good consciences, practice good governance and truly and fully discharge their duty to guarantee human rights and return to us a spotless, fair and just society governed by the rule of law.
Thank you for watching today. See you again soon.
Chinese to English: The Voice of Legislative Justice General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Law: Taxation & Customs
Translation - English 影部/字幕Film/Captions 聲部Voices
立法委員 Member of the Legislative Yuan陳亭妃
Chen Ting-fei
財政部部長 Minister of Finance 李述德 Lee Sush-der TC=00:00
太極門在民國55年到79年都沒有稅的問題,86年到現在也沒有稅的問題,為什麼獨獨針對80年到85年這6個年度要課稅? Between 1966 and 1990, Taijimen had no tax problems. Between 1997 and now, Taijimen has had no tax problems. Why was it that, in the six years between 1991 and 1996 only, Taijimen was subject to tax?
包括我們刑事法院的判決,最高行政法院的判決,還有監察院的認定,它就是贈與這樣一個方向來處理,來協助他們,因為你整個的核課真的是不公平,而且是沒有標準的. Our criminal court judgement, our highest administrative court’s judgement, and the Control Yuan’s determination all held that the transactions in question were gifts, in order to help them, because your whole levy verification process was unfair and without standards.
立法委員Member of the Legislative Yuan 呂學樟Lu Hsueh-chang
法務部部長 Minister of Justice 曾勇夫Tseng Yung-fu TC=00:30
91年監察院調查侯寬仁檢察官偵辦太極門的一個缺失,法務部呢卻置之不理,監察院是要求你們它一個憲政機關,它是要求你們去究責議處,沒有要求你法務部要去調查. In the 2002 Control Yuan investigation, prosecutor Hou Kuan-ren investigated and prosecuted Taijimen for a shortcoming. The Ministry of Justice ignored the matter. The Control Yuan required you, one of its constitutional organs, required you to study the liability in the matter and suggest sanctions. It did not require you, the Ministry of Justice, to investigate.
Prosecutor Hou Kuan-ren was informed in writing by the Control Yuan! It was to be dealt with severely! There were eight major charges!
The result was that you officials covered up for one another, protected each other, causing the current National Taxation Bureau (NTB) to have to seize assets, to seize people’s assets, through the Ministry of Justice’s Administrative Enforcement Agency. People are complaining about this even today. Following investigations by over 80 judges, Taijimen was victorious in each case, but today’s situation was caused by your prosecutor’s abuse of authority in bringing litigation.
立法委員 Member of the Legislative Yuan 邱毅 Chiu Yi TC=01:36
太極門的案子其實都非常清楚嘛!在91年監察院的調查報告出來之後,就希望法務部懲處了嘛!那法務部躲避責任推給台高檢(台灣高等法院檢察署Taiwan High Prosecutors Office),其實法務部能不能懲處?當然可以懲處啊!台高檢當時能不能做下一個懲處的決定?也可以呀!但是不做啊!官官相護.
The Taijimen case is actually extremely clear! In 2002, after the Control Yuan’s report was published, it was hoped that the Ministry of Justice would issue penalties. But the Ministry of Justice evaded responsibility and foisted the matter on Taiwan High Prosecutors Office. Could the Ministry of Justice actually have issued penalties? Of course it could! Could Taiwan High Prosecutors Office have made a decision on the issuance of penalties? Yes, again! But these things were not done. Officials covering up for one another.
立法委員 Member of the Legislative Yuan康世儒Kang-Shih-ju TC=01:57
就是假的嘛! The prosecutor sued recklessly and now the courts have ruled that no offences were committed. What does this verdict that no offences were committed mean? It means that, at the outset, all the tax data provided by all the prosecutors was fraudulent! False!
立法委員 Member of the Legislative Yuan楊瓊瓔Yang Cyong Ying
Minister of Finance 李述德 Lee Sush-der TC=02:15
The Taijimen case was not tenable. Deception is not tenable. Criminal deception is not tenable. In the administrative appeal, moreover, it was said: “In the event of a tax levy in criminal law, if the conditions established are insufficient in criminal law, we should levy tax in accordance with the law.”
So, to levy taxes in accordance with the law, when an administrative appeal is already underway, when the situation has already been stated so clearly in writing, in circumstances in which the composition of the criminal law is so inadequate, in accordance with which law are we going to act? We have not corrected or repealed anything. On which law are we going to rely? Ask for guidance about whether the deception is no longer recognized! On which law are we going to rely?
立法委員 Member of the Legislative Yuan 張清池 Zhang Qing-chi TC=02:54
人民有冤情的時候也應該政府替他們來決解,而不是讓他們到處去陳情,到處去申冤,這個對他們來講非常不公平,而且我在這個地方我要問一下:如果說他們經過行政法院,經過監查院,經過訴願會,那他們都勝,對他們都有利,都勝訴啦!我請問你:他們除了這三個單位以外,他們還要向誰申訴啊!還有哪一個管道可以?我請教你:我現在是說,我請教你說:他們還有什麼管道可以讓他們申訴? When citizens experience miscarriages of justice, it is the government that should resolve them; they should not have to give accounts of the matter and demand redress all over the place. That is extremely unfair to them, and, at this point, I would like to ask: if they have won their case in the administrative courts, the Control Yuan and administrative appeals commissions, that is to their advantage; they have won every time! I ask you: apart from these three organs, who else can they appeal to? What other channels are there? I’m asking you…I am now asking you: What other channels are there through which they can appeal?
December 21, 2000, Legislative Yuan public hearing
立法委員Member of the Legislative Yuan 丁守中Ting Shou-Chung TC=03:28
今天應該很清楚你可以看到我們王金平院長,他也曾經主持過協調會,我們立法院也有七,八十位委員(70 or 80 members),曾經大家一致的連署做成這個建議案,一個涉及到幾萬個家庭的,幾萬個這練功的這些師兄姊的權益的這個事情,就停擺在那邊牽延這麼多年,財產也被扣起來,在彌補財政稅收這樣子的一個前提條件之下,難道我們正當司法的程序,我們正當的這個法律的依據,就可以擺在一邊嗎?
Today it should be very clear. You can see our president of the Legislative Yuan, Wang Jin-pyng. He once chaired a coordination meeting. There were once also seventy or eighty members of the Legislative Yuan who co-signed this proposal, which affects several tens of thousands of households, the rights of several tens of thousands of these practicing masters and disciples …this matter, brought to a halt there and drawn out for so many years, with assets being confiscated, and these kinds of pre-conditions for payment of property tax arrears. Don’t tell me that our legitimate judicial procedures, the legitimate basis for our laws, can simply be brushed aside.
December 21, 2000 Legislative Yuan public hearing
立法委員 Member of the Legislative Yuan朱立倫 Eric Chu TC=04:06
Basically, today, in the Taijimen matter, where does justice stand? Where does the truth stand? It’s already very clear.
As regards venerating teachers, as regards what is tantamount to our, China’s, native traditional and virtuous culture, is it worth creating such costs in terms of both taxation and society for these reasons? I am adopting this kind of perspective merely to reflect. I believe that, in fact, we are engaged in something that is not of very great significance.
99.12.24立法院公聽會December 24, 2010 Legislative Yuan public hearing
立法委員 Member of the Legislative Yuan朱鳳芝Chu Feng-chi TC=04:42
It wasn’t until the Taijimen case that issues of injustices over taxation human rights came to prominence, so we must in fact thank Taijimen, because so many Taijimen followers believe that taxation human rights really were grossly abused by government.
立法委員 Member of the Legislative Yuan黃偉哲Huang Wei-cher TC=05:00
In the Legislative Yuan, especially in the Finance Committee, we hear a great many depositions from citizens, but we have never heard anything as absurd as what Taijimen experienced. What we cannot accept is that gifts from the poor, and their fair and lawful appeals―appeals approved by the courts― should be trampled underfoot.
Twu Shiing-jer TC=05:23
Taijimen has complied with the NTB’s demands. It has already presented 4,600 statements of evidence of gifts, 5,000 signed undertakings of gifts and 3,000 declarations of gifts. You not only don’t respect the courts but you don’t even respect the Control Yuan, and the Control Yuan has already investigated. The purpose of this levying of tax cannot be concealed, and yet it is found that you concealed evidence, forged documents, and cited obsolete precedents to deceive judges.
In May, 2000, the president of the Legislative Yuan, Wang Jin-pyng, held a negotiation in person and 82 legislators co-signed. On December 21, 2000, and June 17, 2010, two public hearings were convened, both of which called on the NTB to revoke its illegal tax-levying penalty. None of you took any notice.
So, what of your great importance? You ignore the courts. You ignore the Control Yuan. You even ignore the Legislative Yuan. Oh, yes! You really are the most important!
The brothers and sisters who are Taijimen followers…there are some other Ministry of Finance officials present. These matters, I feel, are extremely, extremely important, extremely grave. I have from every perspective…and there have been people, followers, who have come to find me…I know that these issues have cost the nation dearly. To put it crudely they have rocked the five chambers of government. You know? It has rocked the core of the nation.
Taipei City Councilor 徐佳青 Hsu Chia-ching TC=06:46
After so many years, justice has bestowed such a clear judgement as to say that this is income in the form of a gift. So, since this is a question of income in the form of a gift and tax has therefore not been levied, why is the NTB dithering and remaining reluctant to revoke its original penalty?
立法委員 Member of the Legislative Yuan羅淑蕾 Lo Shu-lei TC=07:02
The entire Taijimen case has lasted ten years and eight months. Prosecutor Ho Kuan-ren’s inappropriate lawsuit cost him an impeachment, on the part of the Control Yuan, but the highest inspection agency nevertheless said: This is annulled and not to be pursued, on the basis of statutes of limitations.
This Taijimen case…the judiciary has already returned a “not guilty” verdict, already delivered justice. Why should taxation still be such an impossibly difficult matter for people? Why should it be such a troublesome matter?
假如太極門的案子沒有解決的話,根本租稅就沒有人權了啦! If the Taijimen case had not been resolved, we would fundamentally have no taxation human rights.
立法委員Member of the Legislative Yuan 田秋堇Tien Chiu-chin TC=07:40
Our taxation human rights have almost vanished from the face of the earth. Nag persistently for a judicial solution. The Control Yuan, the highest administrative court, never has anything to deal with…no cases with any problems, but your tax bills are constantly being resurrected.
The NTB investigated the nature of gifts given in veneration of teachers by Taijimen followers, and this check-list letter was the result! It nevertheless still concealed the most important aspect, deliberately publishing dishonest investigation results, consciously breaking the law, failing in its duty, not respecting rights. If a civil organization of 10,000 people, more than 10,000 people, can be treated like this by you, how will the ordinary people be treated? This really is the invaluable question.
Even the most humble of people in Taiwan know that one may be punished once only for one crime. But I think that this Taijimen case is like the story in Greek mythology about pushing the rock. It’s extremely difficult to push it to the top of the hill. It falls down and you push it again. You push it to the top, but it rolls down again. Again, you push it to the top, but again it rolls down, and again you push it to the top. Again, you push it to the top, and again it rolls down. Again, you push it to the top, and again it rolls down, and you start again….
Heavens! Through the injustice suffered by everyone at Taijimen, let all the unfair and unjust aspects of Taiwan’s taxation human rights be exposed. When others among the common people experience such things, they may probably do nothing more than hide in a corner and silently weep. In rural communities in Taiwan, there is a saying: “Take yourself home and make a living out of horse manure.” But I know that Taijimen will not hide in a corner and silently weep. We will stand up and face the onslaught. We will fight to the end, until the day when there is fairness and justice.
Chinese to English: The Citizens of the World Bravely Make Themselves Heard General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Law: Taxation & Customs
Translation - English 1.世界公民勇敢發聲 1.The Citizens of the World Bravely Make Themselves Heard
影部/字幕Film/captions 聲部Voices
大片頭字幕: Opening title
神氣家族 The Mighty Clan
世界公民站出來 The Citizens of the World Stand Up
字幕: Caption
主持人 Host
談力瑜 Tan Liyu 主持人-女:Host―female:
親愛的觀眾朋友大家好,歡迎您闔家觀賞神氣家族. Hello everybody. We welcome you and all your family to enjoy the Mighty Clan.
一聽到「稅」這個字啊!很多人就頭大囉!人家說中華民國萬萬稅,但是一般大眾對於複雜難懂的稅制,卻是敬而遠之,避之唯恐不及,也因此當人民與稅務機關的認定有落差時,很多人就在不明白,不了解,不知道自己權益的狀態下,乾脆兩手一攤任由財稅機關為所欲為了. As soon as they hear the word “tax,” a lot of people get a headache! People say the Republic of China is riddled with taxes, but most people keep a respectful distance from the complex and confusing tax system, preferring not to think about it in case they are unable to pay their dues. With unclear opinions of the tax system, therefore, many people, adopting an attitude of incomprehension and not understanding their own rights, simply hold up their hands and allow the system to do as it pleases.
只有當我們自己願意傾聽,願意學習,懂得捍衛自己的權益,台灣才有真正公平正義的賦稅人權,讓我們一起來聽聽專家學者的分享. Only when we wish to listen, to learn, to understand how to defend our own rights, do we in Taiwan enjoy true, impartial justice. Let’s listen to the advice of experts and scholars. .
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現場主持人 On-site host
高鼎懿Gao Dingyi
現場主持人-男:On-site host―Male
各位貴賓,各位好朋友,大家好!非常歡迎大家蒞臨現場. Hello everybody, and a very warm welcome to everyone who is here in person!
今天是世界公民日公,公民覺醒的力量能夠促進人權保障的落實,很高興今天有這麼多法律與財稅的專家能夠齊聚一堂,一起來關心重要的人權議題. Today is World Citizenship Day. The power of citizens awakening can advance the cause of the implementation of human rights protections. We’re delighted today to have so many experts in law, finance and taxation join us to discuss important issues about rights. 聯合國NGO世界公民總會有感於世界公民的重要性,在各國際成員的共識下,每年的4月1日都會舉辦不同的活動和會議,讓世界公民參與各項議題,提供給各國政府參酌. The United Nations NGO, the Association of World Citizens, prompted by the importance of world citizenship, on the basis of a consensus between all of its international members, and for the purpose of consideration by all governments of the world, holds different activities and meetings each year on April 1, to enable world citizens to take part in discussions about all issues. .
今天AWC(世界公民總會)與台大財稅法學研究中心,臺灣財經刑法研究學會,台大歐盟法研究中心,中正大學財經法律研究中心,中國租稅研究中心共同舉辦,以及台灣本土法學雜誌社協辦了這場論壇,聚焦在證據法則於行政,於審判實務上的落實,我們要從司法的公正與獨立性來切入,敦促我國的司法人權向前邁進. Today, the AWC has organized this forum with the Research Center for Taxation and Public Finance Law at National Taiwan University, Taiwan Criminal Law Association for Financial Study, the European Union Law Research Center at National Taiwan University, the Financial Law Research Center at National Chung Cheng University, China Tax Research Center , and co-organizer, Taiwan Law Journal. Focusing on laws of evidence in administration and in the actual conduct of trials, we will concern ourselves with the equitability and independence of the administration of justice, in order to hasten the nation’s progress towards judicial human rights. .
在論壇開始之前先為大家帶來一段開幕影片,請大家用心觀看Before the forum begins, we have an opening movie which we would invite everyone to watch.
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人權論壇 2015 World Citizenship Day Human Rights Forum
世界人權宣言第1條開宗明義說:人人生而自由,在尊嚴和權利上一律平等. Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”
聯合國NGO世界公民總會(AWC)倡導世界和平,在4月1日世界公民日的這一天,讓我們從人權的角度探討攸關人民財產的賦稅人權. The UN NGO, AWC, advocates world peace. On this day, April 1, World Citizenship Day, let’s investigate human rights as they relate to taxation, a matter of great concern as regards people’s property.
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暨首席大法官 蓋塔納
Head of the judiciary and of the highest court of Malta 採訪Interview 1(Mr. 蓋塔納 先生)(英文) (English):
Now, all the country members of the of the Council of Europe have signed the European Convention on Human Rights, which means every individual can apply directly to the court, in Strasbourg, to obtain redress for the violation of his fundamental human rights committed by the state, you see? So any Turkish person, any person from the Russian Federation, any Maltese, Spaniard, French, Italian, whatever, if he feels that he has exhausted the domestic remedies in his country, he can file directly an application, to the European Court of Human Rights.
(原文) 需英聽
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塞席爾群島 The Seychelles
建國總統Founding President 孟肯Sir James Mancham 採訪Interview 2(孟肯先生)(英文): (Mr. Mancham) (English):
Well, in order to be a good judge, first you must be yourself a man of high morality, a man of principles, a man who is not easily influenced, and who is able to interpret according to the circumstances of a case, but also consistent with a conscience.
(原文) 需英聽
台灣稅災氾濫的程度相當令人震驚,廣大人民的心聲字字血淚,政府聽到了嗎? The extent of Taiwan’s egregious tax catastrophe is so shocking that the voices of many of the population are expressed in tears of blood. Has the government heard? .
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張柯阿嬤 Zhang Ke A-ma
人死了Daughter committed suicide after tax bill extortion
Elderly a-ma forced to continue paying NT$200,000+plus tax bill, even if she lives for ever
(張柯阿嬤)( Zhang Ke A-ma )(台語):
I no longer have a life. I still have to pay tax. I still have to pay more than NT$200,000. I, of all people, am suffering for my own daughter’s life. I can’t talk about justice. Nobody can tell me how to even talk about my predicament.
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王先生 Mr. Wang
Reported for evading NT$163,000 in taxes
National Taxation Bureau (NTB) issues bill without investigation
Non-payment results in confiscation of real estate
Declared innocent after later investigation
NTB still refuses to repay
(Mr. Wang)
When my tax payments were later investigated, the NTB confiscated my real estate, forcing me, for my very existence, to borrow money from the private sector. I now declare most cautiously that I require the chief of the NTB to return my unjustly seized sum of over NT$1 million immediately―within one week. I also demand that within one month I be compensated for my losses. These are matters I wish to expose about NTB officials breaking the law and failing in their duties by bullying the people.
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書店老闆 Bookstore owner
NTB issues fine of NT$1 million on pretext of disparity between store sign and registered company name
Ignores evidence
Closes store and stops work for two years after “punishment” turns business bad
Bookstore owner
I do it very clearly every year. They couldn’t find evidence, so they billed me. That’s the way it is. “Your store sign and your registered company name are different.” Every year I go there and pay my taxes. I ask them and things are still unclear. “We don’t understand this explanation of yours.” Then, they ignore the many items of proof that I give them. “Sort it out for yourself.” I couldn’t stand it. So I shut down, and for the two years I was shut down, I didn’t work.
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會計小姐 Female accountant
On NTB’s levy of fine five years earlier for transactions “in false registered company name” despite company records confirming transactions
Still forced to sign an undertaking
Owner forced to stop doing business after being wrongly punished.
Female accountant
Only five years later was I told that this was a false company name. So, originally, why did you, the NTB, send certification to this company? Why did you, the NTB, also sell invoices to the company? We are all victims. Why do you say that in our transactions with the company, we used a false registered company name? That necessitated penalties in relation to the taxes of our executives. We felt that that was very unfair.
Later, our boss paid his taxes, but the company was finished, because he felt that it was too difficult to do business in this way, in a taxation nightmare.
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立法委員Legislator 田秋堇 Tien Chiu-chin (田秋堇小姐)(國語): Ms. Tien Chiu-chin
Ms. Tien Chiu-chin
Tax bills for all eternity, without end. Regardless of whether they win their financial appeal, there’s no point.
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Victims of the tax catastrophe (先生)(國語):
Even lawyers who specialize in administrative lawsuits cannot win in our administrative courts .
Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Taijimen and honorary vice president of the UN NGO, AWC, says, “The rule of law is an extrinsic standard. A conscience is an innate ruler and compass
公民覺醒的力量不斷發聲,不斷呼籲,稅捐機關應本於誠信及行政自我拘束原則,依法撤銷原處分,終結稅務冤案. The awakened power of citizens calls out constantly, appeals relentlessly. The taxation system should be rooted in principles of sincerity and administrative self-restraint, handled in accordance with the law and the principle of revocation, so that tax-related miscarriages of justice are ended.
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現場主持人 On-site host
高鼎懿Gao Dingyi
現場主持人-男: On-site host―male
首先我們請聯合國NGO世界公民總會主席Dr. Rene Waldow為今天的大會捎來鼓勵與祝福,其中文翻譯如下:
First of all, we invited Dr. Rene Waldow, chairman of the AWC, to offer some encouragement and blessings to this meeting. Here is what he had to say:
Never before have the citizens of the world been called upon as they are now being called upon, to come together and form a single world citizenry. We citizens of the world know that we live amid giant, borderless change. Today, in this special moment, there is a need for a special creativity to generate good perspectives, systems and policies to meet the needs of our times. Today, as we celebrate World Citizenship Day, you have taken action and realized long-term considerations in order to assist each other and collaborate to save the world from war. .
2.世界公民為正義奮鬥 2. The Citizens of the World Fight for Justice
影部/字幕Film/Captions 聲部Voices
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現場主持人 On-site host
高鼎懿 Gao Dingyi 現場主持人-男: On-site host―male
接著我們邀請世界公民總會台灣總會長洪道子博士致歡迎詞,由林克文先生代為宣讀. Next, we will invite the Taiwan president of the AWC, Dr. Hong Tao-tze, to offer some words of welcome, to be read by AWC representative, Mr. Lin Ke-wen
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Honorary vice president and counsellor of the AWC and president of the Taiwan branch
台灣總會長 洪道子博士Dr. Hong Tao-Tze,
AWC代表 林克文恭讀
Read by AWC representative Lin Ke-wen 歡迎詞: Words of welcome:
各界貴賓,各位發表人以及所有與會的好朋友們,大家好. (現場回應:好.)
今天大家共同來參與「2015世界公民日人權論壇」,以民間組織的立場發揮世界公民觀察人權與監督政府的角色,這是慶祝「世界公民日」最有意義的做法. Esteemed guests, speakers, and all participants at this meeting, hello to you all. (On-site response: Hello.) Today we are all taking part in the World Citizenship Day Human Rights Forum , performing the roles of observing human rights and overseeing government in our capacity as a non-governmental organization. This is the most significant way in which to celebrate World Citizenship Day.
Although we are all naturally blessed with human rights, those rights still require us, the people, to fight hard for them, especially when public power expands excessively, to the extent that there is an imbalance. The victims are always people with no rights and no power: innocent, ordinary people.
世界公民的權利與責任,即在引導並喚醒大眾正確的人權觀,並勇敢發聲期以風起雲湧的公民力量,主導社會的思維,落實人權的保障. World Citizenship rights and responsibilities are guiding and awakening in people proper concepts of human rights, and, in turbulent times, when they bravely make their voices heard, the power of citizenship guides society’s thinking, and human rights guarantees are implemented.
Human rights are an indicator of democratic government. The basis of administration should be to serve the people, to benefit the people’s livelihood. Let the expert statements made by all speakers, in order to pay witness to the judicial and taxation human rights that most affect world citizens, rouse even the apathetic amid the government and the people and shake people from their complacency.
我們在這裡共同關注人權發展,期使政府官員恪守程序正義,遵循證據法則,落實保障人權,創造人民的福祉. Together, here, we are concerned about the development of human rights. We hope to cause government officials to abide scrupulously by procedural justice, to comply with rules of evidence, implement human rights guarantees, and bring about well-being for the people.
聯合國NGO世界公民總會台灣總會長洪道子博士. 2015年4月1日
謝謝大家. Thank you all for your enthusiastic participation. May your meeting achieve complete success. May you all enjoy physical and psychological health, peace and joy. Honorary vice president and counsellor of the AWC and president of the Taiwan branch , Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, April 1, 2015. Thank you, everybody.
前司法院大法官Former grand justice and vice president of the Judicial Yuan
暨副院長 城仲模 Cheng Chung-mo 主講人(城仲模先生)(國語):Speaker (Mr. Cheng Chung-mo)
今天是2015年世界公民日人權論壇,正好是4月1日我們在這裡要舉辦的主體的論題是-探討證據法則的理論與實務.副題-是證據法則在行政及審判法裡頭的運用 Today, we are all taking part in the World Citizenship Day Human Rights Forum. Right now, on April 1, the main topic we are hosting is an exploration of the theory and practice of rules of evidence, while the secondary topic is the utilization of rules of evidence in administration and in trial law. .
我想我們今天在這裡要討論的問題是相當的嚴肅.我們大家都知道,當歐洲大陸的航海家,一個又一個載著他們的居民到美洲的時候,有一股是往南美走,有一股是往北美走,往北美走的大概都是清教徒,而往中南美走的大概是天主教徒. I believe that the problems that we are going to discuss today are rather grave. We all know that when the seafaring nations of Europe took their residents one after the other to the Americas, one portion went to South America while the other portion went to North America. Those who went to North America were mostly Puritans. Those who went to South America were mostly Roman Catholics.
天主教徒他相信人性本善,而北美他們認為人性是本惡的,因此在國家制度的發展上呢北美這個地方,他們對事前的程序,證據的法則非常的清楚,非常的苛薄,可是先兵後禮,就這樣的發展600年之後的今天,我們看到了實際上的結果. The Roman Catholics believed that human nature was good, while those bound for North America believed that human nature was bad. For this reason, as far as the development of the international system is concerned, North Americans were extremely clear and extremely exacting about procedures before events and about rules of evidence, but the chickens came home to roost; things developed on this basis for the last 600 years, and we can now see the actual results.
北美這個地方是進步的,非常的進步,因為他們有事先的程序非常好的規劃,尤其是二戰以後它很快的就制定了APA, Administrative Procedure Act行政程序法,這是世界第一部行政程序上應該注意的事情,全部寫在這個重要的法律裡頭. North America is an advanced place, extremely advanced, because they have excellent plans for pre-event procedures. In particular, after the Second World War, they quickly drew up the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). This is the first thing to note about the world’s first administrative procedures; they were all written down in this single law. 其他證據法則雖然歐洲大陸它累積了很多經驗,可是美國的證據法則非常的出名,證據法則不是只有科學上的印證,而且還用很多很多無數的判例解釋,或者是經驗的法則來彌補,可能經驗法則裡頭還不大夠或不盡人情的地方,這是美國進步的源泉. As regards other rules of evidence, although Europe has accumulated a great deal of experience, the US rules of evidence are extremely well known. Rules of evidence not only involve scientific corroboration, but also use countless explanations of cases, or complement empirical rules, perhaps where empirical rules are insufficient or not suited to the human situation. This is the well-spring of America’s progress. .
我們國家在過去的相當一段時間,對這一方面也有很多的努力,當然包括刑事訴訟,刑事的法則裡頭,證據法則是很重要很重要的一部份,可是因為我們長期的文化的關係,對這一些甚至執法的人,包括行政方面的執行者,有時候對這些也不是很重視或者是甚至輕忽,甚至呢沒有基本的常識都有發生過. For a considerable period of time, Taiwan has worked very hard in this area. Of course rules of evidence are an extremely important element in criminal lawsuits and criminal rules, but, because of our long-term culture, even those engaged in law enforcement, including those responsible for implementing administrative measures, don’t always attach great value to these matters and sometimes casually neglect them, even without regard for basic common sense.
我個人研究行政法,我們在行政程序法裡頭,從39條以下,人證,物證,資料的收集一切,包括43條行政程序法都把證據法則寫在裡頭,希望能夠讓我們的國家在行政的過程裡頭,也能夠非常的遵守「證據」這個科學上的要求,你沒有證據的話就沒有事實的呈現,事實的呈現不正確的話,所做的後面的一大堆的東西統統都是錯誤的. I have researched administrative law. In Taiwan’s Administrative Procedure Act, from Article 39, rules of evidence are written into everything: witness testimony, material evidence, and all aspects of the gathering of evidence, including Article 43, in the hope that our nation can, in administrative procedures, abide with the utmost strictness by the scientific need for “evidence.” If you do not have evidence, you do not have a demonstration of facts. If you present the facts inaccurately, everything which follows will be flawed.
所以我們今天在這裡希望能夠藉由這樣一個嚴肅的研討,能夠把很多很多的政府機關到現在為止,對於證據所忽略甚至無知的狀態,能夠把它從實際上的案例裡頭,從行政或審判的案例裡頭把它抽出來,讓各位能夠一起來分享我們現在所處的社會是在這樣的一個情況. So, we hope, today, through this kind of serious discussion, to be able to extract from actual cases, from administrative or judicial cases, evidence that to date has been ignored or remains unknown by many, many government agencies, so that we can all share the situation in which our society finds itself.
依據國法我們賦稅沒有人會逃避,因為這也是憲政體制之下的人民應負的責任,但是過苛無理甚至呢完全不理睬事實的過程,一味的用他們自己執法人的主觀意願的來處理事情,甚至上面強壓下來要求今年一定要達到某一種程度,這樣的話我相信苛政或者是這個政府被詬病,被批判這是當然的,人民納稅的人有權力站出來為正義而奮鬥的. Under our national law, no one is exempt from taxation, because our constitutional system requires the people to shoulder that responsibility, but procedures that are excessively severe and irrational and even take no account of facts, in which things are invariably handled in accordance with the subjective wishes of the government’s own law enforcement officials, even with strong pressure from above for a certain standard to be achieved for the year in question…. I believe a stern government ….or such a government would be denounced, criticized. This is certain. Taxpayers have the right to stand up and fight for justice. .
Here, today, I express my deepest gratitude. Thank you, everybody. Thank you.
3.世界公民仗義執言 3. The Citizens of the World Speak Out for Justice
影部/字幕 Film/Captions 聲部 Voices
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現場主持人 高鼎懿 On-site host Gao Dingyi 現場主持人-男: On-site host―Male
緊接著我們就馬上開始今天的第一場論壇. Next, today’s forum starts right away.
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前司法院大法官Former grand justice and vice president of the Judicial Yuan
暨副院長 城仲模 Cheng Chung-mo 主講人(城仲模先生)(國語): Speaker (Mr. Cheng Chung-mo)
我先跟各位報告今天的主辦單位,包括台大財稅法學研究中心,包括臺灣財經刑法研究學會,台大歐盟法研究中心,中正大學財經法律研究中心,中國租稅研究中心,以及聯合國NGO世界公民總會台灣總會,這是主辦單位,協辦單位是台灣本土法學雜誌社,葛教授他是很資深的台大的法學教授,尤其是財稅法方面非常的資深. Let me just tell everyone who the organizers of today’s event are. They include the Research Center for Taxation and Public Finance Law at National Taiwan University, Taiwan Criminal Law Association for Financial Study, the European Union Law Research Center at National Taiwan University, the Financial Law Research Center at National Chung Cheng University, China Tax Research Center, and the Association of World Citizens. Taiwan Law Journal is a co-organizer.
台灣大學 National Taiwan University
財稅法學研究中心Director of the Research Center for Taxation and Public Finance Law and Professor in the College of Law主任
暨法律學院教授 葛克昌 Ge Ke Chang 主講人(葛克昌先生)(國語): Speaker (Mr. Ge Ke Chang)
我們講這個賦稅人權,大法官是憲法的守護者,也是人權的守護者,但是我覺得大法官對賦稅人權,對稅法似乎著墨不多,我舉一個例子. These taxation rights, which we are discussing… grand justices are their constitutional protectors, but I believe that, as far as taxation human rights are concerned, grand justices are paper tigers. I’ll give you an example.
有一個律師他就跟我說:我只要能夠辦一個案子,能夠申請大法官做違憲宣告,那我這一輩子追求的目標就達到了,那就可以退休了. There is a lawyer who said to me, “I need only handle one case: to apply for a grand justice to make a declaration of unconstitutionality. Then my goal of a lifetime will have been achieved and I will be able to resign.”
有一次他忽然很高興打電話給我,跟我說什麼呢?有一個案子被宣告違憲,我可以退休了. Once, he suddenly and joyfully telephoned me, and what did he say? “I have a case which has been declared unconstitutional. I can resign.”
那我就問他一下:你到底怎麼被宣佈違憲?他講完我說:你可能奮鬥的日子還有一段時間.因為他被宣告限時違憲,一年以後才失效. So I asked him, “In the final analysis, how have you been declared unconstitutional?” When he’d finished speaking, I said, “Your days of struggle may not be over,” because his case had been declared temporarily unconstitutional ; the declaration became invalid a year later.
我說你可以申請再審,通常法院也會受理你的再審,根據以前的大概來說,它(法院)會很快的受理,然後很快的就說:很抱歉!你這個法律一年後才失效,現在還有效.再審駁回.這個我們一般稱為說:申請有理,救濟無門.最後的結果一場空. I said, “You can apply for a retrial and usually the court will grant you one … generally, as before… happily grant you one. Then, very quickly, it will say, ‘Very sorry! This law of yours will become invalid in one year, though it is currently still valid.’ We generally say about this, ‘It makes sense to apply, but you’ll get no relief.’ Ultimately it is futile.”
好不容易最近(釋字)725號做出一個解釋,解釋說遇到這種情形,不可以這個受理以後以這個法律還沒有失效,將他的再審駁回,要等到什麼時候呢?要等到新的法律制定以後,你才能根據新的法律做再審的審判. Extraordinarily, recently, (釋字) no.725 gave an explanation, saying that, when meeting with such circumstances, one cannot, after a case has been granted a hearing, reject a hearing because the law has not yet become invalid, so until when does one have to wait? One has to wait until a new law has been formulated before retrying a case in accordance with the new law.
因為限時審判大部分都稅法的案件,那稅法案件90%以上都是什麼?宣告違反租稅法律主義,結果怎麼樣?叫法律一年或兩年修改,修改了變成什麼呢?等法律一明白規定,那不僅救濟無門,從此斷了救濟之門.是吧!以後的話就更糟糕了! Since temporary trials are mostly taxation cases, what are more than 90 percent of taxation cases? What is the result of a declaration of violation of tax law-ism ? If we call for the law to be changed every year or two, what does the law become once it has been changed? If we wait for the law to be clear about its regulations, not only will we get no relief, but, henceforth, the very door to relief will be closed! Yes! Afterwards, everything will be even worse.
我們有一些司法院的解釋,前面說它違憲但是到了那個解釋理由書最後說:你如果認為有法律,有規定的必要,你應該修改法律.而且稅法很多的案件是什麼呢?很多的案件因為說它違反租稅法律主義,也就法律沒有規定,它都是解釋令函違反憲法. We have some Judicial Yuan explanations which, at the beginning, claim unconstitutionality, but―once they get to the reasons for the explanation―say: if you believe that there is a need for law and regulations, you should change the law. What are many cases of tax law, moreover? Many cases, because they violate tax law-ism, and the laws have no provisions, are, in writing, declared unconstitutional.
法官依照法律獨立審判,這個法律當然不包括解釋令函,法規命令,他本來就可以適用經你宣告違憲以後,反而這些解釋令函在失效以前,變成強迫你要適用,很不合理的事情.是吧! Judges conduct trials independently, in accordance with the law. This law, of course, does not include explanations of written, statutory orders. It can be applied after you have been declared unconstitutional―before these explanatory documents become invalid― forcing you to bow to it. It’s very unreasonable. Yes, it is!
解釋令函司法機關你宣告它違憲就可以了,怎麼還可以替它想那麼多,變成自己是一個行政機關,說他還給它一年,半年的時間才失效,解釋令函違憲就是違憲,本來就應該不用,所以最重要的事情就是說我們不只是大法官,其實一般的法官,稅法案件就是憲法案件,它就要做違憲審查. In an explanatory document about judicial organizations, it’s enough to declare a violation of constitutionality. How can one think so much on its behalf, as though one is oneself an administrative department ? Let’s say one gives it yet another year. Within half a year, it becomes invalid. If the explanatory document is unconstitutional, it is unconstitutional; it should never have been used in the first place. So the most important thing is that we are not only grand justices; in fact, to most judges, a taxation case is a case of a constitutional violation and that violation needs to be investigated.
違反憲法哪些的地方,比方說:薪資所得,通常最違反的就是職業的自由,資本利得會違反財產權,協力義務會違反資訊自主權,限制出境會違反旅行權等等.應該明白地把它指出來,它違反什麼樣的憲法,這是給人民最大的教育,也是做一個根本的解決,如果不這樣做,我們賦稅人權就沒有改善的一天.謝謝! Which parts of the constitution are violated? For example, as regards income from salary, it is freedom of career that is most violated. Capital gains violate property rights, collective responsibilities violate personal autonomy in relation to information, restrictions against leaving the country violate freedom to travel, and so on. These should be clearly pointed out; the precise violations. This is the greatest education to give to the people, and it amounts to a fundamental solution. If we don’t do this, our taxation human rights will never be improved. Thank you!
製作人 Made by 洪道子博士 Dr. Hong Tao-tze
諮詢專線Inquiries hotline
(02)2736-5188 主持人: Host
我們都不喜歡被佔便宜,萬一佔我們便宜的竟然是政府機關,是所謂的人權力呢? None of us likes to have others take advantage of us. If it’s a government department that takes advantage of us, is that what we call “people power ?”
人權雖然是天賦的但放眼國際現況,各國人民還是得要努力爭取自己的人權,台灣稅災氾濫的程度幾乎是比天災還要嚴重,太多稅災戶是因為對稅法的無知,無力抵抗知法玩法的公權力而淪為沉默的羔羊,知識就是力量,讓我們一起促進稅制改革,讓國家更進步. Although we are all naturally blessed with human rights, if we survey the international situation, we see that the citizens of all countries still have to fight for their human rights. The full extent of Taiwan’s egregious tax catastrophe gets worse by the day. Too many of its victims sink like silent sheep because they know nothing about tax law and are unable to resist public power, which knows the law and plays the law. Knowledge is power. Let us advance tax reform and, in so doing, advance the nation.
感謝您今天的收看,我們再會.Thank you for watching today. See you again soon.
Chinese to English: GMP Drugs Certification and Supervision Checklist General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Translation - English GMP Drugs Certification and Supervision Checklist
Acceptance no: 20140105
Company name: REMOVED Scope of certification: Active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) (doxycycline hydrochloride)
Certification period: December 25-27, 2014 Inspection period: 12 January, 2015
Clause State of Revision
27 1. The company has revised and improved SOP21006, Complete Operating Regulations for Purified Water Systems, requiring staff performing water production duties to record specific instructive values as the results of process-monitoring tests of electrical conductivity rates, and to conduct training to enable such staff to understand these regulations. The document demands the strict implementation of the regulations and that evaluation and appraisal be conducted of the outcomes of the training.
2. Revised and improved LGZ1250 Centrifuge (Pouch) Cleaning Process, conducted a further training of centrifuge staff in these regulations, and demanded their strict implementation and that evaluation and appraisal be conducted of the outcomes of the training.
31 1. The company has conducted an inspection of the health records of staff engaged in API production testing and performed visual acuity and color vision inspections of such staff who had not undergone such inspections.
2. Visual acuity and color vision inspections have been added to the annual health check program.
50 1. During on-site inspection, the company has performed a refit of this connecting channel. Rapid connections have additionally been installed in general areas and cleaning areas, guaranteeing disassembly during cleaning.
2. SOPs have been formulated for dismantling cleaning channels and assessment has been conducted of cleaning outcomes.
3. Training of relevant staff has been conducted, to ensure that they conduct cleaning in accordance with the regulations.
84 1. The company has strengthened staff education concerning sense of responsibility, requiring cleaning staff to clean equipment in accordance with the regulations.
2. The company has strengthened inspection rigor, requiring that state of cleanliness indicators be issued only after cleaning has been performed and inspection standards met.
3. During on-site inspection, centrifuge M133F, in the centrifuge draining area, has been cleaned and registered as holding a state of cleanliness indicator.
87 1. The regulations on equipment serial numbers have been improved. Serial number management has been performed in relation to high-efficiency air vents and filters.
2. Recognition of the importance of signs has been strengthened among production staff and staff operating air-conditioning, and sign management training has been conducted.
3. During on-site inspections, the company has performed serial numbering of air-vents and filters.
93 1. During on-site inspections, the company has posted the appropriate certificates of compliance on the HF metering system(s) and acid ethanol metering system(s). The certificate of compliance for the HF system(s) is valid until April 8, 2015, while that for the acid ethanol system(s) is valid until December 28, 2015.
2. The company has conducted a further inspection of all metering systems and implements. The problem of preventing non-posting of inspection compliance certificates persists.
3. The company has strengthened managers’ education concerning sense of responsibility and demanded that management of metering systems and implements be conducted in accordance with regulations.
155 1. Maintenance regulations for the LGZ 1250 centrifuge have been improved, explicitly setting out the requirements for the opening and closing of the tube valves. The relevant staff have been trained, and evaluation and assessment of the outcomes of training have been performed.
Regulations concerning management of requests for inspection of samples of finished products have been improved. The relevant staff have received training concerning retained sample numbers for finished products explicitly listed in the regulations, and evaluation and assessment of the outcomes of training have been performed.
148 1. During the course of inspection for certification, the company’s centrifuges M2205C, M2205D, M2205E, M2205F, M2205G, and M2205H for transubstantiation to salt have been designed, installed, and undergone validation. Because they have not yet been used, however, performance has not yet been confirmed. The company has formulated a confirmation program. The plan is to conduct performance validation of the above six centrifuges during mass production. Company regulations stipulate that, until performance has been confirmed, the scope of centrifuge duties and utilization be restricted to the four centrifuges which have already been validated: the M2205 A, M2205B, M2205 I and M2205 J.
2. Further collection of data has been undertaken in relation to replacement and modification of the thermometer for the cauldron for performing hydrogenation and transubstantiation into salt, and a comprehensive evaluation performed.
Opinion of the Inspector
Following on-site inspection, the investigating office certifies that the eight general deficiencies discovered during on-site inspection of the company’s API (doxycycline hydrochloride)―performed for GMP certification purposes by the certification inspection team of the examination and assessment center―have been fully rectified.
Signature of inspector:
January 12, 2015
Opinion of the Food and Drug Administration
January 12, 2015
Chinese to English: Preface by Vice Premier Simon Chang General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Chinese 行政院 張善政副院長 序文
“Connecting, Syndicating and collaborating with Taiwan”
近年來,列入台灣政府經濟發展重點的生技醫藥產業已有長足進展,過去行政體系衛福部、經濟部及結合民間產業推動組織生策會等,從發展環境、法規制度和產業資源等不同面向陸續推進許多關鍵政策,給予產業極大的支持,造就目前的活絡景象,像2014 年Scientific American Worldview-A Global biotechnology perspective的Report中,台灣生技產業全球ranking 第17名、亞洲第三,其中在Public company market cap,台灣排名更為全球第3,顯示產業發展已有相當好的基礎。此外,在研發能量上,台灣亦有許多國際頂尖的科學家和原創性的技術,政府也正在積極鼓勵創新創業、除了政府國發基金外、民間也有規模資金一起投入,我們認為這是將來台灣生技產業成長的重要活水!此外,法規制度面上多年來我們也已經完備與國際標準接軌。
Translation - English Preface by Vice Premier Simon Chang
“Connecting, Syndicating and Collaborating with Taiwan”
Taiwan has played a rather crucial role over a long period in the global IT industry chain. In the area of international collaboration, the nation boasts abundant experience and a fine reputation, including universal recognition as an excellent international collaborative partner. In the next step, I believe, the R&D strengths, manufacturing standards and quality capabilities, etc., that we have established during the last ten or so years, will also enjoy opportunities to play important roles in the international biotechnology field.
In recent years, the biotechnology industry, included among the Taiwan government’s key areas for economic development, has advanced considerably. The Ministry of Health and Welfare under the former administrative system, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and such private sector industry promotional organizations as the Institute for Biotechnology and Medicine Industry,
have continually promoted many crucial policies as regards such aspects as development environment, regulatory system and industry resources, giving the industry immense support, and creating the current vibrant situation. In the 2014 Scientific American Worldview report, A Global Biotechnology Perspective, for example, Taiwan’s biotechnology industry was ranked 17th in the world and third in Asia, while, in terms of public company market cap, it was ranked third in the world, illustrating that development has occurred on a pretty sound footing.
In addition, as regards R&D capability, Taiwan already has many first-class international scientists and original technologies, and its government is vigorously encouraging innovative industries. Apart from the government’s National Development Fund, the private sector has also invested on a large scale. We believe that this is crucial sustenance for future growth in Taiwan’s biotechnology sector! Also, as regards our regulatory system, we have over many years achieved full convergence with international standards.
For the foreseeable future, Taiwan will continue to invest in the provision of crucial science and technology, to establish yet more favorable platforms for entrepreneurship, and expand resource integration in the biotechnology and medical industries, sincerely expecting international companies in all fields of biotechnology and medicine to come to Taiwan to seek collaborative opportunities, and welcoming them as they do so.
477 words
Chinese to English: Taiwan, A Top Option for Global Biotechnology Operations or Flotations General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Chinese Taiwan, One of the Top Options for Investments in International Biotechnology
Bin Li, Chairman and CEO of Morgan Stanley Asia Limited
台灣--全球生醫產業佈局或上市的首選之一/李彬 摩根史坦利公司亞洲區董事總經理
以我對台灣的長期觀察,我認為就國際醫藥企業來說,可將台灣視為全球的生醫產業佈局或上市(IPO)的首選之一(Taiwan-One of the top options)。因為,台灣有三個獨特的優勢,一在於政府對於生技醫藥產業設立了很好的鼓勵政策、投資抵減等;其次,台灣的資本市場很活絡,在創業投資部分有相當多元的募資管道與制度設計,像在其他國家都沒有的、非常特別的創櫃、興櫃等體制,可解決新創公司初期難以取得資金之問題;三在法規環境方面,台灣可說是亞太地區法規制度較完善且合理可循的領先者,依循ICH guideline的臨床試驗有效率且品質極佳,在台灣執行完成的臨床數據,各國也都予以採用,亦常獲國際期刊刊登,實有利於新藥研發。
Translation - English Taiwan, A Top Option for Global Biotechnology Operations or Flotations
Bin Li, Chairman and CEO of Morgan Stanley Asia Limited
As a long-term observer of the Taiwan market, I believe that Taiwan is viewed as one of the best places for international biotechnology companies to operate or to go public. Taiwan has three unique advantages for biotechnology companies: First of all, its government has established very good incentives policies, tax credits, etc., in relation to biotechnology companies. Secondly, Taiwan boasts dynamic capital markets with a diversity of fund-raising channels and systems, as regards venture capital, that cannot be found in other countries. Its extremely special Go Incubation Board for Startup and Acceleration Firms (GISA) and Emerging Stock Board systems can resolve the fund-raising problems of newly founded companies in their early stages. Thirdly, Taiwan can be said to be one of the leaders in the Asia-Pacific region as far as regulatory environment is concerned, with a relatively complete and reasonable legal system conducive to easy compliance. Clinical trials carried out in Taiwan in accordance with International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines have been effective and of excellent quality. Clinical data from trials performed in Taiwan have also been widely adopted by the international community and widely published in international journals, bringing real benefits to bear on the R&D of new drugs.
Taiwan has also done well in terms of Contract Manufacture Organization (CMO) an area of huge developmental potential as regards international cooperation.
As far as challenges are concerned, my observation is that there is a generation gap among biotechnology talent. Taiwan needs to strengthen the middle and lower levels of the manpower pyramid that is the young generation. As to technology, we have US-style originality in our colleges and universities. Like the US, Taiwan has its own research centers, including Academia Sinica and other higher educational institutions that together form an outstanding foundation for research. Taiwan should establish a better system to make technologies applicable in industry; innovative technologies with commercial value, and further still, yet more innovative technologies with a “global leading” rating and excellent originality. This requires enhancement with packages of policies with incentives and inducements.
Finally, , as regards capital markets, some of the latest policies of the Taiwan government aimed at protecting investors have only slightly assisted biotechnology companies in their fund raising. I would recommend a gradual return to market mechanisms in order to attract more international companies to list in Taiwan.
459 words
Chinese to English: Grape King Bio: Leading Asia in Fermentation Technology and Processing General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Chinese 以GMP製藥經驗轉戰功能性食品 醱酵技術與產程規模領先亞洲
葡萄王生技憑藉GMP藥品製造經驗,於1991年轉型為保健食品業,主要開發菇菌類及微生物保健食品,掌握菌種改良(strain improvement)、栽培及醱酵量產等核心技術,將傳統的固態培養改良為醱酵槽接菌的液態培養,使原本子實體需3至6個月的生長期大幅縮短為6天即可收穫,具有低成本、快速產出高品質、高濃度功效成份之量產效率和市場優勢。
Translation - English Switching to functional foodstuffs on the back of GMP medication manufacturing experience
Leading Asia in fermentation technology and processing scale
On the basis of its experience producing good manufacturing practice (GMP) medicinal products, in 1991, Grape King Bio became a health product business, primarily developing health foods from mushroom funguses and microorganisms, mastering such core technologies as strain improvement, cultivation and fermentation production. The company improved on the traditional solid state cultivation process, establishing liquid cultivation, in which the fungus is received by a fermentation trough, reducing the original three to six month substance maturation period so significantly that it could be harvested after a mere six days. Grape King Bio enjoys the production efficiency and market strengths of being low in cost and capable of rapidly generating high-quality, highly-concentrated and effective ingredients.
Up stream, Grape King Bio meets all of its own raw material needs. Mid-stream, it performs its own manufacturing, and, down stream, it vigorously constructs its own expanding marketing channels and brands, incorporating everything into one integrated business model. In recent years its revenues have continually led the industry in showing substantial increases. In particular, the turnover of its direct sales subsidiary company has risen at the rapid rate of 20 percent per year, making it Taiwan’s leading local direct sales company. With its membership of 130,000, it can be said to be Grape King’s strongest sales group. In order to meet ever increasing demand, Grape King has even invested NT$786 million in setting up new factories, where production is expected to begin formally in 2016, establishing fermentation production on the greatest scale in Asia and generating productivity strengths that will be difficult for anyone in the industry to surpass.
Vigorously developing new healthcare foods
International alliances expand global subcontracting and market territory
Grape King continues to develop mushroom fungus plants that enjoy potential and are particular to Asia, such as Hericium, Trametes versicolor, and the mycelia of Cordyceps sobolifera, while at the same time continuing in-depth research into the depth and breadth of the healthcare applications of existing fermentation matter. The company can be expected to conduct early preventive or other health preservation work in relation to dementia, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, chronic kidney failure, and high cholesterol. In addition, it seeks to integrate existing fermentation matter with other traditional Chinese medicinal herbs, such as radix notoginseng, dendrobium nobile, brassica campestris and other herbaceous plants, to enhance the distinctiveness, effectiveness and range of its products. In 2014, Grape King collaborated on raw materials and technology with China’s leading company in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, Yunnan Baiyao. Their first dual-branded product,a drink made from essence of radix notoginseng and ganoderma lucidum, will enter the market first in Taipei, in 2015.
As far as international development is concerned, Grape King Bio, apart from selling its own branded products, will use its expanded production capacity to vigorously expand its overseas sub-contracting and global market territory. Its Chinese subsidiary, Shanghai Grape King Enterprises Corp., for example, can already accept subcontracting work in relation to medications, organic raw materials, fungus fermentation, and healthcare products. As well as concentrating on such countries as China, Malaysia, the US and UK, Grape King Bio will also vigorously develop such markets as the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand, gradually and steadily making in-roads into the international market for mushroom fungus food products.
Chinese to English: TaiDoc: Integrating ICT, core biochemical and optical technology, TaiDoc has succeeded in its own branding and OEM General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
結盟胰島素歐洲大廠開發新產品共同行銷 美國醫改政策創造營運新利基
歐美地區仍將是泰博未來的主要市場,旗下產品已獲得德國IDT測試機構認證符合最新血糖檢測標準ISO 15197 : 2013;此外,泰博也與排名全球前五大的歐洲藥廠結盟,將開發貴金屬電極血糖試片(noble metal electrode blood glucose test strips)及檢測設備(detection devices),進一步提升測量準確度,預計於2015年中投產後,將搭配該藥廠之胰島素共同行銷,可望帶動新一波的營收成長。另一方面,2013年美國醫改法案(health care reform in the United States)大幅降低血糖檢測產品30%保險補助,帶動消費者購買平價商品,使物美價廉的泰博產品具有極佳競爭優勢;同時泰博旗下血糖血壓測試系統FORA D40也獲得Apple MFi(Made for iPhone)認證,成功踏入雲端(Cloud Services)健康管理新領域,未來可望有更亮眼的成績。
Translation - English Integrating ICT, core biochemical and optical technology, TaiDoc has succeeded in its own branding and OEM
TaiDoc is a specialist company in the design and manufacture of residential medical instruments, boasting a command of chip design core technology and making impressive inroads into the extensive healthcare market. TaiDoc set out amid the dominance of Taiwan’s ICT manufacturers, and succeeded in integrating the three major fields of biochemical technology, medical electronics and optical technology to form core technologies, developing a series of medical devices, including, principally, blood glucose monitoring system devices, blood pressure monitors, thermometers, body fat monitors, nebulizers, blood glucose monitors, and test strips.
TaiDoc specializes mainly in specialist ODM/OEM industry work. It can, in accordance with clients’ needs, provide overall services in upstream product design and development (to the point of back-end machine assembly), certification application and brand design. Through flexible manufacturing processes it can satisfy a small measure of demand among clients for diversified product development and succeed in tapping into the European and US brand ODM/OEM markets. With its fine quality and control of production costs, it wins clients’ trust. It already boasts over 100 clients. Separately, in 2009, TaiDoc launched its FORA brand to forge into the European and US blood glucose detection markets, winning high levels of consumer acclaim, and, within a short few years, its branded products came to account for 37 percent of its sales. This year they will exceed 40 percent to become the principal force driving business growth. In 2014, with the effective operation of a two-track strategy involving ODM/OEM work and branded products, TaiDoc succeeded in delivering the first great performance with EPS6.61, powering itself to a five-year operating high.
Allying with Europe’s major insulin manufacturers to develop new products and joint sales
US healthcare reform creates new operating niche
The US and Europe remain TaiDoc’s principal markets for the future. The company’s products have already gained the accreditation of Germany’s IDT test center, for compliance with the latest blood sugar detection standard, ISO 15197 : 2013. Also, TaiDoc is forging alliances with the European drug manufacturers ranked as the world’s five largest, and will develop noble metal electrode blood glucose test strips and detection devices, further raising measuring accuracy. It is forecast that after production commences in 2015 these will complement the company’s insulin in joint sales, which can be expected to drive a new wave of business growth. Separately, in 2013, under healthcare reform in the US, the 30 percent insurance supplement on blood sugar detection products was greatly reduced, prompting consumers to buy cut-price products, lending TaiDoc good-quality, low-priced products an extreme competitive advantage. At the same time, the firm’s FORA D40 blood sugar and blood pressure detection system gained Apple MFi(Made for iPhone) accreditation, succeeding in entering a new field of Cloud Service health management. Even more striking performances can be expected in the future.
Apart from continuing to organize its European and US markets, TaiDoc plans, by adding subsidiary companies or cooperating with local channels, to emulate past experiences of success, penetrate such regions as China and south-east Asia, and launch forays into emerging markets with extreme growth potential, to reinforce its momentum for performance improvements and stride towards its objective of becoming a world-class manufacturer of medical instruments.
Chinese to English: United Orthopedic Corporation General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Chinese 【United Orthopedic Corporation】
1.Company overview
亞洲唯一齊備整體自主生產能力 人工關節設計、研發切入亞洲人種需求
亞洲第一家取得美國FDA及歐盟CE許可之人工關節製造廠的聯合骨科,為台灣少數以自有品牌銷售至國際的骨科醫材公司。利用累積十年以上的亞洲人種關節資料庫,聯合骨科在人工關節的開發上更貼近亞洲人種的使用需求,例如體積較小之楔型股骨柄,及不同尺寸的股骨偏心矩(femoral offset),可縮減股骨植入物頸端截面積,搭配襯墊外緣之獨特設計,使患者的活動範圍(ROM)限制可以降到最低,再加上做到1mm的不同股骨柄尺寸,而能讓不同產品模組做到精細控制。
特殊材料、模組化人工關節及客製化手術器械配件(surgical instrument)等為聯合骨科近年研發重心。在材料部分,繼開發出高交聯超耐磨聚乙烯(XPE)磨擦界面後,更與德國CeramTec合作,克服傳統陶瓷易碎之缺點,開發出新型陶瓷材料BIOLOX® delta髖關節,目前也正投入陶瓷膝關節及3D列印研發。至於模組化人工關節的部分,亦是亞洲第一家設計出能依病患需求,讓同一髖臼杯植入物搭配XPE襯墊或陶瓷襯墊等多樣性組件的企業。行銷歐、美、亞洲24國的聯合骨科,目前更已完成產製整合與新製程如Ti Plasma Spray coating的開發,已是亞洲唯一齊備整體自主生產能力的人工關節專家。
3. Mid to Long-Term Development Strategy (P5~P6)
聚焦surgical instrument創新研發 鎖定30%美國及大陸市場成長率
為切入人工關節二次修復置換的市場,聯合骨科正積極研發新的模組化植入器具與手術器械,以開發出可搭配不同廠牌骨柄之骨球頭產品。另一方面,有鑒於人工關節的設計已相當成熟、較不易有新的突破,因此聯合骨材鎖定手術器具進行改良,如開發出拋棄式的積木型手術試配件,以大幅減少手術器械的體積與滅菌費用。以及可適用於不同病患尺寸、協助醫師精準進行size measurement的骨頭切除規,作為未來拓展市場的重要工具。
4. Expert perspective:
亞洲leading的人工關節製造公司,隨著發展新的製程技術(譬如3D列印),將能增強公司的研發競爭力。For the forseeable future, the company will thrive and grow
Translation - English 【United Orthopedic Corporation】
1. Company overview
Asia’s only complete and comprehensive independent production capacity
Artificial joint design and R&D focusing on the needs of Asians
United Orthopedic, the first manufacturer of artificial joints to gain US FDA and EU CE permits, is one of few Taiwan orthopedic medical instrument companies to sell its own brand internationally. Using a database on Asian people’s joints accumulated over more than ten years, United’s development of artificial limbs has Asians particularly close at heart. Wedged stems , small in volume, and femoral offsets of different dimensions, for example, can reduce the area of the holding receptacle of an implant and, together with the unique design of the pad’s outer lining , cause the patient’s ROM limit to be reduced to the lowest level, while, in addition, achieving this for femoral dimensions differing by 1mm , enabling different product modules to achieve precise control.
Modular joints and customized surgical instruments made from special materials have been the focus of United’s R&D in recent years. As far as materials are concerned, after continuing to develop a high-effect chemical cross linked polyethelene foam (XPE) friction interface, collaborating with CeramTec of Germany on overcoming the traditional shortcoming that is ceramic’s fragility, it has developed a hip joint from a new ceramic material, BIOLOX® delta. As regards modularized artificial joints, United is also the first Asian company to design diversified components, capable, in accordance with the patient’s needs, of enabling pelvic cup implants to pair up with XPE pads or ceramic pads. With sales in 24 countries in Europe, the US and Asia, United has also completed manufacturing integration and the development of new manufacturing processes, such as Ti Plasma Spray coating, and is already Asia’s only artificial joint specialist with complete and comprehensive independent production capacity.
3. Mid to Long-Term Development Strategy (P5~P6)
Focus on surgical instrument innovation and R&D
Aim at 30% growth in US and China markets
In order to enter the artificial joint market for secondary repairs or replacements, United is currently vigorously engaged in researching and developing new, modularized implantation implements and surgical instruments, by developing head and ball joint products for different brands of femoral stems. Separately, since the design of artificial limbs is already relatively mature, new breakthroughs are somewhat difficult to achieve, so United focuses on making improvements to surgical implements, by, for example, developing disposable building-block-style surgical accessories, greatly reducing the volume of surgical apparatus and the costs of sterilization. Such devices can also be used on patients of different sizes, facilitating accurate size measurement on the part of physicians in bone excision planning, making them important tools for the future expansion of markets.
Since there is 30 percent annual growth in the US and China markets, United will continue to focus on those markets during the next stage, and has already established branch companies in California and Shanghai. As far as sales strategy is concerned, since it is the first Asian artificial joints company to have penetrated the US market, and, since it has given priority to areas in which there are relatively high concentrations of ethnic Asians, it can provide customized surgical apparatus services as one competitive segment. As regards the China market, it is already the leader in mid-range products, offering higher quality than local manufacturers, and enjoying such advantages as the customs duty exemptions enjoyed by the ECFA.
4. Expert perspective:
Leading Asian artificial limb manufacturer. Will be able to enhance its competitiveness in R&D in line with the development of new manufacturing processes, (such as 3D printing). For the foreseeable future, the company will thrive and grow
Chinese to English: Glycogen Pharma Inc. General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Chinese 【醣基生醫股份有限公司GLYCOGEN PHARMA INC.】
Type Program Indication Characteristics Pre-clinical Phase I Phase II Phase III NDA Marketed
Biologics 醣重組均相化抗體藥物 自體免疫及癌症 具廣泛抗癌、抗感染、調控自體免疫等功能,且安全性高、CMC管控容易,目前已進入製程開發及試量產
聚焦First in Class新藥 拓展國際合作推升營運能量
成立之初即在醣體新藥研發領域取得leading position的醣基,短、中、長期都以First in Class新藥為目標,現已開發出三種均相化抗體藥物及兩種以醣體為治療標的之藥物,預計兩年內推進三項新藥進入臨床試驗,而在研發策略上,除以醣分子技術為核心,開發廣泛型、高療效、低副作用醣類新藥外,醣基也同步開展醣晶片、醣探針等檢測工具開發,雙管齊下佈局疾病早期檢測與個人化醫療新領域。
1. Company overview (P1~P2)
Top-class international carbohydrate molecule technology, top-class international group .
Developing a new generation of carbohydrate homogenized drugs .
As international drug companies fell over themselves to invest in the R&D of new ribosome drugs, Glycogen Pharma, established for only two years, perfected early on an innovative technological platform and global intellectual property arrangements. Through exclusive rights and technology transfers enshrined in patents related to carbohydrate molecules and perfected by the Academia Sinica, Glycogen Pharma not only commands six major core technologies ― including new homogenized antigen drugs, carbohydrate vaccines and drugs, development and preparation of monoclonal antibodies for cancer and immune-related diseases, carbohydrate wafers, sugar molecular probes , drugs for evaluating carbohydrate molecule composition and testing product development ― but is also in a position to conduct R&D with such top-class international research experts as President Wong Chi-Huey of the Academia Sinica, and Wu Chung-yi of the Academia Sinica’s Genomics Research Center.
Glycogen Pharma’s most essential R&D technology platform ― the homogenized antibody drug platform ― is expected to be able to drive break-through advances in carbohydrate drug R&D. This technology has altered the current conception that antibody drugs are all ribosome “mixtures” and can develop in the direction of single-ingredient chemical compounds. This lends drugs a more precise targetability, raising their healing efficacy and reducing side effects or non-immune responses, and, for this reason, they have yet more potential for development as combination therapies or vaccine drugs with preventive efficacy. CMC, moreover, is clear, and production even more straightforward. The technology has already been applied in such preventive anti-cancer vaccine R&D as that against prostate cancer and meningococcal W135.
Basic data
Founding date 2013/03 No. of employees 29 No. of employees engaged in R&D 22
Paid-in capital $ 26.7 Mil. Market value Omitted Senior VP Wang Jia-lin
Development highlights
2013.03 Founded with investment from Taiwan’s largest biotechnology venture capital company Diamond Biofund, E. Sun Venture Capital , Fubon Financial Holding Co., and others.
2013.05 The Academia Sinica exclusively authorizes and transfers seventeen patented technologies. The Academia Sinica continues to hold 50 percent of the equity in the technologies.
2013.08 Acquires two patents by technology transfer from the Academia Sinica, including a vaccine against prostate cancer, and research findings related to anti-meningitis carbohydrate molecules.
2. R&D pipeline and core technologies (P3~P4)
Type Program Indication Characteristics Pre-clinical Phase I Phase II Phase III NDA Marketed
Biologics Carbohydrate recombinant antibody drug Autoimmune disease and cancer Possesses extensive anti-cancer, anti-infection and autoimmune regulation functions, while also enjoying a high level of safety and ease of CMC control. Process development and experimental production are already underway
Biologics New cancer therapy antibody Pancreatic cancer Industry currently conducting carbohydrate vaccine antigen synthesis and optimization, and murine antibody optimization and humanization
NCE Dual effect anti-influenza drug Anti-influenza Industry currently conducting pioneer drug selection
Core technologies
Carbohydrate antibody homogenization technology: modifies the specific amino acids in antibody drugs, by means of technologies for reducing and adding carbohydrates, as single carbohydrate combination molecules possessing the most appropriate therapeutic effect only, causing antibody drugs to switch from the current stage carbohydrate “mixture” towards development as “single-ingredient” (homogenized) chemical compounds. Scope of application includes glycoproteins, carbohydrate wafers, carbohydrate probes, anti-influenza drugs, etc. .
Patent arrangements―related to carbohydrate chemistry
3. Mid- to long-term development strategy
Focus on new First in Class drugs
Expand capacity for international collaboration and enhanced operations
Glycogen Pharma, which, in its early stages, obtained a leading position in new ribosome drug R&D, aims in the short, medium and long terms at new First in Class drugs. It has already developed three types of homogenized antibody drugs and two types of drugs whose treatment targets are ribosomes. It expects within two years to bring three drugs into clinical trials, and, as far as R&D strategy is concerned, apart from developing extensive, high-efficacy, low side-effect carbohydrate drugs with carbohydrate molecule technology at their core, the company will concurrently initiate development of such testing tools as carbohydrate wafers and carbohydrate probes, at one and the same time establishing two new fields: early detection of disease and individualized therapy. .
As regards international development, Glycogen Pharma plans to expand its involvement in international collaboration and enhance its operational capacity by such means as issuing overseas authorizations for its carbohydrate homogenized antibody development technology platform and partial R&D results. Separately, it will also seek collaborative partners to conduct clinical trials of new drugs in markets in different regions throughout the world, expediting arrangements for collaboration on new drugs in global markets.
4. Expert perspective: Advanced carbohydrate molecule technology, leading international R&D group, extremely strong and competitive, looking forward to integrating its international collaboration and enhancing its operational capacity.
Chinese to English: PharmaEngine Inc. General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Chinese 【智擎生技製藥股份有限公司PharmaEngine Inc.】
一、Company overview (P1~P2)
末期胰臟癌新藥邁進NDA 國際合作接棒不停歇
智擎生技由曾擔任Millennium、CytoMed等多家國際生醫大廠要職的葉常菁博士領軍,Advisory Board更有Professor Aimery de Gramont, David Cumningham, Alan Herrera等國際癌症新藥研發專家,因此雖團隊人員精簡但已繳出成功實績。
智擎在營運採「no research, development only」策略,亦即從國際引進潛力候選新藥,接手臨床試驗開發、並透過Networked Pharma國際分工,縮減開發成本、降低風險。已經進展到NDA階段的PEP02,即是智擎從Hermes Biosciences取得授權、原本用於治療直腸癌和大腸癌的化療用藥。智擎在接手後評估轉而切入胰臟癌治療,陸續在完成liposome-encapsulation劑型開發及一、二期多國多中心的臨床試驗後,成功再轉授權給Merrimack完成三期試驗,目前並已被Baxter買下歐亞行銷權並展開New indications研發,於此,智擎的授權金收入可望達到2.665億美元,這還未列計上市後原料供應及歐亞洲銷售利潤(Net sales)的分享。此案也是過去20年來,全球針對胰臟癌第一線治療多達32項的臨床試驗中,少數達到試驗目標的4項新藥之一。
Basic information
Date Established 2002/8/12 Number of employees 20 (over 40% with post-graduate degrees) Number of researchers 8
Paid-in capital $ 32 Mil. Market capitalization $ 904.8 Mil (2015.03) CEO Dr. Grace Yeh
2003 獲得授權引進PEP02亞洲區域,開始臨床前試驗。
2011 與Merrimack Pharmaceuticals達成PEP02授權契約;美國FDA通過PEP02胰臟癌之罕見疾病藥物申請。
2012 與法國Nanobiotix S.A.公司共同簽署NBTXR3亞太地區獨家授權與合作契約。
2013 與中國必貝特醫藥技術公司共同簽署合作暨委託研究合約;公告PEP02胃癌與胰臟癌第二期臨床試驗報告。
2014 PEP02全球第三期胰臟癌臨床試驗數據顯示加上5-FU/LV的合併療法成功延長晚期胰臟癌患者的整體存活期。
PEP02合併上市藥物cyclophosphamide針對兒童骨癌中之Ewing’s sarcoma進行第一期臨床試驗。
Type Program Indication Characteristics Pre-clinical Phase I Phase II Phase III NDA Marketed
New formulation PEP02 Pancreatic cancer
Liposome Irinotecan Injection,可達到緩釋、改善原有藥物的毒性並增加療效。
Colorectal cancer
Gastric cancer
Brain cancer(Recurrent Gliomas)
Ewing Sarcoma
New Chemical Entity /Class III Medical Device PEP503 soft tissue sarcoma (Nanobiotix) 結晶狀之奈米鉿氧化物crystalline hafnium oxide,在放射線(X-Ray)照射下,將其內部鉿氧化物(HfO2)分子或原子游離或變成激發狀態後,可直接或間接的引起細胞DNA結構的化學變化,進而造成細胞的死亡。
PEP503 products are made from inert materials and produce an effect only when exposed to radiotherapy. PEP503 largely boosts the efficacy of classical radiotherapy without changing its mode of action, leading to a noteworthy increase in the benefit/risk ratio for the patient.
強化癌症領域布局 鎖定放射線治療市場開發
鎖定癌症新藥的智擎,研發線上進展較快的還有PEP02針對Colorectal cancer、Gastric cancer等新適應症的開發,都已完成全球臨床二期試驗,而已經完成臨床一期的則有Recurrent Gliomas、和兒科常見的Ewing Sarcoma。
至於與法國Nanobiotix S.A.公司合作的PEP503,則是一種氧化鉿奈米懸浮注射劑(Crystalline Hafnium Oxide) ,主要機轉在強化癌症放射線治療的效能。適應症規劃從Soft tissue sarcoma、頭頸癌、口腔癌、直腸癌、食道癌、到腦癌及肝癌等,非常廣泛,希望能在已經成熟且龐大的放射線治療癌症市場,創造利基需求。由於PEP503在歐洲部分地區如法國等,屬於第三等級醫材,只需進行兩階段的臨床試驗。目前在Soft tissue sarcoma適應症開發上已經取得法國French National Agency for Medicines and Health Products Safety核准進行Pivotal Trial,而智擎未來兩年重心即將放在主導亞太地區的試驗。
International partners
The sponsor of NCE-PEP02
R&D partner in anti-cancer PEP02. The sponsor of PEP503
R&D partner in anti-cancer PEP503. The collaborator of anti-cancer NCE.
四、專家觀點:商業模式特殊且具獲益性、期待下一步能夠扮演an independent player on the global stage
1105 words
Translation - English 【PharmaEngine Inc.】
1. Company overview (P1~P2)
New drugs for end-stage pancreatic cancer stride towards NDA
International cooperation going from strength to strength
Once led by Dr. Ye Changjing, who has held important positions in Milennium, Cytomed and other major international biomedical companies, PharmaEngine’s Advisory Board boasts such international experts in new cancer drug R&D as Professor Aimery de Gramont, David Cumningham, and Alan Herrera. Despite downsizing its staff, therefore, it has turned in successful results.
PharmaEngine operates a business strategy of “no research, development only,” i.e. introducing potential new drug candidates from the international arena, taking over clinical trials and development and, through Networked Pharma’s international division of labor, reducing development costs and reducing risks. PEP02, already advanced to the NDA stage, is the chemotherapy drug originally used for rectal cancer and colonic cancer, the rights for which PharmaEngine acquired from Hermes Biosciences. After receiving those rights, PharmaEngine evaluated switching to involvement in pancreatic cancer treatment and completed development of one liposome-encapsulation delivery mechanism after another and first and second stage multi-national, multi-institutional clinical trials. After success in these it delegated the rights to Merrimack to complete third stage trials. European and Asian sales rights have now been purchased by Baxter, and R&D on new indications initiated. The company’s sublicense revenues can therefore be expected to reach US$266.5 million. This does not include supply of raw materials after market listing or shares of net sales in Europe and Asia. Among as many as 32 clinical trials worldwide for frontline pancreatic cancer treatments, this is one of only four new drugs in the last 20 years to achieve its test objectives.
Following its PEP02 authorization, PharmaEngine introduced one new drug project after the other, winning separately from France and China exclusive deals for radioenhancer rights and cooperation in Asia, and development of a candidate NCE drug for early-stage cancer, continuing to perform an important linking role in the international pharmaceutical industry chain.
Basic information
Date Established 2002/8/12 Number of employees 20 (over 40% with post-graduate degrees) Number of researchers 8
Paid-in capital $ 32 Mil. Market capitalization $ 904.8 Mil (2015.03) CEO Dr. Grace Yeh
2003 Gains authorization to introduce PEP02 into the Asia region and begins pre-clinical trials
2011 Reaches PEP02 rights agreement with Merrimack Pharmaceuticals. US FDA approves PEP02 pancreatic cancer application as rare disease drug.
2012 Signs NBTXR3 agreement for exclusive rights and cooperation in Asia with French company Nanobiotix S.A.
2013 Signs cooperation and research commissioning agreement with Guangzhou BeBetter Medicine Technology Company of China. Posts PEP02 stomach cancer and pancreatic cancer second stage clinical trial report.
2014 Statistics for worldwide PEP02 third-stage clinical trials for pancreatic cancer show that adding the combined 5-FU/LV treatment succeeds in extending overall survival of late-stage pancreatic cancer patients.
Cyclophosphamide, which entered the market in conjunction with PEP02, undergoes first-stage clinical trials for Ewing’s sarcoma in infant bone cancer.
2. R&D pipeline and core technologies
Type Program Indication Characteristics Pre-clinical Phase I Phase II Phase III NDA Marketed
New formulation PEP02 Pancreatic cancer
Liposome Irinotecan Injection. Can achieve sustained release, improving the toxicity of the original drug and enhancing healing efficacy
Colorectal cancer
Gastric cancer
Brain cancer(Recurrent Gliomas)
Ewing Sarcoma
New Chemical Entity /Class III Medical Device PEP503 soft tissue sarcoma (Nanobiotix) Under irradiation by x-ray, crystalline hafnium oxide, after separating or turning into a stimulated state its HfO2 molecules or atoms, can directly or indirectly give rise to chemical changes in cell DNA and then cause cell death.
Head and Neck Cancers (Nanobiotix)
Solid tumor
Solid tumor
New Chemical Entity
PEP06 Solid tumor
Core technologies
The core technologies are product development strategies and implementation schemes, drug manufacturing development, production design and clinical trial design and execution, evaluation of new drugs and rights negotiations, cooperation with renowned global cancer institutions and experts, and analysis of market competition for cancer drugs.
PEP503 products are made from inert materials and produce an effect only when exposed to radiotherapy. PEP503 largely boosts the efficacy of classical radiotherapy without changing its mode of action, leading to a noteworthy increase in the benefit/risk ratio for the patient.
3. Mid- to long-term development strategy.
Strengthen cancer forces
Lock into market development of radiation treatments
Advancing relatively quickly on the R&D pipeline of PharmaEngine, which is locked into new cancer drugs, are new adaptations of PEP02 for colorectal cancer and gastric cancer, which have already completed second stage global clinical trials. The company has also completed the first stage of clinical trials for Recurrent Gliomas and Ewing Sarcoma.
As regards collaboration with Nanobiotix S.A of France over PEP503, the drug is a Crystalline Hafnium Oxide whose principal function lies in strengthening the efficacy of radiation treatment. Very extensive adaptations are planned, from soft tissue sarcoma, head and neck cancer, oral cavity cancer, rectal cancer, to brain and liver cancer, with a view to creating niche demand within the mature and expansive market for cancer radiation treatment. In European countries, such as France, since PEP 503 is considered a third-class medication, it must undergo only two stages of clinical trials. For the development of the soft tissue sarcoma adaptation, it has already gained the approval of the French National Agency for Medicines and Health Products Safety to conduct a Pivotal Trial, and, in the next two years, PharmaEngine will once again place its focus on leading trials in the Asian region.
International partners
The sponsor of NCE-PEP02
R&D partner in anti-cancer PEP02. The sponsor of PEP503
R&D partner in anti-cancer PEP503. The collaborator of anti-cancer NCE.
4. Expert perspective: The company has a distinctive business model and enjoys profitability. Its next step is expected to be becoming an independent player on the global stage
1105 words
Chinese to English: Medeon Biodesign General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Chinese 【益安生醫股份有限公司Medeon Biodesign】
一、企業概述 (P1~P2)
創意與執行力兼具的研發團隊 聚焦微創手術創新醫材
益安生醫是由Ensure Medical(2006年為J&J併購)、Integrated Vascular Systems(2003年為Abbot併購)等公司的Co-Founder張有德博士擔任CEO,以其豐富的高階醫材成功開發經驗(tons of success track records),結合國內外臨床醫師群、工研院的醫材設計團隊及台灣精密微型機械產製與加工企業,在成立兩年多的時間內,便已發展出五項創新醫材,創意和執行力十足。
精準分析與掌握unmet medical needs of high grade devices,是益安生醫的特色與優勢。現階段益安產品開發方向係以微創手術(Minimally Invasive Surgery)為主軸,已有「腹腔鏡影像清晰器材」及「大口徑心導管術後止血裝置」等兩項手術輔助醫材(auxiliary instruments)進入動物實驗後期,The remaining work in clinical studies should be easy to complete and positive results can be expected。其中「腹腔鏡影像清晰器材」鎖定解決手術中需重複取出清洗鏡頭(lens)而造成手術中斷或時間延長的問題,「大口徑心導管術後止血裝置」則針對Endovascular Aneurysm Repair (EVAR)、Percutaneous Ventricular Assist Device (pVAD)、TranscatheterAortic Valve Implantation等手術,目標在解決動脈大口徑開孔止血問題。未來此研發產品順利商化上市後,可望大幅改進兩類手術現行進行方式。
成立日期 2012/12/22 員工人數 28 人 研發人數 18人
實收資本額 $ 13 Mil. 市值 $ 301.7 Mil. (2015.03) CEO 張有德
2013 投資設立薩摩亞子公司 Medeon International, Inc. /美國子公司 MedeonBio, Inc./英屬蓋曼群島商 Medeon Biosurgical, Inc.;通過經濟部認定為符合生技新藥條例獎勵之公司
2014 通過經濟部核發生技新藥投資計畫核准
Type Program Indication Characteristics Proto-type Animal study Clinical trial 510(K)/PMA Marketed
Class II LAP-A01 腹腔鏡影像清晰器材 模擬不同腹腔鏡手術過程中,簡易且迅速清除鏡頭之血液或組織殘渣髒汙,快速回復清晰之影像品質,且因毋須中斷手術取出清潔,大大提高便利性。於台、美完成大型動物實驗,即將進行生物相容性試驗。
Class II LAP-C01 腹腔鏡手術縫合器材 針對臨床上之需求,開發避免縫針刺穿或誤傷組織之概念原型,使縫線穿入和關閉開孔可於 1 分鐘內完成傷口縫合。
Class III IVC-C01 大口徑心導管術後止血裝置 能於術後快速止血、自動縫合切口,有效降低手術風險,解決高階心導管介入治療手術所需之動脈大口徑開孔止血問題。
四、專家觀點:1. Highly competent management team 2.Good choice of current projects.
Translation - English 【益安生醫股份有限公司Medeon Biodesign】
1. Company overview (P1~P2)
A creative R&D group that delivers the goods
Focusing on innovative instruments for minimally invasive surgery
Medeon Biodesign, under CEO Zhang You-de―cofounder of such companies as Ensure Medical (which merged with J&J in 2006) and Integrated Vascular Systems (which merged with Abbot in 2003)―with his rich experience in successfully developing medical instruments, brought together the community of clinical doctors at home and abroad, the medical instrument design group of the Industrial Technology Research Institute, and precision and miniature machinery manufacturers and processors, and, exemplifying creativity and execution, developed five innovative medical instruments in under three years.
Precise analysis and mastery of the unmet medical needs of high grade devices is Medeon Biodesign’s specialty and strength. In the current stage, as far as product development is concerned, the company is focusing on minimally invasive surgery. Its two auxiliary instruments, a laparoscopic image clarity instrument and large-caliber post-surgical heart duct staunching device have already entered final-stage testing on animals. The remaining work in clinical studies should be easy to complete and positive results can be expected. The laparoscopic image clarity instrument is aimed solely at resolving the problem of terminations or delays in surgery caused by re-extraction of cleansed lenses, while the objective of the large-caliber post-surgical heart duct staunching device is to staunch bleeding from large cavities during such procedures as Endovascular Aneurysm Repair (EVAR), Percutaneous Ventricular Assist Device (pVAD), and TranscatheterAortic Valve Implantation, etc. It can be expected that these researched and developed products, once commercialized and on the market, will change the ways in which these two types of procedure are performed.
Basic data
Founding date 2012/12/22 No. of employees 28 No. of R&D employees 18
Paid-in capital $ 13 Mil. Market value $ 301.7 Mil. (2015.03) CEO Zhang You-de
Development highlights
2013 Investors establish Medeon International, Inc./ US subsidiary MedeonBio, Inc./ Medeon Biosurgical, Inc. Holding Co (UK) . Recognized by the Ministry of Economic Affairs as a company eligible for incentives under the Biotech and New Pharmaceutical Development Act
2014 Approved by the Ministry of Economic Affairs to issue investment plans for biotechnology and pharmaceuticals
2. R&D pipeline and new technologies (P3~P4)
R&D pipeline
Type Program Indication Characteristics Proto-type Animal study Clinical trial 510(K)/PMA Marketed
Class II LAP-A01 Laparoscopic image clarity instrument Simulates different laparoscopic procedures, simplifying them and rapidly removing detritus from blood or tissue residue from the lens, quickly restoring cleansed image quality and massively enhancing convenience by eliminating the need to terminate the procedure to extract the device. Large-scale animal testing has been completed in Taiwan and the US, and biocompatibility testing will shortly get underway.
Class II LAP-C01 Laparoscopic suturing equipment Aimed at meeting clinical demand. Develops the original concept of preventing the suturing needle from accidentally injuring tissue, enabling penetration and suturing of a wound to be completed within one minute.
Class III IVC-C01 Large-caliber post-surgical heart duct staunching device Can rapidly staunch bleeding post-operatively and automatically suture wounds, effectively reducing surgical risks, resolving large-caliber arterial wound problems presented by high-level heart duct surgery.
Patent arrangements
Systems and methods for percutaneous suture delivery US20140249552 A1 Pending
TW201442684 Pending
3. Mid- to long-term development strategy (P5~P6)
Focus on instrument design and development
International partners to take over as products enter the market
Apart from the current laparoscopy and cardiovascular R&D projects, Medeon Biodesign is still constantly evaluating domestic and overseas sources for collaborative cases with which to expand its product line. It will continue to focus in the future on minimally invasive surgery, further developing high-level instruments in such fields as neurosurgery, peripheral vascular surgery, orthopedics and orthopedic surgery, hepatobiliary stomach surgery, bariatric surgery, and urological and gynecological surgery.
As far as management is concerned, however, Medeon Biodesign has a pretty clear strategy: focus only on such early-stage development tasks as verifying clinical demand, formulating specifications, developing original machinery, verifying safety and efficacy for animal testing and early-stage clinical testing on humans, and patent arrangements. These are Medeon Biodesign’s key strengths. As regards back-end product post-developmental legal approvals, applications for insurance provision, the setting up of global sales channels, etc., Medeon Biodesign will pass these tasks on, by way of authorizations, to international partners, so that the company, by accelerating market entry, product proliferation, innovation and execution, will continue to play a distinct role for Taiwan in the international division of labor and collaborative chain for medical instruments.
4. Expert perspective: 1. Highly competent management team 2.Good choice of current projects.
Chinese to English: Fountain Biopharma General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Chinese 【泉盛生物科技股份有限公司FOUNTAIN BIOPHARMA】
一、企業概述 (P1~P2)
研發新機轉抗過敏藥物 亞洲人種抗體庫具特色
泉盛生技為中天生技旗下子公司,擁有之「Anti-IgE抗體新藥研發平台」,是由成功開發Omalizumab的張子文教授團隊所研發技轉,目前開發出的新一代抗過敏新藥FB825 (Anti-CεmX)甫進入1期臨床試驗,不同於Xolair中和血液中過量IgE的治療機制,FB825能在前期直接殺死表現IgE的B淋巴細胞,從上游即阻斷漿細胞的形成及IgE的分泌,達成過敏治療與預防的目的,期望能彌補高IgE表現病患使用Omalizumab無效的缺口。
超過600億株人類抗體片段、以全亞洲人種為主之「全人抗體庫」,亦為泉盛生技另一特色。採用噬菌體express的方式,將單鏈抗體(single chain variable fragment, scFv)表現在噬菌體外部,並藉噬菌體容易複製及保存的優勢,輔以不同的篩選技術,可快速取得具有高親合力及專一性之全人抗體。目前已篩選出可治療IL-6調節失控的研發項目FB704A,高產量細胞株建構、劑型開發與生產製程也已完成建立,現已鎖定類風濕性關節炎(RA)等適應症開發。
成立日期 2010/12/01 員工人數 39人 (碩博士以上占76.92%) 研發人數 22人
實收資本額 $ 50.2 Mil. 市值 $ 228.3 Mil. (2015.03) CEO 湯竣鈞
2011 與中央研究院簽訂專屬授權合約,發展 Xolair 生物相似藥與 Anti-CεmX 抗體新藥
2012 IL6全人抗體新藥申請美國專利,為台灣第一家發展抗IL6全人抗體之生技新藥企業
2013 完成「Ibalizumab 生物相似藥」開發,建構生物相似藥開發平台
2013 Anti-CεmX抗體新藥獲美國專利核准
Type Program Indication Characteristics Pre-clinical Phase I Phase II Phase III NDA Marketed
新藥 FB825 過敏性哮喘 從上游阻斷IgE的分泌;目前完成靜脈注射和皮下注射兩種劑型的開發。產品特色:
(1)彌補使用Xolair無效之IgE表現高病患(>700IU) 缺口(2)可單獨使用亦可和Xolair併用,減低Xolair用量
Translation - English 【FOUNTAIN BIOPHARMA】
1. Company overview (P1~P2)
Researching and developing drugs with new anti-allergy functions
Asians boast distinctive reserves of antibodies
Fountain Biopharma is a subsidiary of Microbio Co. Ltd. Its Anti-IgE antibody drug development platform is an R&D technology transfer by the group led by Prof Zhang Ziwen, who was successful in developing Omalizumab. The new generation anti-allergy drug FB825 (Anti-CεmX), currently under development, has just entered Phase I clinical trials. Unlike the Xolair treatment mechanism, which neutralizes excess IgE in blood, FB825 can, in the early stage, directly kill B lymphocyte cells displaying IgE, blocking the formation of plasma cells and the secretion of IgE at the upper level, and achieving the objectives of curing and preventing the allergy, with the aim of making good the deficiency in high IgE patients taking Omalizumab without effect. .
The pure human antibody technology transferred from the Academia Sinica, in the form of The Pure Human Antibody Reserve currently containing over 600 billion specimens of human antibody, mainly from people from all over Asia, is another distinctive aspect of Fountain Biopharma. Adopting the bacteriophage express method, displaying the single chain variable fragment (scFv) on the exterior of the bacteriophage, and through bacteriophage’s strengths in being easily copied and preserved, and supplementing it with different filtering technologies, high affinity, concentrated pure human antibodies can be rapidly obtained. Already selected are the R&D project FB704A for treating IL-6調節失控 , and construction of high-yield cell strains. Delivery mechanism development and manufacturing process are already established and adaptations developed for locked rheumatoid arthritis.
Basic data
Founding date 2010/12/01 No. of employees 39 (76.92 percent of whom hold master’s or Ph.D degrees) No. of R&D employees 22
Paid-in capital $ 50.2 Mil. Market value $ 228.3 Mil. (2015.03) CEO Tang Junjun
Development highlights
2011 Signs exclusive rights agreement with Academia Sinica. Develops Xolair biosimilar drugs and new antibody drug Anti-CεmX.
2012 Applies for US patent for new drug IL6 Pure Human Antibody, the first Taiwan biotech drug developer to develop anti-IL6 Pure Human Antibody
2013 Completes development of biosimilar drug Omalizumab. Establishes development platform for biosimilar drugs
2013 New antibody drug Anti-CεmX gains approval for US patent.
2. R&D pipeline and core technologies (P3~P4)
R&D pipeline.
Type Program Indication Characteristics Pre-clinical Phase I Phase II Phase III NDA Marketed
New antibody drug FB825 Allergic asthma Blocks IgE secretion at the upper level. Intravenous injection and subcutaneous injection already developed. Product features:
(1). Makes good the deficiency in patients exhibiting high IgE but taking Xolair without effect. (2). Can be used on its own or in combination with Xolair, reducing Xolair dosage.
New antibody drug FB704A Rheumatoid arthritis Indications are immunity diseases related to IL-6 調節
Results of testing in animals show efficacy in inhibiting emerging or metastasized tumors in blood vessels, and raising of survival rates and considerable reductions in weight loss in cancerous mice
Biosimilar FB317A
Allergic asthma New biosimilar drug, Omalizumab
Core technology FB825 drug mechanism FB825 patent arrangements
3. Mid- to long-term development strategy (P5~P6)
New IgE antibody drug and biosimilar drugs to launch simultaneously
Asia region to ally with Hong Kong strategic partner
As far as strategy on new anti-allergy drugs is concerned, apart from FB025, which has already advanced to Phase I clinical trials, Fountain Biopharma has already synchronized the launch of the R&D program for biosimilar drug Omalizumab, with a view to a mutually complementary product line, and completing coverage of the IgE antibody-related allergy treatment field.
As to R&D practice, new antibody drugs are mainly led by Fountain Biopharma itself, while biosimilar drugs enjoy the assistance of strategic partners. Fountain Biopharma has signed an agreement to collaborate with 深圳龍瑞藥業 , part of Hong Kong’s Morningside Ventures Group , with Fountain Biopharma in charge of allergy antibody technology development and clinical trials, integrating such manufacturing capacity as the single-strain antibody factory already vertically integrated in China by Longrui, the two sides jointly developing Xolair biosimilar drug FB317 in China, the first port of call as they enter the emerging markets of Asia.
國際夥伴 International partner
Joint development of Xolair biosimilar drug FB317
Longrui GMP antibody production facility
4. Expert perspective: R&D of diversity and completeness of basic platforms, strengthening focused development and rapid efficacy
Chinese to English: TTY Biopharm General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Translation - English Mastering the world’s only production technology for Liposomal formulations
Developing drugs for acute infections, with a focus on cancer
TTY Biopharm is Taiwan’s leading producer of cancer drugs. It is one of the world’s few international-class producers of Liposome injections and Microsphere injections―among other Liposome formulations―to enjoy large-scale production capacity. The firm, which started out as a manufacturer of generics, has in recent years invested vigorously in high-technology threshold Liposome production technology. The brand boasts the world’s only automatable production line for liposomal anti-cancer injections, with an annual production capacity of 800,000. It already enjoys a collaborative alliance with Johnson & Johnson, assuming responsibility for producing the Liposomal anticancer drug Doxil/Caelyx. It also possesses the world’s only production center for long-acting preparation of sterile injectable Microsphere, equipped with multiple Microsphere manufacturing engineering systems, and capable of meeting the entire current demand for Microsphere technology platforms, with annual production capable of achieving 100,000 doses. This system complies fully with the highest specification PIC/S GMP drug development standards, and has been approved in plant inspections by the authorities in such countries as Taiwan, the US, Japan, Korea and Turkey.
TTY Biopharm’s product development focuses on such fields as cancer predilections and chronic infections in Asia. Four special generics which are the focus of its R&D―the cancer drug LDIA08(Caelyx II), the whole-body fungus infection drug LAIA98(LIPO-AB), Leuprolide for prostate cancer, endometriosis and fibroid tumors of the uterus, and Rosperidone for psychiatric conditions―enjoy global market scales of US$670 million, US$900 million, US$1.84 billion, and US$450 million respectively. Of these, CaelyxⅡand LIPO-AB use Liposome Technology, while Leuprolide and Risperidone use Microsphere Formulation. Caelyx II began shipping in the first half of 2014. The other three generics will gain international authorization one after the other and are expected to enter the global market before 2016, shifting resources in favor of the firm’s revenue growth, even as it continues to invest in drug development, with the planned objective of rolling out three new drugs per year, and making aggressive in-roads into overseas markets.
Sales network spanning all five continents
Aggressively developing the Asia-Pacific, international M&A and robust alliances to expand scale
TTY Biopharm exports to more than 40 countries in Asia, Europe, Africa, the Americas, and Oceania etc., and has secured more than 80 drug licenses. The overseas markets being aggressively developed by the firm are still mainly countries in the Asia-Pacific area. In the China market, it has separately invested in Worldco International and reinvested in TOT Biopharma to take charge of local sales. As to manufacturing and R&D, TOT Biopharma will take principal responsibility for the task of drug development by Biologics, within the group. Establishment of a pioneering protein drug factory is already complete. Market composition is already complete in Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam. The company owns bases for overseas operations in the form of ATB Thailand and ATB Philippines. This year it will establish a presence in Korea in order to penetrate that market. Also, by forging long-term strategic alliances, the firm has developed the markets of other pivotal Asian countries, such as Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.
As to future development strategy, TTY Biopharm will continue to use unique production technology, expand global CDMO cooperation, and expedite its integration within the international scene. In the medium and long terms, it will maintain its commitment to the development of new drugs, imitate large international manufacturers’ strategies for success, and launch global M&A operations or robust strategic alliances to stride toward the objective of becoming an international drug producer with annual revenues of US$10 billion.
Chinese to English: SynCore Biotechnology Co., Ltd General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Chinese 【杏國新藥股份有限公司SynCore Biotechnology Co., Ltd】
一、Company overview (P1~P2)
EndoTAG(R)技術平台 推進三陰性乳癌(Triple Negative Breast Cancer)新藥全球三期臨床試驗
發展上採雙主軸的杏國新藥,一方面引進國際成熟技術平台EndoTAG(R)作為發展利器,快速切入新藥三期臨床開發;一方面則從國家衛生研究院技轉新穎小分子新藥SB01、SB02,從最早期discovery、臨床前毒理、原料藥、製劑生產到First in Human Trial逐步開拓,迄今研發產品線上從臨床前期到上市藥物已有5項組合。
進展最快的SB05,核心技術EndoTAG(R)是自杏國入股的德國上市公司MediGene AG全球獨家技轉而來,該技術以腫瘤內帶負電的新生血管內皮細胞(vascular endothelial cells)為標靶對象,藉由抑制腫瘤血管新生(Anti- angiogenesis)達到抗癌目的,有別於其他脂質藥物傳輸系統(lipid-based formulation)以癌細胞為標的,副作用更小,較不易產生抗藥性。SB05是以Paclitaxel為傳輸藥物,目前乳癌、肺癌、胰臟癌之臨床二期試驗皆已完成,杏國除主導三陰性乳癌全球三期臨床試驗外,也取得全球製造與銷售、再授權等的權利,如成功開發、預計可做為復發或轉移性三陰性乳癌之第一線治療藥物。至於自美國夥伴MacuCLEAR取得的SB04,則是老藥新用,把原降血壓藥物應用在Dry AMD的治療,用眼藥水滴入之方式給藥,病患接受度較高。目前國際上研發中的新藥還有Alkeus ( phase I)及Acucela ( phase II/III)等,SB04目前具有進度優勢。不過由於乾式黃斑部病變症狀不明顯,杏國也已引進早期檢測儀器,同步開發。
Basic information
Date Established 2008/06/26 Number of employees 50 (over 60% with post-graduate degrees) Number of researchers 30
Paid-in capital $19.4 Mil. Market capitalization $86.6 Mil. (2015.03) CEO Muh-Hwan Su, Ph.D
2008 與國家衛生研究院簽定技轉合約
2010 TFDA及US FDA核准SB01進行初次人體試驗(First in human study)
2011 入股MacuCLEAR,取得SB04亞洲區及澳洲的研發授權
2013 入股MediGene AG、取得Veregen®亞洲(不含中國及韓國)及紐澳地區獨家銷售權、SB05全球三期臨床試驗與產銷專屬權利
2014 SB05取得澳洲EC、比利時核准執行三期臨床試驗
Type Program Indication Characteristics Pre-clinical Phase I Phase II Phase III NDA Marketed
Botanical drug SB03
(Veregen®) Genital Warts 由綠茶萃取,安全性及耐受性高、使用較簡便且臨床上之復發率僅6.3%,較低
New formulation SB05 Triple Negative Breast Cancer 利用雙層正電微脂體膜包覆紫衫醇paclitaxel藥物,使傳統化療藥紫衫醇具標靶效果,降低化療之副作用。
New indication SB04 Dry AMD 將降血壓藥物應用在Dry AMD治療,採眼藥水滴入之非侵入式給藥方式,可提高病患接受度。
NCE SB01 Solid tumor 在低劑量時可具有血管阻斷之作用,高劑量時具有抑制血管新生和腫瘤抑制之效果,據臨床前試驗顯示不易產生抗藥性。
NCE SB02 Solid tumor SB01軟膠囊劑型
Core technologies
EndoTAG® Mode of action of EndoTAG-1.
In a simplified model of tumor cell angiogenesis A. Liposomal-embedded paclitaxel targets the vascular endothelial cells.
The mechanism of selective targeting is delineated in B.
International partners
Medigene AG
MacuCLEAR, Inc.
SB05三陰性乳癌新藥臨床及全球產銷授權 投資入股、Dry AMD新藥亞洲及澳洲研發及產銷授權
1208 words
Translation - English 【SynCore Biotechnology Co., Ltd】
1. Company overview (P1~P2)
EndoTAG(R) Technology platform Driving three-stage global clinical trials for new Triple Negative Breast Cancer drugs
SynCore Biotechnology Co., Ltd, which has adopted two principal developmental focuses, has, on one hand introduced the internationally mature technology platform EndoTAG(R) as an instrument of development and rapidly intervened in three-stage global clinical development of new drugs, and, on the other hand, transferred new and original small molecular SB01 and SB02 drugs technology from the National Health Research Institutes. Development was gradual, from discovery in the early stage, preclinical toxicology, API, and preparation production to first in human trial. To date there have been five combinations on the R&D product line, from the early stage of clinical trials to the market entry of drugs.
For SB05, the quickest to advance, the core technology, EndoTAG(R), came from a globally exclusive technology transfer from German listed company MediGene AG, in which SynCore Biotechnology is a share-holding investor. This technology takes as target objects the vascular endothelial cells in the regenerated blood vessels carrying negative electric charges within the tumor, and achieves its anti-cancer objective through anti-angiogenesis. Unlike other lipid-based formulations, it takes the cancer cells as its target. There are fewer side-effects, and it is less easy for drug resistance to occur. Drug delivery for SB05 is performed by Paclitaxel. Stage two clinical trials for breast cancer, lung cancer and pancreatic cancer have all been completed, and SynCore Biotechnology, apart from leading global stage three clinical trials for triple negative breast cancer, has acquired rights to global manufacturing, sales and reauthorization, etc. If development is successful, it is foreseeable that SB05 will become the frontline drug treatment for recurring or metastasized triple negative breast cancer. As regards the SB04 acquired from US partner MacuCLEAR, this is an old drug with a new application, utilizing, in Dry AMD therapies, and in the same way as eye drops, drugs originally for lowering blood pressure, with high levels of patient amenability. Currently still undergoing global research are Alkeus (stage I) and Acucela (stage II/III) etc., while SB04 boasts strengths in terms of progress. Because changing symptoms in dry macula disease remain unclear, however, SynCore is also developing early detection instruments in conjunction with SB04.
Basic information
Date Established 2008/06/26 Number of employees 50 (over 60% with post-graduate degrees) Number of researchers 30
Paid-in capital $19.4 Mil. Market capitalization $86.6 Mil. (2015.03) CEO Muh-Hwan Su, Ph.D
2008 Signs technology transfer contract with National Health Research Institutes
2010 TFDA and US FDA approve SB01 for first in human study to be conducted
2011 Invests in MacuCLEAR and acquires R&D rights for the Asia region and Australia.
2013 Invests in MediGene AG and acquires exclusive Asia (excluding China and Korea, Australia and New Zealand ) sales rights for Veregen® and global stage three clinical testing and production and marketing rights for SB05
2014 SB05 acquires Australia EC and Belgian authorization for stage three clinical trials to be conducted.
二、研發Pipeline與核心技術(P3~P4) 2. R&D pipeline and core technologies
Type Program Indication Characteristics Pre-clinical Stage I Stage II Stage III NDA Marketed
Botanical drug SB03
(Veregen®) Genital Warts Because of green tea liquid-liquid extraction, security and tolerance are high, application relatively simple and convenient, and the clinical relapse rate only 6.3%, relatively low.
New formulation SB05 Triple Negative Breast Cancer Uses a double-layered membrane coated with positively charged liposomal paclitaxel drugs, lending traditional chemotherapy drug paclitaxel a benchmark effect, lowering chemotherapy side effects.
New indication SB04 Dry AMD Applying blood-pressure-lowering drugs in Dry AMD therapy, administering the drugs in a non-invasive manner, as though administering eye drops, can raise patient amenability.
NCE SB01 Solid tumor Can obstruct blood vessels in low dosages and can, in high dosages, inhibit blood vessel regeneration and tumor suppression. Does not, according to pre-clinical trials, easily generate resistance.
NCE SB02 Solid tumor Delivery by SB01 soft capsule
Core technologies
EndoTAG® Mode of action of EndoTAG-1.
In a simplified model of tumor cell angiogenesis A. Liposomal-embedded paclitaxel targets the vascular endothelial cells.
The mechanism of selective targeting is delineated in B.
SB05(EndoTag®-1) patent situation
3. Mid- to long-term development strategy (P5~P6)
Launch sales of new drugs in Asia-Pacific
Vigorously expand international strategic alliances
The new genital warts drug whose market listing SynCore is promoting with all its strength was authorized by MediGene, while Veregen(R), the first botanical drug to be approved by the US FDA, enjoys exclusive sales rights in Asian countries (excluding China and Korea), Australia and New Zealand. SynCore integrated the sales channels of parent company, the Sinphar Group, and within two years had succeeded in taking, in Taiwan, a 50 percent market share for drugs with similar indications, making them the driving force behind its sales performance. According to BMC Infection Diseases statistics, the predilection rate for genital warts in south-east Asia is between 0.13 percent and 0.56 percent; it is estimated that the target market comprises five million patients. In the next stage, therefore, SynCore will focus on seeking sales partners in south-east Asian markets and quickly penetrating the Asia-Pacific region’s sales systems.
As far as mid- and long-term development strategy is concerned, after continuing to invest in MediGene and MacuCLEAR and succeeding in establishing international strategic alliances, SynCore will establish a subsidiary company in Germany, to take charge of the conduct of clinical trials for new drugs in Europe. In the future, it will continue, through international cooperation, to introduce items with potential for R&D, and, with the prime objective of acquiring production and marketing rights in the markets of the Asia-Pacific region, thereafter bring into effect production and marketing rights in different regions and acquire contract funding and sales quotas as the principal momentum for its long-term support of R&D for new drugs.
International partners
MediGene AG
MacuCLEAR, Inc.
Share-holding investor with sales rights for Asia, Australia and New Zealand
Rights for clinical trials and global sales of new SB05 triple negative breast cancer drugs Share-holding investor with R&D and sales rights for new DryAMD drugs in Asia and Australia
4. Expert perspective: With the focus on cancer and fundus business, domestic and overseas cooperation is vibrant. The crux of the next step will be to get authorized new drugs quickly rolled out in international markets.
