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Croatian to English: Periodization of Croatian Children's Literature (Publishers' and Readership's Position) General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Printing & Publishing
Source text - Croatian Promjena državnog okvira nakon prvog svjetskog rata unosi značajne promjene uvjeta poslovanja u nakladništvu ali i, što je mnogo značajnije, promjenu kulturnih vrijednosti unutar kojih ono djeluje. Rasprava o tome problemu zahtijeva uvođenje puno šireg konteksta koji se ne podudara s ciljevima ovog rada. No, ono što možemo sa sigurnošću tvrditi jest da onaj dio te rasprave koji se odnosi na dječju književnost zapravo nikada nije bio temeljito obrađen, pa njegova obrada svakako predstavlja jedan od najprečih zadataka povijesti hrvatske dječje književnosti.
Dvadesete godine u hrvatsku dječju književnost uvode i radikalno novi odnos nakladnika i publike, što će onda imati i svoje reperkusije na književnu poetiku. Usto, poetika je morala odgovoriti i na pojavu novih medija s kojima književnost dijeli isto interesno područje.
Naime, s jedne je strane, uvođenje novih tiskarskih tehnologija omogućilo vrlo jeftinu proizvodnju tiskovina a, s druge strane, silno širenje alternativne prodajne mreže preko trafika otvorilo je posve novi vid distribucije, između ostalog, i knjiga. Umjesto nagradnih knjiga (kada je posrednik institucija, obično škola) ili slobodnog knjižarskog tržišta pojavljuju se trafike. One su gotovo na svakom uglu. Nude potrepštine koje primoravaju kupca da ih i više puta dnevno posjeti (imaju monopol na prodaju duhanskih proizvoda) i pri tome kupčevim očima stalno izlažu i druge raznovrsne artikle. Bilo je samo pitanje vremena kad će se netko dosjetiti iskoristiti ove alternativne distributivne mogućnosti kako bi ponudio književne proizvode namijenjene dječjoj publici.
Translation - English When Croatian lands became part of a different country after the First World War, this brought about significant changes in the way publishing functioned, and more significantly, the change of cultural values within which it operated. The discussion on this problem would require covering a much wider context, one which would go beyond the subject matter of this work. But, what can be claimed with certainty is that the part of such a discussion pertaining to children’s literature has never actually been thoroughly examined, so this represents one of the most important tasks of the history of children’s literature.
In the 1920s a radical new relationship between the publishers and the readership was established, an event which will have its repercussions on literary poetics. Also, the poetics had to answer the emergence of new media that targeted the same audience as literature.
On the one hand, introducing new printing technologies enabled very cheap publishing and on the other hand, the substantial expansion of an alternative sales network through newspaper stands opened a completely new form of distribution of, among other things, books. Instead of reward books (when the mediator was an institution, usually a school) or the free literary market, newspapers stands, appearing almost at every corner, started taking their place. They sold items which are sometimes purchased more than once a day (they had a monopoly on tobacco products), and thus exposed the buyer to a variety of products. It was merely a matter of time when someone would think of using these alternative possibilities of distribution to offer literary titles for children.
English to Croatian: G.A. Cohen - If You're an Egalitarian, How Come You're So Rich? General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Source text - English I have explained why the disintegration of the proletariat induces persons of Marxist formation to turn to normative political philosophy, and how the loss of confidence in a future unlimited abundance reinforces their tendency to take that turn. In my own case, the turn has produced a sustained engagement with the work of three leading American political philosophers: Robert Nozick, Ronald Dworkin, and John Rawls, to name them in the temporal order in which they have occupied my attention. The work of Rawls is now at the center of my research, and this lecture and the next are largely given over to an extended critique of Rawls.
Before beginning to mount this critique, I should like to contrast how certain matters that are relevant to it appeared to me once with how they appear to me now. Having been raised in a family devoted to the Canadian Communist Party, I was, in my teens, a pretty orthodox Marxist; I had enthusiastically embraced the theory that was offered to me. From the perspective of that theory, as I then understood it, I was contemptuous of various then current and now still familiar apologies for, or defenses of, economic inequality. Some of those defenses of economic inequality can be called normative, and the others can be called factual. The normative defenses endorse inequality. They represent it as just. The factual ones, by contrast, do not deny (or affirm) that inequality is unjust. They say that inequality, whether it be just, unjust, or neither, is unavoidable.
Translation - Croatian Pojasnio sam zašto dezintegracija proletarijata navodi one marksistički orijentirane da se okrenu normativnoj filozofiji politike i kako gubitak povjerenja u mogućnost ostvarenja neograničenog obilja ubrzava taj okret. U mom slučaju, taj zaokret rezultirao je proučavanjem rada trojice vodećih američkih filozofa politike, i to u sljedećem redoslijedu: Robert Nozick, Ronald Dworkin i John Rawles. Ovaj posljednji trenutno je u središtu mog istraživanja te će se sljedeća dva poglavlja baviti proširenom kritikom njegova rada.
Ali prije toga, moram pojasniti kakvi su nekada bili moji stavovi koji su važni za ocjenu njegova rada, i kakvi su ti stavovi sada. Odrastao sam u obitelji odanoj kanadskoj komunističkoj partiji i zbog toga sam u svojim tinejdžerskim godinama bio prilično konzervativan marksist; nadahnuto sam prihvatio teoriju koja mi je ponuđena. S perspektive te teorije, kako sam je onda shvaćao, prezirao sam sve izlike za ekonomsku nejednakost ili za obranu iste. Neke od tih izlika mogu se nazvati normativnima, a neke činjeničnima. One normativne odobravaju nejednakost i prikazuju je kao pravednu. Činjenične izlike, s druge strane, ne negiraju (ili potvrđuju) nepravednost nejednakosti, već samo kažu da je ona neizbježna.
Translation education
Master's degree - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
Years of experience: 14. Registered at Oct 2010.