Working languages:
English to Chinese

Marvin Sun
English->Chinese (Simplified)

Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Local time: 12:35 CST (GMT+8)

Native in: Chinese 
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Full-time Freelance Translator
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Subtitling, Transcription
Specializes in:
Law: Contract(s)Law (general)
MarketingFinance (general)
Business/Commerce (general)Advertising / Public Relations
Computers (general)Cosmetics, Beauty
EconomicsEducation / Pedagogy
KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 69, Questions answered: 65, Questions asked: 26
Payment methods accepted Wire transfer, MasterCard, PayPal
Experience Years of experience: 20. Registered at Jul 2010. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Indesign, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Pagemaker, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Professional practices Marvin Sun endorses's Professional Guidelines (v1.1).
• English to Simplified/Mandarin Chinese Translator;
• Holder of Chinese Lawyer Qualification (PRC bar);
• 13 years translation experience;
• Translation word count exceeded millions;
• Translation fields: law, marketing and finance;
• CAT Tools: SDL Trados 2009;Adobe Indesign CS5

Marvin Sun was born and raised in China. Around 13 years ago, he graduated from Tianjin University of Finance and Economics as a Business Administration bachelor. In 2005, he found attracted by English aesthetics and the gratification of playing between two different languages, i.e. English and Chinese, which heralded his entry into translation Industry.

Marvin is an aggressive translator in enriching his translation skills. Having cultivated in translation industry for almost 13 years (worked as a full-time translator in three companies), he still focuses on a very few fields such as law and finance & economics, because he believes that good translation derives from professionalism.

In 2009, Marvin sat for the Chinese Judicial Exam and got his bar certificate, which thereafter bestows broader professional legal knowledge on him and offers him more potential opportunities to have face-to-face contacts with legal practice. He spent most of his time on translating contracts, statutes and court documents.

Marvin Sun now lives in Shanghai, China, works as a freelance translator and serves in translating legal, financial and marketing documents from English to Simplified Chinese; in addition, he can also translate contracts and statutes from Chinese to English.


Laws and regulations;
Court judgments and opinions;
Investment materials;
Marketing text;
Financial (general) documents;

• SDL Trados
• Adobe Indesign


You’re welcomed to reach me through (please go to the Contact tab and click “Contact via email” or “Contact via instant message” ), or you can directly send me an email by clicking: Send Marvin an Email .

Thank you!



A. Tenant shall not be permitted to, and shall not, open for business in the Premises until the “Opening Requirements” set forth below are met. In order that Landlord shall have assurance that the Premises shall be in a good and safe condition, in compliance with all laws, that adequate insurance has been obtained, that the Premises has been constructed in accordance with the Final Working Drawings and that Tenant's obligations under the Lease have been performed, the following requirements (the “Opening Requirements”) shall be satisfied:

1. At least five (5) days prior to the opening of the Premises for business, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord (a) insurance certificates; (b) mechanics' or construction lien waivers as the case may be, as required by the Lease including this Exhibit B; (c) a permanent certificate of occupancy or its equivalent; (d) certificate by Tenant's Architect certifying that the construction of the Premises has been completed in accordance with all plans and specifications approved by Landlord; and (e) all evidence typically required in the jurisdiction where the Shopping Center is located to provide evidence of compliance with all applicable building and fire codes and all other government requirements.

2. Tenant shall give Landlord at least five (5) days' notice of the date of completion of Tenant’s Work in the Premises, and Landlord shall have inspected the Premises to determine whether Tenant's Work is complete in accordance with the requirements of the Lease and Landlord shall have approved all such work;