1208 words
Chinese to English: OBI Pharma General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Chinese 【台灣浩鼎生技股份有限公司OBI Pharma】
一、企業概述 (P1~P2)
掌握醣類抗原合成疫苗技術 專攻癌症主動免疫療法
浩鼎生技由Pharmanex、Optimer創辦人張念慈博士成立,以建立台灣品牌新藥為目標,企圖心十足!其策略是利用Globo Series核心醣技術開發創新藥物,並以「OPopSTM醣類自動合成法」大幅精簡醣類合成步驟,克服多醣分子難以大量生產之難題,開發全球首例針對轉移性乳癌的主動免疫療法疫苗OBI-822。由於60~90%乳癌病患皆帶有Globo H抗原,OBI-822如成功開發,相較目前主流的乳癌標靶藥物僅能覆蓋四分之一病患,預期將具有更廣市場應用潛力,目前已完成台灣三期臨床試驗、並進入FDA、KFDA Phase II Trial。
由於Globo 系列醣至少存在於14種癌細胞,OBI-822具有可應用於同屬Epithelial癌症的卵巢癌、肺癌、攝護腺癌之潛力,像是胰臟癌,浩鼎已著手開發長效型的OBI-833;而針對免疫反應較弱的肺癌患者,則開發被動免疫療法的單株抗體OBI-888。其他研發重點包括肉毒桿菌素OBI-858,可治療肌張力不全、斜視、偏頭痛及醫美用途等。另FDA近30年來唯一核准用於治療困難梭菌相關腹瀉的新型抗生素DIFICID™ (fidaxomicin),亦出自於浩鼎研發團隊。
成立日期 2002/04/29 員工人數 84人(碩博士以上佔 71.6 %) 研發人數 29人
實收資本額 $ 50 Mil. 市值 $ 1722.6 Mil. (2015.03) CEO 張念慈
2011 獲美國FDA 及香港衛生署核准乳癌治療性疫苗 (OBI-822)進行Phase II臨床試驗
2012 印度藥物管制局(DCGI)、KFDA核准OBI-822 臨床試驗許可。
2012 TFDA核准治療轉移性末期乳癌疫苗OBI-822進入第三期臨床試驗。
2013 與中研院簽署關於醣分子合成技術之專屬授權契約、OBI-822啟動卵巢癌二期臨床試驗
2014 OBI-822完成轉移性乳癌臨床三期試驗收案目標
Type Program Indication Characteristics Pre-clinical Phase I Phase II Phase III NDA Marketed
Biologic OBI-822
Specializing in active immunity cancer treatments
OBI Pharma was established by Dr. Zhang Nianci, the founder of Pharmanex and Optimer, out of sheer ambition; the objective of founding a Taiwan brand in new drugs. Its strategy is to use Globo Series core carbohydrate technologies to develop and innovate in new drugs, and, using OPopSTM Optimer One-Pot Synthesis and Sanger sequencing, to simplify greatly the steps involved in carbohydrate synthesis, overcome the predicament presented by the difficulty involved in generating large quantities of polysaccharide molecules, and develop OBI-822, the world’s first active immunity treatment vaccine for metastasized breast cancer. Since between 60 and 90 percent of breast cancer patients carry the Globo H antigen, if development of OBI-822 succeeds, it is expected to have much broader market potential than current mainstream target breast cancer drugs, which cover only one quarter of patients. To date, phase III clinical trials have been completed in Taiwan and phase II FDA and KFDA trials initiated.
Since Globo series carbohydrate exists in at least 14 types of cancer cell, OBI-822 has the potential to be applied to cancers of the same epithelial class, such as ovarian cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer. In relation to pancreatic cancer, for example, OBO Pharma has already initiated development of a long-lasting OBI-833, and, for lung cancer patients with weak immune responses, it is developing passive immunity monoclonal antibodies OBI-888. Other R&D focuses include clostridium botulinum OBI-858, for treating dystonia, squints and migraines, and for use in cosmetic medicine, etc. Also, DIFICID™ (fidaxomicin) the only antibiotic to be approved by the FDA in the last 30 years for use in treating diarrhea associated with clostridium difficulties has emerged from OBI Pharma R&D groups.
Basic data
Date founded 2002/04/29 No. of employees 84 (71.6% of whom hold master’s or Ph.D degrees) No. of R&D employees 29
Paid-in capital $ 50 Mil. Market value $ 1722.6 Mil. (2015.03) CEO Zhang Nianci
Development highlights
2011 Gains US FDA’s and Hong Kong Department of Health’s approval for breast cancer vaccine (OBI-822) to enter phase II clinical trials
2012 Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) and KFDA approve OBI-822 clinical trial permit
2012 TFDA approves OBI-822 metastasized end-stage breast cancer vaccine OBI-822 for entry into phase III clinical trials
2013 Signs exclusive rights agreement with Academia Sinica on carbohydrate synthesis technology. OBI-822 commences phase II clinical trials for ovarian cancer.
2014 OBI-822 completes objectives of phase III clinical trials for metastasized breast cancer
2. R&D pipeline and core technologies (P3~P4)
Type Program Indication Characteristics Pre-clinical Phase I Phase II Phase III NDA Marketed
Biologic OBI-822
Breast cancer
Ovarian cancer First-generation active cancer immunity vaccine. Can be used in patients with the positive Globo H antigen. Does not conflict with other therapies, so can be used in conjunction with combination therapies such as concurrent hormone therapy or other therapies that do not affect patient immunity.
Biologic OBI-833 Pancreatic, stomach, lung cancers New generation long-lasting, active cancer immunity therapy. Stimulates in vivo autoimmune response in cancer patients with new protein vectors and adjuvants, with the aim of destroying cancer cells by means of the human immune system.
Biologic OBI-888
Lung cancer Targets Globo series carbohydrate with monoclonal antibodies, to achieve inhibition of cancer cell efficacy by causing passive immunity responses
Bio Similar OBI-858 Dystonia, squints, migraines, clostridium botulinum
Core technologies
OPopSTM Optimer One-Pot Synthesis and large-scale synthesis of carbohydrate active enzymes, requires only two to four synthesis steps, and overcomes the problem of polysaccharides being difficult to generate in large quantities.
Globo series carbohydrate active immune treatment affecting cancer cells only. Safe. Effective. Trains the body’s immune system. Required medical dosage small. Product dosage small. Cost high.
3. Mid- and long-term development strategy (P5~P6)
Establish international markets
Synchronize R&D, manufacturing and sales
OBI Pharma possesses business group combinations with abundant international experience. In R&D it plans to complete global clinical trial programs independently and has already started to organize its manufacturing. It has already invested in the joint establishment, with Ruentex Group , of Amaran Biotech, and is preparing to build in Hsinchu Science Based Industrial Park a Biosafety level 3 protein drug plant and API plant, expected to be completed and inspected in 2016. In the fullness of time, these are expected to become global manufacturing bases for such products as breast cancer vaccine APIs and clostridium botulinum.
As to sales of new drugs, OBI Pharma will continue to lead on its own. Huang Xiu-mei, former vice-chairman and chairman for Greater China of GSK, is in charge of organizing global sales. The company will in future manage its own principal markets, such as the US, China and Taiwan. It expects to expand in such markets as Europe and Japan through international rights and strategic cooperation. Expecting to become a key player in global cancer immune treatments, OBI Pharma has already put everything in place, from R&D to manufacturing and sales.
International partners
Optimer Pharmaceuticals
Carbohydrate wafer development processes Original parent company of OBI Pharma. Currently authorizing OBI Pharma to acquire Taiwan sales rights to DIFICID™ (fidaxomicin)
4. Expert perspective: Abundant international talent and experience. Immunity treatment vaccines passing the final hurdle towards R&D.
Chinese to English: Marketing material for hotel spa treatments General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Calmly experience here the pristine beauty of Kenting
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From Switzerland’s exclusive Valmont SPA, located in concealed mountain forest terrain
Allowing you to cast unease aside, to release stress thoroughly
So that body, mind and soul relax in mutual harmony and merge as one with Mother Nature
Retrieving life’s pristine energies
Over-exposure to the sun, long periods in air-conditioned environments or abrupt changes in lifestyle can cause the face to become dry, and dry skin is often accompanied by fine lines and wrinkles, making it a principal factor behind the rapid aging of the skin. Hydration treatment replenishes the skin’s moisture, achieving perfect moisture balance, soothing dry wrinkles, rediscovering the skin’s moistness, softness, brightness, and pure and delicate touch!
Suitable for dry skin bereft of moisture, skin that is coarse, finely wrinkled, dense or poorly receptive to make-up.
Treatment durations and prices:
Basic: 80 mins NT$4,200
Deep: 100 mins NT$6,800
Full: 120 mins NT$8,200
Modern life is fast moving and lived in a high-pressure environment. On top of that, the enviornment is polluted, causing the skin to lose its innate vitality, making it jaded, coarse and waxy. Vital Care gives your skin the energy it needs, helps to promote circulation, raises metabolic capacity, reactivates repair and defence functions, restores your skin to a balanced state, recreating totally healthy skin.
Suitable for tired, waxy skin with no luster and imperfect circulation.
Treatment durations and prices:
Basic: 80 mins NT$4,200
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Full: 120 mins NT$9,600
Soft, gentle, fully dynamic lymphatic drainage massage, driving circulatory and metabolic attunement, improving edema-related problems, thoroughly relaxing the body’s deep tissues, easing and soothing mind and body.
Suitable for persons with excessive muscle tension who require deep soothing and relaxation.
Treatment durations and prices:
Body scrub: 40 mins NT$2,500
Back drainage: 40 mins NT$2,500
Body rebalancing: 80 mins NT$4,000
Gloria Manor SPA
Coming Soon
From Switzerland’s exclusive Valmont SPA, located in concealed mountain forest terrain
Allowing you to cast unease aside, to release stress thoroughly
So that body, mind and soul relax in mutual harmony and merge as one with Mother Nature
Retrieving life’s pristine energies
Stay tuned
Chinese to English: A Study of the Relationship Between Quality of Working Life and Adaptation to Work Among Hospital Nursing Staff General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - Chinese 護理人員工作生活品質與工作適應關聯性研究
A study of the relationship between quality - work life and work adjustment by hospital Nurses.
(Nurses' quality of work life and organizational commitment relevance)
Quality of Work Life by hospital Nurses.
Translation - English
A Study of the Relationship Between Quality of Working Life and Adaptation to Work Among Hospital Nursing Staff.
(The Relationship Between Nursing Staff's Quality of Working Life and Organizational Commitment)
Quality of Working Life Among Hospital Nursing Staff.
The subjects of this study were 450 nursing staff from the nursing department of a teaching hospital. Data were collected by questionnaire. The purposes were: (1). To understand nursing staff’s levels of satisfaction with the quality of their working life. (2). To explore the relationship between such levels of satisfaction and their adaptability to their work. (3). To explore basic attributes of the relationship between quality of working life and adaptability to work through a review of the relevant literature, in the hope, through the research results, of proposing feasible strategies for improving the quality of nursing staff’s working life and adaptation to work, for provision to hospitals for deliberation in their establishment of management systems.
The study was a cross-sectional descriptive correlational study. The instrument was a structured questionnaire, with which we conducted data collection. The contents of the questionnaire included:
1. Data on basic attributes. 2. Quality of life scale. 3. Adaptability to work questionnaire. Data collection was undertaken, and the statistical software SPSS 18.0 was used to perform data analysis by descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation analysis.
Of the respondents, 71.40% were aged between 22 and 30 and 97.38% were graduates of junior college or higher level institutions. Most—62.14%—were single and most again—74.76%—lived with their families . They mainly (62.62%) worked 24-hour shifts (three-shift system). The percentage working fixed shifts was 42.14%. As regards leave, 46.90% took leave in accordance with the fixed shift vacation roster, while 26.67% took it irregularly, only when their workloads allowed.
On the issue of quality of working life, “interpersonal relations” scored highest, with 3.71, while “work environment” and “relationship with family” scored lowest, with 3.23. Average scores on the work adaptation scale were between 3.24 and 3.41. Each dimension of quality of working life and adaptation to work (organizational commitment, pleasure in work, job satisfaction, job tenure) showed a statistically significant positive relationship (p
Chinese to English: Institutional Change and Market Networks: A Historical Survey of Interlocking Directorates in Large Companies in Taiwan (1962-2003) General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Source text - Chinese
市場的形成與運作如何受到社會結構與制度環境的影響,一直是晚近組織理論與經濟社會學研究的核心議題 (Fligstein 1996; Granovetter 2002)。在這個學術發展的脈絡中,市場網絡的結構、運作與影響,則是被學者大量聚焦探索的領域 (Lie 1997; Podolny and Page 1998);其中,企業的「董監事跨坐」更是被學者視為是市場運作的一種重要型態,其中蘊含著企業治理控制與策略活動的豐富線索(Mizruchi 1996)。雖然組織理論與管理學者對董監事跨坐與市場活動的關聯等議題已經有大量的研究,然而其形成如何受更廣的制度環境與社會文化力量所影響,仍然是個比較少被研究的議題(Windolf 2002)。以台灣特殊的經驗來看,強勢國家權力的干預與華人家族主義的慣習為其重要制度因素(Hamilton and Kao 1990; Wade 1990),晚近的研究也顯示台灣企業間網絡的型態受國家權力與家族文化的交互影響而展現出本地的特殊面貌(李宗榮 2007)。然而,正如許多研究所指明:市場網絡並非靜態而一成不變 (Gulati and Gargiulo 1999);制度環境更是變動不居 (North 1990)。從企業的立場而言,外在網絡的形成與維持乃對環境制約的一種策略回應;一旦環境變遷,引發適應手段,在市場的競爭與企業的成長動力中,結果勢必又回饋於制度之上,造成環境的進一步變革。這個過程是制度與市場網絡交相反覆(iterative)的動態影響(Walker, Kogut and Shan 1997)。不過對於企業網絡的與制度環境變遷之間的關聯,目前本地的學界對此面向的認識仍然相對有限,也存在許多文獻上的空白。
而有關制度變遷與市場網絡的形成與轉型,在近年的文獻中逐漸引起組織研究與經濟社會學者的興趣(Peng 2003; Peng and Luo 2005),特別是快速變遷的制度環境幾乎是新興市場與轉型經濟的標記(Peng 2003),令人好奇的是歷經快速工業化的台灣,企業間網絡的型態與演變又具有什麼特色。以台灣企業網絡為例,受到家族主義的文化影響,強連帶的「關係」網絡一直被視為是台灣市場活動中顯著的標記。然而既有探討台灣市場網絡的研究大部分以中小企業為本,大型企業是否也具有這種強連帶的網絡特質,值得進一步追認。若有,其形成的根源,以及隨著制度規範情境的變遷而在不同時代顯現出不同型態,目前文獻也仍少著墨。其實,若將本文的提問放在更廣的亞洲市場的脈絡來看,制度環境的演變對企業網絡的構成影響,也仍然是一個沒有受到太多關注的問題(Peng and Zhou 2005:321)。
有關市場網絡如何變遷的議題,早期的分析大部分視市場為自我完足(self-contained)的構造,而從市場內部的行動者本身的動態活動來探討網絡的改變(Gulati and Gargiulo 1999;Walker, Kogut and Shan 1997);換句話說, 這類的觀點立基於自由市場的模型,假定市場網絡不受鉅觀的權力、制度或社會文化因素所影響,也難免受經濟社會學者所批評(Granovetter 2002)。正如制度論者所指出,每個市場脈絡中的政治經濟與權力結構形成某種特殊的競爭環境 (Fligstein 1996),也間接的影響了企業形成網絡的成本效益與策略考量。本文認為,特別是在環境變化激烈的新興市場或轉型經濟,考察更鉅觀的結構因素,對於理解市場網絡的變遷至關重要。本文採取制度論的理解架構,探討企業網絡的生成與變遷如何受市場、國家以及社會文化等三大因素所左右 。
首先是市場。市場發展成熟與否,可以粗略視為是工業化程度的差異,間接的影響企業網絡構成的型態。例如Zeitlin(1988)等人發現以農業與大地主為核心的智利經濟,在企業網絡關係上顯現了以親族網絡為核心的前現代構造。在八零年代的美國,工業融資的重要使得銀行成為企業網絡的主導核心(Mintz and Schwarz 1985),而當資本市場力量抬頭,法人投資與消費金融的潮流來臨,以銀行為核心的統理網絡結構又歷經崩解 (Davis and Mizruchi 1999; Useem 1996),這些案例說明了市場的發展對企業網絡所可能造成的影響。市場成熟的另一個意涵是其他支援體系(例如財產權、資本市場)的完備;否則,將造成所為「制度空隙(institutional void)」的現象,企業將有可能藉助其他的組織型態以協助運作。許多研究發現在這種市場仍不完備的市場,企業間往來大量仰賴人情關係(所謂強連帶),以作為正式法律規範的替代;這些強連帶的活動包含強化信任等社會活動的建立以及非正式的協議與規範,其目的是為了減低企業間的不信任以及環境的不確定 (North 1990; Khanna, Palepu, and Sinha 2005; Peng and Heath 1996)。換句話說,在市場發展的邏輯中,未臻成熟的市場(所謂的imperfect market)與企業大量的依賴強連帶是一體兩面。學者認為,企業伙伴之間的強連帶以及緊密的政商關係在亞洲,特別是中國、印尼與南韓特別顯著,乃制度的空隙所致 (Peng and Zhou 2005) 。
而國家對市場的參與與關於市場競爭的法制規範經常是影響企業連結的外部重要因素(Fligstein and Sweet 2002; Hage and Alter 1997; Evans 1995)。前者包含了正式的組織機構對市場的參與介入,與企業菁英之間的互動協商等;後者則牽涉到市場競爭遊戲規則的建立以及治理意識型態的宣揚與鞏固(Fligstein 1996)。這些行動的後果是市場權力結構的捏塑與打造,進而影響企業網絡的形成。前述論及十九世紀初的美國具濃厚的反托拉斯的立法規範,企業的橫向連結受到壓抑,在立法通過的三十年間總體企業網絡的結構呈現密度低而去中心化的分散結構,而企業間董監網絡的多重關係比例也大幅降低,呈現一種鬆散而多元的型態 (Mizruchi 1982)。反之,在德國與其他有國家統合主義傳統的市場,由於一向鼓勵國家競爭的卡特爾壟斷經濟,市場中的董監網絡由大型企業掌控,而且涵蓋面幾乎遍及全部公司,呈現出了集中化(centralized)與緊密的橫向連結的特色(Heinze 2004; Scott 1991;Windolf 2002)。不同政權對市場治理的意識型態與法制規範,顯著的決定了市場網絡的構成型態。
最後,地域性的社會文化因素也常被發現是企業網絡差異的重要因素 (Kadushin 1995; Hamilton and Biggart 1988; Whitley 1999)。在東亞地區家族文化對企業組織的影響通常體現在所有權與繼承權的型態選擇上,也影響了企業交易的型態。例如韓國盛行家父長制的文化,讓企業的權威結構傾向於垂直性整合與集中;而在台灣,華人家族的分家文化與關係網絡的習慣則讓企業網絡傾向於零散與地域化 (Hamilton 1997; Greenhalgh 1988)。而這兩個市場則都顯現了強烈的依賴家族與親近關係來從事生意往來的特色(Fukuyama 1995)。
市場、國家與社會文化三種因素或可以歸結成三種解釋企業間網絡變化的邏輯,對於市場網絡變化也有不同的預期。市場論背後是一個效率與成本的假說,制度空隙的問題會隨著市場體制的日臻成熟而解決。這背後更隱含著市場趨同性的預期:國內經濟的自由化,加上國際化的競爭與全球化的貿易,將讓地區性的經濟逐漸整合,市場從事交易的效率與成本也將趨於一致,網絡結構的差異也將消失,將更朝向所謂自由市場模式的治理型態 (Berger and Dore 1996; Heinze 2004)。而國家政權也非一成不變,特別是轉型經濟與發展中國家,常受國際政經情勢、國內民主化與市場權力的變化而導致改變。發展國家理論中著名的「掘墓人(grave digger)」命題,便是預言一旦完成了促經濟發展的任務之後,國家權力便替自己劃下統御的句點(Evans1992) 。國家力量一旦式微,對市場活動的參與、資源的分配、治理意識型態與政商關係的維持,勢必經歷新的變化。「掘墓人」的命題的與市場論的看法一樣,有很強的變遷預期,只是方向相反;市場力量的興起與國家力量的消退成為一增一減的交叉趨勢。最後,值得注意的是社會文化論的邏輯不像前述兩種理論,具有明顯的變遷的預期;有關網絡變遷的可能趨勢,目前家族文化論大抵呈現空白。既有出土的跨國的比較分析中,似乎說明社會文化(特別是家族文化的影響)仍是個根深蒂固的頑強力量,左右著許多地域經濟的交易與組織型態(Fukuyama 1995; Hamilton and Biggart 1988)。
除了比例極高的多次關係比例(強連帶)之外,先前有關台灣企業間網絡研究發現,家族主義的部落化使得網絡的運作通常侷限於一隅,因此網絡最大組成群體的規模將小於西方,也不容易產生一個控制全部網絡成員的集中性結構(李宗榮 2007)。而這個發現也符合西方學者有關家族控制概念的預期(Scott 1985; Roy and Bonacich 1988):小圈落的特性,使得網絡整合程度鬆散,呈現許多個以家族為主的小核心 。此外華人家族主義的封閉與小圈落特質,也使得先前研究推論台灣的企業間特殊主義網絡的比例與孤立個體比例會比較高。
這種看法的意涵是,市場的開放所產生新事業的利益,將讓企業之間原有的強連帶增強而非變弱;這可視為是家族主義文化頑強力量的強力主張。不過該論點乃基於已經具有強網絡關連的企業之間彼此互動的觀察,並沒有考量更多影響市場網絡發展的因素。正如前述市場論中的「制度空隙」邏輯所強調,企業個體隨著市場的成熟發展,國家力量鬆綁,制度環境逐漸轉變為市場系統,勢必牽動其網絡的調整。一來是制度的完備,制度空隙的缺陷被逐漸排除,人情往來將逐漸為正式的規則與法律規範所取代 (North 1981)。二是市場開放而使得市場成員增多,企業進行網絡聯盟的可能範圍變大而可考慮因素變得複雜。市場成員增多的另一個意涵是環境競爭性增強,當早期政策的保護與政商關係的連帶受到民主體制的挑戰而難以維繫,企業存活的要求條件升高,更需靠自身的資源與能力來取得成長,也更難依靠政治力量或既有連帶緊密的「關係」網絡的助益(Chung 2005)。在此市場競爭的情境中,網絡配置的成本與連結的廣泛性等因素將更重要。隨著壟斷與寡占的網絡結構逐漸鬆脫,冗餘性強且成本高的強連結將有可能逐漸的演化成弱連帶的形式。換句話說,市場競爭使得企業必須往外尋找成長的機會以及所需的資源,而弱連帶在此方面更容易讓企業達到目標 (Peng and Zhou 2005)。
制度論者曾指出,市場組織的正當性高低乃繫於市場行動者的主觀認知與評價 (Meyer and Rowan 1977; DiMaggio and Powell 1983);而企業之間的持股經常也蘊含著市場地位背書的過程(Pisano 1989; Stuart et al. 1999)。先前有關台灣企業網絡的研究發現台灣大型企業與公部門具有很強的鑲嵌性,而且官股董監或持股具有市場的地位作用,特別是公營行庫的董監事職位由於特權地位與潛在的社會聲望,向來為本地的企業主所垂涎(李宗榮 2007)。而這也符合制度論的看法:制度鑲嵌對企業社群形成一個訊號(signaling)作用,讓具有制度鑲嵌的企業無形中提高市場地位,也加深公眾信任的作用;不只可能會對發展帶來資源挹注的幫助,對企業的組織績效更有正面的影響(Meyer and Rowan 1977; DiMaggio and Powell 1983; Baum and Oliver 1991, 1992)。這個邏輯的引伸是,當國家具有規範與管制重要產業的權力時,企業有更強的誘因去維持這種制度的鑲嵌。事實上組織研究者就認為,在轉型經濟中,企業有很強的動機跟少數具有良好政商關係的企業維持強連帶,為的是利用強連帶所帶來的政策優惠的益處 (Peng and Heath 1996; Kock & Guillen, 2001: 79)。這些看法與發現讓筆者推論,在董監事網絡的形成上,與國家鑲嵌的企業將吸引其他企業與之形成網絡。本地的研究證實了此論點:台灣的大型企業若有官股董監事跨坐或持股,其他民營企業與之形成董監事跨坐或持股的頻率也顯著較高(李宗榮 2007)。
然而隨著市場逐漸成熟,這種誘因卻有可能降低。首先是因為經濟自由化所引起的國家資源消退,其次則是市場社群的自主性發展(Peng 2003; Evans 1992)。國家資源的消退讓企業透過制度鑲嵌來獲得工具性利益的誘因降低;而當制度轉型,市場逐漸成長,企業之間的互動增加,自外於國家規範的企業自主社群形成,原先因為強勢國家介入分配與控制而造成的彼此隔絕狀態將慢慢消除,企業透過互動與交換來取得所需資源的機會增加,國家所代表的制度規範的力量將慢慢被市場機制所取代。國家所掌握的資源一旦減少、行政權力變弱,則企業與其形成網絡鞏固資源、特權與資訊優惠的動機便減少;企業與政府部門所形成的強連帶,將可能逐漸變為弱連帶的形式(Child and Tse 2001; Peng and Zhou 2005)。前述研究也發現,台灣企業主隨著市場漸趨成熟,依賴與政府的「關係」來求取成長機會的現象日減(Chung 2005)。換句話說,前述制度論的組織研究者認為企業透過強連帶以動員政商關係的需求(Peng and Heath 1996),將隨著市場開放而降低,而這意謂著企業的制度鑲嵌作用將依時間而遞減。九O年代的台灣歷經經濟自由化的洗禮,大量的國有事業民營化,政府得以掌握的事業資源與政策槓桿日益減少,影響市場的能力已經逐漸降低(Wu 2007)。在這樣的轉型市場中,筆者預期企業與公部門形成網絡連帶的結構機會將日漸變少,而企業的制度鑲嵌作用也將受這時間動態的制約。這使得筆者推論:
Translation - English
Institutional Change and Market Networks: A Historical Survey of Interlocking Directorates in Large Companies in Taiwan (1962-2003)
Article type: Research article
Lee Zong-Rong, Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica
(02) 26525145
Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, 128 Academia Road, Sec. 2, Nankang, Taipei
Total characters: 43, 396
Institutional Change and Market Networks: A Historical Survey of Interlocking Directorates in Large Companies in Taiwan (1962-2003)
This paper explores the historical changes in interlocking directorates in large companies in Taiwan. It analyzes the data of all market listed and publicly owned companies from seven periods in time from the 1960s to the present, and, through institutional history and analysis involving the quantification of networks, surveys how the networks of Taiwan’s large companies presented their particular complexion of change because of the influence of market developments, the role of the state and family culture. In relation to changes in strongly and weakly associated directorate networks, changes in the overall network structure, and the relative positions of state institutions within the network, the paper adopts hypotheses and performs tests. The study finds that the directorate networks of large companies in Taiwan have adjusted as the market has expanded and matured, gradually aligning with the trends of the advanced industrialized countries, but Taiwan’s experience also demonstrates some very distinctive features. In particular, an exceptionally high level of extremely strong associations between companies has been demonstrated throughout the 40 years since the initial formation of the market until today, making this a significant feature of Taiwan’s market network. If we explore the underlying legal regulations, moreover, we find that Taiwan’s Company Act exerted a profound impact on the formation of the directorate network. The post-war state system perpetuated the “capital regulation” of the Kuomintang’s China era; an ideology emphasizing economic security, resulting in the Company Act’s “shareholder’s prerequisite” principle of heavy responsibility and low professionalism in the appointment of directors and supervisors. This regulation strengthened the strong culture of association of the familist emphasis on trust and closed guanxi (“connections,” “relationships”), giving the configuration of the directorate network an exceptionally high ratio of connections involving multiple interactions. Apart from this, looking into the structure of the nucleus of the corporate élite at the dawn of the market in the 1960s, one finds clientelism as a means of political control deeply reflected in the arrangements for personnel management of large companies. Old landowners and the rich and powerful, newly emerging businessmen, as well as commercially and politically well connected members of the social élite became the nucleus of Taiwan’s corporate directorate network in the early years. But the business owners among prestigious families all had shared familial involvement, the great majority having experience and credentials in local politics, or status as directors or supervisors of publicly owned businesses. The strong tendency towards familism and politicization became an important feature of Taiwan's corporate directorate network until the institutional transformation of the 1990s. As regards changes in the overall market network, in the early years there was a high degree of network concentration, in which links were intimate and connections deep, and in which, moreover, political control of market competition and protection of public and privately owned companies gave the network the distinctive characteristics of a small oligopoly cartel. After the end of the 1980s, however, this closed network began to loosen: The market went through a baptism by liberalization. Its members increased rapidly. State power withdrew from the economy. The public sector, in terms of network position, became more peripheral by the day, and the degree to which the owners of private sector companies also sat on the boards of public sector companies also diminished. Because the network turned from closed and tight into a large, loose circle, as it expanded, its connections went from strong to weak. Although the state withdrew, after transformation, the influence of the norms of the market, familism and legal system persisted; the ratio of multiple connections in the corporate directorate network remained high. Familist tribal tendencies, moreover, did not cause market network concentration to change from a structure in which a small number of members controlled entire communities; rather, the degree of network concentration rapidly decreased. Exceptionally strong associations but low levels of concentration became the important features of Taiwan's corporate networks after market transformation. Although Taiwan’s intercorporate networks have, in line with institutional change, come into line with the tendencies of Western countries, their structural complexion retains robust local characteristics.
How market formation and operations are influenced by social structure and institutional environment has recently been a constant core issue in research on organizational theory and economic sociology (Fligstein 1996; Granovetter 2002). In this context of academic development, the structure, operations and influence of market networks have constituted an area on which scholars have focused their investigations (Lie 1997; Podolny and Page 1998). In particular, “directorate interlocking” among companies is seen by scholars as an important type of market function embodying abundant clues about corporate governance and control and about strategic activity (Mizruchi 1996). Although scholars of organizational theory and management have already done much research on such issues as the relationship between interlocking directorates and market activity, how the development of the phenomenon is affected by wider institutional environmental and social cultural forces is still an area that has been relatively little researched (Windolf 2002). From the perspective of Taiwan’s particular experience, the intervention of strong state power and the custom of Chinese familism are the important institutional factors (Hamilton and Kao 1990; Wade 1990). Recent research has also shown that the nature of Taiwan’s intercorporate network is affected by the interaction of state power and familist culture but also has a distinctive local complexion. Just as much research has clearly shown, however, that: Market networks are not static and unchanging (Gulati and Gargiulo 1999); institutional environments in particular change all the time (North 1990). The formation and preservation of external networks are a strategic echo of institutional constraint; once the environment changes, means of adaptation come into play, with results in terms of competition in the market and growth momentum in the company that inevitably rebound upon institutions, causing the environment to undergo further reform. This process is the mutual, iterative, dynamic impact of institutions and market structure (Walker, Kogut and Shan 1997). The academic world in Taiwan, however, currently has only a limited understanding of the link between the corporate network and the institutional environment; there are many gaps in the literature.
The literature of recent years, however, has gradually aroused the interest of scholars of organizational research and economic sociology in institutional change and the formation and transformation of market networks (Peng 2003; Peng and Luo 2005), especially as a rapidly changing institutional environment is almost the hallmark of emerging markets and transforming economies (Peng 2003). What inspires curiosity is what characterizes the type of corporate network and its evolution in Taiwan, which has undergone rapid industrialization. Taiwan’s corporate networks, for example, relationship networks influenced by the culture of familism and characterized by strong associations, have always been seen as notable hallmarks of Taiwan’s market activity. Most existing studies of Taiwan’s market networks, however, have been based on small and medium-sized enterprises. Whether large companies possess this network characteristic of strong associations merits further assessment. If they do, the origins of their formation, as well as their manifestation in different forms at different times in line with changes in institutional norms have to date been the subject of little written attention. In fact, if we place the question raised by this paper in the broader context of Asian markets, the structural effect of the evolution of institutional environments on corporate networks is still an issue that has received little attention (Peng and Zhou 2005:321).
The current paper attempts to use more comprehensive, cross-period data gathering and network analysis and, in concert with an investigation into institutional environmental change, trace the outline of each period of evolution in Taiwan’s corporate directorate network from the 1960s to the present, in order to make good the shortcomings in the current literature. The paper has three objectives: First of all, through analysis of the political and economic background behind the inception of market development and the Company Act and other related laws and regulations, to discuss how institutional factors in relation to company regulations constrained the culture of Taiwan’s familist relationship network and produced the feature of strong associations which is extraordinary among companies. Secondly, through analysis of the élite “nucleus” of the directorate network of the early years, to discuss the historical reasons for the corporate networks’ intrinsic composition and their relationship to Taiwan's particular political and economic environment; this will help us to interpret the effect of the institutional imprint of Taiwan’s corporate organizational networks. Finally, through period by period analysis of data on the directorate network from seven periods, and comparison of data from the different periods, the article will provide the trends of change in the corporate networks of Taiwan’s large companies over the last half-century, while at the same time using data from the main industrialized Western countries for data comparison. This will not only provide a historically recognized depth to the topic of the evolution of the corporate networks of Taiwan’s large companies, but also, by presenting objective data, facilitate a clearer mastery of its distinctive character.
2. Literature Review: Research on corporate directorate networks
The earliest research we can trace on the subject of directorate-interlocking and shareholding networks is the 1912 US Congress’s Pujo Committee investigation of the Bank of New York’s Money Trust. Its purpose was to understand how J.P. Morgan was able, through interlocking directorates, to control the US economy with very little manpower (Brandeis [1914] 1995, Ch.3). Since then “interlocking directorates” have come to be seen as means by which powerful financial companies monopolize markets and an organizational tool by which élites agglomerate power, integrate collective operations and consolidate power (see DiDonato et al. 1988; Mizruchi 1992; Mills 1956). Since the 1980s, new interests have emerged in market and organizational sociology, primarily concerned with the following issues: First of all, concentrated examination of whether the formation of intercorporate directorate networks is controlled by factors on which market resources are mutually dependent (Burt 1983; Mizruchi 1982; Penning 1980). Secondly, examination of the theory of financial hegemony derived from resource dependency; exploration of how American market capitalism, because of the effects of funding needs, causes intercorporate networks to form, using major banks as their core structures (Mintz and Schwartz 1985; Soref and Zeitlin 1987; Davis and Mizruchi 1999). Finally, class cohesion theory investigates whether the US business community is being led by a new professional managerial class. This kind of view emphasizes that traditional capitalists can still, through interlocking directorates, effectively absorb new managerial élites and continue to maintain the cohesion of the so-called ruling class (Mills 1956; Zeitlin 1974; Ornstein 1984; Palmer 1983; Useem 1984; Scott 1997).
Relatively little attention has been paid to changes in directorate networks. Mizruchi (1982) has traced the network changes of the US’s largest 167 companies from 1904 to 1974, and found that in the 30 years since anti-trust legislation was enacted, the network structure has changed tremendously. In Asia, Lincoln and Gerlach (2004) have analyzed changes in the networks of Japan’s 250-plus major companies between 1980 and 1997, investigating how the bubble economy of the 1990s came into conflict with the alliance capitalist archetype, the keiretsu; intimate inter-conglomerate cross-shareholdings were reduced and banks at the core of the network lost their dominant positions. Although the Japanese market to a certain extent retains its traditional complexion, the competition presented by globalization and changes in the domestic environment have already caused changes to its organizational networks (see also Stark and Bedres, 2006, in relation to the example of Eastern Europe).
From this vast literature emerges a controversy involving many opinions, also reflected in research in Taiwan on corporate networks of interlocking directorates. Within this controversy, management scholars incline towards investigation on the basis of resource dependence theory, while sociologists are more concerned with questions of the composition of the class of the business élite. Yang Tze-kaing (1987), for example, conducted research into the directorate links of 56 listed and non-listed companies owned by Taiwan’s four biggest conglomerates, and found that the relationship between operating performance and different types of directorate links showed inconsistent effects, indicating that, in Taiwan, resource dependency theory and efficiency theory cannot be well supported. Research by Liu Yun-Shi (2002) also found that the relationship between a company’s operating performance and the extent of directorate links was very weak, and therefore held that directorate links were for integrating the interests of monopoly conglomerates and had no connection to the economic effectiveness of individual companies, and also that, “Directorate links in Taiwan companies are to some extent mechanisms for bringing together the social élite,” (Liu Yun-Shi 2002: 920). Japanese sociologist, Numazaki, adopts a similar view (Numazaki 1986, 1992). He conducted an analysis of a sample comprising 227 Taiwan companies for the year 1990, and found that 71 percent were groups formed from the largest networks, forming the island-wide, unconsolidated and extensive “common partner network.” Apart from this, he also found that, as a result of communities formed by interlocking directorates, there was a higher correlation between political participation and overseas collaboration in the inner circle of the élite among large Taiwan companies than among most companies, and that they were unique in this respect, forming the interest of the core “class section” of Taiwan’s bourgeoisie, and developing symbiotic relations with the élite of the public sector, separate from the network associations of most small and medium-sized family companies (Numazaki 1986). Most of the above studies which it has been possible to unearth explore the features of a single period only; they don’t look into the connection between differences in the institutional fabric and network change.
Macroscopic factors in market network change
In relation to the issue of how market networks change, most analyses in the early period saw markets as self-contained structures, and explored network changes from the dynamic activity of market players themselves (Gulati and Gargiulo 1999; Walker, Kogut and Shan 1997). To put it another way, this kind of perspective is based on the free market model; it assumes that market networks are not subject to the influences of macroscopic power, systems, or social and cultural factors and do not easily avoid criticism by economic sociologists (Granovetter 2002). Just as system theorists argue, the political economy and power structure within the fabric of each market forms a certain distinctive competitive environment (Fligstein 1996), and indirectly influences considerations of cost effectiveness and strategy in the formation of networks by companies. In this paper, the view is adopted that, especially in emerging markets or transforming economies, which are subject to intense environmental change, essential to an understanding of changes in market networks is an examination of the more macroscopic structural factors. The paper adopts the interpretative framework of system theory to explore how the generation of corporate networks and changes in corporate networks are influenced by three main factors: the state, society and culture.
First of all, the market: Whether market development is mature can be seen roughly as a question of discrepancies in degree of industrialization indirectly influencing the nature of the composition of corporate networks. Zeitlin and others (1988) for example, found that, in the Chilean economy, whose core chiefly comprised agriculture and large landowners, corporate network connections demonstrated a structure from a bygone era whose core was a close family network. In the US in the 1980s, the importance of industrial finance made the banks the leading core of the corporate network (Mintz and Schwarz 1985), but when the power of the capital markets raised its head and a wave of corporate investments and consumer finance approached, the unifying network structure with the banks at its core collapsed (Davis and Mizruchi 1999; Useem 1996). These cases illustrate the influence that can be exerted upon corporate networks by the development of markets. Another connotation of market maturity is the completeness of other support systems (such as property rights and capital markets); otherwise, if they are to create the phenomenon known as “institutional void,” it’s possible that companies will facilitate operations by facilitating other organizational models. Many studies have found that in this kind of incomplete market, intercorporate interactions depend on personal relationships (so-called “strong associations”), in order to serve as alternatives to formal legal regulations; these activities of strong association include the establishment of such social activities as the strengthening of trust as well as informal agreements and norms, the purpose of which is to reduce intercorporate distrust and environmental uncertainty (North 1990; Khanna, Palepu, and Sinha 2005; Peng and Heath 1996). In other words, in the logic of market development, the dependence on strong associations of most immature markets (so-called “imperfect markets”) and companies is a double-edged sword. Scholars believe that strong associations between partners and intimate political and commercial relations in Asia, especially in China, Indonesia and South Korea, are particularly significant and are caused by institutional voids (Peng and Zhou 2005).
State participation in the market and legal regulations concerning market competition are often important external factors influencing company links (Fligstein and Sweet 2002; Hage and Alter 1997; Evans 1995). The former include formal participation and intervention in the market by organizations and institutions, and interactive consultation between the corporate élite; the latter, on the other hand, involve establishment of the rules of the game of market competition, as well as management of ideological proclamations and consolidation (Fligstein 1996). The consequences of such actions are the modeling and forging of market power structures, followed by the influencing of the formation of corporate networks. Reference has been made above to the fact that the US in the nineteenth century possessed a large amount of anti-trust legislation. Horizontal corporate links were constrained. In the 30 years during which this legislation was passed, the structure of the corporate network presented a low-density, decentralized, dispersed composition, and the multiple connection ratio of corporate directorate networks decreased substantially, appearing loose and diversified in type (Mizruchi 1982). Conversely, in Germany, and other state-corporatist traditional markets, since they have always encouraged the cartels of state competition to monopolize markets, the directorate networks in the market are controlled by large-scale companies, and coverage extends almost to whole companies, presenting characteristics of centralized, intimate, horizontal links (Heinze 2004; Scott 1991;Windolf 2002). The ideologies and legal regulations of different régimes clearly determine the structural type of market networks.
Finally, local social and cultural factors have often been found to be important factors behind differences in corporate networks (Kadushin 1995; Hamilton and Biggart 1988; Whitley 1999). In the East Asia region, the influence of family culture on company organization often presents itself in choices to do with types of ownership rights and inheritance rights, and affects types of business transactions. The prevalent patriarchal system of Korean culture, for example, lets corporate power structures incline towards vertical integration and concentration, while in Taiwan the Chinese family culture of dividing the family and relationship networks makes corporate networks incline towards dispersal and localization (Hamilton 1997; Greenhalgh 1988). Both the Korean and Taiwanese markets, however, present characteristics of a strong dependence on families and relationships with close relatives in the conduct of business dealings (Fukuyama 1995).
Market, state and social culture are three factors, or perhaps three types of logic, for explaining changes in corporate networks, which present different expectations of change in market networks. Behind market theory is a hypothesis of efficiency and cost. The question of the institutional void will be determined as the market system matures by the day. Also behind the theory is an expectation that markets will tend to become homogeneous: The liberalization of domestic economies, plus internationalized competition and globalized trade, will cause local economies gradually to integrate. The efficiency and cost of market transactions will converge, and differences in network structure vanish, presenting a governance model more closely resembling the free market model (Berger and Dore 1996; Heinze 2004). National régimes will not remain unchanging, especially in transforming economies and developing countries, often susceptible to, and caused by changes in the international political and economic situation, domestic democratization and market power. The celebrated “grave digger” proposition in developmental state theory indeed predicts that once the task of rapid economic development is complete, state power replaces the boundaries of control drawn up by itself (Evans 1992) . Once state power declines, the maintenance of involvement in market activity, resource allocation, governing ideology and political and commercial relationships is bound to undergo new changes. The “grave digger” proposition is like the market theory view. It presents a very strong expectation of change but in the opposite direction; the rise of market forces and the waning of state power become an intersecting trend which declines one by one. Finally, it is worth noting that the logic of social cultural theory is not like the two theories discussed above, possessing an obvious expectation of change. As regards possible trends of network change, family culture theory currently draws a blank. Among existing, available transnational comparative analyses, it seems that it is still a deep-rooted, tenacious force that illustrates social culture (especially the influence of familist culture), controlling transactions and organizational models in the economies of many regions (Fukuyama 1995; Hamilton and Biggart 1988).
3. Research Hypotheses
From the perspective of market, state and family, in terms of economic analysis, this article will focus on the following few observable issues concerning network change. 1. Changes in strong and weak networks within the market. 2. Changes in the overall market structure. 3. The relative positions of state institutions within networks. Strong and weak associations have a bearing upon companies’ consideration of cost strategies in preserving networks, and this kind of consideration is in turn intimately connected to market structure and institutional environment. In particular, the local scholarly community has found that the local political and economic system before political and economic transformation in the 1990s, had very remarkable characteristics. In this context, the current article is concerned with what kind of changes the intimate inter-personal relationships to which Taiwan's market environment was accustomed underwent before and after the great transformation of the political and economic systems (the 1990s). Existing Western research, moreover, finds that different markets exhibit characteristics of entirely different structures within the overall network, and changes in several indicators of characteristics of network structure and the relative positions of state institutions (state-run businesses and publicly owned banks) within the overall network, will help us to investigate how the intercorporate networks in Taiwan bring about change while subject to forces resulting from markets, state and family culture. In exploring changes in the overall structure of corporate networks, the current article mainly investigates trends at several periodized time-points subsequent to the 1990s. This is because the number of market-listed companies after the 1990s relatively closely approximated to the scale of the corresponding sample adopted by the article from Western countries for the purpose of comparison.
Monopoly economic systems and strong associations
Previous research has argued that Taiwan’s overall network fully displays the dual influences of the laws of governance of a strong state and a richly familist culture, and that, in the early years, Taiwan’s régime and the feature of fierce intercorporate, clientelist exchange of benefits, presented itself as a distinctive type as regards the nature of the overall network structure: Compared with advanced, industrial Western countries, Taiwan’s ratio of multiple corporate network relationships and particularist links is very high. This reflects Taiwan's private companies’ habit of keeping in mind the so-called “guanxi network” and the phenomenon of intimate links generated by repeat dealings with trusted partners only (Lee Zong-Rong 2007). Clearly, the overall features of Taiwan’s corporate networks present the strongly associated social capitalist model of relatively rich intimate links (Walker, Kogut and Shan 1997; Burt 2000). It is also in keeping with local economists’ findings about the interpersonal links prevailing among small and medium-sized enterprises (Shieh Gwo Shyong 1991; Ka Chih Ming 1993; Chen, Chieh-hsuan 1994; Zhao Hui-ling 1995; Wang Zhi Qing 2001; Greenhalgh 1988; Hamilton 1997). The existing literature, however, still lacks in-depth discussion of historical changes. To take the case of the current study as an example, before the economic liberalization of the 1990s, the government’s preferential treatment, through all kinds of supervision and consultancy policies, in favor of the development of large companies and public sector businesses, gave the market monopoly and oligopoly characteristics. (Chu Yunhan 1989; Zhou Tian-cheng 1989; Liu-Jin-qing 1992 [1974]). Scholars have also found that because the sources of large companies’ monopoly profits are deeply affected by the government’s economic power, there is very strong exclusivity (Zhou Tian-cheng 1989:98). This cannot but inspire curiosity: 1. In the period before institutional change, did the network of large companies in Taiwan resemble the monopoly market type? And what was the trajectory of network change following transformation? 2. What, moreover, was the link between this oligopoly and monopoly market and the strong associations prevalent in Taiwan?
Generally speaking, the structure of networks in monopoly markets possesses the following characteristics: The majority of members are large companies, intimately mutually connected, well-versed in powerful national policy and economic mobilization, possessing a highly concentrated network because of their integrated corporate power, and frequently forming the phenomena of competitive cartels through network links. A conspicuous example among these is the state corporatism model of such countries as Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland, whereby the financial sector strongly controls industry (Windolf 2002:37). It is not clear whether Taiwan has historically presented a corporate network that conformed with this cartel archetype. Fragmentary empirical research and the observations of market figures, however, enable us to assume such a possibility. In the early 1990s, for example, news media professionals who observed Taiwan’s political and economic structure over the long term described the power structure within Taiwanese companies as follows:
“The power structure of the entire corporate world is still like a pagoda in composition: Numerous small and medium-sized enterprises located at the bottom, regional financial groups and some medium and large sized companies in the middle, and a small number of core conglomerates at the apex. Through inter-marriage, mutual investment and shareholding, these corporate groups strengthen their inter-group relationships, and, at the same time, the core groups also therefore form a closed ‘caste’ circle with a high degree of exclusivity.”(Xu Rui-xi 1991: 75-6).
In this kind of description, Taiwan’s large companies are located at the apex of power, and through links between market and society networks in each case, strengthen the closed and exclusive type of small circle. According to evidence-based research, among Taiwan’s 56 largest companies of 1985 as many as four out of every ten interlocking directorates represented horizontal links between competitors (Yang Tze-kaing 1987:139), confirming that before the 1990s, Taiwan’s network of large companies was very strongly characterized by monopoly competition preservation. In this kind of monopoly or oligopoly economic system, we have reason to believe that the strong associations that exist universally within the Taiwan market will be used all the more frequently; strongly associated links such as those between people or between relatives, enable the consolidation of circles of special interest. To put it another way, oligopoly economic systems must allow features of preexisting, familist, closed or repeat dealings to become even stronger. This is just like the strengthening function of the closed, inter-marrying network observed by the above news media professional.
Behind this kind of expectation is an understanding, vis á vis strong and weak networks, of the effects of different circumstances (contingents).
In fact, the strong associations of intimate small circles and dispersed, expanding weak associations (or structural holes), have always been two different forms of network strengths in organization scholars’ research findings, and are often compared by researchers (Burt 2005). Walker, Kogut and Shan (1997) and others, for example, argued that companies will often locate themselves within two different types of business network: one a strongly associated network with a community spirit resembling intimate links, and the other a weakly associated network with structural holes of repeat calculations and the brokerage effect. Within these two different types of social capital, companies face different opportunities and limits, and there are different strategic activities, which also influence change in the overall business network. As far as the market in the oligopoly economy is concerned, when members of the network obviously have access to channels for obtaining particular benefits, their incentives for expanding outwards to gain other information are reduced. This is why, in order to prevent monopoly competition among trusts, the governments of some countries (including the US) legislate to prevent competing large companies from forming network links; because large companies are large in scale but have few members, they can easily take collective action (Olson 1965). Once they form intimate network circles, they possess competitive advantages that are difficult to surmount. In the structure of the monopoly market, the purpose of network exchange lies in attaching importance to the consolidation of advantageous positions and the control of markets, not in extensive trawling for information; compared to weak associations, although the costs of strong associations are high and their redundancy is strong, the benefits they can guarantee are greater than this. Returning to the case of Taiwan, the network feature of clientelism lies in the establishment and preservation of privileged relationships between régime patronage and a small number of business clientelists. Historically, this has formed a small community of mainly prestigious and excellent large private companies; because their personnel numbers are small, their positions special, and they can easily identify each other in the market, the costs of forming the network are low and the incentives strong, and they develop easily formed and extensive collective associations. There may even be a further layer of consideration about strong associations, which is that in circumstances in which the political environment is high-pressured and makes prospects for market development difficult to predict, as far as company survival is concerned, the collective guarantee of inner circle status may emerge as more critical than the acquisition of peripheral information, and strong associations provide the means to enable consolidation of this kind of inner circle status, to enable the establishment of collective legitimacy, and strengthen the competitive advantage of the monopoly. This gives market members extensive incentives to form links with other market members. These discussions allow us to speculate that in Taiwan before the institutional transformation of the 1990s, the market may have resembled the German cartel type; because the number of listed companies at that time was relatively small and the government’s objective of cultivating companies through preferential policy means was clear, there were strong incentives for corporate networks to develop a closed network type involving intimate links. In this kind of market environment, moreover, the intrinsic strongly associated guanxi culture of Taiwan society will have a strengthened interactive effect on this kind of market structure. This causes us to offer the following two empirical hypotheses:
Hypothesis one: The largest constituent group ratios, multiple relationship ratios and network concentration levels of the interlocking directorates of Taiwan’s main large companies before the 1990s presented standards similar to those of state corporatism.
Hypothesis two: Taiwan’s pre-1999 average multiple relationship ratio and average number of interlocking directorates among large companies were higher than the corresponding post-1999 averages.
Changes in the structures of market networks
With the exception of the extremely high multiple relationship ratio (strong associations), the tribalization of familism causes the operations of networks to be confined to one corner. Because of this, the size of the network’s largest constituent group is smaller than in the West, and does not easily produce a concentrated structure controlling all network members (Lee Zong-Rong 2007). This finding, moreover, also conforms with the predictions of Western scholars about family control concepts (Scott 1985; Roy and Bonacich 1988): The small network circle feature causes the degree of network integration to loosen, and to present many mainly familist small nuclei. Apart from this, the closed and small circle network nature of Chinese familism also made previous research hypotheses’ ratios of Taiwan’s intercorporate particularist networks and of isolated entities relatively high.
In Taiwan, family businesses have always been the main factor behind market development. Whether the familist structural feature referred to above will adjust in line with changes in the market system merits further investigation. On this matter, the literature presents two different perspectives. The first view is largely held by Taiwanese scholars of Taiwanese business organization. The second is an interpretation of the above-mentioned institutional void. Local social cultural theorists emphasize that Chinese familism’s cultural custom of valuing interpersonal relationships does not easily disappear as a result of market change; rather, it may even continue to increase because of the profit incentives brought by new market opportunities (see also Fukuyama 1995). As Taiwan sociologist Frank Pen, for example, has pointed out in his research on the relationship network among Taiwan’s business owners at the end of the 1980s, despite economic transformation and liberalization, interaction among business organizations tended towards proliferation and multivariance (such as businesses that reinvest in joint management), but organizational links between all companies “still have to be executed by means of the private associations of the persons responsible, otherwise mutual trust cannot be established and true cooperation does not easily succeed.” (Frank Pen 1989:133). Pen emphasizes that the expansion of the business and management void and the increase in management opportunities expands the profit base of business owners’ private relationships. This kind of relationship not only represents the integration of feelings , but also incorporates a coalescence of interests. In these circumstances, “The owners are all the more willing to maintain these relationships. As they became more necessary, these relationships developed greater durability, and would not change as a result of new product development or service complexity.” (ibid).
The implication of such a view is that the profit generated by the opening up of markets enables strong existing intercorporate associations to strengthen rather than weaken. This can be seen as a powerful case for the formidable power of familist culture. This argument, however, is based upon observations of interactions between companies that already possess strong network links. It does not take account of any further factors that influence market network development. Just as is emphasized by the above-mentioned “institutional void” of market theory, business entities develop in line with market maturation and development. The relaxing of state power and the gradual change of the institutional environment to a market system inevitably cause adaptations in their networks. On the one hand is the perfection of the system. The defects of the institutional void are gradually eliminated and human interaction is gradually replaced by regulations and legal norms (North 1981). On the other hand, the markets are opened up, causing the number of market players to increase, and, as the scope for companies to forge network alliances expands, the factors that can be considered become complex. Another implication of increases in market players is the strengthening of the competitiveness of the environment. When the early associations of policy protection and political-commercial relationships become difficult to maintain because of the challenges presented by the democratic system, the conditions demanded for business survival become tougher, requiring greater reliance on one’s own resources and abilities to achieve growth, and making it more difficult to rely on political forces or the assistance of the intimate relationship network of existing associations. In line with the gradual slackening of monopoly and oligopoly market networks, highly redundant and highly costly strong connections may gradually evolve into weak associations. To put it another way, market competition forces companies to look outside for growth opportunities and the resources they need, and, in this respect, weak associations more easily enable companies to achieve their objectives (Peng and Zhou 2005).
A basic line of reasoning behind this proposition is that, as markets expand and mature by the day, strong associations are gradually guided by the momentum of market-style network allocations. Contrary to the above-stated view emphasizing the tenacity of familism, this kind of view implies that familist-style network structures possess the ability to adapt and adjust. These two mutually opposing views, moreover, offer different hypotheses about the nature of change in intercorporate networks. In the course of change, a tenacious familism archetype should be the above-stated type that continues to maintain the intimacy of strong associations; the tendency of familism to tribalize, moreover, causes networks to fracture and not easily connect at the wider level. This causes the scale of the largest constituent groups to constrict, and fractured small groups to continue to maintain relatively high network density. Conversely, adaptable familist networks expand from closed, small networks into loose, large networks. When the network allocations are more diffusive, what ensues is the network’s transformation from strong to weak and the outward expansion of associations. Because companies tend to extend link activities broader and further, as far as evolution of the overall dynamics of directorate networks is concerned, this kind of business entity’s intrinsic strategic momentum forms “propelling” power, causing the expansion of the scope of overall business links. The above two opposing arguments represent two kinds of predictions about changes in Taiwan’s intercorporate network. This helps us to infer the following two sets of alternative hypotheses about network change:
Hypothesis three (a):After the 1990s, the size of the largest constituent parts of the directorate networks of Taiwan’s large companies went from small to large with the passage of time, and the ratios of isolated entities and particularist networks became smaller. (Market transition theory and network structure)
Hypothesis three (b):After the 1990s, the size of the largest constituent parts of the directorate networks of Taiwan’s large companies became smaller and smaller, and the ratios of isolated entities and particularist networks remained relatively high. (Familist theory and network structure)
Hypothesis four (a):After the 1990s, the ratio of multiple relationships as well as the average number of networks in the directorate networks of Taiwan’s large companies became smaller with the passage of time. (Market transition theory and multiple relationship ratios)
Hypothesis four (b):After the 1990s, the ratio of multiple relationships as well as the mean number of networks in the directorate networks of Taiwan’s large companies could not become smaller with the passage of time. (Familist theory and multiple relationship ratios)
The change in characteristics of this network structure, moreover, raises a related question, namely: Are the structural features of directorate networks, along with market maturation and the evolution of the institutional environment, gradually converging with those of the markets of Western societies? Does the development of Taiwan’s directorate network embody the general rhythm of market convergence and institutional transformation? The above two arguments precisely conceal two different answers. In fact, in line with the integration of global capitalist markets and transnational flows of funds, more and more organizational scholars are beginning to discuss whether regional market governance structures, because of factors of globalized capital flows, are converging by the day with those in the Anglo-American mold. Although scholars have proposed the convergence hypothesis (Berger and Dore 1996), existing case studies present evidence to the contrary (Kogut and Walker 2001; Heinz 2004). Despite global markets’ copying and spreading of liberalization and management styles because of capital, each region’s economy remains controlled by historic tradition, local markets and institutional factors (Guillen 2001). From the perspective of the logic of familist theory, Taiwan’s corporate network will continue to maintain structural traits in the family culture style of the above discussion (hypotheses three (b), four (b)). The view of convergence theory, however, is contrary to this, perhaps holding that because Taiwan’s market environment has been through the so-called “great transformation”— gradually developing from strong state control to a liberal economic model—in terms of comparative norms at a relative level, market network structure trends can be expected to converge with Western norms. This convergence theory view leads us to expect:
Hypothesis five: The main structural traits (such as the scale of large constituent groups and ratios of isolated entities and particularist networks) of the intercorporate directorate networks of Taiwan’s large companies will, in line with the changes of the times, gradually converge in type with the norms of the main industrial countries.
Hypothesis six: Taiwan’s intercorporate directorate network ratio and average number of multiple relationships will, with time, gradually converge with the norms of the main industrial countries.
The withdrawal of the state
System theorists have pointed out that the level of legitimacy of market organizations is still connected to market actors’ subjective cognition and evaluation (Meyer and Rowan 1977; DiMaggio and Powell 1983), and intercorporate shareholdings also often involve processes of market position endorsement (Pisano 1989; Stuart et al. 1999). Previous research on Taiwan’s corporate network found a high degree of embeddedness between large companies and the public sector, and that government share directorates or shareholdings possessed market positioning functions, especially positions on the directorates of publicly owned banks, which, because of their privileged status and potential social prestige, were always coveted by local entrepreneurs.
This also, moreover, conforms with the system theory view: System embeddedness forms a signaling function in relation to the business community, enabling system embedded companies imperceptibly to raise their market position, and deepening the function of public trust; this may bring development assistance in the form of the allocation of resources, as well as having a positive effect on the companies’ organization and performance (Meyer and Rowan 1977; DiMaggio and Powell 1983; Baum and Oliver 1991, 1992). An extension of this logic is that, when the state possesses the power to regulate and control important industries, companies have stronger incentives to preserve this institutional embeddedness.
In fact, researchers in organizational studies believe that, in transforming economies, companies have powerful motives for maintaining strong associations with a few other companies with good political-commercial relationships, for the sake of utilizing the assistance of the policy concessions brought by strong associations (Peng and Heath 1996; Kock & Guillen, 2001: 79). These views and findings lead me to conjecture that, in the formation of directorate networks, companies embedded with the state will attract other companies with which to form networks. Local research has validated this argument: If large companies in Taiwan have interlocking government share directorates or shareholdings, the frequency with which other, privately owned companies form interlocking directorates or shareholdings with them is significantly high (Lee Zong-Rong 2007).
As the market gradually matures, however, this kind of incentive becomes weaker. This is, first of all, because the state resources that materialized because of economic liberalization disappear, and secondly because of market communities’ independent development (Peng 2003; Evans 1992). The disappearance of state resources enables incentives for companies to gain instrumental interests through institutional embeddedness to decline; and when institutions are transformed, markets gradually grow, interaction between companies increases, independent communities of companies form beyond state regulation, the former state of mutual isolation created by the intervention, distribution and control of the strong state dissipates, opportunities increase for companies to obtain the resources they need through interaction and exchange, and the institutional regulation that the state represents will slowly be replaced by market mechanisms. Once the resources controlled by the state decrease, administrative power weakens, and companies’ motivation to form network consolidation resources, prerogatives and information concessions with that administrative power declines in turn. The strong associations that companies form with the government sector may gradually take on the form of weak associations (Child and Tse 2001; Peng and Zhou 2005). The above-mentioned research also found that the phenomenon whereby Taiwan’s business proprietors, in line with the market’s gradual maturation, rely on the government’s guanxi to obtain growth opportunities, declines by the day (Chung 2005). In other words, the above-mentioned system theory organizational studies researchers believe that, companies, through the demand for strong associations to mobilize political-commercial relations (Peng and Heath 1996), will, in line with market opening, decline, implying that the institutional embedding function of companies will gradually decline over time. With Taiwan’s 1990s baptism by economic liberalization, extensive privatization of state businesses, daily decline in both the business assets capable of control by government and in policy leverage, the ability to influence markets was already declining (Wu 2007). In this kind of transforming market, I would expect structural opportunities for companies to form network associations with the public sector to decline by the day, while the system embedding function of companies will also be constrained by the dynamic of time. This leads me to infer:
Hypothesis eight: The degree of linkage in the directorate network of Taiwan’s public and private sectors will decline with time.
Hypothesis nine: The institutional embedding of Taiwan’s large private companies has a positive effect on the formation of directorate networks, but this effect will gradually decline over time.
4. Data Sources, Samples and Analysis
One of the particular features of the current study is that it integrates, and conducts analysis of, long-term, comprehensive data on public and private sector directorates. The period covered spans seven points in time, from 1962, when the Taiwan Stock Exchange was established, to the present (consisting of the years 1962, 1969, 1982, 1988, 1992, 1998 and 2003). The “market” and “large companies” to which the current study refers mainly comprise companies within this sample; the analysis which follows will show that the scale of this market has undergone severe changes. As far as analysis is concerned, the study investigates the features of changes in Taiwan’s corporate network structure that correspond with states of growth in rapidly changing markets. . The reason for choosing listed companies is that they are important market actors. Not only are they the main force behind Taiwan’s economic development, on which their impact is tremendous, but there are ample sources of information on them, and, because their characteristics are consistent, they are easy subjects of cross-country comparison. The pre-1980 data on market listed companies mainly comes from the Listed Companies List published annually by the Taiwan Stock Exchange. In order to establish the variables on links between the public sector and government institutions, I separately collected the data of state-owned companies and publicly owned banks. Because Taiwan’s publicly owned businesses disclosed very little data in the early years, the data from such businesses appears to increase over the years in the sample used in this study. Links between publicly owned businesses and privately owned listed companies in the early years may therefore have been underestimated. Data on publicly owned businesses was obtained for me with the assistance of the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ State-Owned Enterprise Commission, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Finance. Publicly owned businesses at the start of privatization in the 1990s, are extremely difficult to classify. Particularly in the initial period the government generally retained a proportion of government shares, and could still influence the privatized company’s human resources and management (Fang Qing-feng 2000: 75). On this basis, this study classifies as publicly owned businesses all companies which had been privatized but in which the government retained decision-making rights .
As far as network quantification analysis is concerned, what is important is to examine the basic data on directorate networks. These include the number of links for each year in the overall directorate network, link density, the ratio of multiple relationships, the size of the largest constituent groups, the degree of network concentration, etc. . Also, I picked out data on the directorate network structures of the main Western industrial countries in order to illustrate Taiwan’s features. For comparative data I relied mainly on Windolf (2002). Apart from this, I divided the publicly and privately owned business from each period into two blocks, and sorted the trends for the degree of directorate linkage in the intra-block and inter-block, in order to gain an understanding of changes in public and private sector network embeddedness. Finally, I unearthed the details of the interlocks of the corporate high fliers (the so-called “inner circle”) of each period’s level of interlocking of directorates in order to balance the roles played by personnel associations in embedding within the public and private sectors, to facilitate an understanding of state and familist forces in the waxing and waning of the change process.
5. Legal Regulations, Familism and the Formation of Strong Associations Among Large Companies in Taiwan
In order to provide a reference map for the following institutional history, table one and table two present the historical changes in the basic data of the directorate networks of Taiwan’s main companies. Table one presents a superficial outline of the directorate network of Taiwan’s main companies over the seven periods in the 40 years from 1962 to 2003. From the table we can see that, in the 1960s, Taiwan had only 20 or so listed companies (including publicly owned and privately owned companies) and that, after 40 years of rapid economic development, by 2003, the number of listed companies had grown to 650. In line with the rapid expansion in the size of the market and the increase in listed companies, the absolute number of intercorporate interlocking directorates also increased by a factor of 27.
Within this period, the 1990s was the era of market transformation and reorganization. The number of listed companies in the brief ten-year period between 1992 and 2001 grew to over 450, almost twice as high as the growth figure for the 30 years between the 1960s and the 1990s. Table two is a list of rankings of numbers of corporate directorate networks among Taiwan’s large companies.
表一、表二 大約在此
A most distinctive feature of these data is that the directorate networks’ ratio of repeat relationships (multiple relationships) all approximate to 40 percent. This particular characteristic of Taiwan’s corporate network, identified in previous studies, is a historically consistent, distinctive feature. Compared with the main overseas industrial countries, this is manifestly higher; even higher than the ratio for Germany (24.4 percent) among the most highly industrialized. To understand this strongly associated network of repeat interactions in Taiwan, one can also compare the average number of directorate networks. In each period in Taiwan the average number of intercorporate directorate networks is higher than that of the Western industrial countries (8.49). Even in the 1980s it was twice as high. Another finding that is worth noting is the obvious network structure as compared before and after institutional opening. We find from table one that, in 1962 and 1969, the multiple relationship ratios of Taiwan’s listed company directorate network were as high as 44 percent and 50 percent, while the averages were also abnormally high, illustrating that associations were abnormally close. The network’s ratio of the largest constituent groups capable of interconnecting, moreover, was also as high as 90 percent of the total number of listed companies, signifying that almost all the listed companies could, through directorate networks, unite within an interconnecting constituent group. Taiwan’s corporate directorates in the early years presented a network type that was extremely dense and overlapping, unsurpassed as a surprising feature of the market when it was formed. While the 1980s were not similar to the 1960s, the ratios of largest constituent groups and multiple relationships were still high. What was similar to the 1960s was that the levels of network concentration of the two periods were very high. In comparison with Western countries, in the pre-1990s intercorporate network, which somewhat resembled the state corporatist model of such countries as Germany, it is the associations of this period only that are stronger than those of Germany. The numbers of individual companies were small, members encompassed by the network were extensive, and associations were strong. The participation of state-run businesses was relatively vigorous, and overall network concentration was high. From the perspective of surface structure, it can be said that, after the 1990s, the process of gradual change in Taiwan’s market network structure began from precisely this kind of small circle, mini cartel archetype.
A high ratio of multiple connections is an exceptionally special feature of Taiwan’s intercorporate network. This finding also appears to tally with the theoretical predictions about familism in relation to inter-personal relations and the repeat trust of repeat dealings (Hamilton and Kao 1990; Chen Chieh-hsuan, Kao Cheng-shu 1991) Apart from the explanations of familism, however, we also have no choice but to understand the very important matter of the institutional origins of Taiwan’s intercorporate directorate networks. First of all, the structure of political and economic power. In the early years, Taiwan’s economy gave the appearance of a mainly government-run oligopolistic system with few government-supported companies; the great majority of listed companies were protected businesses producing for the domestic market, while most business owners enjoyed good political-commercial relations (Chu Yun-han 1989; Wang Jenn-Hwan 1993; Wang Hongzen 1988). Legally and institutionally, the formidable publicly owned companies that the post-war KMT government inherited as its backbone from the Japanese colonial era have in constitutional terms indeed been assigned a unique status as regards source of law, establishing legitimacy. They also, though, restricted companies from entering operations and permitted the formation of cartels. These assurances included a series of statutory stipulations concerning market governance, the constitutional status of state-run businesses, and toleration of monopoly competition in large public and private sector businesses. These legal methods constitute the special complexion of what legal scholars call “the general mobilization system of laws” for state-led economic development. (Chen Weitseng 2000: 40).
Endorsement by the constitution enabled publicly owned companies to construct advantageous market positions within private companies, and, through the establishment of governance regulatory systems, the monopoly positions of publicly owned and large, privileged companies were guaranteed. What is able to cause the state, however, to advance to possess flexible leverage with which both to control and integrate private companies, is in fact legalized state-run business reinvestment activity. In 1969, the Executive Yuan proclaimed the Methods for Managing Investment in Private Companies by State-run Companies , giving state-run companies substantial reinvestment freedom through brief and flexible clauses, enabling the state, under the pretext of controlling personnel and funds, to perform economic activity like that performed by private companies (Chen Weitseng 2000:98)
In order to understand, however, why, universally among Taiwan’s companies, there are intimate associations and relationships of intricate repeat interaction, apart from the foundations of political and economic power constructed by the system, it is necessary to look into the legal norms of the ruling class, especially how legislation surrounding the contemporary joint-stock company system restricts and strengthens the deep familist tendency of Taiwan companies. The main force for growth in contemporary markets is companies, especially those adopting as their core the corporate model of share ownership; they are the most advanced economic organizations in the system of market capitalism. In the early years, however, the organizational model of Taiwan’s companies was not mainly that of joint-stock companies, but primarily of individual companies, joint ventures and joint stock (Wang Tay-Sheng 1995). According to data from Taiwan’s first census of industry and commerce, in the middle of 1995, of the almost 40,000 manufacturers in Taiwan, 98.9 percent were not organized as companies, while only 450, a mere 1.1 percent, were organized as companies. Only 346, less than one percent, were joint-stock limited companies, (Liu Jin-qing 1968: 769). The targets of the regulations of the Statute for the Encouragement of Investment, promulgated by the government in 1962, were confined to those that, under the Company Act, were “joint-stock limited companies.” This rendered the great majority of wholly-owned or limited companies, as well as other small and medium-sized joint ventures, unable to benefit. This policy did cause companies to abandon development revolving around families and turn to the inducements of modern systems of share ownership, but the range of deficiencies associated with the capital markets and other systems still resulted in company development in Taiwan being constrained by familism. In 1953, the government conducted land reform. Heavy levies were imposed on the farmland of small landowners. More than 160,000 landowners obtained shares in four large companies and the establishment of the joint-stock company system began to resemble an omen. Because the capital markets were not yet mature, however, there was little trading and the four companies’ shares depreciated rapidly, rendering limited the function of the power of the capital markets to promote company modernization and development. It was only in 1962 that, at the suggestion of USAid consultants, the Taiwan Stock Exchange was established, and Taiwan acquired a platform for stable dealings. The number of listed companies, however, was small, the ratio of shares in circulation low, and transactions infrequent. Large, publicly owned companies like Taiwan Sugar Corporation played a core role in feverish trading
Chinese to English: Hotel Proverbs Taipei, International New York Times 4-page Full Color Cover wrap General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - Chinese HOTEL PROVERBS TAIPEI / International New York Times - 4 Page Full Color Coverwrap 文案
P1 Cover 內頁左邊 內頁右邊 封底
P1 Cover
在市中心最Chic的地方, 盡情享受美酒佳餚,品嚐餐桌上最美麗饗宴。
廚藝總監 Fudy Chen 全新打造的義式餐廳,使用自家農場每日現採蔬菜、魚港當日新鮮海鮮以及自家熟成牛肉( house-aged beef),為台北最新必朝聖(New and Hit 的意思)餐廳。
Ray Chen, Design, Life Style,不要用Luxury
Translation - English HOTEL PROVERBS TAIPEI / International New York Times - 4 Page Full Color Coverwrap 文案
P1 Cover 內頁左邊 內頁右邊 封底
P1 Cover
在市中心最Chic的地方, 盡情享受美酒佳餚,品嚐餐桌上最美麗饗宴。
At the home of chic in downtown Taipei, savor the finest foods and wines. Feast to your heart’s content.
廚藝總監 Fudy Chen 全新打造的義式餐廳,使用自家農場每日現採蔬菜、魚港當日新鮮海鮮以及自家熟成牛肉( house-aged beef),為台北最新必朝聖(New and Hit 的意思)餐廳。Head chef Fudy Chen brings agriculture and aquaculture into play at his brand new Italian restaurant, using vegetables and seafood harvested daily from his own farm and fishing wharf. There’s also his own delectable house-aged beef. Exquisite, sustainable and fresh produce with an Italian influence for Taipei’s hippest restaurant.
日本調酒大師 Ueno Hidetsugu 世界唯一合作酒吧,現在是台北東區最火紅酒吧,每季可體驗 Ueno 與業界冠軍調酒師聯手創造獨一無二的風格調酒。
Japanese cocktail master Ueno Hidetsugu’s one and only joint venture is currently the hottest bar in Taipei’s eastern district. Throughout the year he can be seen there creating one-of-a-kind cocktails with other champion cocktail masters.
Reservation: +886 903 531 851
以上這段文字需要有這些Keyword: Ueno Hidetsugu, one and only
HOTEL PROVERBS TAIPEI 由名建築設計師陳瑞憲設計,位於台北東區最精華市中心。洗鍊奢華外觀與熱情奔放的空間設計互相呼應,房間內每個細節和傢俱都有自己的設計風格,滿足旅客對飯店的「幻想」。By renowned designer, Ray Chen. Located in Taipei’s exclusive eastern district. Class and warm sumptuousness echo one another, each detail of the room and its furnishings boasting its own style and fulfilling each guest’s dreams. Design, life style, comfort par excellence.
GUEST PRIVILEGES:全館免費無線網路、免費熱門電影、免費Mini Bar、擦鞋與開夜床服務、入住期間可享紐約時報、英國金融時報電子報線上閱讀、免費租借MAC筆記型電腦
Free wi-fi throughout the hotel. Free currently trending movies. Free mini bar. Free shoe-shine and turndown service. The New York Times throughout your stay. On-line access to the Financial Times. Free hire of Mac laptop computer.
Ray Chen, Design, Life Style,不要用Luxury
Chinese to English: Hotel Proverbs Soft Open Website Text General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Chinese #####
懷抱純粹 綻放熱情
縱情饗樂 品酩微醺
Translation - English #####
Refined completely by standing at length amid restless city scenes
Cherishing purity Effusing warmth
Blending classic European styles and contemporary metallic aesthetics
Indulge in pleasures Get a little tipsy
In step with the music, savor the intoxicating atmosphere
Enjoy the delightful table-top sights
Delicately interpret the intrinsic pleasures
Take part with gay abandon
Wantonly soak up the splendors of the five senses
Roam around these stylistic feasts
These haughty, willful, ultimate pleasures
Raise your head to life’s incessant thirst for and pursuit of splendor
Chinese to English: Gloria Hotel Room Reservation System: Operating Steps General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Translation - English In the event of cancellation on the scheduled date of check-in, the hotel will retain your entire accommodation fee
Once your reservation has been made, the hotel will collect your entire accommodation fee as a deposit
In the case of special online offers, moneys will not be refunded in the event of cancellation
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There is currently no room available of the type you have specified for the number of people you have specified and on the check-in date you have chosen
The period you have selected exceeds the 28-day limit. If you need to book for a period in excess of 28 days, please contact reservations.
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The record of your reservation has successfully been cancelled. Because today is your check-in day, however, no moneys can be refunded.
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Thank you for choosing the Gloria Manor Hotel Kenting. The following is a summary of your reservation.
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Chinese to English: Gloria Manor Hotel: Outdoor Itineraries General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Chinese 【5-10月限定】滿州人文鐵馬逍遙遊暨採果樂
遊程時間: 約3.5小時
Translation - English 【Reservations from May to October only】Leisurely cultural tour and dragon fruit picking in Manzhou
When you arrive in Manzhou, Monkey Mountain towers above you at the side of the road. At another spot, Elephant Mountain stands right before your eyes. Jing Sheng Pavilion , which lies between Monkey Mountain and Elephant Mountain, was constructed not merely in veneration of writing; there is another, unknown dimension to its purpose. Then, among other things, there’s the home―an outstanding property―of Tomoko from Cape No.7, the story of local nobility, its stones like whetstones. Also, your guides take you to Dragon Fruit Park , one of the new Three Precious Treasures, and, inside the park, you pick dragon fruit, enjoy a special presentation on how to make dragon fruit cookies and jello by hand, and play with a dog for once on your trip!
Journey time: Approximately 3.5 hours.
【Reservations from May to October only】Crabs: romantic encounters and nocturnal observations
From June onwards, you can see large numbers of land crabs in the creek beside the harbor. The period around the Mid-autumn festival is the peak period for the breeding of land crabs, so, at this time, all kinds of them can be seen doing everything in their power to cross the roads. Following the guides on their night-time explorations of the cute little crustaceans and their fascinating lives so intimately linked to the comings and goings of the waves, one might also discover a “crabby boss!”
Journey time: Approximately 3.5 hours.
【Reservations for July and August only】Mid-summer, cool autumn parties with glowworms
In the Li-de community, which has not been substantially damaged by the ravages of development by mankind, there are star-studded skies, and so many glowworms that they will take your breath away! The night-time ecology is just as rich as the day-time ecology. Follow the footsteps of the guides and you won’t miss the nocturnal parties of the local fauna!
Journey time: Approximately 3 to 3.5 hours.
【Year-round】Shuiwaku sunrise, sika deer sunset
The residents of Shuiwaku earn their livelihoods growing pasture, so, a prominent feature of Shuiwaku is sweeping grass-land and pasturage that goes as far as the eye can see. Follow the footsteps of your guides, and, near the Long-pan Pasture and Shuiwaku Ecological Pool stumble accross the footprints of sika deer, or watch them galloping amid the pastures, a beautiful sight frequently on view.
Journey time: Approximately 2 to 2.5 hours.
【Year-round】She-ding day-time ecological tour
Occupying more than 180 hectares, She-ding Nature Park is a park formed from an elevated coral reef, and one of Mother Nature’s classrooms. It is home to almost 300 different plant species, more than 50 butterfly species, and innumerable species of animals and insects. Each She-ding guide harbors knowledge of countless secret routes and will take you into territory that most travelers have no opportunity to explore, giving you a very distinct experience.
Journey time: Approximately 2 to 2.5 hours.
Chinese to English: Text for Ecology Card, Gloria Hotel General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Bearing on its back an extraordinarily brilliant, beautiful, spiral pattern, but proceeding slowly and discreetly in the gloom, it lives in its own world, seeking satisfaction and contentment. Despite being forgotten, it still insists on living in an extraordinary manner.
Megacrania tsudai / ヤエヤマツダナナフシ
For its skillfully affected shy demeanor and slender, narrow and long body, people have playfully called it a “walking twig.”
Relishing its night-time prowls, like a mischievous spirit, it always spurts a belly-full of evil tricks to bully its enemies, catching them unprepared.
Since the dawn of time, the most leafy parts of the forest have been its only refuge, and the glittering place in which it lives its entire life.
Taiwan Bulbul /クロガシラ
With its handsome black-capped pose, graceful, elegant style, and the musical works that it chirps vivaciously and talkatively, it is the happiest rascal in the forest.
Whether silently enjoying its solitude or contributing to the clamor of a crowd, through chirping and twittering it expresses its passionate love of life.
Diospyros philippensis / 黒檀
Deeply shaded and blending intimately with the forest, this not too tasty looking velvety orange fruit nurtures countless birds, wild boar and macaques.
Although it enjoys the precious reputation of the Taiwan black sandalwood , it remains indifferently in this dusty secluded place. One generation replaces another and, in a flash, half a century has passed, and the months and years leave traces on its surface…
Indian Barringtonia / ゴバンノアシ
Crossing the oceans and hovering over the frontier fortresses of the territories of the southern realms, relying for its survival on roasting hot breath.
As a result, hanging down from nightfall to early morning, even as it devotes itself to sacrificing its perfect self, it yearns for a little mystery,
And makes nighttime at midsummer in the southern realms more beautiful than day time.
Fluorescent Mushroom / ヤコウタケ
The bamboo forest after rain, emits faint green light, as though saying hello to this world.
Tiny spots of light are the street lamps for the spirits heading home, and illuminate all eyes searching for beauty.
If you come to Kenting, remember to find the time to visit its green wonders.
Fireflies / ホタル
Who, after lighting a small lamp, slinks around the border of night, drifting to one’s side from the depths of the forest?
Although the sky is already full of stars, this moment that is still in flight dares not lightly sway,
For fear that the low hanging Cold Dew will make everything damp.
Formosan Rock Macaque / タイワンザル
The standard demeanor of the king of the mountains, putting on a monkey show as it tidies its hair and catches lice, greedy, playful and mischievous,
The monkey world, which occasionally surpasses the human world, annoys and amuses us at the same time.
These are the strangers most familiar to man, Taiwan’s most lovable “local produce.”
Chinese to English: Hotel Proverbs Taipei General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Chinese HOTEL PROVERBS TAIPEI 由名設計師陳瑞憲設計,以沈穩紅銅、圓潤木質、手感皮料及細膩織品等元素建構,洗鍊奢華與熱情奔放新美學空間因運而生,HOTEL PROVERBS TAIPEI 以傲然之姿矗立於台北東區市街、精華市中心。讓我們漫遊風格饗宴、驕縱極致享受,揚起對美好生命的追逐與渴望。
HOTEL PROVERBS TAIPEI 擁有42間奢華客房,每一間客房皆以獨特充滿個性化的構思設計,提供旅人舒適放鬆的休憩空間。
Translation - English HOTEL PROVERBS TAIPEI, designed by distinguished designer, Ray Chen, built with strong, robust copper, mellow yet full wood, and exquisite textiles, leathery to the touch, all rendered dynamic and alive in spaces of a new, polished, luxurious, warm and untrammeled aesthetic. HOTEL PROVERBS TAIPEI, proudly, elegantly, towers above Taipei’s eastern district, the quintessential center of the city. Let us stroll through a feast of style, savor it brazenly and to the full, and raise our heads to the pursuit of, the yearning for, a fine life.
HOTEL PROVERBS TAIPEI has 42 sumptuous guest rooms, each of whose designs is conceptually rich in character, providing travelers with a cozy and snug place to rest.
On the first floor is TK STEAK, completely refurbished by head chef, Fudy, its appeal lying in its top-class steaks and seasonal seafood cuisine, in a three-story design space, radiantly bright, where fine food and fine wine become the most intimate and exhilarating of pleasures.
Located on the third floor, integrating an outdoor smoking area and overlooking prime sections of Da’an district, is the distinctive EAST END bar, whose independent and intimate space prompts fascination and reflection. Night and day, you can find complete relaxation here; a new experience in leisure, unbridled and captivating.
On the first floor, the much loved L’IDIOT BAKERY, at unspecified times, rolls out bread, cakes and all kinds of desserts, all in limited quantities, but all freshly baked on the day.
On the second and twelfth floors, business conference services and personal dining rooms are available and can be provided on a tailored, customized basis, meeting all your different needs.
Conference venue hire
Second floor, large conference room capable of accommodating up to sixteen persons: NT$6,000 / 1 hour
Second floor, small conference room capable of accommodating up to eight persons: NT$3,000 / 1 hour
*For catering requirements and charges, please contact TK STEAK
* Room guests are entitled to two hours’ free use of conference rooms per day (to be booked in advance). For charges for exceeding this time limit, please see the conference room hire regulations, but note that room guests enjoy a 20 percent discount.
Personal dining room services
Second floor, large personal dining room capable of accommodating up to sixteen persons: NT$35,000+10%
Second floor, small personal dining room capable of accommodating up to eight persons: NT$25,000+10%
Chinese to English: Introduction to the Taiwan Tour Bus General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Translation - English 1-Introduction to the Taiwan Tour Bus
Hello everybody! Welcome aboard the Taiwan Tour Bus!
Let’s first introduce the Taiwan Tour Bus. This is a package tourism schedule launched by the tourism industry in consultation with the Bureau of Tourism of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. At airports, hotels or major railway stations we provide fast and convenient transfer services to make your travels in Taiwan relaxed and happy and completely free of worries about scheduling and transportation. You needn’t worry that there are n’t enough people registered for the service to run because all Taiwan Tour Bus schedules will run with just one to four people. Arranging your trip couldn’t be easier. For foreign passengers, we provide meticulous foreign-language tour services, enabling you to get all the closer to Taiwan through detailed commentaries.
On the Taiwan Tour Bus you can happily enjoy the beautiful scenery outside the window. Our guides will introduce all the sights along the way, provide commentary on the features of all places of interest, and, on arrival at tourist attractions, as well as showing the way, prepare admission tickets and introductions, saving a lot of unnecessary trouble. Tours will also incorporate the specialty food and beverages of each destination, enabling you to experience great local flavors. The Taiwan Tour Bus also includes insurance, enabling you to enjoy yourself happily and contentedly.
The ocean scenes which surround Taiwan on all four sides are simply beautiful; a natural ecology embracing the myriad things. Culturally elegant, diversely brilliant; this is a perfectly splendid tourist destination. The Taiwan Tour Bus has planned an array of diverse tourism itineraries, incorporating many must-visit tourist sites and local conditions and customs for you to experience in person, as well as natural landscapes, historical buildings, local snacks, folk arts, festival activities, souvenirs, and so on, all of which are well worth seeing for yourself.
The Taiwan Tour Bus sets out every day to take you traveling. For a rich collection of itineraries, please visit the Taiwan Tour Bus website Let us enjoy Taiwan together, and may you have a great trip today!
Chinese to English: The Keelung Urban Area General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
As you arrive in the Keelung urban area, take a deep breath. Do you smell sea water? Keelung is a city in northern Taiwan. It used to be called Jilong (雞籠, chicken coop), and, like Kaohsiung, commonly known as Takow, is one of Taiwan’s two most important ports, the former in the north, the latter in the south. It quite often rains in Keelung, so the port has become known as “rainy port.” So let’s go and visit Keelung and have a look at this distinctive and beautiful maritime city.
Land in Keelung is scarce but there are many people. There is relatively little flat land and homes on hillsides look densely packed together. Wherever you go in the urban area you can see the ocean and fishing boats. Be sure to note whether there are glass lamps hanging from the fishing boats. These are to attract cuttlefish to take the bait. Isn’t that interesting? There are also many bridges of all sizes. Taking a walk on them feels like taking a trip. Have you noticed? On Twelve Animals of the Zodiac Bridge are sculptures of the twelve animals, including the Golden Chicken, Pearl Horse, Happy Pig, and so on. They are extremely sweet and eye-catching; you can’t help but keep stealing glances at them. To come to Keelung Port is to see great ships entering that port. Magnificent liners anchored in the bay, whether the sea and the sky are blue or it’s a hazy, rainy day, always seem to evoke a romantic, poetic quality.
Would you like to eat some seafood? Keelung will not disappoint you. Every day the fish and seafood markets here have seafood from both the open ocean and coastal waters. Kan Zai Ding in particular is the venue for Taiwan’s liveliest fish and seafood auctions, where the tough, tenacious vitality of brave ocean-going fisherman is on display for all to see. Keelung depends on the sea. Its residents look to the heavens for their livelihoods, so there is an especially large amount of temples, such as the Mazu Temple burning incense radiantly. Before everybody goes off to sea to catch fish, they all go to the temple to worship and pray that their catch fills the boats and they return home safely. There are hordes of people in the vicinity of the temples. Stalls selling snacks naturally congregate beside them. The delicacies and snacks at the Dianji Temple in Miaokou are varied and original. Even foreigners know that, if you go to Keelung, you must go to Miaokou, otherwise your trip is not complete.
Keelung also has many places of interest with unique features, such as Ba Dou Zi Coastal Park, Ho-Ping Island Hi Park, Keelung Islet, Ershawan Gun Emplacement , Dawulun Gun Emplacement, Shihciouling Gun Emplacement, the Eighteen Arhats Temple, Waimushan Coastal Cycle Path, Bisha Fishing Port, Yangming Oceanic Culture & Art Museum, and so on. These are all fashionable and popular tourist attractions!
Chinese to English: Zhongzheng Park General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
When you arrived in Keelung, did you notice that there is an especially large number of temples here? If you come sightseeing to Keelung in the seventh month of the lunar calendar, you can take part in folk festivals that take place only once a year, such as the Opening of the Ghost Gate at Lao Da Gong Temple, Ghost Festival at the main altar of Zhongzheng Park, the Release of Water Lanterns at Ba Dou Zi Fishing Port, and so on, all of which are religious ceremonies bequeathed from long ago, and important cultural features of Keelung.
At the time of the festivals of the Ghost Month, we see the people make sacrifices to the ghosts using the meat of chickens, ducks and fish, fresh flowers, fruit, and so on, as well as burning paper money, reciting from scripture, and other folk rituals commonly referred to in Taiwan as da baibai (great religious offerings). Their significance to the people lies in their function as forms of observance of the funerary rites of their ancestors. The scene is sometimes quite grand, inspiring curiosity in foreigners and leaving vivid memories.
Apart from the snacks of Miaokou, Keelung has a very well-known tourist attraction: Zhongzheng Park. It’s a Keelung landmark and the place where Keelung citizens go most often for exercise and leisure. The park is divided into three layers: top, middle and bottom. On the first layer, on the side of the mountain, is the Martyrs Shrine, and, among other things, a children’s playground beloved of children, a skating rink, tennis courts and basketball courts. The adjacent Pillow Mountain Fort ruins are said to have been built by Liu Mingchuan during the Sino-French War. Virtuous Wind Pavilion, on the second layer, is designed in the shape of a lotus seed head, particularly fascinating. The most important attraction here, however, is the main altar for Ghost Festival ceremonies. Every year on the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month, the altar is lit up brightly and, while offerings are made to the ghosts, Zhongzheng Park is decorated like a resplendently beautiful, colored fantasy world, and attracts many visitors. On the third layer are Sea View Pavilion, the Zen Temple of the Great Buddha, and, standing on the peak, the renowned statue of Guanyin, Goddess of Mercy, looking out over Keelung Port, protecting fishermen.
On clear days in Zhongzheng Park, looking at the mountains, the sea, Keelung Port and the street scenes beneath one’s feet, as the liners sound their great horns and slowly put out to sea, one experiences a sense of the whole wide world, and one is immediately uplifted.
If you come to Keelung, you must pay a visit to Zhongzheng Park, and get a mouthful of the fresh air and a bird’s eye view of the beautiful scenery. It’s a different traveling experience!
Chinese to English: Ecological Itinerary: Sheding Nature Park General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Translation - English
Ecological Itinerary: Sheding Nature Park
A professional guide takes you to explore primitive paths that the layman cannot see. On the way, you’ll be able to see the scenery of the white banyan forest, said to have grown from a single tree, “butterfly ravines” where butterflies congregate, “paths for appreciating butterflies,” tall coral rocks extending high into the sky, and birds that from time to time soar over the horizon or flitter about among the trees. If you’re in luck, you may catch a glimpse of a troop of macaques chattering or resting on the cliffs, or sika deer or goats wandering on the grassland.
Please note:
1. You must book about two hours before you intend to start your journey
2. It is recommended that you wear long-sleeved, outdoor clothing and protective footwear, and take drinking water with you.
3. This itinerary requires a group of a minimum of four persons. In the event that there are less than four of you, flexible arrangements will be made for groups to be formed with other travelers
2. Night-time Journey With Sika Deer
Rambling at night along the forest paths, you can see the megacrania tsudai appearing and disappearing among the trees as it takes refuge on the leaves, land crabs strolling in the ditches, and a snail unique to Taiwan, the camaena batanica pancala, resting in the tree tops. On summer nights, you can even simultaneously enjoy magnificent scenes of star-filled skies, glowworms and fluorescent mushrooms.
3. Hengchun Old Town
Centuries old Hengchun Old Town, the most in-tact grade two historic site in Taiwan, has survived natural disasters and baptism by war. Only four city gates remain, steeped in historical significance. Wandering along the alleys and footpaths creates the illusion of traveling backwards in time. Chu Huo is 100m outside the East Gate. Underground natural gas here sends flames up to the surface, creating a distinctive spectacle which attracts many tourists.
4. Viewing the Intertidal Zone
The intertidal zone is the coastal area between the high water mark and the low water mark, where moisture levels, temperature and salinity are constantly changing.
These special surroundings create their own distinctive ecological environment. Hengchun Bay has a vast coastline and the intertidal zone’s ecology is rich and diverse, with shellfish, fish, prawns, sea urchins, hermit crabs and all kinds of marine plant life. With commentary from a professional guide, you will gain an understanding of their habits and special characteristics, and, at the same time, of their special significance to the environment and to mankind.
You are recommended to wear clothing suitable for seaside activities and to take drinking water with you.
5. Taiwan Tourism Bus Itineraries
Take a Taiwan tourism bus and enjoy the pretty scenery of Hengchun to the full, relaxing as you enjoy the famous landmarks of the area.
a. The Western Coastline of the Hengchun Peninsula
Itinerary: Hengchun-Chu Huo-Harbor Suspension Bridge-Longpan Park-Eluanbi-Beike Shadao-Sail Rock
Please note : Takes about four hours. You must book before 6.0 pm on the day before your journey.
b. The Eastern Coastline of the Hengchun Peninsula
Itinerary: Hengchun-National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium-Maobitou-Sunset at Mount Guan
c. One-day Tour of the Hengchun Peninsula
Itinerary: Hengchun-Chu Huo-Harbor Suspension Bridge-Longpan Park-Eluanbi-Beike Shadao-Sail Rock-Lunch-Hengchun Zhuanyun Station-National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium-Maobitou-Sunset at Mount Guan
d. Parade Around the Hot springs of the Old Town
Itinerary: Hengchun -East Gate of the Old Town-Fu’an Temple-Szuchung Creek Hot Springs
e. Sea and Land Experience Route (May to September)
Hengchun-Houbi Lake-Maobitou- Sunset at Mount Guan
Please note:
1. Takes between four and five hours. The return trip is cold in winter. Times are subject to slight modifications in summer in accordance with variations in sunset times. You must book before 6.00 pm on the day before your journey.
2. The water event is a three-in-one activity including a banana boat, speedboat, and snorkeling. A life jacket, rubber boots, mask, snorkel and apparel to protect you from jellyfish will be provided.
To book or to contact us about any of these itineraries, please dial the service center on extension 1325. We will be pleased to provide full itinerary contents and booking services.
Chinese to English: Marketing text: hotels and hotel wedding services General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Marketing
Source text - Chinese (一)完整中文:
座落於台北市精華地段的小巨蛋商圈,設計靈感來自現代人對住宿的心靈渴望,低 調的品味空間、專業的貼心服務,希望為旅人創造如家一般的無拘感受。
HOTEL QUOTE Taipei擁有64間現代化的精緻客房, 每一間客房都是以旅人的需 求為構思原點,流暢地將空間與種種功能融合,成為充滿個性化、最寬敞舒適的休 憩天堂。
HOTEL QUOTE Taipei 於2010年正式成為全球Small Luxury Hotels of the World會員之一,並於2011與2013年兩度榮獲《Business Traveller》Best Boutique Hotel in Asia-Pacific,是亞洲區唯二獲得此殊榮的飯店。另外自2011至2014年也連續4年獲得TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence
座落於台北市精華地段的小巨蛋商圈,設計靈感來自現代人對住宿的心靈渴望,低 調的品味空間、專業的貼心服務,希望為旅人創造如家一般的無拘感受。
HOTEL QUOTE Taipei擁有64間現代化的精緻客房, 每一間客房都是以旅人的需 求為構思原點,流暢地將空間與種種功能融合,成為充滿個性化、最寬敞舒適的休 憩天堂。
HOTEL QUOTE Taipei 於2010年正式成為全球Small Luxury Hotels of the World會員之一,並於2011與2013年兩度榮獲《Business Traveller》Best Boutique Hotel in Asia-Pacific,是亞洲區唯二獲得此殊榮的飯店。另外自2011至2014年也連續4年獲得TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence
Translation - English
Located in the commercial district around the Taipei Arena, the soul of Taipei. An inspired design rooted in the spiritual desires of modern man. Modest, tasteful space. Professional, attentive service. Aspiring to create the relaxed sensations of home.
HOTEL QUOTE Taipei offers 64 de luxe guest rooms, all designed with the needs of guests as the primary concern, seamlessly blending space and all-round functionality, making the hotel a fully personalized, most spacious and yet cozy arcadia for rest and recuperation.
HOTEL QUOTE Taipei formally became one of the Small Luxury Hotels of the World in 2010, and was named Best Boutique Hotel in Asia-Pacific by Business Traveller in 2011 and 2013. It is one of only two hotels in Asia to have received this honor. The hotel also won four consecutive TripAdvisor Certificates of Excellence between 2011 and 2014.
Organizing your wedding, large or small
Each wedding is planned with the attentiveness of a team who put themselves in your shoes, tailoring your dream wedding for you. From advice on etiquette, hosting, sequential design and planning, to assistance with preparation of invitations, venue layout, filming, organization of limousines and bridal styling secretaries etc., integrating resources in the most comprehensive manner on your behalf.
Chinese to English: Gloria Hotel Group Official Website Text General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Marketing
Source text - Chinese 首頁:
將心比心 用心付出
Delivering conscientiously by putting ourselves in your shoes
Gloria Hotel Group has a history of more than 40 years in Taiwan and has worked throughout that period with a consummately conscientious corporate spirit. In recent years, the group has vigorously expanded its business blueprint, spanning hotels, food and beverage, property management, apartment leasing and every-day consumer goods, always looking to develop still better services for the Taiwan market.
Taiwan’s number one international-class discount shopping center is a suburban shopping and tourism area worthy of a whole day’s stay. With discounts from 45 percent to 70 percent, consumers can purchase international quality goods and all kinds of other brand-name goods. The grand opening will be in 2015.
Gloria Hotel Group began operations 40 years ago with the Gloria Hotel, ahead of the trend in Taiwan for premium hotels. Each of the four hotels under the group banner has its own unique character and design and provides tourists and business guests alike with superior accommodation and excellent food and beverage services.
Providing fine Chinese and Western cuisine, and bespoke food and beverage services. Be it a small family gathering or a large banquet, you’ll enjoy the fine aesthetic experience that only a first-class hotel can present. Gloria Hotel Group also boasts the most professional wedding planning team, to tailor your exclusive dream wedding for you!
Friendship begins with a smile
Instinctively and from the bottom of our hearts, we offer an impeccable service, so that each guest experiences a sincere, cordial and unique respect.
Starting with the warmth and fragrance of Taiwan life.
Showing due solicitude with warm-hearted initiative and true understanding, fully exhibiting the Taiwanese people’s philosophy of gentleness and sincerity alongside meticulousness about hospitality, to offer travelers the most natural and cozy residential experience.
Modest, relaxed taste Innately laid-back style
Modest, relaxed spaces, masterly in every nuance. Two-time winner of Business Traveller’s Best Asian Boutique Hotel Award. An experience in tasteful design guaranteed.
Coexisting with Mother Nature
Graced with the refined, humanistic, naturally ecological design concepts of modern Taiwan, and exhibiting cordiality and creativity through warm, humanistic services, facilitating leisurely vacations rich in ecological experience and perfect contentment.
Designed in the open-space style of an outdoor shopping center, with over 260 renowned international brands, to create a comfortable, congenial shopping environment.
Authentic Hong Kong trolley-served dim sum Large-scale Cantonese banquets
Preserving traditional Hong Kong dim sum trolley-serving culture, creating a magnificent experience in sumptuous, large-scale banquets. A warm and friendly service that is simply spot-on, enabling the diner to experience the refinement and scale of the Gloria Hotel pedigree.
Fashionable designs Gorgeously rich space
The immaculately stylish 333 is a restaurant and a bar. Cocktails and delicate hand-made meals make this a great Taipei venue for late dining and idling away time with close friends.
Orthodox Cantonese cuisine, authentic Hong Kong dim sum
Led by nationally accredited master chef Wu Hong Cheng, continuing a long tradition of expertise in authentic Cantonese cuisine. Be it a large-scale banquet or a small gathering, 九華樓 is the diner’s unrivalled choice for classic Cantonese cuisine.
Choice seasonal ingredients Creative cuisine
驢子餐廳 is dedicated to the use of handmade delicacies using fresh, seasonal produce from its own farms. Creating one exquisite spread after another with the essence of cuisine.
Shanghai snacks Chinese cuisine
Boldy announcing a relaxed food and beverage atmosphere, with an outstanding, new, streamlined design concept in food and beverage space. Looking forward to presenting excellent Chinese cuisine with class and in a young, free and intimate style.
婚沁wedding plus
Promoter of perfect happiness
Forging exclusive dream weddings for brides and grooms, instilling deep, romantic wedding memories. Generating quintessential romance at the most beautiful moment in your life.
Professional food and beverage teams Bespoke services
Teams of professional chefs conduct custom external catering, preparing exclusive meals or exquisite snacks, meeting all your event, conference or banquet needs and providing the most bespoke of bespoke services.
Chinese to English: FB UNT Case Study General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Marketing
Translation - English Success Story
Insights into Trends to Expand Business
Around the time of its eleventh anniversary, Taiwan specialist healthcare and cosmetics brand UNT used the large database that is Facebook to gain insights into consumers’ tastes, enabling the brand to seize the most recent trends, enhance customer loyalty and attract potential customers.
• A 215% increase in performance over similar periods during the same month
• A 63% increase in members
• A 30% increase in internet traffic
Keep Presenting Your Brand
Brand story
Since it was established in 2001, UNT has, over the long term, persisted in developing only cosmeceutical-grade products that are good for the skin, and maintained affordable care so that everyone can enjoy it to the full, and have healthy, comfortable skin
Ad objective
To understand customers, starting with their minds
Through its Facebook ad target audience insight report, UNT formulates sales plans with an understanding of consumers’ tastes, and aims thereby to meet consumer needs, enhance consumer loyalty and effectively connect overseas “fans,” as they advance into the European and American markets and raise brand visibility.
Comments from a senior executive:
“Through Facebook, UNT will adapt to realities and evolve. Consumers do not only conduct on-line praise-giving on virtual sites, but, with the power of the Facebook community, call for comparable, actual, off-line experiences, not just enhancing consumers’ identification with UNT, but also raising loyalty and satisfaction levels, doubling the effect of adaptation to reality.”
Adapt to their taste. Be the customer’s friend.
The set role of UNT on Facebook’s fan page is to adopt the tone of a friend to converse with fans, get closer to the consumer, answer questions promptly every day, engage them in dialogue like a friend. UNT also aims, through Facebook insight reports, to analyze the state of interaction between fans and collect popular internet topics. It seeks, as though planning to lay out fan pages and compose postings, to match text with illustrations and video, release serialized writings, to present many sensual and exciting postings, create distinguishing features for the fan page and enhance consumer loyalty.
In addition, UNT divides sales activities, in accordance with its product lines, into three different categories: healthcare, cosmetics, and manicure. In accordance with its different product lines it sets appropriate age intervals, targets extensive interest and related fan pages, exposing wide numbers of consumers to appropriate ads, and uses the target audiences for its self-formulated ads to increase its existing interaction with members and raise customer loyalty. From time to time it organizes a range of activities to get closer to the customer, at the same time using capability similar to its ad target audience capability to come into contact with consumers who are similar to existing customers, make further contact with potential customers, and, during its eleventh anniversary activity period, meet performance targets by exploiting more potential customers. In addition, conducting further sales with members who have already browsed the product pages or placed products in shopping carts but not yet purchased makes the Facebook website switch ads, tracing a trajectory of the company’s Facebook use and adding ads that have switched to the purchasing page, in order to raise the rates at which members place orders, creating more potential sales results.
Perfect results
Performance has doubled, exceeding forecasts
Facebook assists UNT during its eleventh anniversary activity period to come into contact accurately with target customers, greatly raising the website’s conversion rate and raising sales volumes, creating the following results:
• A 215% increase in performance over similar periods during the same month
• A 63% increase in new members
• A 30% increase in internet traffic
• One minute to process each order during the activity period.
Content of dedicated page for posting written ads.
Taiwan specialist healthcare and cosmetics brand UNT used Facebook multi-product ads and, during its eleventh anniversary activity period generated one order every minute, and its sales volume grew to more than 215% that of similar periods in the past.
Read UNT’s success story, and gain a further understanding of how UNT used Facebook to connect with customers and raise its performance in terms of numbers of deals.
Chinese to English: FB PUFII Case Study General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Marketing
Translation - English Success story
The Joy of Fashion. It’s Everywhere.
Fashionable, sensual women’s clothing brand, PUFII, used Facebook ads to share information promptly with customers about the latest fashion trends, and succeeded in raising customer loyalty and re-purchase rates, mastering mobile business opportunities.
• A 30% increase in internet traffic
• A doubling of its internet click-through rate
• A 40% reduction in all conversion costs
• A 30% increase in business volume
Enjoyment at one’s leisure Superior fashion
Brand story
PUFII is a sensual, affordable women’s clothing brand. Since its founding in 2003, it has insisted on providing TOP fashion products at the fairest prices. All products are selected and fitted in person by specialists, so that design quality is strictly controlled, and that primacy is given to the brand’s sexy character and style. In 2013, it founded the clothing brand DANNA, adhering to the most affordable 100% Korean to provide more diverse fashion styles, enabling each consumer to enjoy,“affordable, fashionable, unique, clothing styles.”
Ad objective
To constantly forge the most faithful customers
PUFII hoped to use all Facebook’s tools to increase brand exposure and interaction between customers, raising brand loyalty and repurchase rates, and developing potential customers. At the same time, it hoped to channel internet traffic to its business website, raising advertising revenues and customer repurchase rates.
Senior executive’s comments:
“We thank Facebook for launching a precision advertising function, enabling us to find potential customers within a short period of time, enabling PUFII to present itself with a variety of illustrated ads, and enabling customers simply to take home affordably and happily the fashionable, simple styles that it is PUFII’s essential wish to give them. All young ladies can ascend to womanhood, as PUFII customers with the immense potential and faith that the PUFII brand brings!”
Tailored creations Intimate service
內容 Content
PUFII understands that Facebook is serving as an important interactive platform on which customers receive new information, and is raising levels of identification among fans through at least four postings a day, with the theme of getting close to fans to create popular topics. PUFII also uses the promotion of postings on dedicated pages to increase levels of product exposure, enable more potential customers to receive the fashionable styles, discounts and popular trends that are launched every week, and increase traffic on the brand’s official website. Then, PUFII uses conversion tracking to understand conversion rates following customers’ viewing of ads, for the purpose of precisely raising the optimal effect of advertising. By defining its own advertising target audience and communicating with customers who have made purchases on the website, it effectively conducts management of its members and raises its members’ repurchase rates. Three objectives were set for the PUFII ad target audience: to re-enlist customers who had deserted the brand, to raise member re-purchase rates and to seek potential customers. Through settings, it communicates once again with visitors who have visited the site within the last 180 days but not made a purchase, and automatically adds to the ad target audience, for purposes of member management maintenance, a list of customer members who have made a purchase within 60 days, further utilizing the existing member list and the target audience established at the same time by consuming customers, enabling more potential customer groups to get to know the brand and information about the newest fashion styles. Then the conversion tracking pixel is used to understand the conversion rate following customers’ viewing of the ad in order to calculate the ad effect precisely. Finally, PUFII goes as far as to broadcast ads for many products successively, in their original format, raising their innovativeness and diversity. When a viewer of a dedicated page expresses an interest in a particular product, it is able to serve as a considerate recommendation to the customer about a related product, like an exclusive fashion design expert tailoring a personal fashion design, providing a meticulous service and strengthening customer loyalty.
Perfect results
Getting close to the customer Forging great results
Since 2014, Facebook has helped PUFII to reach existing customer groups accurately, effectively raising brand loyalty and re-purchase rates, and succeeding in expanding the raising of turnover by new customer groups.
Through Facebook ads, PUFII has achieved the following results:
• A 30% increase in website traffic
• A doubling of its website click-through rate
• A 40% reduction in each conversion cost
• A 30% increase in business volume
Content of ads posted on dedicated pages
Sensual Taiwan lady’s clothing brand PUFII has, since 2014, used Facebook multi-product ads, and succeeded in raising brand loyalty and re-purchase rates, effectively reducing each conversion cost by 40% and generating 30% annual growth in business volume.
We welcome you to read PUFFII’s success story to gain a further understanding of how PUFFII used Facebook to get close to customers and promote growth.
Chinese to English: Comprehensive Introduction to Gloria Residence Hotel General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Marketing
Where We Are
Gloria Residence is located next to the Gloria Prince Hotel at the intersection of Minsheng East Road and Linsen North Road in central Taipei, close to tourist attractions of international standard and with Taipei Main Station within easy reach by many forms of transportation.
-From Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport
The following bus companies operate services from the airport: Evergreen (alight at Shuanglian MRT station on the Tamsui MRT Line), CitiAir Bus (alight at the Ambassador Hotel), Kuo-Kuang Motor Transport and Ubus (travel to Taipei Main Station and take the short taxi ride to Gloria Residence from there).
-From Taipei Songshan Airport
You may take a taxi from the airport for the short ride to Gloria Residence
Buses are available within three to five minutes’ walking distance
For Gloria Hotel Bus Stop Red 33, 46, 261, 518,226, 227, 290, 208,211, 246
For Ambassador Hotel Bus Stop 218, 247, 310, 220,260, 40, 227, 261,287 or Zhongshan Line
For Jusheng Li Bus Stop 46, 226, 290, 518, 638
Gloria Residence is close to the Taipei Interchange and Yuanshan Interchange. Connections to other counties and cities are fast and convenient, saving you lots of precious time.
-From the Taipei Interchange
Exit the Taipei Interchange at Chongqing North Road.
-From the Yuanshan Interchange
Exit the Yuanshan Interchange onto Song Jiang Road.
-MRT Gloria Residence is a 5-8 minute walk from Shuanglian Station (Tamsui Line).
-GPS Co-ordinates E:121:31’32” N:25:3’27”
The attentiveness revealed in every detail fully embodies the meticulous refinement of Gloria Residence’s warm hospitality, offering each guest a more comfortable and enjoyable stay than they could experience at home.
Gloria Residence puts itself in the shoes of its guests. Twenty-four hours a day our expert Reception Desk provides all kinds of support for the daily lives of guests.
• Information and advice
• Meeting room bookings
• Restaurant reservations
• Breakfast services
• Room service
• Messaging and left luggage
• Taxi and limousine services
• Newspaper ordering
• Linen replacement services
• Laundry collection and delivery
• Airline and rail ticketing
• Domestic tourism
• Massage bookings
• Fresh flower orders
For additional services, please contact our Service Center.
Complimentary Guest Privileges
•Free breakfasts, light refreshments, late-night snacks, seasonal fruits and all soft drinks in B1 The Lounge
• Free guest room minibar
• Free Wi-Fi
Contact us
Full name:
Gender M:F
Contact telephone:
Type of room preferred:
Check-in date:
Check-out date:
Number of persons: Adults: Children:
Confirmed as sent
Hotel Facilities
Gloria Residence stands the service concepts of most traditional hotels on their heads, diligently learning customers’ needs through experience, from facilities down to the tiniest of services, providing guests with the most appropriate, relaxed travel and accommodation experience.
The Lounge
Located on floor B1, offers spacious yet cozy space, with timber chairs and tables, single-seater sofas and lighting in warm tones, presenting a warm and elegant residential style. Gentle music plays at all times, enabling guests to feel as relaxed and contented as though they had returned home.
Business hours 24 hours
Leisure facilities*Large LCD TV
Table football
Complimentary items:
* TWININGS tea bags, coffee maker, several types of cold drink
*Several pots of snacks and fresh fruit
*Domestic newspapers, books and magazines
Our Story
Apart from its sense of design, Gloria Residence also gives one a real sense of tranquility. Here, every guest has his own individual emotions and memories.
Fashionable, gentle and congenial
When seeing Gloria Residence for the first time, it is very difficult not to be awe struck by its simple, vivid and fresh exterior. Illuminated by sun light, a cloud pattern formed by a mosaic collage of more than 200 pieces, rays glistening as though in a dream, shines an extraordinary light on the restless Linsen North Road. This is the masterpiece of Atsushi Aoki, the architect engaged by Luis Vuitton, who has earned worldwide fame for designing flagship LV stores in New York and Asia. At Gloria Residence he took “Heaven” as the starting point for his design, creating a breathtaking piece of work.
Push open the door and walk into Gloria Residence and a gentle and warm scent presents itself in an instant. Renowned interior designer, Ray Chen, used a gentle, tranquil color scheme, enabling each guest to begin to experience the calm, comfortable atmosphere as soon as they step into Gloria Residence. In order to give full rein to the concepts of “home” and “fashionable,” Chen mulled deeply over the needs of guests. He decorated the calm, modest space with oak-timbered new oriental furniture and fully measured each inch of space so that each corner of every room could be fully utilized. The lounges, bathrooms, kitchens and bedrooms were all designed with the utmost care. Every corner is hospitable space. Fashionable, gentle and congenial to enable guests to embark upon a comfortable life in Taiwan; this is the design philosophy behind Gloria Residence.
The Housekeeper’s Mega Mission
Betty is the director of Gloria Residence and also its general manager. When you meet so many first-time visitors to Taiwan, you must be able to care for them in every possible way in order to be able to resolve all life’s little difficulties promptly. For this reason, Betty always expects herself and Gloria Residence staff to keep guests’ needs carefully in mind, in order to achieve the highest service standards, .
Shortly after Gloria Residence opened, a small American family of four checked in to stay for one month. The mother was confined to a wheelchair. Because it was their first visit to Taiwan and because of the mother’s disability, as soon as this family checked in, all the staff of Gloria Residence became particularly solicitous, always observing whether they had encountered any problems and providing all necessary assistance whenever appropriate. Betty says, “ At that time, we were almost always gazing at the CCTV cameras!” Whenever the mother came out of her room a member of staff would immediately take an elevator upstairs to support her and assist her in coming downstairs. Whenever she went out to buy food or handle some other matter, as soon as she returned to the hotel's front door, she would always be greeted by a member of staff who would accompany her upstairs.
Why is it that Gloria Residence can provide such tender-hearted care? Betty explains that it is Gloria Residence personnel’s heartfelt intuition that it must be so difficult for a disabled person to come to live in a strange country. But, considering the guest from the perspective of empathy and putting oneself in her shoes, these no longer unremarkable small details all constitute the mega mission that Gloria Residence housekeepers must make every effort to perform. This is Gloria Residence: with the most considerate heart it enables guests to begin the Taiwan chapter of their life at ease.
3. The Guest is a Member of Our Own Family
Gloria Residence receptionist Lin Jian-ci (Perry ) has worked for the Gloria Hotel Group for more than ten years. Perry initially served at the Gloria Prince Hotel, as a bellman. He was full of enthusiasm for his work serving in a hotel and was always in high spirits at work, where he always wore a broad smile. As guests came and went they always retained a deep impression of him. This was because of the combination of Perry ’s attentiveness, cordiality and meticulousness, which made guests feel right at home as he served their needs.
With ten years’ experience in hotel service, when Gloria Residence first opened, Perry was transferred here and promoted to receptionist. Gloria Residence combines hotel-style apartments with a boutique hotel, somewhat unlike the Gloria Prince Hotel in style, says Perry , adding that this represents a substantial challenge for him. Because Gloria Residence has many long-staying guests. Long-term accommodation inevitably presents more problems in life, which require assistance. But Perry remains fastidious and empathetic at heart and can enable guests to enjoy a yet more cozy, comfortable stay.
There was an elderly gentleman surnamed Zhong (not his real name) who was almost 90 years old. Because he moved somewhat slowly and his memory was not good, such that he often forgot what he had eaten and what he had not eaten, Perry memorized his breakfast and helped him to prepare each day, serving him slowly. If you ask Perry why he serves people in this way, he says: “To me, they are just like members of my own family!”
At Gloria Residence, the service staff and guests have built a closeness and trust that is like that of a family. This is why Gloria Residence can put guests particularly at ease.
The Secret of a Good Night’s Sleep
Gloria Residence’s considerate attentiveness towards guests can be seen in small details. Apart from the addition of the warm coziness of home, as far as software services are concerned, it is all the more like the considerate solicitude with which our families take care of us. When someone leaves home alone and comes to Taiwan on business or to travel, the pillow—the object with which he has the most intimate contact at night—plays the role of the critical object which determines whether he will enjoy a good night’s sleep. Gloria Residence considers this matter before the guest has even discovered his requirements. It does so by providing the thoughtful Pillow Options service. This service makes four pillows available for guests to choose, including a latex pillow, a memory pillow, a buckwheat pillow and an anti-snore pillow, so that the guest can select the pillow which best suits him, on the basis of his own needs.
Once, a Mr. Suzuki (not his real name) came from Japan. Before he checked in, Gloria Residence was informed by his travel agent that he was prone to allergies and was particularly sensitive to pillow fabric. Once Housekeeping had been informed, they thoughtfully took the initiative to replace the feather pillow originally provided in his room with a Japanese-made, natural buckwheat pillow which would be less likely to cause allergies. The morning after Mr. Suzuki checked in, full of spirit and smiling broadly, he told reception staff that he had enjoyed a good night’s sleep because the buckwheat pillow that we had provided had enabled him to sleep as peacefully as though he had been at home in Japan. He thanked the staff for their care and concern and said that the next time he came to Taiwan on business he would certainly stay again at Gloria Residence.
Detailed attentiveness is the crux of Gloria Residence’s warm service. We welcome you to come and enjoy it for yourself on your next trip.
5. Warmth and Replenishment 24 Hours
Maybe you’ve had this experience when travelling. You arrive in a strange country on business or for travelling and, as bedtime approaches, you want a drink or you crave a small snack or a special local fruit to replenish your energy levels. At such times, there’s only one solution: put your shoes and outdoor clothes back on and rush outside to see whether you can find an open convenience store or other small store. But guests who have checked into Gloria Residence won’t face this predicament, because, leaving aside the functional convenience of the hotel’s surroundings, we also boast an exclusive facility that other hotels don’t offer: The Lounge, open 24 hours a day.
Located in the cozy space of floor B1, as well as offering books, newspapers and magazines, it has a rest area in which to chill out, and provides seven or eight kinds of snacks, fresh coffee, English teabags, and six select beverages, including cola, peach tea…etc., and three types of fruit, including bananas, apples and Kiwi Fruit, which alternate with the seasons. Most importantly, the Lounge is open 24 hours a day and guests may visit to avail themselves of its services at any time and without restriction. The Lounge, as the name implies, enables people to feel as comfortable and at ease as they would in the lounge of their own home.
Gloria Residence has created your second cozy home in Taipei. We welcome you to come and enjoy it for yourself on your next trip.
Special Packages
Early Summer Accommodation Package for Taiwan Nationals Time-limited promotion
To bring Taiwan nationals a brand new experience of designing a hotel stay, Gloria Residence has created an accommodation package excusive to Taiwan nationals, so that citizens of Taiwan can immediately enjoy the most exquisite and refined sumptuous hospitality.
Special room type: Abundance Room
Special price: NT$4,999+10%
Content: Room price includes: exquisite breakfast for one guest, free Wi-Fi, guest room minibar, free fruit, snacks and drinks in B1 The Lounge.
Period of availability: 1st May, 2014 to 31st August, 2014
2. Excluded dates within the period of availability: 2nd June to 7th June (Computex Taipei)
3. Breakfast for second guest: NT$300 per guest
4. Open to holders of Republic of China ID cards or Alien Resident Certificates. Such ID must be presented at check-in.
2.14: 21: 30 Early Bird Accommodation Package
Package period:1st May, 2014 to 30th August, 2014
(Dates excluded: Taipei Cycle, 4th March to 7th March Computex Taipei, 2nd June to 6th June Semicon Taiwan, 2nd September to 4th September)
Special room type: Abundance Room, Infinity Room, Royal (B) Room, Oasis Room
Special price: 14 days at a 10% discount 21 days at a 15% discount 30 days at a 20% discount
Content: Daily breakfast for one to two guests, free Wi-Fi, guest room minibar, free fruit, snacks and drinks in B1 The Lounge.
Applicable targets: Not limited by nationality
Chinese to English: Gloria Hotel Group Official Website Text General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Marketing
Source text - Chinese 首頁:
將心比心 用心付出
Delivering conscientiously by putting ourselves in your shoes
Gloria Hotel Group has a history of more than 40 years in Taiwan and has worked throughout that period with a consummately conscientious corporate spirit. In recent years, the group has vigorously expanded its business blueprint, spanning hotels, food and beverage, property management, apartment leasing and every-day consumer goods, always looking to develop still better services for the Taiwan market.
Taiwan’s number one international-class discount shopping center is a suburban shopping and tourism area worthy of a whole day’s stay. With discounts from 45 percent to 70 percent, consumers can purchase international quality goods and all kinds of other brand-name goods. The grand opening will be in 2015.
Gloria Hotel Group began operations 40 years ago with the Gloria Hotel, ahead of the trend in Taiwan for premium hotels. Each of the four hotels under the group banner has its own unique character and design and provides tourists and business guests alike with superior accommodation and excellent food and beverage services.
Providing fine Chinese and Western cuisine, and bespoke food and beverage services. Be it a small family gathering or a large banquet, you’ll enjoy the fine aesthetic experience that only a first-class hotel can present. Gloria Hotel Group also boasts the most professional wedding planning team, to tailor your exclusive dream wedding for you!
Friendship begins with a smile
Instinctively and from the bottom of our hearts, we offer an impeccable service, so that each guest experiences a sincere, cordial and unique respect.
Starting with the warmth and fragrance of Taiwan life.
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Chinese to English: Protecting the Sustainable Development of the Earth General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Davraj Kamal 採訪2(Mr. Kamal)(英文): TC=03:24-04:23
(原文) Please check with video.
We have forgotten spirituality and we are so interested in the worldly affairs and pursuits that we are causing the destruction to the world and we need to think and refocus and revisit the philosophy and principles of spirituality.
I was very impressed the speech because it touched on some of issues. If we can love can come out within us into the open we will be able to embrace other people because I think our attitude that we have inside us must be must come on in concrete and tangible and practical way we embrace people I think that is what you are doing you are trying to embrace us with the program. So that when we left from here we are have an indelible impression that it was a message for me than I must take back home to everyone to my family, firstly to myself than to my family, to my friends that we can attain peace if we can listen to the message.
Sally Peterson 採訪3(Ms. Peterson)(英文): TC=04:24-05:15
(原文) Please check with video.
It was the special workshop, it was a workshop faces are you poor, are you rich, are you beautiful or ugly. There is the one thing to set you free is a special pleasure and that makes us so happy. We also got we want, we just become one nation it was a beautiful event. This workshop, I think all the workshop I have been attending, this workshop was the best one, because it talks a special blest, a special thought, a richness of special gift, that is what human needs today. You don’t need a lot of thing around you, if you don’t have this special blest, you can forget about other one. This is main important thing in one’s life. Is that a special person receive today.
Venus 採訪4(Ms. Venus)(英文): TC=05:17-05:41
(原文) Please check with video.
The aim is the same we have to unite all the people of the world for whatever culture they are, for whatever color they are. As long as they have been their hearts. This feeling of love and peace in order to have one humanity and in order to have world citizenship. So I really enjoy seeing your effort for peace.
OS: TC=05:43-06:00
總統 Girma Wolde-giorgis 鳴鐘心願(Mr. Girma)(英文): TC=06:02-06:23
OS: TC=01:14-01:54
在年會進行期間舉辦的「2008 FOWPAL愛與和平世界高峰會」中,洪道子博士透過書面致詞,在聯合國非政府組織年會進行的期間提出「2008年後影響世人未來命運的導向:人人享有尊嚴,人權,愛與和平」與各界代表交流意見與經驗分享,同時結合現場超過了32個來自全球的非政府組織,正式在巴黎啟動了「全球護衛地球宣言」.
會長 Dr. Rene Stockman
Brothers of charity
Supervisor General 採訪2(Mr. Stockman ) (英文): TC=01:55-02:27
(原文) Please check with video.
I find love and peace, I think they are the sentiments of human rights. We all see the charity the world(??) love for us is basically every things. And very convinced through all the love, I always say we receive the love of God and we have to share the love of God to everyone to all the concrete levels of the neighbors. If we can really try to develop the new mentality into the world, to bring love into the world and also bring peace into the world, peace in ourselves and peace in the others.
國際主席 Guillaume Carly
National Grand Chief
Confederation of Aboriginal People of Canada
Mr. Guillaume Carly 採訪3(Mr. Carly)(英文): TC=02:28-02:55
(原文) Please check with video.
because if we don’t do anything about it, there will not be a future to this planet. We have to do something because we’re killing our planet and our people. Respect to our elders, respect to our children, and the investment comes from our beliefs, from the elders to the children. So, if we can respect everything that’s around us, the human rights find a much easier job to do because everybody’s working hand in hand and sharing everything together.
Kiyo Akasaka OS: TC=02:57-03:39
2009年9月聯合國在墨西哥舉辦第62屆公共資訊部門非政府組織年會,這一次年會的主題是「為和平與發展 即刻廢武」,洪道子博士特別以「發展與和平的平衡智慧- 啟動無核武的世界」論文與年會主講人及各國與會者分享,論文中提出:一念之善真正的和平在哪裡?在你我心靈的本源;關鍵的時刻人們做對的事改變心念,一念之善轉動磁場扭轉世界.
Jorge Esteban López Ramirez 採訪4(Mr. Ramirez)(西班牙文): TC=03:40-04:14
Mi modo de ver el video, es que, pues está muy apegado a la realidad que debemos de seguir, y de cómo podríamos cambiar a la gente, pues con un testimonio de vida, dando un ejemplo y, recordándoles que entonces mientras no haya voluntad, no hay avance en ese sentido y, mientras no se quite la ambición por el poder de ser el dominador del mundo, tampoco vamos a poder acabar con el armamento.
Veronica 採訪5(Ms. Veronica)(英文): TC=04:15-04:36
(原文) Please check with video.
I think people don’t do anything
Alexander Galvez 採訪6(Mr. Galvez)(英文): TC=04:37-04:49
(原文) Please check with video.
I think
OS: TC=04:51-05:35
2010年9月在澳洲墨爾本舉行第63屆聯合國公共資訊部門非政府組織年會時,洪道子博士提出 「2010世界公民實踐全球健康之路」的論文,呼籲「2010年世界公民要實踐全球健康之路,需從健全體制護衛人權做起」,並特別舉辦2010年世界公民愛與和平人權高峰會,共有100多位各國人士與會,就非政府組織所能達到的全球團結與行動力做經驗的分享與傳承.
代表 Selina Nos 採訪7(Ms. Nos)(英文): TC=05:37-06:08
(原文) Please check with video.
I find very good the ideas
OS: TC=06:09-06:59
2011年9月聯合國第64屆公共資訊部門非政府組織年會在德國波昂開幕,以「永續的社會 響應的公民」為主題,洪博士也發表「2011盡責的世界公民永續行動- 順應大自然平衡之道」,指出人心的分釐之差都是影響世界命運的關鍵點,同時提出「智慧,平衡,健康,和平,愛,五項做法」,協助第64屆聯合國非政府組織年會圓桌會議四大主題的執行,並舉辦多場世界公民永續生存之道研討會及世界之愛和平鐘鳴鐘儀典.
H. E. Dr. Hussain M.F. Alkhateeb 採訪8(Mr. Alkhateeb)(英文): TC=07:02-07:19
(原文) Please check with video.
This is some sort of experience which I shall remember for the rest of my life. Certainly I remember it, it will bring peace and the need to do something for peace to my mind always, and I shall always do my best for humanity.
影部/字幕 聲部
Rt. Hon. Helen Clark
H.E. Rafael Correa
聯合國祕書長 潘基文
H.E. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations
巴西總統 羅瑟芙
H.E. Dilma Vana Rousseff
President of Brazil OS: TC=00:00-01:28
(原文) Please check with video.
If we want peace to prevail in the world, we must encourage peaceful relationship at all the people in the world . That also will must achieve peace between mankind and nature. Thank you!
OS: TC=03:28-03:51
洪道子 博士 鳴鐘示意(師父)(國語): TC=03:52-04:27
OS: TC=04:29-04:42
Atnam Barbara 採訪1(Ms. Barbara)(英文): TC=04:45-05:22
(原文) Please check with video.
Jang Daniels 採訪2(Mr. Daniels)(英文): TC=05:23-06:00
(原文) Please check with video.
The bell ceremony was very wonderful, because I was in the middle of the public and everything was very silent, so people were like meditating and the resilience was like fine breathing and the moods of the people was very nice, so I love the message the people over here on the stage transmitted to the leaders, the governmental leaders who are at the UN stop. They have to hear the population and have to hear also the representatives of religions.
代表 Vovo Maria Alice 採訪3(Ms. Alice)(英文): TC=06:01-06:12
(原文) Please check with video.
I believe one will manifest our wish in a tradition in the rituals. It is significant.
字幕: (鳴鐘者)
H.E. Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos
Translation - English 1.護衛地球永續發展 Protecting the Sustainable Development of the Earth
影部/字幕 聲部
大片頭字幕Opening title caption:
神氣家族The Mighty Clan
團結一心全球同行United in Spirit, Traveling the World Together
談力瑜Tan Li Yu 曾羚毓 Zeng Ling yu
力瑜Li Yu:親愛的觀眾朋友大家好,歡迎您闔家觀賞神氣家族. Hello everybody. We welcome you and your entire families to enjoy the mighty clan.
好的地球. The Federation of World Peace and Love is an important, international NGO, which is vigorously engaged around the world in promoting love and peace, and in sharing precious experiences with good friends all over the world for the purpose of mutual encouragement, and with a view to creating a better world.
羚毓Ling Yu:世界之愛和平鐘的鐘聲傳遍全球五大洲為世人帶來安定與祥和,並且引動更多人發揮影響力貢獻世界,讓我們一同來分享. The World Peace Bell has been sounded widely around all five continents of the world, to bring stability and good fortune to the people of the world, and to inspire more people to exercise their influence to contribute to the world and enable us to share with one another.
OS: TC=00:44-02:48
地球只有一個,全球需要共同團結才能讓地球永續,天賦人權唯有以愛為出發的尊重人權,才能減少紛爭讓和平長存. There is only one planet Earth. The world needs to unite to make it sustainable. Only with respect for human rights, which begins with love, can human rights reduce disputes and enable peace to exist for ever.
2002年是巴西里約地球高峰會提出地球永續發展願景的10週年,聯合國為持續推動與落實21世紀議程的主張,選擇在南非召開永續發展世界高峰會,全世界的元首高層會師於南非,參加「聯合國永續發展世界高峰會」,60餘位的總統,副總統及國王,40多位的總理,副總理,率領各國的代表團參加,官方及民間代表還有記者總共超過6萬人大家聚集在約翰尼斯堡,這一次的高峰會是聯合國所舉辦世界上最大規模的國際會議. The year 2002 was the tenth anniversary of the first earth summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which initiated a vision of sustainable world development. The UN, in order to continue its advocacy of continued promotion and implementation of a twenty-first century agenda, chose to convene the World Summit on Sustainable Development (the “earth summit”) in South Africa, where heads of state and other elites joined forces. More than 60 presidents, vice presidents and monarchs, more than 40 prime ministers and deputy prime ministers, led delegations from many countries in participating. More than 60,000 representatives of officialdom and civil society, as well as journalists, assembled in Johannesburg. It was the largest international conference ever held by the UN.
洪博士受到「聯合國NGO永續未來國際機構」執行長梅亞博士的邀請,參加在南非約翰尼斯堡的「聯合國永續發展世界高峰會」,發表了「2002年以後的未來世界」,這一篇論文提出「從根本的心靈重建切入,才是治本的地球永續發展之道」,並將這個建議提交給大會主席,希望各國在永續發展上能從「心的層次」著手,洪博士也受邀參加了南非總統姆貝基所舉辦的歡迎晚會,希望大家聯合起來推動世界向前發展,並在當地舉辦了四場「愛與和平永續未來研討會」及兩場「愛與和平永續未來世界高峰會」. At the invitation of Chief Executive 梅亞博士 of the UN NGO, the International Institute for a Sustainable Future, Dr. Hong Tao-Tze delivered the paper, The World After 2002 at the Johannesburg summit. This paper argued that, “Intervention by way of rebuilding the fundamental spirit is the only way to get to the root of sustainable world development,” and he submitted this proposal to the chairman of the summit in the hope that all countries would, as regards sustainable development, set out from “the level of the heart.” Dr. Hong also took part in an evening welcoming party held by President Mubeke of South Africa, where he expressed the hope that the world would unite to promote its own forward development. He also held four symposia on love, peace and a sustainable future and two world summits on love, peace and a sustainable future.
聯合國NGO未來科學學院UN NGO, Special Academy for Future Science
創辦人Founder, Dr. J.J. Hurtak 採訪1(Mr. Hurtak)(英文): TC=02:48-03:23
(原文) Please check with video.
We have great respect for Dr. Hong Tao-Tze and all of the wonderful work that is being done to promote peace throughout the world. This is a very auspicious time. The symbol of great hope and blessing upon the world summit here in Johannesburg. I feel that we are moving into a time worldwide where we must pray for world peace. I have also been involved in archeological research in Taiwan. I hope that this… enter into a new era of peace between the east and the west
Davraj Kamal 採訪2(Mr. Kamal)(英文): TC=03:24-04:23
(原文) Please check with video.
We have forgotten spirituality and we are so interested in worldly affairs and pursuits that we are causing destruction to the world and we need to think and refocus and revisit the philosophies and principles of spirituality.
I was very impressed with the speech because it touched on some of the issues… If we can…. if love can come out from within us into the open we will be able to embrace other people because I think it’s our attitudes that we have inside us must be… must come out in concrete and tangible and in practical ways in the way we embrace people and I think this is what you are doing; you are trying to embrace us with the program. So that when we left from here we had an indelible impression that it was a message for me that I must take back home to everybody, to my family, firstly to myself, then to my family, to my friends, that …look….we can attain peace if we can listen to the messages.
Sally Peterson 採訪3(Ms. Peterson)(英文): TC=04:24-05:15
(原文) Please check with video.
It was a spiritual workshop. It was a workshop that says, “Are you poor, are you rich, are you beautiful or ugly? There is only one thing that will set you free is a spiritual upliftment, and that made us so happy we all forgot who we are. We just came in one nation. It was a beautiful event. This workshop, I think among all the workshops that we’ve been attending, this workshop was the best workshop, because it talked of the spiritual… spiritual upliftment, the spiritual food, the…the rich…the… richness of spiritual gift, and that is what human needs today. You don’t need a lot of things around you. If you don’t have this spiritual upliftment, you can forget about these other ones. That is the main important thing in one’s life, is that spiritual upliftment that we received today.
NGO代表 Representative
Venus 採訪4(Ms. Venus)(英文): TC=05:17-05:41
(原文) Please check with video.
The aim is the same: we have to unite all the peoples of the world for whatever culture they are, for whatever color they are. As long as they have in their hearts this feeling of love and peace in order to have one humanity and in order to have world citizenship. So I really enjoyed seeing your efforts for peace.
OS: TC=05:43-06:00
人人都希望和平,而各界領袖的決策與行為直接影響了世界和平,衣索比亞的吉爾馬總統成為第五位鳴響世界之愛和平鐘的非洲總統,並許下了和平的心願. Everyone hopes for peace, and the strategic decisions and actions of leaders in all walks of life directly influence world peace. President Girma Wolde-Giorgis of Ethiopia has become the fifth African president to sound the World Peace Bell and pledge his desire for peace.
衣索匹亞 Ethiopia
總統 President Girma Wolde-giorgis 鳴鐘心願(Mr. Girma)(英文): TC=06:02-06:23
(原文) Please check with video.
Only with peace you can develop and be happy. A state of development without peace is unobtainable. Therefore, it is my best wish, for all the good purposes of the world and for the generations that (inaudible) us, peace should prevail in the world.
OS: TC=06:27-07:22
曾經參與愛與和平高峰會的埃及環境部長瑞艾博士,在2002年10月特別邀請洪道子博士與60多國環境部長參加在西奈半島沙姆沙伊赫(Sharm El-Sheikh)舉辦的「第一屆埃及保護區暨永續發展國際會議」,洪博士並向大會提供一篇「生物多樣性的永續發展」論文. Egypt’s Minister of State for Environmental Affairs, 瑞艾博士, who has participated in a world summit for love and peace, in October 2002, issued a special invitation to Dr. Hong Tao-Tze and more than 60 ministers of the environment to take part in the First Egyptian International Conference on Protected Areas and Sustainable Development, held in Sharm El-Sheikh, on the Sinai Peninsula. Dr. Hong presented the paper The Sustainable Development of Biodiversity to the conference.
我們只有一個地球,世界的永續發展是全人類的重要的課題,約翰尼斯堡的永續發展世界高峰會,最後的決議還是回到以人性為永續未來的出發點,只要每一顆心都充滿愛與和平,自然就會得到善良與智慧,也將能扭轉全世界的命運. We only have one world. Its sustainable development is an important issue for the whole of mankind. The final resolution of the Johannesburg earth summit was to return to the premise of creating a sustainable future through human nature. As long as every heart is full of love and peace, goodness and wisdom will naturally be achieved and will be capable of transforming the world’s destiny.
影部/字幕 聲部
OS: TC=00:02-00:39
2008年是世界人權宣言60週年紀念,第61屆聯合國公共資訊部門非政府組織年會特別選在巴黎召開,來自全球超過兩千名非政府組織代表及世界重要人權鬥士齊聚巴黎,世界之愛和平總會會長洪道子博士也特別在世界人權宣言發布60週年的紀念期間,受邀派員前往巴黎參加各項人權活動共襄盛舉. The year 2008 saw commemoration of the sixtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Paris was chosen as the venue for the 61st Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference and 2,000 representatives of NGOs and human rights activists from all over the world assembled there. Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, president of the Federation of World Peace and Love, was also invited to send delegates to Paris to take part in all the human rights activities and collaborate in the great event.
第61屆聯合國NGO年會 Sixty-first annual UN DPI/NGO Conference
主席 Chairperson Shamina de Gonzaga 採訪Interview 1 (Ms. Gonzaga)(英文): TC=00:41-01:13
(原文) Please check with video.
Because we’re already here to reaffirm a declaration. We’re here to reaffirm the vision of… that happened 60 years ago and that we think is still relevant today. The outcome of this, though, should be that more energy is galvanized, more solidarity also, among civil society, among NGOs. We all know, those of us who work in NGOs, that, ok, sometimes we work together, but maybe not enough. The only way we’re really going to make important strides is if we develop also better ways of understanding and building on each other’s experiences, supporting each other.
OS: TC=01:14-01:54
在年會進行期間舉辦的「2008 FOWPAL愛與和平世界高峰會」中,洪道子博士透過書面致詞,在聯合國非政府組織年會進行的期間提出「2008年後影響世人未來命運的導向:人人享有尊嚴,人權,愛與和平」與各界代表交流意見與經驗分享,同時結合現場超過了32個來自全球的非政府組織,正式在巴黎啟動了「全球護衛地球宣言. At the 2008 FOWPAL World Summit for Love and Peace, which was held during the annual conference, Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, by way of written remarks, proposed,“An orientation to influence the destiny of mankind after 2008: dignity, human rights, and love and peace for all,”and exchanges of ideas and sharing of experience between representatives from all walks of life, bringing together 32 NGOs from all over the world in the formal announcement of the declaration, The Whole World Protects the World.
(原文) Please check with video.
I find love and peace… I think they are the…the fundaments of the human rights. We also have the Brothers of Charity. The word says it itself; love for us is really the basic of everything. And I’m very convinced …er….when we, through our love… I always say we receive the love of God and we have to share the love of God with everyone …. through our concrete love for the neighbor, if we can really try to develop a new mentality in the world, to bring love in the world, then we also bring peace in the world, peace in ourselves and peace in the others.
國際主席 Guillaume Carly
National Grand Chief
Confederation of Aboriginal People of Canada
Mr. Guillaume Carly 採訪3(Mr. Carly)(英文): TC=02:28-02:55
(原文) Please check with video.
Because, if we don’t do anything about it, there will not be a future to this planet. We have to do something because we’re killing our planet and our people. Respect to our elders, respect to our children, and the investment comes from our beliefs, from the elders to the children. So, if we can respect everything that’s around us, the human rights find a much easier job to do because everybody’s working hand in hand and sharing everything together.
聯合國副祕書長 UN Under-Secretary-General
Kiyo Akasaka OS: TC=02:57-03:39
2009年9月聯合國在墨西哥舉辦第62屆公共資訊部門非政府組織年會,這一次年會的主題是「為和平與發展 即刻廢武」,洪道子博士特別以「發展與和平的平衡智慧- 啟動無核武的世界」論文與年會主講人及各國與會者分享,論文中提出:一念之善真正的和平在哪裡?在你我心靈的本源;關鍵的時刻人們做對的事改變心念,一念之善轉動磁場扭轉世界 . In September, 2009, the 62nd annual UN DPI/NGO Conference was held in Mexico. On this occasion, the theme was, For Peace and Development: Disarm Now. Dr. Hong Tao-Tze shared with conference speakers and participants from all countries his paper, The Wisdom of Balance Between Development and Peace—A World Free From Nuclear Threats. His paper asks the question: in a kind thought, where lies true peace? In the origins of our souls; in critical moments, when people act correctly, minds are changed. A kind thought rotates the magnetic field and transforms the world.
墨西哥大主教地區The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Mexico
和平暨人權委員Member of the Committee for Peace and Human Rights
Jorge Esteban López Ramirez 採訪4(Mr. Ramirez)(西班牙文): TC=03:40-04:14
我們都應該去做對於我們要如何從生活中的一些證據來改變人們,設立榜樣並提出裁減軍備的提案,直到人們不再讓飢渴成為世界的統治者,我們才能去除軍事武力設備. We should all change people in accordance with the evidence we see in life…establish models and submit arms reduction proposals, until people stop letting hunger and thirst become rulers of the world. Only then can we rid the world of military equipment.
Mi modo de ver el video, es que, pues está muy apegado a la realidad que debemos de seguir, y de cómo podríamos cambiar a la gente, pues con un testimonio de vida, dando un ejemplo y, recordándoles que entonces mientras no haya voluntad, no hay avance en ese sentido y, mientras no se quite la ambición por el poder de ser el dominador del mundo, tampoco vamos a poder acabar con el armamento.
墨西哥 Mexico
NGO代表 Representative
Veronica 採訪5(Ms. Veronica)(英文): TC=04:15-04:36
(原文) Please check with video.
I think a lot of people don’t do anything because they feel that whatever they could do wouldn’t make a difference, and, I think, even though your actions don’t make a huge difference to the entire world, they do make a difference to something, and, however small the difference is, if everybody makes a difference, it ends up being huge.
第62屆聯合國NGO年會 Sixty-second annual UN DPI/NGO Conference
圓桌會議主講人 Speaker at round-table meeting
Alexander Galvez 採訪6(Mr. Galvez)(英文): TC=04:37-04:49
(原文) Please check with video.
I think that we all need to combine our efforts to make a big difference in the world, because we have a lot of big things… still in the world, and we will have more if we don’t make a difference right now.
OS: TC=04:51-05:35
2010年9月在澳洲墨爾本舉行第63屆聯合國公共資訊部門非政府組織年會時,洪道子博士提出 「2010世界公民實踐全球健康之路」的論文,呼籲「2010年世界公民要實踐全球健康之路,需從健全體制護衛人權做起」,並特別舉辦2010年世界公民愛與和平人權高峰會,共有100多位各國人士與會,就非政府組織所能達到的全球團結與行動力做經驗的分享與傳承. In September, 2010, on the occasion of the 63rd annual UN DPI/NGO Conference in Melbourne, Australia, Dr. Hong Tao-Tze delivered his paper, In 2010, the Citizens of the World will Bring the Road to Global Health into Operation, calling on the “citizens of the world, in 2010, to make a start by protecting human rights with healthy bodies in order to bring the road to global health into operation,” and held the 2010 FOWPAL World Summit for Love and Peace, attended by over 100 figures from many countries, and sharing and passing on his experience for the sake of whatever global solidarity and momentum can be achieved by NGOs.
巴基斯坦 Pakistan
代表 Selina Nos 採訪7(Ms. Nos)(英文): TC=05:37-06:08
(原文) Please check with video.
I find it very good, the ideas of Dr. Hong… really, really … affects my heart and my soul, so I get energy, yes, and also the ….the feelings of tolerance for others, and, although we were working for the… for humanity…but, here, I learnt that humanity first, love for all and hatred for none.
OS: TC=06:09-06:59
2011年9月聯合國第64屆公共資訊部門非政府組織年會在德國波昂開幕,以「永續的社會 響應的公民」為主題,洪博士也發表「2011盡責的世界公民永續行動- 順應大自然平衡之道」,指出人心的分釐之差都是影響世界命運的關鍵點,同時提出「智慧,平衡,健康,和平,愛,五項做法」,協助第64屆聯合國非政府組織年會圓桌會議四大主題的執行,並舉辦多場世界公民永續生存之道研討會及世界之愛和平鐘鳴鐘儀典. In September, 2011, the 64th Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference was held in Bonn, Germany, under the theme, Sustainable Societies, Responsive Citizens. Dr. Hong Tao-Tze delivered his paper, In 2011, Dutiful Citizens are Sustainably Active, Conforming with the Balanced Way of Mother Nature, arguing that the tiniest differences in popular feeling have a critical influence on the fate of the world, and that 「智慧,平衡,健康,和平,愛,五項做法」facilitated the execution of the round-table meetings of the event with their four main themes. He also held many Seminars on Sustainable Living for World Citizens and 世界之愛和平鐘鳴鐘儀典.
伊拉克駐德國大使 Iraqi Ambassador to Germany
H. E. Dr. Hussain M.F. Alkhateeb 採訪8(Mr. Alkhateeb)(英文): TC=07:02-07:19
(原文) Please check with video.
This is some sort of experience that will…which I shall remember all of my life…the rest of my life, and certainly it will, … if I remember it, it will bring peace and the need to do something for peace to my mind always, and I shall do always my best for humanity.
影部/字幕 聲部
紐西蘭前總理 Former Prime Minister of New Zealand
Rt. Hon. Helen Clark
厄瓜多總統 President of Ecuador
H.E. Rafael Correa
聯合國祕書長 潘基文
H.E. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations
巴西總統 羅瑟芙
H.E. Dilma Vana Rousseff
President of Brazil OS: TC=00:00-01:28
1992年由聯合國召開的地球高峰會首度在巴西里約舉辦,20年後攸關全人類未來的「聯合國永續發展大會」再度回到里約. In 1992, the first earth summit was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Twenty years later, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development returned to Rio.
2012聯合國永續發展大會在巴西里約舉辦,共有193國元首,部長,政府代表以及上千個公民社會團體等近8萬名人士參與,進行熱烈而多元的發聲,希望找出全球永續發展的關鍵解決之道. In 2012, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In total almost 80,000 figures participated, including 193 heads of state, ministers, government representatives and over 1,000 civil society groups, giving effect to passionate and diverse voices in the hope of finding the way to critical resolutions for global sustainable development.
根據聯合國追蹤統計,從1992年第一次里約地球高峰會迄今20年間,全球環境變動劇烈,資源的消耗遠超過人們的想像,人口增加了14.5億,每年天災發生的次數是以前的兩倍,全世界物種消失了12%,地球的崩壞已逼近臨界點.聯合國秘書長潘基文呼籲:大自然不會等待也不會與人類協商,全世界領導人應拿出勇氣,正視永續發展課題的緊迫性. According to statistics tracked by the UN, in the 20 years since the Rio earth summit, global environmental change has been acute and the consumption of resources has exceeded people’s expectations. The population has grown by 1.45 billion and the annual frequency of natural disasters has doubled. Species have depleted by 12 percent globally, and damage to the world is already approaching critical levels. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon has urged: Mother Nature will not wait and will not consult mankind. The leaders of the entire world must take courage and squarely face the urgency of the issue of sustainable development.
哥斯大黎加 總統 President of Costa Rica
H.E. Laura Chinchilla Miranda
太極門掌門人 Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
洪道子 博士
Dr. Hong Tao-Tze OS: TC=01:29-03:03
太極門掌門人,世界之愛和平總會會長,AWC榮譽副主席暨諮詢委員洪道子博士的帶領下來到永續發展會議的發源地巴西里約,累積了更多元具體而務實的行動. Under the leadership of Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men, president of the Federation of World Peace and Love, honorary vice president and consultative committee member of the Association of World Citizens, we have come to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the birthplace of the conference on sustainable development and accumulated a record of yet more diverse, concrete and pragmatic action.
洪道子博士提出了三項解決目前地球面臨困境的做法: Dr. Hong proposed three methods for solving the predicaments that the world currently faces:
第一,「一」的理念與做法,以「躬行實踐的方式」落實會議決策. The first concept and method is the approach of “personal practice.”
第二,讓青,中,壯年站出來行動,聯合國與各國元首,各界非政府組織,以及其他關心永續發展的團體能夠確實融合與有效溝通. The second is to enable young, middle-aged and elderly people to emerge and take action. The UN and all heads of state, NGOs in all fields, and other groups concerned with sustainable development can truly blend and effectively communicate.
第三,將知識經濟公式運用到永續發展的議題上,將各項能源危機及處理決策結合資訊科技加速全球分享,可以達到全球訊息完整. The third is to utilize the knowledge economy formula in relation to the issue of sustainable development. By integrating all energy crises and the strategies by which they are solved with information technology to expedite their sharing with the entire world, we could achieve comprehensive global information.
同時也在2012聯合國永續發展大會上與各國元首及部長,各界領袖等會談未來永續發展的做法,現場並透過「世界之愛和平鐘」鳴鐘儀典,文化交流以及愛與和平永續發展高峰會,凝聚全球元首與各界領袖的共識及執行力At the same time, in discussions, at the 2012 earth summit, on the subject of future methods for sustainable development with many countries’heads of state and ministers, as well as leaders from all walks of life, by means of the ceremony of the sounding of the World Peace Bell, and the Love and Peace Sustainable Development Summit, the consensus and implementational force of heads of state and leaders in many fields from all over the world were harnessed.
哥斯大黎加 總統 President of Costa Rica
H.E. Laura Chinchilla Miranda 鳴鐘心願(Ms. Miranda)(英文): TC=03:04-03:23
(原文) Please check with video.
If we want peace to prevail in the world, we must encourage peaceful relationship among the people in the world, but also we must achieve peace between mankind and nature. Thank you!
OS: TC=03:28-03:51
在年會舉行期間親訪團參加了一場深具意義的燭光守夜活動,巴西當地的原住民領袖齊聚,現場有來自50種以上不同宗教的人,大會特別邀請洪道子博士擔任致詞貴賓並主持鳴鐘儀典. During the annual conference, the delegation of friends took part in a deeply meaningful candle-lit evening vigil. Brazilian aboriginal leaders assembled and there were people on the scene from more than 50 different religions. The conference invited Dr. Hong Tao-Tze to serve as the distinguished speech-making guest and to host the bell ringing ceremony.
太極門掌門人 Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
洪道子 博士Dr. Hong Tao-Tze 鳴鐘示意(師父)(國語): TC=03:52-04:27
天地之母,慈祥,慈悲,寬容,賜與生靈愛與和平的境地,讓權者明辨是非及永續發展正義,讓弱者勇敢,堅強,創造融合溝通,希望之鐘由內心響起,匯聚世人之心扭轉乾坤,為地球延續永保安康. Mother of heaven and earth, benevolence, mercy, tolerance, bestow love and peace on all living things. Enable those with power to distinguish right from wrong and develop justice sustainably. Let the weak be courageous and strong, and forge a bell that fuses communication and hope and sounds from the innermost being, bringing together the hearts of men to transform heaven and earth to extend eternal protection and good health to the whole world.
OS: TC=04:29-04:42
當金鐘鳴響的那一刻全場靜默,人人感受到被金鐘的鐘聲凝聚了心力,寧靜祥和的氣氛感染了每一個人. At the moment the golden bell sounds, the entire venue is silent and everyone feels the embodiment of their mental and physical powers in its toll. Everyone is infused with the tranquil, auspicious and peaceful feeling.
Female chief of indigenous Amazon tribe
Atnam Barbara 採訪1(Ms. Barbara)(英文): TC=04:45-05:22
(原文) Please check with video.
I must speak for myself, what I felt. All ceremonies are necessary nowadays, and, especially, talking about the peace, and the bell and all instruments that were here, but especially the bell and all that was behind that and the words that was spoken… er…they remind us of peace, but not just to the world, but to ourselves, and I can only speak for myself. I felt very good, very, very much in peace, and it made me cry. So, I think that this is going to spread to the world. I believe that. That’s why I’m here.
Jang Daniels 採訪2(Mr. Daniels)(英文): TC=05:23-06:00
(原文) Please check with video.
The bell ceremony was very wonderful, because I was in the middle of the public and everything was very silent. So people were like meditating and the resonance was like vibrating in the moods of people. It was very nice. So I loved the message the people over here on stage transmitted to the leaders, the governmental leaders who are at the United Nation’s top, that they have to hear the population and have to hear also the representatives of religions.
巴西Brazil 國際十三土著祖母諮詢組織
The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers
代表 Representative Vovo Maria Alice 採訪3(Ms. Alice)(英文): TC=06:01-06:12
(原文) Please check with video.
I believe when we manifest our wish in…er… in traditions, in rituals, it is significant.
字幕: (鳴鐘者)
安哥拉Angola 副總統 Vice President
H.E. Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos
東帝汶前總統 Former President of East Timor
1996年諾貝爾和平獎得主 1996 Nobel Peace Laureate
H.e. Jose Ramos Horta
葡萄牙總理 Prime Minister of Portugal
H.E. Pedro Passos Coelho
托克勞自治區主席Tokelau Head of Government
H.E. Aliki Faipule Elesi Kelihiano Kalolo
墨西哥 Mexico 經濟合作發展組織祕書長 Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Secretary-General
Mr. Angel Gurria
義大利 Italy 環境土地暨海洋部部長 Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea
Minister H.E. Prof. Corrado Clini
阿拉伯聯合大公國United Arab Emirates 外貿部部長 Minister for Foreign Trade
H.H. Sheikha Lubua Al-Qasimi
馬來西亞 Malaysia自然資源暨環境部部長 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Minister H.H. Dato Sri Douglas Uggah Embas
土耳其 Turkey 發展部部長 Ministry of Development
Minister, Mr. Cevdet YILMAZ
柬埔寨 Cambodia 環境部部長Ministry of Environment
Minister, Dr. Mok Mareth OS: TC=06:13-06:35
在繁忙緊湊的2012聯合國永續發展大會裡,共有全世界25位元首,部長以及非政府組織領袖鳴響了世界之愛和平鐘,為每個國家,為這次大會及世間億萬的生靈祈願. At the busy, bustling, 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, in total 25 heads of state, ministers and leaders of NGOs from all over the world sounded the World Peace Bell, in prayer for all the countries of the world, for the conference itself and for the world’s billions of living beings.
OS: TC=06:40-07:09
2014年初世界之愛和平總會會長洪道子博士發起了「良心時代運動」,提到「良心文化的重建並非一朝一夕,需要全體世界公民的良心覺醒,勇敢堅持做對的事.」 In early 2014, president of the Federation of World Peace and Love, Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, launched Era of Conscience and stated that, “The reestablishment of a culture of conscience cannot happen overnight. It requires the awakening of the consciences of the citizens of the entire world, and courage and insistence on correctness in matters.”
透過「良心時代運動宣言」全球連署,希望世界上的每一個人都能夠擁有幸福,安定的生活. With the global signing of the Declaration for the Movement of an Era of Conscience, we hope that each individual on earth can enjoy a happy and stable life.
製作人 洪道子博士
諮詢專線 (02)2736-5188
(02)2736-5188 TC=07:11-07:57
羚毓Ling Yu:我們都是世界公民,有責任與義務來保護我們居住的環境,不同時空
氣,堅守自己的良心,實踐愛與和平的理想世界. We are all citizens of the world, with a responsibility and duty to protect the environment in which we live. Backgrounds of different space-time require different wisdom and methods. Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men, Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, in response to changes in the international situation, launched Era of Conscience, in the hope that everyone will be able to take courage, hold fast to their own conscience, and achieve an ideal world of love and peace.
力瑜Li Yu:如果我們繼續冷漠就只能夠隨著大環境的惡化沉淪,但我寧願相信
感謝收看,我們再會. If we carry on indifferently, we can only degenerate and decline, like the wider environment, but I prefer to believe that action will bring change. For the sake of the sustainable development of the world and the common welfare of the whole of mankind, I invite you to sign the Declaration for the Movement of an Era of Conscience on the Internet to change the world with your own actual action. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.
Chinese to English: The National Theater and Concert Hall and the Beauty of Architecture General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Architecture
Translation - English The National Theater and Concert Hall and the Beauty of Architecture
I. Location
The National Theater and Concert Hall are situated on the two sides of the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, at the front of the complex; they sit on either side of the central axis between the monumental archway and the memorial hall itself, together encompassing Freedom Plaza. They are important historical venues as far as Taiwan’s democracy movement are concerned.
The site has been designated a national place of historic interest, whose full name is Taiwan Democracy Memorial Park. It incorporates the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, the Gate of Great Centrality and Uprightness, the main plaza and grand concourse. While the National Theater and Concert Hall are not themselves historic sites, they are the most important architectural works on Freedom Plaza. They are also registered as Taipei City cultural attractions.
The overall layout of the park was conceived with two crosses (the Chinese character for “ten”) as its starting point; from the air, the positioning of the two crosses can be seen. If one looks from the National Theater and Concert Hall themselves, moreover, the two appear to form one-dimensional crosses, together constituting a, “double ten,” fully exemplifying the glory of the 10th October (10.10) Hsin Hai Revolution which established the Republic of China.
The main plaza is the park’s center of activity. Many important performances take place here; indeed, it is one of Taipei City’s major spaces for outdoor events. The plaza floor is decorated throughout with gray and white classical-style stone in a rotating, traditionally propitious pattern. In the center of the plaza this forms interconnecting circular and square images, signifying the “round heaven and square earth,” and illustrating the significance of the plaza’s positioning on the central axis.
The National Theater and Concert Hall stand opposite each other, like the three legs ― together with the memorial hall ― of a tripod, and following a concept, as regards their roofing, of, “senior to the left, subordinate to the right.” The golden yellow glazed roof tiles and traditional architectural forms give the Taiwan Democracy Memorial Park its important character, and this is Taiwan’s most important venue for theater and music. To browse through a history of the National Theater and Concert Hall is to enjoy a chapter of Taiwan’s cultural history.
II. The beauty of the roofs
The National Theater and Concert Hall stand on either side of the plaza. If one looks from the memorial hall, the National Theater is on the right, with its combination of hip roof and double eave roof, and the National Concert Hall is on the left, with its combination of gable and hip roof and double eave roof. Their yellow-tiled, overhanging eaves, carved beams and painted ridgepoles, white walls, floral windows, and red pillared cloisters, lend them their splendid, classical elegance.
The National Theater building, in imitation of the Imperial Palace’s Hall of Supreme Harmony, has roofing in the hip roof and double eave roof style. The hip roof style is that in which at front and back and left and right, the roof forms four slopes, the highest of all forms of roofing, only allowed in royal palaces and in temples. The hip roof was early on termed, si ah ding (four ‘ah’ roof). Apart from the main ridge, it has diagonal ridges on all sides. Such a building is also, known as a five-ridged hall.
Double eave roofing involves a method in which uses two layers of eaves, giving the exterior a more elevated and grand appearance, and indicating status, here symbolizing the importance of the National Theater’s architecture. It can be said, that, “The pheasant flies and is transformed; such is the splendor of architecture.”
The National Concert Hall imitates the method used in the Imperial Palace’s Hall of Preserving Harmony, adopting gable and hip roofing and double eave roofing, its distinguishing feature being that its upper part is roofed in the flush gable style, while its lower part is in the hip roofing style. From above, the surface of a triangular gable can be seen. Gable and hip roofing, apart from its main ridge, has four diagonal ridges for hip roofing and four diagonal ridges for gable and hip roofing, and this kind of building is also known as a, “nine ridge palace.”
The National Theater and Concert Hall roofs differ somewhat from those of most palaces, because they are huge in scale, their sloping surfaces are extremely broad, and the approximate cross shape of the site. Because of these, the roof slopes appear particularly layered, forging the stately aestheticism unique to the two buildings.
III. Overhanging eaves and bucket arches
The roof ridges of traditional Chinese architecture curve upwards. This method not only lends a heavy roof an impression of floating ethereally; it also allows more sunlight to soak through in wintertime.
The theater uses approximately 275,700 glazed roof tiles, while the concert hall uses approximately 243,000. Such large roofing, in the soaring, overhanging eave style, gives an impression of lightness and gracefulness, without heavy oppressiveness. This is one of the ingenious structural techniques of traditional architecture.
The Book of Songs alludes thus to roofing:
Like a man on tip-toe, in reverent expectation ;
Like an arrow, flying rapidly ;
Like a bird which has changed its feathers ;
Like a pheasant on flying wings ;
Is the [hall] which our noble lord will ascend.
As we can see, the ancients described the exteriors of buildings as great birds unfolding their wings and taking flight, reflecting also their expectations of mortal virtue and integrity.
Bucket arches are a feature of Chinese architectural forms. Their function lies in supporting protruding eaves. A dou is an erect cube shaped like a peck of grain, while a gong is a curved, board-like wooden structure.
Between the dou and the gong, the pointed wooden component known as an, “ang,” protruding downwards in an apparent 45∘angle, is a part that balances structures in accordance with lever principles. Bucket arches and angs intersect in layers and their tenons join, extending outwards like toy building blocks, forming roof beams with many different ends and extending the roof.
In order to enable the upturned roof ridge to form a meniscus, the component at its corner is even more complex. Generally known as jiao ke, these mainly support the weight of the roof ridge through the curved hiprafter, and with two layers of curved hiprafters at the protruding part, they forge the aesthetic appeal of the meniscus.
The National Theater and Concert Hall buildings were constructed with reinforced concrete, adding to the length of the protrusion, making the curves of the overhanging eaves all the more exquisite. At the head of the curved hiprafter is the sheathed head of a beast, known as a, “stone animal.” Its original purpose was to prevent the wood from rotting, and it is modeled like a walking beast, to serve as a symbol of good fortune.
The stone animal is a risk-taking, excitable yet timid female, “pu lao,” who, seeing her male mate, “chi wen”, pinned down by a sword to the spine, hides with increased alarm beneath the palace corner, becoming a stone animal facing the wind.
IV Walking beasts
Also known as “small beasts,” these are arrayed around the four corners of the roof. Originally there were strict regulations about placing, with different quantities depending on the grade of building. In the roofs of the National Theater and Concert Hall they are arranged from front to back, with celestial beings riding phoenices, and then in the following order: dragons, phoenices, lions, heavenly steeds, sea horses, mythical predatory beasts, escorting fish, other mythical beasts, and fighting bulls, nine species in total. Traditional architecture mainly uses wooden structures, but wood is vulnerable to fire, and legend has it that these small beasts can evade fire, evade evil spirits, bring good fortune and contentment.
Celestial beings riding phoenices
At the forefront of the ridge ornaments were the celestial beings riding phoenices, also known as, “zhen ren,” (true men). It is said that this celestial being is the incarnation of King Min of Qi. A popular saying has it that, “Exposed to the sun, King Min of Qi had no way out,” relating how King Min of Qi, during the Warring States Period of the Eastern Chou, and having been defeated by General Yue Yi of the state of Yan, fled in panic, only to come up against walls all around him. In the moment of crisis a phoenix flew before him and he rode on its back across a great river. So, placed at the very top of the eaves, this celestial being riding a phoenix, connotes rescue at a critical moment, or the turning of bad luck into good.
Dragons are symbols of power, wealth, status, and monarchy, and they can also manipulate the wind and generate rain. In the traditional conception, therefore, dragon ornaments could evade disasters caused by fire, and move the winds and the rains, and were placed immediately behind the celestial beings. The Dragon Sutra states, “A young dragon with horns is like the leader of a host of dragons, whom it can command, mounting the clouds and generating rain for the relief of the people.” The dragon is therefore also a god who prays for rain and the evasion of evil spirits.
The phoenix is a symbol of auspiciousness, and a symbol of empresses.
In the Historical Records: Biography of Rizhe, it is written, “The phoenix is not of the same species as the bramble finch.” Thus the phoenix is often likened to a holy person. It is also, in ancient legend, the king of the birds, a propitious bird that will grace a peaceful world. Here it represents a supplication for peace.
It is commonly said that, “the dragon has nine sons,” (or “it takes all sorts to make a world”) so one such son must be a lion, the king of the animals. Because the character for “lion” (shi, 獅) sounds like the character for “teacher” (shi, 師) it connotes a blessing for success in one’s career, while also possessing an evil-evading function.
The Buddhist text, the Chuan Deng Lu, records that, “When Sakyamuni Buddha was born, he pointed to heaven with one hand, and to the earth with the other, and, like a lion, roared, ‘In heaven above and earth below, I alone am to be revered.’”
Lions, therefore, also represent means of protection in traditional thinking. They signify courage and majesty.
Heavenly steeds
Considered to be horse deities, these were fine horses introduced from western regions during the Han dynasty. They could chase the wind day after day and traverse empty terrain, like heavenly steeds traversing the skies.
Sea horse
The sea horse on the roof ridge is not what is commonly known as a luo long zi, but an auspicious animal of legend. Under the pit of each limb it bears a fire pattern. It can enter the sea and other deep water, and turn bad luck into good. Heavenly steeds and sea horses symbolize the capacity of the powerful, benevolent rule of the royal family to transcend heaven and earth. It also represents loyalty, uprightness and courage.
Mythical beast of prey
One of the nine sons of the dragon, and also known as, “golden lion,” and, “clever lion,” it can subdue all the animals, and so also has an evil-evading function. Because these beasts of prey like the smoke from fires, and because they like to squat, they often serve as adornments on the feet of incense burners. Because they can evade evil, however, they are also one of the walking beasts
Other mythical beasts
The Shuo Wen Jie Zi :“The haetae is a beast resembling a cow, and has a single horn. Ancients involved in litigation were ordered not to touch it.” Legend has it that the haetae loves justice, and will, with its single horn, touch and even push over a party to litigation who has a weak case. It connotes fairness and the ability to distinguish right from wrong, which is why it became one of the auspicious animals on roof ridges.
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Fighting bull
Also known as a fighting bull, and also one of the nine sons of the dragon; the, “small dragon,” of legend. It looks like a bull. The text, ChenYuan Shi Lue, records: “Among the creatures of the seas of the western interior is the fighting bull, which is like a young dragon . When it encounters overcastness and rain, it creates clouds and mist. It wriggles constantly at road sides, and on the jade ridgepoled quarters of the golden sea tortoise. The fighting bull is also a beast of prey, so, on the roof ridge it is seen as a propitious creature that can dispel disaster and prevent calamity. Escorting fish
Described as a fish by the Guangya Index: Those with scales are called, “flood dragons,” while those with wings are called, simply, “dragons,” those with horns are called, “young dragons,” and those that are hornless are called “hornless dragons.” The escorting fish has the physical resemblance of a young dragon. Its body is covered in scales. On its tail are fins, so it looks like a fish. It lives in the sea, and can exhale clouds and summon rain. It is therefore seen as an auspicious creature that can dispel disasters and prevent fires.
The beast on the diagonal ridge of a gable and hip roof
Positioned behind the walking beast is a dragon known as the beast on the diagonal ridge of a gable and hip roof. The diagonal ridge for gable and hip roofing is a supporting roof ridge additional to the main ridge, and is also the roof ridge for the four winged corners in gable and hip roofing. The walking beasts stand at the front, while, in the middle section, this beast serves as a boundary and a stabilizer of the roof ridge.
The beast on the diagonal ridge of gable and hip roofs has the form of a dragon. It holds its head high to reveal fierce teeth. The hair on its neck flutters behind it. Its claws are clenched behind it. It evokes a sense of total power. This age-old beast was originally a hornless dragon. During the Han dynasty, Zhang Tian Shi had imperial honors bestowed upon ten dragons in order to extinguish a conflagration. Having received its honor, the hornless dragon grew horns and became the beast on the diagonal ridge of gable and hip roofs.
Chi wen
A roof ridge is a protruding item which stabilizes two roofs at the point where they meet. Because it is exposed to the wind it needs reinforcing and stabilizing. The tip of the roof ridge, moreover, is the meeting point of the diagonal ridge for a hip roof and the main ridge. For structural reasons it is raised upwards, gradually evolving into a chi wen.
The chi wen, also known as chi wen, long wen, and zheng wen, and by custom as a spine-swallowing beast, is one of the nine sons of the dragon. It looks like a beast, and likes to look into the distance, and is therefore often used as the beast head on a palace roof.
Annals of the Former Han Dynasty: “After the fire at the Bo Liang Palace, a Yue shaman said that in the sea were fish-dragons, with tails like the scops owl, stirring up waves and causing rainfall, so its image was created on roofs as a portent to ward off fire . Shuo Wen Jie Zi: “The hornless dragon, like the dragon but yellow, is known in the north as the earth mole-cricket, or as the chi with no horns. One chi wen scorned the wind and liked danger; when it raised its tail like a kite, it could put out great fires.
So the chi wen is yellow, and symbolizes the extinguishment of huge fires, and is also located on the dangerous tip of the roof ridge. The chi wen of tradition is lazy by nature, and conceals itself all over the place, and so has been pinned down by a sword on the roof ridge, and thus reveals itself to be a target for a sword.
The chi wen of the National Theater and Concert Hall are 420cm wide and 520cm tall; extremely large. They are made of several tens of lazurite bricks, and their heads appear to swallow the roof ridge. The chi wen curl forward, still carrying the young dragon, and bearing the sword target on their backs. The sword target constitutes a five-pronged cloud chart, to evoke a symbol of stability on the roof ridge. Behind, another small ridge beast protrudes, and it has a very particular appearance.
Tile end and drip tile
The roofing of the National Theater and Concert Hall is mainly constructed from golden yellow glazed roof tiles. Because they have been glazed, such tiles do not easily absorb water; they are the highest grade of tile. The tiles used on the roofs are of two types: round tiles and flat tiles. Flat tiles are less wide, less curved, with their cambered surface facing up, and mainly used to tile gullies. Round tiles, on the other hand, are semicircular and tubular and used to make rows of tiles. Once the roof eaves are reached at the tip, tile ends and drip tiles are used to form sides. The tile end is the piece at the very end of the round tile, forming a circular head, also known as a, “point,” or, “cat’s head.” There are six decorative types of tile end pattern. The drip tile is the very end of the flat tiles, roughly in the shape of a triangular ru yi, with a rolled grass ru yi ornament on top. The function of the drip tile is to allow the water in the tiled gully to descend along the triangle without gushing everywhere and damaging the roof.
The theater has gable and hip roofing. At its side is a triangular walled surface known as a gable. This walled surface precisely presents the radian of the roof slope. At its very top is zheng wen.
The gable wall is blue-green at the base, which is set off by the golden, rolled grass decorative pattern, not only echoing the blue sky ― they complement each other ― but also bearing auspicious cultural connotations; a true presentation of the beauty of Chinese architecture.
V Terrace bases
Traditional architectural terrace bases are constructed from brick and stone. This applies to the terraces themselves, door steps, ground surface and pillar bases. In ancient times, important buildings were built on high terrace bases, enhancing their stature, and resulting in the term, “high-terraced building, beautiful palace.” The higher the terrace base, the more elevated and important the building.
V Terrace base
For the sake of water-tightness, traditional architecture adopted high foundations, forming them into terrace bases. Usually the terrace base protruded at the top and bottom, contracting inwards in the middle. This was known as, “xumizuo”. “Xumizuo,” is Buddhist terminology. “Xumi,” is the name of a mountain located at the center of the world, regarded in India as the foundation stone of Buddha imagery. It signifies that the Buddha sits atop a holy mountain, illustrating the Buddha’s sublime status. The xumizuo style evolved gradually .
The National Theater and Concert Hall’s terrace bases are particularly tall, however, so they have dispensed with the xumizuo method, making for terrace bases with slightly larger bottoms and a gently inclining cone shape. Apart from this, in order to drain rain water from the terrace bases, yet more hornless dragon heads were installed on their edges, so that they could perform the task of expelling water.
Also known as the quarters of prostitutes, palace buildings were mainly made of stone, and balustrades comprised pillar heads, balusters, railing slabs, and so on. Positioned on the upper edge of the terrace base, the balustrade could prevent people from falling, and provide a surface to lean on.
The strip-shaped stone whose base is raised upwards is known as di fu. On it stand the balusters, and between the two balusters are railing slabs, with an auspicious cloud adornment on top.
Because the terrace bases are of a certain height, they require a flight of steps and a balustrade to ascend and descend, and for safety purposes. The surface of steps is known as a step crenel. To their left and right are added slanting, hanging girdles, on which sit the balustrades. Where the balustrades approach the ground, their style of curled clouds and drum-shaped stones becomes more accentuated, fulfilling the function of sturdy balustrades while also beautifying the steps.
The drum-shaped stones of the National Theater and Concert Hall are relatively small. Their interior adornment consists of a plum blossom and cloud pattern and a rolled grass pattern, lending it a flowing beauty.
Pillar bases
Ancient architecture mainly used wooden pillars. To prevent the wood from being affected by damp and rotting, the section near the ground always had what is known as a pillar base. In this method of construction, the size of the four-sided pillar base is twice that of the neck of the pillar.
Pillar base styles vary. There is a multi-basin style, and a lotus covered style, among others. Most temples like to use the lotus petal style, but the National Theater and Concert Hall pillar bases have been handled in a simplified manner, the whole taking shape within the circumference with the beauty of geometric lines.
VI The beauty of tian hua.
Tian hua is the general name given during the Qing dynasty to ceilings in the rooms of wooden buildings. During the Song dynasty “construction styles” included 平棊, ping an, and zao jing. It was not until the Ch’ing era that these became known collectively as,“tian hua.”
平棊 is a form of tian hua made with criss-crossing wooden pieces and is one of the ancient forms of tian hua. Viewed from bottom to top, the checks of 平棊 are variously shaped, from rectangular and square to diamond-shaped or triangular, and so on. Their dimensions are not uniform either; all determined by the designer himself.
If the wooden piece within the checks bears a carved flower decoration this is known as a tie luo pattern. Frequently used patterns included pan qiu, die sheng, persimmon stem, turtle,
and so on, and sometimes these would be used together. Apart from these, the cloud pattern, lotus petal, dragon and phoenix, flowers and plants and so forth, were also used.
The 平棊ceiling of the National Theater and Concert Hall includes square and hexagonal forms with traditional connotations and simple contemporary beauty.
Jing kou tian hua is also a type of 平棊. By the time of the Qing dynasty, 平棊 methods were being rationalized, and at this time became known as, “jing kou tian hua.” This too involved using strips of wood to make a square-checked net, while hemming small pieces of ceiling into each square. The tian hua of the National Theater and Concert Hall is in the tie luo pattern. In the “branches and well-mouths”, colored pattern was used. The method used on these parts is similar to that used in the Gate of Tranquil Longevity of the Forbidden City.
The points where the checks intersect carry strips of copper in the shape of a cross, reinforcing the structure as well as serving as adornments. Inside the tip of the tail the term “yan wei” (“swallow’s tail”) is inscribed, lending the work an ethereal beauty.
The center of the cross bears an eight-petal decorative design, while the four sides are adorned with ru yi shaped clouds. It signifies good fortune and happiness, success, wealth and status.
Zao jing tian hua
This is a complex tian hua method. The term, “zao jing,” refers to the constant suspension of a bracket set towards the center, and the contraction inward of the brackets, so that they interweave as a net-like, umbrella-canopy ceiling, symbolizing the worship of space.
The zao jing tian hua of the National Theater and Concert Hall integrate the 平棊 method. The bracket set protrudes upwards all around. In the center is the 平棊, and in the center of the 平棊 is the zao jing. Together with square and octagonal variations, eight-cornered star forms appear. Ultimately, with a round zao jing at the center, a sense is conveyed of soaring, resplendent space.
In the center of the zao jing hangs a specially made crystal lamp. In the shape of a palace lantern, it is graced with traditional form and contemporary simplicity.
VII The beauty of decorative motifs
In traditional folklore and custom, there was a liking for such themes as animals, plants, illustrations and patterns, utensils, and so forth, to express people’s supplications for good fortune. These designs therefore became common in architecture.
Water caltrop blossom
This could also be called a “rhombus-shaped flower.” Its distinctiveness lies in its petals’ rhombus shape. It is generally used in the wooden lattices of doors and windows or within the ornamentation of window lattices.
The water caltrop mirror is one of the Eight Treasures (these being eight images: the conch shell, the Eternal Wheel of Life,the umbrella of treasure, white cover,lotus flower, Aquarius, the golden fish, and Pan Chang ), a symbol of refinement. The petals of the water caltrop blossom on the pillars of the National Theater and Concert Hall are like the lines of a ru yi, signifying as much refinement and luxury as one might wish for.
Also, water caltrop blossom is often combined with ru yi and rolled grass, to create a beautiful decorative motif for good fortune and the fulfillment of one’s wishes.
The walls of the National Theater and Concert Hall are edged with decorative motifs, combining elements of water caltrop blossom and sword rings, creating from their midst the simple intrigue of veined patterns
This is also water and grass. The aquatic plant pattern is an image of bright and lush water and grass. “Aquatic plant,” also has a figurative meaning of “beautiful, bright colors,” and was often in ancient times seen in costume and clothing accessories, connoting nobility, beauty and cleanliness.
Aquatic plant patterns and creeping weeds resemble one another. They may be thick and numerous or thin and sparse, but the rolling and curving, winding and coiling characteristic is a feature of both.
A creeper is a trailing grass, also known as a rolled grass or re cao. “Creeper,” refers to the stalks and stems of trailing plants; they grow and extend themselves relentlessly. Because man dai (“creeper belt”) sounds like wan dai (“10,000 generations”), it implies profusion, longevity and good fortune for 10,000 generations.
Creeping weed is beautiful in shape, like waves, spreading and coiling naturally, and it gradually replaced honeysuckle pattern in being extensively used in all forms of fashion ware, being most popular during the Tang and Sui dynasties and becoming known to subsequent generations as, “Tang cao” (“Tang grass,” or “Tang dynasty flower design”). Later there were many changes, not simply affecting specific plants or combinations of lotus flower and honeysuckle and the like, but becoming universal manifestations.
A creeping weed with simple lines linked together is also known as “ grass and flower guai zi.” It implies nobility and longevity.
Clouds are an ornamental form commonly seen in Chinese illustration. Because clouds float hither and thither with no certainty, changing infinitely, constantly following the gods, auspicious beasts and treasure, and so forth, they have an aura of mystery. In terms of their appearance, there are floating clouds, flower clouds, circular clouds, and so on. Sometimes they are combined with the ru yi shape, and might be called ru yi clouds.
The auspicious clouds on the balustrades of the National Theater and Concert Hall have the appearance of ru yi, in white stone, conspicuously displaying the propitious vapors of flower clouds.
The auspicious clouds on the balusters of the balustrades’ combine different forms, such as floating clouds, flower clouds and circular clouds; delicate, flowery clouds with a fluttering, floating feeling and an upward-spiraling momentum. Not only is this a good omen, but it also signifies floating clouds and flowing water; a sense of being content and at ease. It is therefore also known as a, “pillar of clouds.”
This is a Buddhist deity, also known as the god of incense and sound, the god of heavenly songs. It’s a joyful god whose incense is food, and who can dispense fragrant air. Gandhanra is good at both singing and dancing. When the gods talk, they soar in the sky and flutter in the wind, tunefully dispensing flowers. There are many decorations with Gandhanra ornaments to be seen in the uppermost murals of the Dunhuang caves.
China's Gandhanra imagery represents the crystallization of imagination; giving form to formless customs through fluttering colored ribbons and presenting beautiful song, dance and music. On the exterior walls of the National Theater and Concert Hall this entails copper plates with engraved motifs of Gandhanra and all kinds of other propitious patterns, to express the beauty of theater and music.
Decorative patterns on copperware
The modeling of ancient Chinese bronzeware was not only conscientious, careful and exquisite, but also bore all kinds of richly imaginative ornamental imagery, generally known as copperware ornamentation. This comprised mainly the taotie design, the kui-dragon design, the coiled dragon design, the kui with curled pattern design, and the thunder design, among others.
One of the ornaments on the pillar heads on the staircases in the main halls is a kind of kui with curled pattern design, whose distinctive feature is circling hooks from end to end. This kind of pattern flourished during the Spring and Autumn Period.
The armrests in the elevators are made of copper material and bear an engraved coiled serpent design. The coiled serpent, like the snake, is an auspicious animal, and this is one of the copperware designs. It has a curving body, inclining towards a geometric form, connecting with itself, and richly interesting.
At the front of the National Theater and Concert Hall is an ornamental waist belt. The pattern on it too is the coiled serpent design, but on its base the cloud pattern has been added, invoking a particular sense of a flying dragon in heaven.
The flowerpot in this cloister is in the form of bronzeware. Its decoration is mainly in the kui-dragon design. The kui dragon was also a mythological animal resembling a dragon. One horn, one foot, its mouth wide open, tail curled upwards, it too is a motif commonly seen on ancient copperware .
The Eternal Wheel of Life
The Eternal Wheel of Life is one of the Eight Treasures of Buddhism. It is the great teaching that the Buddha says goes on without pause. The design symbolizes its constant, incessant turning.
Among the decorations on the walls are designs combining the Eternal Wheel of Life, sword rings, flower and grass patterns, forming continuously, unceasingly propitious ornamentation, like the sensation invoked by the ethereal music which wafts so frequently from the concert hall.
Pan Chang
This is one of the Eight Treasures, signifying a Buddhist saying to the effect that amid circuitous and indirect practices all things are brightly illuminated. This is the summing up of the Eight Treasures, and it is representative of the whole. It is also the most extensively applied part.
Pan Chang draws the intestines as a continuous, winding, coiling image, symbolizing not just continuousness and relentlessness, but also the fact that, chang (“intestines”) has the same sound as chang (“long”), connoting auspiciousness and eternal life.
The motifs on the ground at the National Theater and Concert Hall are double lozenge Pan Changs, mainly comprising variations of squares. There is also a more simple coiling, winding, zigzagging veined pattern known as the, “meandering design,” or, “thunder design.” It’s an edging pattern often used in traditional architecture. It’s also a design often used on the exterior of utensils.
Pomegranate blossom
Inside the flesh of the pomegranate are many seeds, so it is a symbol of fertility and prosperity. The pomegranate is a tree introduced from the Caucasus at the time of Zhang Qian’s mission to the poor western regions of the Yellow River’s source. It was therefore named, “the Caucasian pomegranate.” In Ode to the Pomegranate, Pan Ni of the Jin dynasty, wrote that the pomegranate was a, “Profuse, large and stout, gloriously hanging fruit, tasty and juicy, richly scented,” and it became much beloved by the Chinese people.
Because the pomegranate has many seeds, it has been widely used in decorations. For this reason, the pomegranate blossom is also seen as a propitious item. On the walls of the National Theater and Concert Hall are pomegranate blossoms joined at the roots, at which images of pomegranates and chayotes are combined to connote fertility, prosperity, unending nobility and eternal life.
Lotus flower
Believed in Buddhism to be the symbol of the Paradise of the West. Buddha figures are often placed on lotus flowers, also known as, “lotus pedestals,” or “lotus platforms.” The She Da Cheng Lun Shi states: “The lotus flower has four virtues. One: fragrance. Two: cleanliness. Three: softness. Four: loveliness.” It’s the ideal flower.
Traditionally, as Zhou Dun-yi wrote in the, Tale of Lotus Lovers, “When a lotus flower emerges from mud it is not stained, when rinsed in ripples of pure water it does not beguile. It is empty in the middle and straight in appearance… .” It is the gentleman of flowers, signifying holiness and purity. The lotus flower is not only exquisite in appearance but it also implies a bloom of flowers on one stem, and, because lotus seeds are joined to each other, it is an omen for good harvests. It therefore symbolizes beauty, love, longevity, holiness and purity.
Plum blossom
The national flower of the Republic of China. It not only has an elegant, stately aura, but because of its urbane demeanor and character, and essential majesty, it symbolizes a moral character of nobility and virtue, firmness, resoluteness and modesty.
Apart from this, in severe cold, plum blossom is the earliest to bloom, and connotes the perpetuation of spring and the announcement of good news, so it has been used very extensively in literature and art.
Common motifs
often found in literature and art
Persimmon design
The persimmon too is a commonly seen traditional pattern. The character for “persimmon”, (柿,shi) sounds like the character 事 (shi, “thing”), a character repeated in the phrase, “Shi shi ru yi,”―“May everything be as you wish,”― and is therefore used to imply precisely that. Persimmons have seven virtues. One: longevity. Two: many yin (traditionally, “negative”) characteristics. Three: no birds’ nests. Four: no insects or worms. Five: one can play with its frosted leaf. Six: quality and substance. Seven: When its leaves fall, they are huge. It can be said to be a plant that suits both refined and popular tastes. The Er Ya records that, “Of all the trees, the one with the sturdiest roots is the persimmon,” so it also connotes solidity and reliability.
The adornments on the walls of the National Theater and Concert Hall combine persimmons with the honeysuckle pattern. The honeysuckle symbolizes eternal life, so this implies contentment and eternal life.
Hai shui jiang ya
Also known as 海水江涯, this is an auspicious decoration for placement at the foot of the dragon’s robe. It is also seen in stone carvings on imperial roads. At its base is a water pattern. On the water is a spindrift, and facing the rocks is what appears to be a range of mountains and rivers.
The decorative 海水江牙 at the base of the archways at the entrances to the terrace bases of the National Theater and Concert Hall omit the water pattern, the only motif being the mountains and rocks, connoting the stability of the land.
Pine pattern
Pine is one of the three friends of time and cold. It is an evergreen of immense vitality, unafraid of the snow, ice, and the freezing cold. For this reason, it tends to be staunch, firm, unyielding. Apart from this, it prolongs its life peacefully and symbolizes longevity. It is therefore used very extensively.
Most pine themes involve trees. Sometimes the pattern is simplified with circle shapes like those formed by pine needles.
At the center of the veined pattern on the ceilings of the National Theater and Concert Hall is a pine pattern, surrounded by matching ru yi designs, signifying good fortune and the prolongation of life.
VIII The beauty of decorative covers
A, “cover,” is a furnishing that creates a partition of interior space. It is attached to beams and pillars, and creates a sense of a frame. On the basis of the height and shape of such covers, also known as, “decorative covers,” many names and ways of doing things have been generated. A wood carving at the foot of the square pillar of the roof beam, apart from being ornamental, mainly functions to demarcate space, “softly,” creating divisions within the space but without absolute separation, evoking a sense of flow.
The decorative covers in the halls are simplified and used to create the sense of a frame. They serve to separate inside from out.
In the corners are wooden supports, also known as, “sparrow braces,” or “inserted horns,” which function as stabilizing parts while also lending decorative beauty. They adopt the rolled grass motif, connoting continuousness and luxuriousness.
The 卍 character ru yi flower cover The National Theater’s and Concert Hall’s full-length covers hang from the ceiling to the ground. The cavities in their surfaces are in the ru yi form. This is a type of geometrically shaped cover, which can also be called a ru yi cover.
The inside of the decorative cover is adorned with the character, 卍, which is pronounced, “wan.” It means both, “good fortune,” and, “great prosperity.” The four extremities of the character are extended, both horizontally and vertically, signifying continuous, uninterrupted eternity, so this is known as both, “wan-character brocade,” and, “unabating prosperity.” The combination of ru yi and wan-character brocade is a metaphor for prosperity and eternal life.
Guai zi dragon flower cover One typical method adopts the guai zi dragon decorative veined pattern and evokes a sense of delicacy and penetration. This spot is known as dragon and flower guai zi. It simplifies the dragon form, twists at right-angles, interconnecting continuously, symbolizing the total interconnectedness of fortune and spirituality.
Ru yi design flower cover The use of the ru yi decoration not only serves to demarcate spatial boundaries but also to lend the crossbeam a heightened delicacy.
The ru yi was introduced with Buddhism. It is a back-scratcher, and the tablet held by civil servants presenting their credentials bore its shape. The ru yi therefore became a propitious ornament for expressing good wishes and praise. The balustrades are also adorned with ru yi designs.
IX The beauty of colored patterns
Colored pattern work, also known as, “color painting,” is one of the features of Chinese wooden buildings. In early times, for preservation purposes and to prevent rot and insects, wood was coated in paint. Later this was continued for aesthetic reasons, and colors and patterns were introduced. Cai (彩,“color”) therefore meant, 上油漆; “painted.” Hua, (畫,“painting,”) meant, hui hua (繪畫,“drawn, painted, sketched”), hence the generic term, cai hui (彩繪).
Palace-style colored pattern is commonly referred to as bei shi (“northern style”), distinguishing it from the southern, Suzhou style. Work of the palace-style is also categorized either as imperial seal colored pattern or tangent circle colored pattern.
The tangent circle colored pattern on the pillars forms a hoop on the end of the square wooden pillar, from end to end divided by a vertical line. The painted gold inside is a sitting dragon, an extremely high-grade style of colored pattern. At the side of a hoop, this is known as, “aquatic plant.” The colored pattern is mainly tangent circle.
Tangent circle patterns are circular in form, and their centers are known both as hua xin, (花心, the heart of the flower, the pistil and stamen) and as xuan yan (旋眼, circling eyes).
The sparrow brace beneath the square pillar comprises mainly five-color grass; five colors in profusion, symbolizing the auspicious prolongation of the years.
Tangent circle patterns complement each other and contain many variations. At the same time, their rich and bright colors evoke a sense of colorful glory.
The painting method used in the National Theater and Concert Hall’s tangent circle colored pattern is known as “gold carved inkstone roller jade.” It is the highest-grade tangent circle colored pattern. The blues and greens of the petals retreat somewhat against the golden outlines.
Architraves are the crossbeams between pillars. There are large architraves at the top, and small ones at the base. The feature of traditional colored pattern is that it broadly performs a three-way division of square pillars. The central pattern is known as fang xin , while those at either end are known as, “aquatic plant.”
It is customary for the base of the architrave to be colored in the two colors, blue and green together, one above the other. The fang xin in the large architrave is mainly golden, moving dragon colored pattern, while that in the small architrave is painted brocade pattern, also a propitious image. The two combined are known as “dragon brocade fang xin. ”
The two ends of the fang xin are the aquatic plant sections, done in the tangent circle pattern.
The bucket arch component of the corner section uses blue, green and bright red as its main colors, adding a gold outline, making it colorful throughout.
The colored pattern here not only pays due respect to the color contrast, but also adopts the color change technique, preventing the colors from becoming overly dense. At the same time, it also respects the alternating application of the colors, and gives no sense of rigid repetition.
This division of colors and use of contrast make the expression of the colored pattern all the more intense, achieving an effect of riotous splendor.
The bucket arches on the pillar heads are known as pillar head sections. They are colored mainly in blue and green in line with custom, while the surround is in gold brocade. The National Theater and Concert Hall has a relatively large number of bucket elevators, however, so adding red and yellow to the blue and green not only increased the variations, but also made the colors all the more vivid. It is extremely rare.
The triangular space between the bucket arches is known as cushion board. On the board are painted precious pearls. Three precious pearls make a set, triangular in form, and resplendent in radiant gold. Tantalizing!
Beam-end colored pattern
Beams are wooden components used to hold the roof tiles. The part with the protruding raised eave purlin is known as an, “eave rafter,” or simply, “rafter.” Its base is a circular component, while its top is square. It’s also called a flying rafter.
The colored pattern on the beam makes it more intriguing and fertile. Not only are the colors rich; they are also propitious. The square beam, on the other hand, bears the wan (卍)-character pattern, symbolizing propitiousness and prosperity.
The doorway tablet stone is positioned in the square on the fascia above the entrances of the buildings. These are generally seen at palaces, temples and the like, and they state the name of the building, an important consideration in terms of our acquaintance with architecture. They are also known as, “doorplates.”
The doorplates of the National Theater and Concert Hall have a blue base, gold characters and a squared red frame. The external frame is known as a pai dai. It is gold in color, betokening its importance.
The pai dai is decorated in the ru yi pattern, with complementing rolled grass design and ru yi style flower and leaf pattern, coiling elaborately and signifying long and uninterrupted contentment. The overall impression is exceptionally beautiful.
X Floral windows
In the architecture of gardens, the floral window is an important element. It serves not only to prettify the landscape but also to open visual passages; when there are many floral windows new vistas are opened up and the space is filled with variety and fascination. The term, “floral window,” rests on diversity. Any implement or totem can serve as a floral window, variable and complex.
The floral windows to be seen at the National Theater and Concert Hall comprise the following types.
1. Round windows. A circle connotes completeness, and is a popular folk form. From it derive such images as precious pearls and money. It symbolizes radiance and wealth.
2. Hexagonal windows. The hexagon is also a common decorative image. Hexagons allude to the, “six directions,” namely, heaven and earth and north, south, east and west, as well as to the harmonious unity of all six. It implies good fortune and harmony.
3 Octagonal windows: Window frames shaped like the eight trigrams symbolize heaven, earth, thunder, wind, water, fire, mountains and ponds ― eight natural phenomena ― and are pregnant with the myriad things. This is an important totem in Chinese society, serving to hasten good fortune and the avoidance of evil. Octagonal windows can also represent the eight points of the compass, signifying the coming together of talented persons from all corners of the world.
4. Book-shaped windows: Window frames in the shape of an open book are a common theme in traditional folk decoration, generally in woodcarving or clay sculpting. They connote the constructiveness of the act of opening a book, and, more generally, erudition, wisdom and refinement. “Books,” here refers both to scrolls and books, which are as propitious as one another.
5 Fan-lights: Fans are items which learned people and scholars like to use, and therefore symbolize erudition, status and urbanity. The surface of the fan might carry images of books. They are works of art in their own right.
6 Double lozenge windows: Windows of two squares, one apparently super-imposed on the other, can be called double lozenge windows. A double lozenge is one of the Eight Treasures, and connotes continuousness. It therefore carries the propitious implication of uninterrupted bliss.
7. Plum blossom windows: Plum blossom not only has an elegant, stately aura, but because it soothes the muscles and generates bone, leaves a scent in the coldest of climes, and symbolizes a moral character of nobility, virtue, firmness, persistence, and modesty, it is a common floral window form.
8. Floral windows: A round, petalled window is generally called a floral window, and carries connotations of beauty, brightness, lushness and abundance.
9. Square windows: The square is the basic shape of a window, and connotes stability and fairness.
10. Cross-shaped windows: Serving as a variation on the square-shaped window, the cross-shaped window implies perfection. It can alternatively be seen as a rhombus, which carries the same sense of exquisiteness.
11 Pentagonal windows: Pentagons can be seen as symbols of the five elements: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. They comprise the important elements of the cosmos and can also be seen as the five blessings ― longevity, wealth, health, staunchness of virtue, death from natural causes ― and as a symbolic illustration of the Chinese people’s wish for longevity, wealth and status, peace and tranquility, the accumulation of virtue, and a natural death.
12 Silver ingot windows: Ancient silver ingots had specific shapes and levels of purity of silver. They were silver items of value and weight and so were viewed as one of the precious treasures and connoted auspiciousness and wealth and status.
XI The beauty of organs
All over the world, it is almost impossible to find mutually identical organs, mainly because an organ’s design must accord with the overall shape and acoustic capacity of the building that houses it. Each organ, therefore, is hand made, its outward appearance a work of art.
The National Theater and Concert Hall’s organs were designed with the Chinese musical instrument, the sheng (a reed pipe wind instrument), as their model. Its pipes vary in length. The sound production principles of the organ involve forcing wind into the pipe, causing it to make a sound. The two organs bear similarities. The outer appearance of that in the concert hall integrates decorative features of Chinese architecture, such as the horizontal girdle at its base, resembling the platform base of the building. In its central section it contains window sills in the Chinese architectural style, and matching decorative cover ornamentation. It has bucket arches as though for support. Not only does the organ thus appear all the more grand and glorious, but it also presents oriental cultural features.
Rolled grass motifs Persimmon design
Also, organs, apart from their wind pipes, are mostly made of mahogany, and their bodies are decorated with many motifs, such as the carved edges with grass patterns, modeled with curving fluidity, like the variability of music itself.
On the surface of the organs are aquatic plant motifs and persimmon stem carvings, all connoting auspiciousness. These kinds of carved pattern decorations applied to large Western musical instruments can be said to be original and charming.
Chinese to English: Luodong Cultural Working House DM General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Marketing
Translation - English
Luodong Cultural Working House DM
Cultural Creativity·Modernity·Living Aesthetics
Where Diverse Cultures are Interwoven
Luodong Cultural Working House, situated to the south of Lan-Yang Creek, serves three functions at the same time: cultural exhibitions and performances, sports and recreation, and development of cultural-creative industry. This not only brings excellent artistic and cultural services to the people south of the creek, but also contributes to balanced cultural development in the Yilan County region.
At the core of Luodong Cultural Working House are the terms “hand-made,” “experience,” and “aesthetic education.” Male and female, young and old, all ethnic groups can in this diverse experimental venue gain artistic and aesthetic experiences. It is therefore not just a facility for the development of art and culture but a venue that is integrated with the lives of the local residents.
In addition, through series of cultural exhibitions and performances and innovative activities, it not only cultivates creative talent in Yilan itself, but also promotes contemporary cultural-creative industry and creates a unique aesthetic life for Yilan.
Cultural, Environmental and Avant-Garde Architecture
The Luodong Cultural Working House occupies 4.3 hectares, its inspirational composition drawn from the historical settings developed by the forestry industry on Mount Taiping, adopting, in terms of design, an open park with the ecological landscape of a forest, linking community and school life, and at the same time making extensive use of industrial-quality composite materials, such as weather-resistant steel and Borneo ironwood; not only simple, ordered and pleasing to the eye, but blessed with avant-garde connotations, reflecting Luodong’s urban characteristics.
Luodong Cultural Working House’s main building and upper Sky Gallery are stacked vertically on top of one another. On the first and second floors are service facilities and office space, and they can also accommodate exhibitions, workshops and lectures. In addition, the stage and trellised plaza are connected. When holding events and performances, the facility can accommodate over 1,000 spectators without being affected by the weather, serving as a multi-functional artistic and cultural space. The upper Sky Gallery is 114 meters in length. Static exhibitions or lectures can be held there. Strolling around the gallery, one can gaze over the surrounding panorama of Luodong, which gives one a different kind of experience of the spaces of the past. We believe this outstanding architectural work will become a sensational, important landmark for Yilan County.
Opening hours:
8:00-17:30 Closed on Mondays
Address: 96 Chun Jing Road, Section 1, Luodong Township, Yilan County, Taiwan 265
Tel: 03-9577440
Fax: 03-9576300
How to get here:
By car:
Route 1: Take National Highway 5 and exit at the Luodong interchange. Drive straight on to Chuan Yi Rd., turning right there and then left into Guang Rong Rd. Drive straight on and you will reach Luodong Cultural Working House.
Route 2: Take Provincial Highway 9 to Luodong Township. Turn right into Chun Jing Rd. Drive straight on and you will reach the Luodong Cultural Working House.
By public transport:
Train: Take an eastern line train and alight at Luodong. After exiting from the front station, follow Gong Zheng Rd to Chun Jing Rd. and turn left. Proceed straight on down Chun Jing Rd. and you will arrive at Luodong Cultural Working House.
Bus: Take the Aloha No.5 bus to Luodong. Proceed over the Luodong Train Station bridge. Follow Gong Zheng Rd to Chun Jing Rd. and turn left. Proceed straight on down Chun Jing Rd. and you will arrive at the Luodong Cultural Working House
Chinese to English: Promoting the Essence of National Culture in a Spurt of Energy General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
(原文) Please check with video. Tks.
Tai Ji Men understands this and understands that our conduct must mirror our words, must match our sentiments. Otherwise, however noble the words may be, the result will be quite inadequate. If we desire peace, we must act peace. If we wish for harmony, we must learn how to live in harmony with one another. We must learn how to live in peace and examples of the kind before you today point us in the direction in which we should travel.
現場主持人-男: (上字幕) TC=02:48-03:25
OS: TC=03:27-04:33
李奇茂 採訪1(李奇茂先生)(國語): TC=04:44-05:19
董事長 黃石城
Lyrics/Music by Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze 現場主持人-男: (上字幕) TC=01:14-01:52
天下為公 青天明鑒
法理治國 茲民安樂
社稷平安 國家富強
自然之理 生命共體
I love Taiwan.我愛台灣,光輝的雙十普天同慶,讓我們共創燦爛輝煌的光榮世紀.
Translation - English 1.一鼓作氣弘揚國粹 Promoting the Essence of National Culture in a Spurt of Energy
影部/字幕 聲部
大片頭字幕Opening title caption:
神氣家族The Mighty Clan
國恩家慶文化傳世 Transmits the Culture of Celebrating the Nation
主持人 Hosts
談力瑜 Tan Li Yu 曾羚毓Zeng Ling Yu TC=00:01-00:44
力瑜Li Yu:親愛的觀眾朋友大家好,歡迎您闔家觀賞神氣家族. Hello everybody. We welcome you and your entire family to enjoy the mighty clan.
太極門可都不缺席, On October 10th, the entire nation celebrates and Tai Ji Men, the ancient sect which spreads qigong martial arts religious practices, has been indispensable to National Day festivities for many years.
羚毓Ling Yu:而且每一次的展演,我們都能將中華文化的精髓,呈現出不同的風貌, 讓人耳目一新, And with each performance, we lend the essence of Chinese culture a new style, providing a breath of fresh air for everyone.
力瑜 Li Yu:其實弟子們來自於各行各業,並不是專業的展演者,在每一次的練習過程中,都有很多困難要克服的, In fact, the adherents come from all walks of life; they are not professional performers. Every time they practice they have to overcome many problems.
羚毓Ling Yu:但是每一次我們都全心以赴克服萬難,用最精彩的展演贏得國內外
各界的讚賞與肯定,讓我們一同來回顧精彩的畫面. But, each time, we wholeheartedly strive to overcome difficulties and win praise and affirmation from all circles with the most brilliant performances. Let’s together review some wonderful scenes.
OS: TC=00:52-01:09
文化是人們生活經驗的累積,經過數千年時間的淘洗,空間的篩選,淬煉出智慧的結晶,文化的薪火透過傳統門派,師徒傳承代代相傳至今. Culture is the accumulation of people’s life experience. After cleansing by several thousand years of time, and filtering by space, crystals of wisdom have been refined from it, and this knowledge has been passed on from one generation to another to the present by traditional sects and masters and disciples.
OS: TC=01:28-02:01
10萬人次,200萬小時,主辦2000多場國內外文化展演,拜訪世界超過60個國家,200多個城市,舉辦超過2萬場次的公益講座,超過1萬篇真人真事在全球媒體露出,國內外300多所各級學校推動愛與和平人權教育,這不是單純的數字,而是一步一腳印歷史的印記. More than 2000 domestic and overseas performances have been hosted, involving 100,000“person times,” 2 million hours, visits to over 60 different countries and over 200 cities. More than 20,000 public welfare lecture courses have been organized, and more than 1,000 actual people and events covered by the media. In Taiwan, more than 300 schools of all levels have conducted Love and Peace Human Rights Education .
氣功武術修行門派 Sect Practicing Qigong Martial Arts
Transmission of Culture Promotes the Essence of the Nation OS: TC=02:02-02:07
氣功武術修行門派 Sect Practicing Qigong Martial Arts
文化傳承弘揚國粹 Transmission of Culture Promotes the Essence of the Nation
OS: TC=02:15-02:53
中華民國總統府對太極門弟子來說是一個非常熟悉的地方,舉凡總統府的元旦升旗典禮,總統府前開跑的全民路跑,總統府第一次對外開放活動,總統府第一次舉辦的新春開筆,都可看到師父洪道子博士帶著師兄師姊共同熱情的參與活動. The Office of the President of the Republic of China is a place with which Tai Ji Men is very familiar. At every Office of the President New Year’s Day flag-raising ceremony, marathon starting in front of the Office, first new year poetry composition event organized by the Office, or any other activity opened to the public for the first time by the Office, Dr. Hong Tao Tze can be seen leading the masters and disciples in participating enthusiastically in the event.
太極門是唯一代表民間團體,受到國慶大會10次的邀請,8次參加國慶大會慶典. Tai Ji Men is the only organization from civil society to have received 10 invitations to participate in Double Ten celebrations, and to have participated eight times.
OS: TC=02:54-04:16
87年雙十國慶-旗開揚善鼓正心 On Double Ten Day 1998,
旗展雄風,旗開得勝,108面五色大旗迎風招展,移形換位,氣象萬千,象徵舉國上下齊心團結合作,再創經濟奇蹟. The flag unfurls against a strong wind and success is immediate; 108 bright-colored flags flutter in the wind, changing shape and position. There is an ambience of variety, symbolizing the single-minded unity in cooperation of the entire nation to create an economic mracle once again.
扇彩翩翩,花開富貴,太極門女弟子以彩扇組合燦爛的心蓮,祝福國家祥和安康. Colored fans dance lightly. Flowers blossom lavishly. Female followers of Tai Ji Men form a glittering heart-shaped lotus from colored fans, wishing the nation good fortune, peace, and good health.
鼓聲震天,鼓聲動地,磅薄的氣勢,明快的節奏振奮人心,鼓舞士氣,百人同心擊鼓慶賀國家生日. The drumbeat rocks heaven and earth, the infinite grandeur and brisk tempo stir people’s hearts and boost morale. Countless people beat drums and celebrate the nation’s birthday.
民國87年是神氣家族第一次受邀參加總統府前的序幕展演. 1998 was the first year in which the mighty clan was invited to take part in the performance of the prologue in front of the Office of the President.
太極門復古的傳統國粹文化展演,在同一年還受到僑委會的邀請,參加歸國華僑與會的四海同心晚會及台中,台北三地連線的國慶晚會演出. That same year, the clock-turning-back peformances by Tai Ji Men of the essence of traditional culture enlisted invitations from the Overseas Community Affairs Council to take part in the Four Ocean Reunion dinner for returning overseas Chinese and perform at the National Day three-in-one evening celebrations at Taichung, Taipei and ?
現場主持人On-site host-男Male: (上字幕) TC=04:18-04:24
中華民國87年國慶晚會,晚會開始. The 1998 National Day evening celebration: the party begins
(2000年時任台北市長)(Mayor of Taipei, 2000)
中華民國總統 President of the Republic of China 馬英九 Ma Ying-jeou 致詞Speech 1(馬英九先生Mr. Ma Ying-jeou)(國語): TC=04:44-04:53
每一次看到太極門,就看到活力,看到溫馨,看到愛. Every time I see Tai Ji Men, I see vitality, warmth and love.
中華民國總統 President of the Republic of China, 2000
李登輝 Lee Teng-hui 致詞Speech 2(李登輝先生Mr. Lee Teng-hui)(國語): TC=04:54-05:22
貴會成立35年來,秉持盡忠,盡孝,愛國家,愛社會的宗旨,集合同好,致力研習國術,發揚武德,傳承固有文化. For the 35 years since it was founded, this association has upheld the objectives of total loyalty, filial piety, love of country and love of society. It has brought like-minded people together and devoted itself to researching and studying martial arts, developing martial virtues, and transmitting native culture.
立法院 Legislature
院長 Speaker 王金平 Wang Jin-pyng 採訪1(王金平先生)(國語): TC=05:24-05:40
我們太極門所作所為,完全都是在發揮人性的光輝,而且在發揮整體的力量,那為國家,為我們社會,能夠獲得國際上更多的友誼,我們國內國人更多的認同. Everything that our Tai Ji Men does involves exerting the glory of human nature, and doing so with all its strength, to gain friendship amd recognition on the global scene for our country, society and people.
慶籌會舞蹈指導老師 National Day Preparatory Committee Dance Instructor
臺灣藝術大學National Taiwan University of Arts
舞蹈系Department of Dance 教授Professor 李英秀Li Ying-xiu 採訪2(李英秀小姐Ms. Li Ying-xiu)(國語): TC=05:43-06:14
看到我們太極門所有的,我最感動的就是那種精神上的創造,我們是非專業的人,但是我們表現出來的那種精神跟氣勢是屬於專業的,這個是我所歷年來看到太極門的這個表現讓我最感動的,幾乎找不出來缺點,能夠在這樣這麼大的場面當中,能夠有這樣的表現是我深深感動的,而且我深深覺得這是屬於藝術的一塊淨土,甚至我們國民精神上的一個淨土. When I see everything that Tai Ji Men embodies, what moves me most is its spiritual creations. We are amateurs, but the spirit and bearing that we present are those of professionals. It is this expression that, over the years, has moved me most as I have watched Tai Ji Men. It is almost perfect. To be able to enjoy such a show on such a grand occasion moves me very deeply, and I feel profoundly that this is a Pure Land of art, and a Pure Land of the spirit of our nation.
普天同慶 Universal Rejoicing 良心印記 Imprints of Conscience
影部/字幕 聲部
OS: TC=00:01-00:05
神龍賜福 文化遠播
The dragon god confers blessings Culture is spread far and wide
OS: TC=00:16-01:25
太極門親善文化訪問團,在2000年雪梨奧運決賽期間,以人類最古老的氣功和西方的體育運動相互輝映,在奧運特區中以獨特的文化展演,讓各國人士看到來自台灣的生命活力.The Tai Ji Men goodwill and cultural delegation, at the Olympic finals in Sydney in 2000, showed Taiwan’s living vitality to figures from all over the world in a special performance in the Olympic district that saw ancient qigong and Western sports shine a light on each other.