3. Tenant shall pay Landlord all Minimum Annual Rental and Additional Rent which has then accrued under the Lease.

No approval by Landlord shall make Landlord responsible for the condition of the Premises or constitute a representation by Landlord of compliance with any applicable requirements or constitute a waiver of any rights and remedies that Landlord may have under this Lease or at law or in equity. If Tenant shall open the Premises in violation of the requirements of this Article VIII, such action by Tenant shall constitute a material default under this Lease. On the date Tenant opens for business in the Premises, Tenant shall be deemed to have accepted the Premises and agrees that it is in the condition, with respect to any of Landlord's obligations, which is required under this Lease. The Opening Requirements shall apply not only to Tenant’s initial construction, but to any subsequent opening after any temporary closure, casualty, damage or permitted alterations.
出租方所做出的批准,不得视为其对营业场所的状态负责,也不构成出租方关于营业场所符合任何适用规定的声明,亦不构成出租方对其依据本出租协议、普通法或衡平法所可能享有的任何权利和救济的放弃。如果承租方在营业场所的开业行为违反了本协议第8条的要求,则构成该方对本出租协议的重大违约。自承租方在营业场所开业之日起,视为承租方已接收营业场所,并且承认营业场所已达到出租方有义务使之达到的出租协议所规定的状态。 开业要求不但适用于承租方初始建造后的开业行为,也适用于暂时歇业后、事故发生后、损坏后或批准改动后的后续开业行为。
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 69
(All PRO level)

Language (PRO)
English to Chinese69
Top general fields (PRO)
Top specific fields (PRO)
Law (general)35
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion10
IT (Information Technology)8
Engineering (general)4
Law: Contract(s)4
Medical (general)4

See all points earned >
Keywords: Legal translation, legal document, law translation, English to Chinese, mandarin, mandarin Chinese, simplified Chinese, People’s Republic of China, contract, contracts. See more.Legal translation, legal document, law translation, English to Chinese, mandarin, mandarin Chinese, simplified Chinese, People’s Republic of China, contract, contracts, agreement, agreements, law, laws, regulations, civil, judgment, rules, translation, court, lease, interpret, interpretation, Chinese, English, US, China, British, Ireland, verdict, rulings, rules, statutes, bylaws, article of association, article of memorandum, certificate, corporate law, criminal law, penal code, civil matters, proceedings, arbitration, arbitrator, arbiter, court opinions, market, marketing, general, jurisdiction, court orders, appeal, pursuer, defendant, plaintiff, party, settlement, wind up, spin-offs, IPO, compliance, hearing, appear, terminate, expiry, vacate, lawsuit, action, litigation, attorney, counsel, lawyer, law firm, instance, judge, award, file, orders, fund, finance, finding, securities, option, future, security, list, listing, financial derivatives, advertisement, advertising, instrument, offering, underwriting, equity, shareholders, PPM, private placement, company, incorporation, legal person, merger, acquisition, merger and acquisition, law practice, code, default, subject matter, appellant, appellee, QFII, EFT, LOF, QDII, swap, SPV, SIV, QIB, interest, ROI, cash flow, profit, jurisdiction, 翻译, 译员, 中文, 简体中文, 普通话, 大陆, 中华人民共和国, 中国, 法律翻译, 中译英, 英译中, 英译简体中文, 普通话翻译, 中英法律翻译, 英中法律翻译, 法律, 法规, 规则, 规定, 章程, 规章, 合同翻译, 协议翻译, 私募, 律师, 代理人, 代理, 招股说明书, 私募备忘录, 运营协议, 认购, 租赁, 转让, 股权, 股东, 受让, 授权委托书, 合并, 并购, 分立, 首发, 法庭, 笔录, 庭审, 起诉, 上诉, 诉讼, 仲裁, 和解, 调解, 判决书, 判决, 裁决, 仲裁协议, 仲裁员, 交易所, 裁定, 口供, 证供, 弃权书, 声明, 保证, 担保, 抵押, 按揭, 地役权, 所有权, 物权, 占有, 所有, 交付, 先诉抗辩, 法官, 司法解释, 司法, 法域, 解释, 效力, 条件, 融资, 上市, 合规, 公司法, 法务, 律师, 财经, 金融, 市场, 营销, 证券, 衍生品, 基金, 发行, 投资者, 合格境内投资者, 期权, 期货, 债券, 承销, 报销, 回购, 赎回, 存托凭证, 权证, 认股权证, 机构投资者, 平仓, 做空, 头寸, 合约, 利率, 股指, 多头, 金融, 互换, 金融翻译, 广告, 营销. See less.

Profile last updated
Aug 13, 2018

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