神氣家族師徒,曾進入奧運在國際著名的藝術表演殿堂,上演呈現太極陰陽哲學與氣功武術文化精義的「遠古文化之夜」. The masters and disciples of the mighty clan have entered the Olympic Games at a renowned international palace for artistic performance, and have staged A Night of Ancient Culture , presenting the Tai Ji philosophy of yin and yang and the essence of qigong martial arts culture.
新南威爾斯省總督山缪閣下,應邀出席太極門在雪梨歌劇院的「遠古文化之夜」,洪道子博士與山缪總督相談甚歡,並贈送山缪總督洪博士在第53屆聯合國NGO大會所發表的論文,分享愛與和平的理念. When Your Honor Gordon Samuels, Governor of New South Wales, was invited to attend A Night of Ancient Culture, staged by Tai Ji Men at Sydney Opera House, Dr. Hong Tao Tze and you enjoyed most cordial discussions, and Dr. Hong presented you with a copy of the paper he had delivered at the 53rd session of the United Nations General Assembly, sharing the ideals of love and peace.
2 000年時任澳洲新南威爾Governor of New South Wales, Australia, 2000
總督 H.H. Gordon Samuels 致詞Speech (Mr. Samuels)(英文): TC=01:38-02:32
(原文) Please check with video. Tks.
Tai Ji Men understands this and understands that our conduct must mirror our words, must match our sentiments. Otherwise, however noble the words may be, the result will be quite inadequate. If we desire peace, we must act peace. If we wish for harmony, we must learn how to live in harmony with one another. We must learn how to live in peace, and examples of the kind before you today are pointers in the direction in which we should travel.
現場主持人On-site host -男Male: (上字幕Upper caption) TC=02:48-03:25
千禧龍年的國慶日,在邁向新世紀的來臨更具有了承先啟後的歷史意義,太極門氣功養生學會特別以神龍陣的展演賜福我們的國家,祈祝:風調雨順,國運昌隆,全民安康,欣欣向榮. The Year of the Dragon, this year, the year 2000, is a watershed moment, as we enter a new era. Tai Ji Men is especially performing in a dragon god formation to bless our nation with favorable circumstances, national prosperity, universal good health, and flourishing development.
現在就讓我們以熱烈的掌聲歡迎-太極門神龍陣. Let us now warmly applaud to welcome the Tai Ji Men dragon god formation.
OS: TC=03:27-04:33
神龍賜福,喜臨人間.神龍是古代四大祥瑞神獸之一,隨著神龍的到來更為國家添增福瑞,彩帶迎風飄動,繽紛如五彩祥雲,神龍翻騰盤旋於五彩祥雲間,群龍獻瑞,祝賀:福壽綿延,國運昌隆. The dragon god blesses and likes to approach the mortal world. It is one of the four major auspicious mythical animals of ancient times. With its arrival, the nation’s good fortune increases, colored ribbons flutter in the wind, rich and diverse, like multi-colored magic clouds. The dragon god turns over in circles among the multi-colored magic clouds and groups of dragons make auspicious offerings, with wishes of sustained happiness and longevity and a prosperous national destiny.
身為炎黃子孫龍的傳人,太極神龍是由太極門弟子匯集眾人心力,在掌門人洪道子博士親身指導下製作完成,神龍身上的數十萬龍鱗片是太極門弟子一針一線縫製的,每位舞龍者不分年齡及職業,在舞動神龍當中展現出同心的默契,用心學習與龍合而為一,舞出龍的生命力. To us Han Chinese, descendants of the Fiery Emperor and the Yellow Emperor, descendants of the dragon, the Tai Ji dragon god was completed by Tai Ji Men disciples bringing together the mental and physical efforts of everybody under the guidance of Dr. Hong Tao Tze. The tens of thousands of scales on the dragon’s body were sewn stitch by stitch by the disciples. Each dragon dancer, regardless of age or occupation, displayed the same implicit understanding as they danced, learning diligently to keep the dragon moving as a unified whole, and depicting the lion’s vitality with their dance.
國際藝術大師 International art master
李奇茂Li Chi-mao 採訪1(李奇茂先生Mr. Li Chi-mao)(國語): TC=04:44-05:19
我希望把我們的武術介紹到全世界,是一個很和平,很健康,很幸福,很成長,像太陽一樣的這種日落日西的循環,連到我們世界的和平,希望太極門帶動世界50億人口的快樂,幸福,健康,美滿,這是我覺得太極門可以做得到的,因為沒有政治色彩,也沒有某種意圖,只是一個一貫的精神,練身,讓全世界人都得到互相和平,身體健康,我想每一個人都需要,我想太極門辦得到. I hope to introduce our martial arts to the entire world. It is a very peaceful, healthy, blessed cycle, like the sunrise and sunset, linked to the peace of our world. I hope Tai Ji Men can drive forward the happiness, good fortune, health and joy of the world’s five billion people. I believe this is something that Tai Ji Men can do, because it has no political color and no schematic plan; it is just a consistent spirit of refining one’s body. Let the people of the whole world obtain mutual peace and good health. I believe everybody needs this and I believe Tai Ji Men can achieve it.
台灣傳統基金會Taiwan Heritage Foundation
董事長Chairman 黃石城 Huang Shi-cheng
甘比亞總統 President of Gambia 賈梅 Yahya Jammeh
衣索比亞總統President of Ethiopia 吉爾瑪 Girma Wolde-Giorgis
聖多美普林西比總統President of Sao Tome and Principe 梅尼士 Fradique de Menezes 採訪Interview 2 (黃石城先生Mr. Huang Shi-cheng)(國語): TC=05:20-06:06
太極門在洪師父的領導之下,近幾年來對於這個武術的發揚貢獻非常的大,它不僅是在國內也好,在國外曾經拿過世界武術的總冠軍,也受到世界各國很多高層的人士的肯定和讚揚,贏得這個很好的國民外交,很成功的國民外交.Under the leadership of Master Hong, Tai Ji Men’s contribution to the development of martial arts has been enormous. Not only has it performed well at home, but, overseas it has won the world martial arts championship and gained the affirmation and acclaim of many senior figures from all over the world, prevailing in this very good form of non-governmental diplomacy, this very successful non-governmental diplomacy.
對國內來講,太極門的弟子那個善良表現在他們的臉上,太極門這個功夫不僅是可以使每一個人身體很健康以外,心地更善良,這個都非常不簡單. As far as domestic Taiwan is concerned… the kind expressions on the faces of the Tai Ji Men disciples…the martial arts of Tai Ji Men not only make everyone healthy, but also make for kindness of character. This is extremely impressive.
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OS: TC=00:02-00:06
健國強身 社稷平安 Build the Nation and Strengthen the Body The State is at Peace
OS: TC=00:10-00:59
這些年太極門是唯一受邀參與國慶活動的民間團體,來自各行各業不分男女老少的師兄姊,年年為了國慶的活動,從入夏開始利用短短兩個月的星期假日集合練習. In recent years, Tai Ji Men has been the only civil group to be invited to take part in National Day activities. Masters and disciples from all walks of life, of all ages and both sexes, every year, for the sake of the National Day events, use the weekly holidays of the short two months from the beginning of summer to get together and practice.
太極門掌門人洪道子博士會到彩排現場悉心指導弟子,從活潑歡喜的小朋友,到充滿自信活力的青少年,以及來自社會各界的中壯年,師父會鉅細靡遺的親自指導身段手勢等,師父與弟子心有靈犀一點就通,讓人看到文化的傳承就在師與徒的點撥與引導之間. Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men, attends the dress rehearsals and coaches the adherents with great care, from vivacious, happy children to teenagers, vigorous and full of self-confidence, as well as people in the prime of life and from all walks of life. The master coaches them in relation to posture and gestures, etc. There is a mutual sensitivity so no more than a hint is needed, enabling people to see that cultural transmission is a matter of advice and guidance between master and disciple.
富強康樂Rich and Powerful, Healthy and Happy
作詞/作曲 洪道子博士
Lyrics/Music by Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze 現場主持人On-site host-男Male: (上字幕Upper caption) TC=01:14-01:52
氣功武術,健身強國,上乘武學,止戈揚善,團結合作,社稷平安. Qigong martial arts build the body and strengthen the nation. First-class martial learning beats swords into plowshares. With unity and cooperation, the state is at peace.
緊接著進場的是由228名太極門青少年弟子,以象徵齊心團結的TJM隊形進場,藉由充滿著蓬勃朝氣的熱情活力,祝福我們的國家. Following closely behind as they enter the square are 228 teenage Tai Ji Men followers, symbolizing the Tai Ji Men troupe’s entrance, united in spirit, brimful of a vigorously dynamic, passionate energy, as they bless the nation
師徒同心,薪火相傳,愛家愛國,忠義之門. The masters and disciples are of one mind. To perform transmission from one generation to another, to love one’s family and love the nation, these are the gateways to loyalty and righteousness.
歌詞Lyrics=富強康樂 Rich and powerful, healthy and happy
天下為公 青天明鑒 The entire world is our community. The blue sky is a crystalline mirror
法理治國 茲民安樂 The nation is governed by laws. The people enjoy peace and happiness.
社稷平安 國家富強 Society is at peace. The nation is rich and powerful.
自然之理 生命共體 The natural order. The common property of life.
I love Taiwan.我愛台灣,光輝的雙十普天同慶,讓我們共創燦爛輝煌的光榮世紀. I love Taiwan. On the glorious Double Tenth, there is universal celebration. Let’s together create a glittering, resplendent era of glory.
歌詞Lyrics=富強康樂 Rich and powerful, healthy and happy
生其有道 存其有理 It is learned and virtuous to give birth It is rational to exist
綱法為正 整肅紀律 Guiding principles and laws are correct Strictness is discipline
世代今傳 正氣文史 The generations transmit in the present Righteousness lies in literature and history
萬年丹青 刻骨銘心 A ten thousand year old painting Is etched on one’s memory
民為本啊 士為規 The people are the foundation Scholars are the compass
上賢下效 重倫理 The worthy above, the productive below Out of respect for ethics
尊重為本 惜福感恩 Respect is the basis To appreciate one’s good fortune is to give thanks
人權至上 萬民同享 Human rights are paramount They are universal
發展快速 為民前鋒 國家安康 世界祥和 Rapid development Places people at the forefront When nations are in good condition The world is auspicious and peaceful
天同此心人同此理 希望之光 永照天地 Thus is the core of heaven and thus is the essence of man May the light of hope Illuminate heaven and earth for ever
現在場中呈現的是閃閃發亮色彩繽紛的雙十圖形,年輕的心洶湧澎湃,傳承的希望就在愛與和平的台灣. A flickering, shiny, multi-colored Double Ten image is now being presented in the square. Young hearts surge and swell. Hope for cultural transmission lies in loving and peaceful Taiwan.
歌詞=富強康樂 Rich and powerful, healthy and happy
慈愛世人 Love mankind 和平境界Peaceful realm 慈愛世人Love mankind 和平境界Peaceful realm
(1998年時任高雄市長 Kaohsiung Mayor, 1998)
中華民國副總統 Vice President of the Republic of China 吳敦義 Wu Den-yih 採訪Interview 1(吳敦義先生Mr. Wu Den-yih )(國語): TC=03:38-03:50
看到太極門氣功的表演,我覺得隊伍陣容整齊,表演的手腳非常俐落,音樂都非常好,這是非常精美的演出,非常的高興. On seeing Tai Ji Men’s qigong performance, I believe their formations were orderly, as were the movements of their limbs, and the music was excellent. It was a wonderful performance. I am extremely happy.
2003年時任考試 Control Yuan
院長 President, 2003 姚嘉文Yao Chia-wen 採訪Interview 2(姚嘉文先生Mr. Yao Chia-wen)(國語): TC=03:50-04:23
我想太極門的價值,它所傳播的文化的價值,不是在傳統文化這一點而已,主要是它對現在的社會有它的積極的貢獻,對人心的這種修養,身體的培養,各方面有它的價值,所以會受到這樣的歡迎是這個原因,我們希望太極門繼續發揚光大,讓社會的安定,人心的這個轉換有它的貢獻. I believe that Tai Ji Men’s values, the cultural values that it spreads, do not lie just in traditional culture. The main thing is that it makes its own positive contribution to current society, to the cultivation of the human heart, the nurturing of the body. It has values concerning everything, so this is why it receives such a welcome. We hope Tai Ji Men will continue to develop to great heights, stablilize society and contribute to transformations in people’s hearts.
International Olympic Committee member and President of the International Boxing Association
吳經國 Wu Ching-kuo 致詞Speech 1(吳經國先生Mr. Wu Ching-kuo)(國語): TC=04:25-04:53
我投入這個國際體育的活動到今年也30年了,這30年當中的體認體會,今天在太極門總算深深地體悟到了,這個東西是可以透過武術的推廣,健身的這個推廣,同時把文化的這個精髓隱藏在這個推廣的活動當中,而讓每一個人,全世界每一個都能夠接受它,而去慢慢去共同的參與,我想這個太極門做的貢獻,今天我給予最高的一個肯定. I have been involved in international sports for 30 years. In this 30 years of realization and experience it is only today that Tai Ji Men has finally enabled me to understand that one can keep fit through martial arts and that the essence of our culture is therefore implicitly promoted by the promotion of martial arts, and enabling everyone on earth to be able to receive it, and gradually to get involved in it together. I believe that I am today providing the highest possible affirmation of the contribution that Tai Ji Men makes.
中華企業人協會 Chinese Professional Management Association
榮譽理事長Honorary Director General 翁林澄 Weng Lin-cheng 採訪Interview 3(翁林澄先生Mr. Weng Lin-cheng)(國語): TC=04:54-05:18
洪道子掌門人為兩岸的文化,為國際的文化交流做出巨大的貢獻,我是深深的感動以及敬佩,太極門真正推動中華文化,在世界各地展現出它的朝氣跟活力,在國際友人的心目中是有目共睹. Dr. Hong Tao Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men, has made an enormous contribution to international cultural exchanges. I am deeply moved and full of admiration. Tai Ji Men truly promotes Chinese culture, displaying its vitality and dynamism all over the world, as is obvious to all our international friends.
總統府資政Presidential advisor, 1999
吳伯雄 Wu Poh-hsiung 致詞Speech 2(吳伯雄先生Mr. Wu Poh-hsiung)(國語): TC=05:19-06:02
所以我覺得太極門代表社會的一股安定,健康的力量,我也希望我有機會能夠向太極門的各位師兄師姊多多學習. Tai Ji Men is an organization that I respect enormously. All of its masters and disciples exercise and improve themselves by meditation. I believe that if there were a survey, it would show that the rate of criminality among them would be almost zero. Because they exercise, they show the lowest rate of National Health Insurance usage.
現場主持人On-site host-男Male: (上字幕) TC=06:03-06:43
團結合作,光輝雙十,強健體魄,保家衛國. Unity and cooperation, glorious Double Tenth, strong physiques, protecting the nation.
Drumbeats of peace and good fortune, stabilize society, beat swords into plowshares, the nation is at peace.
武學藝術,師徒相傳,練氣修心學習羅漢精神,以一顆濟世助人的心,運用智慧突破困難,讓自己身心平衡,家庭和諧圓滿. Martial arts, passed on by the masters and disciples. To cultivate qi and nurture the mind is to study the spirit of the arhats, to make use of wisdom with a helpful heart to overcome difficulties, to make oneself physically and mentally balanced, and keep one’s household in perfect harmony.
現場主持人On-site host-女Female: TC=08:00-08:12
謝謝太極門弟子精彩的演出,感謝太極門掌門人洪道子博士暨太極門氣功養生學會,謝謝您們! Thank you, Tai Ji Men followers, for your wonderful performance. Thank you, Dr Hong Tao Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men, and thank you, Tai Ji Men!
製作人 洪道子博士
諮詢專線 (02)2736-5188 TC=08:14-09:05
力瑜Li Yu:數十年來,太極門立足台灣,心懷世界,師徒同心紿終如一,用實際行動
活力與希望. For decades, Tai Ji Men has been based in Taiwan, but has cherished the world. The masters and disciples are consistently of one mind, promoting the ideals of love and peace with actual deeds, promoting the essence of Chinese culture, furthering the physical and spiritual health of mankind. In the generally deteriorating overall environment, they are like a pure stream, forever bringing positive, constructive vitality and hope.
羚毓Ling Yu:在師父的帶領下,弟子們不只修心養性,更願意分享世人貢獻社會,希
望帶動更多人的良善之心,不只愛國更愛宇宙萬物. Under the leadership of the master, the disciples do not just cultivate their minds and characters, but also wish to share out people’s contributions to society, in the hope that the kind hearts of even more people can be spurred not only to love the nation, but to love all things within the universe.
力瑜Li Yu:在這光輝的十月,讓我們用最真誠熱切的心祝福國家:風調雨順國泰民安. In this glorious October, let us bless the nation with the greatest sincerity and passion: may the nation enjoy favorable circumstances and peace and prosperity.
羚毓Ling Yu:更願:人人有良心,天下皆太平. Further, let us wish that everyone be blessed with a kind heart and that the world be at peace.
神氣家族祝福您,感謝您的收看,我們再會. The mighty clan blesses you and thanks you for watching. Goodbye.
Chinese to English: Solidarity and Collaboration Beating Swords into Plowshares General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - Chinese 1.團結合作止戈揚善
影部/字幕 聲部
團結合作 止戈揚善 標題: TC=01:00-01:04
團結合作 止戈揚善
Translation - English 1.團結合作止戈揚善 Solidarity and Collaboration Beating Swords into Plowshares
影部/字幕 聲部
神氣家族 The Mighty Clan
The Family that is the state, stable but invigorated in civilian and military affairs
團結合作 止戈揚善
Solidarity and collaboration Beating swords into plowshares
標題: TC=01:00-01:04
團結合作 止戈揚善 Solidarity and Collaboration Beating Swords into Plowshares
童音Children’s voices: (上字幕)
Happy birthday! Very happy birthday! Happy birthday! YA!
神氣家族,祝福我們國家,福如東海深,壽比南山高,大吉大利,萬事如意,歡欣鼓舞,欣欣向榮.YA! Mighty clan, blessings to our country. May its happiness be as deep as the east sea. We wish it many happy returns. May it flourish completely, and all its hopes be fulfilled. Let it thrive and thrive. YA!
國慶展演現場Scene of National Day celebrations OS: (上字幕)
在台灣長大的快樂孩童,喜氣洋洋,今天大家張燈結綵慶祝國家生日的到來,老幼婦孺各個神采飛揚,滿面春風,手拿喜桃為國家祝壽,全國上下一同歡欣鼓舞. Happy children growing up in Taiwan, full of joy. Today, everyone is dressed up to the nines to celebrate National Day. Young and old, women and children, all are in high spirits. They hold peaches symbolizing happiness to wish the nation a happy birthday. The entire country rejoices.
太極門弟子承傳陰陽哲學智慧,把學到的好回饋給世人,希望人人擁有健康,財富,智慧,快樂與幸福的人生. Followers of Taijimen pass on the wisdom of the philosophy of yin and yang and give back to the people of the world the good that they have learnt. They hope that everyone will live healthy, prosperous, wise and blessed lives.
光輝燦爛的雙十,神氣家族祝福國家:社會祥和,人民安樂. Glorious and splendid Double Ten. The mighty clan blesses our nation. May society enjoy good fortune and peace and the people enjoy happiness and tranquility.
現在場中央呈現的是一幅巨大的壽桃圖形,由一顆顆歡喜的真心聚合而成的大壽桃,祝福國家:喜桃鴻運福氣到.祝福全國同胞:喜事連連好運來. In the middle of the scene right now is a giant peach of immortality, a large peach formed from one joyful and sincere group after another, blessing the nation: happiness peaches, good luck and good fortune have arrived. They bless all citizens of the nation. On happy ocassions, good luck comes in abundance.
世界團結基金會主席 Chairman, International Solidarity Foundation,
Mr. Bill McCarthy 採訪Interview 1(Mr. McCarthy)(英文): TC=03:11-03:41
(原文) When I come to a gathering that Taijimen puts on, it’s always a wonderful and inspiring experience, and you can feel the love and you can feel the commitment to peace and to harmony around the world , and its an inspiration to people who are working on the front lines in human rights organizations, and peace organizations and environmental sustainable organizations. So please continue to inspire people to take further action. I’d appreciate that.
Director of Planning, National Bureau of Rural Development, Mr. Belembaye Tongongary 採訪2(Mr. Tongongary)(法文): TC=03:41-04:01
我之所以這麼激動是你們談和平的方式,如同在展演之外所傳遞的和平訊息,傳遞愛旳方式,存在於人與人之間的和平. The reason why I’m so moved is the way you talk about peace, as though, beyond your performances, the message of peace and the love that you spread, exist in the peace within and between people.
Vice President of the Republic of China, 2003,
Ms. Annette Lu 致詞Speech 1(呂秀蓮小姐 Ms. Annette Lu)(國語Chinese): TC=04:02-04:39
國內國外,凡是反對戰爭,凡是希望和平的,我們都是和平的天使,這其中無容置疑的太極門各位師兄師姊,平常你們出錢出力,憑著愛,和平的信念,我剛剛講過不只在國內弘揚,而且在國外,也不斷想要隨著你們的足跡,以及你們精湛的文武全才而打造人間的太平極樂大門,我真的非常非常的感謝. At home and abroad, everyone who opposes war, everyone who hopes for peace, we are all angels for peace. This includes all faithful followers of Taijimen. You frequently expend money and effort in support of your faith in love and peace. You do so both at home and overseas, constantly seeking to forge, with your footsteps and your all-round civil and military prowess, a great gateway to the bliss of peace and security.
Chairman, People First Party, James Soong 致詞Speech 2(宋楚瑜先生 Mr. James Soong)(國語 Chinese ): TC=04:41-05:18
我非常敬佩洪掌門人,能夠用文化,用我們台灣大家對於世界和平追求的一種理想,尤其是希望把博愛精深的這些文化,能夠跟世界去溝通,真正希望的是扭轉乾坤,開啟太平,這是真正大家共同的理想. I greatly admire Chief Hong for being able to use culture, to use the ideal of world peace which we in Taiwan all seek, and especially for seeking to communicate with the world through the spirit of altruism of these cultures, truly hoping to turn the world around, to establish peace and security. This, truly, is the common goal of us all.
國慶展演現場Scene of National Day celebrations OS: (上字幕)
太極門希望帶動更多人為自己的優質人生境界而努力,人人擁有健康,財富,智慧,快樂與幸福的人生. Taijimen hopes to inspire more people to strive for their own quality of life, for everyone to enjoy lives of health, prosperity, wisdom, happiness and good fortune.
作詞/作曲 洪道子博士
The Mighty Clan
Words and music by
Dr. Hong Tao Tze 歌詞Lyrics=神氣家族 The Mighty Clan (上字幕)
神氣家族大方有禮最自然 各位朋友一起走 健康 智慧最重要
神氣家族什麼都有 古時聖賢有交待 練氣養生最實在
幸福快樂在這裡 神氣家族福氣來 大家庭很光彩
世人跟隨做好人 一即開始即結束 圓圓滿滿好人生
Mighty clan, mother earth possesses the most natural rites. Everyone march together. Health and wisdom are paramount.
The mightly clan possesses everything. The sages of antiquity replaced one another. To cultivate qi and maintain good health is truly honest
Good fortune and happiness are here. The good fortune of the mighty clan is here. The great household is richly brilliant
The people follow it by being good people. As soon as they start, they finish. Fully noble lives.
國慶展演現場Scene of National Day celebrations OS: (上字幕)
太極門祝福大家:圓圓滿滿好人生,國運昌盛開太平. Taijimen blesses everybody: Fully noble lives Prosperity is the nation’s destiny and it heralds peace and security
國慶現場主持人-女: Female host at the scene of the National Day celebrations
富強康樂 安定家邦
Wealth, strength, health and happiness
The family that is the state stabilized Thank you, Chief and Doctor Hong Tao Tze and Taijimen.
影部/字幕 聲部
薪火相傳 神氣活現From one generation to another Full of pride 標題: TC=00:02-00:05
薪火相傳 神氣活現 From one generation to another Full of pride
OS: TC=00:10-00:35
太極門氣功養生學會由掌門人洪道子博士成立於民國55年,是台北市國術會的團體會員,也是內政部中華民國氣功武術協會的永久團體會員,更是一個發揚固有中華國粹文化,促進國民身心靈健康,非營利性的氣功武術公益團體. Taijimen was established in 1966 by its head, Dr. Hong Tao Tze, a member of Taipei Martial Arts Association and permanent member of the Chinese Qi Gong and Martial Arts Association under the Ministry of the Interior , a non-profit, qi gong and martial arts organization which particularly fostered indigenous, quintessentially Chinese culture.
展演者 Performers: (上字幕)
太極門 太極陣 出陣 Taijimen Taiji group Enter the arena
國慶展演現場Scene of National Day celebrations OS: (上字幕)
雙十佳節普天同慶,熱鬧氣氛響徹雲霄. On the Double Ten holiday there is universal rejoicing and the lively atmosphere resounds in the heavens
氣勢磅礡的音樂,歡欣鼓舞的心情,巨幅的慶祝圖騰栩栩如生,神氣活現的展現在國際友人面前. Lofty, majestic music, a jubilant mood, giant, vivid and lifelike celebratory totems are presented impressively in front of our international friends
古傳文化中的吉慶祥獸:神龍,鳳凰,孔雀,麒麟及祥獅.齊祝福中華民國風調雨順,國泰民安. Auspicious beasts bequeathed by our culture from ancient times: dragons, phoenixes, peacocks, Chinese unicorns and auspicious lions. Together they wish the Republic of China favorable weather and peace and prosperity.
太極門以多元文化藝術,美化生命,滋潤心靈,希望能帶動更多人為明亮的生命共同來努力,人人擁有健康,快樂,幸福的人生. Taijimen hopes, through a diversity of arts and culture and by making life beautiful and nourishing souls, to be able to inspire more people to strive together for a glorious life and for everyone to be healthy, happy and blessed.
Famous baseball personality who has traveled throughout Japan
王貞治 採訪Interview 1(王貞治先生 )(日文Japanese): TC=02:13-02:50
怎麼說呢?首先我是感覺到太極門是經過完整的訓練,而且很整齊,女孩子們拿著旗看來非常重的樣子,不過卻表演的非常好,非常的整齊,一定經過相當訓練. How should I put it? First of all, I sense that Taijimen has undergone thorough training. They are very orderly. The banners carried by the girls look very heavy, but they perform excellently, in an extremely orderly manner, obviously with considerable training.
像棒球的話每個人各自有不同的任務,像太極門的話都有相同的心意結合在一起,讓看的人都會感到非常感動. In baseball, everyone has his own task. In Taijimen, there is a common wish uniting everyone, moving all who see it.
OS: TC=02:51-03:01
太極門多年來獲邀參與國慶活動的演出,正可說是政府機關對太極門在文化薪傳貢獻上的肯定. For many years, Taijimen has been invited to perform in National Day activities, a true affirmation by government departments of Taijimen’s contribution to the transmission of culture.
Japanese cameraman
建二 採訪Interview 2(建二先生 )(日文Japanese): TC=03:02-03:51
看到大家熱心的練習,並針對一個個的動作專注地研究,我真的非常感動,現代年輕人對文化傳統不太感興趣,日本也是如此,往往在小小的鄉鎮村落裡,有些年輕人為了將珍貴的東西,流傳給下一代而努力,而臺灣太極門的格局卻截然不同,看到每一個人,可以感受到大家努力要將更多,更珍貴的東西流傳保留下去. I am really extremely moved to see everybody practicing so enthusiastically and studying each move with such concentration. Young people these days are not too interested in cultural traditions. It’s the same in Japan. Often, in tiny townships and villages, there are people who strive to pass precious things on to the next generation, but Taijimen’s configuration is completely different. From every person we see, we can feel that everybody is striving to pass down and preserve more ….even more precious things.
OS: TC=03:52-04:08
在總統府的南北廣場還有很多師兄姊在旁邊加油打氣,場上場下共有2700名以上的師兄師姊參與國慶大會,一起來祝福國家的生日. On the northern and southern plazas in front of the Office of the President there are many Taijimen followers re-energizing and preparing themselves. On and off the squares, there are more than 2700 of them participating in the National Day gathering, where they’ve come to wish the nation a happy birthday.
國慶展演現場Scene of National Day celebrations OS: (上字幕)
The complexions of the Taijimen followers are healthy, radiant, cheerful, self-confident, and full of hope and luster. This reflects the people’s healthy, strong and flourishing vitality. It is a symbol of the nation’s wealth, strength, health and happiness and the desire for the transmission of culture between the generations.
太極門弟子以氣養生,以德養心,發揚止戈揚善的精神,展現剛柔並濟的俠義風範,將文化之美,武術之光分享給世人,希望觸動人心深處,學好向善的動力,讓世界更美好. Taijimen followers maintain good health with qi (vital energy), maintain healthy minds with de (virtue), and fully cultivate the spirit of beating swords into plowshares
擁有身心健康的國民是國家競爭力的泉源,社會進步的基礎,也是國家發展最有力的後盾,我們相信在政府與民間團結合作下,必能再創新契機. Possession of a populace with healthy bodies and minds is the wellspring of national competitiveness, the foundation of social progress and the strongest buttress of national development. We believe that, with solidarity and collaboration between government and the people, we can certainly forge new opportunities.
處長 王福林
National Day Preparatory Office, 2005
Head, Wang Fulin 採訪Interview 3(王福林先生 Mr. Wang Fulin)(國語Chinese): TC=05:31-06:09
太極門一年比一年精采,今年的節目是神氣活現,目前國家的處境真的滿需要這樣子,尤其一個節目能夠800多位的師兄師姊參與,老實講這個非常不容易,非常不簡單,對我們國運的象徵具有某種層次的涵意,一個人要扛這麼大的龍頭或者是麒麟,已經非常不容易,然後要再把節目規劃搭配上,這個不是一般的單位可以做得到,所以我只能說非常佩服. Taijimen gets more and more brilliant from one year to the next. This year’s program is vigorous and lively. The country really needs this kind of thing right now; in particular, a program that can achieve the participation of more than 800 followers. Frankly, this is extremely difficult, extremely hard. It carries a certain level of significance for the fate of our nation. It is difficult enough for one person to hold aloft such a large dragon head or Chinese unicorn, but to plan and organize the program….this is not something that could be achieved by any ordinary organization, so I can only say that I am full of admiration.
President H.E. Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh of Gambia
President H.E. Fradique de Menezes of Sao Tome and Principe
H.M. King Mswati III of Swaziland OS: TC=06:11-06:33
每逢國慶都有許多國外嘉賓來華參加慶典,太極門活潑生動展現國粹文化精髓的演出,除了讓友邦貴賓不禁起立鼓掌,甚至還讓總統,國王級的貴賓,以及各國使節代表慕名親訪太極門. Every National Day, many important guests come from overseas to take part in the celebrations. Taijimen’s lively and vivid displays of the essence of Chinese culture, apart from prompting standing ovations from VIPs from our diplomatic allies, also lead royal, presidential and ambassadorial level visitors from all countries to seek out and visit Taijimen in person.
OS: TC=07:46-08:12
每一次的國慶展演,都是太極門掌門人及全體太極門弟子透過傳統國粹文化的分享,希望國家更好,人民更幸福. At each National Day performance it is the leaders and followers of Taijimen who, in sharing the essence of Chinese culture, wish for national improvement and improved popular fortunes.
僑務委員會焦仁和委員長頒發感謝狀,表達對太極門發揚中華文化,振奮僑心,成效卓著. Minister Chiao Jen-ho of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Council bestows a certificate of appreciation, showing that Taijimen’s cultivation of Chinese culture has raised the spirits of overseas Chinese and been an outstanding success.
委員長 焦仁和
Minister Chiao Jen-ho, Overseas Chinese Affairs Council, 1988 採訪5(焦仁和先生Mr. Chiao Jen-ho )(國語Chinese): TC=08:12-08:37
僑委會在接待方面希望能夠利用非常有限的時間,讓他們多了解臺灣進步的一個實況,在很多的活動裡面都有太極門的表演,海外的僑胞都留下了一個非常深刻的印象,表演讓人家有一種非常震撼的一種感覺,那麼也非常的雄壯,對我們遠道回國來的僑胞,感受會非常的親切,而且非常的深刻. The Overseas Chinese Affairs Council hopes to spend very limited amounts of time in receiving guests, so that they are able to understand a reality about Taiwan’s progress. There are Taijimen performances at many events. Overseas Chinese people have gained a very deep impression of this. The performances move people enormously and are extremely majestic. To overseas Chinese who travel a long way to return to their native country, the impression is very warm and very deep.
富強康樂 安定家邦
Wealth, strength, health and happiness
The family that is the state stabilized
影部/字幕 聲部
歡欣鼓 舞能量無限
Great Jubilation Unlimited Energy 標題: TC=00:02-00:05
歡欣鼓舞 能量無限 Great Jubilation Unlimited Energy
演出者-童音: Performers - children’s voices 快樂歡喜,愛你愛我,生日快樂,生日快樂.Happiness and joy. Love to you, love to me. Happy birthday, happy birthday
國慶展演現場Scene of National Day celebrations OS: 歡喜的心情笑咪咪,快樂的笑容送給你. Joyful moods and cute smiles, a happy smile especially for you
演出者-童音: 歡喜的心情笑咪咪,快樂的笑容送給你. (台語)
Joyful moods and cute smiles, a happy smile especially for you (Taiwanese)
Come on baby you and me. I’m so happy ya ya hay!
Former legislator, Cheng Feng-hsih 採訪Interview 1(鄭逢時先生Mr. Cheng Feng-hsih)(國語 Chinese): TC=00:46-01:43
我要藉這個機會呼籲我們的政府,更應該來鼓勵這一個文化的傳承,這是文化不能斷,文化一斷根就斷,所以我們民族的脈絡不能斷,所以我想太極門能夠做這樣子一個事情,是文化傳承上面是功德一件. I would like to take this opportunity to appeal to our government to encourage this kind of passing down of culture. Culture cannot be broken. As soon as culture is separated from its roots, it is broken. So, our people’s cultural system cannot be broken, and so I believe that the fact that Taijimen is able to do this kind of thing in the field of cultural transmission is extraordinary and wonderful.
所以我想太極門能夠以民間團體,能夠把台灣的文化,帶到世界的每一個角落,這是做一個文化交流同時也是國民外交最好的一支隊伍. I am often invited to visit different places around the world, so, of course, I’ve heard many foreign friends mention Taiwan to me and ask, “Do you know that there is an organization in Taiwan called ‘Taijimen?’”So I believe that the fact that Taijimen is able, as a civic group, to take Taiwan’s culture to all corners of the world makes it a practitioner of cultural exchanges and a force for popular diplomacy.
國慶展演現場Scene of National Day celebrations OS: 旗海歡騰,祝福國家:國運昌隆,日日高昇. Amid a sea of flags and great jubilation we wish the nation great prosperity and daily advancement
展演者齊聲Performers in chorus: 嘿嘿嘿嘿!快樂歡喜,愛你愛我. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! 嘿! Hey, hey, hey, hey! Happiness and joy. Love to you, love to me. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Hey!
President H.E. Fradique de Menezes of Sao Tome and Principe OS: TC=02:25-03:03
95年受邀來臺參與國慶的聖多美普林西比梅尼士總統,在看完太極門國慶展演後,起身走向臺前鼓掌,並開心的向師兄師姊揮手致意. President Fradique de Menezes of Sao Tome and Principe, who was invited to take part in National Day in 2006, after seeing Taijimen’s performance, walked up to the stage and waved greetings to the performers.
聖多美普林西比梅尼士總統,曾經特別來到太極門並鳴響世界之愛和平鐘,許下「願天下兒童盡歡顏」的心願,之後也邀約掌門人洪道子博士前往非洲訪問,彼此建立了良好互動的情誼. The president of the African nation had come espcially to Taijimen and loudly sounded the Bell of World Peace and Love with a promise to “make the children of the world smile,”before inviting Taijimen chief, Dr. Hong Tao Tze, to visit Africa and establish a friendship of constructive interaction.
President H.E. Fradique de Menezes of Sao Tome and Principe 致詞Speech 1(梅尼士先生Mr. Fradique de Menezes)(葡文Portuguese): TC=03:04-03:59
感謝你們千里而來,太極門掌門人洪道子博士和弟子們千里迢迢帶來世界之愛和平之鐘,非洲地區充滿了戰爭跟貧窮,非常感謝你們的誠心,和促進世界和平所做的努力,就跟我上次訪問台北時候,我到太極門那時候我講的一句話:「願天下兒童盡歡顏」,我會努力去做. Thank you for coming so far. The head of Taijimen, doctor Hong Tao Tze and Taijimen followers have brought the Bell of World Peace and Love from distant parts. Africa is riddled with war and poverty. Thank you for your sincerity and the effort you have made for world peace. Just as when I last visited Taipei, I went to Taijimen and promised to“make the children of the world smile.”I will strive to achieve this.
副市長 卓秉伍
Deputy Mayor of Seoul, 2000 致詞Speech 2(卓秉伍 先生)(韓文 Korean): TC=04:46-04:58
(中文翻譯 )
太極門氣功養生學會洪道子博士所領導的親善文化訪問團到首爾訪問,謹代表一千萬市民真心的表達歡迎之意. The goodwill and cultural visit to Seoul led by Dr. Hong Tao Tze represented a heartfelt welcome from countless citizens.
市長 Mayor of San Francisco, Mr. Willie Brown, 2000 Interview 4(Mr. Brown)(英文): TC=05:15-05:25
(中文翻譯 )
(原文) 待聽打The incredible devotion and commitment to traditional Chinese culture, as evidenced by this group of people, represents something that we all can learn from and learn to appreciate.
OS: TC=05:26-05:59
從聯合國秘書長,教宗,國王,王后到各國總統,各界領袖等,數十年來世界之愛和平總會會長,太極門掌門人洪道子博士,帶領著弟子透過親身實做,體會真愛無國界,世界一家親的道理,並以促進全球健康的行動,希望帶動世人即刻展開行動,貢獻智慧,共同來改變世局. From the United Nations secretary-general, the pope, and kings and queens, to the presidents of all nations, leaders in all walks of life, and leaders in recent decades of the Federation of World Peace and Love, the head of Taijimen, Dr. Hong Tao Tze has led his followers through true personal action to experience the theory of a truly loving, borderless world as one family, and, through action to promote global health, sought to inspire the people of the world to take immediate action, contribute wisdom and, together, change the world.
Chinese to English: The Energy of the Mighty Tornado Knows no Limits General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - Chinese 1.神氣旋風能量無限
影部/字幕 聲部
神氣旋風 能量無限
民國97年國慶大會,是以「提昇國家競爭力再創台灣新契機」為主題,推出一個由中央部會,縣市政府,學校及民間團體,共33個遊行隊伍組成的花車遊行嘉年華,太極門師兄姊再次擔任壓軸的演出,由充滿青春活力的Energy Boys & Energy Girls,以「歡欣鼓舞 能量無限」為全民加油打氣,提振全國士氣.
西元2000年在桃園縣立體育場「千鼓龍耀新春樂 萬民同饗文化情」活動中,副總統連戰先生特別頒贈匾額,以表揚太極門掌門人洪道子博士對弘揚國粹文化的貢獻.
Translation - English 1.神氣旋風能量無限 The Energy of the Mighty Tornado Knows no Limits
影部/字幕 聲部
神氣家族 The Mighty Clan
文化薪傳良心印記The Imprint of a Conscience of Cultural Heritage
神氣旋風 能量無限 The Mighty Tornado Limitless Energy
1999年7月西雅圖第50屆海洋節大遊行,1200位太極門弟子共同參與的海外文化弘揚行,現場35萬民眾夾道歡呼,全美有數百萬的收視觀眾. In July, 1999, the overseas cultural promotion parade attended by 1200 Tai Ji Men followers at the 50th Anniversary of Sea Fair in Seattle, was watched by 350,000 cheering people lining the streets, and several million TV viewers throughout America .
1999年8月,第四屆加州舊金山國際武術節大遊行,舊金山布朗市長特別參與造成當地大轟動的遊行展演. In August, 1999, Mayor Brown of San
Francisco made a point of taking part in the grand parade at the 4th International Martial Arts Festival in San Francisco, which created a local sensation.
2000年9月,雪梨奧運奧林匹克大道及雪梨歌劇院外遊行,450多位太極門弟子在聚集了近450萬旅客的雪梨,以熱鬧的遊行方式慶祝奧運這個舉世歡騰的運動嘉年華. In Sydney, in September, 2009, on Olympic Boulevard and outside the Sydney Opera House, more than 450 Tai Ji Men followers united Sydney, with its approximately 4.5 million travelers , in celebrating the global sporting carnival with a lively parade.
2000年11月,韓國慶州國際文化博覽會及首爾仁寺洞古街遊行,100多位太極門弟子搭乘直航包機飛往釜山,在韓國南北兩地參與遊行. In November, 2000, on the occasion of an international cultural fair in Korea and parade on an old street in Seoul’s Insadong District, more than 100 Tai Ji Men followers took a charter flight to Busan in order for parades to take place simultaneously in the north and south of the country.
2002年7月,西非甘比亞革命紀念日遊行及11月的南非文化資產大遊行,在種族繁多的非洲,太極門弟子以代表中華民族特色的各民族裝扮,與當地人民共創世界一家親的美景. In July, 2002, at a parade on Revolution Day in the West African country of Gambia, and in November of the same year at a parade for the cultural assets of South Africa in ethnically diverse Africa, Tai Ji Men followers, dressed in attire from all the ethnic groups of the Republic of China and along with local people, conjured up images of a global village.
民國97年國慶大會,是以「提昇國家競爭力再創台灣新契機」為主題,推出一個由中央部會,縣市政府,學校及民間團體,共33個遊行隊伍組成的花車遊行嘉年華,太極門師兄姊再次擔任壓軸的演出,由充滿青春活力的Energy Boys & Energy Girls,以「歡欣鼓舞 能量無限」為全民加油打氣,提振全國士氣. The 2008 National Day gathering adopted the theme of “enhancing national competitiveness and creating new opportunities for Taiwan,” and presented a carnival consisting of over 33 troupes from central government departments, county and city governments, schools and civil society. Once again, Tai Ji Men followers formed the central core of the performance, with Energy Boys & Energy Girls, full of youth and vitality, urging the nation on and raising its spirits with Elation and Excitement, Unlimited Energy.
西元2000年在桃園縣立體育場「千鼓龍耀新春樂 萬民同饗文化情」活動中,副總統連戰先生特別頒贈匾額,以表揚太極門掌門人洪道子博士對弘揚國粹文化的貢獻. In the year 2000 at the Jubilant Year Of The Dragon, Inspiration Through Culture event at Taoyuan County Stadium, Vice President Mr. Lien Chan especially presented a plaque to commend Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men Dr. Hong Tao Tze’s contribution to the promotion of quintessential Chinese culture.
現場主持人Presenter -女Female: (上字幕)
嘉年華遊行壓軸隊伍是由太極門神氣家族,以活力四射的Energy,祝福中華民國97歲生日快樂. The carnival troupe consists of Tai Ji Men’s mighty clan and the dynamic Energy, wishing the Republic of China a happy 97th birthday.
現場主持人Presenter -男Male:
太極門融合了氣功武術與舞蹈動作,整齊劃一的陣仗,祝賀中華民國97歲生日快樂. Tai Ji Men fuses the actions of qigong, martial arts and dance, in a single, uniform parade, to wish the Republic of China a happy 97th birthday.
文化薪傳 良心印記 The Imprint of a Conscience of Cultural Heritage
2.精銳盡出超越巔峰 The Cream of the Cream The Height of Perfection
影部/字幕 聲部
精銳盡出 超越巔峰 The Cream of the Cream Surpassing the Highest Expectations
太極門掌門人洪道子博士帶領弟子們,以實際行動走遍世界五大洲,以上千場的文化展演與各國領袖,各界貴賓,各界菁英,分享止戈揚善的武學精神,做到最佳的國民外交,多次獲得國家的肯定. Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men Dr. Hong Tao Tze has actually traveled all over the five continents of the world to share with the world’s leaders and elites at the many above-mentioned events, the martial spirit of beating swords into plowshares, conducting the best possible form of diplomacy, and frequently winning the nation’s acclaim.
神氣家族師兄姊將實地體驗的文化交流經驗,展現在國慶大會的文化展演中. The followers of the Mighty Clan display at the National Day cultural festivities the experience of cultural exchanges that they gain by participating in these events.
世界真明亮 歌詞Lyrics=世界真明亮The World is Truly Bright
美好的一天 需要靠自己來開創 藍天和白雲中 有快樂的鳥在飛
On a beautiful day We must rely on ourselves to take initiatives Amid the blue skies and bright clouds Happy birds fly
世界多美好 因為你我心在一起 團結起來把愛傳出去
The world is so beautiful Because you and I are of one mind United to spread love
心要打開 把煩惱都拋開 世界很明亮 窗戶要打開
Our hearts must open Rid themselves of worries The world is very bright We should open our windows
陽光透進來 世界在等待 等待一個有愛的人走入世界來
The sun’s rays shine in The world is waiting Waiting for a loving person to walk in
啦... 啦... 你的心不要再等待 你的憂愁要丟
La…. La….Your heart need wait no longer Your worries will be cast aside
如果還有心事 就要趕快放下來 你要向前看一看 陽光綠樹在等待
If you still have things on your mind Set them aside quickly You must look forward Sunshine and greenery await
你要把心放開 走出自己 走出戶外
You must open your heart Walk out of yourself Walk outdoors
人間有天堂 等你去開創 心打開 把愛傳出來
There is paradise on earth Awaiting your initiation Open your heart Spread love
景美女中Taipei Jingmei Girls High School
主任教官 Head Teacher 陳思沂Chen Siyi 採訪Interview 4(陳思沂先生 Mr. Chen Siyi)(國語):
從這些孩子身上我可以看得出來我們國家的希望,如果我們國家的國人的孩子,都能像我們太極門的孩子這樣子有朝氣的話,我覺得我們國家的未來是無可限量的. By simply looking at these children I can see the expectations of our nation. If the children of our citizens had the vitality of our Tai Ji Men children, I believe the future of our country would be boundless.
影部/字幕 聲部
人人有良心 天下皆太平 Everyone has a conscience The whole world is at peace
人人有快樂 家家皆幸福 Everyone is happy All families are blessed
為國慶生,為民祝福,神氣家族師兄姊透過務實的實踐,將文化薪傳的力量展現在國人面前. The followers of the mighty clan conduct their celebration of National Day and their blessing of the people in a practical manner, presenting the power of the transmission of culture in front of the people.
武德傳心,神氣家族師兄姊一直以來,都是以正心,正念,正氣來捍衛真理正義.Spreading knowledge with military ethics, the followers of the mighty clan have always defended truth and justice with integrity, appropriate mindfulness and righteousness.
Because of the current frequency of natural and man-made disasters, in a world facing a loss of order, mankind must awaken and save itself.
On 1st January 2014, the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL), the Association of World Citizens (AWC) and Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy (TJM), together launched the movement An Era of Conscience to awaken a positive energy to stabilize a turbulent world, to enable mankind’s innate goodness and conscience to be rekindled and a genuine era of conscience to begin.
2 月16日「良心時代運動」於美,加,荷,澳,英,義等全球25地同步啟動.
On 16th February, An Era of Conscience was set in motion simultaneously in 25 countries, including the US, Canada, the Netherlands, Australia and the UK, among others.
On 17th August, a ceremony for the global joint signing of the Declaration for the Movement of An Era of Conscience was held in the US city of San José.
An Era of Conscience has even been acknowledged by the United Nations (UN).
8月27日到29日第65屆聯合國公共資訊部門暨非政府組織年會(65th Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference)於紐約聯合國總部舉行,全球重要非政府組織聚集紐約,聯合國秘書長潘基文在開幕以短片的方式發表演說. The important non-governmental organizations of the world convened from 27th to 29th August at the 65th Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference held at UN headquarters in New York, and UN Secretary-General Ban Kyi Moon delivered a speech accompanying a small film about the movement at the opening ceremony.
Association of World Citizens
洪道子博士 Vice Chairman and Member of Advisory Committee Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze OS:
Members of the AWC, FOWPAL and TJM, introduced the Era of Conscience movement at all kinds of seminars, which included speeches from AWC Vice Chairman and Advisory Committee member Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze
數百名與會人員參與這深具影響力的運動,藉由與大眾分享良心話並成為推動「良心時代運動」的國際志工,許多參與者說出他們對「良心時代運動」的全力支持,並了解「良心」是愛與和平及永續未來的關鍵. Several hundred people who participated alongside members at these meetings, shared their consciences with the audience and became international volunteers promoting An Era of Conscience. Many participants expressed their complete support for the movement and their recognition that “conscience” was the crux of love, peace and a sustainable future.
良心覺醒 國際論壇 International Forum On the Awakening of Conscience
全球接力 挽救世界 Global relay Save the world
從2014年9月15日「國際愛與和平日」開始,在全世界各地同步,有許多國家及團共同參與並舉辦了一場場的「良心覺醒 國際論壇」,透過世界各國菁英學者們,分享自身的良心話及良心建言,透過「良心時代運動宣言」的逐條公布,共同揭開了全球接力不斷電,用愛串連良心能量圈,開啟了挽救世界的實際行動. International Love and Peace Day was held all over the world simultaneously on 15th September, 2014. Many countries took part and together held the International Forum On the Awakening of Conscience, at which elite scholars from many countries shared their own words of conscience and suggestions about conscience, and through announcements of individual clauses of the Declaration for the Movement of An Era of Conscience, staged a global relay of uninterrupted electricity, stringing together with love a circle of conscience energy and launching a practical operation to save the world.
監察院 Control Yuan
院長 President 張博雅 Chang Po-ya 採訪Interview 1(張博雅小姐 Ms. Chang Po-ya)(國語):
我一向做事或者是鼓勵我們的同仁就是要憑良心做事,如果每一個人都能夠憑良心做事的話,你一定可以對得起自己,也可以對得起自己的家人,更對得起我們的社會跟國家. I always do things―or encourage our compatriots to do things―with a conscience. If everyone could do things with a conscience, one would never let oneself or one’s family down, nor ever let down one’s society and nation.
2000年時Year 2000, Minister of the Interior任內政部
部長 張博雅 Chang Po-ya OS:.
現任監察院張博雅院長擔任內政部長期間,特別頒贈洪博士內政部獎章,表彰其對文化傳承上的努力. When current president of the Control Yuan, Chang Po-ya, was Minister of the Interior, she especially conferred the Ministry of the Interior medal on Dr. Hong, in honor of his industriousness in transmitting culture.
司法院 Judicial Yuan
前副院長 Former Vice President 城仲模 Cheng Chung-mo 採訪Interview 2(城仲模先生 Mr. Cheng Chung-mo)(國語):
我們今天的主題是良心,那良心這一句話在我們法律裡頭是沒有用上的,因為那是一種道德的概念,良心. Today’s theme is conscience. The term, “conscience,” is one which is not known to the law, since it is a moral concept.
但是日本的憲法裡頭寫得很清楚,法官要根據良心和他們的憲法,法律來審判. But, in Japan’s constitution, it is stated very clearly that judges must conduct trials in accordance with their conscience, their constitution and the law.
The feeling of a conscience exists in the heart of every person, a feeling that is passed down from one generation to the next, like that which is inside all of us right now. I believe a conscience is perfectly normal, but mercenary people in society don’t necessarily talk about conscience. So we need to articulate the concrete substance of conscience if we are to integrate conscience into our modern society with its emphasis on democracy and the rule of law.
中國電視公司 China Television Company
董事長 林聖芬
Chairman Lin Sheng-fen 採訪Interview 3(林聖芬先生 Mr. Lin Sheng-fen)(國語):
希望大家要見到好的,要勇敢的講出來,見到不好的也要勇敢講出來,讓媒體知道說社會的聲音你要重視,你要了解你才能夠扮演,現在某一種程度來講,你如果這樣講的話媒體現在等於迷路了,「迷航」要把它導正回來,還是先要這個良心要把它找回來. I hope everyone sees the good things, and will bravely express them. If they see bad things they should express those too. Let the media know that the voice of society must be valued. One must understand in order to perform a role. Now, to some extent, if we talk in these terms, the media are effectively lost, “off course,” and need to be led back on course. It is conscience that brings them back on course.
其中在洛杉磯工業市所舉辦 「良心覺醒 國際論壇IV」,聯邦眾議會外交委員會主席羅伊斯(Ed Royce) ,加州參議員夏樂柏(Bob Huff),核桃市市議員蘇王秀蘭(Mary Su)代表核桃市市長,分別在現場頒贈表揚狀給太極門掌門人洪道子博士. Of these, at the International Forum On the Awakening of Conscience IV, held in the industrial city of Los Angeles, Ed Royce, chairman of the US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, California Senator Bob Huff, Walnut City Councilor Mary Su (on behalf of the mayor of Walnut), individually awarded commendations to Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men.
聯邦眾議會外交委員會主席羅伊斯(Ed Royce),非常感謝洪道子博士帶領太極門所推動的「良心覺醒 國際論壇」,促進社會積極正面的價值. Chairman Royce expressed exceptional gratitude to Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze for advancing the cause of the active and positive value of society, with his leadership of the International Forum On the Awakening of Conscience.
「良心時代運動」自今年1月1日展開就獲得熱烈響應,全球185個國家,超過2300多個團體共同響應,以及50多國元首,政府首長及聯合國大使,代表來函,祝賀及呼應,共同響應良心時代全球行動,希望由你,我,他串成一個好言善行的世界良心能量圈,透過全球的良心覺醒,用愛串連全世界,打造愛與和平的世界一家. Since its launch on 1st January, An Era of Conscience has met with an enthusiastic response from 185 countries and more than 2,300 organizations, as well as more than 50 heads of state and government and ambassadors to the UN. We hope that these letters, blessings and other responses to the global action that is An Era of Conscience, will, through you, me and others, string together a circle of world conscience energy characterized by good words and good deeds, and that through a global awakening of conscience, we can connect the whole world with love and create a loving, peaceful, global family.
Chinese to English: The Ray of Hope for Transmission From one Generation to the Next General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
(原文) Please check with Video.
I think what you are doing is very noble and good work to everybody because peace is one thing that we all work for. It is a difficult thing to achieve but we can do it if we work together and we need to encourage each other to enable us to have the courage and the will to achieve this peace all over the world.
Mr. Lamuel A Stanislaus 採訪4(Mr. Stanislaus)(英文): TC=04:20-04:42
(原文) Please check with Video.
If there
副祕書長 黃志芳 採訪5(黃志芳先生)(國語): TC=04:42-05:23
OS: TC=05:25-05:41
中華民國副總統 蕭萬長 致詞4(蕭萬長先生)(國語): TC=05:43-06:10
OS: TC=06:12-06:20
江國仁 致詞5(江國仁先生)(國語): TC=06:2200-06:44
OS: TC=06:47-07:06
親身實踐就是力量, 500位從3到30歲的太極門弟子組成的Energy Boys & Energy Girls,熱力四射震撼全場,這正是文化傳承世代交替的新希望.
(原文) Please check with Video.
Senegal, its people, its government and President want the goal to all women and men of the world to build and consolidate peace in the world.
總統 Leonel Fernandez Reyna 採訪1(Mr. Reyna)(英文): TC=00:56-01:13
(原文) Please check with Video.
Let me tell you, it’s very emotional. For me, it’s been a great experience. Having a World Summit of Love and Peace this is what the world needs. So, I want to commend you and I want to somehow show you my support and support of Dominican people.
總統 Laura Chinchilla Miranda 鳴鐘心願2(Ms. Miranda)(英文): TC=01:14-01:30
(原文) Please check with Video.
We try to support all peaceful causes around the world. That is why we really appreciate this ceremony because it has to do with the most important values that my country has embraced.
州長 Gary Locke 致詞1(Mr. Locke)(英文): TC=01:32-01:48
(原文) Please check with Video.
All the members of Tai Ji Men Academy for coming to our state of Washington. I behelf the State of Washington to welcome you to our great state and we wish you a great visit during the Sea Fair Festival.
總督 H.H. Sir John Ini Lapli 採訪2(Mr. Lapli)(英文): TC=01:48-02:07
This very meaningful peace ceremony. It is the greatest desire of the world of the people of the world, for peace. I am very grateful that this cultural group has come to share their message of peace to the people of Australia and indeed to the world.
H.E. Elmi Ahmed Duale 採訪3(Mr. Duale)(英文): TC=02:08-02:29
(原文) Please check with Video.
In this world of today there is too much strive, too many wars among nations and between within nations, too much hunger, too much disease, and all these cannot be conquered unless, as the message of Dr. Hong is there is love and there is peace.
一等秘書 Mr. Momodou Hydara 採訪4(Mr. Hydara)(英文): TC=02:29-03:11
(原文) Please check with Video.
Well, I think he is a very great man, concerning the fact that he is dedicating his whole life just spread the message of peace. Using his resources, his energy, his time, to go into this noble activity going around the world to tell people to love each other, to love peace. I think he is a great man. And, I think everybody should encourage him. If we have people like Dr. Hong, five of them in the world, I don’t think that there is a place of war. Because somebody like him has sacrificed all his life just spread this message of peace. He is excellent definitely.
副市長 Lucy Turnbull 採訪5(Ms. Turnbull)(英文): TC=03:12-03:24
(原文) Please check with Video.
The Tai Ji Men Cultural Group do such a wonderful performance, and on behalf of the people of the city of Sydney, I wish them every wish goodwill, and I’m very happy that the Olympic spirit encourages peace and harmony throughout the world.
局長 Clare Petrich
(原文) Please check with Video.
In heart, in mind and in body, it feels so very strong and so full of love and peace and I just want to thank you.
威廉市長代表 致詞2(Mr. )(英文): TC=03:39-03:51
(原文) Please check with Video.
Now, therefore Mayor of District of Columbia ??? March 22, 2000 as Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy Day in Washing D.C..
Mr. Matt Salmon 致詞3(洪博士)(國語): TC=03:55-04:15
市長 Benjamin F. Vent 致詞4(Mr. Vent)(英文): TC=04:16-04:40
(原文) Please check with Video.
I am so
(原文) Please check with Video.
Thank you for inviting me to participate in this wonderful event. What love and peace is what you need that to be able to attend happiness and my country, for my country, happiness is the meaning and purpose of life. So love and compassion are very important essential.
The effort of this ??
製作人 洪道子博士
諮詢專線 (02)2736-5188 主持人: TC=06:13-07:09
Translation - English 1.世代傳承希望之光 The Ray of Hope for Transmission From one Generation to the Next
影部/字幕 聲部
神氣家族 The Mighty Clan
愛與和平攜手同行Love and Peace Go Hand in Hand
主持人 Host
談力瑜 Tan Li-yu 主持人Host-女Female: TC=00:00-00:46
親愛的觀眾朋友大家好,歡迎您闔家觀賞神氣家族. Hello everybody. We welcome you and your whole family to enjoy the mighty clan.
古今中外各個民族對於自己的學術文化,知識技能或者是宗教信仰,都有獨特的傳承方式,中華民族講究的是尊師重道,對於師徒傳承是十分嚴謹看待的,而古傳氣功武術修行門派太極門的掌門人洪道子博士,傳承給弟子的不只是中華國粹文化,還有讓身心靈更健康的養生哲學,以及行善助人,樂於分享的生活態度,這些都讓我們的生命更有意義了,邀請您一同來分享. Since the earliest of times, the peoples of China and all other countries have all boasted distinct ways of passing on their learning, culture, knowledge, skills and religious beliefs. The Chinese peoples are scrupulous in their respect for teachers, having a very strict regard for the transmission of knowledge from master to disciple, and Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men, a sect which has long passed on the religious practices of qigong and martial arts, transmits to his disciples not just the essence of Chinese culture, but also health-cultivating philosophies to make the body and spirit healthier, and the doing of good deeds; an attitude to life that takes pleasure in sharing. These things make our lives more meaningful. We invite you to join us in sharing in them.
世代傳承 Transmission From one Generation to the Next
希望之光 The Ray of Hope 標題: TC=00:48-00:52
世代傳承 Transmission From one Generation to the Next
希望之光 The Ray of Hope
童音: (上字幕)
快樂歡喜,愛你愛我,生日快樂,生日快樂! Happiness and joy. Love to you, love to me. Happy birthday, happy birthday!
現場主持人: On-site host
來自台灣各地的太極門青少年,燦爛的笑容中自信滿滿,陽光耀眼,各個清亮的聲音以及輕快的音樂,祝福中華民國95歲生日快樂. The radiant smiles of the young members of Tai Ji Men from all over Taiwan exude self-confidence. The sun shines brilliantly, and each resonant voice and lively tune wishes the Republic of China a happy 95th birthday.
OS: TC=01:26-02:43
神氣家族的新生代功夫童子和功夫少年,氣宇軒昂,身手俐落的武術招式,健康燦爛的容顏,開朗又有自信,生命充滿希望和光彩,這是國家富強康樂的象徵,也是世代傳承的希望. The mighty clan’s new generation of martial arts infants’ and teenagers’ impressive appearance, skilled and agile martial arts style, healthy and radiant complexions, cheerfulness and self-confidence, lives full of hope and brilliance; these are symbols of the nation’s wealth, power, health and happiness and they represent the hope for transmission from one generation to the next.
在太極門中長大的青少年師兄姊,透過修練氣功強健體魄,平日也常參加各種文化展演,接觸多元的文化交流. The teenage followers who have grown up in Tai Ji Men, their physiques made strong by practicing qigong, often attend cultural events on ordinary working days, encountering many forms of cultural exchange.
其中持續多年的「兩岸和平小天使」民間文化交流,更如同是神氣家族青少年這些年來的快樂成長史. Among these, the Little Angels for Cross-Strait Peace non-governmental cultural exchange, which has continued for many years, seems particularly to have been a story of happy development for the mighty clan’s teenagers.
從2001年以來,來自山東,上海,哈爾濱,杭州,北京,湖北,廣州及廈門等地的和平小天使,來到台灣都會與太極門進行文化交流,每一次總讓來訪的貴賓及小天使們留下快樂的回憶. Since 2001, little angels for peace from such places as Shandong, Shanghai, Harbin, Hangzhou, Beijing, Hubei, Guangzhou and Xiamen, have been coming to Taiwan and taking part in cultural exchanges with Tai Ji Men, generating happy memories each time for distinguished guests and themselves.
部長 高彥明 Gao Yan-ming 採訪Interview 1(高彥明先生Mr. Gao Yan Ming) (國語): TC=02:44-03:00
兩岸本來就是一家人,那麼我們能夠為一家人的後代一起做一件事情,增強他們的了解,增進他們的友誼,孩子們通過參與這樣的活動是幸福的,感覺到像回到家一樣. The two sides of the strait are of course one family, so together we can do something for future generations of our family: strengthen their understanding and promote their friendship. For children to be able to take part in this kind of activity is a blessing. It feels like returning home.
All China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots
文化宣傳部副部長 宋歌
Assistant Director Song Ge, Cultural Propaganda Department
採訪Interview 2(宋歌先生Mr. Song Ge)(國語): TC=03:01-03:34
太極門有一些中華文化的活動給我留下很深的印象,那這一次來相隔10年了,11年了,那麼我看到了這個太極門的這個有了新的發展,那麼能夠到就是更多的傳承中華的傳統文化,而且和平小天使這個活動,讓兩岸的小天使在一起交流,在一起交朋友,這樣對兩岸的小孩子的這個親情,友誼的延續傳承都非常好. Tai Ji Men has undertaken some Chinese cultural activities that have left a deep impression on me. On this visit, 10 or 11 years later, I have seen that Tai Ji Men has developed in new ways. To achieve yet more transmission of traditional Chinese culture, and the activities featuring the little angels for peace, bringing little angels from both sides together to perform exchanges and make friends with one another; these things are extremely good for the continued transmission of these children’s affection and friendship.
Little Angels for Peace Mainland Visiting Delegation
團長 Delegation Head楊毅周 Yang Yi Zhou 致詞Speech 1(楊毅周先生Mr. Yang yi Zhou) (國語): TC=03:35-03:53
只要見到了太極門我們就享受最熱烈的掌聲,最歡快的笑容,來到這裡這是一個智慧的地方,太極門跟我們和平小天使有著共同的基礎,共同的理念,這一個就是我們的愛與和平. We had only to see Tai Ji Men in order to enjoy the most enthusiastic applause, the most cheerful and light-hearted smiles. To come to this place of wisdom and for Tai Ji Men to share a common foundation, a common philosophy with our Little Angels for Peace, this is what we mean by love and peace.
河南嵩山少林寺 Shaolin Temple, Mt. Song, Henan Province
方丈Abbot 釋永信大禪師 Zen Master Shi Yong Xin
開封大相國寺Prime Minister Temple, Kaifeng
住持 Head Monk 釋心廣大法師 Venerable Master Shi Xin Guang
洛陽白馬寺 White Horse Temple, Luoyang
住持 Head Monk 釋印樂大法師 Venerable Master She Yin Le
南陽水簾寺 Shuilian Temple, Nanyang
住持 Head Monk 釋妙俠大法師 Venerable Master She Miao Xia
青龍山慈雲寺 Ciyun Temple of Qinglong Mountain
住持 Head Monk 釋延超大法師 Venerable Master She Yan Chao
住持 Head Monk 釋心舫大法師 Venerable Master She Xin Fang
住持 Head Monk 釋永福大法師 Venerable Master She Yong-fu OS: TC=03:55-05:13
古傳正統氣功武術門派太極門,多年來以武會友,透過文化交流推動愛與和平. The Tai Ji Men sect, which has long transmitted orthodox qigong martial arts, has for many years promoted love and peace by making friends through martial arts.
216位手持功夫扇及刀,盾,劍等兵器的武術陣師兄姊,氣勢如虹衝破雲霄,同心展現習武之人的武德精神,帶給社會正心正氣與安定和諧的力量. 216 teenage followers in the martial arts division, holding such martial arts weapons as fans, knives, swords, etc., with the vigor of a rainbow penetrating the skies, display the spirit of martial virtue of those who practice martial arts, endowing society with propriety and righteousness and the strength of stability and harmony.
古有華山論劍以武會友,今有太極少林歡喜相聚,2004年由七大寺院住持及弟子所組成的「河南佛教少林寺功夫訪問團」來台訪問,特別到太極門交流參訪,七大古剎包括河南嵩山少林寺,大相國寺,白馬寺,水濂寺,慈雲寺,定國寺和空相寺,難得齊聚一堂彼此論道,禪武合一. Since ancient times sword contests on Mt. Hua have made friends through martial arts. Today there is a joyful gathering of the Shaolin Temple of Tai Ji (the Supreme Ultimate). In 2004, the Shaolin Temple Martial Arts Delegation , formed by head monks and disciples from seven large monasteries, visited Taiwan and made a special exchange visit to Tai Ji Men. The seven old temples included Shaolin Temple (Mt. Song, Henan), Prime Minister Temple, White Horse Temple, Shuilian Temple, Ciyun Temple, Xin Xiang Nation Settling Temple and Kongxiang Temple . It is very rare for these temples to come together to discuss the way and the unity of Zen and martial matters.
河南嵩山少林寺 Shaolin Temple, Mt. Song, Henan Province
方丈 Abbot 釋永信大禪師 Zen Master Shi Yong Xin
採訪Interview 3(釋永信先生Mr. Shi Yong Xin
)(國語): TC=05:29-05:44
太極文化是一個非常古老的文化,今天到太極門一看,把這個古老的這種文化做得這麼活潑,這麼有趣,透過這種活潑有趣,可能對世界交流是更方便一些. The Tai Ji culture is an extremely ancient culture. On arriving at Tai Ji Men today, I immediately saw this ancient culture being so lively and so amusing. Being so lively and amusing can make global exchanges easier.
OS: TC=05:45-06:28
2004年華夏民族世界和平祈福大會的開幕典禮中,太極門氣功養生學會也特別受邀以太極門祈福儀典為祈福大會展開序幕,同時少林寺方丈也當場鳴響世界之愛和平鐘,結合了兩岸的佛教團體共同為世界和平祈福. In 2004, at the opening ceremony of the Chinese Peoples’ Prayers for World Peace Congress , Tai Ji Men was especially invited to perform the Tai Ji Men prayer ceremony to pray for blessings for the prologue to the congress. At the same time, the abbot of the Shaolin Temple sounded the World Peace Bell on site, linking the Buddhist organizations of the two sides of the strait in prayers for world peace. 文化是國家的根本,維護珍貴的文化資產是世界的潮流,中華文化薪火相傳,生生不息. Culture is the root of the nation, and there is a global trend to protect precious cultural assets. May the transmission of Chinese culture continue without end.
中華文化學院 Institute of Chinese Culture
常務副院長 Executive Vice President朱曉明Zhu Xiao Ming
採訪Interview 4(朱曉明先生Mr. Zhu Xiao Ming)(國語): TC=06:31-06:57
就是因為我們有中華文化這個脈,所以我們未曾相識一鄉親到這兒感到非常親切,非常的熟悉. It’s precisely because we share this pulse that is Chinese culture, that, although we’ve never met, when we come here as compatriots we feel extremely close, extremely familiar.
我覺得我們洪博士身體力行弘揚中華文化,確實對我們有很大的啟發. The transmission of Chinese culture, I believe, requires action, not words. I believe that Tai Ji Men is great in this regard; it has promoted Chinese martial arts and, in so doing, promoted Chinese culture. I think that Dr. Hong’s practice of what he preaches in promoting Chinese culture has truly inspired us greatly.
鄭州大學的音樂系Zhengzhou University Department of Music
系主任 Chairman 鞏偉 Gong Wei 採訪Interview 5(鞏偉先生Mr. Gong Wei)(國語): TC=06:57-07:16
我覺得咱們在咱們台灣,有咱們這個太極門在弘揚我們中華民族的文化,我相信在不短的時間內,全世界都將感覺到我們中華民族的博大精深,感覺到我們中華民族武術的這種神奇. I believe that having Tai Ji Men in Taiwan promoting Chinese culture means that the whole world will soon become aware of the breadth and depth of us Chinese people and the miracle that is Chinese martial arts.
大會主席 郝平
Former Vice-Principal of Peking University and current Director of the Chinese National Commission for UNESCO, Hao Ping
採訪Interview 6(郝平先生Mr. Hao Ping)(國語): TC=06:19-07:58
我認為太極門掌門人洪博士,他有一個崇高的理念,這個崇高的理念就是人類的愛和和平,那麼我想這是洪博士的一個崇高的理想,他帶領他的弟子到世界五大洲,各個國家,非洲,我看到這個這些資料,非洲,美洲,好多國家都去到了,落後的,發達的那麼就是弘揚這種人類的精神,這個精神就是剛剛我講到的愛和和平,同時也是弘揚和發展了中華的文化和文明.非常了不起! I think that Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men believes in a lofty ideal, and this lofty ideal is love and peace among men. He has taken his followers to all five continents of the world, and to many countries, developed and undeveloped. Dr. Hong’s human spirit is the love and peace that I just mentioned, and, at the same time, it promotes China’s culture and civilization. It’s extraordinary.
Fifty-ninth generation descendant of Lord Guan
關武亮 Guan Wu Liang 採訪Interview 7(關武亮先生)(國語): TC=07:59-08:08
To see the Tai Ji Men performance, I feel as though I have mastered the spirit of the saint of war. I am extremely proud.
三峽書院 Sanxia Academy
院長 President 汪國新 Wang Guo Xin 採訪8(汪國新先生)(國語): TC=08:09-08:27
剛才我看這個太極文化我非常感動,因為一個文化才是一個國家的魂,一個國家它如果離開了這個魂,它就不能持久,那麼有了這個文化的話就可以傳承,它就可以世世代代的傳承無窮,我覺得太極門文化也是這樣的. When I saw this Tai Ji culture just now, I was extremely moved, because a culture is a nation’s soul. If a nation departs from its culture, it cannot endure. Since we have this culture, however, we can transmit it to generation after generation without end. I believe that this is also true of Tai Ji Men’s culture.
2.好言好語止戈揚善 Kind Words Repel Weapons and Promote Good
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好言好語 Kind Words 止戈揚善 Repel Weapons and Promote Good 標題: TC=00:02-00:05
好言好語 Kind Words
止戈揚善 Repel Weapons and Promote Good
字幕: 特效-4分割畫面
親民黨主席 People first Party Chairman
宋楚瑜 James Soong
新黨主席 New Party Chairman 郁慕明 Yok Mu-ming
立法委員 Legislator 黃仁杼 Huang Jen-chu
立法委員 Legislator蔣乃辛 Chiang Nai-shin
立法委員 Legislator劉盛良 Liu Sheng-liang
立法委員 Legislator周守訓 Justin Chou
立法委員 Legislator羅淑蕾 Lo Shu-lei
立法委員 Legislator 徐耀昌Hsu Yao-chang
苗栗市長 Mayor of Miaoli邱炳坤 Chiu Ping-kun
新竹市長 Mayor of Hsinchu許明財Hsu Ming-tsai
八德市長 Mayor of Bade 何正森 Jensen Ho
台北市議員 Taipei City Councilor 徐佳青Hsu Chia-ching
台北市議員 Taipei City Councilor 顏聖冠 Yeng Sheng-kuan
台北市議員 Taipei City Councilor王浩 Wang Hao
台北市議員 Taipei City Councilor 周柏雅 Chou Po-ya
台北市議員 Taipei City Councilor 厲耿桂芳 Li Keng Kuei-fang
中華武術總會 China Martial Arts Association . 理事長Director General 黃鯤忠 Huang Kun Zhong
台北市議員 Taipei City Councilor 應曉薇 Angela Ying
中華人權協會 China Association for Human Rights主委林天財 Chairperson Lin Tien-tsai
中廣寶島網 BCC Formosa Network 總監楊榮南 Director Yang Rong Nan OS: TC=00:09-00:36
多年來太極門師徒走遍全台,參加地方縣市的各種公益活動得到各界的肯定,國慶彩排的現場也有來自全省各地縣市長官,民意代表以及各界來賓,特別前來祝福太極門師徒,圓滿達成國慶展演任務,場面熱鬧溫馨. For many years Tai Ji Men masters and disciples have traveled all over Taiwan and gained acknowledgement from all corners of society as they have participated in all kinds of public welfare activities under city or county auspices. On the scene at the National Day dress rehearsal are city mayors, county commissioners, other officials, representatives of civil society from throughout Taiwan, and guests from all walks of life, who have come especially to give blessings to Tai Ji Men masters and disciples, so that they may perfectly execute the task of delivering the National Day festivities. It’s a lively, convivial spectacle.
親民黨主席 People First Party Chairman
宋楚瑜 James Soong 致詞Speech 1(宋楚瑜先生Mr. James Soong)(國語): TC=00:38-01:14
看到今天的活動,我想在場的大家都非常的感動,太極門在掌門人洪師父的領導之下,所堅持的世界要祥和,我們要愛護這個地球,我們更要感恩惜福,我們看到太極門是一個正正派派的團體,是一個讓大家尊敬的團體. To see today’s activities, I think everyone here is extremely moved. What Tai Ji Men insists upon under the leadership of Zhang-men-ren Master Hong is that the world must be propitious and peaceful. We must treasure this world, and we must give thanks and appreciate our good fortune. We can see that Tai Ji Men is a fine, upright organization, one which commands the respect of everyone.
新黨主席New Party Chairman 郁慕明 Yok Mu-ming
致詞Speech 2(郁慕明先生Mr. Yok Mu-ming)(國語): TC=01:14-01:38
今天看到各位的演練,從小到大,從各位所包含的領域,都可以展現出來每一個人精氣神的充沛,就說明出來當每個人團結起來,展現出來的是風調雨順,是國泰民安. Seeing everyone practicing today, from children to adults, from the sphere that each person embodies, one observes the abundance of each person’s three energies. This illustrates that, when we are united, what emerges are favorable circumstances, peace and prosperity.
立法委員 Legislator
呂學樟 Lu Hsueh-chang 採訪Interview 1(呂學樟先生Mr. Lu Hsueh-chang)(國語): TC=01:39-02:11
我覺得太極門讓我們感受到學這個武術氣功也好,武術也好,雖然是師父傳給弟子,但是我看弟子跟師父的互動當中,我們可以深深的體會到就像父子一樣的一個感情,這就是我們中華文化的精髓,父子之情永遠都沒辦法改變的. I believe that Tai Ji Men enables us to feel that studying qigong martial arts is good and that martial arts are good. Although it is masters transmitting to disciples, I see that, in the interaction between master and disciple, we understand deeply that the emotion is like that between father and son. This is the essence of our Chinese culture; the feeling between father and son can never be changed.
It is said that to be a teacher for one day is to be a father for life. We can all fully exhibit that frame of mind here.
OS: TC=02:14-02:27
太極門師徒往往在年節時刻舉辦各種傳統文化交流活動,邀請世界各國嘉賓一同感受國粹文化的精髓. Tai Ji Men masters and disciples often hold exchange activities involving traditional culture at New Year, inviting esteemed guests from all over the world to share the very essence of Chinese culture.
2012年時任 2012 appointment as
行政院秘書長 Executive Yuan Secretary General林中森 Lin Join-sane 致詞3(林中森先生)(國語): TC=02:28-02:59
太極門以往除了我們這個養生,這個傳統國粹的宣揚以外,非常重要的大概我們每年國慶我們都看到我們太極門弟子,那麼在我們國慶的場合把我們傳統的國粹,那麼傳統的武術,傳統的這個技藝,傳統的民俗來做一個宣揚,對我們的貢獻也非常大,所以馬總統非常感恩,特別交代我代表馬總統跟吳院長跟大家表示感謝. In the past, what has been extremely important to Tai Ji Men, apart from maintaining good health and promoting the essence of Chinese culture, is that on National Day every year we all see our Tai Ji Men followers. So, on the occasion of our National Day, to promote the essence of our traditional Chinese culture, our traditional martial arts, traditional techniques, traditional folk customs, is extremely important to our contribution. So President Ma is extremely grateful and has especially delegated me to express thanks to everybody on behalf of himself and Premier Wu.
OS: TC=03:01-03:11
在太極門練功修心的師兄姊,因有明師引路懂得運用智慧及勇氣來突破困境. The masters and disciples at Tai Ji Men, who practice their skills and cultivate their minds, overcome difficult situations because they have enlightened teachers who understand how to use wisdom and courage.
巴拉圭共和國副總統 Republic of Paraguay, Vice President
Luis Alberto Castiglioni Soria 採訪Interview 2(Mr. Soria)(西班牙文): TC=03:13-03:40
武術是一種生活哲學,不只是身體的更是心靈的健康,這些人都可以做台灣的大使,也許有一天可以到巴拉圭來,來當武術的大使,將武術的精神傳揚到世界各地. Martial arts represent a life philosophy. It’s not just about the health of the body; it’s more about the health of the mind. All of these people could be ambassadors for Taiwan. Perhaps, one day, they could come to Paraguay as martial arts ambassadors and spread the spirit of martial arts around the world.
(原文) 缺
吐瓦魯國會議長 Speaker of the Parliament of Tuvalu,
Hon. Otinielu Tauteleimalae Tausi 採訪3(Mr. Tausi)(英文): TC=03:42-04:19
(原文) Please check with Video.
I think what you are doing is very noble and good work to everybody because peace is one thing that we all work for. It is a difficult thing to achieve but we can do it if we work together and we need to encourage each other to enable us to have the courage and the will to achieve this peace all over the world.
格瑞納達駐聯合國大使 Ambassador of Grenada to the United Nations,
Mr. Lamuel A Stanislaus 採訪4(Mr. Stanislaus)(英文): TC=04:20-04:42
(原文) Please check with Video.
If there is light in the soul, there’ll be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, there’ll be harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house, there’ll be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there’ll be peace and love in the world. Ther performance I’ve seen here, young people with all their vigor, with all their enthusiasm, it augurs well for the future of the world.
2005 appointment to the Presidential Office as
副祕書長Deputy Secretary General 黃志芳James Huang 採訪5(黃志芳先生)(國語): TC=04:42-05:23
大家都知道我們國家的外交處境很困難,那在這個困難的外交處境之下呢更需要我們民間的活力,來補足政府正常外交管道不足的缺憾,那太極門本身就是一個最好的一個典範,特別是在雪梨奧運開幕典禮表演節目之後,我想國際社會上有很多的人,想到台灣就會想到太極門,所以我想不管是從國際國民外交,或者是從推廣台灣本土文化的立場來講,太極門都是一個最好而且也是最成功的一個例子. Everyone knows that the nation’s diplomatic predicament is a very difficult one. In such a difficult diplomatic predicament, we particularly need non-governmental vigor to make good the government’s deficiency in normal diplomatic channels. Tai Ji Men itself is an excellent model. Especially since its program of performances at the opening ceremony of the Sydney Olympic Games, I believe that very many people in global society think of Tai Ji Men when they think of Taiwan. I believe, therefore, that, be it from the perspective of international diplomacy or that of promoting native Taiwanese culture, Tai Ji Men is an excellent and most successful example.
OS: TC=05:25-05:41
在【2008全球『護衛地球』感恩惜福音樂演唱會】的現場,當時的副總統蕭萬長先生也許下了愛與和平的心願,鳴響「世界之愛和平鐘」. At the 2008 全球『護衛地球』感恩惜福音樂演唱會 , then Vice President Vincent Siew, gave an assurance of his desire for love and peace, as he sounded the World Peace Bell.
2008年時任 2008 appointment as
中華民國副總統 蕭萬長
Vice President of the Republic of China, Vincent Siew 致詞Speech 4(蕭萬長先生Mr. Vincent Siew)(國語): TC=05:43-06:10
我在這裡謹代表馬英九總統來向各位致意,同時也祝福今天的這個演唱會圓滿成功,我在這裡再度的要感謝主辦單位-太極門氣功養生學會,在這多年來所做的努力. I am here to offer sincere best wishes to everyone on behalf of President Ma Ying-jeou and, at the same time, to wish today’s concert a complete success. I would also, once again, thank the organizer, Tai Ji Men, for the great efforts it has made over many years.
OS: TC=06:12-06:20
內政部江國仁專門委員也代表內政部部長頒獎給太極門掌門人洪道子博士. Ministry of the Interior special committee member Jiang Guo-ren presented an award to Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men, Dr. Hong Tao Tze.
內政部專門委員Ministry of the Interior special committee member 江國仁Jiang Guo-ren 致詞Speech 5(江國仁先生Mr. Jiang Guo-ren )(國語): TC=06:2200-06:44
我們知道洪道子博士他的成就是遍足我們全世界,那麼也是我們看到最好的一個武術跟文化團體,所以內政部對於我們洪博士,這麼多年來做了非常多的努力的貢獻,所以特別要為我們洪博士來頒發一份獎狀. We know that Dr. Hong Tao Tze’s achievement lies in traveling the entire world and Tai Ji Men is the best martial arts and culture organization we have seen, so the Ministry of the Interior especially wishes to present an award to Dr. Hong in recognition of his exceptional efforts over many years.
OS: TC=06:47-07:06
親身實踐就是力量, 500位從3到30歲的太極門弟子組成的Energy Boys & Energy Girls,熱力四射震撼全場,這正是文化傳承世代交替的新希望. Personal practice is power. Energy Boys & Energy Girls, comprising 500 Tai Ji Men followers from the age of three to that of 30, stunned the entire audience. They truly represent the new hope for cultural transmission from one generation to the next.
3.世界之愛和平之願 Love for the World, Desire for Peace
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世界之愛 Love for the World 和平之願 Desire for Peace 標題: TC=00:01-00:05
世界之愛 Love for the World 和平之願Desire for Peace
聯合國祕書長 United Nations Secretary General
Kofi Atta Annan
聖多美普林西比總統 President of Sao Tome and Principe
H.E. Fradique de Menezes
甘比亞總統 President of Gambia
H.E. Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh
衣索比亞總統 President of Ethiopia
H.E. Girma Wolde Giorgis
太極門掌門人洪道子博士 Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
Awarded Outstanding World Citizen Prize
太極門掌門人洪道子博士 Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
Awarded Honorary Citizenship of the City of Cupertino, California, USA OS: TC=00:07-00:35
世界之愛和平總會會長洪道子博士,結合全球元首,聯合國大使,聯合國NGO組織及各界領袖等,落實具體愛與和平行動,每次的行動及過程都是全球性的動員,這種跨國際影響力與號召力,深深感動全球無數的人. Dr. Hong Tao Tze, president of the Federation of World Peace and Love, brings together heads of state from all over the world, ambassadors to the United Nations, the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service and leaders from all walks of life, to carry out concrete action for love and peace. Each action and process amounts to a global mobilization. This kind of international influence and rallying power moves people deeply all over the world.
塞內加爾共和國 Republic of Senegal
總統 President Abdoulaye Wade 鳴鐘心願1(Mr. Wade)(英文): TC=00:37-00:55
(原文) Please check with Video.
Senegal, its people, its government and Ppresident want the goal to all women and men of the world to build and consolidate peace in the world.
多明尼加共和國 Dominican Republic
總統 President Leonel Fernandez Reyna 採訪1(Mr. Reyna)(英文): TC=00:56-01:13
(原文) Please check with Video.
Let me tell you, it’s very emotional, and . Ffor me, it’s been a great experience. Having a World Summit for of Love and Peace; this is what the world needs. So, I want to commend you and I want to somehow show you my support and the support of the Dominican people.
哥斯大黎加共和國 Republic of costa Rica
總統President Laura Chinchilla Miranda 鳴鐘心願2(Ms. Miranda)(英文): TC=01:14-01:30
(原文) Please check with Video.
We try to support all peaceful causes around the world. That is why we really appreciate this ceremony; because it has to do with the most important values that my country has embraced.
1999年美國華盛頓州 Washington State
州長Governor, 1999 Gary Locke 致詞1(Mr. Locke)(英文): TC=01:32-01:48
(原文) Please check with Video.
….and Aall the members of the Tai Ji Men Academy for coming to our state of Washington. OnI behaelf of the State of Washington we to welcome you to our great state and we wish you a great visit during this e Sea Fair Festival.
所羅門群島 Solomon Islands
總督 Governor-General H.H. Sir John Ini Lapli 採訪2(Mr. Lapli)(英文): TC=01:48-02:07
This very meaningful peace ceremony. It is the greatest desire of the world… of the people of the world.., for peace. I am very grateful that this cultural group has come to share their message of peace to the people of Australia and indeed to the world.
Somalian Ambassador to the United Nations
H.E. Elmi Ahmed Duale 採訪3(Mr. Duale)(英文): TC=02:08-02:29
(原文) Please check with Video.
In this world of today there is too much strifve, too many wars among nations and between, within nations, too much hunger, too much disease, and all these cannot be conquered unless, as the message of Dr. Hong is, there is love and there is peace.
一等秘書 First Secretary at the Gambian Embassy in Morocco
Mr. Momodou Hydara 採訪4(Mr. Hydara)(英文): TC=02:29-03:11
(原文) Please check with Video.
Well, I think he is a very great man., cConcerning the fact that he is dedicating his whole life just to spread the message of peace, . Uusing his resources, his energy, his time, to go into this noble activity, going around the world to tell the people to love each other, to love peace,. I think he is a great man, . A and, I think everybody should encourage him. When If we have people like Dr. Hong, five of them in the world, I don’t think that there will be is a place for of war. Because somebody like him has sacrificed all what he has done his life just to spread this message of peace. He is excellent, definitely.
澳洲雪梨市 Sydney, Australia
副市長 Deputy Lord Mayor
Lucy Turnbull 採訪5(Ms. Turnbull)(英文): TC=03:12-03:24
(原文) Please check with Video.
The Tai Ji Men Cultural Group do such a wonderful performance, and, on behalf of the people of the city of Sydney, I wish them every wish and goodwill, and I’m very happy that the Olympic spirit encourages peace and harmony throughout the world.
美國塔克瑪市港務局 Port of Tacoma, USA
局長 Commissioner Clare Petrich
Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
Awarded Honorary Citizenship of Tacoma 採訪6(Ms. Petrich)(英文): TC=03:25-03:38
(原文) Please check with Video.
In heart, in mind, and in body, it feels so very strong and so filled with full of love and with peace and I just … I want to thank you.
美國華府哥倫比亞特區Washington DC, USA
威廉市長代表 Representative of Mayor Williams 致詞2(Mr. )(英文): TC=03:39-03:51
(原文) Please check with Video.
Now, therefore, the Mayor of the District of Columbia does hereby proclaim ??? March 22, 2000 as Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy Day in Washington D.C..
House International Relations Committee, US
Sen. Jesse Helms invites Tai Ji Men to perform at US Capitol
洪道子博士 Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
美國參議員 US Congressman
Mr. Matt Salmon 致詞Speech 3(洪博士Dr. Hong)(國語): TC=03:55-04:15
唯有慈悲,人類才能真正具備世界之愛;唯有勇敢,人類才能毫無所懼的實踐和平的理想;唯有智慧,人類才能化解干戈達成世界一家的境界. Only with mercy can mankind possess a love of the world. Only with courage can mankind put into practice the ideal of peace. Only with wisdom can mankind dissolve weapons of war and achieve a world that is one family.
美國加州蒙特利公園市 Monterey Park, California
市長Mayor Benjamin F. Vent 致詞4(Mr. Vent)(英文): TC=04:16-04:40
(原文) Please check with Video.
I am so humbled to be here tonight and I just want to say one thing before I give Dr. Hong a proclamation from the city of Monterey Park, California, and that is, peace and love starts within each one of us, and that’s the way for peace in the world, and the Tai Ji Men people have the right idea.
Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
獲頒美國檀香山市榮譽市民狀 Awarded Honorary Citizenship of Honolulu, USA
太極門氣功養生學會暨洪道子博士日Mayor of Honolulu Declares Dr. Hong Day 致詞5(Mr. )(英文): TC=04:42-04:59
(原文) Please check with Video.
Dr. Hong is responsible for developing technology, exchange of techniques, resulting in strengthening the relationships among countries and cultures, so Mayor Harris welcomes Dr. Hong, and he declares September 16, today, as Dr. Hong Day, and we congratulate him. Congratulations.
致詞6(Mr. )(英文): TC=05:51-05:10
(原文) Please check with Video.
…Tom Bates, Mayor of the city of Berkeley, hereby proclaim August 5, 2005, to be Federation of World Peace and Love Day in the city of Berkeley.
International Conference of Chief Justices of the World
印度蒙特梭利學校 City Montessori School, India
創辦人Founder Jagdish Gandhi
太極門掌門人洪道子博士Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
獲頒聖雄甘地獎 Awarded the Mahatma Gandhi Award for Promoting Global Understanding 採訪7(Mr. Gandhi)(英文): TC=05:11-05:30
(原文) Please check with Video.
This conference has been extremely successful. Beyond my imagination. Especially….was….you know…because of the participation of Tai Ji Men…their cultural presentations, the ringing of bell, and the speech of Dr. Hong. Really refreshing.
不丹首相 Prime Minister of Bhutan
H.E. Jigme Thinley 採訪3(Mr. Thinley)(英文): TC=05:32-06:11
(原文) Please check with Video.
Thank you for inviting me to participate in this wonderful event. Well, hat love and peace is what you need that to be able to attain end happiness, and my country, for my country, happiness is the meaning and purpose of life. So love and happiness….love and compassion are very important…. essential.
The efforts of this organization to inspire humanity into truly treading a path that will be sustainable and that will promote well-being for all life forms and happiness for the human being. ??
製作人 Made by 洪道子博士Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze
太極門氣功養生學會 Tai Ji Men
諮詢專線 Inquiries hotline: (02)2736-5188 主持人: TC=06:13-07:09
太極門在掌門人洪道子博士的帶領下,數十年來始終積極的在台灣,在聯合國,在世界各地透過文化交流推動愛與和平,這是一個十分難得能夠讓各國元首,各界領袖菁英以及許多對世界有重大貢獻的人都深受感動,並且一致讚揚的名門正派. Under the leadership of Zhang-men-ren Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, Tai Ji Men has for decades vigorously promoted love and peace through cultural exchanges in Taiwan, at the United Nations and throughout the world. It is extremely rare to be able to touch so deeply the heads of state of various countries, elite figures from all walks of life and many others who have contributed greatly to the world. This is distinguished ethical conduct which is universally praised. 其中許多人更是因為受到了太極門的鼓舞和啟發,而願意為世界貢獻更多,本著這樣無私無我的俠義精神,太極門師徒將繼續的啟動世人的良善之心,串聯起全世界的正向能量,共創愛與和平心時代,並且將古老門派的文化精髓代代傳承下去. Many people, moreover, have become willing to contribute even more to the world after being encouraged or inspired by Tai Ji Men. On the basis of this kind of selfless, chivalrous spirit, Tai Ji Men masters and disciples will continue to activate the good hearts of men, to connect the positive energy of the world, together to forge an era of love and peaceful hearts and to enable the cultural essence of an ancient sect to be transmitted from generation to generation.
神氣家族感謝您一路支持.我們再會.The mighty clan thanks you for your constant support. Goodbye.
Chinese to English: National Center for the Traditional Arts General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - Chinese 國立傳統藝術中心簡介
Translation - English National Center for the Traditional Arts
Setting out from the land,
Proceeding upwards from sprout tips,
Towards the study of life,
Forging ahead towards art,
In hand with the world
In sync with the age.
We study the masters’ best
Caress recounted tales,
Record music from far and near,
Sing the soil’s infinite fragrance.
For we cherish too much the plumpness carved by time,
Understand the thriving existence of now,
Are grateful for the soft, touching journey between heaven and earth.
Sincerely, with reverential, joyful heart,
We invite you to turn this page with us,
Starting with this page,
There is only faith in what unfolds endlessly.
◆A Tetralogy
Preparations to found the National Center for the Traditional Arts began in 1995. Software and hardware were developed concurrently and, in January 2002, the center was formally established as a subsidiary organization of the Council for Cultural Affairs (forerunner of the Ministry of Culture) and Taiwan’s first folk art site to be planned under government leadership. It is charged, among other things, with cultivating talent in the traditional arts, researching, conserving and developing these arts, bequeathing them to posterity, and innovating within the field.
In 2007, in line with a revision of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act, the center reassigned some of its statutory professionals to the Preparatory Office, Headquarters Administration of Cultural Heritage.
In order to integrate traditional art resources and folk music research institutes, as well as three national level Chinese opera and music troupes (the Ministry of Education’s Guo Guang Opera Company and Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company, and the Experimental Chinese Orchestra) in March 2008 the Preparatory Office of the National Headquarters of Taiwan Traditional Arts was established .
On 20th May 2012, with the founding of the Ministry of Culture and additional reorganization, the office was renamed The National Center for the Traditional Arts, a Ministry of Culture grade three organization.
◆Five Poems
I. Constructing venues in which to experience the traditional arts, realizing the aesthetic taste of contemporary life
The center’s Yilan site combines traditional architecture, natural ecology, art and craft aesthetics, performance elegance and humanistic feeling. Through its artistic collections, exhibitions of artifacts, interpretation and authorization mechanisms and such practices as artist secondments, forges an organically developing cultural venue.
At the site, all kinds of activities interact with and intersect one another, from themed exhibitions to performances and guided tours, providing a comprehensive experience of the traditional arts. Also, the center combines the creative skills of private sector executives to bring into effect the aesthetic tastes of modern life.
II. Practicing the Taiwanese values of onward transmission and promotion of the traditional arts and combining culture and scenery
The center has organized an extensive array of diverse and rich exhibitions and performances over the years, such as Taiwanese Opera, Performances of Hand Puppet Theater, Nanguan Zhengxian and Beiguan Paitiun,Taiwan Traditional Performing Arts Festival, and Asia-pacific Traditional Arts Festival etc. It has also deeply integrated its national-level performance troupes in remote country areas on whose stages it has ensured they perform, taken Taiwan to the Asia-Pacific region and comprehensively exploited the beauty of traditional performance art. Within the field of the traditional arts and crafts, it strives to penetrate society, to cherish the craftsmanship of the masters and collect precious works, and, through collections and exhibits, to record the moving stories of how, in the traditional arts, hand and heart unite.
III. Forging international brands for its three large troupes, promoting Taiwan’s industrial strength through the power of the arts
The center’s GuoGuang Opera Company, Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company and National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan all possess potent performance power, creative vitality and artistic charm, having accumulated decades of rich experience and development and forged a unique brand, deservingly seen as typical of Taiwan’s exquisite contemporary art. In the future the three national level troupes will, on the basis of their experience, and, fully integrating national resources, pursue traditional arts steeped in contemporary values, and launch excellent products typical of Taiwan tastes. The center hopes, through international exchanges and contests, the plowing of ever deeper furrows of artistic endeavor, and the interdisciplinary, omni-faceted matching of artistic elements, to enhance the competitiveness of Chinese opera and traditional music in Taiwan, and forge a new international image for the nation through cultural diplomacy.
IV. Promoting digital collections of the traditional arts and the utilization of value-adding cloud-technology resources
Amid the many threats and challenges presented by the current digital era, the center is working vigorously to integrate the abundant traditional arts resources and the diverse contemporary cultural elements under its stewardship in order to construct a management platform for the integration of each area of traditional arts knowledge, aiming to give optimal rein to cloud technology and output value. Also, through contextualized, narrative, engaging and systematic focuses, the center remains immediately up to date with the spirit of the times and draws additionally on cultural, scientific and technological and commercial values to present as effectively as possible each single-disciplinary or inter-disciplinary cultural and creative development, to upgrade the development of cloud technology in the traditional arts, and to add infinite value to the commercial capacity of folk culture.
V. Integrating national performance art resources, planning the construction of the National Taiwan Dramatic Arts Center
National Taiwan Dramatic Arts Center is expected to be completed and become operational in July 2015, when the Guo Guang Opera Company, National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan and Taiwan Music Institute will establish their presence there. It will not only be the first specialized theater with resident troupes, but will also share resources with artistic groups, making it a multi-purpose venue for arts exhibitions and performances, art education and tourism and leisure, as well as a platform for exchanges and talent cultivation.
◆Six fields
Ⅰ.Embodying the aesthetics of Taiwan folk culture: The National Center for the Traditional Arts’ Yilan site
The center is located in Wujie Township, Yilan County, on the shore of Dongshan River, surrounded by mountains and the ocean. Occupying 24 hectares, it was completed in 2003 and began public operations in 2004. Its core business is carried out by the government, but its facilities are partly entrusted to private operators.
The facilities were built in the style of the town. From the faith center to the neighborhood, from preserving teaching and learning to promoting exhibitions and performances, this complex has reproduced a Taiwan folk community of the 1930s or 1940s. Everywhere one sees the life of that period in microcosm. It is rich in cultural significance.
We use such software as is available to plan exhibitions and performances in line with festivals as they occur during the year. Every year we present arts and crafts exhibitions of Taiwanese folk culture and combine the sequence of the four seasons with cultural tourism strategy, enabling visitors to experience Taiwan’s folk cultural aesthetic and refresh their historical memories through lively forms of expression and abundant creative vitality.
Ⅱ.Focusing on exquisite contemporary traditional art: National Taiwan Dramatic Arts Center
The National Taiwan Dramatic Arts Center will be located in the Lanya area of Shilin District, Taipei City. Its total area will be 1.76 hectares and the concept behind its design comes from the concept of “one table and two chairs” of Beijing opera. It has 1,055 individual medium-sized performance rooms and 300 integrated rehearsal stages (experimental theater). Upon its commencement of operations in 2015, it will, primarily, become the specialized administrative, performance, training and promotional venue for the GuoGuang Opera Company, National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan, and Taiwan Music Institute.
Transportation in the vicinity of the National Taiwan Dramatic Arts Center is fast and convenient and the surrounding environment is pleasant. It’s an important place that will integrate the traditional classics of Taiwan’s past with future development. As well as creating a performing theater space in which audiences, performers and musicians can interact, it will house an outdoor theater and Chinese opera platform.
Ⅲ.Global integration with music from the soil: Taiwan Music Institute
The current site of Taiwan Music Institute is hidden in a small alley on Taipei City’s Hangzhou North Road. In 2002, the Center of Center of Musical Heritage Preparatory Office was set up, but later became the Research Institute of Musical Heritage, and, in 2008, Taiwan Music Center. In 2012, when the Ministry of Culture was established, its name changed again, to Taiwan Music Institute.
Taiwan Music Institute has succeeded in forging for itself a specialist archive. Its content is mainly music from Taiwan’s ethnic groups, as well as Asia-Pacific and world ethnic music, including folk songs, music from Chinese opera, traditional instrumental music, dance music, religious ritual music and Taiwan contemporary music. It undertakes comprehensive preservation, onward transmission, promotion and circulation.
Ⅳ.Fashionable inferences from traditional Beijing opera: The GuoGuang Opera Company
The GuoGuang Opera Company in the Wenshan District of Taipei City, was formed in 1995 by the original élite members of three army opera troupes and was affiliated to the Ministry of Education. In 2008 it came under the authority of the Preparatory Office of the National Headquarters of Taiwan Traditional Arts under the Council for Cultural Affairs. Since 2012 it has been a performance troupe under the National Center for the Traditional Arts.
GuoGuang Opera Company, apart from holding fast to the classic reproductions of traditional Chinese opera repertoires, has endeavored constantly to infuse contemporary consciousness into elegant ancient traditions. It has succeeded in establishing the reputation of contemporary Beijing opera, becoming a fashionable brand of Taiwan Beijing opera. It has also actively expanded its exhibition and performance arena, promoting traditional Chinese opera from all directions to all corners of Taiwan and the world, through large-scale public performances, wandering campus and community performances, research and study activities, demonstrations and lectures, etc..
Ⅴ.The story of the bejeweled island of Henan Bangzi: Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company
Located in the Zuoying District of Kaohsiung, the Taiwan Bangzi Opera Troupe is the former Marine Corp’s Flying Horse Henan Opera Company, founded in 1953. In 1996 it was incorporated into the Ministry of Education’s GuoGuang Opera Company and renamed The Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company of the National Guoguang Opera Company. In 2008 it came under the authority of the Preparatory Office of the National Headquarters of Taiwan Traditional Arts under the Council for Cultural Affairs, when its name was changed to Taiwan Bangzi Opera Troupe.
Henan opera’s sojourn in Taiwan is a wonderful mark of vitality left by opera from China. Taiwan Bangzi sets out from the traditional classics, striving to pass on a new voice for Henan opera, not conforming with convention, taking the depiction of “characters” and the forging of “roles” as its basic premise, pursuing ideal parameters for “exploration of human nature and interpretation of human life” and insisting on telling its own story of a bejeweled island. As well as being southern Taiwan’s only publicly owned opera company, the company has important significance as an indicator of the development of traditional theater in southern Taiwan. In recent years, through the creation of the traditional theater education resource network Nan Xi Xiao Zhen, it has conducted long-term exchange and observation with 14 performing arts troupes in the south, which have been very fruitful.
Ⅵ.The contemporary sound of Taiwan woodwind and strings: The National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan (NCO)
Currently located within the National Concert Hall, the NCO is an orchestra formed by élite members of the traditional Chinese music community. Its precursor, the National Art Academy Experimental Chinese Orchestra underwent many changes, including name changes. In March, 2009, it came under the authority of the Council for Cultural Affairs’ Preparatory Office of the National Headquarters of Taiwan Traditional Arts and was renamed National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan (NCO). In May, 2012, it was formerly named National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan.
The NCO is dedicated to promoting traditional music. Every year it tours communities and campuses. All year round it serves as a cultural ambassador for Taiwan, its performance footprint extending as far as all the major cities of Europe and the US. With its foundations in string and woodwind music, the NCO strives to “explore tradition while rooted in Taiwan and embracing the present.” In its musical works it tends towards studies in all musical forms. They are exciting in mood and successfully combine elements of dance, fine art, poetry and literature, etc.
A Page for an Unfinished Islet
This is a ballad of the peninsula, sung by the aborigines,
That passage is the sound of Bangzi Henan Opera floating across the sea,
Another round is the centuries-old stage on which men play women and women play men,
Yet another turn refers to the mastery of puppet-hero legends,
The final cut is the passing to later generations of the craft of the renowned master’s best work.
Darning clothes delicately over the passing years and months,
Youthfulness sings lightly
The spring wind blows over,
Spreading open an exquisite map of Taiwan,
And the gentleness of the time, the fragrance and beauty of the earth, the richness of humanity, spring forth….
To share with you -
A page of this islet that has never been closed,
Solemnly dedicated to this world and its people.
Chinese to English: Introduction to Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Music
Translation - English Introduction to Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company
Bangzi Sends Flowers to Blossom in Taiwan
Bangzi spreads emotion thousands of miles
Performances connect Taiwan hearts
Originally from the north of China, Bangzi―Henan Opera―has developed in the face of war and chaos, repeatedly gravitated southwards and ultimately put down roots in Kaoshiung, southern Taiwan. Nowadays, it seems, apart from the resolve and self-belief it has accumulated with the refinements of time, it has also acquired the maturity and charm brought by artistic cultivation.
Enriching Phu Qouc, Vietnam
Settlement in Taiwan
Adding a new social and educational interest
A traditional artistic and cultural profession
The Zhongzhou Henan Opera Troupe was born, during the Second World War, on the Vietnamese island of Phu Quoc. In 1953, with the support of the Ministry of National Defense, it spent some time in Zuoying, Kaohsiung, and its name was changed to the Marine Corp’s Flying Horse Henan Opera Company. In 1996, it merged with the Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company of the National GuoGuang Opera Company. In 2008, in line with the switching of authority for all cultural affairs to the Preparatory Office of the National Headquarters of Taiwan Traditional Arts under the Council for Cultural Affairs, its name was changed again to Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company. Since the establishment of the Ministry of Culture in May 2012, it has served formally as a national traditional performing arts troupe under the authority of the National Center for the Traditional Arts
The Operatic Arts
Tradition and Innovation
China and the West Combine Ancient and Modern
Experimental Partners Stand Astride the World
The Young and the Old Share a Craving for Opera
In the last few decades, Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company has accumulated creative ability in abundance. Apart from traditional opera, each year it creates major brand new productions, attempting international collaboration, blending the traditional and the modern, selecting the best of Chinese and Western culture. Its new productions have borne rich fruit. To date, it has released countless works of universal appeal, including: 《包公誤》、《白蓮花》、《三打陶三春》、《西出陽關》、《貍貓換太子》、《巧縣官》、《貍貓換太子續集》、《七品芝麻官》、《孟麗君》、《大腳皇后》、《中國公主杜蘭朵》、《秦少游與蘇小妹》、《武后與婉兒》、《豫韻-台灣情》、《曹公外傳》、《田姐與莊周》、《少年齊桓公傳奇》、《劉姥姥》、《慈禧與珍妃》、《拜月亭》、《約/束》、《花嫁巫娘》、《美人尖》、《量‧度》、《巾幗‧華麗緣》等;In addition, as far as children’s opera is concerned, there is: 《豬八戒大鬧盤絲洞》、《龍宮奇緣》、《錢要搬家啦?!》、《快打三國》as well as the hip hop operas 《阿彌陀埤》、實驗劇《試妻!弒妻!》、《劉青提的地獄》, and so on.
In the year 2000, principal performer Wang Hai Lin won the National Culture and Arts Award and, in 2008, The Empress Dowager Ci Xi and Imperial Consort Zhen won television’s Golden Bell Award for best traditional opera program.
Forming Partnerships
Walking the road of the traditional arts, one is not alone,
Walking southern Taiwan together, in partnership,
Small Henan Puppet Opera
Singing the sweet sounds of opera wherever we go.
Since 2005, we have brought together by invitation opera troupes from southern Taiwan to collaborate as troupes to run Nan Xi Xiao Zhen 。 The first session includes different types of traditional opera. Three Taiwan opera troupes (Chun-Mei Taiwanese Opera Troupe,Southern Heritage Traditional Taiwanese Singing Drama Troupe, Shiu-Kim Taiwanese Opera Troupe) and three puppet troupes (Chin-Wu-Chou Puppet Troupe, Chin Fei Feng Marionette Theatre Troupe and Kaohsiung Shadow Play Troupe . In the second session, we bring traditional opera troupes from Kaohsiung together one by one by invitation,including: Luan Guang Lion Dance Troupe, Kaohsiung Taiwanese Opera Troupe, Hsien-Nu-Pan Taiwanese Opera Troupe, SanChiu Taiwanese Opera Troupe、復興閣及永興樂皮影戲劇團 , Hakka Blue Shirt Song and Dance Troupe and Jin Ing Ger Puppet Troupe, whose feature is that they focus mainly on Hakka culture. There are 15 troupes in total.
For many years, these troupes have all been determined to build platforms for the exchange of information on traditional opera in southern Taiwan, to present the vibrant concepts and practices of traditional opera in the south, and, through the force of the “small town” troupe, help all opera troupes to overcome difficulties, in the hope of fighting together for broader developmental space for traditional opera.
Nan Xi Xiao Zhen has already established a website, and, through such content as illustrations and text, video and audio, lesson plans, virtual reality, data retrieval, interactive games…etc., as well as lively and open discussion, enables performance artists and audiences to build dreams and realize dreams together.
Putting Down Footprints
The wandering art of Chinese opera spreads across the four seas yet has but one home,
Villages and communities blossom everywhere,
Liyuan Theaters spring up everywhere,
The star of Taiwan Bangzi rises in glory around the world.
Under the planned promotions of opera troupes, Taiwan Bangzi travels to campuses, communities and townships all over Taiwan, universally winning immense praise and acclaim. As far as international exhibitions and performances are concerned, it has undertaken tours overseas, leaving footprints in such places as the US, Canada, the UK, Germany, Italy, France, Singapore and Hong Kong. As to cross-strait exchanges, Taiwan Bangzi has traveled all over China, to such places as Beijing, Shanghai, Henan, Hebei, Shanxi, Xinjiang, Yunnan, etc. Since 2002, it has on five occasions been awarded the prize for Outstanding Contributions to Cross-Strait Cultural Exchanges by the Mainland Affairs Council under the Executive Yuan. In recent years, the foundations of Taiwan Bangzi culture have been established, and, through its output, it has expanded its cultural influence and, apart from participating in international art festivals and activities, also attached importance to exchanges spanning different types of opera and different regions, as well as discussion, observation and performance, especially in theaters in the major cities of China.
Taiwan Bangzi contains nutrients of Taiwan culture. It does not hold fast to convention. It interprets characters and creates roles, in the hope that the viewer or listener, while watching the performance, will experience human nature and enjoy the pleasure of living one’s life.
Chinese to English: Introduction to the National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Music
Source text - Chinese 臺灣國樂團簡介
序曲 —細數NCO
第二樂章:We Are Family
Translation - English Introduction to the National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan
Overture: A Run-Through
Playing the Taiwan sounds of memory
Sensing the warmth of the soil between notes.
Opening up the prologue on Taiwan’s traditional arts stage,
Conveying the magnificence of centuries with original sounds
Plucking Taiwan stories on the heartstrings,
Telling your and my spiritual symphonic poetry.
Forging a national orchestra for Taiwan,
To work this cultural garden deeply through music.
The National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan (NCO) is a national level orchestra formed by élite figures from the world of traditional Chinese music who have pledged to explore tradition, remain rooted in localism and embrace the present. Enabling Taiwan music to take root through its creations, conveying Taiwan’s aesthetic taste through performance, with the international arena as its stage, enhancing Taiwanese traditional and contemporary music, enabling mellow and rich music to deepen Taiwan culture.
This orchestra is the former National Art Academy Experimental Chinese Orchestra, established in 1984 by the Ministry of Education. In 1990 its name was changed to National Experimental Chinese Orchestra and, in 2006, to National Chinese Orchestra. In March 2008, it came under the authority of the Council for Cultural Affairs and its name was changed to National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan (NCO). After the Ministry of Culture was established in May 2012, and it was formerly named National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan, it became a performance troupe under the authority of the National Center for the Traditional Arts.
The NCO has made it to the finals of competition for the top ten annual programs named by the Taishin Arts Award Committee on four successive occasions: in 2007 for The Feast of Pluck Music, 2008 for The Butterfly Lover―Lu Siqing and NCO,and Farewell My Concubine, 2009 for Chiung-Chin Liao, the Exceptional and NCO, and in 2010, for Blending Music and Poetry. In 2011, the album The Beautiful Taiwan was awarded the Best Folk Music Album Award in the traditional music category of the 22nd Golden Melody Awards, and the album The Joyful Taiwan won the award for best album package. In 2012, My Heart Leaps Up made it to the final of the 23rd Golden Melody Awards Best Folk Music Album Award and Best Album Package Award; impressive achievements.
Six Movements: Imprints of the NCO’s Performances
First movement:Taiwan is Truly Beautiful
From the notes unfold the Taiwan landscapes permanently engraved on the pits of the musicians' hearts.
With a background of Taiwan’s rich culture, woven from native sentiment and national musical classics, striving to present the beauty of the innate flavor of the culture of a bejeweled isle. The orchestra has collaborated with The Taiwan Aboriginal Children's Chorus on Sing As You Wish, My Children, with the AmisKakeng Musical Group on AMIS Wild Amis, using Taiwan’s purest singing voice to stir people’s esteem and emotion for ethnic culture.
Second movement:We Are Family
Using nutrients from the same soil to open branches and scatter leaves, as poetry, as songs and as music.
We call upon traditional arts clans, with Chinese music as our warp, traditional opera as our woof, to open up a global and multi-faceted conversation. We have set to music Blending Music With Poetry with the National GuoGuang Opera Company,and A Crossover Performance of NCO and Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company hand in hand with Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company. With the first legend of Taiwan opera, Bitter Dawn, we have collaborated with Master Liao Chiung-Chi on Chiung-Chin Liao, the Exceptional , so that, in and out of the show, on or off the stage, everything is miraculous, and that, effortlessly, we can lend everything the flavor of opera.
Third movement:Grand master of style
Those who feel, the gleam of the music, the annotations of the grand masters, the pulse of life.
Tang Mu Hai, Yan Hui Chang, Chen Tscheng-hsiung, Guan Naizhong, Yeh Tsung, Zhao Jiping, Su Wen-ching…. One universally known name after another, spanning the three territories constituting the Chinese music world on either side of the Taiwan Strait, noted one by one in the NCO’s musical evolution. Bringing together top, world-class, master conductors, meticulously forging a journey on which music fans will rush like ducks to make a pilgrimage during the NCO’s music season.
Fourth movement:Transcendent music
East and West may cross swords, but at home and abroad there are experts, transcending space time, transcending the extreme boundaries of music.
Transcending the space-time boundaries of Chinese and Western music, bringing together renowned Chinese and Western musicians to compete and perform one after another. The borderless music of the astonishing Americans Glen Velez, master hand drummer, and Lori Cotler, the ultimate human voice. See how the zither of the great East Asian cultural sphere 箏符琴海. Explore how The Music Map in the Huqin World used bowstrings on our beautiful earth to open up gorgeous variations, and, together with the NCO transcend the extreme boundaries of music.
Fifth movement:Childish heart
Every story, every note will bring great imagination to every childish heart.
The blowing, bowing, plucking and striking of traditional Chinese music. The martial arts and physiques of Chinese opera. Hot take-away children’s ballads…. Be it Bear’s Adventure Story, or “WHO” is Wu-Song Fighting, in collaboration with Paperwindmill Arts Foundation, the NCO meticulously prepares concerts for parent and child, enabling them to open up their childish hearts, to open new doors in musical education.
Sixth movement:Echoes
From the tribe to the community, the NCO, like the blooming flowers it releases, blossoms with the smile of music.
We believe deeply that music makes people blossom with smiles. Each child’s smiling face, each adult’s emotions, make us go to great lengths to tread “7835 village culture root-tying”steps, to enter campuses, communities, the most remote corners, to herald a beautiful era embracing music for adults and children alike.
Presto! The NCO cultivates talent
The NCO’s Master Class in Conduction goes to great lengths to invite such conductors as Yan Huichang and Yeh Tsung to deliver complete instruction and guidance, to unearth and cultivate young conductors on traditional music. The NCO Chinese Music Summer Camp is both knowledge-based and art-based, causing numerous students of traditional Chinese music to yearn to participate in it. The NCO’s Commissioned Composition is the best platform from which young composers can publish their works, and highlights Taiwan’s gentle beauty.
Larghetto! The World, Footprints
The NCO serves all year round as a diplomatic ambassador for the nation. It performs as far and wide as all the major cities of Europe, the US and Asia and has graced Singapore International Arts Festival, Hungary’s Zemplén Arts Festival, the Republic of Buryatia’s International Festival of Traditional Music, as well as at such places as the Taiwan Pavilion at Expo 2010 in Shanghai, the National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing…. interpreting the classical music of Taiwan.
Splendor: Vision‧Outlook
As it enters its thirties, the NCO has a clear vision and firm steps. For thirty years we have followed Taiwan’s growth all the way, upholding the exploration of tradition, with a footing in our homeland and embracing concepts of modernity. At the same time, we have taken in talent from the three places on either side of the Taiwan Strait and from overseas, and integrated the resources of the GuoGuang Opera Company, Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company, and Taiwan Music Institute, all of which fall under the authority of the National Center for the Traditional Arts. With richly Taiwanese cultural feeling, we deliver reciprocity to this piece of earth with the most sincere music, and will in future convey to the international arena beautiful sounds from the same soil, to let the world hear Taiwan.
Chinese to English: Preface to Swim to Your Dreams General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
因為反對在倫敦認識的男友,為我放棄他在英國 Sky TV 的高薪工作搬來台灣,他覺得我不在乎他,而跟我分手了。這大概是我這一生最大的打擊,因為在我們交往的六個月當中,他把我當公主一樣對待,比我的前夫對我好幾萬倍。這個分手,讓我第一次明白到我是個超霸道、傲慢、自以為是、超級難搞的控制狂。失戀的痛苦,讓我在那一年換了三個工作,最後決定跑去流浪天涯,用菸酒來逃避現實。
在五年內住了五個國家。我的紐西蘭寄宿媽媽Julie,有一天教我跳舞,跳完後,她抱著我痛哭地告訴我,後悔沒聽她父母的勸告,嫁給一個花心丈夫而放棄了成為舞蹈家的夢想。然後她問我:「Lana ,你的夢是什麼?」我想都不想就回答說:「我要寫書幫助來自弱勢家庭的青少年,讓他們不要犯我犯過的錯,浪費了那麼多時間,錯過了人生那麼多美麗的風景。」
在此,特別要再次感謝在高雄佛光山一次購買了30本英文版《台灣讚!》的那位美國觀光客、替我免費架設網站的安石國際商務顧問公司的瑞典總裁 Elias Ek 與所有協助、支持或贊助我的人,他們的慷慨與支持讓我完成了父親去世前的夢想(他生前告訴我有一天要寫一本自傳,可是晚年因為要照顧我患有躁鬱症的小弟而無法圓夢)。能用父親的名字寫書在國際間宣傳台灣的美好,我想他在天國一定非常開心。
My father, Wu Jie, was born in 1921. He came from a remote, destitute farming village in north-eastern China. My grandparents worked the land for a living. They had 12 children, of whom he was the third, but he was the only one who received any education.
In the war-ravaged era in which he grew up, dreams were a luxury, and, for someone like him, who didn’t wish to become a farmer, the only way out was to leave home, become a soldier and go to war.
I still remember him telling me, when I was little, that he had been the swimming chapmion of Benxi County, Liaoning Province. During the Chinese Civil War, he fled to Guangdong Province and was arrested and imprisoned by the communists. Fortunately, the prison warden hailed from his home town and released him secretly. In the end, when my dad jumped into the sea to swim to Hong Kong, he was picked up by an American missionary vessel and sent to a Hong Kong refugee camp.
I imagine that before my dad jumped into the water, the goal that presented itself before his eyes was one of priceless freedom.
When I was in junior high, I was as fat as a litle hippopotamus, and extremely lazy. Sometimes I went to school with my lunchbox but forgot my schoolbag. During swimming classes, I would always hide as far as possible from the P.E. teacher. Whenever we had a swimming test I would bribe, with a bowl of beef noodles, a classmate who looked like me (everyone looked very similar wearing goggles) and was nicknamed Bao Bao, to jump into the water and swim to the other end for me, so I never got fail grades in P.E.
I imagine that before Bao Bao jumped into the water, the goal that presented itself before her eyes was that bowl of beef noodles!
Although I didn’t swim very well, I loved splashing around in the water. This may have been because the roof of the first house I lived in when I was little leaked. So, every time it rained heavily, I would hear the sound of rainwater dropping into an iron basin. I heard that sound of water dropping for many years and it became part of my childhood. Every time I heard the sound, I started day-dreaming. As a result, every time I went swimming, new dreams would appear in my mind.
I always wanted to be a teacher. A month after graduating from Taibei High School, I applied for a job as front-office secretary at what at the time was Taipei’s largest cram school. After I had worked there for three months, the wife of my boss, Dr. Hu, kicked me out, saying she didn’t like me because I was too popular. Because of this, the three Western directors, Lisa Johnson, Matt and Ben (I’ve forgotten the surnames of the two male directors) told the boss, “If you sack Lana, all three of us will leave.” In the end, so that Mrs. Hu would not lose face, Dr. Hu decided to keep me on as an English teacher, and my monthly salary rose three-fold.
As soon as I started teaching English, I got to know a lot of American colleagues and resolved to save money to study in the US. My dad told me that, since he had five children, he could pay only my first year’s tuition; I would have to find a way to cover the other three years myself. I therefore started to teach English extremely busily, teaching 40 hours a week for a whole three years. On working days I started teaching at 7.30 in the morning and finished at 10.30 in the evening. I didn’t even take the weekends off.
After teaching English for a year, I got to know a male colleague from New Zealand who was nine years older than me. We started dating, but I didn’t abandon my dream of studying in the US and even made time to do translation work in order to scrape my tutition fees together.
After gaining notice of admission to a university, I told my boyfriend that I would be going to the US in three months’ time. To my surprise, because he didn’t want to split up, he proposed to me.
I went home and told my dad and he asked what my boyfriend’s family background was like. I replied, “I understand his father worked as an accountant but stopped work after a major car accident and later committed suicide. His mother seems to have been married four times and is now a lady of leisure.”
My dad seemed a little taken aback. Then he asked, “What did he study? Which university did he graduate from? Where does he currently work?”
I said, “He apparently didn’t graduate from high school. He used to drive a bus in his home city, Wellington. He worked as a taxi driver in Sydney, Australia, and as an entertainer in Hong Kong. Currently he works for a law firm, editing during the day and teaching English in the evening.”
I guess my dad, who had just retired from a civil service job, didn’t block my marriage to a foreigner from such a complex family because, on the one hand, he would not have to defray any of my tutition costs (tuition at New Zealand universities was free at the time) and, on the other hand, I would have someone to look after me, and would not need to run off alone. The main reason I married a New Zealander was that I would always be able to keep a great distance between myself and that family which always caused me nothing but pain.
Since I had been in kindergarten, my mother would frequently wake me in the middle of the night by crying loudly. Each time she would tell me that men were bad, and was given to saying that she wanted to commit suicide but didn’t have the courage. Often, out of fear that she would kill herself in the middle of the night, I had to sleep beside her to comfort her and listen to her repeatedly saying the same things. When I went to class the following day I had never had enough sleep. So I cultivated the habit of sleeping until noon at the weekends. Not having enough sleep often made me angry and unable to think.
I had thought that, after marrying a foreigner, I would be a world away and could henceforth live a blissful life with my prince. I didn’t realise that I had married a tyrant with a very high IQ but an EQ lower than a mosquito’s. He took my textbooks away before my final exams and forced me to cook dinner and to study only after having done so. On a freezing weekend winter morning when I wanted to make up for lost sleep by sleeping until noon, he surprised me by removing the quilt from my bed and hiding it, causing me to wake up, freezing. Most intolerably, whenever I disobeyed him, he either shouted loudly or swore at me and called me a stupid Chinese person. This often mde me so angry that I was speechless. The next-door neighbors thought I was mute.
At the time, I thought that my marriage was worse than a nightmare because nightmares end when you wake up, but when I woke up every day my insufferably painful marriage continued. So divorce became my new dream.
In the twenty-second month of our marriage, I already felt familiar with all around me and that I could become independent. I told my husband, “I want a divorce.” As soon as he heard this, he cried hysterically, just like my mother. But as soon as I told him I would leave him our secondhand Ford SUV—our most valuable item—and all of our furniture, and that all I wanted was our secondhand TV, a mug, a bowl, a plate and a pair of chopsticks, he agreed to give me my freedom. (Thirteen years after our divorce, he apolgized to me and asked for my forgiveness.)
As soon as I graduated from university and returned to Taiwan, I found work as a business reporter for a newpaper. After working for seven years and reaching a point at which I felt there was no further opportunity for advancement, I thought about things for a few months and found a new dream: to apply for a scholarship to study in the UK. After six months of preparation, in the year 2000, I suceeded in gaining a British Trade and Cultural Office scholarship and went to the University of Westminster, in London, to study marketing communications. On the plane back to Taiwan, having obtained my master’s degree, I noticed an American company advertising in a newspaper for a marketing manager. As soon as I got home, I sent off my resume. Two weeks later I started work.
The boyfriend I had met in London wanted to give up his high-paying job with Sky TV and move to Taiwan for me but, because I didn’t want him to, he thought I didn’t care about him and he finished with me. This was probably the greatest setback of my life, because, during the six months we had been together, he treated me like a princess; tens of thousands of times better than my former husband. This separation made me realise for the first time that I was a domineering, arrogant, opinionated, overbearing control freak. The pain of love lost caused me to change jobs three times that year and ultimately decide to roam far and wide and drink and smoke to escape reality.
In five years, I had lived in five countries. My New Zealand landlady, Julie, had taught me to dance one day and then hugged me as she told me bitterly of her regret that she hadn’t heeded her parents’ warnings and married an unfaithful husband and abandoned her dream of becoming a dancer. Then she had asked me, “Lana, what is your dream?” Without having to think, I had replied, “ I want to write a book for young people from disadvantaged families, so that they don’t make the mistakes that I made, wasting so much time living in the past and missing out on so much of the world’s beautiful scenery.”
Four years ago, after interviewing Master Hsing Yun, the religious leader famed in Taiwan and China, I experienced an indescribable sense of emotion and tears streamed down my face (I hold no religious beliefs). I vowed that I would write a book about the beauty of Taiwan and that I would donate all the profits from the book to the Childhood Cancer Foundation . I found over 100 volunteers from more than 20 countries and spent two years compiling and publishing books in Chinese and English, called Taiwan Zan! A year and a half after these two books were first published, the Chinese edition is already out of print. The English version is already in its third edition and is, to date, continuing to sell on the US website of
I would like to offer special thanks to: the American tourist at Foguangshan, Kaohsiung, who bought 30 copies of the English edition of Taiwan Zan! in a single purchase. Elias Ek, the Swedish chairman of Enspyre, who constructed my website free of charge. Everyone else who assisted and supported me. Their generosity and support enabled me to fulfil my father dream (before he died, he told me that he wished one day write an autobiography, but he was unable to achieve this because, in his old age, he had to look after my younger brother, who suffered from bipolar disorder). I believe my father must be smiling, as he looks down from heaven, at the fact that I have succeeded in writing a book in his name to publicize the beauty of Taiwan in the international arena.
Ever since I donated that money to the Childhood Cancer Foundation, it seems that only good people have appeared around me. These kind, good people have helped me to complete the book, Swim to Your Dreams!, to realize that dream that I mentioned to Julie, in New Zealand, eight years ago. I sincerely hope that this book will be of some assistance to all parents and young people.
I wish to thank my Chinese and English editors (Zhou Jing-zhi and Mark Rawson, respectively), each interviewee, and all friends who have contributed to this book and whose name is listed on the copyright page. This dream could not have been realized without your support and assistance.
If I can swim to my dream, you can certainly swim to yours!
Chinese to English: Website Introduction to Children's Picture Book Area General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Translation - English Children’s Picture Book Area: Introduction
“Bzzzzz, bzzzz. Art, the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts’ spaceship is about to take off.
“If you haven’t boarded yet, hurry up! All aboard!”
Dear children, dear grown-up children! Welcome aboard Art, the fantasy spaceship of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts’ Children’s Picture Book Area. Aren’t you just chomping at the bit to go explore? Are you ready? Look at the fantastic spaces in the space-ship’s hold: the picture book radar station, the book cabin, the story room, the art corner, and so on, enabling us to use our imaginations as wings, and our ideals, dreams and fantasies as machines to propel us forward, and charge bravely into the world of art.
Spatial Configuration.
◆The Whirling Staircase Dock: We Want to Fly… We can…
In step with the whirling staircase, enjoying a high-altitude bird’s eye view from different perspectives over picture book country and the extraordinary city at which we’re about to land, we activate children’s unbridled imaginations and their purity, their innate innocence. Here, everyone is a space-ship captain at the controls of their own Art.
◆The Dock of Happy Greetings: Art’s Check-IN
Please present your boarding pass in readiness to enter Happiness Dock (the service counter)!
The residents of Picture Book Kingdom greet everybody at this dock. You need only extend a friendly hand and say “Hello” to them and they will joyfully respond in the same way! Everyone is inside awaiting your arrival.
◆ Fantasy Spaceship Staircase: Picture Book Kingdom
Tread lightly on the shoreline spindrift. Kindly remove your fetters (shoes) and your burden (baggage), and exchange them for courage and dreams. The access passwords for an extraordinary, giant, three-dimensional picture book door (a three-dimensional picture book) are the yearning minds of children.
◆Fantastically Lush Plains, Towns and Cities: Seeking Green Meadows
In the lush, multi-colored plains grow all kinds of flowers, plants and mushrooms. The dreams awaiting in the fields of dreams are as beautiful as flowers and plants and grow with the lightning speed of mushrooms! The clouds are blown over by the wind. It blows awake the sleepy spirit. The sun hides amid the clouds, quickly taking the spirit’s hand, and together they enable the garden of fine art to be filled with the beginning of spring. Spirit, oh spirit! Where is the most beautiful place in the world? It’s here! It’s here! It’s the green meadow right here.
◆A Magical Flying Book: Art Takes Off
Enter the picture book area, which is full of flying picture books. Use a dream-catching net. Wave it about and you’ll find some fascinating stories. Oh? What story does this book contain? ---Magical Metamorphosing Potion… Uh oh! A spirit. It’s fallen into the picture book! Somebody’s been turned into a mouse. Somebody’s been turned into a kitten.The kitten carries good fortune on its back. The mouse has seen it and can’t bear it. Go over carefully towards it, a step at a time, whether you’re a mouse or a kitten. Having arrived in the picture book area, everyone can take good fortune home with them.
◆Magical Electricity-Charging Tree: Primed for Action
Sitting under the great picture book tree, you wash the sense of reality away from your body. The giant tree, which penetrates the tips of the clouds, binds the fruits of all the children’s dreams. You cool off under the tree, sitting and lying at ease. Looking back at the whirling staircase for ascending to the port…Isn’t that also the staircase for entering the palace of art? Isn’t it also another magical electricity-charging tree? In a moment I will climb up and get my artistic spirit thoroughly charged.
◆ Picture Book Radar Station: Art’s Cockpit
Captain! Do you want to pilot Art and take everybody traveling to a certain picture book world, but worry that you won’t be able to find access? The operating screen can help you find the picture book about which your memory is vague but for which your heart yearns! Reading a picture book is just like a journey. Master story teller Hans Christian Andersen said, “Reading is a sort of journey, and a journey is a sort of reading!”
◆ The Bookcase at the Shore: Braving the Wind and the Waves
Dashing against the shore is one picture book after another. They are rare treasures from Picture Book Kingdom. To stoop down and pick one up is to select one from ten thousand, great picture book works offered in tribute by all countries. Here, to travel the world is no longer pie in the sky. With passionate curious heart, let’s go brave the wind and the waves!This is the base for the building of dreams―for children only! This is the beautiful world which gives birth to future masters of picture books.
◆ Book Cabin: Cozy Room, Quiet Prattle
Enjoy a cozy room with an ambience of parent and child prattle. Here you can escape all turmoil, and read your child a book that he loves or let him read aloud a small passage. Enjoy the pleasures of parent and child togetherness. Her pleasant surprise, his focused attention, your praise, your sense of being moved, will all be part of the beautiful scenery of life.
◆ Art Corner: Boundless Ocean of Books
In each corner of the Picture Book Area, we can experience different reading pleasures. Literature, life, art, history, humanities, nature, science, fantasy……, there are all kinds of books. Enjoy the leisurely, cheerful, relaxed space!
◆ Story Room: A Gentle Feast for Parent and Child
The Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, The Little Match Girl….…When we’re little, what we love best is to sit on Mommy’s or Daddy’s knee and listen to stories.
The Story Room in the Children’s Picture Book Area at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts provides narrative picture books in all kinds of styles. In this cozy space, the people of different picture book kingdoms narrate all kinds of illustrated stories. Here, you can let your children linger within the confines of their soaring imaginations, stimulate those imaginations, and allow yourself not only to experience anew the wonderful memories of childhood, but shorten the distance between yourself and your child. Come and explore the vibrant picture book world with your children!
◆Picture Book Maze: Seeking the Garden of Art
The artistic world is so vast. Faced with so many works of art, how do we decide what we like and what we don’t like? This maze, for example. Will we get lost? Don’t worry. This maze on the wall, I walked it many times. Everyone follow me!After walking around the maze, I’m going to walk around the palace of art upstairs. Let’s take our chances together! Although this looks like a maze to people coming here for the first time, don’t worry: the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts will take us to enjoy works that will excite us and move us more than these. 」
Chinese to English: Afterword General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
十五年前,在紐約買過一本由美國名作家 Louise L. Hay(露易絲‧賀)所寫的《創造生命的奇蹟》(You can HEAL your Life),當時沒看懂,今年又看了一遍,才了解她為何說「我不會責怪父母,因為他們都是受害者下的受害者,他們只會教我們他們知道的事情。」以前的我,從沒想過老媽也是個戰爭下的受害者,並且長期活在被生母拋棄的痛苦中,再加上嫁給一個大她廿四歲、熱愛自由又愛喝酒的丈夫,她習慣性的負面思考與極度缺乏安全感是可以被理解的。
最近看完由英國男演員Benedict Cumberbatch(班奈狄克·康柏拜區)與Tom Hardy( 湯姆·哈帝)主演的BBC製作的迷你影集“Stuart: A Life Backwards”( 斯獨爾特:倒帶人生)以後,才領悟到自己有多幸運!如果你覺得你的命很不好,我建議你去YouTube上看這部由英國作家Alexander Masters (亞歷山大·馬斯特斯)的暢銷書改編的感人真實故事。
I still remember 30 years ago when my former husband had finished reading a book about star signs and said that he thought I was a typical Libra. At the time, I felt it beneath my dignity to ask him, “How can you be so unscientific? Don’t tell me that everyone around the world who was born in the same month is the same in character. That’s too much.”
Later, I worked on an English-language newspaper for seven years, where I met many people from different countries. Many of them, after knowing me for only a short time, told me that I was a typical Libra. Sometimes, when I’m in an elevator, out and about or at a party, people guess my star sign at first sight. Because of this, when I finished my master’s degree in London, I rushed to an astrology college. I asked a 70 year old teacher, a British lady, why she had studied astrology. She said that, when she was younger, she had workd for over 30 years as a nurse in the pyschiatric department at a certain hopsital, and learnt that the patients’ birthdays were all around the same approximate time. She told me that, after taking classes for several weeks, because she had too weak a foundation in math, she was unable to proceed to the advanced class because it would be impossible for her to learn how to predict the future from scientific perspectives. She said there was nothing that she could teach me, because my brain already had a natal chart. There was no need for a teacher; using psychological concepts, I could help people who needed helping.
As I traveled the world, I met lots of people who talked about their problems, and I truly helped them. What’s funny is that, at that time, surprisingly, I couldn’t see my own problems. I’v even been invited by the head of Taipei’s Rotary Club, the public relations departments of five-star hotels and the sales departments of insurance companies to discuss star signs with the heads of small and medium-sized enterprises, secretaries to the bosses of foreign companies, and insurance company sales staff; I have something of a natural talent for the subject.
In recent years, I’ve come across many parents who have difficulty getting on with their children. They tell me that their children only play computer games and go on Facebook and that they can’t see a future for them. So I hope to be able, through this book, to share with the younger generation my understanding and the revelations I have gained from each interviewee. I hope that everyone can learn something from these people.
I believe that, when you have read this book, you will find that these interviewees are all hard working, love taking risks, can endure hardship, love their work, and all have a life philosophy of their own. One thing I have noticed in particular is that not one of them is over weight! Personally, I was a little, fat adolescent for eight years. Looking back on it now, for most of that eight years, I was asleep. My parents argued for many years and I ate and slept to escape from the reality of the situation. Because I slept too much I couldn’t focus on my studies. Because I was so chubby, it was difficult to buy clothes and my self-esteem was very low. It wasn’t possible for me to move forward optimistically. My parents loved me dearly, didn’t dare to stop me eating and sleeping uncontrollably, and allowed me to become an extremely lazy, overbearing, opinionated young person who simply did as she pleased.
No wonder my former husband used to curse me every day. It must have been extremely tough having to live with a lazy person with a princess complex. I remember when I married him, fearing long holidays, when I would have to visit my extremely wealthy mother-in-law. At the time, it never occurred to me that the stainless steel bathroom on whose design she had spent so much money, had to be kept dry and clean. It was only because she demanded that, after using it, I should take a moment to wipe dry the walls and floor, that I began to dislike her fussiness. It also never occurred to me that, just like my dad, she had endured difficult family circumstances as a child and was used to eating leftover food. When she made us eat beef rice for three days in a row, to my surprise, I resented her meanness! When I was young, I was used to blaming or criticizing others and had never observed my own weaknesses: laziness, wastefulness, subjectivity, and countless others besides.
The biggest regret I have experienced in the process of publishing this book is that it hasn’t been possible to publish a story about a 32 year old lady called Pei Ting who developed bipolar disorder while studying at Taipei First Girls High School. Because she is immediately sent to hospital when she suffers an attack, she has gone ten years without an attack and has worked for more than seven years at a consistently high-performing foreign company. Although she didn’t graduate from high school, her current income is higher than that of many people with master’s degrees. Her dream is to travel the world and she is currently saving the money to swim to her dream.
After I had finished her story and e-mailed it to her, she immediately changed her mind and demanded that I delete it. I guess it may have been that she thought it might affect her work or hurt members of her family. After all, this world is full of prejudice against people suffering from mental illness. So of course I can understand her anxiety.
Whilst completing the writing up of my interview with her, I discovered that she had something in common with my 24 year old younger brother, who also suffers from bipolar disorder. They grew up with mothers who doted on them, so they were not good at accepting criticism or failure. Not only did they possess very high IQs, but in one field they were almost geniuses.
I guess that the reason why Ya-ting can work in a normal way is that whenever she became ill she was immediately sent for treatment, took her medicine and got her symptoms under control. On top of that, she is the eldest daughter in her family, with a considerable sense of responsibility. Every month she gives her mother a fixed one-fifth of her salary.
What impresses me most is that, when I have been to her homes, I have discovered that she in the habit of cleaning every day. Her two apartments are clean and tidy. She is also careful with money (she doesn’t use a smartphone, for example), and enjoys studying. She has a whole bookcase full of books about positive thinking, all of which she has read many times. Most importantly, she is very clear about what her dreams are, and how she will achieve them. I believe that people with dreams and patience who are industrious and capable of moving optimistically forward, will not be defeated by life, no matter what their illness.
At this point, I would like to thank those who have written prefaces for me: Honorary Chairman of the KMT, Mr. Lien Chan; General Manager of the North American Headquarters and head of the New York Bureau of World Journal, Yang Jen-feng; Secretary-General of Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA), Executive Editor of the China Post, Tom Hsieh, and my 70 year old mother, whose support for my writing in recent years has been extremely touching, although her tendency to be emotional in her younger days made me misunderstand my father for more than 30 years (she has only recently told me that, during the 30 years of their marriage, they would not only fall asleep hand in hand, but my father used to say that he wished to continue their marriage during their next life).
Five years ago, in New York, I bought a book, You Can HEAL Your Life, by the renowned American author, Louise L Hay. At the time, I didn’t understand it. Only after reading it again this year have I understood why she says, “I don ‘t balme my parents because they are both victims of victims. They can only teach us what they know.” It had never occurred to the former me that my mother was a victim of war and had lived for a long time with the pain of rejection by her natural mother, and, moreover, married a man who was 24 years older than her and who loved freedom and alcohol. Her customary negativity and extreme lack of security were understandable.
Before my father was received by Taiwan from officials at the Whampoa Military Academy, he had been suspected by Chiang Kai-shek as being a spy from a communist party clique, and was not only watched for many years, but stripped of his former rank (he was a commander by the time he left the mainland), and had to start everything all over again. So, until martial law was lifted in Taiwan, he never enjoyed the freedom for which he had crossed the sea. He served as a commander twice during his lifetime.
I guess his failure to accomplish his ambition was one of the reasons why he often got drunk. Another reason, perhaps was that he often felt ashamed of his young wife and very young child. Like many KMT soldiers who came from the mainland to Taiwan, he did not fully discharge his responsibilities as a father, because he never realized that he would leave home for 33 years, only then to return home.
Even today, I still cannot believe that I have gone so far as to have been living in a childish dream for over 40 years. Only as I approach the age of 50 have I realised that my parents were victims of war.
I recently watched the BBC mini series, Stuart: A Life Backwards, starring the British actors Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hardy, and realised how fortunate I am. If you feel that you are unlucky, I suggest you visit YouTube and watch this touching true story adapted from the bestselling book by British author, Alexander Masters.
From my mother I learnt two things. First, when someone speaks in anger, never take thems seriously. Second, when you’re down, never complain to a child, as this can mislead them and make them prejudiced towards certain people or things.
Finally, bless all “silly heroes” of the world for having the capacity to swim towards their dreams. Hope also that those young people who have not yet found their dreams may take some time to discover the interests that generate passion for them. Let passion encourage you, lend you bravery. Let bravery bless you, give you hope. Let hope enable you to find your dream. Let the moment in which your dream is realised consummate your life. Although this road is littered with difficulties, I can guarantee that this unforgettable experience will make you feel that nothing is missing from your life. Nothing, nobody can defeat you; nothing at all.
Chinese to English: Outstanding Talent: Designer Su Ai General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - Chinese
今年八月,我受Study in Sweden之邀,去聽一個得獎的年輕瑞典設計師Adam Bonnier 演講。
Outstanding Talent: Designer Su Ai
In August this year, I was invited by Study in Sweden to attend a presentation by young, award-winning designer, Adam Bonnier
Understanding nothing about design, I Googled Adam Bonnier before attending the event. On doing so, I noticed that the name of his Taiwan creative partner (and wife), Su Ai, ap-peared alongside his.
I discovered that their brand, Bonnsu (from their two family names, Bonnier and Su) had been established for less than half a year before winning the Franz Award’s gold medal and special acclaim from the Industrial Technology Research Institute for their technological aes-thetics. I immediately sent Adam an invitation for an interview.
A few days later, I appeared at their office near Taipei 101 to interview the couple. Because the length of my article was to be extremely limited, however, and it seemed that Su Ai had struggled a great deal harder than Adam and that she was therefore more inspiring, after lengthy deliberation I decided that I would write about Su ai only.
Lana: Please tell me about your family and your experience of growing up.
Su: My father was Korean Chinese. When I was young, he was a businessman and my mother was a housewife.
My mother believed in cultivating many interests in children. She encouraged my younger sisters and me from a young age to try many things and discover our interests and potential.
She found that, while I was somewhat unable to sit still, when painting I could sit for a long time, so when I was two years old, she sent me to study painting, and let me continue until junior high school. My parents believed in smacking children when they did wrong. They placed an emphasis on life education. They didn’t particularly help me with homework and didn’t send me to cram schools to help with my schoolwork. My father died very early on. When I did something wrong, my mother would beat me. She would beat me very hard.
Shortly before I graduated from elementary school, my painting teacher recommended that I take the exam for the fine art class at Taipei Municipal Jinhua Junior High School and I ended up in the fine art class at The Affiliated High School of National Taiwan Normal University. Later, I gradu-ated from the fine arts department at National Taiwan Normal University.
After graduating, I served as an art teacher in a private junior high school for a year before resigning, feeling that I was not suited to teaching.
Because I enjoyed traveling, I went into the travel industry, but, after working for a few years, I found that I still wanted to work in a field that involved creativity. Feeling that I was floundering somewhat, I resigned again. Not good enough for a high post but too proud to take a low one, I didn’t know what to do, but I decided to go to New York to learn English. To my surprise, my so-journ in the US became a turning point in my life.
Lana: You graduated in fine arts. Why did you switch to automotive design?
Su: I initially planned to go to New York to study English for three months and then come home. After leaving Taiwan, however, I realized that I felt that the world had so much more to offer; many new things. I felt that, with my qualifications and experience in fine art in Taiwan I really wanted to move in a specialized direction, but that I was still not sufficiently qualified; all I could do was teach. So I decided ultimately to stay in America and continue to study. At that time, I hadn’t thought of studying automotive design. I just wanted to make a few large-scale things. Because I was in New York, I paid a visit to Parsons The New School for Design. Its lighting design course is very famous in Taiwan, but I found that I didn’t like the place; it was not for me. Were there schools teaching industrial or architectural design courses or anything else? Industrial design at the Art Center College of Design was ranked first or second in the US, so it sprang immediately to mind.
I wrote to them immediately, informing them of my situation and the circumstances of my applica-tion. Although they are very business-like, they are extremely friendly and they responded immedi-ately. It was shortly before Thanksgiving Day. They were the only school to respond before Thanksgiving Day, so I decided immediately to move to LA and, after applying for their evening school, I began to enter their system.
Lana: Was it your mother who paid your tuition fees?
Su: No. When I was in junior high school, my mother started selling boiled dumplings, and later opened a restaurant. The kind of income she earned could support a tolerable life in Taiwan, but couldn’t possibly stretch to tuition fees at America’s most expensive design school and living ex-penses in a high-price environment. So, the principle on which I had chosen my school was that I would go to whichever institution gave me a scholarship. Initially in New York, with old paintings created in Taiwan, I successfully applied for a Ford Motors scholarship for the Art Center night school. Because my background was in fine art and I didn’t have any automotive works, they let me attend the night school to prepare a collection of industrial design works. After preparing for two semesters, I entered the automotive design department and then, with my industrial design works, gained a full scholarship for day-time study and went on to complete all the requisite courses.
My mother said that if I didn’t win a scholarship, I would have to stop studying and return to Tai-wan. Because she had sold the only property she had prepared for her retirement, and repaid the mortgage, she couldn’t afford my two semesters of tuition fees. My tuition fees were very expen-sive: US$15,000 per semester, US$45,000 per year, and rising by five percent each year. That is just the tuition fees! Excluding other costs. I budgeted very economical living costs and didn’t exceed my budget. I spent only US$1200 per month, on food, rent, incidental school costs and materials. Everyone thought this extraordinary. To save living expenses, I even lived in a small, haunted apartment for six months.
Lana: How were you able to confirm that the apartment was haunted?
Su: Sometimes when I was asleep I felt as though there was somebody beside me. Once, I stretched out my hand to touch him and ended up touching what felt like the pigtail of an African!
Lana: How long did you have to study at the Art Center in order to graduate?
Su: Actually, it’s up to the individual. There are three semesters a year and the course comprises eight semesters, but usually people apply to serve internships. When I studied night school, I com-pleted eight semesters and took two opportunities to serve internships, so it took almost five years.
Lana: Before you went to the US, had you ever thought of studying automotive design?
Su: Before I entered the school, I didn’t know there was such a department. At that time, I always thought it was engineering designers who designed cars. It was only later that I discovered that car body designers were different from engineering designers. In my school there were many students who were automotive designers back in their own countries (such as Japan, Korea and even Taiwan). A great majority of the design executives in the automotive companies of the world graduated from my school.
Lana: So you don’t need to understand cars?
Su: You need to have a general understanding, but you don’t need to be able to repair a car. What they particularly value is that you have a basic understanding of design, and your understanding of 3D modeling and of aesthetics.
Lana: When you were studying in the US, did you experience any setbacks and want to give up?
Su: There were many setbacks, but I never wanted to give up. Because 90 percent of the students in my class were men and most of them were mad about cars, they would show contempt for me with frequent car jargon, at a time when my English wasn’t all that good. Later I stopped worrying about this because I discovered that many people who were mad about cars turned out to be the worst car designers; their preconceived ideas were too strong and they were incapable of innovation, so the things they designed were relatively incapable of shedding their original form, of creating a new image.
Lana: Is luck very important?
Su: Very important. I had many students whose circumstances and family situations were better than mine, and I know the school. It’s probably very difficult for them to imagine how much time, blood, sweat and tears I expended in winning my scholarship and completing my studies. I was tru-ly very lucky. Because our school did not give scholarships to students in the lower years of under-graduate courses, I faced the predicament of possibly having to pack up and return home. Eventual-ly, Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs happened to send someone to hold discussions with the school, whose provost then asked us Taiwan students what area of our studies presented the biggest problems. I said that average family incomes differed too much and that we faced great financial pressure. I left a deep impression on the provost and he told me that, in fact, foreign students could, in theory, apply for scholarships as soon as they entered the school, but the school had never prac-ticed this policy. So, truly very fortunately, I was the first foreign student to have entered the school for a semester and successfully applied for a scholarship. I did not have to abandon my studies and return home tearfully.
Lana: How much time did you spend applying for your scholarship?
Su: Leaving aside the occasional scholarship for night classes, it took nine months to receive the full-value scholarship and it took persistence. A friend of mine, whose situation was similar to mine, had her first application rejected and eventually gave up.
Lana: How did your experience of studying in America influence you?
Su: My school changed me a lot. Previously, as soon as I went on stage, I felt shy. My English wasn’t very good, and my teacher would stare straight at me, because they felt that a very good sto-ry was necessary to describe your design; it wasn’t enough to be frank. Because I’d won a scholar-ship, the school trained me as an external spokesperson.
Lana: Why did you want to establish the brand Bonnsu
Su: After I graduated, because I didn’t have a green card, I left America and went to work for the automotive body design department of a Japanese company. Perhaps because I was Taiwanese, they arranged for me to transfer to their branch in Taiwan. Later, the company's d’sign and manufactur-ing departments moved to Beijing. My husband Adam, whom I had met and studied with in Ameri-ca (although we had different majors, we took many basic courses together and had started dating when, by chance, I became a teaching assistant on one of his courses)took a trip to Beijing together but didn’t feel quite at home. After some discussion, we decided to create our own brand and I did not apply for a post in Beijing. To my surprise, I was extremely fortunate, winning prizes in two competitions. We then started to perform some design services and began to produce our own prod-ucts.
Lana: Which designer do you most admire and why?
Su: Zaha Hadid, the Iranian who made her name as a designer in the UK. I admire for her persis-tence in relation to her own works and her extraordinary perseverance.
Lana: What tips would you offer young Taiwanese who wish to become designers?
Su: Keep working hard. Design is the constant accumulation of works. I don’t believe that any of my works from before I was 21 were very mature. It was as though I wanted to be an artist but was not well enough qualified. It was not until I was 30 that I felt sure of my direction. If you really have talent and want to study, you will find your place only by constantly trying, constantly striving.
After interviewing Su Ai, I am not in the least surprised that she is now such an accomplished per-son. I’m sure she must have extraordinary design talent to have won a five-year scholarship from such a well known and expensive school. The most amazing thing is that she lived for six months in a haunted house in a foreign country! Can you not admire her courage and powers of resistance?
Chinese to English: A Brief Introduction to Jasper Lin General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Management
Source text - Chinese Jasper Lin擁有文化大學中國文學系學士、台北藝術大學傳統藝術研究所碩士學位,並於台灣師範大學美術研究所攻讀博士。Jasper長期投入台灣文化研究及藝術推廣工作,曾擔任行政院文化建設委員會主任秘書、國立台灣美術館館長、國立台灣工藝研究所所長及國立台灣交響樂團團長等職務,工作領域包括戲劇、舞蹈、音樂、美術、工藝、歷史、文學等多面向,尤於近五年推動台灣綠工藝及創立時尚工藝Yii品牌,深獲國際工藝文化及設計藝術界所推崇。Jasper特別關懷社會大眾的文化涵養養成教育與美學紮根教育,他認為文化與美學是提升社會進步與民眾生活質感的關鍵,期待在雅凱與所有同好一起努力。
Translation - English Jasper Lin holds a bachelor’s degree from the Department of Chinese Literature at Chinese Culture University and a master’s degree from the Center for Traditional Arts at Taipei National University of the Arts. He is a PhD candidate in the Department of Fine Arts at National Taiwan Normal University. Jasper has long been involved in research on Taiwan culture and in art promotion work. He has served in such positions as Chief Secretary of the Council for Cultural Affairs, Director of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Director of the National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute, and Managing and Marketing Director of the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. The fields in which he has worked have included dance, music, fine art and history, and, in the last five years in particular, he has promoted Taiwan’s green crafts and founded the fashionable craft brand, Yii, which is greatly revered in international cultural circles. Jasper is particularly concerned that popular cultural self-development should include education in artistic self-cultivation and in the rudiments of aesthetics. He believes that culture and aesthetics are the crux of the promotion of social progress and the sense of reality in our lives, and he looks forward to working industriously with Acoustiguide and all kindred spirits.
Chinese to English: National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts─A Historical Chronology General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: History
Translation - English National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts─A Historical Chronology
26th June 1988
Construction of the museum building is completed and the museum opens for operations.
Liu Dang-ho assumes office as the first Director of the museum.
Launch of the Museum's official publications, Fine Arts of Taiwan Quarterly, and the monthly Taiwan Province Museum of Fine Arts Newsletter
22nd July 1989
Assumes responsibility for holding the Taiwan Province Fine Arts Exhibition (from the 44th edition to the 53rd edition).
18th June 2000 to 24th September 2000
Assumes responsibility for the Taiwan Pavilion at the Venice Biennale of Architecture. Hosts Life City, the Taiwan Pavilion of the 7th Venice Biennale of Architecture, in the Palazzo delle Prigioni, Venice, Italy.
31st October 2000
Resignation of Mr. Ni Tsai-Chin as Director. Appointment of Mr. Lee Wu-Kuen as Acting Director.
6th September to 24th November 2002
Hosts 2050 Vision Taiwan - Next Exit, the Taiwan Pavilion at the 8th Venice Biennale of Architecture, in the Palazzo delle Prigioni, Venice, Italy.
8th November 2004
Resignation of Mr. Lee Wu-Kuen as Director. Appointment of Deputy Director Mr. Hsiao Ming-Hsiang as Acting Director.
1st September 2004 to 30th November 2004
Hosts Taiwan: The Interbreeding Field, the Taiwan Pavilion at the 9th Venice Biennale of Architecture, in the Palazzo delle Prigioni, Venice, Italy.
19th August 2006 to 22nd October 2006
Assumes responsibility for the International Biennial Print Exhibit and holds the 12th International Biennial Print and Drawing Exhibition, ROC.
17th July 2006
Resignation of Mr. Lin Cheng-Yi as Director. Appointment of Dr. Hsueh Pao-Hsia as the fifth Director.
10th September 2006 to 19th November 2006
Organizes Paradise Revisited: Micro Cities &Non-Meta Architecture in Taiwan, the Taiwan Pavilion at the 10th Venice Biennale of Architecture, Palazzo delle Prigioni, Venice, Italy.
27th October 2006 to 5th November 2006
Assumes responsibility for the Taiwan International Documentary Festival, and holds the fifth edition of the event.
13th October 2007 to 24th February 2008
Launches the Asian Arts Biennial with the inaugural show Have You Eaten Yet? 2007 Asian Art Biennial
9th August 2008 to 21st November 2008
Holds the 13th International Biennial Print Exhibition, ROC
11th September 2008 to 23rd November 2008
Hosts Dark City, the Taiwan Pavilion, 11th Venice Biennale of Architecture, in the Palazzo delle Prigioni, Venice, Italy
31st October 2008 to 9th November 2008
Holds the 6th Taiwan International Documentary Festival
1st November 2008 to 8th February 2009
Launches the Taiwan Arts Biennial and holds the inaugural show 家─2008台灣美術雙年展
25th July 2009 to 13th August 2009
Holds Speak. Describe: 2009 Cross-Strait Contemporary Art Exhibition at the National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
22nd July 2009 to 23rd August 2009
Holds Beyond 20 Degrees Celsius: Exhibition of Room-temperature Luminescence, at He-Xiangning Art Museum, Guangdong Province, China
14th September 2009 to 25th October 2009
Holds Past to Present─Award-winning Works of the Taiwan International Print Exhibition, at the National Museum, Kraków, Poland.
24th October 2009 to 28th February 2010
Holds Viewpoints and Viewing Points: 2009 Asian Arts Biennial
29th May 2009 to 18th July 2009
Holds the 14th International Biennial Print Exhibition, ROC
19th August 2010 to 3rd October 2010
Holds Ventriloquized Voices – Contemporary Art From Taiwan, at Gwangju Museum of Art, Korea
26th August 2010 to 21st November 2010
Hosts Take A Break: Spatial Variability in Contemporary Taiwan, the Taiwan Pavilion, 12th Venice Biennale of Architecture, in the Palazzo delle Prigioni, Venice, Italy
2nd October 2010 to 9th January 2011
Holds Yes Taiwan-2010 Taiwan Biennial.
12th October 2010 to 28th November 2010
Holds Sensory Topology: Bodily Perception of Taiwan Contemporary Art, at Guangdong Museum of Art, China
19th October 2010 to 28th October 2010
Holds the 7th Taiwan International Documentary Festival
10th November 2010 to 28th November 2010
Holds Landscape to Mindscape of the Floating World: Contemporary Art from Taiwan, at Mitsuo Aida Museum, Japan
17th December 2010 to 13th February 2011
Holds Taiwan Calling─The Phantom of Liberty at the Mücsarnok, Budapest, Hungary
17th December 2010 to 6th March 2011
Holds Taiwan Calling─Elusive Island, at the Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest, Hungary.
7th March 2011 to 15th April 2011
Holds Flourishing and Flowing - a Contemporary Art Exhibition Across the Taiwan Strait 2011, at the National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China.
Permanent exhibition from 25th March 2011
Unique Vision: Highlights from the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts Collection
25th June 2011 to 28th August 2011
Launches the Nationwide Arts Exhibitions with the inaugural 2011 Nationwide Arts Exhibition
1st October 2011 to 1st January 2012
Holds Meditation: 2011 Asian Art Biennial
14th July 2012 to 23rd September 2012
Holds the 15th International Biennial Print Exhibition, ROC
18th July 2012 to 28th September 2012
Holds 2012 ROC National Art Exhibition
Permanent exhibition from 11th August 2012
Unique VisionⅡ: Highlights from the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts Collection
27th August to 25th November 2012
Hosts Architect / Geographer ─ Le Foyer de Taiwan, the Taiwan Pavilion at the 13th Venice Biennale of Architecture, in the Palazzo delle Prigioni, Venice, Italy. (Event formally opens on 26th August, 2012)
6th October 2012 to 6th January 2013
Holds Yes Taiwan-2012 Taiwan Biennial.
13th October 2012 to 23rd December 2012
Holds Tea Break: 2012 International Techno Art Exhibition
19th October 2012 to 28th October 2012
Holds Brave New Vision: 8th Taiwan International Documentary Festival
12th December 2012
Assumes responsibility for planning the publication of Household Art Gallery: Artists’ Biographies Series, and Senior Artists in Taiwan: A Video Documentary.
1st January 2013 to 24th March 2013
Holds Tony Cragg: Sculptures and Drawings
2nd February 2013 to 21st April 2013
Holds The Pioneers of Taiwanese Artists 1931-1940.
Chinese to English: Director's Preface General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
In order to present the context in which the generation of traditional craftsmen households bequeathed their heritage, and give full play to the spirit of humanism and history, the National Center for the Traditional Arts, starting in 2013 with the special exhibition with the theme of The Inheritance of Craft Arts, has organized a series of exhibitions which has now entered its third stage. Apart from presenting the moving bequeathed stories of traditional craftsmen households, they also explain traditional craft arts in straightforward language, using digital multi-media devices. The hope is to integrate the traditional arts with science and technology and create diverse and innovative fields of study.
The current exhibition displays the work of the family of Shi Kunyu of Lugang, whose prowess is in traditional carpentry skills, and whose son, Shi Zhenyang, focused particularly on traditional wood carving and passed his skills down to Shi Yiwen of the third generation. Similarly originating in Lugang, is the family of Wang Hansong, which, already at the time of the Japanese occupation were talented furniture joinery masters, and whose three sons, Wang Zhaohe, Wang Zhaonan and Wang Duyi were eminently successful in traditional artistic fields. Through the inseperable closeness of life emotions and master-disciple ethics, these craft families all did their best to maintain the continual passing down of the traditional crafts.
For greater depth, many craftsmen and scholars will be interviewed on site at the exhibition, documentaries will be filmed, field surveys will be conducted at many Taiwanese temples, and multi-media interactive devices will be installed, such as the Little Master Craftsman experiential game, guiding visitors by art-driven education to an understanding of wood carving, fine mortise and tenon woodwork and traditional color painting. These new endeavors will provide visitors with different museum experiences and different emotions in relation to the past.
The exhibition will continue to surprise and entertain, in the hope of attracting more visitors who will esteem the traditional cultural values of this corner of the Earth that is Taiwan.
For making this exhibition possible, we must first of all thank the three families of master craftsmen for their participation, as well as the special exhibition consultants Mr. Lin Baoshao, Mr. Huang Zhinong and Mr. Xiao Qiongrui, for their kind assistance.
This themed exhibition will enable us to look back repeatedly to see the glorious import of Taiwan’s traditional arts and crafts and the quintessential spirit of master craftsmen passed down from generation to generation.
National Center for the Traditional Arts, Director Fang Jy-Shiuh
Chinese to English: Love and Peace Go Hand in Hand General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
(原文) Please check with Video.
I think what you are doing is very noble and good work to everybody because peace is one thing that we all work for. It is a difficult thing to achieve but we can do it if we work together and we need to encourage each other to enable us to have the courage and the will to achieve this peace all over the world.
Mr. Lamuel A Stanislaus 採訪4(Mr. Stanislaus)(英文): TC=04:20-04:42
(原文) Please check with Video.
If there
副祕書長 黃志芳 採訪5(黃志芳先生)(國語): TC=04:42-05:23
OS: TC=05:25-05:41
中華民國副總統 蕭萬長 致詞4(蕭萬長先生)(國語): TC=05:43-06:10
OS: TC=06:12-06:20
江國仁 致詞5(江國仁先生)(國語): TC=06:2200-06:44
OS: TC=06:47-07:06
親身實踐就是力量, 500位從3到30歲的太極門弟子組成的Energy Boys & Energy Girls,熱力四射震撼全場,這正是文化傳承世代交替的新希望.
(原文) Please check with Video.
Senegal, its people, its government and President want the goal to all women and men of the world to build and consolidate peace in the world.
總統 Leonel Fernandez Reyna 採訪1(Mr. Reyna)(英文): TC=00:56-01:13
(原文) Please check with Video.
Let me tell you, it’s very emotional. For me, it’s been a great experience. Having a World Summit of Love and Peace this is what the world needs. So, I want to commend you and I want to somehow show you my support and support of Dominican people.
總統 Laura Chinchilla Miranda 鳴鐘心願2(Ms. Miranda)(英文): TC=01:14-01:30
(原文) Please check with Video.
We try to support all peaceful causes around the world. That is why we really appreciate this ceremony because it has to do with the most important values that my country has embraced.
州長 Gary Locke 致詞1(Mr. Locke)(英文): TC=01:32-01:48
(原文) Please check with Video.
All the members of Tai Ji Men Academy for coming to our state of Washington. I behelf the State of Washington to welcome you to our great state and we wish you a great visit during the Sea Fair Festival.
總督 H.H. Sir John Ini Lapli 採訪2(Mr. Lapli)(英文): TC=01:48-02:07
This very meaningful peace ceremony. It is the greatest desire of the world of the people of the world, for peace. I am very grateful that this cultural group has come to share their message of peace to the people of Australia and indeed to the world.
H.E. Elmi Ahmed Duale 採訪3(Mr. Duale)(英文): TC=02:08-02:29
(原文) Please check with Video.
In this world of today there is too much strive, too many wars among nations and between within nations, too much hunger, too much disease, and all these cannot be conquered unless, as the message of Dr. Hong is there is love and there is peace.
一等秘書 Mr. Momodou Hydara 採訪4(Mr. Hydara)(英文): TC=02:29-03:11
(原文) Please check with Video.
Well, I think he is a very great man, concerning the fact that he is dedicating his whole life just spread the message of peace. Using his resources, his energy, his time, to go into this noble activity going around the world to tell people to love each other, to love peace. I think he is a great man. And, I think everybody should encourage him. If we have people like Dr. Hong, five of them in the world, I don’t think that there is a place of war. Because somebody like him has sacrificed all his life just spread this message of peace. He is excellent definitely.
副市長 Lucy Turnbull 採訪5(Ms. Turnbull)(英文): TC=03:12-03:24
(原文) Please check with Video.
The Tai Ji Men Cultural Group do such a wonderful performance, and on behalf of the people of the city of Sydney, I wish them every wish goodwill, and I’m very happy that the Olympic spirit encourages peace and harmony throughout the world.
局長 Clare Petrich
(原文) Please check with Video.
In heart, in mind and in body, it feels so very strong and so full of love and peace and I just want to thank you.
威廉市長代表 致詞2(Mr. )(英文): TC=03:39-03:51
(原文) Please check with Video.
Now, therefore Mayor of District of Columbia ??? March 22, 2000 as Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy Day in Washing D.C..
Mr. Matt Salmon 致詞3(洪博士)(國語): TC=03:55-04:15
市長 Benjamin F. Vent 致詞4(Mr. Vent)(英文): TC=04:16-04:40
(原文) Please check with Video.
I am so
(原文) Please check with Video.
Thank you for inviting me to participate in this wonderful event. What love and peace is what you need that to be able to attend happiness and my country, for my country, happiness is the meaning and purpose of life. So love and compassion are very important essential.
The effort of this ??
製作人 洪道子博士
諮詢專線 (02)2736-5188 主持人: TC=06:13-07:09
Translation - English 1.世代傳承希望之光 The Ray of Hope for Transmission From one Generation to the Next
影部/字幕 聲部
神氣家族 The Mighty Clan
愛與和平攜手同行Love and Peace Go Hand in Hand
主持人 Host
談力瑜 Tan Li-yu 主持人Host-女Female: TC=00:00-00:46
親愛的觀眾朋友大家好,歡迎您闔家觀賞神氣家族. Hello everybody. We welcome you and your whole family to enjoy the mighty clan.
古今中外各個民族對於自己的學術文化,知識技能或者是宗教信仰,都有獨特的傳承方式,中華民族講究的是尊師重道,對於師徒傳承是十分嚴謹看待的,而古傳氣功武術修行門派太極門的掌門人洪道子博士,傳承給弟子的不只是中華國粹文化,還有讓身心靈更健康的養生哲學,以及行善助人,樂於分享的生活態度,這些都讓我們的生命更有意義了,邀請您一同來分享. Since the earliest of times, the peoples of China and all other countries have all boasted distinct ways of passing on their learning, culture, knowledge, skills and religious beliefs. The Chinese peoples are scrupulous in their respect for teachers, having a very strict regard for the transmission of knowledge from master to disciple, and Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men, a sect which has long passed on the religious practices of qigong and martial arts, transmits to his disciples not just the essence of Chinese culture, but also health-cultivating philosophies to make the body and spirit healthier, and the doing of good deeds; an attitude to life that takes pleasure in sharing. These things make our lives more meaningful. We invite you to join us in sharing in them.
世代傳承 Transmission From one Generation to the Next
希望之光 The Ray of Hope 標題: TC=00:48-00:52
世代傳承 Transmission From one Generation to the Next
希望之光 The Ray of Hope
童音: (上字幕)
快樂歡喜,愛你愛我,生日快樂,生日快樂! Happiness and joy. Love to you, love to me. Happy birthday, happy birthday!
現場主持人: On-site host
來自台灣各地的太極門青少年,燦爛的笑容中自信滿滿,陽光耀眼,各個清亮的聲音以及輕快的音樂,祝福中華民國95歲生日快樂. The radiant smiles of the young members of Tai Ji Men from all over Taiwan exude self-confidence. The sun shines brilliantly, and each resonant voice and lively tune wishes the Republic of China a happy 95th birthday.
OS: TC=01:26-02:43
神氣家族的新生代功夫童子和功夫少年,氣宇軒昂,身手俐落的武術招式,健康燦爛的容顏,開朗又有自信,生命充滿希望和光彩,這是國家富強康樂的象徵,也是世代傳承的希望. The mighty clan’s new generation of martial arts infants’ and teenagers’ impressive appearance, skilled and agile martial arts style, healthy and radiant complexions, cheerfulness and self-confidence, lives full of hope and brilliance; these are symbols of the nation’s wealth, power, health and happiness and they represent the hope for transmission from one generation to the next.
在太極門中長大的青少年師兄姊,透過修練氣功強健體魄,平日也常參加各種文化展演,接觸多元的文化交流. The teenage followers who have grown up in Tai Ji Men, their physiques made strong by practicing qigong, often attend cultural events on ordinary working days, encountering many forms of cultural exchange.
其中持續多年的「兩岸和平小天使」民間文化交流,更如同是神氣家族青少年這些年來的快樂成長史. Among these, the Little Angels for Cross-Strait Peace non-governmental cultural exchange, which has continued for many years, seems particularly to have been a story of happy development for the mighty clan’s teenagers.
從2001年以來,來自山東,上海,哈爾濱,杭州,北京,湖北,廣州及廈門等地的和平小天使,來到台灣都會與太極門進行文化交流,每一次總讓來訪的貴賓及小天使們留下快樂的回憶. Since 2001, little angels for peace from such places as Shandong, Shanghai, Harbin, Hangzhou, Beijing, Hubei, Guangzhou and Xiamen, have been coming to Taiwan and taking part in cultural exchanges with Tai Ji Men, generating happy memories each time for distinguished guests and themselves.
部長 高彥明 Gao Yan-ming 採訪Interview 1(高彥明先生Mr. Gao Yan Ming) (國語): TC=02:44-03:00
兩岸本來就是一家人,那麼我們能夠為一家人的後代一起做一件事情,增強他們的了解,增進他們的友誼,孩子們通過參與這樣的活動是幸福的,感覺到像回到家一樣. The two sides of the strait are of course one family, so together we can do something for future generations of our family: strengthen their understanding and promote their friendship. For children to be able to take part in this kind of activity is a blessing. It feels like returning home.
All China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots
文化宣傳部副部長 宋歌
Assistant Director Song Ge, Cultural Propaganda Department
採訪Interview 2(宋歌先生Mr. Song Ge)(國語): TC=03:01-03:34
太極門有一些中華文化的活動給我留下很深的印象,那這一次來相隔10年了,11年了,那麼我看到了這個太極門的這個有了新的發展,那麼能夠到就是更多的傳承中華的傳統文化,而且和平小天使這個活動,讓兩岸的小天使在一起交流,在一起交朋友,這樣對兩岸的小孩子的這個親情,友誼的延續傳承都非常好. Tai Ji Men has undertaken some Chinese cultural activities that have left a deep impression on me. On this visit, 10 or 11 years later, I have seen that Tai Ji Men has developed in new ways. To achieve yet more transmission of traditional Chinese culture, and the activities featuring the little angels for peace, bringing little angels from both sides together to perform exchanges and make friends with one another; these things are extremely good for the continued transmission of these children’s affection and friendship.
Little Angels for Peace Mainland Visiting Delegation
團長 Delegation Head楊毅周 Yang Yi Zhou 致詞Speech 1(楊毅周先生Mr. Yang yi Zhou) (國語): TC=03:35-03:53
只要見到了太極門我們就享受最熱烈的掌聲,最歡快的笑容,來到這裡這是一個智慧的地方,太極門跟我們和平小天使有著共同的基礎,共同的理念,這一個就是我們的愛與和平. We had only to see Tai Ji Men in order to enjoy the most enthusiastic applause, the most cheerful and light-hearted smiles. To come to this place of wisdom and for Tai Ji Men to share a common foundation, a common philosophy with our Little Angels for Peace, this is what we mean by love and peace.
河南嵩山少林寺 Shaolin Temple, Mt. Song, Henan Province
方丈Abbot 釋永信大禪師 Zen Master Shi Yong Xin
開封大相國寺Prime Minister Temple, Kaifeng
住持 Head Monk 釋心廣大法師 Venerable Master Shi Xin Guang
洛陽白馬寺 White Horse Temple, Luoyang
住持 Head Monk 釋印樂大法師 Venerable Master She Yin Le
南陽水簾寺 Shuilian Temple, Nanyang
住持 Head Monk 釋妙俠大法師 Venerable Master She Miao Xia
青龍山慈雲寺 Ciyun Temple of Qinglong Mountain
住持 Head Monk 釋延超大法師 Venerable Master She Yan Chao
住持 Head Monk 釋心舫大法師 Venerable Master She Xin Fang
住持 Head Monk 釋永福大法師 Venerable Master She Yong-fu OS: TC=03:55-05:13
古傳正統氣功武術門派太極門,多年來以武會友,透過文化交流推動愛與和平. The Tai Ji Men sect, which has long transmitted orthodox qigong martial arts, has for many years promoted love and peace by making friends through martial arts.
216位手持功夫扇及刀,盾,劍等兵器的武術陣師兄姊,氣勢如虹衝破雲霄,同心展現習武之人的武德精神,帶給社會正心正氣與安定和諧的力量. 216 teenage followers in the martial arts division, holding such martial arts weapons as fans, knives, swords, etc., with the vigor of a rainbow penetrating the skies, display the spirit of martial virtue of those who practice martial arts, endowing society with propriety and righteousness and the strength of stability and harmony.
古有華山論劍以武會友,今有太極少林歡喜相聚,2004年由七大寺院住持及弟子所組成的「河南佛教少林寺功夫訪問團」來台訪問,特別到太極門交流參訪,七大古剎包括河南嵩山少林寺,大相國寺,白馬寺,水濂寺,慈雲寺,定國寺和空相寺,難得齊聚一堂彼此論道,禪武合一. Since ancient times sword contests on Mt. Hua have made friends through martial arts. Today there is a joyful gathering of the Shaolin Temple of Tai Ji (the Supreme Ultimate). In 2004, the Shaolin Temple Martial Arts Delegation , formed by head monks and disciples from seven large monasteries, visited Taiwan and made a special exchange visit to Tai Ji Men. The seven old temples included Shaolin Temple (Mt. Song, Henan), Prime Minister Temple, White Horse Temple, Shuilian Temple, Ciyun Temple, Xin Xiang Nation Settling Temple and Kongxiang Temple . It is very rare for these temples to come together to discuss the way and the unity of Zen and martial matters.
河南嵩山少林寺 Shaolin Temple, Mt. Song, Henan Province
方丈 Abbot 釋永信大禪師 Zen Master Shi Yong Xin
採訪Interview 3(釋永信先生Mr. Shi Yong Xin
)(國語): TC=05:29-05:44
太極文化是一個非常古老的文化,今天到太極門一看,把這個古老的這種文化做得這麼活潑,這麼有趣,透過這種活潑有趣,可能對世界交流是更方便一些. The Tai Ji culture is an extremely ancient culture. On arriving at Tai Ji Men today, I immediately saw this ancient culture being so lively and so amusing. Being so lively and amusing can make global exchanges easier.
OS: TC=05:45-06:28
2004年華夏民族世界和平祈福大會的開幕典禮中,太極門氣功養生學會也特別受邀以太極門祈福儀典為祈福大會展開序幕,同時少林寺方丈也當場鳴響世界之愛和平鐘,結合了兩岸的佛教團體共同為世界和平祈福. In 2004, at the opening ceremony of the Chinese Peoples’ Prayers for World Peace Congress , Tai Ji Men was especially invited to perform the Tai Ji Men prayer ceremony to pray for blessings for the prologue to the congress. At the same time, the abbot of the Shaolin Temple sounded the World Peace Bell on site, linking the Buddhist organizations of the two sides of the strait in prayers for world peace. 文化是國家的根本,維護珍貴的文化資產是世界的潮流,中華文化薪火相傳,生生不息. Culture is the root of the nation, and there is a global trend to protect precious cultural assets. May the transmission of Chinese culture continue without end.
中華文化學院 Institute of Chinese Culture
常務副院長 Executive Vice President朱曉明Zhu Xiao Ming
採訪Interview 4(朱曉明先生Mr. Zhu Xiao Ming)(國語): TC=06:31-06:57
就是因為我們有中華文化這個脈,所以我們未曾相識一鄉親到這兒感到非常親切,非常的熟悉. It’s precisely because we share this pulse that is Chinese culture, that, although we’ve never met, when we come here as compatriots we feel extremely close, extremely familiar.
我覺得我們洪博士身體力行弘揚中華文化,確實對我們有很大的啟發. The transmission of Chinese culture, I believe, requires action, not words. I believe that Tai Ji Men is great in this regard; it has promoted Chinese martial arts and, in so doing, promoted Chinese culture. I think that Dr. Hong’s practice of what he preaches in promoting Chinese culture has truly inspired us greatly.
鄭州大學的音樂系Zhengzhou University Department of Music
系主任 Chairman 鞏偉 Gong Wei 採訪Interview 5(鞏偉先生Mr. Gong Wei)(國語): TC=06:57-07:16
我覺得咱們在咱們台灣,有咱們這個太極門在弘揚我們中華民族的文化,我相信在不短的時間內,全世界都將感覺到我們中華民族的博大精深,感覺到我們中華民族武術的這種神奇. I believe that having Tai Ji Men in Taiwan promoting Chinese culture means that the whole world will soon become aware of the breadth and depth of us Chinese people and the miracle that is Chinese martial arts.
大會主席 郝平
Former Vice-Principal of Peking University and current Director of the Chinese National Commission for UNESCO, Hao Ping
採訪Interview 6(郝平先生Mr. Hao Ping)(國語): TC=06:19-07:58
我認為太極門掌門人洪博士,他有一個崇高的理念,這個崇高的理念就是人類的愛和和平,那麼我想這是洪博士的一個崇高的理想,他帶領他的弟子到世界五大洲,各個國家,非洲,我看到這個這些資料,非洲,美洲,好多國家都去到了,落後的,發達的那麼就是弘揚這種人類的精神,這個精神就是剛剛我講到的愛和和平,同時也是弘揚和發展了中華的文化和文明.非常了不起! I think that Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men believes in a lofty ideal, and this lofty ideal is love and peace among men. He has taken his followers to all five continents of the world, and to many countries, developed and undeveloped. Dr. Hong’s human spirit is the love and peace that I just mentioned, and, at the same time, it promotes China’s culture and civilization. It’s extraordinary.
Fifty-ninth generation descendant of Lord Guan
關武亮 Guan Wu Liang 採訪Interview 7(關武亮先生)(國語): TC=07:59-08:08
To see the Tai Ji Men performance, I feel as though I have mastered the spirit of the saint of war. I am extremely proud.
三峽書院 Sanxia Academy
院長 President 汪國新 Wang Guo Xin 採訪8(汪國新先生)(國語): TC=08:09-08:27
剛才我看這個太極文化我非常感動,因為一個文化才是一個國家的魂,一個國家它如果離開了這個魂,它就不能持久,那麼有了這個文化的話就可以傳承,它就可以世世代代的傳承無窮,我覺得太極門文化也是這樣的. When I saw this Tai Ji culture just now, I was extremely moved, because a culture is a nation’s soul. If a nation departs from its culture, it cannot endure. Since we have this culture, however, we can transmit it to generation after generation without end. I believe that this is also true of Tai Ji Men’s culture.
2.好言好語止戈揚善 Kind Words Repel Weapons and Promote Good
影部/字幕 聲部
好言好語 Kind Words 止戈揚善 Repel Weapons and Promote Good 標題: TC=00:02-00:05
好言好語 Kind Words
止戈揚善 Repel Weapons and Promote Good
字幕: 特效-4分割畫面
親民黨主席 People first Party Chairman
宋楚瑜 James Soong
新黨主席 New Party Chairman 郁慕明 Yok Mu-ming
立法委員 Legislator 黃仁杼 Huang Jen-chu
立法委員 Legislator蔣乃辛 Chiang Nai-shin
立法委員 Legislator劉盛良 Liu Sheng-liang
立法委員 Legislator周守訓 Justin Chou
立法委員 Legislator羅淑蕾 Lo Shu-lei
立法委員 Legislator 徐耀昌Hsu Yao-chang
苗栗市長 Mayor of Miaoli邱炳坤 Chiu Ping-kun
新竹市長 Mayor of Hsinchu許明財Hsu Ming-tsai
八德市長 Mayor of Bade 何正森 Jensen Ho
台北市議員 Taipei City Councilor 徐佳青Hsu Chia-ching
台北市議員 Taipei City Councilor 顏聖冠 Yeng Sheng-kuan
台北市議員 Taipei City Councilor王浩 Wang Hao
台北市議員 Taipei City Councilor 周柏雅 Chou Po-ya
台北市議員 Taipei City Councilor 厲耿桂芳 Li Keng Kuei-fang
中華武術總會 China Martial Arts Association . 理事長Director General 黃鯤忠 Huang Kun Zhong
台北市議員 Taipei City Councilor 應曉薇 Angela Ying
中華人權協會 China Association for Human Rights主委林天財 Chairperson Lin Tien-tsai
中廣寶島網 BCC Formosa Network 總監楊榮南 Director Yang Rong Nan OS: TC=00:09-00:36
多年來太極門師徒走遍全台,參加地方縣市的各種公益活動得到各界的肯定,國慶彩排的現場也有來自全省各地縣市長官,民意代表以及各界來賓,特別前來祝福太極門師徒,圓滿達成國慶展演任務,場面熱鬧溫馨. For many years Tai Ji Men masters and disciples have traveled all over Taiwan and gained acknowledgement from all corners of society as they have participated in all kinds of public welfare activities under city or county auspices. On the scene at the National Day dress rehearsal are city mayors, county commissioners, other officials, representatives of civil society from throughout Taiwan, and guests from all walks of life, who have come especially to give blessings to Tai Ji Men masters and disciples, so that they may perfectly execute the task of delivering the National Day festivities. It’s a lively, convivial spectacle.
親民黨主席 People First Party Chairman
宋楚瑜 James Soong 致詞Speech 1(宋楚瑜先生Mr. James Soong)(國語): TC=00:38-01:14
看到今天的活動,我想在場的大家都非常的感動,太極門在掌門人洪師父的領導之下,所堅持的世界要祥和,我們要愛護這個地球,我們更要感恩惜福,我們看到太極門是一個正正派派的團體,是一個讓大家尊敬的團體. To see today’s activities, I think everyone here is extremely moved. What Tai Ji Men insists upon under the leadership of Zhang-men-ren Master Hong is that the world must be propitious and peaceful. We must treasure this world, and we must give thanks and appreciate our good fortune. We can see that Tai Ji Men is a fine, upright organization, one which commands the respect of everyone.
新黨主席New Party Chairman 郁慕明 Yok Mu-ming
致詞Speech 2(郁慕明先生Mr. Yok Mu-ming)(國語): TC=01:14-01:38
今天看到各位的演練,從小到大,從各位所包含的領域,都可以展現出來每一個人精氣神的充沛,就說明出來當每個人團結起來,展現出來的是風調雨順,是國泰民安. Seeing everyone practicing today, from children to adults, from the sphere that each person embodies, one observes the abundance of each person’s three energies. This illustrates that, when we are united, what emerges are favorable circumstances, peace and prosperity.
立法委員 Legislator
呂學樟 Lu Hsueh-chang 採訪Interview 1(呂學樟先生Mr. Lu Hsueh-chang)(國語): TC=01:39-02:11
我覺得太極門讓我們感受到學這個武術氣功也好,武術也好,雖然是師父傳給弟子,但是我看弟子跟師父的互動當中,我們可以深深的體會到就像父子一樣的一個感情,這就是我們中華文化的精髓,父子之情永遠都沒辦法改變的. I believe that Tai Ji Men enables us to feel that studying qigong martial arts is good and that martial arts are good. Although it is masters transmitting to disciples, I see that, in the interaction between master and disciple, we understand deeply that the emotion is like that between father and son. This is the essence of our Chinese culture; the feeling between father and son can never be changed.
It is said that to be a teacher for one day is to be a father for life. We can all fully exhibit that frame of mind here.
OS: TC=02:14-02:27
太極門師徒往往在年節時刻舉辦各種傳統文化交流活動,邀請世界各國嘉賓一同感受國粹文化的精髓. Tai Ji Men masters and disciples often hold exchange activities involving traditional culture at New Year, inviting esteemed guests from all over the world to share the very essence of Chinese culture.
2012年時任 2012 appointment as
行政院秘書長 Executive Yuan Secretary General林中森 Lin Join-sane 致詞3(林中森先生)(國語): TC=02:28-02:59
太極門以往除了我們這個養生,這個傳統國粹的宣揚以外,非常重要的大概我們每年國慶我們都看到我們太極門弟子,那麼在我們國慶的場合把我們傳統的國粹,那麼傳統的武術,傳統的這個技藝,傳統的民俗來做一個宣揚,對我們的貢獻也非常大,所以馬總統非常感恩,特別交代我代表馬總統跟吳院長跟大家表示感謝. In the past, what has been extremely important to Tai Ji Men, apart from maintaining good health and promoting the essence of Chinese culture, is that on National Day every year we all see our Tai Ji Men followers. So, on the occasion of our National Day, to promote the essence of our traditional Chinese culture, our traditional martial arts, traditional techniques, traditional folk customs, is extremely important to our contribution. So President Ma is extremely grateful and has especially delegated me to express thanks to everybody on behalf of himself and Premier Wu.
OS: TC=03:01-03:11
在太極門練功修心的師兄姊,因有明師引路懂得運用智慧及勇氣來突破困境. The masters and disciples at Tai Ji Men, who practice their skills and cultivate their minds, overcome difficult situations because they have enlightened teachers who understand how to use wisdom and courage.
巴拉圭共和國副總統 Republic of Paraguay, Vice President
Luis Alberto Castiglioni Soria 採訪Interview 2(Mr. Soria)(西班牙文): TC=03:13-03:40
武術是一種生活哲學,不只是身體的更是心靈的健康,這些人都可以做台灣的大使,也許有一天可以到巴拉圭來,來當武術的大使,將武術的精神傳揚到世界各地. Martial arts represent a life philosophy. It’s not just about the health of the body; it’s more about the health of the mind. All of these people could be ambassadors for Taiwan. Perhaps, one day, they could come to Paraguay as martial arts ambassadors and spread the spirit of martial arts around the world.
(原文) 缺
吐瓦魯國會議長 Speaker of the Parliament of Tuvalu,
Hon. Otinielu Tauteleimalae Tausi 採訪3(Mr. Tausi)(英文): TC=03:42-04:19
(原文) Please check with Video.
I think what you are doing is very noble and good work to everybody because peace is one thing that we all work for. It is a difficult thing to achieve but we can do it if we work together and we need to encourage each other to enable us to have the courage and the will to achieve this peace all over the world.
格瑞納達駐聯合國大使 Ambassador of Grenada to the United Nations,
Mr. Lamuel A Stanislaus 採訪4(Mr. Stanislaus)(英文): TC=04:20-04:42
(原文) Please check with Video.
If there is light in the soul, there’ll be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, there’ll be harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house, there’ll be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there’ll be peace and love in the world. Ther performance I’ve seen here, young people with all their vigor, with all their enthusiasm, it augurs well for the future of the world.
2005 appointment to the Presidential Office as
副祕書長Deputy Secretary General 黃志芳James Huang 採訪5(黃志芳先生)(國語): TC=04:42-05:23
大家都知道我們國家的外交處境很困難,那在這個困難的外交處境之下呢更需要我們民間的活力,來補足政府正常外交管道不足的缺憾,那太極門本身就是一個最好的一個典範,特別是在雪梨奧運開幕典禮表演節目之後,我想國際社會上有很多的人,想到台灣就會想到太極門,所以我想不管是從國際國民外交,或者是從推廣台灣本土文化的立場來講,太極門都是一個最好而且也是最成功的一個例子. Everyone knows that the nation’s diplomatic predicament is a very difficult one. In such a difficult diplomatic predicament, we particularly need non-governmental vigor to make good the government’s deficiency in normal diplomatic channels. Tai Ji Men itself is an excellent model. Especially since its program of performances at the opening ceremony of the Sydney Olympic Games, I believe that very many people in global society think of Tai Ji Men when they think of Taiwan. I believe, therefore, that, be it from the perspective of international diplomacy or that of promoting native Taiwanese culture, Tai Ji Men is an excellent and most successful example.
OS: TC=05:25-05:41
在【2008全球『護衛地球』感恩惜福音樂演唱會】的現場,當時的副總統蕭萬長先生也許下了愛與和平的心願,鳴響「世界之愛和平鐘」. At the 2008 全球『護衛地球』感恩惜福音樂演唱會 , then Vice President Vincent Siew, gave an assurance of his desire for love and peace, as he sounded the World Peace Bell.
2008年時任 2008 appointment as
中華民國副總統 蕭萬長
Vice President of the Republic of China, Vincent Siew 致詞Speech 4(蕭萬長先生Mr. Vincent Siew)(國語): TC=05:43-06:10
我在這裡謹代表馬英九總統來向各位致意,同時也祝福今天的這個演唱會圓滿成功,我在這裡再度的要感謝主辦單位-太極門氣功養生學會,在這多年來所做的努力. I am here to offer sincere best wishes to everyone on behalf of President Ma Ying-jeou and, at the same time, to wish today’s concert a complete success. I would also, once again, thank the organizer, Tai Ji Men, for the great efforts it has made over many years.
OS: TC=06:12-06:20
內政部江國仁專門委員也代表內政部部長頒獎給太極門掌門人洪道子博士. Ministry of the Interior special committee member Jiang Guo-ren presented an award to Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men, Dr. Hong Tao Tze.
內政部專門委員Ministry of the Interior special committee member 江國仁Jiang Guo-ren 致詞Speech 5(江國仁先生Mr. Jiang Guo-ren )(國語): TC=06:2200-06:44
我們知道洪道子博士他的成就是遍足我們全世界,那麼也是我們看到最好的一個武術跟文化團體,所以內政部對於我們洪博士,這麼多年來做了非常多的努力的貢獻,所以特別要為我們洪博士來頒發一份獎狀. We know that Dr. Hong Tao Tze’s achievement lies in traveling the entire world and Tai Ji Men is the best martial arts and culture organization we have seen, so the Ministry of the Interior especially wishes to present an award to Dr. Hong in recognition of his exceptional efforts over many years.
OS: TC=06:47-07:06
親身實踐就是力量, 500位從3到30歲的太極門弟子組成的Energy Boys & Energy Girls,熱力四射震撼全場,這正是文化傳承世代交替的新希望. Personal practice is power. Energy Boys & Energy Girls, comprising 500 Tai Ji Men followers from the age of three to that of 30, stunned the entire audience. They truly represent the new hope for cultural transmission from one generation to the next.
3.世界之愛和平之願 Love for the World, Desire for Peace
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世界之愛 Love for the World 和平之願 Desire for Peace 標題: TC=00:01-00:05
世界之愛 Love for the World 和平之願Desire for Peace
聯合國祕書長 United Nations Secretary General
Kofi Atta Annan
聖多美普林西比總統 President of Sao Tome and Principe
H.E. Fradique de Menezes
甘比亞總統 President of Gambia
H.E. Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh
衣索比亞總統 President of Ethiopia
H.E. Girma Wolde Giorgis
太極門掌門人洪道子博士 Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
Awarded Outstanding World Citizen Prize
太極門掌門人洪道子博士 Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
Awarded Honorary Citizenship of the City of Cupertino, California, USA OS: TC=00:07-00:35
世界之愛和平總會會長洪道子博士,結合全球元首,聯合國大使,聯合國NGO組織及各界領袖等,落實具體愛與和平行動,每次的行動及過程都是全球性的動員,這種跨國際影響力與號召力,深深感動全球無數的人. Dr. Hong Tao Tze, president of the Federation of World Peace and Love, brings together heads of state from all over the world, ambassadors to the United Nations, the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service and leaders from all walks of life, to carry out concrete action for love and peace. Each action and process amounts to a global mobilization. This kind of international influence and rallying power moves people deeply all over the world.
塞內加爾共和國 Republic of Senegal
總統 President Abdoulaye Wade 鳴鐘心願1(Mr. Wade)(英文): TC=00:37-00:55
(原文) Please check with Video.
Senegal, its people, its government and Ppresident want the goal to all women and men of the world to build and consolidate peace in the world.
多明尼加共和國 Dominican Republic
總統 President Leonel Fernandez Reyna 採訪1(Mr. Reyna)(英文): TC=00:56-01:13
(原文) Please check with Video.
Let me tell you, it’s very emotional, and . Ffor me, it’s been a great experience. Having a World Summit for of Love and Peace; this is what the world needs. So, I want to commend you and I want to somehow show you my support and the support of the Dominican people.
哥斯大黎加共和國 Republic of costa Rica
總統President Laura Chinchilla Miranda 鳴鐘心願2(Ms. Miranda)(英文): TC=01:14-01:30
(原文) Please check with Video.
We try to support all peaceful causes around the world. That is why we really appreciate this ceremony; because it has to do with the most important values that my country has embraced.
1999年美國華盛頓州 Washington State
州長Governor, 1999 Gary Locke 致詞1(Mr. Locke)(英文): TC=01:32-01:48
(原文) Please check with Video.
….and Aall the members of the Tai Ji Men Academy for coming to our state of Washington. OnI behaelf of the State of Washington we to welcome you to our great state and we wish you a great visit during this e Sea Fair Festival.
所羅門群島 Solomon Islands
總督 Governor-General H.H. Sir John Ini Lapli 採訪2(Mr. Lapli)(英文): TC=01:48-02:07
This very meaningful peace ceremony. It is the greatest desire of the world… of the people of the world.., for peace. I am very grateful that this cultural group has come to share their message of peace to the people of Australia and indeed to the world.
Somalian Ambassador to the United Nations
H.E. Elmi Ahmed Duale 採訪3(Mr. Duale)(英文): TC=02:08-02:29
(原文) Please check with Video.
In this world of today there is too much strifve, too many wars among nations and between, within nations, too much hunger, too much disease, and all these cannot be conquered unless, as the message of Dr. Hong is, there is love and there is peace.
一等秘書 First Secretary at the Gambian Embassy in Morocco
Mr. Momodou Hydara 採訪4(Mr. Hydara)(英文): TC=02:29-03:11
(原文) Please check with Video.
Well, I think he is a very great man., cConcerning the fact that he is dedicating his whole life just to spread the message of peace, . Uusing his resources, his energy, his time, to go into this noble activity, going around the world to tell the people to love each other, to love peace,. I think he is a great man, . A and, I think everybody should encourage him. When If we have people like Dr. Hong, five of them in the world, I don’t think that there will be is a place for of war. Because somebody like him has sacrificed all what he has done his life just to spread this message of peace. He is excellent, definitely.
澳洲雪梨市 Sydney, Australia
副市長 Deputy Lord Mayor
Lucy Turnbull 採訪5(Ms. Turnbull)(英文): TC=03:12-03:24
(原文) Please check with Video.
The Tai Ji Men Cultural Group do such a wonderful performance, and, on behalf of the people of the city of Sydney, I wish them every wish and goodwill, and I’m very happy that the Olympic spirit encourages peace and harmony throughout the world.
美國塔克瑪市港務局 Port of Tacoma, USA
局長 Commissioner Clare Petrich
Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
Awarded Honorary Citizenship of Tacoma 採訪6(Ms. Petrich)(英文): TC=03:25-03:38
(原文) Please check with Video.
In heart, in mind, and in body, it feels so very strong and so filled with full of love and with peace and I just … I want to thank you.
美國華府哥倫比亞特區Washington DC, USA
威廉市長代表 Representative of Mayor Williams 致詞2(Mr. )(英文): TC=03:39-03:51
(原文) Please check with Video.
Now, therefore, the Mayor of the District of Columbia does hereby proclaim ??? March 22, 2000 as Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy Day in Washington D.C..
House International Relations Committee, US
Sen. Jesse Helms invites Tai Ji Men to perform at US Capitol
洪道子博士 Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
美國參議員 US Congressman
Mr. Matt Salmon 致詞Speech 3(洪博士Dr. Hong)(國語): TC=03:55-04:15
唯有慈悲,人類才能真正具備世界之愛;唯有勇敢,人類才能毫無所懼的實踐和平的理想;唯有智慧,人類才能化解干戈達成世界一家的境界. Only with mercy can mankind possess a love of the world. Only with courage can mankind put into practice the ideal of peace. Only with wisdom can mankind dissolve weapons of war and achieve a world that is one family.
美國加州蒙特利公園市 Monterey Park, California
市長Mayor Benjamin F. Vent 致詞4(Mr. Vent)(英文): TC=04:16-04:40
(原文) Please check with Video.
I am so humbled to be here tonight and I just want to say one thing before I give Dr. Hong a proclamation from the city of Monterey Park, California, and that is, peace and love starts within each one of us, and that’s the way for peace in the world, and the Tai Ji Men people have the right idea.
Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
獲頒美國檀香山市榮譽市民狀 Awarded Honorary Citizenship of Honolulu, USA
太極門氣功養生學會暨洪道子博士日Mayor of Honolulu Declares Dr. Hong Day 致詞5(Mr. )(英文): TC=04:42-04:59
(原文) Please check with Video.
Dr. Hong is responsible for developing technology, exchange of techniques, resulting in strengthening the relationships among countries and cultures, so Mayor Harris welcomes Dr. Hong, and he declares September 16, today, as Dr. Hong Day, and we congratulate him. Congratulations.
致詞6(Mr. )(英文): TC=05:51-05:10
(原文) Please check with Video.
…Tom Bates, Mayor of the city of Berkeley, hereby proclaim August 5, 2005, to be Federation of World Peace and Love Day in the city of Berkeley.
International Conference of Chief Justices of the World
印度蒙特梭利學校 City Montessori School, India
創辦人Founder Jagdish Gandhi
太極門掌門人洪道子博士Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
獲頒聖雄甘地獎 Awarded the Mahatma Gandhi Award for Promoting Global Understanding 採訪7(Mr. Gandhi)(英文): TC=05:11-05:30
(原文) Please check with Video.
This conference has been extremely successful. Beyond my imagination. Especially….was….you know…because of the participation of Tai Ji Men…their cultural presentations, the ringing of bell, and the speech of Dr. Hong. Really refreshing.
不丹首相 Prime Minister of Bhutan
H.E. Jigme Thinley 採訪3(Mr. Thinley)(英文): TC=05:32-06:11
(原文) Please check with Video.
Thank you for inviting me to participate in this wonderful event. Well, hat love and peace is what you need that to be able to attain end happiness, and my country, for my country, happiness is the meaning and purpose of life. So love and happiness….love and compassion are very important…. essential.
The efforts of this organization to inspire humanity into truly treading a path that will be sustainable and that will promote well-being for all life forms and happiness for the human being. ??
製作人 Made by 洪道子博士Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze
太極門氣功養生學會 Tai Ji Men
諮詢專線 Inquiries hotline: (02)2736-5188 主持人: TC=06:13-07:09
太極門在掌門人洪道子博士的帶領下,數十年來始終積極的在台灣,在聯合國,在世界各地透過文化交流推動愛與和平,這是一個十分難得能夠讓各國元首,各界領袖菁英以及許多對世界有重大貢獻的人都深受感動,並且一致讚揚的名門正派. Under the leadership of Zhang-men-ren Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, Tai Ji Men has for decades vigorously promoted love and peace through cultural exchanges in Taiwan, at the United Nations and throughout the world. It is extremely rare to be able to touch so deeply the heads of state of various countries, elite figures from all walks of life and many others who have contributed greatly to the world. This is distinguished ethical conduct which is universally praised. 其中許多人更是因為受到了太極門的鼓舞和啟發,而願意為世界貢獻更多,本著這樣無私無我的俠義精神,太極門師徒將繼續的啟動世人的良善之心,串聯起全世界的正向能量,共創愛與和平心時代,並且將古老門派的文化精髓代代傳承下去. Many people, moreover, have become willing to contribute even more to the world after being encouraged or inspired by Tai Ji Men. On the basis of this kind of selfless, chivalrous spirit, Tai Ji Men masters and disciples will continue to activate the good hearts of men, to connect the positive energy of the world, together to forge an era of love and peaceful hearts and to enable the cultural essence of an ancient sect to be transmitted from generation to generation.
神氣家族感謝您一路支持.我們再會.The mighty clan thanks you for your constant support. Goodbye.
Chinese to English: The Imprint of a Conscience of Cultural Heritage General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - Chinese 1.神氣旋風能量無限 The Energy of the Mighty Tornado Knows no Limits
影部/字幕 聲部
神氣家族 The Mighty Clan
文化薪傳良心印記The Imprint of a Conscience of Cultural Heritage
神氣旋風 能量無限 The Mighty Tornado Limitless Energy
1999年7月西雅圖第50屆海洋節大遊行,1200位太極門弟子共同參與的海外文化弘揚行,現場35萬民眾夾道歡呼,全美有數百萬的收視觀眾. In July, 1999, the overseas cultural promotion parade attended by 1200 Tai Ji Men followers at the 50th Anniversary of Sea Fair in Seattle, was watched by 350,000 cheering people lining the streets, and several million TV viewers throughout America .
1999年8月,第四屆加州舊金山國際武術節大遊行,舊金山布朗市長特別參與造成當地大轟動的遊行展演. In August, 1999, Mayor Brown of San
Francisco made a point of taking part in the grand parade at the 4th International Martial Arts Festival in San Francisco, which created a local sensation.
2000年9月,雪梨奧運奧林匹克大道及雪梨歌劇院外遊行,450多位太極門弟子在聚集了近450萬旅客的雪梨,以熱鬧的遊行方式慶祝奧運這個舉世歡騰的運動嘉年華. In Sydney, in September, 2009, on Olympic Boulevard and outside the Sydney Opera House, more than 450 Tai Ji Men followers united Sydney, with its approximately 4.5 million travelers , in celebrating the global sporting carnival with a lively parade.
2000年11月,韓國慶州國際文化博覽會及首爾仁寺洞古街遊行,100多位太極門弟子搭乘直航包機飛往釜山,在韓國南北兩地參與遊行. In November, 2000, on the occasion of an international cultural fair in Korea and parade on an old street in Seoul’s Insadong District, more than 100 Tai Ji Men followers took a charter flight to Busan in order for parades to take place simultaneously in the north and south of the country.
2002年7月,西非甘比亞革命紀念日遊行及11月的南非文化資產大遊行,在種族繁多的非洲,太極門弟子以代表中華民族特色的各民族裝扮,與當地人民共創世界一家親的美景. In July, 2002, at a parade on Revolution Day in the West African country of Gambia, and in November of the same year at a parade for the cultural assets of South Africa in ethnically diverse Africa, Tai Ji Men followers, dressed in attire from all the ethnic groups of the Republic of China and along with local people, conjured up images of a global village.
民國97年國慶大會,是以「提昇國家競爭力再創台灣新契機」為主題,推出一個由中央部會,縣市政府,學校及民間團體,共33個遊行隊伍組成的花車遊行嘉年華,太極門師兄姊再次擔任壓軸的演出,由充滿青春活力的Energy Boys & Energy Girls,以「歡欣鼓舞 能量無限」為全民加油打氣,提振全國士氣. The 2008 National Day gathering adopted the theme of “enhancing national competitiveness and creating new opportunities for Taiwan,” and presented a carnival consisting of over 33 troupes from central government departments, county and city governments, schools and civil society. Once again, Tai Ji Men followers formed the central core of the performance, with Energy Boys & Energy Girls, full of youth and vitality, urging the nation on and raising its spirits with Elation and Excitement, Unlimited Energy.
西元2000年在桃園縣立體育場「千鼓龍耀新春樂 萬民同饗文化情」活動中,副總統連戰先生特別頒贈匾額,以表揚太極門掌門人洪道子博士對弘揚國粹文化的貢獻. In the year 2000 at the Jubilant Year Of The Dragon, Inspiration Through Culture event at Taoyuan County Stadium, Vice President Mr. Lien Chan especially presented a plaque to commend Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men Dr. Hong Tao Tze’s contribution to the promotion of quintessential Chinese culture.
現場主持人Presenter -女Female: (上字幕)
嘉年華遊行壓軸隊伍是由太極門神氣家族,以活力四射的Energy,祝福中華民國97歲生日快樂. The carnival troupe consists of Tai Ji Men’s mighty clan and the dynamic Energy, wishing the Republic of China a happy 97th birthday.
現場主持人Presenter -男Male:
太極門融合了氣功武術與舞蹈動作,整齊劃一的陣仗,祝賀中華民國97歲生日快樂. Tai Ji Men fuses the actions of qigong, martial arts and dance, in a single, uniform parade, to wish the Republic of China a happy 97th birthday.
文化薪傳 良心印記 The Imprint of a Conscience of Cultural Heritage
2.精銳盡出超越巔峰 The Cream of the Cream The Height of Perfection
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精銳盡出 超越巔峰 The Cream of the Cream Surpassing the Highest Expectations
太極門掌門人洪道子博士帶領弟子們,以實際行動走遍世界五大洲,以上千場的文化展演與各國領袖,各界貴賓,各界菁英,分享止戈揚善的武學精神,做到最佳的國民外交,多次獲得國家的肯定. Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men Dr. Hong Tao Tze has actually traveled all over the five continents of the world to share with the world’s leaders and elites at the many above-mentioned events, the martial spirit of beating swords into plowshares, conducting the best possible form of diplomacy, and frequently winning the nation’s acclaim.
神氣家族師兄姊將實地體驗的文化交流經驗,展現在國慶大會的文化展演中. The followers of the Mighty Clan display at the National Day cultural festivities the experience of cultural exchanges that they gain by participating in these events.
世界真明亮 歌詞Lyrics=世界真明亮The World is Truly Bright
美好的一天 需要靠自己來開創 藍天和白雲中 有快樂的鳥在飛
On a beautiful day We must rely on ourselves to take initiatives Amid the blue skies and bright clouds Happy birds fly
世界多美好 因為你我心在一起 團結起來把愛傳出去
The world is so beautiful Because you and I are of one mind United to spread love
心要打開 把煩惱都拋開 世界很明亮 窗戶要打開
Our hearts must open Rid themselves of worries The world is very bright We should open our windows
陽光透進來 世界在等待 等待一個有愛的人走入世界來
The sun’s rays shine in The world is waiting Waiting for a loving person to walk in
啦... 啦... 你的心不要再等待 你的憂愁要丟
La…. La….Your heart need wait no longer Your worries will be cast aside
如果還有心事 就要趕快放下來 你要向前看一看 陽光綠樹在等待
If you still have things on your mind Set them aside quickly You must look forward Sunshine and greenery await
你要把心放開 走出自己 走出戶外
You must open your heart Walk out of yourself Walk outdoors
人間有天堂 等你去開創 心打開 把愛傳出來
There is paradise on earth Awaiting your initiation Open your heart Spread love
景美女中Taipei Jingmei Girls High School
主任教官 Head Teacher 陳思沂Chen Siyi 採訪Interview 4(陳思沂先生 Mr. Chen Siyi)(國語):
從這些孩子身上我可以看得出來我們國家的希望,如果我們國家的國人的孩子,都能像我們太極門的孩子這樣子有朝氣的話,我覺得我們國家的未來是無可限量的. By simply looking at these children I can see the expectations of our nation. If the children of our citizens had the vitality of our Tai Ji Men children, I believe the future of our country would be boundless.
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人人有良心 天下皆太平 Everyone has a conscience The whole world is at peace
人人有快樂 家家皆幸福 Everyone is happy All families are blessed
為國慶生,為民祝福,神氣家族師兄姊透過務實的實踐,將文化薪傳的力量展現在國人面前. The followers of the mighty clan conduct their celebration of National Day and their blessing of the people in a practical manner, presenting the power of the transmission of culture in front of the people.
武德傳心,神氣家族師兄姊一直以來,都是以正心,正念,正氣來捍衛真理正義.Spreading knowledge with military ethics, the followers of the mighty clan have always defended truth and justice with integrity, appropriate mindfulness and righteousness.
Because of the current frequency of natural and man-made disasters, in a world facing a loss of order, mankind must awaken and save itself.
On 1st January 2014, the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL), the Association of World Citizens (AWC) and Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy (TJM), together launched the movement An Era of Conscience to awaken a positive energy to stabilize a turbulent world, to enable mankind’s innate goodness and conscience to be rekindled and a genuine era of conscience to begin.
2 月16日「良心時代運動」於美,加,荷,澳,英,義等全球25地同步啟動.
On 16th February, An Era of Conscience was set in motion simultaneously in 25 countries, including the US, Canada, the Netherlands, Australia and the UK, among others.
On 17th August, a ceremony for the global joint signing of the Declaration for the Movement of An Era of Conscience was held in the US city of San José.
An Era of Conscience has even been acknowledged by the United Nations (UN).
8月27日到29日第65屆聯合國公共資訊部門暨非政府組織年會(65th Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference)於紐約聯合國總部舉行,全球重要非政府組織聚集紐約,聯合國秘書長潘基文在開幕以短片的方式發表演說. The important non-governmental organizations of the world convened from 27th to 29th August at the 65th Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference held at UN headquarters in New York, and UN Secretary-General Ban Kyi Moon delivered a speech accompanying a small film about the movement at the opening ceremony.
Association of World Citizens
洪道子博士 Vice Chairman and Member of Advisory Committee Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze OS:
Members of the AWC, FOWPAL and TJM, introduced the Era of Conscience movement at all kinds of seminars, which included speeches from AWC Vice Chairman and Advisory Committee member Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze
數百名與會人員參與這深具影響力的運動,藉由與大眾分享良心話並成為推動「良心時代運動」的國際志工,許多參與者說出他們對「良心時代運動」的全力支持,並了解「良心」是愛與和平及永續未來的關鍵. Several hundred people who participated alongside members at these meetings, shared their consciences with the audience and became international volunteers promoting An Era of Conscience. Many participants expressed their complete support for the movement and their recognition that “conscience” was the crux of love, peace and a sustainable future.
良心覺醒 國際論壇 International Forum On the Awakening of Conscience
全球接力 挽救世界 Global relay Save the world
從2014年9月15日「國際愛與和平日」開始,在全世界各地同步,有許多國家及團共同參與並舉辦了一場場的「良心覺醒 國際論壇」,透過世界各國菁英學者們,分享自身的良心話及良心建言,透過「良心時代運動宣言」的逐條公布,共同揭開了全球接力不斷電,用愛串連良心能量圈,開啟了挽救世界的實際行動. International Love and Peace Day was held all over the world simultaneously on 15th September, 2014. Many countries took part and together held the International Forum On the Awakening of Conscience, at which elite scholars from many countries shared their own words of conscience and suggestions about conscience, and through announcements of individual clauses of the Declaration for the Movement of An Era of Conscience, staged a global relay of uninterrupted electricity, stringing together with love a circle of conscience energy and launching a practical operation to save the world.
監察院 Control Yuan
院長 President 張博雅 Chang Po-ya 採訪Interview 1(張博雅小姐 Ms. Chang Po-ya)(國語):
我一向做事或者是鼓勵我們的同仁就是要憑良心做事,如果每一個人都能夠憑良心做事的話,你一定可以對得起自己,也可以對得起自己的家人,更對得起我們的社會跟國家. I always do things―or encourage our compatriots to do things―with a conscience. If everyone could do things with a conscience, one would never let oneself or one’s family down, nor ever let down one’s society and nation.
2000年時Year 2000, Minister of the Interior任內政部
部長 張博雅 Chang Po-ya OS:.
現任監察院張博雅院長擔任內政部長期間,特別頒贈洪博士內政部獎章,表彰其對文化傳承上的努力. When current president of the Control Yuan, Chang Po-ya, was Minister of the Interior, she especially conferred the Ministry of the Interior medal on Dr. Hong, in honor of his industriousness in transmitting culture.
司法院 Judicial Yuan
前副院長 Former Vice President 城仲模 Cheng Chung-mo 採訪Interview 2(城仲模先生 Mr. Cheng Chung-mo)(國語):
我們今天的主題是良心,那良心這一句話在我們法律裡頭是沒有用上的,因為那是一種道德的概念,良心. Today’s theme is conscience. The term, “conscience,” is one which is not known to the law, since it is a moral concept.
但是日本的憲法裡頭寫得很清楚,法官要根據良心和他們的憲法,法律來審判. But, in Japan’s constitution, it is stated very clearly that judges must conduct trials in accordance with their conscience, their constitution and the law.
The feeling of a conscience exists in the heart of every person, a feeling that is passed down from one generation to the next, like that which is inside all of us right now. I believe a conscience is perfectly normal, but mercenary people in society don’t necessarily talk about conscience. So we need to articulate the concrete substance of conscience if we are to integrate conscience into our modern society with its emphasis on democracy and the rule of law.
中國電視公司 China Television Company
董事長 林聖芬
Chairman Lin Sheng-fen 採訪Interview 3(林聖芬先生 Mr. Lin Sheng-fen)(國語):
希望大家要見到好的,要勇敢的講出來,見到不好的也要勇敢講出來,讓媒體知道說社會的聲音你要重視,你要了解你才能夠扮演,現在某一種程度來講,你如果這樣講的話媒體現在等於迷路了,「迷航」要把它導正回來,還是先要這個良心要把它找回來. I hope everyone sees the good things, and will bravely express them. If they see bad things they should express those too. Let the media know that the voice of society must be valued. One must understand in order to perform a role. Now, to some extent, if we talk in these terms, the media are effectively lost, “off course,” and need to be led back on course. It is conscience that brings them back on course.
其中在洛杉磯工業市所舉辦 「良心覺醒 國際論壇IV」,聯邦眾議會外交委員會主席羅伊斯(Ed Royce) ,加州參議員夏樂柏(Bob Huff),核桃市市議員蘇王秀蘭(Mary Su)代表核桃市市長,分別在現場頒贈表揚狀給太極門掌門人洪道子博士. Of these, at the International Forum On the Awakening of Conscience IV, held in the industrial city of Los Angeles, Ed Royce, chairman of the US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, California Senator Bob Huff, Walnut City Councilor Mary Su (on behalf of the mayor of Walnut), individually awarded commendations to Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men.
聯邦眾議會外交委員會主席羅伊斯(Ed Royce),非常感謝洪道子博士帶領太極門所推動的「良心覺醒 國際論壇」,促進社會積極正面的價值. Chairman Royce expressed exceptional gratitude to Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze for advancing the cause of the active and positive value of society, with his leadership of the International Forum On the Awakening of Conscience.
「良心時代運動」自今年1月1日展開就獲得熱烈響應,全球185個國家,超過2300多個團體共同響應,以及50多國元首,政府首長及聯合國大使,代表來函,祝賀及呼應,共同響應良心時代全球行動,希望由你,我,他串成一個好言善行的世界良心能量圈,透過全球的良心覺醒,用愛串連全世界,打造愛與和平的世界一家. Since its launch on 1st January, An Era of Conscience has met with an enthusiastic response from 185 countries and more than 2,300 organizations, as well as more than 50 heads of state and government and ambassadors to the UN. We hope that these letters, blessings and other responses to the global action that is An Era of Conscience, will, through you, me and others, string together a circle of world conscience energy characterized by good words and good deeds, and that through a global awakening of conscience, we can connect the whole world with love and create a loving, peaceful, global family.
Translation - English 1.神氣旋風能量無限 The Energy of the Mighty Tornado Knows no Limits
影部/字幕 聲部
神氣家族 The Mighty Clan
文化薪傳良心印記The Imprint of a Conscience of Cultural Heritage
神氣旋風 能量無限 The Mighty Tornado Limitless Energy
1999年7月西雅圖第50屆海洋節大遊行,1200位太極門弟子共同參與的海外文化弘揚行,現場35萬民眾夾道歡呼,全美有數百萬的收視觀眾. In July, 1999, the overseas cultural promotion parade attended by 1200 Tai Ji Men followers at the 50th Anniversary of Sea Fair in Seattle, was watched by 350,000 cheering people lining the streets, and several million TV viewers throughout America .
1999年8月,第四屆加州舊金山國際武術節大遊行,舊金山布朗市長特別參與造成當地大轟動的遊行展演. In August, 1999, Mayor Brown of San
Francisco made a point of taking part in the grand parade at the 4th International Martial Arts Festival in San Francisco, which created a local sensation.
2000年9月,雪梨奧運奧林匹克大道及雪梨歌劇院外遊行,450多位太極門弟子在聚集了近450萬旅客的雪梨,以熱鬧的遊行方式慶祝奧運這個舉世歡騰的運動嘉年華. In Sydney, in September, 2009, on Olympic Boulevard and outside the Sydney Opera House, more than 450 Tai Ji Men followers united Sydney, with its approximately 4.5 million travelers , in celebrating the global sporting carnival with a lively parade.
2000年11月,韓國慶州國際文化博覽會及首爾仁寺洞古街遊行,100多位太極門弟子搭乘直航包機飛往釜山,在韓國南北兩地參與遊行. In November, 2000, on the occasion of an international cultural fair in Korea and parade on an old street in Seoul’s Insadong District, more than 100 Tai Ji Men followers took a charter flight to Busan in order for parades to take place simultaneously in the north and south of the country.
2002年7月,西非甘比亞革命紀念日遊行及11月的南非文化資產大遊行,在種族繁多的非洲,太極門弟子以代表中華民族特色的各民族裝扮,與當地人民共創世界一家親的美景. In July, 2002, at a parade on Revolution Day in the West African country of Gambia, and in November of the same year at a parade for the cultural assets of South Africa in ethnically diverse Africa, Tai Ji Men followers, dressed in attire from all the ethnic groups of the Republic of China and along with local people, conjured up images of a global village.
民國97年國慶大會,是以「提昇國家競爭力再創台灣新契機」為主題,推出一個由中央部會,縣市政府,學校及民間團體,共33個遊行隊伍組成的花車遊行嘉年華,太極門師兄姊再次擔任壓軸的演出,由充滿青春活力的Energy Boys & Energy Girls,以「歡欣鼓舞 能量無限」為全民加油打氣,提振全國士氣. The 2008 National Day gathering adopted the theme of “enhancing national competitiveness and creating new opportunities for Taiwan,” and presented a carnival consisting of over 33 troupes from central government departments, county and city governments, schools and civil society. Once again, Tai Ji Men followers formed the central core of the performance, with Energy Boys & Energy Girls, full of youth and vitality, urging the nation on and raising its spirits with Elation and Excitement, Unlimited Energy.
西元2000年在桃園縣立體育場「千鼓龍耀新春樂 萬民同饗文化情」活動中,副總統連戰先生特別頒贈匾額,以表揚太極門掌門人洪道子博士對弘揚國粹文化的貢獻. In the year 2000 at the Jubilant Year Of The Dragon, Inspiration Through Culture event at Taoyuan County Stadium, Vice President Mr. Lien Chan especially presented a plaque to commend Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men Dr. Hong Tao Tze’s contribution to the promotion of quintessential Chinese culture.
現場主持人Presenter -女Female: (上字幕)
嘉年華遊行壓軸隊伍是由太極門神氣家族,以活力四射的Energy,祝福中華民國97歲生日快樂. The carnival troupe consists of Tai Ji Men’s mighty clan and the dynamic Energy, wishing the Republic of China a happy 97th birthday.
現場主持人Presenter -男Male:
太極門融合了氣功武術與舞蹈動作,整齊劃一的陣仗,祝賀中華民國97歲生日快樂. Tai Ji Men fuses the actions of qigong, martial arts and dance, in a single, uniform parade, to wish the Republic of China a happy 97th birthday.
文化薪傳 良心印記 The Imprint of a Conscience of Cultural Heritage
2.精銳盡出超越巔峰 The Cream of the Cream The Height of Perfection
影部/字幕 聲部
精銳盡出 超越巔峰 The Cream of the Cream Surpassing the Highest Expectations
太極門掌門人洪道子博士帶領弟子們,以實際行動走遍世界五大洲,以上千場的文化展演與各國領袖,各界貴賓,各界菁英,分享止戈揚善的武學精神,做到最佳的國民外交,多次獲得國家的肯定. Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men Dr. Hong Tao Tze has actually traveled all over the five continents of the world to share with the world’s leaders and elites at the many above-mentioned events, the martial spirit of beating swords into plowshares, conducting the best possible form of diplomacy, and frequently winning the nation’s acclaim.
神氣家族師兄姊將實地體驗的文化交流經驗,展現在國慶大會的文化展演中. The followers of the Mighty Clan display at the National Day cultural festivities the experience of cultural exchanges that they gain by participating in these events.
世界真明亮 歌詞Lyrics=世界真明亮The World is Truly Bright
美好的一天 需要靠自己來開創 藍天和白雲中 有快樂的鳥在飛
On a beautiful day We must rely on ourselves to take initiatives Amid the blue skies and bright clouds Happy birds fly
世界多美好 因為你我心在一起 團結起來把愛傳出去
The world is so beautiful Because you and I are of one mind United to spread love
心要打開 把煩惱都拋開 世界很明亮 窗戶要打開
Our hearts must open Rid themselves of worries The world is very bright We should open our windows
陽光透進來 世界在等待 等待一個有愛的人走入世界來
The sun’s rays shine in The world is waiting Waiting for a loving person to walk in
啦... 啦... 你的心不要再等待 你的憂愁要丟
La…. La….Your heart need wait no longer Your worries will be cast aside
如果還有心事 就要趕快放下來 你要向前看一看 陽光綠樹在等待
If you still have things on your mind Set them aside quickly You must look forward Sunshine and greenery await
你要把心放開 走出自己 走出戶外
You must open your heart Walk out of yourself Walk outdoors
人間有天堂 等你去開創 心打開 把愛傳出來
There is paradise on earth Awaiting your initiation Open your heart Spread love
景美女中Taipei Jingmei Girls High School
主任教官 Head Teacher 陳思沂Chen Siyi 採訪Interview 4(陳思沂先生 Mr. Chen Siyi)(國語):
從這些孩子身上我可以看得出來我們國家的希望,如果我們國家的國人的孩子,都能像我們太極門的孩子這樣子有朝氣的話,我覺得我們國家的未來是無可限量的. By simply looking at these children I can see the expectations of our nation. If the children of our citizens had the vitality of our Tai Ji Men children, I believe the future of our country would be boundless.
影部/字幕 聲部
人人有良心 天下皆太平 Everyone has a conscience The whole world is at peace
人人有快樂 家家皆幸福 Everyone is happy All families are blessed
為國慶生,為民祝福,神氣家族師兄姊透過務實的實踐,將文化薪傳的力量展現在國人面前. The followers of the mighty clan conduct their celebration of National Day and their blessing of the people in a practical manner, presenting the power of the transmission of culture in front of the people.
武德傳心,神氣家族師兄姊一直以來,都是以正心,正念,正氣來捍衛真理正義.Spreading knowledge with military ethics, the followers of the mighty clan have always defended truth and justice with integrity, appropriate mindfulness and righteousness.
Because of the current frequency of natural and man-made disasters, in a world facing a loss of order, mankind must awaken and save itself.
On 1st January 2014, the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL), the Association of World Citizens (AWC) and Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy (TJM), together launched the movement An Era of Conscience to awaken a positive energy to stabilize a turbulent world, to enable mankind’s innate goodness and conscience to be rekindled and a genuine era of conscience to begin.
2 月16日「良心時代運動」於美,加,荷,澳,英,義等全球25地同步啟動.
On 16th February, An Era of Conscience was set in motion simultaneously in 25 countries, including the US, Canada, the Netherlands, Australia and the UK, among others.
On 17th August, a ceremony for the global joint signing of the Declaration for the Movement of An Era of Conscience was held in the US city of San José.
An Era of Conscience has even been acknowledged by the United Nations (UN).
8月27日到29日第65屆聯合國公共資訊部門暨非政府組織年會(65th Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference)於紐約聯合國總部舉行,全球重要非政府組織聚集紐約,聯合國秘書長潘基文在開幕以短片的方式發表演說. The important non-governmental organizations of the world convened from 27th to 29th August at the 65th Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference held at UN headquarters in New York, and UN Secretary-General Ban Kyi Moon delivered a speech accompanying a small film about the movement at the opening ceremony.
Association of World Citizens
洪道子博士 Vice Chairman and Member of Advisory Committee Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze OS:
Members of the AWC, FOWPAL and TJM, introduced the Era of Conscience movement at all kinds of seminars, which included speeches from AWC Vice Chairman and Advisory Committee member Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze
數百名與會人員參與這深具影響力的運動,藉由與大眾分享良心話並成為推動「良心時代運動」的國際志工,許多參與者說出他們對「良心時代運動」的全力支持,並了解「良心」是愛與和平及永續未來的關鍵. Several hundred people who participated alongside members at these meetings, shared their consciences with the audience and became international volunteers promoting An Era of Conscience. Many participants expressed their complete support for the movement and their recognition that “conscience” was the crux of love, peace and a sustainable future.
良心覺醒 國際論壇 International Forum On the Awakening of Conscience
全球接力 挽救世界 Global relay Save the world
從2014年9月15日「國際愛與和平日」開始,在全世界各地同步,有許多國家及團共同參與並舉辦了一場場的「良心覺醒 國際論壇」,透過世界各國菁英學者們,分享自身的良心話及良心建言,透過「良心時代運動宣言」的逐條公布,共同揭開了全球接力不斷電,用愛串連良心能量圈,開啟了挽救世界的實際行動. International Love and Peace Day was held all over the world simultaneously on 15th September, 2014. Many countries took part and together held the International Forum On the Awakening of Conscience, at which elite scholars from many countries shared their own words of conscience and suggestions about conscience, and through announcements of individual clauses of the Declaration for the Movement of An Era of Conscience, staged a global relay of uninterrupted electricity, stringing together with love a circle of conscience energy and launching a practical operation to save the world.
監察院 Control Yuan
院長 President 張博雅 Chang Po-ya 採訪Interview 1(張博雅小姐 Ms. Chang Po-ya)(國語):
我一向做事或者是鼓勵我們的同仁就是要憑良心做事,如果每一個人都能夠憑良心做事的話,你一定可以對得起自己,也可以對得起自己的家人,更對得起我們的社會跟國家. I always do things―or encourage our compatriots to do things―with a conscience. If everyone could do things with a conscience, one would never let oneself or one’s family down, nor ever let down one’s society and nation.
2000年時Year 2000, Minister of the Interior任內政部
部長 張博雅 Chang Po-ya OS:.
現任監察院張博雅院長擔任內政部長期間,特別頒贈洪博士內政部獎章,表彰其對文化傳承上的努力. When current president of the Control Yuan, Chang Po-ya, was Minister of the Interior, she especially conferred the Ministry of the Interior medal on Dr. Hong, in honor of his industriousness in transmitting culture.
司法院 Judicial Yuan
前副院長 Former Vice President 城仲模 Cheng Chung-mo 採訪Interview 2(城仲模先生 Mr. Cheng Chung-mo)(國語):
我們今天的主題是良心,那良心這一句話在我們法律裡頭是沒有用上的,因為那是一種道德的概念,良心. Today’s theme is conscience. The term, “conscience,” is one which is not known to the law, since it is a moral concept.
但是日本的憲法裡頭寫得很清楚,法官要根據良心和他們的憲法,法律來審判. But, in Japan’s constitution, it is stated very clearly that judges must conduct trials in accordance with their conscience, their constitution and the law.
The feeling of a conscience exists in the heart of every person, a feeling that is passed down from one generation to the next, like that which is inside all of us right now. I believe a conscience is perfectly normal, but mercenary people in society don’t necessarily talk about conscience. So we need to articulate the concrete substance of conscience if we are to integrate conscience into our modern society with its emphasis on democracy and the rule of law.
中國電視公司 China Television Company
董事長 林聖芬
Chairman Lin Sheng-fen 採訪Interview 3(林聖芬先生 Mr. Lin Sheng-fen)(國語):
希望大家要見到好的,要勇敢的講出來,見到不好的也要勇敢講出來,讓媒體知道說社會的聲音你要重視,你要了解你才能夠扮演,現在某一種程度來講,你如果這樣講的話媒體現在等於迷路了,「迷航」要把它導正回來,還是先要這個良心要把它找回來. I hope everyone sees the good things, and will bravely express them. If they see bad things they should express those too. Let the media know that the voice of society must be valued. One must understand in order to perform a role. Now, to some extent, if we talk in these terms, the media are effectively lost, “off course,” and need to be led back on course. It is conscience that brings them back on course.
其中在洛杉磯工業市所舉辦 「良心覺醒 國際論壇IV」,聯邦眾議會外交委員會主席羅伊斯(Ed Royce) ,加州參議員夏樂柏(Bob Huff),核桃市市議員蘇王秀蘭(Mary Su)代表核桃市市長,分別在現場頒贈表揚狀給太極門掌門人洪道子博士. Of these, at the International Forum On the Awakening of Conscience IV, held in the industrial city of Los Angeles, Ed Royce, chairman of the US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, California Senator Bob Huff, Walnut City Councilor Mary Su (on behalf of the mayor of Walnut), individually awarded commendations to Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men.
聯邦眾議會外交委員會主席羅伊斯(Ed Royce),非常感謝洪道子博士帶領太極門所推動的「良心覺醒 國際論壇」,促進社會積極正面的價值. Chairman Royce expressed exceptional gratitude to Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze for advancing the cause of the active and positive value of society, with his leadership of the International Forum On the Awakening of Conscience.
「良心時代運動」自今年1月1日展開就獲得熱烈響應,全球185個國家,超過2300多個團體共同響應,以及50多國元首,政府首長及聯合國大使,代表來函,祝賀及呼應,共同響應良心時代全球行動,希望由你,我,他串成一個好言善行的世界良心能量圈,透過全球的良心覺醒,用愛串連全世界,打造愛與和平的世界一家. Since its launch on 1st January, An Era of Conscience has met with an enthusiastic response from 185 countries and more than 2,300 organizations, as well as more than 50 heads of state and government and ambassadors to the UN. We hope that these letters, blessings and other responses to the global action that is An Era of Conscience, will, through you, me and others, string together a circle of world conscience energy characterized by good words and good deeds, and that through a global awakening of conscience, we can connect the whole world with love and create a loving, peaceful, global family.
Chinese to English: Clean Consciences Light Up Hollywood General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - Chinese
1.好萊塢和平金鐘響 The Sounds of the Hollywood Peace Bell
影部/字幕 聲部
Tai Ji Men Energy Family
Clean Consciences Light Up Hollywood
主持人 談力瑜
Host Tan Liyu 主持人-女: TC=00:00
Hello everyone. We welcome you and your whole family to enjoy the Tai Ji Men Energy Family.
良心時代運動在2014年啟動後引起了廣大的迴響,目前全世界有188個國家共同響應. The launch of the Era of Conscience movement in 2014 caused widespread reactions. Currently, 188 countries are responding to it.
2015年初夏,良心時代運動在領航全球夢想的好萊塢掀起熱潮,神氣家族師兄姊在師父洪道子博士的帶領下受邀前往好萊塢,超過300多位來賓一起參與了在環球影城希爾頓酒店所舉辦的「良心覺醒 世界公民共創愛與和平心時代(The Awakening at Conscience World Citizens Supporting Love & Peace)」的活動,其中也包括了好萊塢巨星以及各界領袖,活動場面十分溫馨熱鬧,讓我們一起來感受這一場星光閃耀的好萊塢盛會. In early summer, 2015, even as the Era of Conscience movement navigated the rising craze for the Hollywood of global dreams, the masters and disciples of the Tai Ji Men energy family, led by Dr. Hong Taozi, found themselves invited to Tinsel Town itself! Over 300 guests took part in The Awakening at Conscience World Citizens Supporting Love & Peace event organized by the Hilton Los Angeles Universal City Hotel. These included Hollywood superstars and leaders from all fields. The atmosphere was warm and lively. Let’s experience this glittering Hollywood pageant together.
OS: TC=00:55
Hollywood is the world’s most famous center of film and theater, the wellspring that leads developments in world cinema, and, in particular, the center for production of many famous hero movies.
每個人都可以成為良心英雄,由於好萊塢資深電影人Antonio Gellinii的夢想是希望透過電影藝術來傳達和平的訊息,當他受到「良心時代運動(An Era of Conscience)」的影響後,便開始熱心推動並積極爭取與「良心時代運動(An Era of Conscience)」發起單位-世界之愛和平總會(Federation of World Peace and Love),太極門氣功養生學會(Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy),聯合國NGO世界公民總會(Association of World Citizens)一起在環球影城希爾頓酒店,聯合舉辦一場名為「良心覺醒 世界公民共創愛與和平心時代(The Awakening at Conscience World Citizens Supporting Love & Peace)」公益活動,當天來賓超過300多位,其中有包含好萊塢明星等各界領袖來到現場. Everyone can become a hero of conscience. Because senior Hollywood movie man Anotonio Gellini’s dream was to transmit messages of peace by way of the cinematic arts, after he came under the influence of An Era of Conscience, he began to promote passionately and fight vigorously for the organizations that launchedthat movement-the Federation of World Peace and Love, the Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy, the Association of World Citizens-to hold together at the Hilton Los Angeles Universal City Hotel a non-profit event called The Awakening at Conscience World Citizens Supporting Love & Peace. More than 300 guests attended, including Hollywood superstars, and leaders from all walks of life.
At the opening ceremony, Tai Ji Men followers delivered the prologue in the form of a welcoming drum performance.
Dr. Hung Taozi, President of the Federation of World Peace and Love and Zhangmenren of Tai Ji Men, gave a speech, in which he said:
Federation of World Peace and Love President and
Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze 致詞Speech (Dr. Hung)(國語): TC=02:31
若每一位世界公民都能聽從內心深處良心的呼喚,在自己的生活崗位上,存好心,說好話,做好事,尊重自己,尊重別人,尊重天地,紛爭與危難就能一一化解. If every citizen of the world could hear the call of the conscience from deep in their inner heart, from the positions that they occupy in life, and exist within kindness, say kind words, do kind deeds, respect themselves, respect others, and respect heaven and earth, disputes and calamities would be resolved one by one.
在與時間賽跑的關鍵時刻,每一顆良心的覺醒都為世界增添了一份轉危為安的契機,身為生命共同體的我們,只有攜手團結才能夠度過難關,為明天注入希望. At crucial points in the race against time, each awakening of a conscience adds to the world an opportunity in which a danger can be turned into a source of safety. We who are a community need only join hands and unite in order to overcome difficulties, in order to fill tomorrow with hope.
World Film Society
Allan Jay Friedman
World Film Society
Film Awards founder and Families
Antonio Gellini
President of the Motion Picture Association of Southern California
Cum-famous movie star Randal Malone
World Film Society
Allan Jay Friedman
Former US Congressman
Diane Watson OS: TC=03:25
當天世界電影協會特別頒發「人道精神獎」給「良心時代運動(An Era of Conscience)」發起人-世界之愛和平總會會長暨太極門掌門人洪道子博士,表彰他終生為世界愛與和平的貢獻,以及良心時代運動的偉大成就,喚醒世界公民為全人類的愛,和平與團結共同努力. On the same day, the World Film Society awarded the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award to Dr. Hung Taozi, the founder of An Era of Conscience, President of the Federation of World Peace and Love and Zhangmenren of Tai Ji Men,
「世界之愛和平鐘鳴鐘儀典(The Ceremony of Ringing the Bell of Peace)」是當天盛會的第一波高潮,在這場盛會上有四位重要貴賓分別鳴響世界之愛和平鐘,發表各人的鳴鐘心願. The Ceremony of the Ringing of the Bell of Peace is the first highlight of today’s pageant. At this distinguished meeting, there are four distinguished guests who are going to ring the Bell of Peace and issue their bell-ringing wish.
Former US Congressman
Diane Watson 採訪1(Ms. Watson)(英文): TC=04:11-04:22
What the world needs more is love, peace, faith, and consciousness that we all are one in God’s eyes.
President of the Motion Picture Association of Southern California
Cum-famous movie star Randal Malone 採訪2(Mr. Malone)(英文): TC=04:24-04:50
I wish for peace and love within everybody’s heart. If you have love in your heart, and if you have those things in your heart… and I wish everybody have it in their heart, then you will be at peace with yourself, you could accomplish more, you will be in love…love…feel love for everybody, and when you feel love, you can accomplish anything. Love is the answer to everything.
World Film Society
Allan Jay Friedman 採訪3(Mr. Friedman)(英文): TC=04:53-05:15
To help transform your world from being mind-driven to being heart-driven and run by love, and to make it a safe and noble place for children, and (inaudible 05:05 to 05:09) dignity, peace, love, hope and freedom.
World Film Society
Film Awards founder and Families
Antonio Gellini 採訪4(Mr. Gellini)(英文): TC=05:16-05:53
待聽打 My wish to be smile all the children in the world. My wish to bring peace and harmony to be unity and (love another/ in other ? barely audible 5:27-5:28) and my wish to keep your culture and customs, keep your dancing, music, sculpture, painting, theater, cinema all together. My dear friend, Dr. Hung, going to make life (sic.) better place for our children
OS: TC=05:54
世界之愛和平鐘環繞全球五大洲,到目前為止有87國269位各界領袖,包括全球27國元首,8位諾貝爾獎得主以及多國聯合國大使,各界NGO領袖等鳴鐘,每位鳴鐘者透過鳴鐘許下愛與和平的心願,而能在未來透過行動實現這份神聖的承諾. The Bell of Peace has traveled the five continents of the world and has to date been rung by 269 leaders from all walks of life in 87 countries, including 27 heads of state, eight Nobel Prize winners, many ambassadors to the United Nations, leaders of NGOs in all fields. Each ringer of the bell has made a promise of his wish for love and peace, and may in future take action to achieve this divine commitment.
傳承古老文化精神的「世界之愛和平鐘鳴鐘儀典(The Ceremony of Ringing the Bell of Peace)」場面莊嚴祥和,讓在場來賓共同感受清靜鐘聲的洗禮,讓人心回歸清淨而能彼此真心交流.
Passing on the spirit of ancient culture, the spectacle of the Ceremony of the Ringing of the Bell of Peace is solemn, auspicious and peaceful, enabling those present to experience baptism by the peaceful bell, returning their hearts to tranquility and an ability to interact with sincerity.
Mai Pohnke 採訪5(Ms. Pohnke)(英文): TC=06:46
待聽打 The beautiful Bell of Peace ringing was so moving, and you could feel it just circling through the room. It was so moving and so beautiful and really made me want to go inside, take a deep breath and then bring out all of the joy that I have and share it with anybody else that I knew.
Kristina Holm 採訪6(Ms. Holm)(英文): TC=07:07
待聽打 I think the best part of today was watching everyone hit the bell, the peace bell. I think that was the most touching. It’s beautiful, and everything it stands for is beautiful.
Persian Internet TV
CEO Amir Shadjareh 採訪7(Mr. Shadjareh)(英文): TC=07:16
待聽打 I feel very good. You know…this is the thing we are…everybody, you know, like this and working hard for…to catch this. I think all the human likes this idea if it sometimes come true. That’s very important for all of us, I believe.
World Film Society
Allan Jay Friedman 採訪8(Mr. Friedman)(英文): TC=07:39-08:04
待聽打 What Dr. Hung is doing, because I’ve been doing it (inaudible 07:42-07:43) in a different way all my life, trying to elevate the world through media and bring peace, harmony and love through entertainment, and that’s basically my goal as well. The best way to promote is just through media and (inaudible 07:57-07:58) through entertainment. Oscar Wilde said, “If you want to tell the truth, make it fun.”
影部/字幕 聲部
OS: TC=00:02
「良心覺醒 世界公民共創愛與和平心時代(The Awakening at Conscience World Citizens Supporting Love & Peace)」的活動結合了東西方文化的精華,迎接來自各界貴賓的迎賓大道,融合了東方古禮迎賓的盛情與西方好萊塢星光大道的熱鬧. The Awakening at Conscience World Citizens Supporting Love & Peace activity combined the best of eastern and western culture; a welcoming avenue on which to greet esteemed guests from all over the world, fusing munificent, ancient, eastern etiquette and hospitality with the western vivacity of Holywood Boulevard.
太極門是個傳承文化注重傳統倫理道德的門派,當天除了舉行太極門文化饗宴外,更有重視家庭倫理價值觀的家庭電影獎公布入圍者名單的典禮共同舉行. Tai Ji Men is a sect which passes on culture and emphasizes ethics. That day, as well as holding a Tai Ji Men cultural feast, we gave prominence to the jointly held ceremony for the announcement of the shortlist for the final round of the Family Film Awards.
因此特別邀請到演出多部熱門電視影集的演員,以及歌手Rebecca Holden和名音樂製作人Joel Diamond,及名喜劇演員-奧斯卡獎得主Eslam Shams,歌手Alston Koch等人,擔任節目主持人.
We therefore especially invited actors who had performed in many popular television series, as well as singer Rebecca Holden, renowned composer Joel Diamond, famed comic actor Eslam Shams, and singer Alston Koch, among others, to serve as presenters.
太極門的文化交流享譽國際,在文化饗宴中太極門師兄姊將多年來習武練氣的成果,以心傳心用發自心靈的純淨心氣,傳遞愛與和平的心意. Tai Ji Men enjoys an international reputation for its cultural exchanges. Amid the cultural feast, Tai Ji Men followers transmit the fruits of many years’ study of martial arts and the refinement of qi, to spread feelings of love and peace through the pure intentions of the heart, themselves evolved from transmission by and usage by the heart.
現場主持人 On-site hosts:
李文琪 Li Wenqi 陳又睿 Chen Yourui 現場主持人-女(英文): TC=01:27
Practice of qi is very important as it is all over us and knowing how to harness qi makes us very healthy. Not only do we practice qi for our own well-being, but we learn to share the goodness with other people.
現場主持人-男(英文): TC=01:42-01:55
In the ancient times, this dance is a rare performance that is only for the eyes of the royal family, so we’d like to share with you the goodness through the (inaudible 1:52-1:54) dance.
Yocande Koch 採訪1(Ms. Koch)(英文): TC=03:06
And if more people like Dr. Hung were around, it’s not impossible, and I hope for nothing but peace and love.
Universal Peace Federation (Los Angeles)
The Secretary-General Nasser Zomorod 採訪2(Mr. Zomorod)(英文): TC=03:15
I believe if family raise (sic), then society will raise. So, what he is doing is amazing…so powerful, so fundamental, so great. For whole country actually.
Singer and music producer
Alston Koch 採訪3(Mr. Koch)(英文): TC=03:30
I feel that everybody needs what we were taught today and what we were told today. The whole world is meant to be aware of love, life and peace.
Laura Booker 採訪4(Ms. Booker)(英文): TC=03:43-04:19
Each interaction that I have with anyone at this event…it’s looking in their eyes and seeing the spirit and the love and peace that’s coming from each and every one of the people that are here. I just wish that I can capture a little bit more of that, and take that back to Canada with me as the ambassador of the Olympia Awards, because, if you’re able to share and spread the energy and positive consciousness that you feel here today with the rest of the world, especially when I go home to Canada, I’m going to be very excited that we can maybe make a bigger difference and spread this message of peace and love.
Social media and marketing consultant
Dave Repchunk 採訪5(Mr. Repchunk)(英文): TC=05:56-06:25
What I saw today was just truly remarkable… in that spreading the word of compassion and understanding for human (sic.), for love of the planet and for longevity of this human race. I was just amazed to see such a remarkable group of people that have all come together and continue to spread the word year after year, just enlarging their ranks, continuing to get people together to really spread the message of love and peace.
Family Film Award
Nitisunder Olambia 採訪6(Ms. Olambia)(英文): TC=06:27
The first thing I’d like to do and (sic.) change myself, and then I can change anybody. That’s one of the first things. I’m not changing people. I am just bringing love and peace. That’s what I think I want to achieve.
Model and actor
Cindy Chiem 採訪7(Ms. Chiem)(英文): TC=06:40
Today was a great experience. It was wonderful to see the program and it lifted my spirit and it was a great opportunity to be (inaudible 6:51) in this (inaudible 6:52-6:53) peace and love (inaudible 6:56-6:57).
Hollywood comedian
Eslam Shams 採訪8(Mr. Shams)(英文): TC=06:58
Peace. Love. That should be in everybody and should be given to everyone around us. That’s what I got from it. So we need more people like Dr. Hung, and not just him; people who follow his ideology, on earth. Everywhere. Not just in any continent. They don’t have to be Chinese. They could be in Germany or in Canada, or South America. Anywhere.
Actor and producer
Tom Tangen 採訪9(Mr. Tangen)(英文): TC=07:23-07:50
I think we need more filmmakers to show the love and the hope and the promise. This is one of the most beautiful events I’ve ever been to. We’re at the beautiful Hilton Universal, and the people here…the hope and the love in their hearts… . You know, this is a place where dreams come true. Hollywood, we all know, is where everybody goes to make it big. But this encompasses the world. This is a world for peace.
影部/字幕 聲部
OS: TC=00:04
在這場良心文化饗宴中洋溢著東西方交融的祥和音樂,好萊塢音樂人也以他們創作的音樂表達對「良心時代運動(An Era of Conscience)」的感動與讚賞,知名的演員也是歌手的Rebecca Holden特別帶來她的新歌「夢想成真」. In this feast of conscience culture suffused with auspicious and peaceful music, Hollywood musicians express their feelings and admiration for An Era of Conscience through their own compositions. Famed actress and singer Rebecca Holden brought her new song, 「夢想成真」 especially.
Actor and singer
Rebecca Holden 口白(Ms. Holden)(英語): TC=00:26
And I know that everybody in this room has a dream. Right? For world peace and love. And so we dedicate this song to each and every single one of you today, because it is by your love, and your kindness and your generosity of spirit that you make dreams come true.
歌詞=夢想成真 TC=00:53
Come with me and we will try together to ……
Actor and singer
Rebecca Holden 採訪1(Ms. Holden)(英文): TC=01:10
I was the star of a television show that’s still seen around the world in over 200 countries, called Night Rider, with David Hasselhoff, and the message of the show was one man can make a difference, and I think that that is really also the message of the era of consciousness (sic.) because we are empowered to make a difference in the world by our own inner joy, whether it be through a smile, or through an act of kindness or through really putting the well-being of others above self. That’s what generosity is about.
歌詞=夢想成真 TC=01:48
Tears of Sorrow (Inaudible 1:50-1:51)
Lyrics= The Angel in Your Heart
You are brave and you're strong face difficulties in your life.
You are angel with a heart full of love. Spread your wings the angel in your heart.
OS: TC=02:06
良心時代的國際志工們,則分享充滿和平能量的良心時代歌曲及愛與和平之歌. International Era of Conscience volunteers then shared songs rich in peaceful energy and Era of Conscience songs about love and peace.
Lyrics =Love and Peace song
Attractive words from inner heart. Amazing power due to the love.
When heart to heart. When love spread. Love and peace will come true.
主席 Annie Lee 採訪2(Ms. Lee)(英文): TC=02:34
I think today’s event is a wonderful way for everyone to understand world peace and to spread that news around the world. This is a great opportunity for people to understand what’s going on and how they can impact everybody around them, not just from far away, but even locally, from the next person, to one another.
Oceann Hai 採訪3(Ms. Hai)(英文): TC=02:53
It’s something that reflect (inaudible 2:55) reflect your heart and make you reflect on yourself that what we can do for this world to bring world peace and love and at the same time (inaudible 3:06).
Design Artist
Cerdan A. Smith 採訪4(Mr. Smith)(英文): TC=03:08
Well, I think it’s bringing together the talent of the Asian culture and the various talents that come out to show their support, to educate the different cultures on sharing each other’s enriching experiences for the traditions that so many of us hold and that we value sacredly. So, being a part of this is very special for all of us. We are very excited and emotional about such contributions, and it’s not only just the Chinese, Hispanics, the African-Americans, the Irish, the Ukraines (sic.). The list just goes on.
Actor and activist
Mary Apick 採訪5(Ms. Apick)(英文): TC=03:55
I am very proud that this collaboration is happening within world peace and the beauty that exists within humankind reaching out to each other and making a better world. Our children are responsible for the future, so we, as parents, we have to take the right steps in order to make sure that we create.
Los Angeles Children's Hospital Radiology
Director Alberto Pemudi 採訪6(Mr. Pemudi)(英文): TC=04:18
So I think, for the world, for the children… I think to see how much suffering and how much pain there is in the world… that we, our human conscience, is creating that, and how we can reverse the many evil things that are happening all over the world… I think that just to take a moment to pause, to see that what really makes a difference is to have everyone, especially the adults, you know, to really think about what we’re really doin’ and how much damage we’re causin’ to each other. By simply creating peace, love and better conscience we can turn that around.
OS: TC=05:00-05:21
良心英雄崛起,拯救世界,在這場盛宴的最後主持人邀請所有在場嘉賓一起來響應良心時代運動,在良心時代運動發起人洪道子博士的引領下,在場好萊塢各界代表一起做出良心手勢共同響應. Heroes of conscience arise and rescue the world. The final presenter at this event invited all the esteemed guests to respond to the Era of Conscience movement, and, under the leadership of Dr. Hung Taozi, founder of the movement, the representatives of all walks of Hollywood life responded together by making gestures of conscience.
這場為期十天在美西展開的「良心覺醒 世界公民共創愛與和平心時代」活動,還接獲美國總統歐巴馬,加拿大總理哈珀,美國前總統克林頓,美國前國務郷希拉蕊,微軟名譽主席比爾蓋茲紛紛以來函,來電...等,祝賀此行圓滿順利. This event ―The Awakening at Conscience World Citizens Supporting Love & Peace ― was also blessed by letters and calls for its complete success from such figures as US President Obama, Prime Minister Harper of Canada, former US President Bill Clinton, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates.
最後好萊塢眾星響應良心時代運動,在以「愛」為名的歌曲聲中圓滿的閉幕. The Hollywood throng gave their final response to the Era of Conscience movement in the perfect closing ceremony, featuring a song titled, “Love.”
Lyrics =Love
Have you ever dreamed of a land of love?
With sunshine, rainbows, and whispering rivers.
Golden sunflowers blossom in every field.
主持人-女: TC=06:31
人人都是良心英雄,為了地球村的永續發展需要大家共同努力,在這場星光閃閃的活動中,神氣家族師兄姊與好萊塢各界人士一同啟動良心動力,讓人人心中的真善美交互輝映,我們希望能從自己做起喚醒人人內心深處的良知,一個人牽起另一個人,一顆心團結另一顆心,將全世界串連成一個巨大的能量圈共創愛與和平心時代. Everyone is a hero of conscience. The sustainable development of the global village requires everyone to strive together. At this glittering event, Tai Ji Men followers and assorted Hollywood figures activated a force for conscience, enabling the truth, beauty and goodness inside everyone’s heart to reflect in one another. We hope to be able, through the self, to create a conscience that awakens the innermost depths of the heart ― hand by hand, heart united with heart ― to connect the world like a giant circle of energy and together forge an era of loving and peaceful hearts.
感謝收看,我們再會. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.
Translation - English
1.好萊塢和平金鐘響 The Sounds of the Hollywood Peace Bell
影部/字幕 聲部
Tai Ji Men Energy Family
Clean Consciences Light Up Hollywood
主持人 談力瑜
Host Tan Liyu 主持人-女: TC=00:00
Hello everyone. We welcome you and your whole family to enjoy the Tai Ji Men Energy Family.
良心時代運動在2014年啟動後引起了廣大的迴響,目前全世界有188個國家共同響應. The launch of the Era of Conscience movement in 2014 caused widespread reactions. Currently, 188 countries are responding to it.
2015年初夏,良心時代運動在領航全球夢想的好萊塢掀起熱潮,神氣家族師兄姊在師父洪道子博士的帶領下受邀前往好萊塢,超過300多位來賓一起參與了在環球影城希爾頓酒店所舉辦的「良心覺醒 世界公民共創愛與和平心時代(The Awakening at Conscience World Citizens Supporting Love & Peace)」的活動,其中也包括了好萊塢巨星以及各界領袖,活動場面十分溫馨熱鬧,讓我們一起來感受這一場星光閃耀的好萊塢盛會. In early summer, 2015, even as the Era of Conscience movement navigated the rising craze for the Hollywood of global dreams, the masters and disciples of the Tai Ji Men energy family, led by Dr. Hong Taozi, found themselves invited to Tinsel Town itself! Over 300 guests took part in The Awakening at Conscience World Citizens Supporting Love & Peace event organized by the Hilton Los Angeles Universal City Hotel. These included Hollywood superstars and leaders from all fields. The atmosphere was warm and lively. Let’s experience this glittering Hollywood pageant together.
OS: TC=00:55
Hollywood is the world’s most famous center of film and theater, the wellspring that leads developments in world cinema, and, in particular, the center for production of many famous hero movies.
每個人都可以成為良心英雄,由於好萊塢資深電影人Antonio Gellinii的夢想是希望透過電影藝術來傳達和平的訊息,當他受到「良心時代運動(An Era of Conscience)」的影響後,便開始熱心推動並積極爭取與「良心時代運動(An Era of Conscience)」發起單位-世界之愛和平總會(Federation of World Peace and Love),太極門氣功養生學會(Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy),聯合國NGO世界公民總會(Association of World Citizens)一起在環球影城希爾頓酒店,聯合舉辦一場名為「良心覺醒 世界公民共創愛與和平心時代(The Awakening at Conscience World Citizens Supporting Love & Peace)」公益活動,當天來賓超過300多位,其中有包含好萊塢明星等各界領袖來到現場. Everyone can become a hero of conscience. Because senior Hollywood movie man Anotonio Gellini’s dream was to transmit messages of peace by way of the cinematic arts, after he came under the influence of An Era of Conscience, he began to promote passionately and fight vigorously for the organizations that launchedthat movement-the Federation of World Peace and Love, the Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy, the Association of World Citizens-to hold together at the Hilton Los Angeles Universal City Hotel a non-profit event called The Awakening at Conscience World Citizens Supporting Love & Peace. More than 300 guests attended, including Hollywood superstars, and leaders from all walks of life.
At the opening ceremony, Tai Ji Men followers delivered the prologue in the form of a welcoming drum performance.
Dr. Hung Taozi, President of the Federation of World Peace and Love and Zhangmenren of Tai Ji Men, gave a speech, in which he said:
Federation of World Peace and Love President and
Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze 致詞Speech (Dr. Hung)(國語): TC=02:31
若每一位世界公民都能聽從內心深處良心的呼喚,在自己的生活崗位上,存好心,說好話,做好事,尊重自己,尊重別人,尊重天地,紛爭與危難就能一一化解. If every citizen of the world could hear the call of the conscience from deep in their inner heart, from the positions that they occupy in life, and exist within kindness, say kind words, do kind deeds, respect themselves, respect others, and respect heaven and earth, disputes and calamities would be resolved one by one.
在與時間賽跑的關鍵時刻,每一顆良心的覺醒都為世界增添了一份轉危為安的契機,身為生命共同體的我們,只有攜手團結才能夠度過難關,為明天注入希望. At crucial points in the race against time, each awakening of a conscience adds to the world an opportunity in which a danger can be turned into a source of safety. We who are a community need only join hands and unite in order to overcome difficulties, in order to fill tomorrow with hope.
World Film Society
Allan Jay Friedman
World Film Society
Film Awards founder and Families
Antonio Gellini
President of the Motion Picture Association of Southern California
Cum-famous movie star Randal Malone
World Film Society
Allan Jay Friedman
Former US Congressman
Diane Watson OS: TC=03:25
當天世界電影協會特別頒發「人道精神獎」給「良心時代運動(An Era of Conscience)」發起人-世界之愛和平總會會長暨太極門掌門人洪道子博士,表彰他終生為世界愛與和平的貢獻,以及良心時代運動的偉大成就,喚醒世界公民為全人類的愛,和平與團結共同努力. On the same day, the World Film Society awarded the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award to Dr. Hung Taozi, the founder of An Era of Conscience, President of the Federation of World Peace and Love and Zhangmenren of Tai Ji Men,
「世界之愛和平鐘鳴鐘儀典(The Ceremony of Ringing the Bell of Peace)」是當天盛會的第一波高潮,在這場盛會上有四位重要貴賓分別鳴響世界之愛和平鐘,發表各人的鳴鐘心願. The Ceremony of the Ringing of the Bell of Peace is the first highlight of today’s pageant. At this distinguished meeting, there are four distinguished guests who are going to ring the Bell of Peace and issue their bell-ringing wish.
Former US Congressman
Diane Watson 採訪1(Ms. Watson)(英文): TC=04:11-04:22
What the world needs more is love, peace, faith, and consciousness that we all are one in God’s eyes.
President of the Motion Picture Association of Southern California
Cum-famous movie star Randal Malone 採訪2(Mr. Malone)(英文): TC=04:24-04:50
I wish for peace and love within everybody’s heart. If you have love in your heart, and if you have those things in your heart… and I wish everybody have it in their heart, then you will be at peace with yourself, you could accomplish more, you will be in love…love…feel love for everybody, and when you feel love, you can accomplish anything. Love is the answer to everything.
World Film Society
Allan Jay Friedman 採訪3(Mr. Friedman)(英文): TC=04:53-05:15
To help transform your world from being mind-driven to being heart-driven and run by love, and to make it a safe and noble place for children, and (inaudible 05:05 to 05:09) dignity, peace, love, hope and freedom.
World Film Society
Film Awards founder and Families
Antonio Gellini 採訪4(Mr. Gellini)(英文): TC=05:16-05:53
待聽打 My wish to be smile all the children in the world. My wish to bring peace and harmony to be unity and (love another/ in other ? barely audible 5:27-5:28) and my wish to keep your culture and customs, keep your dancing, music, sculpture, painting, theater, cinema all together. My dear friend, Dr. Hung, going to make life (sic.) better place for our children
OS: TC=05:54
世界之愛和平鐘環繞全球五大洲,到目前為止有87國269位各界領袖,包括全球27國元首,8位諾貝爾獎得主以及多國聯合國大使,各界NGO領袖等鳴鐘,每位鳴鐘者透過鳴鐘許下愛與和平的心願,而能在未來透過行動實現這份神聖的承諾. The Bell of Peace has traveled the five continents of the world and has to date been rung by 269 leaders from all walks of life in 87 countries, including 27 heads of state, eight Nobel Prize winners, many ambassadors to the United Nations, leaders of NGOs in all fields. Each ringer of the bell has made a promise of his wish for love and peace, and may in future take action to achieve this divine commitment.
傳承古老文化精神的「世界之愛和平鐘鳴鐘儀典(The Ceremony of Ringing the Bell of Peace)」場面莊嚴祥和,讓在場來賓共同感受清靜鐘聲的洗禮,讓人心回歸清淨而能彼此真心交流.
Passing on the spirit of ancient culture, the spectacle of the Ceremony of the Ringing of the Bell of Peace is solemn, auspicious and peaceful, enabling those present to experience baptism by the peaceful bell, returning their hearts to tranquility and an ability to interact with sincerity.
Mai Pohnke 採訪5(Ms. Pohnke)(英文): TC=06:46
待聽打 The beautiful Bell of Peace ringing was so moving, and you could feel it just circling through the room. It was so moving and so beautiful and really made me want to go inside, take a deep breath and then bring out all of the joy that I have and share it with anybody else that I knew.
Kristina Holm 採訪6(Ms. Holm)(英文): TC=07:07
待聽打 I think the best part of today was watching everyone hit the bell, the peace bell. I think that was the most touching. It’s beautiful, and everything it stands for is beautiful.
Persian Internet TV
CEO Amir Shadjareh 採訪7(Mr. Shadjareh)(英文): TC=07:16
待聽打 I feel very good. You know…this is the thing we are…everybody, you know, like this and working hard for…to catch this. I think all the human likes this idea if it sometimes come true. That’s very important for all of us, I believe.
World Film Society
Allan Jay Friedman 採訪8(Mr. Friedman)(英文): TC=07:39-08:04
待聽打 What Dr. Hung is doing, because I’ve been doing it (inaudible 07:42-07:43) in a different way all my life, trying to elevate the world through media and bring peace, harmony and love through entertainment, and that’s basically my goal as well. The best way to promote is just through media and (inaudible 07:57-07:58) through entertainment. Oscar Wilde said, “If you want to tell the truth, make it fun.”
影部/字幕 聲部
OS: TC=00:02
「良心覺醒 世界公民共創愛與和平心時代(The Awakening at Conscience World Citizens Supporting Love & Peace)」的活動結合了東西方文化的精華,迎接來自各界貴賓的迎賓大道,融合了東方古禮迎賓的盛情與西方好萊塢星光大道的熱鬧. The Awakening at Conscience World Citizens Supporting Love & Peace activity combined the best of eastern and western culture; a welcoming avenue on which to greet esteemed guests from all over the world, fusing munificent, ancient, eastern etiquette and hospitality with the western vivacity of Holywood Boulevard.
太極門是個傳承文化注重傳統倫理道德的門派,當天除了舉行太極門文化饗宴外,更有重視家庭倫理價值觀的家庭電影獎公布入圍者名單的典禮共同舉行. Tai Ji Men is a sect which passes on culture and emphasizes ethics. That day, as well as holding a Tai Ji Men cultural feast, we gave prominence to the jointly held ceremony for the announcement of the shortlist for the final round of the Family Film Awards.
因此特別邀請到演出多部熱門電視影集的演員,以及歌手Rebecca Holden和名音樂製作人Joel Diamond,及名喜劇演員-奧斯卡獎得主Eslam Shams,歌手Alston Koch等人,擔任節目主持人.
We therefore especially invited actors who had performed in many popular television series, as well as singer Rebecca Holden, renowned composer Joel Diamond, famed comic actor Eslam Shams, and singer Alston Koch, among others, to serve as presenters.
太極門的文化交流享譽國際,在文化饗宴中太極門師兄姊將多年來習武練氣的成果,以心傳心用發自心靈的純淨心氣,傳遞愛與和平的心意. Tai Ji Men enjoys an international reputation for its cultural exchanges. Amid the cultural feast, Tai Ji Men followers transmit the fruits of many years’ study of martial arts and the refinement of qi, to spread feelings of love and peace through the pure intentions of the heart, themselves evolved from transmission by and usage by the heart.
現場主持人 On-site hosts:
李文琪 Li Wenqi 陳又睿 Chen Yourui 現場主持人-女(英文): TC=01:27
Practice of qi is very important as it is all over us and knowing how to harness qi makes us very healthy. Not only do we practice qi for our own well-being, but we learn to share the goodness with other people.
現場主持人-男(英文): TC=01:42-01:55
In the ancient times, this dance is a rare performance that is only for the eyes of the royal family, so we’d like to share with you the goodness through the (inaudible 1:52-1:54) dance.
Yocande Koch 採訪1(Ms. Koch)(英文): TC=03:06
And if more people like Dr. Hung were around, it’s not impossible, and I hope for nothing but peace and love.
Universal Peace Federation (Los Angeles)
The Secretary-General Nasser Zomorod 採訪2(Mr. Zomorod)(英文): TC=03:15
I believe if family raise (sic), then society will raise. So, what he is doing is amazing…so powerful, so fundamental, so great. For whole country actually.
Singer and music producer
Alston Koch 採訪3(Mr. Koch)(英文): TC=03:30
I feel that everybody needs what we were taught today and what we were told today. The whole world is meant to be aware of love, life and peace.
Laura Booker 採訪4(Ms. Booker)(英文): TC=03:43-04:19
Each interaction that I have with anyone at this event…it’s looking in their eyes and seeing the spirit and the love and peace that’s coming from each and every one of the people that are here. I just wish that I can capture a little bit more of that, and take that back to Canada with me as the ambassador of the Olympia Awards, because, if you’re able to share and spread the energy and positive consciousness that you feel here today with the rest of the world, especially when I go home to Canada, I’m going to be very excited that we can maybe make a bigger difference and spread this message of peace and love.
Social media and marketing consultant
Dave Repchunk 採訪5(Mr. Repchunk)(英文): TC=05:56-06:25
What I saw today was just truly remarkable… in that spreading the word of compassion and understanding for human (sic.), for love of the planet and for longevity of this human race. I was just amazed to see such a remarkable group of people that have all come together and continue to spread the word year after year, just enlarging their ranks, continuing to get people together to really spread the message of love and peace.
Family Film Award
Nitisunder Olambia 採訪6(Ms. Olambia)(英文): TC=06:27
The first thing I’d like to do and (sic.) change myself, and then I can change anybody. That’s one of the first things. I’m not changing people. I am just bringing love and peace. That’s what I think I want to achieve.
Model and actor
Cindy Chiem 採訪7(Ms. Chiem)(英文): TC=06:40
Today was a great experience. It was wonderful to see the program and it lifted my spirit and it was a great opportunity to be (inaudible 6:51) in this (inaudible 6:52-6:53) peace and love (inaudible 6:56-6:57).
Hollywood comedian
Eslam Shams 採訪8(Mr. Shams)(英文): TC=06:58
Peace. Love. That should be in everybody and should be given to everyone around us. That’s what I got from it. So we need more people like Dr. Hung, and not just him; people who follow his ideology, on earth. Everywhere. Not just in any continent. They don’t have to be Chinese. They could be in Germany or in Canada, or South America. Anywhere.
Actor and producer
Tom Tangen 採訪9(Mr. Tangen)(英文): TC=07:23-07:50
I think we need more filmmakers to show the love and the hope and the promise. This is one of the most beautiful events I’ve ever been to. We’re at the beautiful Hilton Universal, and the people here…the hope and the love in their hearts… . You know, this is a place where dreams come true. Hollywood, we all know, is where everybody goes to make it big. But this encompasses the world. This is a world for peace.
影部/字幕 聲部
OS: TC=00:04
在這場良心文化饗宴中洋溢著東西方交融的祥和音樂,好萊塢音樂人也以他們創作的音樂表達對「良心時代運動(An Era of Conscience)」的感動與讚賞,知名的演員也是歌手的Rebecca Holden特別帶來她的新歌「夢想成真」. In this feast of conscience culture suffused with auspicious and peaceful music, Hollywood musicians express their feelings and admiration for An Era of Conscience through their own compositions. Famed actress and singer Rebecca Holden brought her new song, 「夢想成真」 especially.
Actor and singer
Rebecca Holden 口白(Ms. Holden)(英語): TC=00:26
And I know that everybody in this room has a dream. Right? For world peace and love. And so we dedicate this song to each and every single one of you today, because it is by your love, and your kindness and your generosity of spirit that you make dreams come true.
歌詞=夢想成真 TC=00:53
Come with me and we will try together to ……
Actor and singer
Rebecca Holden 採訪1(Ms. Holden)(英文): TC=01:10
I was the star of a television show that’s still seen around the world in over 200 countries, called Night Rider, with David Hasselhoff, and the message of the show was one man can make a difference, and I think that that is really also the message of the era of consciousness (sic.) because we are empowered to make a difference in the world by our own inner joy, whether it be through a smile, or through an act of kindness or through really putting the well-being of others above self. That’s what generosity is about.
歌詞=夢想成真 TC=01:48
Tears of Sorrow (Inaudible 1:50-1:51)
Lyrics= The Angel in Your Heart
You are brave and you're strong face difficulties in your life.
You are angel with a heart full of love. Spread your wings the angel in your heart.
OS: TC=02:06
良心時代的國際志工們,則分享充滿和平能量的良心時代歌曲及愛與和平之歌. International Era of Conscience volunteers then shared songs rich in peaceful energy and Era of Conscience songs about love and peace.
Lyrics =Love and Peace song
Attractive words from inner heart. Amazing power due to the love.
When heart to heart. When love spread. Love and peace will come true.
主席 Annie Lee 採訪2(Ms. Lee)(英文): TC=02:34
I think today’s event is a wonderful way for everyone to understand world peace and to spread that news around the world. This is a great opportunity for people to understand what’s going on and how they can impact everybody around them, not just from far away, but even locally, from the next person, to one another.
Oceann Hai 採訪3(Ms. Hai)(英文): TC=02:53
It’s something that reflect (inaudible 2:55) reflect your heart and make you reflect on yourself that what we can do for this world to bring world peace and love and at the same time (inaudible 3:06).
Design Artist
Cerdan A. Smith 採訪4(Mr. Smith)(英文): TC=03:08
Well, I think it’s bringing together the talent of the Asian culture and the various talents that come out to show their support, to educate the different cultures on sharing each other’s enriching experiences for the traditions that so many of us hold and that we value sacredly. So, being a part of this is very special for all of us. We are very excited and emotional about such contributions, and it’s not only just the Chinese, Hispanics, the African-Americans, the Irish, the Ukraines (sic.). The list just goes on.
Actor and activist
Mary Apick 採訪5(Ms. Apick)(英文): TC=03:55
I am very proud that this collaboration is happening within world peace and the beauty that exists within humankind reaching out to each other and making a better world. Our children are responsible for the future, so we, as parents, we have to take the right steps in order to make sure that we create.
Los Angeles Children's Hospital Radiology
Director Alberto Pemudi 採訪6(Mr. Pemudi)(英文): TC=04:18
So I think, for the world, for the children… I think to see how much suffering and how much pain there is in the world… that we, our human conscience, is creating that, and how we can reverse the many evil things that are happening all over the world… I think that just to take a moment to pause, to see that what really makes a difference is to have everyone, especially the adults, you know, to really think about what we’re really doin’ and how much damage we’re causin’ to each other. By simply creating peace, love and better conscience we can turn that around.
OS: TC=05:00-05:21
良心英雄崛起,拯救世界,在這場盛宴的最後主持人邀請所有在場嘉賓一起來響應良心時代運動,在良心時代運動發起人洪道子博士的引領下,在場好萊塢各界代表一起做出良心手勢共同響應. Heroes of conscience arise and rescue the world. The final presenter at this event invited all the esteemed guests to respond to the Era of Conscience movement, and, under the leadership of Dr. Hung Taozi, founder of the movement, the representatives of all walks of Hollywood life responded together by making gestures of conscience.
這場為期十天在美西展開的「良心覺醒 世界公民共創愛與和平心時代」活動,還接獲美國總統歐巴馬,加拿大總理哈珀,美國前總統克林頓,美國前國務郷希拉蕊,微軟名譽主席比爾蓋茲紛紛以來函,來電...等,祝賀此行圓滿順利. This event ―The Awakening at Conscience World Citizens Supporting Love & Peace ― was also blessed by letters and calls for its complete success from such figures as US President Obama, Prime Minister Harper of Canada, former US President Bill Clinton, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates.
最後好萊塢眾星響應良心時代運動,在以「愛」為名的歌曲聲中圓滿的閉幕. The Hollywood throng gave their final response to the Era of Conscience movement in the perfect closing ceremony, featuring a song titled, “Love.”
Lyrics =Love
Have you ever dreamed of a land of love?
With sunshine, rainbows, and whispering rivers.
Golden sunflowers blossom in every field.
主持人-女: TC=06:31
人人都是良心英雄,為了地球村的永續發展需要大家共同努力,在這場星光閃閃的活動中,神氣家族師兄姊與好萊塢各界人士一同啟動良心動力,讓人人心中的真善美交互輝映,我們希望能從自己做起喚醒人人內心深處的良知,一個人牽起另一個人,一顆心團結另一顆心,將全世界串連成一個巨大的能量圈共創愛與和平心時代. Everyone is a hero of conscience. The sustainable development of the global village requires everyone to strive together. At this glittering event, Tai Ji Men followers and assorted Hollywood figures activated a force for conscience, enabling the truth, beauty and goodness inside everyone’s heart to reflect in one another. We hope to be able, through the self, to create a conscience that awakens the innermost depths of the heart ― hand by hand, heart united with heart ― to connect the world like a giant circle of energy and together forge an era of loving and peaceful hearts.
感謝收看,我們再會. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.
Chinese to English: Conscience Education: the Engineering of Hope General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - Chinese 1.學術殿堂傳真愛 Hallowed Hall of Academia Spreads True Love
影部/字幕 聲部
Tai Ji Men Energy Family
Conscience Education: the Engineering of Hope
主持人 談力瑜
Host Tan Liyu 主持人-女:
Hello everyone. We welcome you and your whole family to enjoy the Tai Ji Men Energy Family.
良心時代運動(An Era of Conscience movement)的國際志工,近年來不間斷的在世界各地舉辦不同型態的活動,影響更多人發現自己可以為這個世界貢獻更多,尤其,文化和音樂是最能夠自然的破除語言障礙,並且深刻感動人心的交流方式.
International volunteers of the Era of Conscience movement have, without interruption, in recent years held different forms of activities all over the world, influencing yet more people to discover that they can give even more to this world, and, in particular, that culture and music are the means of exchange most capable of eliminating linguistic difficulties and deeply touching the human heart.
Today we continue in the volunteers’ footsteps, arriving at the educational establishment of many people’s dreams, Stanford University, in the US.
位於舊金山半島矽谷西北部的史丹佛大學,是長年在世界大學學術排名上名列前茅的學術殿堂,神氣家族師兄姊(brother and sisters of the Tai Ji Men Energy Family)在2015年6月的美西之旅行程中 ,就來到了這個號稱為美國家長及學生們的「夢想學府」.
Stanford University, located in the north-west of Silicon Valley on the San Francisco Peninsula, is one of the hallowed halls of academia, for many years ranked among the best of the world’s universities. The brothers and sisters of the Tai Ji Men Energy Family, during their June 2015 trip to the US west coast, visited this august institution, known to many American parents and students as an “academy of dreams.”
音樂能安撫人心帶給大家快樂的能量,6月11日上午一場別開生面的「良心覺醒愛與和平音樂會(The Awakening at Conscience Love and Peace Concert)」在很少對外開放的史丹佛大學音樂中心(Dinkelspiel Rehearsal Hall Braun Music Center)舉行. Music can placate the human heart and bring happy energy to everyone. On the morning of 11th June, the groundbreaking Awakening at Conscience Love and Peace Concert was held at Stanford’s Dinkelspiel Rehearsal Hall Braun Music Center, which is very rarely opened to the public.
這場音樂會是由良心時代運動發起單位-太極門氣功養生學會(Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy ),世界之愛和平總會( Federation of World Peace and Love),聯合國NGO世界公民總會( Association of World Citizens),結合史丹佛大學音樂系及Daisy Yu講師共同舉辦,透過無國界的音樂文化交流,散播愛與和平的訊息,音樂會以-Love and Peace Song揭開序幕.
在東西方文化交流中,特別分享一段影片讓來賓更為了解來自東方的古老氣功武術門派-太極門. This concert was held jointly by the founding organization of the Era of Conscience movement (Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy), the Federation of World Peace and Love, United Nations NGO the Association of World Citizens, Stanford University’s department of music, and lecturer, Daisy Yu. Spreading messages of love and peace through an exchange of music and culture knowing no national boundaries, the concert opened with the Love and Peace Song. In this exchange of Eastern and Western culture a film was shown especially to share the ancient qigong martial arts sect from the East-Tai Ji Men.
Qigong is not just mankind’s most ancient sport
It transcends sport
From the level of the soul, it enhances the capabilities of the body and mind.
古老門派 師徒一脈
Ancient menpai, Shifu and dizi as one
bequeathed China’s splendid culture
and achieved the overall health of body and soul
Zhang-men-ren (grandmaster) teaches his dizi (similar to students) the philosophy of yin and yang and life wisdom; guiding them to cultivate moral character and purify their hearts while strengthening physical, mental and spiritual health.
Zhang-men-ren guides his dizi to reach the highest state of harmony, uniting the heart of man with the universe.
It’s a form of self-cultivation in everyday life
beginning from wishing to change oneself
to find satisfaction in life
wisdom in which yin and yang are balanced
太極門掌門人洪道子博士也特別上台致意: The Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men, Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, especially appeared on stage to deliver good wishes.
洪道子 博士
Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze 致詞(Dr. Hong)(中文):
「十年樹木,百年樹人」教育是良心的事業也是希望的工程,史丹佛大學創辦人史丹佛夫婦的初衷,是希望透過教育引導學生找到他們所要追求的理想,並使他們聽到心中對於生命意義的呼喚,正與良心時代運動的宗旨不謀而合. “It takes ten years to nurture a tree, but 100 years to train a man.” Education is an undertaking of conscience and the engineering of hope. The wish of the founders of Stanford University, Mr. and Mrs. Stanford, was to guide students, through education, to find the dreams they wished to follow, and enable them to hear the clamor of their hearts as regards the meaning of life, just like the goal of the Era of Conscience movement.
The power of desire combines with the power of action to determine what kind of future we can enjoy. Everyone is a hero of conscience, and advocate of transformation of the world.
一個和平承諾象徵一種行動力,當天並舉辦-世界之愛和平鐘鳴鐘儀典(Ceremony of the Ringing of the Bell of Peace)」. A promise of peace symbolizes a kind of motive power. That day, a Ceremony of the Ringing of the Bell of Peace was also held.
這次受邀的鳴鐘者是1996年諾貝爾物理獎得主,同時也是史丹佛大學物理系教授Douglas Osheroff,以及矽谷核心城市Milpitas市長Jose Esteves,他們鳴鐘並許下和平心願. The people invited to ring the bell on this occasion were the 1996 winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics and professor in the department of physics at Stanford, Douglas Osheroff, as well as the mayor of the core city of Silicon Valley, Jose Esteves. They rang the bell and made promises of the desire for peace.
教授 Douglas Osheroff
1996 Nobel Prize winner
Stanford University Department of Physics
Douglas Osheroff 鳴鐘心願(Mr. Osheroff)(英文):
May love and joy bring peace toward those share this wonderful planet. We all share enjoy together both now and for eons to come (TC=05:28)
市長 Jose Esteves
Silicon Valley core city Milpitas
Mayor Jose Esteves 鳴鐘心願(Mr. Esteves)(英文):
I wish real peace, prosperity for the world. Love, care and good heart for each and every one, here, or our city and United States.
十多年來,共有五大洲87國269位各界領袖,包括全球27國元首,8位諾貝爾獎得主,以及多國聯合國大使,各界NGO領袖等鳴響「世界之愛和平鐘(The Bell of Peace)」,透過鳴鐘希望世界領導者發揮正向影響力,共同促進世界和平.
In the past ten or so years, 269 leaders from all walks of life, in 87 countries on five continents, including 27 heads of state, eight Nobel Prize winners, many countries’ ambassadors to the United Nations have rung the Bell of Peace. It is hoped that, in ringing the bell, world leaders exert a positive influence and together promote world peace.
Susan Hensel 採訪(Ms. Hensel)(英文):
I found it lovely. Very inspiring and very nice to see so many young people with such big smiles and so much love for the world and I really think this is a nice event and very nice organization.
By ringing the bell that travels through the world, we can have a positive effect can get a little closer to having peace in this world of ours. We’re in great need of peace and love.
2.音樂交流史丹佛 Music Exchanged at Stanford
影部/字幕 聲部
音樂無國界,以文化交流為主的音樂會,演出曲目包含東西方名曲,年輕學生Anna Yang, Caroline Hsu分別以鋼琴,小提琴演奏貝多芬與柴可夫斯基等大師作品,史丹佛音樂系講師Daisy Yu則帶來古筝獨奏. Music knows no national boundaries. In a concert whose focus was cultural exchange, and whose program included famous songs from East and West, young students Anna Yang and Caroline Hsu, on the piano and violin respectively, performed works by such masters as Beethoven and Tchaikovsky, while Stanford music department lecturer Daisy Yu delivered a zither solo.
講師 Daisy Yu
Stanford Music Department
Lecturer Daisy Yu 採訪1(Ms. Yu)(國語):
灣區有很多不同的多元文化在這邊,在教學中我也是順帶著能多介紹一點中國的文化,音樂其實也是跟氣功我覺得是很多地方是相通的,就是你要心裡面要平和,你要有一個很溫暖的心,然後就要有一個善根,你要去多幫助人,要把自己的心要沉澱下來. There is a lot of diversity in the culture here in the Bay Area. As I teach, I like to introduce a little Chinese culture in passing. Music, in fact, is, I believe, very like qigong in many ways. That is to say you need to be of placid mind. You must have a warm heart. You must be of good character. You should often help people. You should be of settled mind.
Caroline Hsu 採訪2(Miss. Hsu)(英文):
I feel that it’s a very good movement because it both spread lots of love and peace and it’s very beneficial to lot’s people. Whether it’s ethnicity or whatever, you should spread love and peace to everyone.
For music, is also very beneficial for spreading these kinds of kind words, because it both helps lots of people enjoy the whole world and you know is just a very great movement.
Violinist & Pianist
Anna Yang 採訪3(Miss. Yang)(英文):
Music is known as the international language almost, so I think it’s a really good idea to get people different cultures to participate together. We can use it to communicate with each other and through that, we can spread love and peace through out of the world.
音樂會中,神氣家族師兄姊帶來東方文化饗宴,英姿煥發,允文允武的俠女,以氣勢如虹的劍舞,鼓勵人們找到人生的真諦,創造人生新境界. At the concert, the Tai Ji Men brothers and sisters offered a feast of Eastern culture. Radiating majesty, heroines of both culture and martial prowess, dancing with swords with all the grandeur of a rainbow, encouraged people to find the real essence of life, to forge new boundaries for human life.
Wang, Meijuan 採訪4(王美娟師姊)(國語):
這個世界真的很需要愛與和平的力量,因為我們知道在很多的國家他還是有戰爭,貧窮,飢餓,苦難,這些問題都一直蔓延著無法解決,師父帶著金鐘走遍世界五大洲,影響了非常多的元首還有各個不同階層的領導人,透過鳴鐘儀典引導他們怎麼樣用智慧去化解干戈,怎麼樣用更好的方式去愛他的國家,去幫助他的人民,在每一次出國的時候,師父(Shifu)都是帶領著弟子(Dizi)完成了很多不可能的任務. This world truly needs the forces of love and peace, because we know that in many countries there is still war, poverty, famine and suffering. These problems are constantly spreading and there’s no way to stop them. Shifu takes the bell all over the five continents, influencing a great many heads of state and leaders at all levels, guiding them, through the Ceremony of the Ringing of the Bell of Peace, in the use of wisdom to dissolve weapons of war, and how to find better ways to love one’ s country and to help one’s people. Each time he leaves the country, Shifu leads the dizi in completing many impossible tasks.
On-site hosts
Li Wenqi 現場主持人-女(英文):
The members of Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy would like to wish you and everyone here love, peace, and courage as you move on with the martial arts performance next. OK! please pay attention, this one is for you.
Alright, so the practitioners of martial arts practice qigong because that helps them healthy, strong and peaceful. As they practice martial arts, they know to portray the true meaning of martial arts which is to stop war and create peace. So practicing qi is very important. So, next we would like to wish you once again love, peace and courage of the Tai Ji Men martial arts formation.
太極門俠客正氣凜然,透過拳,棍,扇等的武術展演,分享武術止戈揚善的最高境界. The knight-errants of Tai Ji Men are vigorous and majestic. With their martial performances with fists, rods and fans, they share the ultimate martial skill of turning swords into plowshares.
Chen, Xinyi 採訪5(陳信義師兄)(國語):
最近跟著師父去過好幾場的國外弘揚行,我深深的體會到說其實愛真的需要像師父跟教宗分享的就是:和平需要愛,愛需要平衡. Having recently attended many overseas promotional events with Shifu, I learnt deeply through experience that, as Shifu and the Pope say, peace requires love, and love requires equilibrium.
在史丹佛大學的那一場鳴鐘儀典裡面,那一天其實我一直很注意這位道格拉斯教授,他的整個那個表情,他很早就到了,然後從一開始嚴肅的表情,那到最後看完我們的太極門簡介,然後看完了世界之愛和平鐘的簡介,那看完良心時代的成果之後呢,其實他在鳴鐘之前他許下的一個心願,就是他希望愛跟歡樂創造出來的和平,可以分享到全世界,而且要長長久久. On the day of the Ceremony of the Ringing of the Bell of Peace at Stanford, I was constantly noticing this Professor Douglas, and his whole expression. He arrived very early. Then, from his initial earnest expression, to his eventually finishing reading the introduction to Tai Ji Men, and then the introduction to the Bell of World Peace, then the achievements of the Era of Conscience…in fact before he rang the bell, the wish he made was that he hoped that the peace created by love and joy could be shared with the whole world and last for ever.
所以其實從他的心願裡面發現到說其實愛與和平,這個愛它是有很強大的能量,可以幫助一個人讓他知道他自己要做什麼事情,那師父讓我們帶著這樣的訊息到全世界去,其實就是希望能夠對世界有影響力的人,透過他們然後讓我們的世界可以做更大的改變更好. So, in fact, from his desire, I discovered that actually love and peace …love has a very powerful energy. It can help someone to know what he wants to do. That Shifu enables us to bring this message around the world is in fact in the hope of enabling influential people in the world …. through them…enabling our world to make bigger and better changes.
音樂會現場還邀請當天的貴賓共同響應「良心時代運動」,一起點亮「良心笑臉球」,將善的能量傳送出去. At the concert, the esteemed guests on the day were asked to respond to the Era of Conscience movement and to illuminate together the Conscience Smiley Faces to spread the good energy outwards.
教授 Douglas Osheroff
1996 Nobel Prize winner
Stanford University Department of Physics
Douglas Osheroff 採訪6(Mr. Osheroff)(英文):
I think conscience as a single word says a lot. But we all have to recognize that conscience is a very broad spectrum starting with our responsibilities as people going on to develop new technologies and things that make mankind lives easier. But also a part of conscience is protecting our planet. We all have to protect the planet. And so, you know, but I think all of those things are kind of written and what we’ve been enjoying this morning, afternoon. And it’s a wonderful event. I hope that I will come back to do this again.
身穿良心時代笑臉T恤的青少年,以及當天所有參與「良心覺醒愛與和平音樂會(The Awakening at Conscience Love and Peace Concert)」的神氣家族師兄姊,共同以純淨的歌聲,祥和的旋律,唱出人們心中真善美的願望. Young people wearing Era of Conscience t-shirts, and all the Tai Ji Men brothers and sisters taking part in that day’s The Awakening at Conscience Love and Peace Concert, together and in pure voices and auspicious and peaceful rhythms, chanted the wishes of truth, goodness and beauty in people’s hearts.
Hsu Hongyuan 採訪7(徐鴻源師兄)(國語):
因為我本身也是從小學習音樂的,那音樂對我來講是一個嗜好但也是我一個夢想,就是我的夢想就是希望全世界的人都能夠聽見我的音樂,我可以用音樂帶給大家希望,那在那一天我實現了,用音樂跟當地的音樂人做交流. Because I too studied music from a young age. To me music is a hobby but also a dream. It’s my dream, the hope that all the people of the world will be able to hear my music. I can use music to bring everyone hope. On that day, I achieved this. I performed an exchange with the musicians there using music.
The most deeply impressive aspect was that, that day, I wanted to perform the Era of Conscience with the musicians there. I play a wind instrument, but I was suddenly told to play the piano. Actually, I was startled by this, but my surprise turned in the moment into the imperative to face the situation courageously, so I believed in myself. I also believe in Shifu, so I relied on belief from beginning to end, and completed a perfect performance.
At the very end of the concert, the mayor of Silicon Valley’s core city, Milpitas, conferred a special award on Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, in reverence for his contribution in founding the Era of Conscience movement and promoting it worldwide.
市長 Jose Esteves
Silicon Valley core city Milpitas
Mayor Jose Esteves 採訪8(Mr. Esteves)(英文):
Today’s very encouraging and very inspiring. Because everybady’s dream is a peaceful and happy world. I’m very happy that we have this big group of people who are strong to say “Yes! Era of Conscience will help promote love and peace around the world so that we’ll have a beautiful and happy world like one family."
3.良心快閃歡樂頌 Rapid-Fire Eulogy to Happiness and Conscience
影部/字幕 聲部
教育是希望工程,種下良心的種子就會茁壯成大樹,天真無憂的孩子們最易感受優美文化的薰陶,神氣家族師兄姊在離開史丹佛大學之後,還特別前往舊金山帕拉阿圖市(Palo Alto)參與「中華兒童文藝陶冶營(Chinese Children Literature cultivate Camp)」,除了宣導守護良心的重要,更以祥獅陣,絲傘舞,包青天等中華優質文化饗宴,與當地美籍與華裔的兒童們分享. Education is the engineering of hope. The sowing of seeds of conscience will develop healthy and strong trees. Innocent, contented children are the most amenable to the influence of refined culture. After leaving Stanford, the brothers and sisters of the Energy Family went especially to Palo Alto, San Francisco, to take part in the Chinese Children Literature cultivate Camp. Apart from proclaiming the importance of protecting the conscience, they also shared with American and Chinese children a feast of Chinese cultural excellence involving phalanxes of auspicious lions, dancing silk umbrellas and the renowned honest official of Chinese tradition, Bao Qingtian.
Wang, Meijuan 採訪1(王美娟師姊)(國語):
我在教小孩子的時候,其實我覺得當老師給他的影響可能就是一輩子的,那我學到師父那種愛的心胸,所以我跟我的學生說話的時候我是懷著母親的心情,我希望他的人格發展是朝著正確的方向去走,所以我想得很遠,我希望他成為一個對國家社會有貢獻的人,所以我都會很用心的跟他們說話然後去引導他們,因為我想母親的心情就是望子成龍,望女成鳳,那一種心情就是希望能夠很長遠的路他知道自己可以怎麼走,所以我覺得教好每一個孩子,真的對我們的國家實在是太重要了. When I teach children, actually, I feel that the influence I give them as a teacher lasts a life-time. I have studied the breadth of the love of Shifu, so, when I talk to my students, I hope that their personalities will develop in the correct direction. So I think it should be a long way. I hope that they will become people who will contribute to the nation and to society. So I speak to them very carefully, and then guide them, because I believe that the frame of mind of a mother is to expect one’s son to become a dragon, to expect one’s daughter to become a phoenix. That kind of mindset involves the hope that, on a very long road, they will know how they themselves should travel, so I believe that to teach every child well is truly extremely important for our nation.
主辦單位的慧智文教基金會副執行長吳翠萍,對於洪道子博士率領良心時代志工們在忙碌行程中,特地為良心幼苗付出心力的熱情十分感動,並頒贈感謝狀以感謝太極門的文化分享. Wu Cui-ping, the deputy CEO of the organization that hosted the event, the Wisdom Culture and Education Organization, was very grateful as she expressed her thanks to Hong Tao-tze for the passion with which the young striplings of conscience he had brought especially, during a busy schedule, delivered their utmost effort, and she thanked Tai Ji Men for its cultural sharing.
良心時代運動國際志工們還展開一系列的音樂舞蹈快閃,熱情足跡由南加州一路延伸到北加州,透過音樂和舞蹈的方式,邀請大家一起響應良心時代運動,所到之處吸引民眾目光和感動. The international volunteers of the Era of Conscience movement also presented a series of “flash dances,” whose passionate footprint extended from southern California to northern California, inviting everyone, through music and dance, to respond to the movement. Everywhere it went it attracted the public’s attention and thanks.
Chen, Huanshen 採訪2(陳煥升師兄)(國語):
When we visited the US west coast on this occasion, whichever esteemed guest we met, be it a highly influential Hollywood personality or someone we met on a street, and regardless of whether he or she was black, white, Asian, Oriental, and of whatever else we discussed with them, we had only to mention the Era of Conscience movement and, to a man, they expressed their endorsement, before sharing a photograph with us and making an Era of Conscience gesture.
In the course of this visit schedule, to see so many guests and passers-by show so much reverence for the Era of Conscience movement, gives me all the more faith that in any corner of the world we can with all the more self-belief promote such a good thing, such a good movement.
在舊金山昔日的巧克力工廠(Ghirardelli Square )進行的一連串文化展演 該處代表Katie Mitchell也特別頒發感謝狀,感謝太極門氣功養生學會.
At a series of cultural events at the former chocolate factory, Ghirardelli Square, in San Francisco, a representative of the area, Katie Mitchell, also gave special thanks to Tai Ji Men .
Ghirardelli Square Representative
Katie Mitchell 採訪3(Ms. Mitchell)(英文):
你們以舞蹈和音樂實際傳布世界一家的訊息,真的很偉大! 我想這正是我們所缺少的,所以真的很感謝你們能到這裡把自己奉獻出來.
You guys physically spread through dance and music. The message kind of a oneness in the world is really great. I think we don’t have enough of that. So really appreciate you guys coming out here and trying to spread out yourselves.
First it starts with having peace and love in your own life. And then from there showing through example what it’s like. I think it’s a strong message that should take whole pretty easily once you show people what it’s like to have peace and have love. And then oneness, I think people gravitate towards that.
「良心覺醒 世界公民共創愛與和平心時代(The Awakening at Conscience World Citizens Supporting Love & Peace)」公益活動,以城市串連城市走訪美國加州,神氣家族師兄姊持續傳遞愛與和平,給自己也給他人心的能量. The Awakening at Conscience World Citizens Supporting Love & Peace non-profit event linked one city to another as it traveled to the US state of California. The Tai Ji Men brothers and sisters continue to spread love and peace, giving of themselves and giving others energy from the heart.
Hsu Hongyuan 採訪4(徐鴻源師兄)(國語):
I have learnt to travel with heart and soul, because I am already overseas, promoting love and peace by participating in the Era of Conscience. This is the only and the most important thing I can do, so, once you have this wish in mind, you will throw yourself wholeheartedly into it, and enjoy it enormously. Also, every little bit will be recorded in your heart and you will be easily moved; when you see others who are happy, you too will be happy.
Founder of Rose Breast Cancer Society
Carmelita Pittman 採訪5(Ms. Pittman)(英文):
So I’m very fortunate to have such wonderful people in my life, and I believe that what you’re doing is wonderful, and we all support what you are doing, because God knows the world needs more peace and love, and we’re all for that. And so... Let’s pray that each and every person changes their heart, because when a person changes their thinking, they can change themselves. The first person they need to start with it themselves, and then they can reach out to others. When each one teaches one, we can make a difference.
Ms. Iran
Rima Sapien 採訪6(Ms. Sapien)(英文):
I really truly I would wish to have peace in the whole world, to all the countries, without fighting, and without killing, and everybody can love each other. As the maximum possibility that we have alternity out of our bodies and our minds through to bring peace to the whole world. To there will be no more crying and there will be no more war.
透過各種不同的方式,太極門神氣家族的師兄姊到世界各地推廣良心時代運動,真誠的熱情和燦爛的笑容,感動了他們所遇到的每一個人. In all kinds of ways, the Tai Ji Men brothers’ and sisters’ journeys all over the world to promote the Era of Conscience movement, along with their sincere passion and their sparkling smiles, touch everyone they meet.
我們發現不分種族,國別,不同身份背景的人,都同樣受到良心時代運動的啟發,激發他們去追尋生命的意義,明白自己在士農工商扮演不同角色的責任和使命,對每一位接觸到良心時代運動的人來說這都是他們生命中難忘的美好經驗. We have found that people of different races, nationalities and social backgrounds are all enlightened by the Era of Conscience movement, inspiring them to look for the meaning of life, and to understand their responsibilities and destinies among the different roles assigned by vocations. To each person who encounters the Era of Conscience movement, this is an unforgettable, beautiful life experience.
但願透過我們的用心能夠將這股能量不斷的擴散出去,全球連結成一個善的能量圈,創造出更美好幸福的世界. With our efforts, though, we want to
be able to spread this energy constantly, to connect the world as a benevolent energy ball, and create a more beautiful, fortunate world.
Thank you for watching today. Goodbye.
影部/字幕 聲部
教育是希望工程,種下良心的種子就會茁壯成大樹,天真無憂的孩子們最易感受優美文化的薰陶,神氣家族師兄姊在離開史丹佛大學之後,還特別前往舊金山帕拉阿圖市(Palo Alto)參與「中華兒童文藝陶冶營(Chinese Children Literature cultivate Camp)」,除了宣導守護良心的重要,更以祥獅陣,絲傘舞,包青天等中華優質文化饗宴,與當地美籍與華裔的兒童們分享. Education aims to engineer, to sow seeds of conscience and develop healthy and strong trees. Innocent, contented children are the most amenable to the influence of refined culture. After leaving Stanford, the brothers and sisters of the Energy Family went especially to Palo Alto, San Francisco, to take part in the Chinese Children Literature cultivate Camp. Apart from proclaiming the importance of protecting the conscience, they also shared with American and Chinese children a feast of Chinese cultural excellence involving phalanxes of auspicious lions, dancing silk umbrellas and the renowned honest official, Bao Qingtian.
Wang, Meijuan 採訪1(王美娟師姊)(國語):
我在教小孩子的時候,其實我覺得當老師給他的影響可能就是一輩子的,那我學到師父那種愛的心胸,所以我跟我的學生說話的時候我是懷著母親的心情,我希望他的人格發展是朝著正確的方向去走,所以我想得很遠,我希望他成為一個對國家社會有貢獻的人,所以我都會很用心的跟他們說話然後去引導他們,因為我想母親的心情就是望子成龍,望女成鳳,那一種心情就是希望能夠很長遠的路他知道自己可以怎麼走,所以我覺得教好每一個孩子,真的對我們的國家實在是太重要了. When I teach children, actually, I feel that the influence I give them as a teacher lasts a life-time. I have studied the breadth of the love of Shifu, so, when I talk to my students, I hope that their personalities will develop in the correct direction. So I think it should be a long way. I hope that they will become people who will contribute to the nation and to society. So I speak to them very carefully, and then guide them, because I believe that the frame of mind of a mother is to expect one’s son to become a dragon, to expect one’s daughter to become a phoenix. That kind of mindset involves the hope that, on a very long road, they will know how they themselves should travel, so I believe that to teach every child well is truly extremely important for our nation.
Chen, Huanshen 採訪2(陳煥升師兄)(國語):
在舊金山昔日的巧克力工廠(Ghirardelli Square )進行的一連串文化展演 該處代表Katie Mitchell也特別頒發感謝狀,感謝太極門氣功養生學會.
Ghirardelli Square Representative
Katie Mitchell 採訪3(Ms. Mitchell)(英文):
你們以舞蹈和音樂實際傳布世界一家的訊息,真的很偉大! 我想這正是我們所缺少的,所以真的很感謝你們能到這裡把自己奉獻出來.
You guys physically spread through dance and music. The message kind of a oneness in the world is really great. I think we don’t have enough of that. So really appreciate you guys coming out here and trying to spread out yourselves.
First it starts with having peace and love in your own life. And then from there showing through example what it’s like. I think it’s a strong message that should take whole pretty easily once you show people what it’s like to have peace and have love. And then oneness, I think people gravitate towards that.
「良心覺醒 世界公民共創愛與和平心時代(The Awakening at Conscience World Citizens Supporting Love & Peace)」公益活動,以城市串連城市走訪美國加州,神氣家族師兄姊持續傳遞愛與和平,給自己也給他人心的能量.
Hsu Hongyuan 採訪4(徐鴻源師兄)(國語):
Founder of Rose Breast Cancer Society
Carmelita Pittman 採訪5(Ms. Pittman)(英文):
So I’m very fortunate to have such wonderful people in my life, and I believe that what you’re doing is wonderful, and we all support what you are doing, because God knows the world needs more peace and love, and we’re all for that. And so... Let’s pray that each and every person changes their heart, because when a person changes their thinking, they can change themselves. The first person they need to start with it themselves, and then they can reach out to others. When each one teaches one, we can make a difference.
Ms. Iran
Rima Sapien 採訪6(Ms. Sapien)(英文):
I really truly I would wish to have peace in the whole world, to all the countries, without fighting, and without killing, and everybody can love each other. As the maximum possibility that we have alternity out of our bodies and our minds through to bring peace to the whole world. To there will be no more crying and there will be no more war.
Thank you for watching today. Goodbye.
Translation - English 1.學術殿堂傳真愛 Hallowed Hall of Academia Spreads True Love
影部/字幕 聲部
Tai Ji Men Energy Family
Conscience Education: the Engineering of Hope
主持人 談力瑜
Host Tan Liyu 主持人-女:
Hello everyone. We welcome you and your whole family to enjoy the Tai Ji Men Energy Family.
良心時代運動(An Era of Conscience movement)的國際志工,近年來不間斷的在世界各地舉辦不同型態的活動,影響更多人發現自己可以為這個世界貢獻更多,尤其,文化和音樂是最能夠自然的破除語言障礙,並且深刻感動人心的交流方式.
International volunteers of the Era of Conscience movement have, without interruption, in recent years held different forms of activities all over the world, influencing yet more people to discover that they can give even more to this world, and, in particular, that culture and music are the means of exchange most capable of eliminating linguistic difficulties and deeply touching the human heart.
Today we continue in the volunteers’ footsteps, arriving at the educational establishment of many people’s dreams, Stanford University, in the US.
位於舊金山半島矽谷西北部的史丹佛大學,是長年在世界大學學術排名上名列前茅的學術殿堂,神氣家族師兄姊(brother and sisters of the Tai Ji Men Energy Family)在2015年6月的美西之旅行程中 ,就來到了這個號稱為美國家長及學生們的「夢想學府」.
Stanford University, located in the north-west of Silicon Valley on the San Francisco Peninsula, is one of the hallowed halls of academia, for many years ranked among the best of the world’s universities. The brothers and sisters of the Tai Ji Men Energy Family, during their June 2015 trip to the US west coast, visited this august institution, known to many American parents and students as an “academy of dreams.”
音樂能安撫人心帶給大家快樂的能量,6月11日上午一場別開生面的「良心覺醒愛與和平音樂會(The Awakening at Conscience Love and Peace Concert)」在很少對外開放的史丹佛大學音樂中心(Dinkelspiel Rehearsal Hall Braun Music Center)舉行. Music can placate the human heart and bring happy energy to everyone. On the morning of 11th June, the groundbreaking Awakening at Conscience Love and Peace Concert was held at Stanford’s Dinkelspiel Rehearsal Hall Braun Music Center, which is very rarely opened to the public.
這場音樂會是由良心時代運動發起單位-太極門氣功養生學會(Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy ),世界之愛和平總會( Federation of World Peace and Love),聯合國NGO世界公民總會( Association of World Citizens),結合史丹佛大學音樂系及Daisy Yu講師共同舉辦,透過無國界的音樂文化交流,散播愛與和平的訊息,音樂會以-Love and Peace Song揭開序幕.
在東西方文化交流中,特別分享一段影片讓來賓更為了解來自東方的古老氣功武術門派-太極門. This concert was held jointly by the founding organization of the Era of Conscience movement (Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy), the Federation of World Peace and Love, United Nations NGO the Association of World Citizens, Stanford University’s department of music, and lecturer, Daisy Yu. Spreading messages of love and peace through an exchange of music and culture knowing no national boundaries, the concert opened with the Love and Peace Song. In this exchange of Eastern and Western culture a film was shown especially to share the ancient qigong martial arts sect from the East-Tai Ji Men.
Qigong is not just mankind’s most ancient sport
It transcends sport
From the level of the soul, it enhances the capabilities of the body and mind.
古老門派 師徒一脈
Ancient menpai, Shifu and dizi as one
bequeathed China’s splendid culture
and achieved the overall health of body and soul
Zhang-men-ren (grandmaster) teaches his dizi (similar to students) the philosophy of yin and yang and life wisdom; guiding them to cultivate moral character and purify their hearts while strengthening physical, mental and spiritual health.
Zhang-men-ren guides his dizi to reach the highest state of harmony, uniting the heart of man with the universe.
It’s a form of self-cultivation in everyday life
beginning from wishing to change oneself
to find satisfaction in life
wisdom in which yin and yang are balanced
太極門掌門人洪道子博士也特別上台致意: The Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men, Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, especially appeared on stage to deliver good wishes.
洪道子 博士
Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze 致詞(Dr. Hong)(中文):
「十年樹木,百年樹人」教育是良心的事業也是希望的工程,史丹佛大學創辦人史丹佛夫婦的初衷,是希望透過教育引導學生找到他們所要追求的理想,並使他們聽到心中對於生命意義的呼喚,正與良心時代運動的宗旨不謀而合. “It takes ten years to nurture a tree, but 100 years to train a man.” Education is an undertaking of conscience and the engineering of hope. The wish of the founders of Stanford University, Mr. and Mrs. Stanford, was to guide students, through education, to find the dreams they wished to follow, and enable them to hear the clamor of their hearts as regards the meaning of life, just like the goal of the Era of Conscience movement.
The power of desire combines with the power of action to determine what kind of future we can enjoy. Everyone is a hero of conscience, and advocate of transformation of the world.
一個和平承諾象徵一種行動力,當天並舉辦-世界之愛和平鐘鳴鐘儀典(Ceremony of the Ringing of the Bell of Peace)」. A promise of peace symbolizes a kind of motive power. That day, a Ceremony of the Ringing of the Bell of Peace was also held.
這次受邀的鳴鐘者是1996年諾貝爾物理獎得主,同時也是史丹佛大學物理系教授Douglas Osheroff,以及矽谷核心城市Milpitas市長Jose Esteves,他們鳴鐘並許下和平心願. The people invited to ring the bell on this occasion were the 1996 winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics and professor in the department of physics at Stanford, Douglas Osheroff, as well as the mayor of the core city of Silicon Valley, Jose Esteves. They rang the bell and made promises of the desire for peace.
教授 Douglas Osheroff
1996 Nobel Prize winner
Stanford University Department of Physics
Douglas Osheroff 鳴鐘心願(Mr. Osheroff)(英文):
May love and joy bring peace toward those share this wonderful planet. We all share enjoy together both now and for eons to come (TC=05:28)
市長 Jose Esteves
Silicon Valley core city Milpitas
Mayor Jose Esteves 鳴鐘心願(Mr. Esteves)(英文):
I wish real peace, prosperity for the world. Love, care and good heart for each and every one, here, or our city and United States.
十多年來,共有五大洲87國269位各界領袖,包括全球27國元首,8位諾貝爾獎得主,以及多國聯合國大使,各界NGO領袖等鳴響「世界之愛和平鐘(The Bell of Peace)」,透過鳴鐘希望世界領導者發揮正向影響力,共同促進世界和平.
In the past ten or so years, 269 leaders from all walks of life, in 87 countries on five continents, including 27 heads of state, eight Nobel Prize winners, many countries’ ambassadors to the United Nations have rung the Bell of Peace. It is hoped that, in ringing the bell, world leaders exert a positive influence and together promote world peace.
Susan Hensel 採訪(Ms. Hensel)(英文):
I found it lovely. Very inspiring and very nice to see so many young people with such big smiles and so much love for the world and I really think this is a nice event and very nice organization.
By ringing the bell that travels through the world, we can have a positive effect can get a little closer to having peace in this world of ours. We’re in great need of peace and love.
2.音樂交流史丹佛 Music Exchanged at Stanford
影部/字幕 聲部
音樂無國界,以文化交流為主的音樂會,演出曲目包含東西方名曲,年輕學生Anna Yang, Caroline Hsu分別以鋼琴,小提琴演奏貝多芬與柴可夫斯基等大師作品,史丹佛音樂系講師Daisy Yu則帶來古筝獨奏. Music knows no national boundaries. In a concert whose focus was cultural exchange, and whose program included famous songs from East and West, young students Anna Yang and Caroline Hsu, on the piano and violin respectively, performed works by such masters as Beethoven and Tchaikovsky, while Stanford music department lecturer Daisy Yu delivered a zither solo.
講師 Daisy Yu
Stanford Music Department
Lecturer Daisy Yu 採訪1(Ms. Yu)(國語):
灣區有很多不同的多元文化在這邊,在教學中我也是順帶著能多介紹一點中國的文化,音樂其實也是跟氣功我覺得是很多地方是相通的,就是你要心裡面要平和,你要有一個很溫暖的心,然後就要有一個善根,你要去多幫助人,要把自己的心要沉澱下來. There is a lot of diversity in the culture here in the Bay Area. As I teach, I like to introduce a little Chinese culture in passing. Music, in fact, is, I believe, very like qigong in many ways. That is to say you need to be of placid mind. You must have a warm heart. You must be of good character. You should often help people. You should be of settled mind.
Caroline Hsu 採訪2(Miss. Hsu)(英文):
I feel that it’s a very good movement because it both spread lots of love and peace and it’s very beneficial to lot’s people. Whether it’s ethnicity or whatever, you should spread love and peace to everyone.
For music, is also very beneficial for spreading these kinds of kind words, because it both helps lots of people enjoy the whole world and you know is just a very great movement.
Violinist & Pianist
Anna Yang 採訪3(Miss. Yang)(英文):
Music is known as the international language almost, so I think it’s a really good idea to get people different cultures to participate together. We can use it to communicate with each other and through that, we can spread love and peace through out of the world.
音樂會中,神氣家族師兄姊帶來東方文化饗宴,英姿煥發,允文允武的俠女,以氣勢如虹的劍舞,鼓勵人們找到人生的真諦,創造人生新境界. At the concert, the Tai Ji Men brothers and sisters offered a feast of Eastern culture. Radiating majesty, heroines of both culture and martial prowess, dancing with swords with all the grandeur of a rainbow, encouraged people to find the real essence of life, to forge new boundaries for human life.
Wang, Meijuan 採訪4(王美娟師姊)(國語):
這個世界真的很需要愛與和平的力量,因為我們知道在很多的國家他還是有戰爭,貧窮,飢餓,苦難,這些問題都一直蔓延著無法解決,師父帶著金鐘走遍世界五大洲,影響了非常多的元首還有各個不同階層的領導人,透過鳴鐘儀典引導他們怎麼樣用智慧去化解干戈,怎麼樣用更好的方式去愛他的國家,去幫助他的人民,在每一次出國的時候,師父(Shifu)都是帶領著弟子(Dizi)完成了很多不可能的任務. This world truly needs the forces of love and peace, because we know that in many countries there is still war, poverty, famine and suffering. These problems are constantly spreading and there’s no way to stop them. Shifu takes the bell all over the five continents, influencing a great many heads of state and leaders at all levels, guiding them, through the Ceremony of the Ringing of the Bell of Peace, in the use of wisdom to dissolve weapons of war, and how to find better ways to love one’ s country and to help one’s people. Each time he leaves the country, Shifu leads the dizi in completing many impossible tasks.
On-site hosts
Li Wenqi 現場主持人-女(英文):
The members of Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy would like to wish you and everyone here love, peace, and courage as you move on with the martial arts performance next. OK! please pay attention, this one is for you.
Alright, so the practitioners of martial arts practice qigong because that helps them healthy, strong and peaceful. As they practice martial arts, they know to portray the true meaning of martial arts which is to stop war and create peace. So practicing qi is very important. So, next we would like to wish you once again love, peace and courage of the Tai Ji Men martial arts formation.
太極門俠客正氣凜然,透過拳,棍,扇等的武術展演,分享武術止戈揚善的最高境界. The knight-errants of Tai Ji Men are vigorous and majestic. With their martial performances with fists, rods and fans, they share the ultimate martial skill of turning swords into plowshares.
Chen, Xinyi 採訪5(陳信義師兄)(國語):
最近跟著師父去過好幾場的國外弘揚行,我深深的體會到說其實愛真的需要像師父跟教宗分享的就是:和平需要愛,愛需要平衡. Having recently attended many overseas promotional events with Shifu, I learnt deeply through experience that, as Shifu and the Pope say, peace requires love, and love requires equilibrium.
在史丹佛大學的那一場鳴鐘儀典裡面,那一天其實我一直很注意這位道格拉斯教授,他的整個那個表情,他很早就到了,然後從一開始嚴肅的表情,那到最後看完我們的太極門簡介,然後看完了世界之愛和平鐘的簡介,那看完良心時代的成果之後呢,其實他在鳴鐘之前他許下的一個心願,就是他希望愛跟歡樂創造出來的和平,可以分享到全世界,而且要長長久久. On the day of the Ceremony of the Ringing of the Bell of Peace at Stanford, I was constantly noticing this Professor Douglas, and his whole expression. He arrived very early. Then, from his initial earnest expression, to his eventually finishing reading the introduction to Tai Ji Men, and then the introduction to the Bell of World Peace, then the achievements of the Era of Conscience…in fact before he rang the bell, the wish he made was that he hoped that the peace created by love and joy could be shared with the whole world and last for ever.
所以其實從他的心願裡面發現到說其實愛與和平,這個愛它是有很強大的能量,可以幫助一個人讓他知道他自己要做什麼事情,那師父讓我們帶著這樣的訊息到全世界去,其實就是希望能夠對世界有影響力的人,透過他們然後讓我們的世界可以做更大的改變更好. So, in fact, from his desire, I discovered that actually love and peace …love has a very powerful energy. It can help someone to know what he wants to do. That Shifu enables us to bring this message around the world is in fact in the hope of enabling influential people in the world …. through them…enabling our world to make bigger and better changes.
音樂會現場還邀請當天的貴賓共同響應「良心時代運動」,一起點亮「良心笑臉球」,將善的能量傳送出去. At the concert, the esteemed guests on the day were asked to respond to the Era of Conscience movement and to illuminate together the Conscience Smiley Faces to spread the good energy outwards.
教授 Douglas Osheroff
1996 Nobel Prize winner
Stanford University Department of Physics
Douglas Osheroff 採訪6(Mr. Osheroff)(英文):
I think conscience as a single word says a lot. But we all have to recognize that conscience is a very broad spectrum starting with our responsibilities as people going on to develop new technologies and things that make mankind lives easier. But also a part of conscience is protecting our planet. We all have to protect the planet. And so, you know, but I think all of those things are kind of written and what we’ve been enjoying this morning, afternoon. And it’s a wonderful event. I hope that I will come back to do this again.
身穿良心時代笑臉T恤的青少年,以及當天所有參與「良心覺醒愛與和平音樂會(The Awakening at Conscience Love and Peace Concert)」的神氣家族師兄姊,共同以純淨的歌聲,祥和的旋律,唱出人們心中真善美的願望. Young people wearing Era of Conscience t-shirts, and all the Tai Ji Men brothers and sisters taking part in that day’s The Awakening at Conscience Love and Peace Concert, together and in pure voices and auspicious and peaceful rhythms, chanted the wishes of truth, goodness and beauty in people’s hearts.
Hsu Hongyuan 採訪7(徐鴻源師兄)(國語):
因為我本身也是從小學習音樂的,那音樂對我來講是一個嗜好但也是我一個夢想,就是我的夢想就是希望全世界的人都能夠聽見我的音樂,我可以用音樂帶給大家希望,那在那一天我實現了,用音樂跟當地的音樂人做交流. Because I too studied music from a young age. To me music is a hobby but also a dream. It’s my dream, the hope that all the people of the world will be able to hear my music. I can use music to bring everyone hope. On that day, I achieved this. I performed an exchange with the musicians there using music.
The most deeply impressive aspect was that, that day, I wanted to perform the Era of Conscience with the musicians there. I play a wind instrument, but I was suddenly told to play the piano. Actually, I was startled by this, but my surprise turned in the moment into the imperative to face the situation courageously, so I believed in myself. I also believe in Shifu, so I relied on belief from beginning to end, and completed a perfect performance.
At the very end of the concert, the mayor of Silicon Valley’s core city, Milpitas, conferred a special award on Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, in reverence for his contribution in founding the Era of Conscience movement and promoting it worldwide.
市長 Jose Esteves
Silicon Valley core city Milpitas
Mayor Jose Esteves 採訪8(Mr. Esteves)(英文):
Today’s very encouraging and very inspiring. Because everybady’s dream is a peaceful and happy world. I’m very happy that we have this big group of people who are strong to say “Yes! Era of Conscience will help promote love and peace around the world so that we’ll have a beautiful and happy world like one family."
3.良心快閃歡樂頌 Rapid-Fire Eulogy to Happiness and Conscience
影部/字幕 聲部
教育是希望工程,種下良心的種子就會茁壯成大樹,天真無憂的孩子們最易感受優美文化的薰陶,神氣家族師兄姊在離開史丹佛大學之後,還特別前往舊金山帕拉阿圖市(Palo Alto)參與「中華兒童文藝陶冶營(Chinese Children Literature cultivate Camp)」,除了宣導守護良心的重要,更以祥獅陣,絲傘舞,包青天等中華優質文化饗宴,與當地美籍與華裔的兒童們分享. Education is the engineering of hope. The sowing of seeds of conscience will develop healthy and strong trees. Innocent, contented children are the most amenable to the influence of refined culture. After leaving Stanford, the brothers and sisters of the Energy Family went especially to Palo Alto, San Francisco, to take part in the Chinese Children Literature cultivate Camp. Apart from proclaiming the importance of protecting the conscience, they also shared with American and Chinese children a feast of Chinese cultural excellence involving phalanxes of auspicious lions, dancing silk umbrellas and the renowned honest official of Chinese tradition, Bao Qingtian.
Wang, Meijuan 採訪1(王美娟師姊)(國語):
我在教小孩子的時候,其實我覺得當老師給他的影響可能就是一輩子的,那我學到師父那種愛的心胸,所以我跟我的學生說話的時候我是懷著母親的心情,我希望他的人格發展是朝著正確的方向去走,所以我想得很遠,我希望他成為一個對國家社會有貢獻的人,所以我都會很用心的跟他們說話然後去引導他們,因為我想母親的心情就是望子成龍,望女成鳳,那一種心情就是希望能夠很長遠的路他知道自己可以怎麼走,所以我覺得教好每一個孩子,真的對我們的國家實在是太重要了. When I teach children, actually, I feel that the influence I give them as a teacher lasts a life-time. I have studied the breadth of the love of Shifu, so, when I talk to my students, I hope that their personalities will develop in the correct direction. So I think it should be a long way. I hope that they will become people who will contribute to the nation and to society. So I speak to them very carefully, and then guide them, because I believe that the frame of mind of a mother is to expect one’s son to become a dragon, to expect one’s daughter to become a phoenix. That kind of mindset involves the hope that, on a very long road, they will know how they themselves should travel, so I believe that to teach every child well is truly extremely important for our nation.
主辦單位的慧智文教基金會副執行長吳翠萍,對於洪道子博士率領良心時代志工們在忙碌行程中,特地為良心幼苗付出心力的熱情十分感動,並頒贈感謝狀以感謝太極門的文化分享. Wu Cui-ping, the deputy CEO of the organization that hosted the event, the Wisdom Culture and Education Organization, was very grateful as she expressed her thanks to Hong Tao-tze for the passion with which the young striplings of conscience he had brought especially, during a busy schedule, delivered their utmost effort, and she thanked Tai Ji Men for its cultural sharing.
良心時代運動國際志工們還展開一系列的音樂舞蹈快閃,熱情足跡由南加州一路延伸到北加州,透過音樂和舞蹈的方式,邀請大家一起響應良心時代運動,所到之處吸引民眾目光和感動. The international volunteers of the Era of Conscience movement also presented a series of “flash dances,” whose passionate footprint extended from southern California to northern California, inviting everyone, through music and dance, to respond to the movement. Everywhere it went it attracted the public’s attention and thanks.
Chen, Huanshen 採訪2(陳煥升師兄)(國語):
When we visited the US west coast on this occasion, whichever esteemed guest we met, be it a highly influential Hollywood personality or someone we met on a street, and regardless of whether he or she was black, white, Asian, Oriental, and of whatever else we discussed with them, we had only to mention the Era of Conscience movement and, to a man, they expressed their endorsement, before sharing a photograph with us and making an Era of Conscience gesture.
In the course of this visit schedule, to see so many guests and passers-by show so much reverence for the Era of Conscience movement, gives me all the more faith that in any corner of the world we can with all the more self-belief promote such a good thing, such a good movement.
在舊金山昔日的巧克力工廠(Ghirardelli Square )進行的一連串文化展演 該處代表Katie Mitchell也特別頒發感謝狀,感謝太極門氣功養生學會.
At a series of cultural events at the former chocolate factory, Ghirardelli Square, in San Francisco, a representative of the area, Katie Mitchell, also gave special thanks to Tai Ji Men .
Ghirardelli Square Representative
Katie Mitchell 採訪3(Ms. Mitchell)(英文):
你們以舞蹈和音樂實際傳布世界一家的訊息,真的很偉大! 我想這正是我們所缺少的,所以真的很感謝你們能到這裡把自己奉獻出來.
You guys physically spread through dance and music. The message kind of a oneness in the world is really great. I think we don’t have enough of that. So really appreciate you guys coming out here and trying to spread out yourselves.
First it starts with having peace and love in your own life. And then from there showing through example what it’s like. I think it’s a strong message that should take whole pretty easily once you show people what it’s like to have peace and have love. And then oneness, I think people gravitate towards that.
「良心覺醒 世界公民共創愛與和平心時代(The Awakening at Conscience World Citizens Supporting Love & Peace)」公益活動,以城市串連城市走訪美國加州,神氣家族師兄姊持續傳遞愛與和平,給自己也給他人心的能量. The Awakening at Conscience World Citizens Supporting Love & Peace non-profit event linked one city to another as it traveled to the US state of California. The Tai Ji Men brothers and sisters continue to spread love and peace, giving of themselves and giving others energy from the heart.
Hsu Hongyuan 採訪4(徐鴻源師兄)(國語):
I have learnt to travel with heart and soul, because I am already overseas, promoting love and peace by participating in the Era of Conscience. This is the only and the most important thing I can do, so, once you have this wish in mind, you will throw yourself wholeheartedly into it, and enjoy it enormously. Also, every little bit will be recorded in your heart and you will be easily moved; when you see others who are happy, you too will be happy.
Founder of Rose Breast Cancer Society
Carmelita Pittman 採訪5(Ms. Pittman)(英文):
So I’m very fortunate to have such wonderful people in my life, and I believe that what you’re doing is wonderful, and we all support what you are doing, because God knows the world needs more peace and love, and we’re all for that. And so... Let’s pray that each and every person changes their heart, because when a person changes their thinking, they can change themselves. The first person they need to start with it themselves, and then they can reach out to others. When each one teaches one, we can make a difference.
Ms. Iran
Rima Sapien 採訪6(Ms. Sapien)(英文):
I really truly I would wish to have peace in the whole world, to all the countries, without fighting, and without killing, and everybody can love each other. As the maximum possibility that we have alternity out of our bodies and our minds through to bring peace to the whole world. To there will be no more crying and there will be no more war.
透過各種不同的方式,太極門神氣家族的師兄姊到世界各地推廣良心時代運動,真誠的熱情和燦爛的笑容,感動了他們所遇到的每一個人. In all kinds of ways, the Tai Ji Men brothers’ and sisters’ journeys all over the world to promote the Era of Conscience movement, along with their sincere passion and their sparkling smiles, touch everyone they meet.
我們發現不分種族,國別,不同身份背景的人,都同樣受到良心時代運動的啟發,激發他們去追尋生命的意義,明白自己在士農工商扮演不同角色的責任和使命,對每一位接觸到良心時代運動的人來說這都是他們生命中難忘的美好經驗. We have found that people of different races, nationalities and social backgrounds are all enlightened by the Era of Conscience movement, inspiring them to look for the meaning of life, and to understand their responsibilities and destinies among the different roles assigned by vocations. To each person who encounters the Era of Conscience movement, this is an unforgettable, beautiful life experience.
但願透過我們的用心能夠將這股能量不斷的擴散出去,全球連結成一個善的能量圈,創造出更美好幸福的世界. With our efforts, though, we want to
be able to spread this energy constantly, to connect the world as a benevolent energy ball, and create a more beautiful, fortunate world.
Thank you for watching today. Goodbye.
影部/字幕 聲部
教育是希望工程,種下良心的種子就會茁壯成大樹,天真無憂的孩子們最易感受優美文化的薰陶,神氣家族師兄姊在離開史丹佛大學之後,還特別前往舊金山帕拉阿圖市(Palo Alto)參與「中華兒童文藝陶冶營(Chinese Children Literature cultivate Camp)」,除了宣導守護良心的重要,更以祥獅陣,絲傘舞,包青天等中華優質文化饗宴,與當地美籍與華裔的兒童們分享. Education aims to engineer, to sow seeds of conscience and develop healthy and strong trees. Innocent, contented children are the most amenable to the influence of refined culture. After leaving Stanford, the brothers and sisters of the Energy Family went especially to Palo Alto, San Francisco, to take part in the Chinese Children Literature cultivate Camp. Apart from proclaiming the importance of protecting the conscience, they also shared with American and Chinese children a feast of Chinese cultural excellence involving phalanxes of auspicious lions, dancing silk umbrellas and the renowned honest official, Bao Qingtian.
Wang, Meijuan 採訪1(王美娟師姊)(國語):
我在教小孩子的時候,其實我覺得當老師給他的影響可能就是一輩子的,那我學到師父那種愛的心胸,所以我跟我的學生說話的時候我是懷著母親的心情,我希望他的人格發展是朝著正確的方向去走,所以我想得很遠,我希望他成為一個對國家社會有貢獻的人,所以我都會很用心的跟他們說話然後去引導他們,因為我想母親的心情就是望子成龍,望女成鳳,那一種心情就是希望能夠很長遠的路他知道自己可以怎麼走,所以我覺得教好每一個孩子,真的對我們的國家實在是太重要了. When I teach children, actually, I feel that the influence I give them as a teacher lasts a life-time. I have studied the breadth of the love of Shifu, so, when I talk to my students, I hope that their personalities will develop in the correct direction. So I think it should be a long way. I hope that they will become people who will contribute to the nation and to society. So I speak to them very carefully, and then guide them, because I believe that the frame of mind of a mother is to expect one’s son to become a dragon, to expect one’s daughter to become a phoenix. That kind of mindset involves the hope that, on a very long road, they will know how they themselves should travel, so I believe that to teach every child well is truly extremely important for our nation.
Chen, Huanshen 採訪2(陳煥升師兄)(國語):
在舊金山昔日的巧克力工廠(Ghirardelli Square )進行的一連串文化展演 該處代表Katie Mitchell也特別頒發感謝狀,感謝太極門氣功養生學會.
Ghirardelli Square Representative
Katie Mitchell 採訪3(Ms. Mitchell)(英文):
你們以舞蹈和音樂實際傳布世界一家的訊息,真的很偉大! 我想這正是我們所缺少的,所以真的很感謝你們能到這裡把自己奉獻出來.
You guys physically spread through dance and music. The message kind of a oneness in the world is really great. I think we don’t have enough of that. So really appreciate you guys coming out here and trying to spread out yourselves.
First it starts with having peace and love in your own life. And then from there showing through example what it’s like. I think it’s a strong message that should take whole pretty easily once you show people what it’s like to have peace and have love. And then oneness, I think people gravitate towards that.
「良心覺醒 世界公民共創愛與和平心時代(The Awakening at Conscience World Citizens Supporting Love & Peace)」公益活動,以城市串連城市走訪美國加州,神氣家族師兄姊持續傳遞愛與和平,給自己也給他人心的能量.
Hsu Hongyuan 採訪4(徐鴻源師兄)(國語):
Founder of Rose Breast Cancer Society
Carmelita Pittman 採訪5(Ms. Pittman)(英文):
So I’m very fortunate to have such wonderful people in my life, and I believe that what you’re doing is wonderful, and we all support what you are doing, because God knows the world needs more peace and love, and we’re all for that. And so... Let’s pray that each and every person changes their heart, because when a person changes their thinking, they can change themselves. The first person they need to start with it themselves, and then they can reach out to others. When each one teaches one, we can make a difference.
Ms. Iran
Rima Sapien 採訪6(Ms. Sapien)(英文):
I really truly I would wish to have peace in the whole world, to all the countries, without fighting, and without killing, and everybody can love each other. As the maximum possibility that we have alternity out of our bodies and our minds through to bring peace to the whole world. To there will be no more crying and there will be no more war.
Thank you for watching today. Goodbye.
Chinese to English: The Family that is the State, Stable but Invigorated in Civilian and Military Affairs General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - Chinese 1.團結合作止戈揚善 Solidarity and Collaboration Beating Swords into Plowshares
影部/字幕 聲部
神氣家族 The Mighty Clan
The Family that is the state, stable but invigorated in civilian and military affairs
團結合作 止戈揚善
Solidarity and collaboration Beating swords into plowshares
標題: TC=01:00-01:04
團結合作 止戈揚善 Solidarity and Collaboration Beating Swords into Plowshares
童音Children’s voices: (上字幕)
Happy birthday! Very happy birthday! Happy birthday! YA!
神氣家族,祝福我們國家,福如東海深,壽比南山高,大吉大利,萬事如意,歡欣鼓舞,欣欣向榮.YA! Mighty clan, blessings to our country. May its happiness be as deep as the east sea. We wish it many happy returns. May it flourish completely, and all its hopes be fulfilled. Let it thrive and thrive. YA!
國慶展演現場Scene of National Day celebrations OS: (上字幕)
在台灣長大的快樂孩童,喜氣洋洋,今天大家張燈結綵慶祝國家生日的到來,老幼婦孺各個神采飛揚,滿面春風,手拿喜桃為國家祝壽,全國上下一同歡欣鼓舞. Happy children growing up in Taiwan, full of joy. Today, everyone is dressed up to the nines to celebrate National Day. Young and old, women and children, all are in high spirits. They hold peaches symbolizing happiness to wish the nation a happy birthday. The entire country rejoices.
太極門弟子承傳陰陽哲學智慧,把學到的好回饋給世人,希望人人擁有健康,財富,智慧,快樂與幸福的人生. Followers of Taijimen pass on the wisdom of the philosophy of yin and yang and give back to the people of the world the good that they have learnt. They hope that everyone will live healthy, prosperous, wise and blessed lives.
光輝燦爛的雙十,神氣家族祝福國家:社會祥和,人民安樂. Glorious and splendid Double Ten. The mighty clan blesses our nation. May society enjoy good fortune and peace and the people enjoy happiness and tranquility.
現在場中央呈現的是一幅巨大的壽桃圖形,由一顆顆歡喜的真心聚合而成的大壽桃,祝福國家:喜桃鴻運福氣到.祝福全國同胞:喜事連連好運來. In the middle of the scene right now is a giant peach of immortality, a large peach formed from one joyful and sincere group after another, blessing the nation: happiness peaches, good luck and good fortune have arrived. They bless all citizens of the nation. On happy ocassions, good luck comes in abundance.
世界團結基金會主席 Chairman, International Solidarity Foundation,
Mr. Bill McCarthy 採訪Interview 1(Mr. McCarthy)(英文): TC=03:11-03:41
(原文) When I come to a gathering that Taijimen puts on, it’s always a wonderful and inspiring experience, and you can feel the love and you can feel the commitment to peace and to harmony around the world , and its an inspiration to people who are working on the front lines in human rights organizations, and peace organizations and environmental sustainable organizations. So please continue to inspire people to take further action. I’d appreciate that.
Director of Planning, National Bureau of Rural Development, Mr. Belembaye Tongongary 採訪2(Mr. Tongongary)(法文): TC=03:41-04:01
我之所以這麼激動是你們談和平的方式,如同在展演之外所傳遞的和平訊息,傳遞愛旳方式,存在於人與人之間的和平. The reason why I’m so moved is the way you talk about peace, as though, beyond your performances, the message of peace and the love that you spread, exist in the peace within and between people.
Vice President of the Republic of China, 2003,
Ms. Annette Lu 致詞Speech 1(呂秀蓮小姐 Ms. Annette Lu)(國語Chinese): TC=04:02-04:39
國內國外,凡是反對戰爭,凡是希望和平的,我們都是和平的天使,這其中無容置疑的太極門各位師兄師姊,平常你們出錢出力,憑著愛,和平的信念,我剛剛講過不只在國內弘揚,而且在國外,也不斷想要隨著你們的足跡,以及你們精湛的文武全才而打造人間的太平極樂大門,我真的非常非常的感謝. At home and abroad, everyone who opposes war, everyone who hopes for peace, we are all angels for peace. This includes all faithful followers of Taijimen. You frequently expend money and effort in support of your faith in love and peace. You do so both at home and overseas, constantly seeking to forge, with your footsteps and your all-round civil and military prowess, a great gateway to the bliss of peace and security.
Chairman, People First Party, James Soong 致詞Speech 2(宋楚瑜先生 Mr. James Soong)(國語 Chinese ): TC=04:41-05:18
我非常敬佩洪掌門人,能夠用文化,用我們台灣大家對於世界和平追求的一種理想,尤其是希望把博愛精深的這些文化,能夠跟世界去溝通,真正希望的是扭轉乾坤,開啟太平,這是真正大家共同的理想. I greatly admire Chief Hong for being able to use culture, to use the ideal of world peace which we in Taiwan all seek, and especially for seeking to communicate with the world through the spirit of altruism of these cultures, truly hoping to turn the world around, to establish peace and security. This, truly, is the common goal of us all.
國慶展演現場Scene of National Day celebrations OS: (上字幕)
太極門希望帶動更多人為自己的優質人生境界而努力,人人擁有健康,財富,智慧,快樂與幸福的人生. Taijimen hopes to inspire more people to strive for their own quality of life, for everyone to enjoy lives of health, prosperity, wisdom, happiness and good fortune.
作詞/作曲 洪道子博士
The Mighty Clan
Words and music by
Dr. Hong Tao Tze 歌詞Lyrics=神氣家族 The Mighty Clan (上字幕)
神氣家族大方有禮最自然 各位朋友一起走 健康 智慧最重要
神氣家族什麼都有 古時聖賢有交待 練氣養生最實在
幸福快樂在這裡 神氣家族福氣來 大家庭很光彩
世人跟隨做好人 一即開始即結束 圓圓滿滿好人生
Mighty clan, mother earth possesses the most natural rites. Everyone march together. Health and wisdom are paramount.
The mightly clan possesses everything. The sages of antiquity replaced one another. To cultivate qi and maintain good health is truly honest
Good fortune and happiness are here. The good fortune of the mighty clan is here. The great household is richly brilliant
The people follow it by being good people. As soon as they start, they finish. Fully noble lives.
國慶展演現場Scene of National Day celebrations OS: (上字幕)
太極門祝福大家:圓圓滿滿好人生,國運昌盛開太平. Taijimen blesses everybody: Fully noble lives Prosperity is the nation’s destiny and it heralds peace and security
國慶現場主持人-女: Female host at the scene of the National Day celebrations
富強康樂 安定家邦
Wealth, strength, health and happiness
The family that is the state stabilized Thank you, Chief and Doctor Hong Tao Tze and Taijimen.
影部/字幕 聲部
薪火相傳 神氣活現From one generation to another Full of pride 標題: TC=00:02-00:05
薪火相傳 神氣活現 From one generation to another Full of pride
OS: TC=00:10-00:35
太極門氣功養生學會由掌門人洪道子博士成立於民國55年,是台北市國術會的團體會員,也是內政部中華民國氣功武術協會的永久團體會員,更是一個發揚固有中華國粹文化,促進國民身心靈健康,非營利性的氣功武術公益團體. Taijimen was established in 1966 by its head, Dr. Hong Tao Tze, a member of Taipei Martial Arts Association and permanent member of the Chinese Qi Gong and Martial Arts Association under the Ministry of the Interior , a non-profit, qi gong and martial arts organization which particularly fostered indigenous, quintessentially Chinese culture.
展演者 Performers: (上字幕)
太極門 太極陣 出陣 Taijimen Taiji group Enter the arena
國慶展演現場Scene of National Day celebrations OS: (上字幕)
雙十佳節普天同慶,熱鬧氣氛響徹雲霄. On the Double Ten holiday there is universal rejoicing and the lively atmosphere resounds in the heavens
氣勢磅礡的音樂,歡欣鼓舞的心情,巨幅的慶祝圖騰栩栩如生,神氣活現的展現在國際友人面前. Lofty, majestic music, a jubilant mood, giant, vivid and lifelike celebratory totems are presented impressively in front of our international friends
古傳文化中的吉慶祥獸:神龍,鳳凰,孔雀,麒麟及祥獅.齊祝福中華民國風調雨順,國泰民安. Auspicious beasts bequeathed by our culture from ancient times: dragons, phoenixes, peacocks, Chinese unicorns and auspicious lions. Together they wish the Republic of China favorable weather and peace and prosperity.
太極門以多元文化藝術,美化生命,滋潤心靈,希望能帶動更多人為明亮的生命共同來努力,人人擁有健康,快樂,幸福的人生. Taijimen hopes, through a diversity of arts and culture and by making life beautiful and nourishing souls, to be able to inspire more people to strive together for a glorious life and for everyone to be healthy, happy and blessed.
Famous baseball personality who has traveled throughout Japan
王貞治 採訪Interview 1(王貞治先生 )(日文Japanese): TC=02:13-02:50
怎麼說呢?首先我是感覺到太極門是經過完整的訓練,而且很整齊,女孩子們拿著旗看來非常重的樣子,不過卻表演的非常好,非常的整齊,一定經過相當訓練. How should I put it? First of all, I sense that Taijimen has undergone thorough training. They are very orderly. The banners carried by the girls look very heavy, but they perform excellently, in an extremely orderly manner, obviously with considerable training.
像棒球的話每個人各自有不同的任務,像太極門的話都有相同的心意結合在一起,讓看的人都會感到非常感動. In baseball, everyone has his own task. In Taijimen, there is a common wish uniting everyone, moving all who see it.
OS: TC=02:51-03:01
太極門多年來獲邀參與國慶活動的演出,正可說是政府機關對太極門在文化薪傳貢獻上的肯定. For many years, Taijimen has been invited to perform in National Day activities, a true affirmation by government departments of Taijimen’s contribution to the transmission of culture.
Japanese cameraman
建二 採訪Interview 2(建二先生 )(日文Japanese): TC=03:02-03:51
看到大家熱心的練習,並針對一個個的動作專注地研究,我真的非常感動,現代年輕人對文化傳統不太感興趣,日本也是如此,往往在小小的鄉鎮村落裡,有些年輕人為了將珍貴的東西,流傳給下一代而努力,而臺灣太極門的格局卻截然不同,看到每一個人,可以感受到大家努力要將更多,更珍貴的東西流傳保留下去. I am really extremely moved to see everybody practicing so enthusiastically and studying each move with such concentration. Young people these days are not too interested in cultural traditions. It’s the same in Japan. Often, in tiny townships and villages, there are people who strive to pass precious things on to the next generation, but Taijimen’s configuration is completely different. From every person we see, we can feel that everybody is striving to pass down and preserve more ….even more precious things.
OS: TC=03:52-04:08
在總統府的南北廣場還有很多師兄姊在旁邊加油打氣,場上場下共有2700名以上的師兄師姊參與國慶大會,一起來祝福國家的生日. On the northern and southern plazas in front of the Office of the President there are many Taijimen followers re-energizing and preparing themselves. On and off the squares, there are more than 2700 of them participating in the National Day gathering, where they’ve come to wish the nation a happy birthday.
國慶展演現場Scene of National Day celebrations OS: (上字幕)
The complexions of the Taijimen followers are healthy, radiant, cheerful, self-confident, and full of hope and luster. This reflects the people’s healthy, strong and flourishing vitality. It is a symbol of the nation’s wealth, strength, health and happiness and the desire for the transmission of culture between the generations.
太極門弟子以氣養生,以德養心,發揚止戈揚善的精神,展現剛柔並濟的俠義風範,將文化之美,武術之光分享給世人,希望觸動人心深處,學好向善的動力,讓世界更美好. Taijimen followers maintain good health with qi (vital energy), maintain healthy minds with de (virtue), and fully cultivate the spirit of beating swords into plowshares
擁有身心健康的國民是國家競爭力的泉源,社會進步的基礎,也是國家發展最有力的後盾,我們相信在政府與民間團結合作下,必能再創新契機. Possession of a populace with healthy bodies and minds is the wellspring of national competitiveness, the foundation of social progress and the strongest buttress of national development. We believe that, with solidarity and collaboration between government and the people, we can certainly forge new opportunities.
處長 王福林
National Day Preparatory Office, 2005
Head, Wang Fulin 採訪Interview 3(王福林先生 Mr. Wang Fulin)(國語Chinese): TC=05:31-06:09
太極門一年比一年精采,今年的節目是神氣活現,目前國家的處境真的滿需要這樣子,尤其一個節目能夠800多位的師兄師姊參與,老實講這個非常不容易,非常不簡單,對我們國運的象徵具有某種層次的涵意,一個人要扛這麼大的龍頭或者是麒麟,已經非常不容易,然後要再把節目規劃搭配上,這個不是一般的單位可以做得到,所以我只能說非常佩服. Taijimen gets more and more brilliant from one year to the next. This year’s program is vigorous and lively. The country really needs this kind of thing right now; in particular, a program that can achieve the participation of more than 800 followers. Frankly, this is extremely difficult, extremely hard. It carries a certain level of significance for the fate of our nation. It is difficult enough for one person to hold aloft such a large dragon head or Chinese unicorn, but to plan and organize the program….this is not something that could be achieved by any ordinary organization, so I can only say that I am full of admiration.
President H.E. Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh of Gambia
President H.E. Fradique de Menezes of Sao Tome and Principe
H.M. King Mswati III of Swaziland OS: TC=06:11-06:33
每逢國慶都有許多國外嘉賓來華參加慶典,太極門活潑生動展現國粹文化精髓的演出,除了讓友邦貴賓不禁起立鼓掌,甚至還讓總統,國王級的貴賓,以及各國使節代表慕名親訪太極門. Every National Day, many important guests come from overseas to take part in the celebrations. Taijimen’s lively and vivid displays of the essence of Chinese culture, apart from prompting standing ovations from VIPs from our diplomatic allies, also lead royal, presidential and ambassadorial level visitors from all countries to seek out and visit Taijimen in person.
OS: TC=07:46-08:12
每一次的國慶展演,都是太極門掌門人及全體太極門弟子透過傳統國粹文化的分享,希望國家更好,人民更幸福. At each National Day performance it is the leaders and followers of Taijimen who, in sharing the essence of Chinese culture, wish for national improvement and improved popular fortunes.
僑務委員會焦仁和委員長頒發感謝狀,表達對太極門發揚中華文化,振奮僑心,成效卓著. Minister Chiao Jen-ho of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Council bestows a certificate of appreciation, showing that Taijimen’s cultivation of Chinese culture has raised the spirits of overseas Chinese and been an outstanding success.
委員長 焦仁和
Minister Chiao Jen-ho, Overseas Chinese Affairs Council, 1988 採訪5(焦仁和先生Mr. Chiao Jen-ho )(國語Chinese): TC=08:12-08:37
僑委會在接待方面希望能夠利用非常有限的時間,讓他們多了解臺灣進步的一個實況,在很多的活動裡面都有太極門的表演,海外的僑胞都留下了一個非常深刻的印象,表演讓人家有一種非常震撼的一種感覺,那麼也非常的雄壯,對我們遠道回國來的僑胞,感受會非常的親切,而且非常的深刻. The Overseas Chinese Affairs Council hopes to spend very limited amounts of time in receiving guests, so that they are able to understand a reality about Taiwan’s progress. There are Taijimen performances at many events. Overseas Chinese people have gained a very deep impression of this. The performances move people enormously and are extremely majestic. To overseas Chinese who travel a long way to return to their native country, the impression is very warm and very deep.
富強康樂 安定家邦
Wealth, strength, health and happiness
The family that is the state stabilized
影部/字幕 聲部
歡欣鼓 舞能量無限
Great Jubilation Unlimited Energy 標題: TC=00:02-00:05
歡欣鼓舞 能量無限 Great Jubilation Unlimited Energy
演出者-童音: Performers - children’s voices 快樂歡喜,愛你愛我,生日快樂,生日快樂.Happiness and joy. Love to you, love to me. Happy birthday, happy birthday
國慶展演現場Scene of National Day celebrations OS: 歡喜的心情笑咪咪,快樂的笑容送給你. Joyful moods and cute smiles, a happy smile especially for you
演出者-童音: 歡喜的心情笑咪咪,快樂的笑容送給你. (台語)
Joyful moods and cute smiles, a happy smile especially for you (Taiwanese)
Come on baby you and me. I’m so happy ya ya hay!
Former legislator, Cheng Feng-hsih 採訪Interview 1(鄭逢時先生Mr. Cheng Feng-hsih)(國語 Chinese): TC=00:46-01:43
我要藉這個機會呼籲我們的政府,更應該來鼓勵這一個文化的傳承,這是文化不能斷,文化一斷根就斷,所以我們民族的脈絡不能斷,所以我想太極門能夠做這樣子一個事情,是文化傳承上面是功德一件. I would like to take this opportunity to appeal to our government to encourage this kind of passing down of culture. Culture cannot be broken. As soon as culture is separated from its roots, it is broken. So, our people’s cultural system cannot be broken, and so I believe that the fact that Taijimen is able to do this kind of thing in the field of cultural transmission is extraordinary and wonderful.
所以我想太極門能夠以民間團體,能夠把台灣的文化,帶到世界的每一個角落,這是做一個文化交流同時也是國民外交最好的一支隊伍. I am often invited to visit different places around the world, so, of course, I’ve heard many foreign friends mention Taiwan to me and ask, “Do you know that there is an organization in Taiwan called ‘Taijimen?’”So I believe that the fact that Taijimen is able, as a civic group, to take Taiwan’s culture to all corners of the world makes it a practitioner of cultural exchanges and a force for popular diplomacy.
國慶展演現場Scene of National Day celebrations OS: 旗海歡騰,祝福國家:國運昌隆,日日高昇. Amid a sea of flags and great jubilation we wish the nation great prosperity and daily advancement
展演者齊聲Performers in chorus: 嘿嘿嘿嘿!快樂歡喜,愛你愛我. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! 嘿! Hey, hey, hey, hey! Happiness and joy. Love to you, love to me. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Hey!
President H.E. Fradique de Menezes of Sao Tome and Principe OS: TC=02:25-03:03
95年受邀來臺參與國慶的聖多美普林西比梅尼士總統,在看完太極門國慶展演後,起身走向臺前鼓掌,並開心的向師兄師姊揮手致意. President Fradique de Menezes of Sao Tome and Principe, who was invited to take part in National Day in 2006, after seeing Taijimen’s performance, walked up to the stage and waved greetings to the performers.
聖多美普林西比梅尼士總統,曾經特別來到太極門並鳴響世界之愛和平鐘,許下「願天下兒童盡歡顏」的心願,之後也邀約掌門人洪道子博士前往非洲訪問,彼此建立了良好互動的情誼. The president of the African nation had come espcially to Taijimen and loudly sounded the Bell of World Peace and Love with a promise to “make the children of the world smile,”before inviting Taijimen chief, Dr. Hong Tao Tze, to visit Africa and establish a friendship of constructive interaction.
President H.E. Fradique de Menezes of Sao Tome and Principe 致詞Speech 1(梅尼士先生Mr. Fradique de Menezes)(葡文Portuguese): TC=03:04-03:59
感謝你們千里而來,太極門掌門人洪道子博士和弟子們千里迢迢帶來世界之愛和平之鐘,非洲地區充滿了戰爭跟貧窮,非常感謝你們的誠心,和促進世界和平所做的努力,就跟我上次訪問台北時候,我到太極門那時候我講的一句話:「願天下兒童盡歡顏」,我會努力去做. Thank you for coming so far. The head of Taijimen, doctor Hong Tao Tze and Taijimen followers have brought the Bell of World Peace and Love from distant parts. Africa is riddled with war and poverty. Thank you for your sincerity and the effort you have made for world peace. Just as when I last visited Taipei, I went to Taijimen and promised to“make the children of the world smile.”I will strive to achieve this.
副市長 卓秉伍
Deputy Mayor of Seoul, 2000 致詞Speech 2(卓秉伍 先生)(韓文 Korean): TC=04:46-04:58
(中文翻譯 )
太極門氣功養生學會洪道子博士所領導的親善文化訪問團到首爾訪問,謹代表一千萬市民真心的表達歡迎之意. The goodwill and cultural visit to Seoul led by Dr. Hong Tao Tze represented a heartfelt welcome from countless citizens.
市長 Mayor of San Francisco, Mr. Willie Brown, 2000 Interview 4(Mr. Brown)(英文): TC=05:15-05:25
(中文翻譯 )
(原文) 待聽打The incredible devotion and commitment to traditional Chinese culture, as evidenced by this group of people, represents something that we all can learn from and learn to appreciate.
OS: TC=05:26-05:59
從聯合國秘書長,教宗,國王,王后到各國總統,各界領袖等,數十年來世界之愛和平總會會長,太極門掌門人洪道子博士,帶領著弟子透過親身實做,體會真愛無國界,世界一家親的道理,並以促進全球健康的行動,希望帶動世人即刻展開行動,貢獻智慧,共同來改變世局. From the United Nations secretary-general, the pope, and kings and queens, to the presidents of all nations, leaders in all walks of life, and leaders in recent decades of the Federation of World Peace and Love, the head of Taijimen, Dr. Hong Tao Tze has led his followers through true personal action to experience the theory of a truly loving, borderless world as one family, and, through action to promote global health, sought to inspire the people of the world to take immediate action, contribute wisdom and, together, change the world.
Translation - English 1.團結合作止戈揚善 Solidarity and Collaboration Beating Swords into Plowshares
影部/字幕 聲部
神氣家族 The Mighty Clan
The Family that is the state, stable but invigorated in civilian and military affairs
團結合作 止戈揚善
Solidarity and collaboration Beating swords into plowshares
標題: TC=01:00-01:04
團結合作 止戈揚善 Solidarity and Collaboration Beating Swords into Plowshares
童音Children’s voices: (上字幕)
Happy birthday! Very happy birthday! Happy birthday! YA!
神氣家族,祝福我們國家,福如東海深,壽比南山高,大吉大利,萬事如意,歡欣鼓舞,欣欣向榮.YA! Mighty clan, blessings to our country. May its happiness be as deep as the east sea. We wish it many happy returns. May it flourish completely, and all its hopes be fulfilled. Let it thrive and thrive. YA!
國慶展演現場Scene of National Day celebrations OS: (上字幕)
在台灣長大的快樂孩童,喜氣洋洋,今天大家張燈結綵慶祝國家生日的到來,老幼婦孺各個神采飛揚,滿面春風,手拿喜桃為國家祝壽,全國上下一同歡欣鼓舞. Happy children growing up in Taiwan, full of joy. Today, everyone is dressed up to the nines to celebrate National Day. Young and old, women and children, all are in high spirits. They hold peaches symbolizing happiness to wish the nation a happy birthday. The entire country rejoices.
太極門弟子承傳陰陽哲學智慧,把學到的好回饋給世人,希望人人擁有健康,財富,智慧,快樂與幸福的人生. Followers of Taijimen pass on the wisdom of the philosophy of yin and yang and give back to the people of the world the good that they have learnt. They hope that everyone will live healthy, prosperous, wise and blessed lives.
光輝燦爛的雙十,神氣家族祝福國家:社會祥和,人民安樂. Glorious and splendid Double Ten. The mighty clan blesses our nation. May society enjoy good fortune and peace and the people enjoy happiness and tranquility.
現在場中央呈現的是一幅巨大的壽桃圖形,由一顆顆歡喜的真心聚合而成的大壽桃,祝福國家:喜桃鴻運福氣到.祝福全國同胞:喜事連連好運來. In the middle of the scene right now is a giant peach of immortality, a large peach formed from one joyful and sincere group after another, blessing the nation: happiness peaches, good luck and good fortune have arrived. They bless all citizens of the nation. On happy ocassions, good luck comes in abundance.
世界團結基金會主席 Chairman, International Solidarity Foundation,
Mr. Bill McCarthy 採訪Interview 1(Mr. McCarthy)(英文): TC=03:11-03:41
(原文) When I come to a gathering that Taijimen puts on, it’s always a wonderful and inspiring experience, and you can feel the love and you can feel the commitment to peace and to harmony around the world , and its an inspiration to people who are working on the front lines in human rights organizations, and peace organizations and environmental sustainable organizations. So please continue to inspire people to take further action. I’d appreciate that.
Director of Planning, National Bureau of Rural Development, Mr. Belembaye Tongongary 採訪2(Mr. Tongongary)(法文): TC=03:41-04:01
我之所以這麼激動是你們談和平的方式,如同在展演之外所傳遞的和平訊息,傳遞愛旳方式,存在於人與人之間的和平. The reason why I’m so moved is the way you talk about peace, as though, beyond your performances, the message of peace and the love that you spread, exist in the peace within and between people.
Vice President of the Republic of China, 2003,
Ms. Annette Lu 致詞Speech 1(呂秀蓮小姐 Ms. Annette Lu)(國語Chinese): TC=04:02-04:39
國內國外,凡是反對戰爭,凡是希望和平的,我們都是和平的天使,這其中無容置疑的太極門各位師兄師姊,平常你們出錢出力,憑著愛,和平的信念,我剛剛講過不只在國內弘揚,而且在國外,也不斷想要隨著你們的足跡,以及你們精湛的文武全才而打造人間的太平極樂大門,我真的非常非常的感謝. At home and abroad, everyone who opposes war, everyone who hopes for peace, we are all angels for peace. This includes all faithful followers of Taijimen. You frequently expend money and effort in support of your faith in love and peace. You do so both at home and overseas, constantly seeking to forge, with your footsteps and your all-round civil and military prowess, a great gateway to the bliss of peace and security.
Chairman, People First Party, James Soong 致詞Speech 2(宋楚瑜先生 Mr. James Soong)(國語 Chinese ): TC=04:41-05:18
我非常敬佩洪掌門人,能夠用文化,用我們台灣大家對於世界和平追求的一種理想,尤其是希望把博愛精深的這些文化,能夠跟世界去溝通,真正希望的是扭轉乾坤,開啟太平,這是真正大家共同的理想. I greatly admire Chief Hong for being able to use culture, to use the ideal of world peace which we in Taiwan all seek, and especially for seeking to communicate with the world through the spirit of altruism of these cultures, truly hoping to turn the world around, to establish peace and security. This, truly, is the common goal of us all.
國慶展演現場Scene of National Day celebrations OS: (上字幕)
太極門希望帶動更多人為自己的優質人生境界而努力,人人擁有健康,財富,智慧,快樂與幸福的人生. Taijimen hopes to inspire more people to strive for their own quality of life, for everyone to enjoy lives of health, prosperity, wisdom, happiness and good fortune.
作詞/作曲 洪道子博士
The Mighty Clan
Words and music by
Dr. Hong Tao Tze 歌詞Lyrics=神氣家族 The Mighty Clan (上字幕)
神氣家族大方有禮最自然 各位朋友一起走 健康 智慧最重要
神氣家族什麼都有 古時聖賢有交待 練氣養生最實在
幸福快樂在這裡 神氣家族福氣來 大家庭很光彩
世人跟隨做好人 一即開始即結束 圓圓滿滿好人生
Mighty clan, mother earth possesses the most natural rites. Everyone march together. Health and wisdom are paramount.
The mightly clan possesses everything. The sages of antiquity replaced one another. To cultivate qi and maintain good health is truly honest
Good fortune and happiness are here. The good fortune of the mighty clan is here. The great household is richly brilliant
The people follow it by being good people. As soon as they start, they finish. Fully noble lives.
國慶展演現場Scene of National Day celebrations OS: (上字幕)
太極門祝福大家:圓圓滿滿好人生,國運昌盛開太平. Taijimen blesses everybody: Fully noble lives Prosperity is the nation’s destiny and it heralds peace and security
國慶現場主持人-女: Female host at the scene of the National Day celebrations
富強康樂 安定家邦
Wealth, strength, health and happiness
The family that is the state stabilized Thank you, Chief and Doctor Hong Tao Tze and Taijimen.
影部/字幕 聲部
薪火相傳 神氣活現From one generation to another Full of pride 標題: TC=00:02-00:05
薪火相傳 神氣活現 From one generation to another Full of pride
OS: TC=00:10-00:35
太極門氣功養生學會由掌門人洪道子博士成立於民國55年,是台北市國術會的團體會員,也是內政部中華民國氣功武術協會的永久團體會員,更是一個發揚固有中華國粹文化,促進國民身心靈健康,非營利性的氣功武術公益團體. Taijimen was established in 1966 by its head, Dr. Hong Tao Tze, a member of Taipei Martial Arts Association and permanent member of the Chinese Qi Gong and Martial Arts Association under the Ministry of the Interior , a non-profit, qi gong and martial arts organization which particularly fostered indigenous, quintessentially Chinese culture.
展演者 Performers: (上字幕)
太極門 太極陣 出陣 Taijimen Taiji group Enter the arena
國慶展演現場Scene of National Day celebrations OS: (上字幕)
雙十佳節普天同慶,熱鬧氣氛響徹雲霄. On the Double Ten holiday there is universal rejoicing and the lively atmosphere resounds in the heavens
氣勢磅礡的音樂,歡欣鼓舞的心情,巨幅的慶祝圖騰栩栩如生,神氣活現的展現在國際友人面前. Lofty, majestic music, a jubilant mood, giant, vivid and lifelike celebratory totems are presented impressively in front of our international friends
古傳文化中的吉慶祥獸:神龍,鳳凰,孔雀,麒麟及祥獅.齊祝福中華民國風調雨順,國泰民安. Auspicious beasts bequeathed by our culture from ancient times: dragons, phoenixes, peacocks, Chinese unicorns and auspicious lions. Together they wish the Republic of China favorable weather and peace and prosperity.
太極門以多元文化藝術,美化生命,滋潤心靈,希望能帶動更多人為明亮的生命共同來努力,人人擁有健康,快樂,幸福的人生. Taijimen hopes, through a diversity of arts and culture and by making life beautiful and nourishing souls, to be able to inspire more people to strive together for a glorious life and for everyone to be healthy, happy and blessed.
Famous baseball personality who has traveled throughout Japan
王貞治 採訪Interview 1(王貞治先生 )(日文Japanese): TC=02:13-02:50
怎麼說呢?首先我是感覺到太極門是經過完整的訓練,而且很整齊,女孩子們拿著旗看來非常重的樣子,不過卻表演的非常好,非常的整齊,一定經過相當訓練. How should I put it? First of all, I sense that Taijimen has undergone thorough training. They are very orderly. The banners carried by the girls look very heavy, but they perform excellently, in an extremely orderly manner, obviously with considerable training.
像棒球的話每個人各自有不同的任務,像太極門的話都有相同的心意結合在一起,讓看的人都會感到非常感動. In baseball, everyone has his own task. In Taijimen, there is a common wish uniting everyone, moving all who see it.
OS: TC=02:51-03:01
太極門多年來獲邀參與國慶活動的演出,正可說是政府機關對太極門在文化薪傳貢獻上的肯定. For many years, Taijimen has been invited to perform in National Day activities, a true affirmation by government departments of Taijimen’s contribution to the transmission of culture.
Japanese cameraman
建二 採訪Interview 2(建二先生 )(日文Japanese): TC=03:02-03:51
看到大家熱心的練習,並針對一個個的動作專注地研究,我真的非常感動,現代年輕人對文化傳統不太感興趣,日本也是如此,往往在小小的鄉鎮村落裡,有些年輕人為了將珍貴的東西,流傳給下一代而努力,而臺灣太極門的格局卻截然不同,看到每一個人,可以感受到大家努力要將更多,更珍貴的東西流傳保留下去. I am really extremely moved to see everybody practicing so enthusiastically and studying each move with such concentration. Young people these days are not too interested in cultural traditions. It’s the same in Japan. Often, in tiny townships and villages, there are people who strive to pass precious things on to the next generation, but Taijimen’s configuration is completely different. From every person we see, we can feel that everybody is striving to pass down and preserve more ….even more precious things.
OS: TC=03:52-04:08
在總統府的南北廣場還有很多師兄姊在旁邊加油打氣,場上場下共有2700名以上的師兄師姊參與國慶大會,一起來祝福國家的生日. On the northern and southern plazas in front of the Office of the President there are many Taijimen followers re-energizing and preparing themselves. On and off the squares, there are more than 2700 of them participating in the National Day gathering, where they’ve come to wish the nation a happy birthday.
國慶展演現場Scene of National Day celebrations OS: (上字幕)
The complexions of the Taijimen followers are healthy, radiant, cheerful, self-confident, and full of hope and luster. This reflects the people’s healthy, strong and flourishing vitality. It is a symbol of the nation’s wealth, strength, health and happiness and the desire for the transmission of culture between the generations.
太極門弟子以氣養生,以德養心,發揚止戈揚善的精神,展現剛柔並濟的俠義風範,將文化之美,武術之光分享給世人,希望觸動人心深處,學好向善的動力,讓世界更美好. Taijimen followers maintain good health with qi (vital energy), maintain healthy minds with de (virtue), and fully cultivate the spirit of beating swords into plowshares
擁有身心健康的國民是國家競爭力的泉源,社會進步的基礎,也是國家發展最有力的後盾,我們相信在政府與民間團結合作下,必能再創新契機. Possession of a populace with healthy bodies and minds is the wellspring of national competitiveness, the foundation of social progress and the strongest buttress of national development. We believe that, with solidarity and collaboration between government and the people, we can certainly forge new opportunities.
處長 王福林
National Day Preparatory Office, 2005
Head, Wang Fulin 採訪Interview 3(王福林先生 Mr. Wang Fulin)(國語Chinese): TC=05:31-06:09
太極門一年比一年精采,今年的節目是神氣活現,目前國家的處境真的滿需要這樣子,尤其一個節目能夠800多位的師兄師姊參與,老實講這個非常不容易,非常不簡單,對我們國運的象徵具有某種層次的涵意,一個人要扛這麼大的龍頭或者是麒麟,已經非常不容易,然後要再把節目規劃搭配上,這個不是一般的單位可以做得到,所以我只能說非常佩服. Taijimen gets more and more brilliant from one year to the next. This year’s program is vigorous and lively. The country really needs this kind of thing right now; in particular, a program that can achieve the participation of more than 800 followers. Frankly, this is extremely difficult, extremely hard. It carries a certain level of significance for the fate of our nation. It is difficult enough for one person to hold aloft such a large dragon head or Chinese unicorn, but to plan and organize the program….this is not something that could be achieved by any ordinary organization, so I can only say that I am full of admiration.
President H.E. Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh of Gambia
President H.E. Fradique de Menezes of Sao Tome and Principe
H.M. King Mswati III of Swaziland OS: TC=06:11-06:33
每逢國慶都有許多國外嘉賓來華參加慶典,太極門活潑生動展現國粹文化精髓的演出,除了讓友邦貴賓不禁起立鼓掌,甚至還讓總統,國王級的貴賓,以及各國使節代表慕名親訪太極門. Every National Day, many important guests come from overseas to take part in the celebrations. Taijimen’s lively and vivid displays of the essence of Chinese culture, apart from prompting standing ovations from VIPs from our diplomatic allies, also lead royal, presidential and ambassadorial level visitors from all countries to seek out and visit Taijimen in person.
OS: TC=07:46-08:12
每一次的國慶展演,都是太極門掌門人及全體太極門弟子透過傳統國粹文化的分享,希望國家更好,人民更幸福. At each National Day performance it is the leaders and followers of Taijimen who, in sharing the essence of Chinese culture, wish for national improvement and improved popular fortunes.
僑務委員會焦仁和委員長頒發感謝狀,表達對太極門發揚中華文化,振奮僑心,成效卓著. Minister Chiao Jen-ho of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Council bestows a certificate of appreciation, showing that Taijimen’s cultivation of Chinese culture has raised the spirits of overseas Chinese and been an outstanding success.
委員長 焦仁和
Minister Chiao Jen-ho, Overseas Chinese Affairs Council, 1988 採訪5(焦仁和先生Mr. Chiao Jen-ho )(國語Chinese): TC=08:12-08:37
僑委會在接待方面希望能夠利用非常有限的時間,讓他們多了解臺灣進步的一個實況,在很多的活動裡面都有太極門的表演,海外的僑胞都留下了一個非常深刻的印象,表演讓人家有一種非常震撼的一種感覺,那麼也非常的雄壯,對我們遠道回國來的僑胞,感受會非常的親切,而且非常的深刻. The Overseas Chinese Affairs Council hopes to spend very limited amounts of time in receiving guests, so that they are able to understand a reality about Taiwan’s progress. There are Taijimen performances at many events. Overseas Chinese people have gained a very deep impression of this. The performances move people enormously and are extremely majestic. To overseas Chinese who travel a long way to return to their native country, the impression is very warm and very deep.
富強康樂 安定家邦
Wealth, strength, health and happiness
The family that is the state stabilized
影部/字幕 聲部
歡欣鼓 舞能量無限
Great Jubilation Unlimited Energy 標題: TC=00:02-00:05
歡欣鼓舞 能量無限 Great Jubilation Unlimited Energy
演出者-童音: Performers - children’s voices 快樂歡喜,愛你愛我,生日快樂,生日快樂.Happiness and joy. Love to you, love to me. Happy birthday, happy birthday
國慶展演現場Scene of National Day celebrations OS: 歡喜的心情笑咪咪,快樂的笑容送給你. Joyful moods and cute smiles, a happy smile especially for you
演出者-童音: 歡喜的心情笑咪咪,快樂的笑容送給你. (台語)
Joyful moods and cute smiles, a happy smile especially for you (Taiwanese)
Come on baby you and me. I’m so happy ya ya hay!
Former legislator, Cheng Feng-hsih 採訪Interview 1(鄭逢時先生Mr. Cheng Feng-hsih)(國語 Chinese): TC=00:46-01:43
我要藉這個機會呼籲我們的政府,更應該來鼓勵這一個文化的傳承,這是文化不能斷,文化一斷根就斷,所以我們民族的脈絡不能斷,所以我想太極門能夠做這樣子一個事情,是文化傳承上面是功德一件. I would like to take this opportunity to appeal to our government to encourage this kind of passing down of culture. Culture cannot be broken. As soon as culture is separated from its roots, it is broken. So, our people’s cultural system cannot be broken, and so I believe that the fact that Taijimen is able to do this kind of thing in the field of cultural transmission is extraordinary and wonderful.
所以我想太極門能夠以民間團體,能夠把台灣的文化,帶到世界的每一個角落,這是做一個文化交流同時也是國民外交最好的一支隊伍. I am often invited to visit different places around the world, so, of course, I’ve heard many foreign friends mention Taiwan to me and ask, “Do you know that there is an organization in Taiwan called ‘Taijimen?’”So I believe that the fact that Taijimen is able, as a civic group, to take Taiwan’s culture to all corners of the world makes it a practitioner of cultural exchanges and a force for popular diplomacy.
國慶展演現場Scene of National Day celebrations OS: 旗海歡騰,祝福國家:國運昌隆,日日高昇. Amid a sea of flags and great jubilation we wish the nation great prosperity and daily advancement
展演者齊聲Performers in chorus: 嘿嘿嘿嘿!快樂歡喜,愛你愛我. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! 嘿! Hey, hey, hey, hey! Happiness and joy. Love to you, love to me. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Hey!
President H.E. Fradique de Menezes of Sao Tome and Principe OS: TC=02:25-03:03
95年受邀來臺參與國慶的聖多美普林西比梅尼士總統,在看完太極門國慶展演後,起身走向臺前鼓掌,並開心的向師兄師姊揮手致意. President Fradique de Menezes of Sao Tome and Principe, who was invited to take part in National Day in 2006, after seeing Taijimen’s performance, walked up to the stage and waved greetings to the performers.
聖多美普林西比梅尼士總統,曾經特別來到太極門並鳴響世界之愛和平鐘,許下「願天下兒童盡歡顏」的心願,之後也邀約掌門人洪道子博士前往非洲訪問,彼此建立了良好互動的情誼. The president of the African nation had come espcially to Taijimen and loudly sounded the Bell of World Peace and Love with a promise to “make the children of the world smile,”before inviting Taijimen chief, Dr. Hong Tao Tze, to visit Africa and establish a friendship of constructive interaction.
President H.E. Fradique de Menezes of Sao Tome and Principe 致詞Speech 1(梅尼士先生Mr. Fradique de Menezes)(葡文Portuguese): TC=03:04-03:59
感謝你們千里而來,太極門掌門人洪道子博士和弟子們千里迢迢帶來世界之愛和平之鐘,非洲地區充滿了戰爭跟貧窮,非常感謝你們的誠心,和促進世界和平所做的努力,就跟我上次訪問台北時候,我到太極門那時候我講的一句話:「願天下兒童盡歡顏」,我會努力去做. Thank you for coming so far. The head of Taijimen, doctor Hong Tao Tze and Taijimen followers have brought the Bell of World Peace and Love from distant parts. Africa is riddled with war and poverty. Thank you for your sincerity and the effort you have made for world peace. Just as when I last visited Taipei, I went to Taijimen and promised to“make the children of the world smile.”I will strive to achieve this.
副市長 卓秉伍
Deputy Mayor of Seoul, 2000 致詞Speech 2(卓秉伍 先生)(韓文 Korean): TC=04:46-04:58
(中文翻譯 )
太極門氣功養生學會洪道子博士所領導的親善文化訪問團到首爾訪問,謹代表一千萬市民真心的表達歡迎之意. The goodwill and cultural visit to Seoul led by Dr. Hong Tao Tze represented a heartfelt welcome from countless citizens.
市長 Mayor of San Francisco, Mr. Willie Brown, 2000 Interview 4(Mr. Brown)(英文): TC=05:15-05:25
(中文翻譯 )
(原文) 待聽打The incredible devotion and commitment to traditional Chinese culture, as evidenced by this group of people, represents something that we all can learn from and learn to appreciate.
OS: TC=05:26-05:59
從聯合國秘書長,教宗,國王,王后到各國總統,各界領袖等,數十年來世界之愛和平總會會長,太極門掌門人洪道子博士,帶領著弟子透過親身實做,體會真愛無國界,世界一家親的道理,並以促進全球健康的行動,希望帶動世人即刻展開行動,貢獻智慧,共同來改變世局. From the United Nations secretary-general, the pope, and kings and queens, to the presidents of all nations, leaders in all walks of life, and leaders in recent decades of the Federation of World Peace and Love, the head of Taijimen, Dr. Hong Tao Tze has led his followers through true personal action to experience the theory of a truly loving, borderless world as one family, and, through action to promote global health, sought to inspire the people of the world to take immediate action, contribute wisdom and, together, change the world.
Chinese to English: Dragon Gods Bless the Nation With Abundant Good Fortune General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - Chinese 第1段=1259字
第1段=1906字 Total=4659字
1.勇敢前行舞龍者 Brave Dragon Dancers Advance
影部/字幕 聲部
Tai Ji Men Energy Family
Dragon Gods Bless the Nation With Abundant Good Fortune
主持人 談力瑜
Host Tan Liyu 主持人-女:
Hello everyone. We welcome you and your whole family to enjoy the Tai Ji Men Energy Family.
In traditional Chinese thinking, the dragon represents the formidable power of divinity, honor and majesty. The appearance of a dragon god is bound to herald auspicious blessings. On the ten occasions on which Tai Ji Men has been invited to participate in the National Day celebration, it has prepared meticulously, presenting the graceful passing on of Chinese culture.
In the passing on from master to follower in their ancient menpai, Tai Ji Men dizi, practicing righteousness with their compassionate hearts, understand more deep-seated wisdom and meaning. Let us together enjoy the Tai Ji dragon god’s brave and elegant bearing.
現場OS-男: (上字幕)
Gold has for hundreds of years eclipsed summits
The Tai Ji dragon god blesses heaven and earth, the banner of the dragon soars and the five commands are issued simultaneously, inspiring awe in the universe.
ROLL字卡: TC=01:37-01:55
太極神龍 Tai Ji dragon god
慈悲 Mercy 勇敢 Courage 真智慧 True wisdom
Spreading auspiciousness and righteousness
Warming the good hearts of mortals
舞龍師兄姊齊聲: 1 2 3 哈. (掌聲)
辦? Did the dizi just learn what one must do once one no longer has power?
師兄回應:換手. Change hands
帶陣師兄:那麼快就換手了?有沒有要堅持下去的感覺? 換手Change hands so soon? Do you feel that you want to press on?
舞龍師兄姊回應:有. Yes
要堅持下去喔! We want to continue diligently. Dragons don’t stop, so how could we stop?
OS: TC=02:25-02:36
舞動一尊龍最根本的基礎是每一個舞龍者都須具備一定的體力,臂力,還有堅持到底勇敢突破的毅力. The most basic aspect about a dancing dragon is that each dragon dancer must have a certain level of physical strength, arm strength, and the willpower to continue to the end and achieve courageous break-throughs.
Gan, Hengwei 採訪1(甘恆瑋師兄)(國語): TC=02:37-02:50
就今天很開心是我第一次舞龍,然後我之前對舞龍的印象就是想說很帥,很輕鬆,但是這次舞龍的時候發現自己臂力很不足,然後需要再加強. Today I was very happy as it was my first dragon dance. Previously, my impression of dragon dances was that they were very elegant, very relaxed, but, as I was dancing today, I felt that I didn’t have enough strength in my arms and that I needed to strengthen them further.
Hsieh, Chengyun 採訪2(謝承昀師兄)(國語): TC=02:51-03:53
One year, preparing to dragon dance, we were going to perform the Yellow Dragon. I knew that the Yellow Dragon’s head was very heavy, about 30 kilos. When we first accepted the assignment, I was extremely frightened, because I wasn’t in fact usually good enough at physical exercise. Now, today, we are going to let you dance with this 30 kilo dragon’s head. You must walk and hold it high. As you march straight ahead while holding it aloft, you are in fact extremely frightened.
But, calming down and thinking about it, why did the dizi or the master want me to accept this weight in accepting the assignment?
然後想清楚之後就有能量,就會去認真的想要去想說我要做什麼樣的鍛鍊,做什麼樣的訓練,真的去接受它,而且你要去執行,去挑戰這個困難. Then, thinking clearly about it, I had the ability, and could conscientiously think about what exercises and what training I had to do to truly accept it. Also, you have to carry it out, challenge the difficulty.
你必須這樣做的時候其實你的能量就有了,所以我之後做的那些訓練跟體能的鍛鍊的時候,我就覺得不是這麼的困難. When you have to do this kind of thing, you in fact have the ability, so, later, when I did the training and physical exercises, I felt it wasn’t so difficult.
Chen, Huanshen 採訪3(陳煥升師兄)(國語): TC=03:54-04:22
其實每一趟舞下來都幾乎是腿軟,然後大概是要大概15到20分鐘才能夠恢復這樣子,但是我們在練習的時候當然不可能休息時間那麼長,但是你下來可能你的身體還沒有恢復又要上去舞的時候,其實那個時候心裡面是非常的掙扎.Actually, almost every time you finish dancing, your legs feel soft, and they recover only 15 to 20 minutes later. But when we’re practicing, of course, you can’t rest for as long as that. When you stop and your body may not have recovered but you have to go back and dance, you experience a struggle in your mind.
因為剛好那次我是全陣最年輕的師兄,所以看到很多師兄姊都這樣撐下去了,然後會讓我更有動力去讓自己進步. Because, on precisely that occasion, I was the youngest dizi in the troupe, so, seeing so many dizi pushing all the way gave me all the more motivation to enable myself to improve.
Hsieh, Chengyun 採訪4(謝承昀師兄)(國語): TC=04:23-05:08
When dragon dancing, sometimes there are some quite difficult movements, like jumping the dragon. You have to leap right over the dragon’ s body. My position is in the dragon’s head. Actually, leaping over the dragon’s rather tall body while holding the 30 kilo dragon’s head up high is pretty difficult.
那其實有一次我就是不小心就跌倒了,我覺得師兄姊都很關心,然後都會用很正向的就是力量,能量然後去關心我,我收到很多的關心關懷,然後去跟鼓勵跟激勵,然後慢慢地我靜下心,好好地去思考為什麼會出錯,然後之後慢慢地去建立信心,然後再去慢慢地爬起來,然後再次出發這樣子. Actually, on one occasion, I was a little careless and fell over. I felt that the dizi were all very attentive, and would show concern for me with the appropriate degree of force and ability. I received a great deal of care and solicitousness, and then went along with the encouragement and the urgings, slowly calmed down and carefully considered why I had made a mistake. Then, later, I established confidence, and slowly got back up again, and set off once again.
Chen, Huanshen 採訪5(陳煥升師兄)(國語): TC=05:09-05:44
He (the Yellow Dragon) is in fact 60 cm in diameter, and, taking into account its height from the ground also, seeing its head so heavy as I jumped and leading everyone in leaping across, was actually heartening for me, and made me very excited, and I jumped in concert with everyone.
然後其實那一次我是舞第二節,然後其實第二節最重要的工作就是要保護那30公斤重的龍頭,在舞的過程中其實我已經想不到我的腿痠不痠,我的手痠不痠,我想到的都是要把這尊龍舞好,然後要把龍頭保護好.Then, in fact, on that occasion, I was dancing in the second section, whose most important work is to protect that 30 kilo dragon head. In the course of the dance, I actually wasn’t thinking about whether my leg hurt or my arm hurt. All I was thinking about was how to perform the dance well and protect the dragon head.
OS: TC=05:45-05:59
When each dragon dancer executes his own assigned segment proficiently, and can work with the other dancers to their mutual advantage, a lively, leaping dragon god is all the more primed for action.
2.團結無私神龍現 United and selfless, the dragon gods appear
影部/字幕 聲部
OS: TC=00:02-00:14
從幕後的工作人員到幕前的舞龍者,每個人團結合作目標一致,才有機會呈現靈活流暢,神氣活現的一尊神龍. Only when everyone is united in collaborating with the same objective, from the workers behind the curtain to the dancers in front of it, is there an opportunity to present a nimble, fluent, impressive and lively dragon god.
Tsai, Mengxuan 採訪1(蔡孟軒師兄)(國語): TC=00:18-00:50
因為每個人他都有自己的個性還有自己的脾氣,所以要把不同個性,不同脾氣的人通通串起來一尊龍裡面,必須要9個人都很心意相通而且就是互相配合,然後互相包容才有辦法把龍舞得更好. Because everyone has his own character and his own temperament, we have to string together completely, inside a lion, people of different characters and temperaments. For a better dragon dance, the nine people must be well disposed towards one another, get on well together, and show tolerance for one another.
然後也不能有人跑太快,也不能有人跑太慢,因為有人跑太快,他後面的人就會被他拉著跑,然後有人跑太慢,然後就後面的人就會被他檔著,前面的人就會被拉到,然後整尊龍就會被拉拉扯扯. Also, you can’t have people running too quickly, or running too slowly, because if people run too quickly, those behind them will be pulled into running. If people run too slowly, those behind them will be impeded and those in front pulled, and the entire dragon will appear pulled.
Gan, Chenwei 採訪2(甘宸瑋師兄)(國語): TC=00:51-01:20
在舞龍的時候我以為在轉彎的時候是最省力的時候,所以在轉彎的時候我就趁機偷懶了一下,那經過舞完之後彼此之間的分享,才發現在我後面的那一個他是最吃力的,結果我自己卻沒有用到什麼力氣,那我就學到說把自己的力量全部的貢獻出來,不要自私也不要有所保留這樣. When dragon dancing, I took the view that we save the most energy when we turn, so, when turning, I took the opportunity to slack off a little. Only during the mutual sharing after the dance did I find out that the person behind me was the person with the most pressure, while I’d hardly used any strength. So I learnt to contribute all my strength, not to be selfish and not to hold back.
Hsieh, Chengyun 採訪3(謝承昀師兄)(國語): TC=01:21-01:51
其實大家能看到的就是龍在展演的過程中的光鮮亮麗,其實很多時候是必須要很多師兄師姊,然後在做事前的準備或是事後的善後.Actually, what everyone can see is the brightness and beauty of the dragon during the performance. Actually, very often there have to be a great many dizi, and preparations before the event, or efforts to deal with the aftermath.
For example: The Golden Azure Dragon . The dragon’s entire body is 144 m in length, and comprises 60 sections. It takes 60 dizi to hold the dragon aloft. Arranging it, assembling it, transporting it or repairing it after an event, can only be done with an extremely large number of dizi.
Chang, Lirong 採訪4(張麗容師姊)(國語): TC=01:52-02:16
今天來整理這個龍也是很有感受,因為我覺得我要珍惜,因為現在我這麼大年紀了我又對龍特別有感受,我想我還能做我要珍惜現在我能做的機會,是一種很幸福而且是師父給我們練功的機會,所以我很高興這次的心願讓我達成了很高興. To come here today to organize this dragon is a great experience, because I feel that I want to cherish it. Because I’m so elderly now and I also have a particular feeling for dragons. I believe I can still do…I want to cherish the opportunity I have now to do this. It’s a very fortunate experience and one given us by the Master to enable us to refine our skills, so I’m extremely happy that my wish on this occasion has been fulfilled, extremely happy.
Liu, Licheng 採訪5(劉力誠師兄)(國語): TC=02:17-02:40
其實今天來就只是我以為就只是整理一下神龍,然後沒想到可以舞到神龍我覺得還滿高興的,可是舞的時候發現自己手臂就是有點軟了,所以每次都手臂軟的時候都會想之前練陣的時候,師兄跟我們講說就是要靠身體的力量,不要只有靠手臂的力量,然後這樣就會比較輕鬆一點. Actually, I thought the purpose of coming today was just to organize the dragon god. I didn’t realise I could actually dragon dance. I’m pretty happy, but, when I was dancing, I found that my arms were a little soft, so, each time I felt that, I would think about previously, when practicing the formation, when the dizi would tell us to rely on the strength of our entire bodies, not just on that of our arms. Then one becomes a little more relaxed.
Chen, Huanshen 帶陣師兄(國語): TC=02:42-03:02
最難的就是換手,就是左手換右手這個其實算是舞龍最難的,最簡單也是最難的啦!這也是一開始最初學要學的,但是如果你要把龍舞好你這個你一定要做到非常的順暢,非常的流暢,然後不要緊張,不要急. The most difficult thing is changing hands, changing from your left hand to your right. This is the most difficult aspect of dragon dancing, both the most simple and the most difficult! This is what one has to learn at the very beginning. But, if you want to do the dragon dance well, you must do it in a very smooth and unhindered manner, very fluently. And don’t be nervous. Don’t be rushed.
OS: TC=03:04-03:25
捨-自我的脾氣固執,願意修正融入團隊,配合團隊需要互相幫忙,協調合作順成一氣,舞出共同的節奏,方能展現團結的心氣,感動自己,感動別人,鼓舞人心. Let go of your own temperament and stubbornness. Want to make corrections to blend with the team. Fitting in with the team requires that people help one another, coordinate their cooperation to function as a team, dance with a common rhythm. Only by so doing can one present the will of the team, move oneself, move others and warm hearts.
Hsieh, Chengyun 採訪6(謝承昀師兄)(國語): TC=03:27-03:55
你的心如果沒有安靜,你如果沒有去體諒其他的師兄,去幫助其他人的話,你真的是你沒有辦法舞起來,那你整個練習可能就會變得無效,所以其實我覺得舞龍對我們來說就是很真心的去體諒師兄師姊,然後互相幫忙,互相提醒,互相地把一個真的想要做到團結,然後把整個龍舞得最好這樣. If your heart is not at peace, if you don’t empathize with and help the other dizi, you can’t possibly dance. All your practice could go to waist, so, actually, I believe that the dragon dance, as far as we are concerned makes us sincerely empathize with the dizi, and to help each other, remind each other, to unite behind a true wish and produce the best possible dragon dance.
Chen, Huanshen 採訪7(陳煥升師兄)(國語): TC=03:57-04:21
在舞龍的過程中,其實我們每一次舞一趟龍下來,然後大家都圍圓然後來檢討一下,我們剛在舞龍期間有沒有需要修改的地方,或是哪邊可以更好,或是彼此的互相溝通協調. In the course of dragon dancing, in fact, every time we stop after dancing for a while, we all form a circle and review for a moment whether there’s anything we need to change in the bit that we’ve just danced or where something could be better, or just communicate and coordinate with one another.
真正要把舞龍舞好是必須要經過這個環節非常多次,大家都溝通到有共識之後才能真正把一件事情做好. To really present a good dragon dance you have to go through this segment a great many times. Only when everyone has communicated to the point of reaching a consensus can something be done well.
Shen, Caoqi 採訪8(沈朝祺師兄)(國語): TC=04:22-04:54
舞龍當中去學習這個分寸,然後可以跟人好好的去相處就是互相協調一下,那我覺得龍珠跟龍頭也可以相處得很好,不然像我剛開始跟師兄姊在練習的時候,有時候就會這樣因為龍頭祂不知道什麼時候龍珠要展功,過去就碰!可能就打到了,那這時候就要協調,慢慢的就會懂得彼此的一個意思,那就可以互相相處得很好. To study this propriety through dragon dancing and then to be able to get on well with people, to coordinate one another a little… I feel the pearl of the dragon can get on well with the head of the dragon. Otherwise, as when I had just started practicing with the dizi, sometimes it’s like this… because the dragon head doesn’t know when the dragon pearl is going to start work, it moves over and the two collide! They might hit. So, at this time they need to coordinate, and will slowly understand each other’s meaning, and then they can get on very well together.
Tsai, Mengxuan 採訪9(蔡孟軒師兄)(國語): TC=04:55-05:17
其實到最後其實就是每個環節大家每個人都很重要,沒有說誰是主要的,沒有說龍頭才是最重要的,或是龍尾是最重要的,反而是每一節當一個人都跑到他的定點,然後做好每一節細節的時候,整尊龍舞起來就一定會很順,而且是會很輕鬆完全不費力的. Actually, ultimately, every segment and everybody is very important. We don’t say that anyone is more important than anyone else. We don’t say that the head is the most important or that the tail is most important. On the contrary; when each person in each section runs in accordance with his appointed positions and the detail of each section is well executed, the whole dragon will inevitably dance with great fluency and with great relaxation and effortlessness.
Hsieh, Chengyun 採訪10(謝承昀師兄)(國語): TC=05:18-05:38
雖然說龍頭是重的,但是當大家心念一致團結一心的時候,其實那一次的展演就會是順暢的,就是可以把龍的精神展現出來,然後那一刻的當下,其實我也不會覺得龍頭是重的,其實就是心裡有舒暢的感覺.Although the dragon head is heavy, when everybody is united as one, the performance will be fluent. That is to say that the spirit of the dragon will be displayed and, at that moment, in fact, I don’t feel that the dragon head is heavy. In fact, one experiences contentment.
影部/字幕 聲部
國慶展演現場OS: (上字幕)
On the Double Ten holiday there is universal rejoicing and the lively atmosphere resounds in the heavens
Lofty, majestic music, a jubilant mood, giant, vivid and lifelike celebratory totems are presented impressively in front of our international friends
Auspicious beasts bequeathed by our culture from ancient times: dragons, phoenixes, peacocks, Chinese unicorns and auspicious lions. Together they wish the Republic of China favorable weather and peace and prosperity.
The Tai Ji dragon god travels around heaven and earth blessing people. It symbolizes Taiwan: the nation prospers and bestrides the globe.
The dragon and phoenix are auspicious. They enjoy being close to mortals and bring blessings to the Republic of China. Stability, auspiciousness and peace. Good fortune year after year.
The devotion of the dragon and phoenix flows into the innermost hearts of men, bringing love and peace to society, allowing happiness to spread among people.
OS: TC=02:34-02:48
太極神龍現身國家慶典,祈求國家風調雨順,國泰民安,行走海內外廣披祥和正氣,願天下蒼生皆得平安. The Tai Ji dragon god appears at national celebrations, appealing for favorable weather for the nation, for the country to prosper and the people to be at peace,
1999/12/31龍行天下 台北市政府
1999/12/31 Dragons fly around the world -Taipei City
1999/12/31龍行天下 台北縣政府
1999/12/31 Dragons fly around the world -Taipei County Government
1999/12/31龍行天下 桃園縣政府
1999/12/31 Dragons fly around the world -Taoyuan County Government
1999/12/31龍行天下 新竹市政府
1999/12/31 Dragons fly around the world -Hsinchu City Government
1999/12/31龍行天下 苗栗市公所
1999/12/31 Dragons fly around the world -Miaoli City Office
1999/12/31龍行天下 台中市政府
1999/12/31 Dragons fly around the world -Taichung City Government
1999/12/31龍行天下 台中縣政府
1999/12/31 Dragons fly around the world -Taichung County Government
1999/12/31龍行天下 台南市政府
1999/12/31 Dragons fly around the world -Tainan City Government
1999/12/31龍行天下 高雄市政府
1999/12/31 Dragons fly around the world -Kaohsiung City Government
2000/1/1 台東三仙台 日出東方迎千禧 1st January, 2000 Sanxiantai, Taidong At sunrise the East greets a thousand joys
2000/1/1 元旦升旗 1st January, 2000 A flag is raised on New Year’s Day
2000/1/1 龍鳳呈祥 1st January, 2000 The dragon and phoenix are auspicious
2000/1/16 千禧迎龍年 全民同安樂 A thousand joys greet the Year of the Dragon The entire population enjoys peace and happiness
OS: TC=03:55-04:12
1999年7月太極門受美國華盛頓州的邀請,參與西雅圖海洋節50週年大遊行,太極神龍也跟著遠渡重洋,壯盛亮麗的陣仗成為當時媒體追逐的焦點. In July 1999, at the invitation of the US state of Washington, Tai Ji Men took part in Seattle’s Seafair Torchlight Parade. The Tai Ji Men dragon accompanied it across the ocean and its glittering presence became the focus of media attention.
接著又受邀在華盛頓特區的美國國會山莊廣場,藉著文化交流將愛與和平的種子散播在世界各處. Next, it was invited to spread the seeds of love and peace to all corners of the world at the National Mall in Washington DC.
2000年太極門受雪梨奧委會正式邀請,參加全球注目的奧運盛會,有史以來成為第一個受邀在雪梨歌劇院展演的氣功武術團體. In 2000, Tai Ji Men was formally invited by the organizing committee of the Sydney Olympic Games to take part in the Olympic opening ceremony, the focus of global attention, and became the first qigong martial arts organization to perform at Sydney Opera House.
舞龍者以身形展現神龍的威儀,用心意揣摩神龍的精神,自悟,自助,功有所成,在生活中利他助人. The awe-inspiring manner in which the dragon dancers presented the figure of the dragon god using their bodies, conscientiously working out the dragon god’s spirit, self-aware, self-helping, 自悟,自助,功有所成,在生活中利他助人
Tseng, Jinjiong 採訪1(曾錦炯師兄)(國語): TC=05:14-06:05
舞龍過程當中最重要的就是整尊龍所舞的人要有一個團隊的精神,團隊的默契,那這份精神我把它運用在我的工作上面,常常就會想到就是說這個團隊精神,那我常常就是運用「麻煩你」,「請你幫個忙」,「請問你」,這種客氣好言的一個方式,然後達成一個和諧的狀況. The most important thing in the process of dragon dancing is that everyone has a team spirit, a mutual understanding. I bring this thinking into play in my work, often thinking of team spirit. I often use such polite language as , “Can I trouble you…?” “Please help,” “Can I ask you…?” and achieve a harmonious situation.
那我身為主管我也可以用很命令的方式來告知他們,可是我覺得是說為了這個整個團隊的運作能夠更流暢,更順暢,我選擇了「請」,「麻煩」,有時候說錯了我就說:對不起!然後做完了我會說聲:謝謝!用這種彼此尊重,然後相互和諧的態度,我發現效果是比較好的. As a manager, I could use an authoritarian manner to talk to them, but I feel that, for the sake of the ease of the team’s operations, I use, “Please,” and, “Can I trouble you…?” Sometimes, if I say something wrong, I say, “Sorry.” Then, when we finish, I say, “Thank you.” Adopting this kind of mutual respect, and mutually harmonious attitude, I find, is more effective.”
Hsieh, Chengyun 採訪2(謝承昀師兄)(國語): TC=06:06-07:02
我從很小的時候就開始跟隨師父然後去做文化展演,然後跟隨師父去各個地方然後做文化交流,那龍的精神就是:慈悲,勇敢,真智慧.然後其實這麼多年來就是龍的精神就慢慢的就是影響我,然後融入到我的生活然後放在我的心中. At a young age, I began following the master, giving cultural performances, traveling everywhere and engaging in cultural exchanges. The spirit of the dragon is: mercy, courage, true wisdom. Actually, over many years, the spirit of the dragon has slowly influenced me, blended with my life and become instilled in my mind.
然後其實就是不管是面對任何的人就是要慈悲,然後面對任何的挑戰要勇敢,然後面對任何的事情要有智慧地去處理,那其實就是這麼多年來然後一直在做這些事情,然後漸漸的就是回想起來,一路上就是我覺得不管是學業或是課業,然後或是甚至到現在工作職場上,其實我是覺得是滿順利的,有很多人在幫助我,然後互相的幫忙,互相地提醒. In fact, whoever we face we must be merciful, whatever challenge we face we must be brave, whatever issue we face we must handle it with wisdom. In fact, constantly doing these things for so many years, and gradually recollecting, I feel that always, be it in my education or in my career, or even right now in the workplace, I actually feel that everything has gone smoothly, a great many people have helped me, and we have helped each other and reminded each other.
Tsai, Mengxuan 採訪3(蔡孟軒師兄)(國語): TC=07:03-07:32
每一次展演的時候其實展演完下來都會覺得很感動,然後很感謝,但這一切也都是因為我有來太極門練氣功,然後師父讓我有這個機會可以練陣我才可以經歷這一切. Every time we perform, in fact, when we finish, I feel very moved, and very thankful, but all of this is because I have practiced qigong at Tai Ji Men, and that it’s only because the master gave me this opportunity to practice it with the team that I have been able to experience all this.
在國外遊行展演就是很多很多一切一切的不可能,都是因為有來太極門之後把不可能變可能,而且我現在也才30歲未來還有很多事情還會再發生,還要去發掘. To parade and perform overseas reflects a great deal of impossibility. It’s because, after I came to Tai Ji Men, the impossible became possible. Also, I’m only 30 right now. In the future, many things will happen. I still wish to explore.
OS: TC=07:35-07:48
老門派中的年輕人在成長階段練氣修心,接受優美的文化薰陶,學習正向積極,樂觀勇敢,奠定健全的人生基礎. As they grow, the young people in the old menpai cultivate qi in order to cultivate their minds, receiving training in a fine culture, studying positively and vigorously, optimistically and bravely, establishing a sound foundation for life.
Chen, Huanshen 採訪4(陳煥升師兄)(國語): TC=07:49-08:37
我在國小的時候我就有曾經在太極門舞過龍,然後當然那個龍是用些紙碗做成的小龍,但是從那個時候我就真的非常喜歡那種跟大家一起舞龍的感覺,然後到長大之後我們也就一起來加入這個龍陣這樣. When I was at elementary school, I performed a dragon dance at Tai Ji Men. Of course, that dragon was a small dragon made of paper bowls, but it’s ever since then that I have truly greatly enjoyed that feeling of everyone dancing together. And, since growing up, we have together joined in the dragon dance.
我們組裝龍然後我們有維修龍,然後一開始可能對龍的感覺就是祂可能是一個道具而已,但是真正經過練習,然後跟祂的相處跟祂培養感情,然後到最後真正用龍展演,你對龍其實就會有感情,然後像可能在練習的過程中,可能踩到龍或是龍身刮到地板等等,你其實那種心就會有種心痛的感覺. We assemble the dragon and then we repair the dragon, and, at the beginning, perhaps our feeling towards the dragon is that it’s a prop, but, when we interact with it a feeling is cultivated for it and, ultimately, we truly perform as a dragon. You do in fact have a feeling for the dragon, and in the process of practicing, perhaps, you step on the dragon or its body is dragged along the floor, or whatever, and, in your mind, you actually experience a feeling of pain.
Hsieh, Chengyun 採訪5(謝承昀師兄)(國語): TC=08:38-09:03
Actually, when we’re dragon dancing, before the troop presents itself, we have to calm our minds. Only when you calm your mind to such an extent that it is stable, can you actually set off, bravely and fearlessly set off and march forward.
Actually, in anything I do, in life, or in work, I make a connection with the dragon, first meditating. When you know what you need to do, you stride forward diligently.
Chen, Huanshen 採訪6(陳煥升師兄)(國語): TC=09:04-09:35
I believe that, because I have experience of dragon dancing, experience of everyone communicating with one another because of dragon dancing, I am not particularly scared of seeking colleagues or managers at work to communicate with them about many matters, to go and ask them things. It has made me more able to get things done effectively.
然後我覺得其實不管在學校或是在工作,任何一個團隊其實都像舞龍一樣,我覺得整個團隊合作的氣氛就會非常的好,然後會把事情做得非常的有效率.I feel, in fact, that, be it at school or at work, any team is like the dragon. I feel that the mood of a whole team cooperating is excellent and that the team will do what it has to do extremely effectively.
Hsieh, Chengyun 採訪7(謝承昀師兄)(國語): TC=09:36-10:07
在舞龍的過程裡面學到團結合作互助的精神,那我覺得這是在現在社會裡面很多人需要的一個精神跟部分,那我覺得如果大家都有這樣的精神跟想法的話,其實社會上很多紛爭是會減少的,那十幾二十年來我們從師父身上學到的學到好的文化,好的精神,然後我也希望可以透過我們也傳承到下一代. To study the spirit of team collaboration and mutual assistance, I feel that this is a spirit that, in today’s society, many people need. I think that if everyone had this spirit and this approach, actually there would be fewer disputes in society. For ten or 20 years we have learnt good culture, a good spirit, from the master. I hope we can pass these on to the next generation.
OS: TC=10:10-10:32
我們的國家要富強,社會要康樂,正有賴全民的團結合作,就像要舞好一尊龍就不能自私固執,大家互相包容,互相幫忙,只要為國家好,為社會好,就去修就去做,才能為國家走出新局大道. Taiwan needs to be rich and powerful. Society needs to be at peace, to rely precisely on the entire populace uniting and cooperating, just as a dragon that dances well cannot be selfish and stubborn. Everyone tolerate each other, help each other. We need only to cultivate and act, for the sake of the nation and society, in order to place the nation on a path to a better destiny.
主持人-女: TC=10:34-11:00
感謝收看,我們再會. The spirit of the Tai Ji dragon god: mercy, courage, true wisdom. This is truly what the current generation needs. If everyone in the nation possesses a merciful heart, and helps one another for the sake of goodness, the nation will inevitably be stable and auspicious. When we move forward in unity, without divisions between parties and factions, bravely discarding our selfishness, the nation will definitely be better. Let us strive together. Thank you for watching. See you soon.
Translation - English 第1段=1259字
第1段=1906字 Total=4659字
1.勇敢前行舞龍者 Brave Dragon Dancers Advance
影部/字幕 聲部
Tai Ji Men Energy Family
Dragon Gods Bless the Nation With Abundant Good Fortune
主持人 談力瑜
Host Tan Liyu 主持人-女:
Hello everyone. We welcome you and your whole family to enjoy the Tai Ji Men Energy Family.
In traditional Chinese thinking, the dragon represents the formidable power of divinity, honor and majesty. The appearance of a dragon god is bound to herald auspicious blessings. On the ten occasions on which Tai Ji Men has been invited to participate in the National Day celebration, it has prepared meticulously, presenting the graceful passing on of Chinese culture.
In the passing on from master to follower in their ancient menpai, Tai Ji Men dizi, practicing righteousness with their compassionate hearts, understand more deep-seated wisdom and meaning. Let us together enjoy the Tai Ji dragon god’s brave and elegant bearing.
現場OS-男: (上字幕)
Gold has for hundreds of years eclipsed summits
The Tai Ji dragon god blesses heaven and earth, the banner of the dragon soars and the five commands are issued simultaneously, inspiring awe in the universe.
ROLL字卡: TC=01:37-01:55
太極神龍 Tai Ji dragon god
慈悲 Mercy 勇敢 Courage 真智慧 True wisdom
Spreading auspiciousness and righteousness
Warming the good hearts of mortals
舞龍師兄姊齊聲: 1 2 3 哈. (掌聲)
辦? Did the dizi just learn what one must do once one no longer has power?
師兄回應:換手. Change hands
帶陣師兄:那麼快就換手了?有沒有要堅持下去的感覺? 換手Change hands so soon? Do you feel that you want to press on?
舞龍師兄姊回應:有. Yes
要堅持下去喔! We want to continue diligently. Dragons don’t stop, so how could we stop?
OS: TC=02:25-02:36
舞動一尊龍最根本的基礎是每一個舞龍者都須具備一定的體力,臂力,還有堅持到底勇敢突破的毅力. The most basic aspect about a dancing dragon is that each dragon dancer must have a certain level of physical strength, arm strength, and the willpower to continue to the end and achieve courageous break-throughs.
Gan, Hengwei 採訪1(甘恆瑋師兄)(國語): TC=02:37-02:50
就今天很開心是我第一次舞龍,然後我之前對舞龍的印象就是想說很帥,很輕鬆,但是這次舞龍的時候發現自己臂力很不足,然後需要再加強. Today I was very happy as it was my first dragon dance. Previously, my impression of dragon dances was that they were very elegant, very relaxed, but, as I was dancing today, I felt that I didn’t have enough strength in my arms and that I needed to strengthen them further.
Hsieh, Chengyun 採訪2(謝承昀師兄)(國語): TC=02:51-03:53
One year, preparing to dragon dance, we were going to perform the Yellow Dragon. I knew that the Yellow Dragon’s head was very heavy, about 30 kilos. When we first accepted the assignment, I was extremely frightened, because I wasn’t in fact usually good enough at physical exercise. Now, today, we are going to let you dance with this 30 kilo dragon’s head. You must walk and hold it high. As you march straight ahead while holding it aloft, you are in fact extremely frightened.
But, calming down and thinking about it, why did the dizi or the master want me to accept this weight in accepting the assignment?
然後想清楚之後就有能量,就會去認真的想要去想說我要做什麼樣的鍛鍊,做什麼樣的訓練,真的去接受它,而且你要去執行,去挑戰這個困難. Then, thinking clearly about it, I had the ability, and could conscientiously think about what exercises and what training I had to do to truly accept it. Also, you have to carry it out, challenge the difficulty.
你必須這樣做的時候其實你的能量就有了,所以我之後做的那些訓練跟體能的鍛鍊的時候,我就覺得不是這麼的困難. When you have to do this kind of thing, you in fact have the ability, so, later, when I did the training and physical exercises, I felt it wasn’t so difficult.
Chen, Huanshen 採訪3(陳煥升師兄)(國語): TC=03:54-04:22
其實每一趟舞下來都幾乎是腿軟,然後大概是要大概15到20分鐘才能夠恢復這樣子,但是我們在練習的時候當然不可能休息時間那麼長,但是你下來可能你的身體還沒有恢復又要上去舞的時候,其實那個時候心裡面是非常的掙扎.Actually, almost every time you finish dancing, your legs feel soft, and they recover only 15 to 20 minutes later. But when we’re practicing, of course, you can’t rest for as long as that. When you stop and your body may not have recovered but you have to go back and dance, you experience a struggle in your mind.
因為剛好那次我是全陣最年輕的師兄,所以看到很多師兄姊都這樣撐下去了,然後會讓我更有動力去讓自己進步. Because, on precisely that occasion, I was the youngest dizi in the troupe, so, seeing so many dizi pushing all the way gave me all the more motivation to enable myself to improve.
Hsieh, Chengyun 採訪4(謝承昀師兄)(國語): TC=04:23-05:08
When dragon dancing, sometimes there are some quite difficult movements, like jumping the dragon. You have to leap right over the dragon’ s body. My position is in the dragon’s head. Actually, leaping over the dragon’s rather tall body while holding the 30 kilo dragon’s head up high is pretty difficult.
那其實有一次我就是不小心就跌倒了,我覺得師兄姊都很關心,然後都會用很正向的就是力量,能量然後去關心我,我收到很多的關心關懷,然後去跟鼓勵跟激勵,然後慢慢地我靜下心,好好地去思考為什麼會出錯,然後之後慢慢地去建立信心,然後再去慢慢地爬起來,然後再次出發這樣子. Actually, on one occasion, I was a little careless and fell over. I felt that the dizi were all very attentive, and would show concern for me with the appropriate degree of force and ability. I received a great deal of care and solicitousness, and then went along with the encouragement and the urgings, slowly calmed down and carefully considered why I had made a mistake. Then, later, I established confidence, and slowly got back up again, and set off once again.
Chen, Huanshen 採訪5(陳煥升師兄)(國語): TC=05:09-05:44
He (the Yellow Dragon) is in fact 60 cm in diameter, and, taking into account its height from the ground also, seeing its head so heavy as I jumped and leading everyone in leaping across, was actually heartening for me, and made me very excited, and I jumped in concert with everyone.
然後其實那一次我是舞第二節,然後其實第二節最重要的工作就是要保護那30公斤重的龍頭,在舞的過程中其實我已經想不到我的腿痠不痠,我的手痠不痠,我想到的都是要把這尊龍舞好,然後要把龍頭保護好.Then, in fact, on that occasion, I was dancing in the second section, whose most important work is to protect that 30 kilo dragon head. In the course of the dance, I actually wasn’t thinking about whether my leg hurt or my arm hurt. All I was thinking about was how to perform the dance well and protect the dragon head.
OS: TC=05:45-05:59
When each dragon dancer executes his own assigned segment proficiently, and can work with the other dancers to their mutual advantage, a lively, leaping dragon god is all the more primed for action.
2.團結無私神龍現 United and selfless, the dragon gods appear
影部/字幕 聲部
OS: TC=00:02-00:14
從幕後的工作人員到幕前的舞龍者,每個人團結合作目標一致,才有機會呈現靈活流暢,神氣活現的一尊神龍. Only when everyone is united in collaborating with the same objective, from the workers behind the curtain to the dancers in front of it, is there an opportunity to present a nimble, fluent, impressive and lively dragon god.
Tsai, Mengxuan 採訪1(蔡孟軒師兄)(國語): TC=00:18-00:50
因為每個人他都有自己的個性還有自己的脾氣,所以要把不同個性,不同脾氣的人通通串起來一尊龍裡面,必須要9個人都很心意相通而且就是互相配合,然後互相包容才有辦法把龍舞得更好. Because everyone has his own character and his own temperament, we have to string together completely, inside a lion, people of different characters and temperaments. For a better dragon dance, the nine people must be well disposed towards one another, get on well together, and show tolerance for one another.
然後也不能有人跑太快,也不能有人跑太慢,因為有人跑太快,他後面的人就會被他拉著跑,然後有人跑太慢,然後就後面的人就會被他檔著,前面的人就會被拉到,然後整尊龍就會被拉拉扯扯. Also, you can’t have people running too quickly, or running too slowly, because if people run too quickly, those behind them will be pulled into running. If people run too slowly, those behind them will be impeded and those in front pulled, and the entire dragon will appear pulled.
Gan, Chenwei 採訪2(甘宸瑋師兄)(國語): TC=00:51-01:20
在舞龍的時候我以為在轉彎的時候是最省力的時候,所以在轉彎的時候我就趁機偷懶了一下,那經過舞完之後彼此之間的分享,才發現在我後面的那一個他是最吃力的,結果我自己卻沒有用到什麼力氣,那我就學到說把自己的力量全部的貢獻出來,不要自私也不要有所保留這樣. When dragon dancing, I took the view that we save the most energy when we turn, so, when turning, I took the opportunity to slack off a little. Only during the mutual sharing after the dance did I find out that the person behind me was the person with the most pressure, while I’d hardly used any strength. So I learnt to contribute all my strength, not to be selfish and not to hold back.
Hsieh, Chengyun 採訪3(謝承昀師兄)(國語): TC=01:21-01:51
其實大家能看到的就是龍在展演的過程中的光鮮亮麗,其實很多時候是必須要很多師兄師姊,然後在做事前的準備或是事後的善後.Actually, what everyone can see is the brightness and beauty of the dragon during the performance. Actually, very often there have to be a great many dizi, and preparations before the event, or efforts to deal with the aftermath.
For example: The Golden Azure Dragon . The dragon’s entire body is 144 m in length, and comprises 60 sections. It takes 60 dizi to hold the dragon aloft. Arranging it, assembling it, transporting it or repairing it after an event, can only be done with an extremely large number of dizi.
Chang, Lirong 採訪4(張麗容師姊)(國語): TC=01:52-02:16
今天來整理這個龍也是很有感受,因為我覺得我要珍惜,因為現在我這麼大年紀了我又對龍特別有感受,我想我還能做我要珍惜現在我能做的機會,是一種很幸福而且是師父給我們練功的機會,所以我很高興這次的心願讓我達成了很高興. To come here today to organize this dragon is a great experience, because I feel that I want to cherish it. Because I’m so elderly now and I also have a particular feeling for dragons. I believe I can still do…I want to cherish the opportunity I have now to do this. It’s a very fortunate experience and one given us by the Master to enable us to refine our skills, so I’m extremely happy that my wish on this occasion has been fulfilled, extremely happy.
Liu, Licheng 採訪5(劉力誠師兄)(國語): TC=02:17-02:40
其實今天來就只是我以為就只是整理一下神龍,然後沒想到可以舞到神龍我覺得還滿高興的,可是舞的時候發現自己手臂就是有點軟了,所以每次都手臂軟的時候都會想之前練陣的時候,師兄跟我們講說就是要靠身體的力量,不要只有靠手臂的力量,然後這樣就會比較輕鬆一點. Actually, I thought the purpose of coming today was just to organize the dragon god. I didn’t realise I could actually dragon dance. I’m pretty happy, but, when I was dancing, I found that my arms were a little soft, so, each time I felt that, I would think about previously, when practicing the formation, when the dizi would tell us to rely on the strength of our entire bodies, not just on that of our arms. Then one becomes a little more relaxed.
Chen, Huanshen 帶陣師兄(國語): TC=02:42-03:02
最難的就是換手,就是左手換右手這個其實算是舞龍最難的,最簡單也是最難的啦!這也是一開始最初學要學的,但是如果你要把龍舞好你這個你一定要做到非常的順暢,非常的流暢,然後不要緊張,不要急. The most difficult thing is changing hands, changing from your left hand to your right. This is the most difficult aspect of dragon dancing, both the most simple and the most difficult! This is what one has to learn at the very beginning. But, if you want to do the dragon dance well, you must do it in a very smooth and unhindered manner, very fluently. And don’t be nervous. Don’t be rushed.
OS: TC=03:04-03:25
捨-自我的脾氣固執,願意修正融入團隊,配合團隊需要互相幫忙,協調合作順成一氣,舞出共同的節奏,方能展現團結的心氣,感動自己,感動別人,鼓舞人心. Let go of your own temperament and stubbornness. Want to make corrections to blend with the team. Fitting in with the team requires that people help one another, coordinate their cooperation to function as a team, dance with a common rhythm. Only by so doing can one present the will of the team, move oneself, move others and warm hearts.
Hsieh, Chengyun 採訪6(謝承昀師兄)(國語): TC=03:27-03:55
你的心如果沒有安靜,你如果沒有去體諒其他的師兄,去幫助其他人的話,你真的是你沒有辦法舞起來,那你整個練習可能就會變得無效,所以其實我覺得舞龍對我們來說就是很真心的去體諒師兄師姊,然後互相幫忙,互相提醒,互相地把一個真的想要做到團結,然後把整個龍舞得最好這樣. If your heart is not at peace, if you don’t empathize with and help the other dizi, you can’t possibly dance. All your practice could go to waist, so, actually, I believe that the dragon dance, as far as we are concerned makes us sincerely empathize with the dizi, and to help each other, remind each other, to unite behind a true wish and produce the best possible dragon dance.
Chen, Huanshen 採訪7(陳煥升師兄)(國語): TC=03:57-04:21
在舞龍的過程中,其實我們每一次舞一趟龍下來,然後大家都圍圓然後來檢討一下,我們剛在舞龍期間有沒有需要修改的地方,或是哪邊可以更好,或是彼此的互相溝通協調. In the course of dragon dancing, in fact, every time we stop after dancing for a while, we all form a circle and review for a moment whether there’s anything we need to change in the bit that we’ve just danced or where something could be better, or just communicate and coordinate with one another.
真正要把舞龍舞好是必須要經過這個環節非常多次,大家都溝通到有共識之後才能真正把一件事情做好. To really present a good dragon dance you have to go through this segment a great many times. Only when everyone has communicated to the point of reaching a consensus can something be done well.
Shen, Caoqi 採訪8(沈朝祺師兄)(國語): TC=04:22-04:54
舞龍當中去學習這個分寸,然後可以跟人好好的去相處就是互相協調一下,那我覺得龍珠跟龍頭也可以相處得很好,不然像我剛開始跟師兄姊在練習的時候,有時候就會這樣因為龍頭祂不知道什麼時候龍珠要展功,過去就碰!可能就打到了,那這時候就要協調,慢慢的就會懂得彼此的一個意思,那就可以互相相處得很好. To study this propriety through dragon dancing and then to be able to get on well with people, to coordinate one another a little… I feel the pearl of the dragon can get on well with the head of the dragon. Otherwise, as when I had just started practicing with the dizi, sometimes it’s like this… because the dragon head doesn’t know when the dragon pearl is going to start work, it moves over and the two collide! They might hit. So, at this time they need to coordinate, and will slowly understand each other’s meaning, and then they can get on very well together.
Tsai, Mengxuan 採訪9(蔡孟軒師兄)(國語): TC=04:55-05:17
其實到最後其實就是每個環節大家每個人都很重要,沒有說誰是主要的,沒有說龍頭才是最重要的,或是龍尾是最重要的,反而是每一節當一個人都跑到他的定點,然後做好每一節細節的時候,整尊龍舞起來就一定會很順,而且是會很輕鬆完全不費力的. Actually, ultimately, every segment and everybody is very important. We don’t say that anyone is more important than anyone else. We don’t say that the head is the most important or that the tail is most important. On the contrary; when each person in each section runs in accordance with his appointed positions and the detail of each section is well executed, the whole dragon will inevitably dance with great fluency and with great relaxation and effortlessness.
Hsieh, Chengyun 採訪10(謝承昀師兄)(國語): TC=05:18-05:38
雖然說龍頭是重的,但是當大家心念一致團結一心的時候,其實那一次的展演就會是順暢的,就是可以把龍的精神展現出來,然後那一刻的當下,其實我也不會覺得龍頭是重的,其實就是心裡有舒暢的感覺.Although the dragon head is heavy, when everybody is united as one, the performance will be fluent. That is to say that the spirit of the dragon will be displayed and, at that moment, in fact, I don’t feel that the dragon head is heavy. In fact, one experiences contentment.
影部/字幕 聲部
國慶展演現場OS: (上字幕)
On the Double Ten holiday there is universal rejoicing and the lively atmosphere resounds in the heavens
Lofty, majestic music, a jubilant mood, giant, vivid and lifelike celebratory totems are presented impressively in front of our international friends
Auspicious beasts bequeathed by our culture from ancient times: dragons, phoenixes, peacocks, Chinese unicorns and auspicious lions. Together they wish the Republic of China favorable weather and peace and prosperity.
The Tai Ji dragon god travels around heaven and earth blessing people. It symbolizes Taiwan: the nation prospers and bestrides the globe.
The dragon and phoenix are auspicious. They enjoy being close to mortals and bring blessings to the Republic of China. Stability, auspiciousness and peace. Good fortune year after year.
The devotion of the dragon and phoenix flows into the innermost hearts of men, bringing love and peace to society, allowing happiness to spread among people.
OS: TC=02:34-02:48
太極神龍現身國家慶典,祈求國家風調雨順,國泰民安,行走海內外廣披祥和正氣,願天下蒼生皆得平安. The Tai Ji dragon god appears at national celebrations, appealing for favorable weather for the nation, for the country to prosper and the people to be at peace,
1999/12/31龍行天下 台北市政府
1999/12/31 Dragons fly around the world -Taipei City
1999/12/31龍行天下 台北縣政府
1999/12/31 Dragons fly around the world -Taipei County Government
1999/12/31龍行天下 桃園縣政府
1999/12/31 Dragons fly around the world -Taoyuan County Government
1999/12/31龍行天下 新竹市政府
1999/12/31 Dragons fly around the world -Hsinchu City Government
1999/12/31龍行天下 苗栗市公所
1999/12/31 Dragons fly around the world -Miaoli City Office
1999/12/31龍行天下 台中市政府
1999/12/31 Dragons fly around the world -Taichung City Government
1999/12/31龍行天下 台中縣政府
1999/12/31 Dragons fly around the world -Taichung County Government
1999/12/31龍行天下 台南市政府
1999/12/31 Dragons fly around the world -Tainan City Government
1999/12/31龍行天下 高雄市政府
1999/12/31 Dragons fly around the world -Kaohsiung City Government
2000/1/1 台東三仙台 日出東方迎千禧 1st January, 2000 Sanxiantai, Taidong At sunrise the East greets a thousand joys
2000/1/1 元旦升旗 1st January, 2000 A flag is raised on New Year’s Day
2000/1/1 龍鳳呈祥 1st January, 2000 The dragon and phoenix are auspicious
2000/1/16 千禧迎龍年 全民同安樂 A thousand joys greet the Year of the Dragon The entire population enjoys peace and happiness
OS: TC=03:55-04:12
1999年7月太極門受美國華盛頓州的邀請,參與西雅圖海洋節50週年大遊行,太極神龍也跟著遠渡重洋,壯盛亮麗的陣仗成為當時媒體追逐的焦點. In July 1999, at the invitation of the US state of Washington, Tai Ji Men took part in Seattle’s Seafair Torchlight Parade. The Tai Ji Men dragon accompanied it across the ocean and its glittering presence became the focus of media attention.
接著又受邀在華盛頓特區的美國國會山莊廣場,藉著文化交流將愛與和平的種子散播在世界各處. Next, it was invited to spread the seeds of love and peace to all corners of the world at the National Mall in Washington DC.
2000年太極門受雪梨奧委會正式邀請,參加全球注目的奧運盛會,有史以來成為第一個受邀在雪梨歌劇院展演的氣功武術團體. In 2000, Tai Ji Men was formally invited by the organizing committee of the Sydney Olympic Games to take part in the Olympic opening ceremony, the focus of global attention, and became the first qigong martial arts organization to perform at Sydney Opera House.
舞龍者以身形展現神龍的威儀,用心意揣摩神龍的精神,自悟,自助,功有所成,在生活中利他助人. The awe-inspiring manner in which the dragon dancers presented the figure of the dragon god using their bodies, conscientiously working out the dragon god’s spirit, self-aware, self-helping, 自悟,自助,功有所成,在生活中利他助人
Tseng, Jinjiong 採訪1(曾錦炯師兄)(國語): TC=05:14-06:05
舞龍過程當中最重要的就是整尊龍所舞的人要有一個團隊的精神,團隊的默契,那這份精神我把它運用在我的工作上面,常常就會想到就是說這個團隊精神,那我常常就是運用「麻煩你」,「請你幫個忙」,「請問你」,這種客氣好言的一個方式,然後達成一個和諧的狀況. The most important thing in the process of dragon dancing is that everyone has a team spirit, a mutual understanding. I bring this thinking into play in my work, often thinking of team spirit. I often use such polite language as , “Can I trouble you…?” “Please help,” “Can I ask you…?” and achieve a harmonious situation.
那我身為主管我也可以用很命令的方式來告知他們,可是我覺得是說為了這個整個團隊的運作能夠更流暢,更順暢,我選擇了「請」,「麻煩」,有時候說錯了我就說:對不起!然後做完了我會說聲:謝謝!用這種彼此尊重,然後相互和諧的態度,我發現效果是比較好的. As a manager, I could use an authoritarian manner to talk to them, but I feel that, for the sake of the ease of the team’s operations, I use, “Please,” and, “Can I trouble you…?” Sometimes, if I say something wrong, I say, “Sorry.” Then, when we finish, I say, “Thank you.” Adopting this kind of mutual respect, and mutually harmonious attitude, I find, is more effective.”
Hsieh, Chengyun 採訪2(謝承昀師兄)(國語): TC=06:06-07:02
我從很小的時候就開始跟隨師父然後去做文化展演,然後跟隨師父去各個地方然後做文化交流,那龍的精神就是:慈悲,勇敢,真智慧.然後其實這麼多年來就是龍的精神就慢慢的就是影響我,然後融入到我的生活然後放在我的心中. At a young age, I began following the master, giving cultural performances, traveling everywhere and engaging in cultural exchanges. The spirit of the dragon is: mercy, courage, true wisdom. Actually, over many years, the spirit of the dragon has slowly influenced me, blended with my life and become instilled in my mind.
然後其實就是不管是面對任何的人就是要慈悲,然後面對任何的挑戰要勇敢,然後面對任何的事情要有智慧地去處理,那其實就是這麼多年來然後一直在做這些事情,然後漸漸的就是回想起來,一路上就是我覺得不管是學業或是課業,然後或是甚至到現在工作職場上,其實我是覺得是滿順利的,有很多人在幫助我,然後互相的幫忙,互相地提醒. In fact, whoever we face we must be merciful, whatever challenge we face we must be brave, whatever issue we face we must handle it with wisdom. In fact, constantly doing these things for so many years, and gradually recollecting, I feel that always, be it in my education or in my career, or even right now in the workplace, I actually feel that everything has gone smoothly, a great many people have helped me, and we have helped each other and reminded each other.
Tsai, Mengxuan 採訪3(蔡孟軒師兄)(國語): TC=07:03-07:32
每一次展演的時候其實展演完下來都會覺得很感動,然後很感謝,但這一切也都是因為我有來太極門練氣功,然後師父讓我有這個機會可以練陣我才可以經歷這一切. Every time we perform, in fact, when we finish, I feel very moved, and very thankful, but all of this is because I have practiced qigong at Tai Ji Men, and that it’s only because the master gave me this opportunity to practice it with the team that I have been able to experience all this.
在國外遊行展演就是很多很多一切一切的不可能,都是因為有來太極門之後把不可能變可能,而且我現在也才30歲未來還有很多事情還會再發生,還要去發掘. To parade and perform overseas reflects a great deal of impossibility. It’s because, after I came to Tai Ji Men, the impossible became possible. Also, I’m only 30 right now. In the future, many things will happen. I still wish to explore.
OS: TC=07:35-07:48
老門派中的年輕人在成長階段練氣修心,接受優美的文化薰陶,學習正向積極,樂觀勇敢,奠定健全的人生基礎. As they grow, the young people in the old menpai cultivate qi in order to cultivate their minds, receiving training in a fine culture, studying positively and vigorously, optimistically and bravely, establishing a sound foundation for life.
Chen, Huanshen 採訪4(陳煥升師兄)(國語): TC=07:49-08:37
我在國小的時候我就有曾經在太極門舞過龍,然後當然那個龍是用些紙碗做成的小龍,但是從那個時候我就真的非常喜歡那種跟大家一起舞龍的感覺,然後到長大之後我們也就一起來加入這個龍陣這樣. When I was at elementary school, I performed a dragon dance at Tai Ji Men. Of course, that dragon was a small dragon made of paper bowls, but it’s ever since then that I have truly greatly enjoyed that feeling of everyone dancing together. And, since growing up, we have together joined in the dragon dance.
我們組裝龍然後我們有維修龍,然後一開始可能對龍的感覺就是祂可能是一個道具而已,但是真正經過練習,然後跟祂的相處跟祂培養感情,然後到最後真正用龍展演,你對龍其實就會有感情,然後像可能在練習的過程中,可能踩到龍或是龍身刮到地板等等,你其實那種心就會有種心痛的感覺. We assemble the dragon and then we repair the dragon, and, at the beginning, perhaps our feeling towards the dragon is that it’s a prop, but, when we interact with it a feeling is cultivated for it and, ultimately, we truly perform as a dragon. You do in fact have a feeling for the dragon, and in the process of practicing, perhaps, you step on the dragon or its body is dragged along the floor, or whatever, and, in your mind, you actually experience a feeling of pain.
Hsieh, Chengyun 採訪5(謝承昀師兄)(國語): TC=08:38-09:03
Actually, when we’re dragon dancing, before the troop presents itself, we have to calm our minds. Only when you calm your mind to such an extent that it is stable, can you actually set off, bravely and fearlessly set off and march forward.
Actually, in anything I do, in life, or in work, I make a connection with the dragon, first meditating. When you know what you need to do, you stride forward diligently.
Chen, Huanshen 採訪6(陳煥升師兄)(國語): TC=09:04-09:35
I believe that, because I have experience of dragon dancing, experience of everyone communicating with one another because of dragon dancing, I am not particularly scared of seeking colleagues or managers at work to communicate with them about many matters, to go and ask them things. It has made me more able to get things done effectively.
然後我覺得其實不管在學校或是在工作,任何一個團隊其實都像舞龍一樣,我覺得整個團隊合作的氣氛就會非常的好,然後會把事情做得非常的有效率.I feel, in fact, that, be it at school or at work, any team is like the dragon. I feel that the mood of a whole team cooperating is excellent and that the team will do what it has to do extremely effectively.
Hsieh, Chengyun 採訪7(謝承昀師兄)(國語): TC=09:36-10:07
在舞龍的過程裡面學到團結合作互助的精神,那我覺得這是在現在社會裡面很多人需要的一個精神跟部分,那我覺得如果大家都有這樣的精神跟想法的話,其實社會上很多紛爭是會減少的,那十幾二十年來我們從師父身上學到的學到好的文化,好的精神,然後我也希望可以透過我們也傳承到下一代. To study the spirit of team collaboration and mutual assistance, I feel that this is a spirit that, in today’s society, many people need. I think that if everyone had this spirit and this approach, actually there would be fewer disputes in society. For ten or 20 years we have learnt good culture, a good spirit, from the master. I hope we can pass these on to the next generation.
OS: TC=10:10-10:32
我們的國家要富強,社會要康樂,正有賴全民的團結合作,就像要舞好一尊龍就不能自私固執,大家互相包容,互相幫忙,只要為國家好,為社會好,就去修就去做,才能為國家走出新局大道. Taiwan needs to be rich and powerful. Society needs to be at peace, to rely precisely on the entire populace uniting and cooperating, just as a dragon that dances well cannot be selfish and stubborn. Everyone tolerate each other, help each other. We need only to cultivate and act, for the sake of the nation and society, in order to place the nation on a path to a better destiny.
主持人-女: TC=10:34-11:00
感謝收看,我們再會. The spirit of the Tai Ji dragon god: mercy, courage, true wisdom. This is truly what the current generation needs. If everyone in the nation possesses a merciful heart, and helps one another for the sake of goodness, the nation will inevitably be stable and auspicious. When we move forward in unity, without divisions between parties and factions, bravely discarding our selfishness, the nation will definitely be better. Let us strive together. Thank you for watching. See you soon.
Chinese to English: Zhao General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Translation - English Page 1
Wang Zhen-yong, Pan Yue, and Others, Private Loan Dispute:
Civil Judgement of the Court of First Instance
Date of submission: 21st August, 2015, Browse seal Download document
People’s Court of Lucheng District, Wenzhou City
Civil Judgement
Original litigant: Wang Yan
Attorney: Xie Cheng-fei
Defendant: Wang Zhen-yong
Defendant: Pan Yue
Defendant: Wang Xiao Wei
Defendant: Fuji (China) Holdings Co., Ltd
Legal representative: Wang Zhen-yong, the company’s chairman
A suit concerning the private loans dispute of plaintiff Wang Yan and defendants Wang Zhen-yong, Pan Yue, Wang Xiao Wei and Fuji (China) Holdings Co., Ltd, (hereafter,“Fuji Holdings”) was brought in this court on 12th November, 2014. On the same day, this court filed the case and, after it had been accepted, constituted a court of justice in accordance with the law. On 26th May, the court session was opened to the public and the hearing began. Plaintiff Wang Yan’s attorney, Xie Cheng-fei, attended the court and took part in the suit. Defendants Wang Zhen-yong, Pan Yue, Wang Xiao Wei, and Fuji Holdings, the subjects of subpoenas from this court failed to attend without due reason. The hearing in this case is now finished.
The two sides signed a “Loan and Guarantee Agreement,” stipulating that the plaintiff would lend the defendant RMB¥1.5 million at a monthly rate of interest of two percent. After the contract had been signed, the plaintiff paid the defendant RMB¥1.5 million in two separate instalments. On 27th December, 2013, the defendant borrowed a further RMB¥700,000 from the plaintiff, with the defendant company Fuji Holdings serving as guarantor. Now, the plaintiff having repeatedly demanded repayment of the debt, the defendant refused to pay. The plaintiff therefore filed suit for a court judgement, demanding : 1. That he defendants Wang Zhen-yong and Pan Yue together repay to the plaintiff the loan of RMB¥1.5 million plus interest of RMB¥420,000 (provisionally calculating to 4th September 2013, initiating calculation until such date as the repayment was made in full), overdue interest, liquidated damages of RMB¥150,000, and lawyers’ fees of RMB¥200,000. 2. That the defendants Wang Xiao Wei and Fuji Holdings take on the responsibility of repaying the borrowed principal, interest, overdue interest, liquidated damages and lawyers’ fees. 3. That the litigation costs in this case be paid by the defendants.
During the hearing , the plaintiff, Wang Yan, did not make a case as regards the overdue interest listed within item one of the requests within the suit.
The plaintiff, in order to support his case, provided the following evidence during the period for adducing evidence:
1. One copy of the plaintiff’s ID card, proving his principal credentials as a litigant.
2. Copies of the defendants’ ID cards, identity-related investigated information, corporate legal person business licenses, and organization code certification for each, proving the principals credentials of the four defendants as litigants.
3. Investigated proof of marriage records, proving the facts of the marriages of the defendants Wang Zhen-yong and Pan Yue and that the loans that are the subject of this case were made while their marriages continued.
4. Loan and Guarantee Agreement, Loan Guarantee for Contract, Attached Bank Transfer Certificate, one statement for each, proving the facts that, on the deadline of 22nd October, 2014, the defendants owed the plaintiff the loan principal of RMB¥1.5 million and two percent interest on the loan, and that defendants Wang Xiao Wei and Fuji Holdings were guarantors of this debt.
5. One Agency Contract and one VAT invoice, proving the sums expended by the plaintiff in order to exert his creditor’s rights and defray his lawyers’ costs.
6. One set of Agricultural Bank of China transaction details, proving the state of economic interaction between the plaintiff and the defendants.
The defendants Wang Zhen-yong, Pan Yue, Wang Xiao Wei and Fuji Holdings did not reply and did not submit evidence to this court.
During the hearing, this court, in accordance with the law, conducted checks of the above evidence submitted by the plaintiff, and now authenticates them as follows:
As regards the evidence submitted by the plaintiff, the four defendants, without due reason, refused to attend court to take part in the suit and failed to raise objections, and are deemed to have waived their rights to defend themselves and to conduct cross-examination. The evidence provided by the plaintiff has probative force in relation to the alleged facts and meets the conditions required of effective evidence. This court deems it to be valid evidence.
This court having conducted a hearing, the validated facts in this case are as follows:
On 4th September 2013, the defendant Wang Zhen-yong, because of cash-flow problems, had to borrow RMB¥1.5 million from the plaintiff. On that day, the plaintiff and the defendant signed a Loan and Guarantee Agreement, stipulating: that the plaintiff was lending the defendant RMB¥1.5 million, at a monthly rate of interest of two percent, and that the defendant Wang Xiao Wei would serve as the guarantor of the debt liabilities incurred by the defendant Wang Zhen-yong.
Page 2
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Wenzhou Ou Hai sub-branch and Fuji (China) Holdings Co., Ltd, Wang Zhen-yong Private Loans Dispute
Civil Judgement of the Court of First Instance
Date: 21st August, 2015 Browse seal Download text
Intermediate People’s Court of Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province
Civil Judgement
Plaintiff: Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Wenzhou Ou Hai sub-branch
Person in charge: Xu Zhi-yue
Attorney: Xia Xiaodan
Defendant: Fuji (China) Holdings Co., Ltd
Legal representative: Wang Zhen-yong
Defendant: Wang Zhen-yong
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Wenzhou Ou Hai sub-branch (hereafter, “Pudong Bank Ou Hai Sub-Branch”), because of the case with the defendant Wang Zhen-yong involving a contractual dispute over financial loans, filed suit in this court on 7th January 2015. This court accepted the case on the same day, constituted a court of justice in accordance with the law, and, on 6th March, 2015, began court hearings in this case.
The plaintiff’s attorney, Xia Xiaodan, attended court to participate in the suit. The defendants Fuji Holdings and Wang Zhen-yong, the subjects of subpoenas from this court, failed to attend without due reason, and the court held a hearing on their absence in accordance with the law. The hearing in this case is finished. The defendant Pudong Bank Ou Hai Sub-Branch complained that: on 24th February, 2014, Fuji Holdings and the plaintiff signed Maximum Mortgage Contract no. ZD9005201400000005, stipulating, with lot D602-2, located in Binghai Park, Wenzhou Economic and Technological Development Area (Land Use Right Certificate No: Wen Guo Yong [2010] 5-192790) serving as collateral, that the principal debt secured was a series of master contracts signed by the plaintiff and defendant Fuji Holdings between 24th February 2014 and 18th October 2014, and, by virtue of the promises of the two sides, also included the master contracts signed by the plaintiff and Fuji Holdings between 21st February 2012 and 3rd September 2013 (see the other matters agreed between the two sides, point 9.6 of the essential contractual terms, article nine, page 11). The total maximum value of the aforementioned principal debt was 140,400,000 yuan (the currency being RMB¥, as below) . Apart from the principal debt, the scope of the guarantee also extended to resulting interest, penalties, liquidated damages, creditor’s costs incurred in the realization of guaranteed rights and claims, and related costs. Mortgage registration was also conducted for the plaintiff, as mortgagee. (Proof of Land and Other Rights no. Wen Ta Xiang [2014] 5-35269)
On 21s February 2012, Wang Zhen-yong and the plaintiff signed Maximum Guarantee Contract no. ZB9005201200000115, stipulating that a series of contracts signed one after the other by the plaintiff and Fuji Holdings between 21st February 2012 and 21st February 2015 would confer joint and several liability to a maximum value of RMB¥100 million. The scope of guarantee of the contract of guarantee, apart from the principal debt, extended also to resulting interest, penalties, liquidated damages, creditor’s costs incurred in the realization of guaranteed rights and claims, and related costs.
On 21st February 2012, Fuji Holdings and the plaintiff signed a Fixed Asset Loan Contract (no. 90052012280069) to the value of RMB¥25 million, to be used as prepayment of funding for an engineering project, and payment of slag funding, limited in time to 46 months (actual payment and repayment dates deemed to be the date recorded on the IOU executed by the lender and borrower), with a floating rate of interest, in accordance with the benchmark lending rates announced by the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) to a maximum of 45 percent. On 7th July 2011, the PBOC adjusted its benchmark lending rate to 6.9 percent, so, when the contract was signed, the annual rate of interest was confirmed as 10. 005 percent (6.9%, upper ceiling of 45%). On 8th June 2012, the People’s Bank of China adjusted its benchmark lending rate to 6.65 percent. On 6th July, 2012, it adjusted it to 6.4 percent. In the event of an adjustment of benchmark lending rates by the PBOC, the new rate comes into effect on the 21st day before the end of the quarter in which the adjustment is made, with sectional interest adjusted by the quarter, and interest paid on the 20th day before the end of the quarter. When the loan is overdue, overdue interest is charged at 50 percent above the interest level stipulated in the contract. Interest that cannot be paid on time is calculated as compound interest in accordance with the level for overdue interest. On 21st February 2012, Fu Ji Holdings borrowed a total of RMB¥25 million in four separate loans: RMB¥12 million (loan receipt no. 9005201228006901), loan period: 21st February 2012 to 1st June 2014. Fuji Holdings made separate repayments of capital of RMB¥25,370.53 on 3rd June 2014 and RMB¥2751.67 on 4th July 2014, and has repaid all interest outstanding before 20th August 2014. The loan period for RMB¥28 million (loan receipt no. 9005201228006902) was 21st February 2012 to 1st December 2014. Fuji Holdings has cleared interest outstanding before 21st March 2014. On 21st June 2014, 23rd June 2014, 27th June 2014, 30th June 2014 and 21st September 2014, the plaintiff respectively debited RMB¥254.89, RMB¥85.0, RMB¥90.0, RMB¥90.0, and RMB¥103.25. RMB¥33 million (loan receipt no. 9005201228006903) was borrowed,…
Chinese to English: Taxation Human Rights With a Good Conscience and Good Governance General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Law: Taxation & Customs
Source text - Chinese 1.呼籲稅務改革
影部/字幕 聲部
主持人-女: TC=00:00
Hello everyone. We welcome you and your whole family to enjoy the Tai Ji Men Energy Family.
Translation - English 1.呼籲稅務改革 1. Calling for tax reform
影部/字幕 Fim/Caption 聲部Voices
Taxation human rights with a good conscience and good governance
主持人-女: Host-female TC=00:00
Hello everyone. We welcome you and your whole family to enjoy the Tai Ji Men Energy Family.
For many years now, taxation human rights have been becoming more and more greatly valued by all countries. When May comes around and the people of Taiwan file their tax returns, we are particularly concerned about this issue.
Paying taxes affects everybody, and the inspection and levying process has been likened to “pulling out the hair” of the people. By which principles should we scrupulously abide? Has the inner nature of Taiwan’s tax personnel achieved the level of those in advanced countries? Have the people’s taxation human rights actually been guaranteed? If even the courts don’t emphasize facts and evidence, how can Taiwan be called a country governed by the rule of law?
Today we are continuing to concern ourselves with the topic with which we are all intimately connected: taxation human rights.
中華民國律師公會全國聯合會Taiwan Bar Association
人權保護委員會Human Rights Protection Committee
主任委員Chairman 蘇友辰Su Youzhen 分享人Sharer (蘇友辰先生)(Mr. Su Youzhen)(國語): TC=00:53
今天早上,我從我的事務所來的時候,各位知道嗎?我就接到一張財政部國稅局中正分處的一個裁罰稅單. This morning, as I left my office, do you know what happened? I received a penalty tax bill from the Zhong Zheng district National Tax Bureau under the Ministry of Finance.
Just because of the period in 2012 when I served as director-general of the Chinese Association of Human Rights, because our office was rented, maybe the previous accountant failed to report the tax deduction. We later discovered that our accountant had made good that failure, with the result that, so many years after the event, I unexpectedly receive this tax bill, so the accusation that we’ve just seen on the VCR…they later had to include a certain Mr. Su in their settling of accounts. Today, because I served as secretary-general of that association…they don’t penalize the association, but the secretary-general in person.
這個事情剛好在休息室的時候我提了出來,那我們陳清秀教授他就認為這種稅法是不合法理情的,他認為有需要再做修正,因為法人的違章漏稅,照道理應該罰止於法人的部分,而不應該對這個負責人來課罰. I just mentioned this matter in the lounge and Professor Chen Ching-hsiou stated his belief that this approach is unlawful. He believes it needs to be revised because, in the case of tax evasion by a legal person, reason tells us that it is the legal person itself that is ultimately accountable, not the person in charge.
In 2011, the Chinese Association of Human Rights took the view that taxation human rights were extremely important and established a committee to address reform of the tax system and tax law. This committee lasted until after I assumed the post of secretary-general. So, I had to take particular care. Our accounting objectives had to be clear, because, in my heart, I was thinking … because we support this tax case and have participated in so many symposia of this sort or other related activities, the NTB staring on blankly…when they can do it, they will do it.
So, I wish …especially towards the speakers from the previous session―I believe it was professors Chen Tze-lung and Chen Ching-hsiou―perhaps you need to be careful each year as you file your income tax. Otherwise, when might you receive a tax bill? That eternal tax bill that wraps itself around you and never lets go. These opening remarks of mine today…what I have just been talking about…happened just today.
我想未來可能我們要以這個稅單再繼續尋取有關的救濟,當然陳清秀已經講到了要我提一個立法的提案,就關於這一方面應該是處罰公司或是法人,而不應該只負責人,這一點我想他會擬定這個立法的全文,然後他說建議發動所有民間也好,學界也好,大家共同連署來發動立法院來提案. I think, in the future, perhaps, we will continue to seek relief from these tax bills. Of course, Chen Ching-hsiou has already mentioned that he wants me to put forward a legislative proposal. As far as this aspect is concerned, it should be a matter of penalizing company or the legal person, not the person in charge. On this point, I believe, he will draft the entire legislative text, and then, he says that he recommends that we mobilize the entire population as well as the academic world, everybody, to co-sign and mobilize the Legislative Yuan to submit the proposal.
我們律師在法庭上說有所謂辯論的三段論法:有證據,講證據;沒有證據,講法理;沒有法理,那就是人身攻擊. In the courts, our lawyers say that there is what is known in debating as “syllogism:” where there is evidence, talk about the evidence; where there is no evidence, talk about legal principle; where there is no legal principle, it’s a personal attack.
Of course I see that this syllogism method is not an example to be followed. If a tax organ or an administrative organ seeks to collect your unpaid tax or bring an unlawful judgement, what is the evidence on which it relies? If it’s based on the syllogism rule of evidence just mentioned by Professor Chen Tze-lung, I actually think, of course, it too relies on evidence, but what if there is evidence missing? They use what are known as “rules of administration,” “administrative decrees.”
What if there is no substance to the administrative decrees, the rules of administration? Then they probably draw inferences on the basis of logic, use logic instead, and then, if administrative discretion is exerted, then this tax bill, like the one in which Taijimen has been tangled up for more than 18 years and from which it has achieved no relief, is the original penalty. Although, by way of the appeal verdict, the re-verification verdict, and the second administrative lawsuit…the above appeal and reverification verdicts were revoked…but the original penalty still stands.
So… the original penalty in the form of this eternal tax bill, originally within our rules of evidence, is there somewhere we can make a breakthrough? So, we set this topic today…we are continuing to explore the nature and validity of administrative agreements. We are again focusing on so-called rules of evidence. In the administrative organ’s determination of penalties, what are the rules that can be followed? If there aren’t any, then a tax catastrophe truly will develop. From beginning to end, the rights of all of us have been violated, so we would very much like to take this opportunity to invite our scholars and experts to use this session to expound further, to give us a standard. Thank you.
2.遵守程序正義-黃俊杰 2. Abiding by procedural justice Huang Chun-chieh
影部/字幕 聲部
總統府人權諮詢委員會委員暨中正大學財經法律系特聘教授 Member, Human Rights Advisory Committee, Office of the President, and Distinguished Professor, Department of Finance and Law, National Chung Cheng University 黃俊杰 Huang Chun-chieh 分享人Sharer (黃俊杰先生Mr. Huang Chun-chieh)(國語): TC=00:00
我剛好在最近有出一本書,剛好這本書裡面有一個章節跟今天討論的議題接近,雖然是以太極門的事件做為主要的研究對象,但是它對一般的稅務的事件,特別是有涉及到刑事的這個審判的過程,大概也都是類似的這個問題. I recently published a book, in which there is a chapter whose theme is very similar to the one we are discussing today. Although its main research subject was Taijimen, as regards most tax matters, especially those that involve criminal trials, it’s generally problems of the same sort.
所以我想用一個實務上面經常碰到的問題,那我們看看目前有這樣的一個撤銷原來復查決定,那麼發回原處分機關重為審查,那當然原處分機關那應該如何進行後續的處理,那有很多的這個管道可以做一些思考. So I wish to use a problem that is often encountered in practice. We can see that a verdict of a reverification has been revoked, sent back for investigation by the agency that issued the original penalty. So, how should that agency follow up? On this issue, there are many channels on which we might reflect.
But there are some basic problems, namely the controversial contents of the interview records from the former criminal case. They have all been the subjects of judgements by the criminal courts. This evidence and the related contents…how should the NTB or the administrative relief agencies deal with it? I will divide this matter into various parts.
第一個部分呢就是刑事法院的判決對刑事事件的一個影響. The first part is the effect of the judgement of the criminal court on the criminal matter.
那我們過去的行政法院的判例它是有這樣講:刑事判決的認定的事實,原則上不能夠拘束行政法院,那行政法院它如果要認定事實適用法律,那麼它應該自己依照職權調查,那麼自為認定跟裁判. The administrative court’s judgement said this: the determination of facts in the criminal judgement may not in principle restrict the administrative court. If the administrative court wishes to determine the facts in order to apply the law, it should investigate in accordance with the principle of inquisition ; issue its own determinations and judgements.
In principle in the courts, there is no great problem with this view―judicial independence, judicial diversity or dualism.
The criminal court’s determination, on the premise of the presumption of innocence, is related to crime. Administrative courts administer in accordance with the law. The two focuses are different, but if one were to cite a similar fact, then, in relation to when different laws are being applied, can we take such content as the criminal law’s “not guilty” determination and hold, in administration, that it violates taxation legislation? If there were such a recommendation, such as in this case, what procedure should be put into effect to enable the tax bureau, on the one hand, to make it stand up, and, on the other hand, to enable the people to be convinced. Now, this has, necessarily, to go through the courts, and our administrative agencies, and accord with the Administrative Procedure Act, the Tax Collection Law and the Administrative Litigation Act. Each has its laws regulating their powers and responsibilities.
If all of these things are performed, then I believe there will probably be relatively little debate among the people or the taxpayers about a decision of this administrative agency, this high power , and that they will be relatively convinced. Why is it that a case of this sort can be so different from what we might imagine?
那麼我想在第二頁這邊我就特別談到就是說行政法院可以參照刑事法院所認定的事實,所以這個並不是完全排斥的,但是如果它發現刑事判決有錯誤,可以本於職權調查不受刑事判決的拘束,這句話也是對的.On page two, I talk in particular about how administrative courts can refer to determinations of fact made by criminal law, so this is not completely ruled out, but if it is found that there is an error in the criminal judgement, the court can, on the basis of the principle of inquisition, decline to accept the restraint therein. This phrase is also correct.
Why is it correct? You must first point out where the criminal court’s judgement is incorrect! You need to tell us…why you don’t, in accordance with the determination of facts in the criminal court’s judgement… so we must have this kind of understanding when we deal with cases closely connected to us . There is probably something of a basis for this in our hearts.
The Ministry of Finance has talked in these terms since 2004. It says that determinations of facts must rely on evidence and may not rely solely on the authorized investigatory agency. These cases sent by the Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice or the police stations of counties and cities, or other, similar transferred documents, indictments, and so on, are processed forthwith, arrears levied and penalties issued.
那我想這句話就講到我們的心坎裡面,所以說我們說實在也應該要給財政務部拍拍手對不對?可是拍不下來.如果今天拍得下手的話,我們大概應該也不會坐在這裡. Now, I believe this phrase is talking about the bottoms of our hearts, so, to be honest, we should applaud the Ministry of Finance, shouldn’t we? But we can’t applaud. If we could applaud today, we probably wouldn’t be sitting here.
如果刑事法院它所確定的事實是做為行政處分的構成要件,或者是前提要件的時候,那這個時候做為行政處分機關就必須要肯認刑事法院判決它所認定的事實確實是存在的. In practice, it can be said so eloquently, so why are there so many miscarriages of justice? From the perspective of consequentialism, perhaps these questions need to be discussed, so is it the whole process apart from which questions? If the facts confirmed by the criminal courts serve as the structural essentials of the administrative penalty, or the essentials of the premise, then the agency issuing the administrative penalty must be willing to admit the actual existence of the criminal court’s determination of facts.
So this is also to ask whether this case is both administrative and criminal. In the past, as regards this case, we still had no Administrative Penalty Law. After 2005, once the Administrative Penalty Law came into force, we, in accordance with the stipulation in article 26, gave priority to criminal matters and, if there was no criminal liability, did not go to trial, or the trial was delayed in some other way. The administrative law could follow up with a determination of penalty. I don’t think there’s a problem with that.
Of course, when criminal law has priority, a related decision has already been taken about the criminal matter, because our administrative courts, regardless of the content of the Administrative Procedure Act and the Administrative Litigation Act, still have regulations on the matter.
那我特別要談到的就是在第6頁這邊稅捐的核課,因為涉及到納稅者的相關基本權,所以這個基本權的干預,如果這種一個錯誤的一個決定,包括不應課稅而課稅,課稅超過應納稅額或者沒有就罰緩的部分依照比例原則做一個個案的認定,這個部分都是一個可能的一個侵害. What I particularly wish to discuss is the levying of tax contributions, here on page six, because it has a bearing on the basic rights of taxpayers. This intervention in basic rights…if this kind of flawed decision…including the levying of taxes when they should not be levied, the amount levied exceeding the amount due, or, as regards the aspect of delayed penalty, a case not having been determined in accordance with the principle of proportionality, all of these things could amount to an infringement.
所以大概我們最高行也這樣認為,除了對稅捐事實應該遵循的證明度,要接近於真實確信的程度,那麼對於稅捐的裁罰更是要求更加的嚴格,這樣的一個看法不管是實務界近來的一些看法,那麼在學術界大概也都是這樣一個看法.So, probably, our highest ranks also believe this. Apart from the level of proof with which there must be compliance about the facts of tax contributions, a level approaching actual certainty, even more stringency is required in the issuing of penalties in relation to tax payments. This view not only reflects views from the actual world, but also from the scholarly world.
因此刑事的證據在稅務事件裡面的這個部分,應該要由稅捐機關依職權調查之後,在本於行政程序跟行政訴訟的法律依法來做認定. For this reason, criminal proof in tax matters should be determined by the tax agencies following an investigation of authority, and in accordance with administrative procedure and administrative litigation legislation.
When the tax agencies conduct investigations of authority in accordance with the provisions in the Administrative Procedure Act and the Tax Collection Act―Article 36 of the Administrative Procedure Act and Article 11, Clause 5 of the Tax Collection Act ―you must note that first it is necessary to go through the first stage, namely the voluntary investigation of authority.
稅捐機關如果引用刑事證據,除了調查以外還要依照稅捐稽徵法11條之5,讓我們納稅者有說明的義務. If the tax authorities cite criminal evidence, apart from investigating, they also have a duty, under Article 11, Clause 5 of the Tax Collection Act to provide an explanation to us taxpayers.
Currently, the Tax Collection Act is a special law in relation to the Administrative Procedure Act. So the so-called “large quantity of similar penalties” under the Administrative Procedure Act, or this evidence of facts is already objectively clear, or because of the doctrine requiring an appeal to be lodged in advance… because of Article 11, Clause 5 of the Tax Collection Act, none of this should apply, which is also to say that it is still necessary to follow the principles of the procedural justice of the case. Only after providing an explanation to the taxpayer and his agent can one consider the evidence.
When the NTB cites evidence, whether it can make a different determination from that of the criminal court is in principle based on the principle of consistency of the law; first of all the judgement of the criminal court should be respected.
Secondly, if you make a different judgement, you need to look at the nature of the relationship between the criminal penalty and the criminal judgement. Next, and finally, regardless of whether it’s an administrative agency or a court, if it makes a different judgement, it has a duty to give a full account of its reasons. I think that the relevant judgements are all cited in here. Thank you, everyone!
3.執行證據法則 3. Enforcing rules of evidence
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中興大學法律系National ChungHsing University, Department of Law,
教授Professor 李惠宗 Lee Hwaitzong 分享人Sharer (李惠宗先生Mr. Lee Hwaitzong)(國語): TC=00:00
As regards today’s theme, issues arising from the global human rights framework, I believe my report contains three focal points. .
第一個就是人權的這個保障,那麼不管是什麼人權,那我們有一個人權比較屬於特殊的是在我們司法院大法官的解釋裡頭,他把它稱之為叫做「制度性保障的基本權」.The first is human rights guarantees. We have a human right which is quite special and has been called “an institutionally guaranteed fundamental right” in interpretations by grand justices of the Judicial Yuan.
What are “institutionally guaranteed fundamental rights?” They are property rights, litigation rights. These rights have to be formed by the legislative system of the state. When these rights are being formed by that system, there has to be a guaranteed orientation serving as the key to the design of that system.
The question of the levying of taxes mostly involves litigation rights and property rights. These basic rights have been called “institutionally guaranteed fundamental rights” in interpretations by grand justices of the Judicial Yuan.
An extremely important purpose of institutionally guaranteed fundamental rights is that their content be guaranteed by the institutions and the procedures, because, without institutions or procedures they would be rapidly eroded.
What we call “institutions” must have distinct institutional forms. A guarantee of litigation rights, most importantly, must be an impartial third party in order to be capable of shouldering such a responsibility; this is why our system of judicial independence exists.
An important further aspect is procedure. An important aspect of procedure is rules of evidence. All rules of evidence have one thing in common. The question of rules of evidence exists in civil, administrative and criminal litigation, but to different degrees of stringency.
In principle, what criminal litigation is fastidious about is strict proof, what civil litigation is fastidious about is superior proof, and what administrative litigation is fastidious about is something precisely between the two: reinforced, superior proof.
In terms of this kind of concept, we need to discuss evidential effect. The question of evidential effect arises in the procedure of all lawsuits. It is a question of the lawfulness or otherwise of investigations.
I think that this kind of tax matter …there’s no problem in criminal litigation, but in administrative procedure there is this problem: has the evidence from the criminal investigation been contaminated? An inextricable question, because evidential effect either exists or does not exist, and, only after establishing whether it exists, can one consider whether it has probative value. Just now, Professor Huang discussed the question of probative value. This is an extremely basic rule.
I think that there have not been problems in this case as far as evidential effect is concerned. The important point is in the probative value of the evidence. The probative value of evidence is a question of quantity, a question of whether there is enough. How a fact is described as a structurally essential fact in terms of the Tax Collection Act requires evidence.
The biggest problem with this case lies in the prosecutor’s indictment: whether the stated information and facts possess probative value.
A basic principle concerns the facts stated by the prosecutor. Basically, there are none. Especially the prosecutor’s indictment. Because it is an element of criminal litigation procedure, and has been the subject of a confirmed “not guilty” verdict, the data it contains absolutely may not be adduced as evidence. There is fundamentally none. It’s a question of there being fundamentally none; not a piece of evidence from it can be treated as evidence in a separate administrative case, a taxation case.
So, no data recorded on this prosecutor’s indictment has the slightest probative value whatsoever, but, in practical terms, the NTB frequently does this, so this is how this case arose.
Determinations of fact must rely on evidence. Inappropriate reliance for evidence solely on the transfer of cases or documents by authorized investigatory agencies: Professor Huang has just discussed this. It is something which has no probative value. If the NTB adduces it as evidence, it will have no effect on procedure since it will not have been investigated by the NTB under its own authority.
So, if we look at this kind of case from an institutional and a procedural perspective, for Taijimen to have been wronged for over 18 years, I believe, is a case of a huge infringement of human rights.
In fact, a matter of this sort can enable us to reflect on where, institutionally, we are falling short. Our public officials, especially our tax officials… it is on their inner qualities that we must place the highest demands, they who should be most able to abide by the principles of countries governed by the rule of law, but, in fact, I’m afraid, in this area there is a lot of room for improvement.
The third problem I want to discuss is a constitutional problem of restrictions on leaving the country. Such restrictions are generally imposed once a person has left the country. This problem, which handicaps the sovereignty of the entire nation, is generally used in this way to restrict a citizen’s ability to leave or return to the country.
From a comparative legal perspective, Germany also adopts measures to restrict the rights of people in tax arrears to leave the country, but Germany also adds an important condition called 法官保留原則 , which means that a judge must rule on the determination of facts before restrictions on leaving the country can be imposed.
Now, our system, our current system, is based on Article 24 of the Tax Collection Act. The NTB need only send a document to a bureau of entry and exit and a person’s departure can immediately be prevented. To put it another way, we do not apply the principle of 法官保留 , and the matter does not require scrutiny by the courts. If there are not somewhat strict procedural protections against this kind of measure, which imposes high degrees of restriction against freedom of movement, then it is doubtful that human rights are being guaranteed.
That is all I have to say about the issues I wished to discuss. Thank you, everybody!
製作人 Made by 洪道子博士 Dr. Hong Tao-tze
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(02)2736-5188 主持人: Host TC=06:34
Citizens of the world in the twenty-first century bravely expose wrongdoing, and reject opaque conduct. The mighty clan courageously raises its voice to guide and awaken the people as regards proper human rights perspectives. We hope that citizens can awaken the forces of solidarity to lead society’s thinking and bring human rights guarantees into effect.
Through research and sharing, experts and scholars hope, all citizens can together be concerned about their own human rights, and thereby push all administrative departments of government to rely on good consciences, practice good governance and truly and fully discharge their duty to guarantee human rights and return to us a spotless, fair and just society governed by the rule of law.
Thank you for watching today. See you again soon.
Chinese to English: Rules of Evidence Protect Human Rights General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Law (general)
Translation - English 1.重視稅官賦稅教育訓練 Valuing education and training on taxation for tax officials
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大片頭字幕:Opening title
神氣家族The Mighty Clan
證據法則護人權Rules of Evidence Protect Human Rights
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主持人 Host
談力瑜 Tan Liyu 主持人-女: Host―female:
親愛的觀眾朋友大家好,歡迎您闔家觀賞神氣家族. Hello, everybody. We welcome you and your whole family to enjoy the mighty clan.
科學辦案講究的是證據與事實,同時也要兼顧情理法,這是連一般人民都知道的準則,但是為何行政法院在處理人民稅務相關事務的時候,卻常常是「國稅局說了算」,導致人民的勝訴率奇低,大概只有6%. Science is fastidious about evidence and facts and must also use rational methods. These are standards of which even the average person is aware. But why do the courts of administrative law, when handling matters to do with taxation of citizens, usually say, “The National Taxation Bureau has the final say,” making the proportion of cases won by citizens extremely low, at approximately only six percent?
學者專家苦口婆心希望人民多了解,多充實法律知識,才能夠捍衛自身的權益,讓我們一同來聆聽. Scholars and experts earnestly and sincerely wish the people to be much better blessed with legal knowledge and understanding, so that they can defend their own rights. Let’s listen.
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委員 陳清秀
Full-time professor, department of law, Soochow University, and member of the Ministry of Justice Administrative Penalty Law Task Force, Chen Ching-hsiou 主講人(陳清秀先生)(國語): Speaker (Mr. Che Ching-hsiou)
各位先進大家好,很榮幸有這個機會來參加這個研討會. Hello, everybody. It’s a pleasure to have this opportunity to take part in this forum.
這個行政機關跟司法機關都要依法行政,依法審判,那對於一些案件的處理首先當然是因為我們的國民從事了一些經濟活動,他滿足了一些法律所規定的這些要件之後,他可能成立了一個法律關係.譬如說:因為我有所得,有贈與,因此要課所得稅,贈與稅. Administrative and judicial organs must operate and conduct trials in accordance with the law. First of all, the way in which certain matters are handled is a result of the fact that citizens engage in economic activity. After certain conditions have been met that are stipulated in law, legal relations may be established. Because I have an income or a bequest, for example, income taxes must be levied and paid.
那麼這個因此先有這樣一些經濟活動才滿足了法律所規定的這些課稅,成立了一個法律上的一個權利義務關係. So, because I first engage in economic activity, I meet the legal requirement for these taxes to be levied, establishing a relationship of rights and obligations in law.
那接下來就是行政機關在行政程序上,它會做了一個行政處分來做一個課稅.譬如說:發一個稅單或者開個罰單類似這樣.那大家雙方有爭執就到法院去訴訟,大概整個的一個流程是這樣. Next, administrative organs, as part of administrative procedure, create an administrative penalty in the form of the levying of a tax, issuing a tax bill, for example, or an infringement notice. In the event of a dispute, either side can file a lawsuit with the courts. That, essentially, is the whole process.
因此這個證據法則就涉及到一個事實認定,所以如果你事實的認定符合事件的道理,符合徵納雙方各方的利益都兼顧,大概比較持平了,比較公正的,公正的審判,公正來認定事實. Rules of evidence, therefore, involve a determination of facts. So, if your determination of facts is in keeping with the principles of the matter, in keeping with a levy against both sides and taking account of the interests of each side, it is probably relatively fair, relatively equitable. A fair trial. A fair determination of facts.
那這個因此我們這個認事用法要能夠很公正,不偏倚,情理法兼顧,這個還是一個事實認定的一個最高指導原則,當然我們還可以落實到我們憲法上的人權保障的一些基本觀念,譬如說:無罪推定原則. The method by which we determine facts, therefore, must be very impartial, unbiased, and take account of methods of reasoning. This too is one of the highest guiding principles in determining facts. Of course, we can also exert certain basic human rights protections afforded by our constitution, such as the presumption of innocence.
Tax law provides for what is known as the estimation and levying of taxes. If you provide no proof of your account, I will rely on estimation. But we know that our constitution guarantees citizens of one right, i.e. the presumption of innocence. When a citizen is prosecuted or sentenced, he has a right to silence. He has no obligation to incriminate himself. It is the administrative organ or court that must prove that you committed a violation. If you break the law, I must penalize you. So, citizens have the right to silence under the principle of the presumption of innocence.
逃漏稅了,推計課稅來補稅,可是這個補稅的判決可以來做為處罰的依據嗎?這是不可以的. If you have evaded tax, can you have your taxes estimated in order to pay the overdue tax and have that overdue payment treated as the basis on which your penalty will be assessed? No you cannot do that. .
一個是可以概然性推定,推測你可能有多少,按照同業利潤標準來推估,可是當它進入處罰的時候,它要有嚴格的證明,證明被告這個納稅人有逃漏稅的行為,所以不能夠把本稅的判決,把本稅的課稅處分拿來做為處罰的依據. An approximate estimate may be made to extrapolate how much you might owe, in accordance with standards in your particular industry, but, when proceedings enter the penalty stage, there will be strict proof confirming that the defendant taxpayer has evaded taxes, so one cannot use an assessment of one’s basic tax as the basis for one’s sentence.
但是很可惜,很遺憾的,我們全國的高等行政法院的全國的法官聯席會議做了一個決議,說:逃漏稅的處罰的這個判決的時候,認定事實的時候要受到本稅的事實認定的拘束.那就是表示我們的法官在人權保障方面,沒有無罪推定原則的這樣一個基本的人權保障思維. What is very unfortunate and regrettable, however, is that a national joint conference of the highest administrative courts in Taiwan has made a resolution which states that, in the determination of facts for the assessment of penalties for tax evasion, there must be a restraint against the determination of facts relating to basic tax. This means that, as far as human rights guarantees are concerned, our courts do not adopt the basic thinking about such guarantees that is implicit in the presumption of innocence.
So determination of rules of evidence is in fact very important. Our courts have still not clearly grasped this. Look: the majority of resolutions, the majority of opinions hold that our courts may not conduct trials independently, but must be subject to restraints imposed by previous judgements. This does not accurately understand an implicit and basic consideration concerning human rights guarantees: rules of evidence are all different!
還好我們最高行政法院還有一些判決,認為說這兩個本來就不一樣,不應該相提並論,但是這樣的聲音還是很微弱啊!因為我們最高行政法院的有這個判決居然下級審法院集體不服,集體行使抵抗權,一直要推翻最高行政法院這樣一個判決的見解,你就可想而知我們證據法則的教育還沒有成功. Fortunately, our highest administrative court has also resolved that these two matters are intrinsically different and shouldn’t be mentioned in the same breath, but such expressions remain very weak. Unexpectedly, because the highest court has made such a resolution, the lower investigatory courts are collectively refusing to comply, jointly exercising their right to resist, constantly seeking to overturn the opinion within the judgement of the higher court. As one can see, therefore, education on the rules of evidence in Taiwan has not yet succeeded.
因為我們的法官養成教育有問題.我們的法官養成教育普通法院到行政法院來只要三個月的受訓,一個半月是實習實務課程,一個半月是理論的課程,這個是非常可以說非常不負責任的一個一種這樣一個教育訓練的模式. Because there are problems with the education with which our judges are trained. Our judges, from the ordinary courts to the administrative courts, receive only three weeks of training, one and a half months of which is practical training and one and a half months of which is theoretical training. This is an extremely irresponsible approach to education and training.
If we study law at university, we study for four years. Judicial training also takes two to three years. Why would you want to be a judge in an administrative court? This specialism in administrative law, you’ve never studied it before, and you have only one and a half months before you enter the battlefield. When you do enter that battlefield, you barely know how to carry your weapons.
養成訓練那麼短,上戰場之後又沒有時間看書,那當然呈現出來就是這樣一個觀點,所以這個是因果循環的關係,我們一定要種下善因,才能得善果,今天辦這個研討會表示大家也在種善因. Your training period is so short, and when you do go into the field you don’t have time to read. No wonder these kinds of views are the result. So there’s a relationship of cause and effect here. We need to bring about good causation in order to generate good effects. The holding of this forum today shows that you are all cultivating good causation.
I believe we should establish a specialist taxation court for tax cases, a specialist court. The judges for this specialist court will have to charge their batteries for at least one year, perhaps two, on specialist taxation and administrative law, before they may take up their posts.
我們過去這個做法是很不負責任,我們司法院的司法行政是很不負責任的,因為他們可能考上司法官的考試之後都自以為他專業知識很強,很強啦!但是有這麼強嗎?表現出來就是這個樣子啊!這個是很值得我們這個深思喔! Our previous approach has been very irresponsible. The judicial administration of our Judicial Yuan has been very irresponsible, because, perhaps, having passed the Judicial Yuan exams, they all think that they are very strong. Very strong! But, are they really that strong? That’s the way it looks! This greatly merits our deep reflection.
因此我們這個專業法庭的建立,我覺得我們應該去推動修法,行政法院組織法裡面加一個條文,要成立稅務的專業法庭,辦理稅務案件要受訓三年,以後的這個裁判品質一定可以大量提昇的. To establish this court, I think we need to push to amend the law, to add a clause to The Administrative Court Organization Act, to the effect that a specialist taxation court must be established and that to handle taxation cases one must undergo three years of training. This will certainly greatly improve the quality of judges.
We’ve already called for this for so many years. You should let your judge’s pre-service education reinforce you! Let’s look at Korea. Every year, Korea sends many hundreds of public officials, high-level public officials, overseas for advanced study. These advanced studies don’t last for just three months; they last for one or two years. .
Why do they undertake advanced studies for one or two years? According to the logic of our Judicial Yuan, a month and a half is fine; three months is quite enough. The Koreans, on the other hand, believe that, if you want to become a superior public servant, you must undergo an appropriate level of advanced study before you can achieve that standard.
As regards respect for knowledge, we cannot be arrogant about knowledge, arrogant about rights. To be arrogant about knowledge, to appear to understand everything and yet know nothing at all, is very dangerous. One doesn’t know that one doesn’t understand, and it doesn’t occur to one to read.That’s very annoying.
So, everybody, it will only be possible once the Legislative Yuan has pushed for revision of the law. In the past, our Administrative Court Organization Act… when I was helping the Legislative Yuan to revise the law, it was the administrative courts that were supposed to strengthen the handling of in-service advanced study annually, so now they do so by adding a week or so each year, but this is still too short a period of time, an utterly inadequate measure, too little to be of any use. I believe that the problem still lies in the fact that certain circumstances have emerged in relation to their professional training, so let’s look at this problem from the point of view of the rules of cause and effect in order that we can see it more clearly. Please give plenty of feedback on all of the above!
2.賦稅從證據法則開始-陳志龍 2. Taxation begins with rules of evidence―Chen Tze-lung
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教授 Professor, College of Law, National Taiwan University 陳志龍 Chen Tze-lung 主講人(陳志龍先生)(國語): Speaker (Mr. Chen Tze-lung)
Legal people in Taiwan are extremely bad people. They develop theories that don’t exist anywhere else in the world, such as,
“executive before judiciary.” Taiwan’s administrative laws and administrative organs are inextricably linked. It seems to have become guaranteed by the constitution that civil law doesn’t count, then criminal law doesn’t count, only administrative law counts. But administrative law has in fact long been somewhat at odds with human rights protections overseas.
這一種所謂的獉豾未啟的一種恣意角度,「獉豾未啟」的意思就是說蠻荒時代,就黑暗時代,人吃人,然後想辦法欺負別人的. This is a reckless, “primeval” attitude, and by “primeval,” we mean from the age of savagery, an age of darkness, a dog-eat-dog time, in which people thought about how to bully others.
It amounts to a terrorist attack on human rights. It is nothing to do with human rights guarantees. Our so-called holistic view of economic realities is nothing more than this little trick.
那這個就是據法,就是租稅證據的一個判斷依據,如果沒有租稅證據法就沒有所謂稅捐稽徵法的認定依據,缺乏判斷準則,因為不是國稅局講的算,稅捐處講的算,那他們講的都算,那還有什麼,那這樣法官又是屬於他們哪一掛的,那所謂的官官相護,那我想最根本之道呢他們不應該稱為行政法官,他們應該要升為稅務法官或等等應該分出來,分出他們的專業,那他們也不應該稱為官,他們稱為裁判就好. This does accord with the law. It is a basis for judging taxation evidence. If there is no law of taxation evidence, what are known as the tax levying laws have no basis for determination. They lack standards for judgement, because it’s not for the NTB to say what counts; that is a matter for the revenue service offices of local governments. Now, they say that everything counts. What else? The judges are all part of their clique; the officials all cover up for one another. I think the most basic route, they should not call them “the administrative courts.” They should elevate them to “taxation service courts” or something of that sort. A distinction should be made, a distinction of their specialisms. They should not be called “officials,” but “judges.”
那再來就是要有租稅證據法,才會有免除租稅正義的偏頗跟恣意的空間,那我們其實滿重要就是租稅證據法.那什麼叫做租稅的證據法?租稅法會有一個迷宮對不對?租稅法實務呢為什麼跟法治國的一個證據法思維不一樣? Again, we need a law of taxation evidence if we are to avoid scope for bias and recklessness in taxation justice. In fact a law of taxation evidence is very important. What is a law of taxation evidence? There is a labyrinth of taxation laws, isn’t there? Why are the practicalities of tax law different from law of evidence thinking in a country with the rule of law?
Because, for example, explanatory documents, and then several explanatory documents, and then drawers full.! The left-hand drawers make sense. The right-hand drawers don’t make sense. They take the left-hand drawers and the right-hand drawers, as they please. This is very strange!
So explanatory documents are very strange! Explanatory documents are used in law, but they can also hijack the courts, make the courts adopt very strange ways of thinking. In fact, strictly speaking, Taiwan does not have tax laws. It’s a problem with the field of taxation. The original methods were smelted out. Things from the dark ages and things from modern times do not sit easily together! How can we use them? Yet we are still using them, so Taiwan has to undertake many reforms
再來就是租稅法它的迷宮,它根本也不去討待證事項,就像敬師禮到底是贈與還是學費?那這個是牽涉到民法的構成要件,那這個東西我送給老師的東西,我明明是送給老師,那怎麼說是買賣呢?還跟他對價關係呢!跟老師買東西好奇怪! Next, there’s the labyrinth that is tax law. It fundamentally does not have facta probanda (facts to be proved). It’s like the question of whether a gift in veneration of a teacher is really a gift or a tuition fee. This involves key aspects of the composition of civil law. This thing that I give to my teacher, clearly, I’m just giving it to him, so how can it be said to be trading? There’s a quid pro quo! It’s pretty odd to buy a gift for a teacher.
This civil case problem has in fact already been confirmed, with the result that administrative organs again set about confirming the problem of legal disputes among the people, so does their determination count? So this important structural matter is intrinsically a matter of the structure of civil law. How is it that an administrative court can get involved in making a determination on an important aspect of the structure of civil law? Also, separately, it can bring fraudulent matters here for determination. Is this a case of putting together things that don’t belong together?
所以這個第一點呢他沒有待證事項.那究竟稅法裡頭的規定待證事項構成要件,其實應該很明確的. So the first point is that there are no facta probanda. Now, when all is said and done, the essential structure of facta probanda in the regulations in the tax code actually ought to be very clear.
那再來第二租稅法的迷宮.在欠缺構成要件的思維租稅法的迷宮,這不是用邏輯來證明,他是用老大講的就算,你就跟著我的就對了,老大說你是什麼就是什麼,然後這個就滿奇怪的!這個東西最主要就是官權至上,民權至下. Next, there’s the second tax labyrinth. In the labyrinth of a tax law lacking thinking on structural essentials, things are not proven in a logical manner. Seniority decides; it’s as simple as that. You follow me; it’s that simple. If the senior person says what you are, that’s what you are. This is very strange. Most importantly, it places official power above civil liberties.
那再來根本性的就租稅實體法跟租稅訴訟法會結合在一起才對的,那我們要先確定待證事項才能夠建立證據法的規則操作,租稅法的構成要件思維才是基本核心思維,就是整個東西都是要有證據,有證據才能夠支持他的主張. Next, fundamentally, substantive tax law and procedural tax law will be integrated. We must first confirm facta probanda before we can establish the operation of rules of evidence. Thinking about the structural essentials of the tax code is the basic, core thinking. That is to say that there must be evidence for the whole thing. A viewpoint can only be supported when there is evidence.
現在什麼叫做邏輯證明?我們就運用一個這種的規定,叫Stephen Toulmin的一個三段論法,就是DATA跟結論,然後中間有個推論規則就是SR,SR就是推論規則,推論規則就是邏輯規則,那後面用這個來推論的是不是有符合?然後DATA就是證據,用證據來證明你是不是符合構成要求.
What do we currently call “logical proof?” We use a stipulation of this sort: a syllogism by someone called Stephen Toulmin, which holds that there are data and conclusions and, in between them, rules of inference, SR. Rules of inference are logical rules. In the end, if we use these to draw inferences, does everything tally? Data is evidence. If you use data to prove things, are you complying with structural essentials?
那我們來講你的這個敬師禮,到底用證據來證明是什麼?徒弟跟老師(師父)之間,意思表示都認為是贈與,那怎麼變成對價關係呢?那很奇怪了!然後他用經濟的實質的宏觀角度就可以判定,那是什麼玩意兒對不對? Now, let’s talk about your gift in veneration of a teacher. Do we, ultimately, use evidence to prove what it is? Between acolytes and teachers (masters), everyone believes it to be a gift, so how does it turn into a quid pro quo relationship? That’s very strange! A judgement is made using the holistic perspective of economic reality. That’s some kind of trick, isn’t it?
這個是人家本來就是贈與,你說這不是贈與這個就是買賣,契約買賣,那你很奇怪!所以這個就不對. This is somebody giving a gift. You say this is not the giving of a gift, but an exercise in trading, a contract to trade. Then, you’re very strange! So this is not right.
法學三段論法所需要的三要素,證明成立與否的規則應該用所謂的推論方法論證來認定,證據法的證明資料就是DATA,那就證明的資格證據才成為證據. In legal studies, the three requirements for the method of syllogism are: that the rules for proving whether something is tenable or not should be determined in accordance with proof from the methodology for drawing inferences, that the evidentiary material in rules of evidence is data, and that only eligible evidence that provides proof is actual evidence.
那什麼條件才能夠做為證明的條件呢?要證明的理念必須要有方法論,那我們要改採不能用那個方法,要改採更另外一個方法,邏輯方法,本體論的方法,唯一的用這個方法來做. So what conditions can serve as conditions for proof? Concepts that need to be proven must have a methodology. But we want to change things so that we cannot use that method. We want to change to another method, a logical method, an ontological method, and to use that method only.
那可是現在我們用很多奇奇怪怪的觀念對不對?就所謂的一大堆觀念,什麼利益衡量,比例原則,然後經濟實質宏觀角度這種奇怪的觀念,那這觀念一出來以後那根本不叫證據法則,那就亂七八糟法則,那胡亂法則,那胡亂法則也可以在我們法院形成認定,那這法院如果是裁判,如果是啟蒙時代的法院當然不能這樣. But, now, we’re using lots of strange concepts, aren’t we? A great mass of ideas, such strange ideas as so-called “weighing up of interests,” “principle of proportionality,” “holistic view of the real economy.” When this concept first appeared, it was not called anything like a “rule of evidence.” Rules of chaos, rules of recklessness could constitute determination in our courts, but if these courts were referees, if they were courts in an enlightened era, it wouldn’t be this way.
If we wish to change the current system, we cannot do so with so-called “dialectical” thinking, so we must create a system for rules of evidence for taxation out of logical, empirical rules for facta probanda.
所謂改變是系統的改變是非常重要,啟蒙時代就是要除去錯誤,要回答問題,然後能解決問題,然後要待證事項構成要件這一部份來解決,用所謂的辯論的方式,那這一部分是法官要學的,其實一般人都會,但是我們的法官竟然不會,這很奇怪! The change that we are talking about is change to the system, and it is very important. The enlightened era will be one in which mistakes are eliminated, questions are answered, problems are solved, the issue of the structural essentials of facta probanda are solved, by means of debate. In fact, most people can do this. It’s our judges who can’t. This is very strange.
Our prescription, then, is to use rules of evidence to prove points, then revert to the method of syllogism, then restore the essence of tax law, then enter legal ontology and solve problems with scientific methods. Thank you everybody. Thank you.
3.證據法則保障人權 3. Rules of evidence guarantee human rights
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高雄大學財經法律系National University of Kaohsiung, Department of Economic and Financial Law
教授Professor 張永明Chang Yong-ming
主講人(張永明先生)(國語): Speaker (Mr. Chang Yong-ming)
Basically, our administrative organs will inevitably emphasize what about what they do? That it’s all in the public interest and is well intentioned.
As regards cases of civil and criminal law, the case is very strong. But administrative organs will often believe, “My aim is reasonable,” so there need to be restraints as to methods, but that kind of restraint may not be very strong.
So, in the field of administrative law, we are constantly talking about administering in accordance with the law, but that must comply with the principle of proportionality. The law upholds principles, but when we talk about rules of evidence, these seem very alien.
Usually, during legal training, academic training in law, the application of the law is something that is discussed a great deal, but this area of determination of facts is specialized. Each field has its own particular areas. These sorts of difficulties exist about how we determine this aspect or that.
We need to see whether the actions of administrative organs or administrative courts actually have any impact on the people. Now, we all understand that, perhaps in an entire lifetime, we will never commit a crime. Our relationship with the criminal law is one of honesty and keeping a distance.
But what about administrative organs? Even if we haven’t done anything, administrative organs still come calling. The most obvious example, for all of us is the month of May (tax return month), which is rapidly approaching. Everyone, whether we have done anything or not, has to have done something in order to have an income.
So, this kind of situation, I mean the tax authorities, are especially like this. Their impact on the people is quite substantial. Just how substantial? So substantial that, even if I do nothing wrong, they will still tax me. So, our discussion of rules of evidence in this regard, in relation to the administration of taxes, is truly rational and important.
Now, as regards this matter, in our current situation, according to current principles of administrative law, as far as the taxation authorities are concerned, should this be applicable? We’ll look at this from the point of view of the tax authorities; they are part and parcel of administration generally. Our Administrative Procedure Act should of course also apply to the tax authorities, so, in the administration of taxes, they too should be subject to the restraint represented by administrative investigation.
As far as theories of administrative investigation are concerned, again in relation to tax cases, it’s a matter for other organs. Once the investigation is closed, can our tax authorities by rights have it used in their favor? This certainly needs to be considered.
Our public servants have divided this area into many different systems, which means that each should have its own experts, so, if we were to treat the determination of facts investigated by these other organs purely as self-made determinations of penalties, we would in fact be flawed in our approach.
When it comes to the administrative courts, the situation is the same. The courts: we are still saying that courts must judge in accordance with the law, but who is it that should judge in accordance with the law? It is absolutely not just the civil courts or the criminal courts that should judge in accordance with the law. The administrative courts too must judge in accordance with the law.
In judging in accordance with the law, apart from the use made of the law, determination of facts is also very important. So, this area, in relation to a subject like ours of today, in the field of administrative organs, especially tax organs or tax courts, there must be very important situations like this. As to human rights guarantees, which are what we are all discussing today, in terms of our actual relationship with our country, how do we, the people, trust our country? If there is trust, that indicates that our country has done something for us, yet, on the basis of the theories we’ve just discussed, we are likely to avoid both civil and criminal suits throughout our lives, but we cannot place ourselves beyond such a system of administrative action.
So, if, today, we are discussing the people’s distance from the state, what is that perceived sense of happiness that, in terms of daily life, causes the people to have faith in the state? It must be the actions of the administrative organs, making the people feel that there is a part of other people’s views that is very close to their own views.
To view this from the perspective of an individual case, the applicability of the law must be a matter for the specialist expertise of legal experts, especially the courts and judges. As far as the determination of facts is concerned, since we, the people, participate in it, this is to some extent something of which we have experience and with which we have something of a relationship.
So, if, today, we are discussing human rights guarantees and how we should enable the people to have faith in administration and in the country, then it is extremely appropriate to discuss the applicability of rules of evidence in the procedures for hearings by administrative organs and administrative courts.
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Aletheia University, Department of Law
系主任 Head of Department 吳景欽 Wu Jing-yin 分享人(吳景欽先生)(國語): Sharer (Mr. Wu Jing-yin)
Not only did I get involved in criminal procedure with a heavy heart, but I have an even heavier heart about the general principles of criminal law. Each time I talk about Criminal Law 125, article 1, clause three, once I’ve finished talking, I say to my students, “Everybody please mark with a pencil, ‘This offence is no more than a piece of paper; it is fundamentally useless.’”
Why talk like this? Because the structural essentials of this clause are extremely difficult. They require clear awareness. In legal terminology, this is known as “deliberate intent.” It requires proof that personal guilt was clearly known and deliberate. Sometimes this is very difficult.
OK. Leaving aside this area of difficulty, what is even more annoying is that, if, today, we wish, within criminal procedure, to make an allegation or bring a private prosecution, then we need a victim. The result is that our laws of judicial practice don’t use this kind of language. Our judicial practice is great. Our highest court has many precedents, or their symposia, or resolutions say this: as regards this clause, there is no concrete victim, because the legal interest violated is that of the country. So there is no one who can make an allegation or bring a private prosecution. I’ve been abused by you, for ten years! The courts have judged you not guilty. You tell me I am not a victim of this kind of crime. How do you all feel to hear this? It’s too far-fetched! Isn’t it? Even all of you believe it’s just too far-fetched. So do I.
So this makes me wonder what kind of world our judges actually live in. It makes me feel very strongly that courts often write judgements for everyone to read. These judgements are getting longer and longer, and more and more difficult to understand. What’s the reason for this? When you criticize, you don’t understand! You’re not a legal expert. You weren’t involved in the case! The use of this kind of reason, I believe is an abnormal, very abnormal phenomenon.
Because, from this, I can show that our courts, our judges, are not people-oriented. They do not put the word, “people” into their hearts, let alone discuss rules of evidence, that most weighty of matters.
So, from this I believe that… let’s say your original innocence is confirmed; OK. You have no actual liability, so let’s let it pass. Yet, despite everything, there remains the question of tax, and, at the outset this judge was very strange! So, I’m suing you! It’s a criminal matter. Right! In your criminal case, if you are actually found guilty, your illegal earnings will be confiscated! So how will they actually be handed over to the NTB to tax? This is strange! The NTB actually believes it will be able to tax these funds.
In fact, you cannot receive two forms of punishment for one offence. Once the matter is confirmed as criminal, how can tax be levied? Only lawfully earned income is taxable. So the result is that this is turned over at the outset. I’m truly completely baffled. How can proceedings continue? It’s extremely absurd. Exceptionally absurd. I can’t think of any other adjectives to describe it.
所以我覺得太極門案就是一個司法的一個照妖鏡,我覺得人民面對這個東西不能沉默以對,要勇敢的去對抗,才能實現真正的公平正義. So, I believe the Taijimen case offers a judicial means of seeing through a conspiracy. I don’t believe that people can stand by in silence in the face of such things. Only bold resistance will achieve true, impartial justice.
製作人 Made by 洪道子博士 Dr. Hong Tao-tze
諮詢專線Inquiries hotline
(02)2736-5188 主持人: Host
Unfairness is not justice. We hear of the most extraordinary things in cases involving tax grievances. Many people, with the attitude of innocent bystanders, sweep the snow from their own doorstep, little imagining that “indulgence” is an accomplice in the persecution of human rights. If the people cannot awaken themselves and unite to call for judicial and taxation reforms, when the tax catastrophe expands and gets out of hand, ultimately no one will be safe.
May the people boldly strengthen themselves if they are truly to command their own happy futures. Thank you for watching today. See you soon.
Chinese to English: Truth 1 General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Chinese Super text Voice
OS: TC=00:10
太極門. 太極陣. 出陣.
主持人 談力瑜 Host-1: TC=00:15
Drummer: TC=01:38
Translation - English Super text Voice
You should know
The truth
OS: TC=00:10
Tai Ji Men. Tai Ji Men formations. Present yourselves.
Host. Tan Li-yu Host-1: TC=00:15
This is the prologue performance at the opening ceremony of the 2017 Taipei Universiade. The martial arts formations are grand and majestic; absolutely stunning. It is the Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy that is responsible for the performance. This is an ancient qigong martial arts practicing sect which passes its practices down between masters and dizi. Its members come from all walks of life and are both old and young. In addition to routinely practicing qigong, self-cultivation and mind-cultivation, they are also committed to promoting the martial arts spirit and culture of “turning swords into plowshares''.
Over many years, they have participated in more than 3,000 cultural performances at home and abroad at their own expense, traveled across five continents and hundreds of countries. Their appearances have included domestic National Day performances, and the 2000 Sydney Olympics.
It is difficult to imagine, however, that such a group full of positive energy, more than 20 years ago, because of groundless charges and prosecutions, let tens of thousands of masters and dizi be wronged, and was misunderstood by society. Even though they were exonerated in a third judicial trial 10 years later, to date Tai Ji Men has still not obtained true justice. This is a dark history of human rights persecution involving judicial abuse and administrative malfeasance.
Next, we will uncover for you the truth that you need to know.
Drummer: TC=01:38
Oh, injustice!
Data screen of 19 December 1996 Interview-1: TC=01:40
I always felt ... the sky that year was gray.
Interview-2: TC=01:47
From my doorway I could see policemen and they were carrying guns, loaded as if for an emergency.
Interview-3: TC=01:52
The next day, in quick succession, I heard several senior dizi whose houses were being searched.
Interview-4: TC=01:59
I was only five years old at the time.
Interview-5: TC=02:03
It has been a nightmare of several years for me.
Interview-6: TC=02:09
The master turned round to look at me. I ... saw four eyes, and then the tears began to fall.
Interview-7: TC=02:22
He (the public prosecutor) criticized us as an evil group, but I feel that, when I came here, I was facing an evil state system.
The whole story of the Tai Ji Men case
Simulated screen Reporter-1: TC=02:36
The prosecutor at Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office has today issued seven search warrants, in Taipei, Hsinchu, Taichung...
OS1: TC=02:40
On December 19, 1996, a malicious letter reporting fraud prompted Hou Kuanren, the prosecutor at Taipei District Prosecutor's Office, to dispatch hundreds of prosecutors with loaded guns proceeding in 19 formations to the 12 branches of Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy in Taiwan, as well as the residences of some Tai Ji Men dizi, for a large-scale search.
The whole story of the Tai Ji Men case
Cruel search and detention based on nothing more than a malicious letter
Ke Neng-teng Interview-8: TC=02:57
I still remember that when the incident first happened, Prosecutor Hou Kuanren was very rough. The policemen who led those with loaded guns were not arresting notorious robbers. Why did they have the loaded guns? They loaded the guns, and then they rushed into Tai Ji Men.
Zhao Qiying Interview-9: TC=03:11
They didn’t say anything after entering and didn’t present any papers. They proceeded to conduct a thorough search.
Huang Chunju Interview-10: TC=03:17
I had just placed the bag I was carrying in the Tai Ji Men building, and then he said that this bag would be searched.
Tai Ji Men case defense lawyer
Chen Ming Interview-11: TC=03:24
At that time, it was the ruling party, and there was the so-called religious crackdown! When you are a civil organization, such as an NGO, if your influence or number of members accumulates to a certain level, they will have doubts. So the media called it a religious crackdown! So, unfortunately, Tai Ji Men was listed as one of the targets of a crackdown.
OS2: TC=03:53
In fact, at the time, the malicious letter was also sent to the Kaohsiung and Hsinchu district prosecutors’ offices.
Tai Ji Men case voluntary lawyer
Tsai Fu-Chiang Interview-12: TC=03:58
Did the prosecutor at Kaohsiung District Prosecutors’ Office receive the malicious letter? Oh, yes! Was it investigated? Oh, yes! He immediately gave his administrative signature and that was that. He didn’t even have to sanction for non-prosecution.
Did the prosecutor at Hsinchu District Prosecutors’ Office receive and support the malicious letter? Yes! The content was exactly the same. He too prepared to sign it.
Now, the same malicious letter arrived at Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office, and then at the office of Prosecutor Hou Kuanren. How could such a massive case come about?
OS3: TC=04:22
That day, Hong Shihe, zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men, was taken away by police. Soon afterwards, his wife, You Mei-rong, took the initiative to present herself to the police. Both were immediately detained without visitation rights. Even the Tai Ji Men dizi who accompanied them were detained for questioning, and even interrogated illegally over night and held for over 24 hours.
Five days later, the prosecution launched a search again. This time, the subjects included Chen Diaoxin, a Tai Ji Men dizi known as the Great Brother.
Chen Diaoxin (interviewed before his death, 2010) Interview-13: TC=04:47
On the 24th, I was searched. After I’d been searched that day, I was detained. If you were detained, it was for four months, without visitation rights.
They just prepared all the questions to be asked. That is, you had to answer this way, the answer he wanted. If you didn’t answer that way, he just kept inflicting “psychological violence.”
Tai Ji Men case voluntary lawyer
Tsai Fu-Chiang Interview-14: TC=05:11
The wife of Chen Diaoxin, even when accused, could not talk about the suspect? That’s right. The result was that Hou Kuanren actually locked Wang Yunying in the District Prosecutors’ Office, doing so deliberately in the detention room in which criminals are detained.
Are you going to admit it? If you don’t admit it, I’ll arrest both your wife and daughter.
That’s how he coerced Brother Chen Diaoxin at first.
Chen Diaoxin (interviewed before his death, 1999) Interview-15: TC=05:35
Then he said, “Are your master’s skill’s real?” I said they were real.
Then he was like this, angrily banging the desk. He said, “You have no kindness. What are you training for? What are you practicing? You have absolutely no kindness. Your family are going to be ... your wife has been locked up and you’re still in no hurry to save her?
OS4: TC=06:00
Chen Diaoxin, who had not been accused by anyone, and was, just because he was known as Tai Ji Men Great Brother, held for 116 days and determined to have been involved in deception.
And the other person, Peng Lijuan, whose child at the time was only seven months old, was dubbed by prosecutors the “Confidential Secretary” who had never been to Tai Ji Men, was similarly taken away after a home search, and her family were not notified as the regulations require.
Tai Ji Men case voluntary lawyer
Anna Hwang Interview-16: TC=06:23
Her family and school knew absolutely nothing about her being detained. Later, it was her school which, thinking it strange, sent an official letter asking the district prosecutors’ office. Only on 31 December 1996 did Hou Kuanren notify him (the school) that Peng Lijuan had been detained. By then, a whole seven days had passed between the 24th and the 31st, so it meant that Peng Lijuan had disappeared for seven days; it wasn’t known where this person was.
Peng Lijuan (interviewed in 2007) Interview-17: TC=06:48
He also knew that my child was that young. He said to me: “I’ve checked. All your things are pure.”
It was the same that time. He still took me to the meeting room and made a written record like this. I said to him, “Not true.” I said, “I didn’t say that.”
Tai Ji Men case voluntary lawyer
Anna Hwang Interview-18: TC=07:00
After the event, we were looking at the whole of the written statement of Peng Lijuan. It included many instances of Peng saying, “It isn’t like this,” and of Hou Kuanren asking and answering, so that written statement was not written entirely in accordance with that of Peng Lijuan.
OS5: TC=07:13
Like Chen Diaoxin, Peng Lijuan was detained for 40 days without allegations or evidence, and even the written statement was suspected of being falsely published and the official documents forged.
Tai Ji Men case defense lawyer
Su Yiu-Chen (interviewed in 2007) Interview-19: TC=07:24
This method of the past involved detaining the person to obtain a confession. Once a person was taken into custody, there was only a presumption of guilt, not a presumption of innocence. He would therefore search only for evidence against the defendant, and hide evidence that was beneficial to the defendant, even destroy it.
Data screen of 21 December 1996 Interview-20: TC=07:54
All systems of conduct in this organization comply with national laws and regulations.
OS6: TC=07:49
The day after the first wave of searches, Tai Ji Men dizi Li Zhengwen and Wen Xiuzhen took the initiative to hold a press conference to clarify the situation on behalf of Tai Ji Men, but they did not expect to be listed in the second wave of searches.
Tai Ji Men case voluntary lawyer
Tsai Fu-Chiang Interview-21: TC=08:00
They just came out and then accepted interviews from reporters. They said that the current information released by the prosecutors and what your media reported are completely different from what we have listened to, heard, and seen at Tai Ji Men. In fact, this is not the case. That's all! Soon, the prosecutor ordered the Investigation Bureau to visit Tai Ji Men to conduct a search and took people to the Investigation Bureau for questioning.
Li Zhengwen (Interviewed in 2010) Interview-22: TC=08:24
In fact, he was searching for tickets at the time. After the search, it should have been over. He should not have had the right to ask me to go with him. We didn't know at the time that we could refuse, but we asked him, “Do I have to go with you?”
He said, “It's okay if you don't! I will arrest even more of your brothers and sisters.”
It was that kind of language, making you feel that, with him being like that, it was best that you went!
Tai Ji Men case voluntary lawyer
Tsai Fu-Chiang Interview-23: TC=08:44
What was his aim in all this? He wanted to create the so-called chilling effect! Make your Tai Ji Men dizi too scared to come out to the media for interviews, too scared to stand up and say that they were innocent and had been wronged.
OS7: TC=08:55
But what was the basis on which the prosecutors took such big moves, the two earth-shattering acts of search and detention?
Host TC=09:03
According to normal case handling procedures, the side of the victim and prosecutor should first intervene in the investigation. In the Tai Ji Men case, however, Hou Kuanren, the prosecutor of the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office at the time, launched a search without investigation just because of a malicious letter.
But how do you proceed without a victim? Six days after searching Tai Ji Men, the prosecutor appeared to lack this important link. He therefore took the initiative to shout via the media, calling on the victims to complete registration as soon as possible and set up a self-help club.
And what was the victim evidence of these self-help club members? Prosecutor Hou Kuanren's argument had never been heard before, causing an uproar in the legal world and public opinion.
Interview-24: TC=09:48
We also appeal here for other victims who have not yet come forward to register to do so willingly as soon as possible.
Reporter-2: TC=09:58
The victims of the Tai Ji Men Taipei self-help club, this morning, led by the chairman of the self-help club, who is also Taipei City Councilor Lin Ruitu...
The self-help club's lies will be exposed in court.
Tai Ji Men case voluntary lawyer
Tsai Fu-Chiang
The whole story of the Tai Ji Men case
Interview-25: TC=10:03
What is the purpose of the self-help club? Division!
A prosecutor, and then someone clearly said, “No, I have not been deceived.”
He said, “You have. You have been deceived. Hurry up and join the self-help club.”
Yes! Then he found a Taipei City Councilor who appeared and served as the chairman of the self-help club, right? Then what happened? Then he sought out the Investigation Bureau, published an item in the newspaper, and asked everyone to go to the Taipei City Council to register as victims.
OS8: TC=10:27
The self-help club set up at the appeal of the prosecutor was full of loopholes, unable to provide concrete evidence of victimization, and even identity was questioned.
Tai Ji Men case voluntary lawyer
Tsai Fu-Chiang Interview-26: TC=10:36
Like Zeng Biyun, who claimed to be the vice president of the self-help club at that time. Her own child was not a Tai Ji Men dizi at all. She made three or four million in the name of her child, and then pretended to be a Tai Ji Men dizi, and went to join. Then she tried to get money by deception in this way.
Li Zhengwen (Interviewed in 2010) Interview-27: TC=10:52
For a small number of people, the accusations they make against the media are completely confined to Tai Ji Men. I have neither seen nor heard anything.
I believe that what’s very simple in that very pure environment of the process in which the body and mind are trained, embellished like that, is truly amazing.
The whole story of the Tai Ji Men case
At first sight, the indictment was oddly written. OS9: TC=11:12
Even so, however, after four months of investigation, the prosecutor, Hou Kuanren, on April 15, 1997, still indicted five people, including Tai Ji Men zhang-men-ren Hong Shihe and his wife, for normal business deception and violation of the Tax Collection Act, launching the first such case in Taiwan’s judicial system, with unprecedented mention of goblins in the indictment, accusing Hong Shihe of such spells as techniques for raising goblins and controlling dizi, and thereby committing deception.
Interview-28: TC=11:37
Many are possessed by goblins, are insane, or are students who dropped out of school.
OS10: TC=11:45
But such accusations Tai Ji Men dizi simply cannot accept.
Interview-29: TC=11:49
He criticized us as an evil group, but I feel that, when I came here, I was facing an evil state system. Why do you want to defile us? Why do you want to slander us like this, and describe as existing something that doesn’t exist?
Li Zhengwen (Interviewed in 2010) Interview-30: TC=12:09
I never expected that this place where I practice qigong, such a peaceful place that makes my mother, my sisters and our whole family so happy... how can it have anything to do with this?
What deception? What spell? What else? All those things are really things that I haven't ever heard here at all, so that day was really... seeing those things really made me cry until my tears ran dry.
The whole story of the Tai Ji Men case
Unscientific prosecution
Undermining the legal System OS11: TC=12:33
The announcement of the indictment also caused an uproar across the country, but scientific evidence is stressed in the handling of cases. How do you prove that you raise goblins? The day after the indictment was announced, Hou Kuanren once again led the team to Tai Ji Men’s Nangang branch to seek evidence.
Reporter-3 TC= 12:47
Hou Kuanren, the prosecutor of the district prosecutors’ office, directed the investigative officers to conduct a search at the Tai Ji Men branch in Nangang.
Interview-31: TC=12:53
To see whether there was any proof of supernatural powers and beings.
New reports: TC=12:57
Reporter-4: What’s been found?
Reporter-5: What’s the outcome?
Reporter-6: Is it to do with raising goblins?
Interview-32: TC=12:59
There’s been a discovery. A peach wood sword has been confiscated.
A photocopy of the China Times Weekly of 29 February, 2008. OS12: TC=13:04
The peach wood sword was treated as evidence of the raising of goblins and taken away by the prosecutor, but it was in fact just a gift from a Tai Ji Men dizi to thank the master.
Zheng Cuiyu Interview-33: TC=13:13
It was just an artwork that I gave, so I was really frantic when I saw it, and then I phoned. What should I do? “Otherwise,” I said, it’s like this. Liu Mingzhe is my son. He’s just been coming to practice qigong for a few months.” I said, “Our family went to the Presidential Office to protest together.
Zheng Cuiyu’s son
Liu Mingzhe (interviewed in 2012) Interview-34: TC=13:28
Everyone knows that the peach wood sword is for suppressing evil, controlling evil, avoiding evil. A mascot placed in the house. How can it be these things mentioned by Hou Kuanren?
OS13: TC=13:40
And he didn’t just seek evidence after issuing the indictment. The prosecutor even interviewed the defendant about the content of the indictment for the first time only after issuing the indictment.
Tai Ji Men case voluntary lawyer
Anna Hwang Interview-35: TC=13:48
On the morning of 17 April, he went to search like this and found this peach wood sword to take away, saying it was evidence of the raising of goblins.
Only during the afternoon of 17 April did he ask the zhang-men-ren, “Are you raising goblins?”
OS14: TC=13:59
But what was outrageous about it was that it wasn’t just the investigative procedures.
Lee: TC=14:02
Tai Ji Men zhang-men-ren Hong Shihe, he heard you indicting him in this way... What was his reaction?
Interview-36: TC=14:10
Of course he denied it, but I saw a hint of...flashing shadows in his eyes. From our case-handling intuition, I believed...he must have been raising goblins.
Legislator Tien Chiu-chin, 8 April, 2010
Interview with Minister of Justice Tseng Yung-fu Interview-37: TC=14:23
If a prosecutor can judge from your expression whether or not to prosecute you, then there will never be peace in Taiwan.
Data screen of 19 December 1996
Seven television stations
Twenty-nine print media.
An interrogation period of four months.
More than 400 reports.
Twelve television stations.
Over 70 broadcasts. OS15: TC=14:31
The prosecutors, who used expressions and intuition to handle cases and issue indictments, however, seemed to be the darlings of the media at the time, and the media followed every time they made big moves to search.
In fact, during the first search, Hou Kuanren took a reporter with him, and even went to a TV station to give an interview afterwards, talking about the case under investigation. Under the law, the investigation should not have been made public, but it became very public.
According to statistics, the day after the first wave of searches, there were reports on seven TV stations and in 29 print media, revealing the search process in detail, and, before the indictment, during the four-month interrogation period, there were a total of more than 400 serialized reports, as well as more than 70 broadcasts by 12 TV stations.
Amid these ubiquitous reports, Tai Ji Men was criticized by all parties for a time, and tens of thousands of dizi and families also came under great pressure.
Li Zhengwen (Interviewed in 2010)
The whole story of the Tai Ji Men case
Prosecutors’ investigations were greatly opened up.
Judgment before investigation. Interview-38: TC=15:23
Now, while I was waiting for fried dumplings, I was wearing qigong clothes, and an unfamiliar boy pulled me by the shoulders. “How do you still dare to wear these clothes? You Tai Ji Men, blah, blah, blah...”
He just started to howl at me like that. I said, “What’s bad about me? You tell me.”
He was speechless. All I could say was this phrase. I couldn’t say anything else, because this is the way the media were smearing me. All I could say was, “Do I look like a bad person to you?”
OS16: TC=15:49
A number of prosecutions for violating investigation procedures have rendered internationally renowned legal scholars unable to help but question.
Host. Tan Li-yu Host TC=16:21
The problem is this indictment, which is regarded as ridiculous by the legal world, and violates the principles of due legal process and scientific case handling. “Raising goblins” became a hot topic at the time.
The prosecutor, Hou Kuanren, however, between the detention of the zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men and the announcement of the indictment, opened the investigation court only three times and spoke only 13 sentences of interrogation lasting a total of 29 minutes.
The hasty prosecution was a waste of judicial resources. The court underwent ten years and three months of investigation, trial and cross-examination, with a total of 58 court sessions lasting 9,570 minutes, and, in the third trial, Tai Ji Men ultimately obtained three not guilty verdicts.
The Trilogy of Prosecutor Hou Kuanren's Destruction of Tai Ji Men
25 April, 1997
Sends letter to the Ministry of the Interior
21 May, 1997
Sends letters to eight county and city governments
18 June, 1997
Sends letters to public works departments of Taipei County and Taipei City. OS17: TC=17:12
Following indictment, the Tai Ji Men case was transferred to the local court on 18 April, 1997. The entire case was already under the jurisdiction of the court, but the prosecutor, Hou Kuanren, sent a letter to the Ministry of the Interior on April 25 in his own name, stating that it was an evil religious group that requested the dissolution of Tai Ji Men.
Later, letters were sent to eight county and city governments in Taiwan, also requesting the dissolution of Tai Ji Men, and official communications were even sent to the Taipei County and City public works departments directly requesting that Tai Ji Men’s water and electricity be terminated; one letter after another, with the intention of making Tai Chi Men's branches inoperable.
Only after more than two years of administrative relief by the Tai Ji Men dizi, were the relevant units finally allowed to revoke the illegal dissolution order.
Tai Ji Men case voluntary lawyer
Anna Hwang
The whole story of the Tai Ji Men case
Prosecutors exceeded their powers, disbanding Tai Ji Men Interview-39: TC=17:54
The prosecutor does not have such a power. How can you write your own text? You see that the Ministry of the Interior does not listen to him, or the county and city governments ignore him, and then you directly write to the public works departments of the counties and cities. He did not have such a power, so this is a very outrageous overstepping of authority.
OS18: TC=18:10
The prosecution played various trump cards to dissolve Tai Ji Men but was ultimately unable to provide specific evidence that Tai Ji Men violated the law.
25 September, 2003
First trial verdict: not guilty
13 December, 2003 Second trial verdict: not guilty
13 July, 2003
Third trial verdict: not guilty On 25 September, 2003, a not guilty verdict was recorded in the first trial of the Tai Ji Men case. Second and third trials followed until July 13, 2007.
The whole story of the Tai Ji Men case
Exonerated. Three not guilty verdicts.
No deception.
No tax evasion.
No violation of the Tax Collection Act. After ten years and three months of court hearings in the Tai Ji Men case, the judges ruled identically that Tai Ji Men had not committed deception, tax evasion, or violation of the 2003 Tax Collection Act; not guilty verdicts were rendered on all counts.
Tai Ji Men case voluntary lawyer
Tsai Fu-Chiang Interview-40: TC=18:43
I think the court's decisions prove one thing: there is only one truth. Tai Ji Men is innocent. Real gold is not afraid of fire.
Failure to make the investigation public
Illegal search
Unscientific handling
Illegal freezing of assets
Presenting oneself without first informing the defendant’s representative
Interviewing a defendant in a malicious manner
Abundant investigatory rashness and error
OS19: TC=18:50
In fact, because of prosecutor Hou Kuanren's violations of judicial procedures in multiple investigative methods, Tai Ji Men was subjected to multiple forms of atrocity simultaneously, which has long caused controversy.
In 2002, therefore, during the trial period, the Control Yuan took the initiative to submit an investigation report. The case against Hou Kuanren listed eight violations, including not making the investigation public, illegal searches, failure to handle the case in accordance with scientific evidence, infringement of powers, etc., and demanded that the Ministry of Justice strictly investigate. The Ministry, however, stated: ``We must wait for the judgment in this case before proceeding.'’
The problem is that the Tai Ji Men case has been delayed for more than ten years, and the period within which Hou Kuanren can be disciplined has already expired; he cannot be punished.
Tai Ji Men case voluntary lawyer
Tsai Fu-Chiang
The whole story of the Tai Ji Men case
The investigation listed eight violations, but there was no punishment Interview-41: TC=19:31
What did the prosecutor do? Knowing the law, he broke the law. What are people like this doing? What are they doing now? What post does he hold? He holds the post of deputy director-general of the Agency Against Corruption.
A prosecutor who uses coercion to obtain a confession can become a deputy director-general of the Agency Against Corruption? Respect!
14 January, 2010. Press conference on compensation for miscarriage of justice Peoples: TC=19:47
Freedom! Human rights!
OS20: TC=19:50
More than two years after the verdict in the third trial, the four innocent Tai Ji Men dizi who were detained by the prosecutors received full compensation from the state for the miscarriage of justice, but they decided to make donations of the whole of the funds in order to promote judicial reform and protect human rights.
Then legislator
Chu Fong-chi Interview-42: TC=20:05
For them, the miscarriage of justice compensation is actually justice delayed. In the past 10 or 20 years, they have suffered many injustices; in many cases, their families have been destroyed.
We hope that, as result of such a matter, the fairness and justice of the entire judiciary can be reawakened, and we also hope that prosecutors who violate the law and abuse their power will not only be removed, but also receive the punishments they deserve.
The whole story of the Tai Ji Men case
Three not guilty verdicts But still no justice Peoples: TC=20:32
Persecution of human rights. Step down now!
28 November, 2010. Meditating in front of the Ministry of Finance
24 November, 2010. Ketagalan Boulevard
27 November, 2010. In front of the Control Yuan
22 December, 2010. In front of the Ministry of Finance
24 November, 2010. Ketagalan Boulevard OS21: TC=20:38
The punishment, however, did not wait, and the injustices did not end, because Prosecutor Hou Kuanren's indictment not only accused Tai Ji Men of raising goblins and acquiring funds by deception, but also determined that Tai Ji Men was a cram school and was involved in tax evasion. The National Taxation Bureau therefore issued an invoice to Tai Ji Men demanding tax. The courts, however, ruled in three trials that Tai Ji Men was not guilty. That is to say that after all the charges in the indictment had been overturned, the National Taxation Bureau insisted that it was unwilling to withdraw the tax bills issued on the basis of false prosecutions, plunging Tai Ji Men into an endless tax bill nightmare.
Judge in the second Tai Ji Men trial
Wen Yau-Yuan Interview-43: TC=21:12
After a verdict was rendered in this case by the third trial in our court, we discussed in detail where the indictment was unacceptable. For the tax agency to use this indictment as the basis for taxation, I think, was outrageous!
Tai Ji Men case defense lawyer
Su Yiu-Chen
22 November, 2010 In front of the National Taxation Bureau Interview-44: TC=21:28
I’ve always believed that ultimately we would be exonerated, that we would be victorious.
We hope that Tai Ji Men will not be discouraged. Although justice is sometimes deceived, there will always be a day when it will manifest itself.
Peoples: TC=21:51
Revoke unlawful tax bills.
Respect the teacher and his teaching. Give without guilt.
Host TC=22:01
Tai Ji Men obtained judicial proof of innocence more than ten years ago, but the absurd thing is that the National Taxation Bureau can adopt a duplicitous tactic in relation to the third trial verdict of not guilty and no tax liability, saying that the court's verdict doesn’t count.
What is even more paradoxical is that the balance of the two accounts seized by the prosecutor when he searched Tai Ji Men that year, was clearly only NT$610,000, but this was reported the next day by the media as NT$3.1 billion, and the prosecutors used this astronomical figure to indict for deception and tax evasion.
How was this amount calculated? There has been no answer for more than 20 years, just continual unfounded tax bills.
Why is the Tai Ji Men case described by experts and scholars of law and taxation as the human rights persecution with the largest number of victims; the February 28 Incident of law and taxation? There are other truths you should know, and we will continue to reveal secrets for you.
Chinese to English: Truth 2 General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Law (general)
Translation - English Super text Voice
You Should Know
the Truth
Host. Tan Li-yu Host-1: TC=0:09-01:05
We welcome you to enjoy “You Should Know
the Truth.”
We have all been educated since childhood that “paying taxes in accordance with the law is the obligation of the citizen,” but when the government's taxation is unjust, or even illegal, what should the people do?
The tax case of Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy has been described by many taxation experts as “the February 28 Incident in the history of tax law in Taiwan’‘ because it can be said to be the largest miscarriage of taxation justice with the largest number of victims. It has undergone 25 years of litigation and resistance, coordination by inter-departmental government meetings, and support from countless tax experts and scholars, but in the end Tai Ji Men’s land (predesignated place for spiritual practice) was still forcibly nationalized.
What actually happened? To the tens of thousands of Tai Ji Men disciples, in the 25-year nightmare, how many officials were guilty of dereliction of duty, abuse of authority and nefarious behind-the-scenes conduct?
We will uncover for you the truth that you need to know.
Man: TC=01:07-1-01:12
Can there be, for the sake of performance, seizure, coercion, auction and authority-abusing, unlawful tax bills to enforce national assets?
Peoples: TC=01:14-01:17
Face the people. Face the people.
July, 2007
Third Tai Ji Men trial
Not guilty. No taxation.: confirmed. Peoples: TC=01:18-01:20
Not guilty. No taxation.:..
Hsu: TC=01:22-01:24
They can all hardly breathe.
The defendant is completely victorious.
State compensation for wrongful conviction.
The Tai Ji Men tax case.
From a criminal case.
Not guilty in the criminal case.
The tax bill should be revoked.
But why must the government
make mistakes again and again?
Hsu: Stop enforcing.
Man: Illegal enforcement.
Lian: It’s a false case.
Tai Ji Men voluntary lawyer
Tsai Fu-Chiang Interview-1: TC=01:49-02:31
Tai Ji Men’s tax case was created from nothing.
Since the establishment of Tai Ji Men in 1966, there has to date never been a problem of paying taxes. So why have tax bills been generated for six years? It is persecution by what began as criminal injustice by Hou Kuanren.
The National Taxation Bureau’s bill levying tax also accords with Hou Kuanren’s authority-abusing, illegal indictment, copying its content verbatim. Without conducting any investigation whatsoever, they issued a bill levying tax, so, initially, they issued a tax bill for six years.
To date, however, this six-year tax bill... in judgment and confirmation by three trials in three criminal courts and Taiwan’s Supreme Administrative Court... it has been determined that Tai Ji Men is not a cram school, that a gift in reverence for a teacher was indeed a gift in reverence for a teacher given to a human dizi, not cram school tuition fees, so Tai Ji Men simply does not have a tax bill or tax-paying problem.
Former High Court judge
(Presiding judge in the second Tai Ji Men criminal trial)
Wen Yau-Yuan Interview-2: TC=02:32-02:47
A criminal not guilty verdict has been issued, which means that the indictment is completely untrue. That is to say, you have not adduced any evidence, and a tax bill issued without any evidence is of course an invalid tax bill; the tax authorities should take the initiative in resolving this.
OS1: TC=02:48-03:05
In accordance with the prosecution’s false indictment, however, the National Taxation Bureau issued a six-year tax bill that was not revoked. Even the Hsinchu branch of the Ministry of Justice’s Administrative Enforcement Agency, enforced the auction of Tai Ji Men’s branch in the Miaoli mountain area.
Interview-3: TC=03:06-03:19
How can a legally perverse judgment be enforced?
This is just the same logic as a situation in which you know clearly that a death row case, a judgment, is a miscarriage of justice, and yet you still insist on arresting people and executing them! If you don’t help to rectify the decision, your country will be in the wrong. It will heap one wrong on top of another, and still kill people.
21 December, 2000. Public hearing at the Legislative Yuan
Department head Tseng Wen-chang, representative of the Ministry of Education Interview-4: TC=03:20-03:26
Me must still stress that Tai Ji Men absolutely and categorically is a cram school.
OS2: TC=03:27-04:33
As early as 1997, the Ministry of Education said that Tai Ji Men was a cram school.
In a public hearing in 2000 it was further clarified: Tai Ji Men absolutely and categorically is not a cram school.
In 2007 it was confirmed in the third criminal trial: Tai Ji Men has no tax problem.
Between 2012 and 2013, the Ministry of Finance reinvestigated and decided, recognizing that Tai Ji Men is not a cram school.
In fact, in 2018, the Supreme Administrative Court once again ruled in Tai Ji Men’s favor, and once again clearly determined that Tai Ji Men is not a cram school but a qigong and martial arts menpai, and is not liable for tax. The National Taxation Bureau therefore corrected the tax bills for 1991, 1993 and 1996 one after the other to zero. Only the bill for 1992 was not corrected; tax was still levied on the basis that Tai Ji Men was a cram school. The reason was that the administrative court had already ruled conclusively in 2006 that Tai Ji Men lost the lawsuit over the 1992 bill.
The problem is that Tai Ji Men was not confirmed not guilty in the criminal case until the third trial the following year, and the rushed judgment made by the administrative court deviated fundamentally from the facts. How can it continue to be used?
Interview-5: TC=04:34-04:43
Its determination of facts was wrong! It treated Tai Ji Men as a cram school. So this determination of facts is wrong. This use of law is wrong. So this court judgment is a legally perverse one.
Host-2: TC=04:44-05:01
The administrative court, which is supposed to enable the people to seek relief, actually issued a legally perverse judgment, which is tantamount to mockery.
In fact, the fact that Tai Ji Men’s 1992 tax bill met with a judgment of defeat, really is a result of a series of lies, cover-ups, and violations of law and discipline.
Peoples: TC=05:02-05:04
Law-breaking corrupt officials arrested.
OS3: TC=05:05-05:28
Tai Ji Men filed an administrative lawsuit against the six-year tax bill, but lost only in the split judgment over 1992. The process was riddled with absurdities, including a major flaw that violates procedural justice, which is that the first and second trials, and even the request for a retrial, were all heard by the same judge, Huang Shuling, which breaches the principle of judicial recusal.
Department of Law, Aletheia University
Associate Professor Wu Jing-qin Interview-6: TC=05:30-06:05
Judge Huang Shuling... she received this case at Taichung High Administrative Court. Okay. Because she was an appointed judge, she also prepared the procedure, and then entered into a substantive investigation. What happened later and why? Because of a job transfer, she arrived at the Supreme Administrative Court.
So, at the least, what are the people to do? There’s an opportunity to apply for recusal, right?
What are the possibilities in the Tai Ji Men case? None. Why?
Because are our Supreme Court and Supreme Administrative Court in session? It’s tried entirely on written secrets!
So that makes it look like a ghost hitting a wall. What can we expect when it’s the same group of people? It goes around and comes around.
Taiwan Criminal Law Association for Financial Study
President Chen Tze-lung Interview-7: TC=06:06-06:15
Relief procedures must involve completely different judges. Now you are here straddling two trial levels. How is that fair? Tell me, how does that make the law fair?
OS4: TC=06:17-06:28
Apart from the judge’s violation of the recusal principle and serious infringement of Tai Chi Men’s litigation rights, what’s even more outrageous is that the National Taxation Bureau was also suspected of concealing evidence during the administrative court trial.
Tai Ji Men voluntary lawyer
Chiang JuiChin Interview-8: TC=06:29-06:58
He sent a letter, then invited the dizi he had picked out, and then asked, “What is the nature of the gift in reverence for a teacher?
There are 206 recovered copies, all said to be gifts, all said to be gifts.
What was surprising, though, was that the National Taxation Bureau of Taipei determined that only nine were gifts, and the National Taxation Bureau of the Central Area determined that only five were gifts.
Later, when the Control Yuan conducted an investigation into this matter, the National Taxation Bureau of Taipei actually said, “No. It’s all tuition fees, and there is consideration for all of it.
Women: TC=05:58
(A roaring sound)
Interview-9: TC=07:00-07:03
It’s all a gift! A gift in nature. What’s behind this is too.
Then National Taxation Bureau of Taipei
Director-general Joanne Ling
Then Ministry of Finance
Political Deputy Minister of Finance Chang Sheng-ford
Then Ministry of Finance Taxation Administration
Lee Ching-hua Deputy Director-general OS5: TC=07:04-07:21
The National Taxation Bureau was immediately slapped in the face for its lies. On 17 June 2010, at a public hearing at the Legislative Yuan, a Tai Ji Men dizi produced as evidence the entire letter inventory showing that the gift in reverence for a teacher was indeed a gift, rendering the Ministry of Finance and National Taxation Bureau lost for words.
17 June, 2010. Public hearing at the Legislative Yuan.
Legislator Kang Shih-Ju
Then National Taxation Bureau of the Central Area
Deputy Director-general Hsiao Shuh-Tsuen
Then Ministry of Finance
Political Deputy Minister of Finance Chang Sheng-ford Interview-10: TC=07:22-07:44
Now that everyone is here, the information is provided to you (the Ministry of Finance); it is everything that is on the ground. Now you clearly know that this is already wrong. What you said before seemed a little doubtful. You still have to go on ignorantly being wrong. This is not good.
I invite the Ministry of Finance to reach a conclusion on this matter within two months.
17 June, 2010. Public hearing at the Legislative Yuan.
Political Deputy Minister of Finance Chang Sheng-ford Interview-11: TC=07:45-07:53
If the National Taxation Bureau of the Central Area signs and signatures go as far as the Ministry of Finance, because the National Taxation Bureau of the Central Area makes the entire bureau shoulder responsibility, that’s no good. So sign, OK?
17 June, 2010. Public hearing at the Legislative Yuan.
Deputy Director-general Hsiao Shuh-Tsuen, National Taxation Bureau of the Central Area Interview-12: TC=07:54-08:13
Right. We will... in accordance with the Political Deputy Minister’s remarks of just now, we will sign the National Taxation Bureau of the Central Area’s ideas, inviting the Ministry of Finance.
It is retracted words, so this is a “retraction,” right? Okay. So we will sign from the National Taxation Bureau of the Central Area into the ministry.
OS6: TC=08:14-09:03
One month after the public hearing, the Ministry of Finance sent letters to many legislators, indicating that it had already demanded that the National Taxation Bureau of the Central Area revoke its enforcement in accordance with Article 40 of the Tax Collection Act.
The Hsinchu branch of the National Taxation Bureau of the Central Area, at the time of writing four days later, demanded termination of the action in accordance with the provision at Clause 3, Article 9 of the Administrative Execution Act.
I thought that the settlement of the Tai Ji Men tax case finally revealed the light, but I did not expect that it would be delayed for more than 10 years until July 23 this year (2020). The Taipei High Administrative Court twice issued a letter to the National Taxation Bureau of the Central Area demanding that the 1992 tax bill, the only one that had not been corrected to zero, be processed in a manner consistent with that of those for the other years. Although the demand was as black and white as that, the National Taxation Bureau and the Administrative Enforcement Agency still ignored it.
Host-3: TC=09:04-09:25
Why do the National Taxation Bureau and the Administrative Enforcement Agency prefer to ignore the opinions of the court and the protests of the people and insist on not stopping the execution of such a tax bill about which there is obvious major doubt?
Many tax experts and scholars reasonably suspect that what is behind this is probably inseparable from the existing tax bonus system.
(2000) Director-general Joanne Ling of the National Taxation Bureau of Taipei went to National Chengchi University to recruit students as eyeliner. Interview-13: TC=09:26-09:41
(Singing lyrics: You are my eyes. You are my eyes. You are my eyes.
Everyone is my eyes. Why? Everyone go and look for me. Is anyone evading tax?
There is bonus money! The highest is NT$4,800,000.
Former legislator
Lawyer, Huang Wen-ling Interview-14: TC=09:42-09:54
Why has this devilish tax bill been kept open all this time and never been revoked?
Well, the most important reason is that ... it must... include the fact that, as we say, tax officials have what is known as this tax bonus.
Former member of the Control Yuan
Chien Lin Whei Jun Interview-15: TC=09:55-10:10
In 2011, I said to the Minister of Finance, “Now this should mean that the case can be settled.”
He didn’t treat it as any of his business! Anyway, I took the bonus, and in the deduction of tax, yours was deducted.
Interview-16: TC=10:11-10:39
On 15 March 2019, they (the Administrative Enforcement Agency) announced reward recommendation lists, and the reward recommendation lists concerned this case, the Tai Ji Men case.
On 5 March 2020, with 2019 having just passed and it now being 2020....every year the division of monies has to be discussed. A year later, it still hadn’t been forgotten, so, in future, performance will still require one half; a half for each person.
Interview-17: TC=10:40-10:45
The procedure for the real estate auction for today’s volunteer, Hong Shihe, has already ended in accordance with the law.
OS7: TC=10:50-11:17
The Tai Ji Men case has been listed as a major national human rights protection case by the Control Yuan, but, ironically, on the eve of the official establishment of the National Human Rights Commission of the Control Yuan (2020) on August 1, Tai Ji Men was still located at the predesignated Tai Ji Men branch in the Miaoli mountain area and still subject to forced auctions, and after the second inconclusive auction on August 21 (2020), it was taken straight into state ownership, and the National Taxation Bureau and the Administrative Enforcement Agency were able to receive huge performance bonuses.
peoples: TC=11:20-11:22
Persist to the end. Persist to the end.
OS8: TC=11:23-11:58
The Tai Ji Men tax case has entangled and persecuted the people for 25 years. Now that the government is holding high the banner of human rights, and urging transformational justice and judicial reform, is it really courageous enough to end this false and unjust case that has outlasted four presidents who could not end it, and to restore justice and righteousness to Tai Ji Men shifu and dizi.
Or, will this preposterous farce, replete with officials breaking the law and covering each other’s backs, become a stain on the history of human rights in Taiwan, a big joke that will laugh at the international community?
peoples: TC=12:00-12:02
Revoke officials to the end.
Host-4: TC=12:03-12:40
The fact that Tai Ji Men was persecuted, after its land was nationalized, has been proven true.
There is no way for the people to remedy an unjust case. This is a serious injustice and a violation of human rights. Although the Tai Ji Men case originated with the old government and the legacy of the old system, if the current government cannot find enough courage and conscience to solve the mistakes made by the former officials, they have undoubtedly become accomplices, and more people will continue to suffer in the future.
What other truths are there that you need to know? We will continue to uncover them for you.
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Bachelor's degree - SOAS, University of London
Years of experience: 20. Registered at Jun 2010. Became a member: Jun 2010.
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