Member since Nov '20 Working languages:
English to German German (monolingual)
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Rate vendor Manage list Katrin Hoelscher Pharmacist/MPharm, medical translations Grasberg, Niedersachsen, Germany
Local time : 03:52 CET (GMT+1)
Native in : German
Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Translation, Editing/proofreading, MT post-editing, Subtitling Specializes in: Medical: Pharmaceuticals Medical (general) Medical: Oncology
Also works in: Medical: Cardiology Medical: Instruments Sports / Fitness / Recreation Computers: Software Media / Multimedia Nutrition General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-) Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng Genetics Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
PRO-level points: 32 , Questions answered: 12 , Questions asked: 3 Wire transfer, PayPal, Payoneer Other - AKAD University, Stuttgart Registered at Oct 2010. Became a member: Nov 2020. N/A English to German (AKAD University, verified) N/A Adobe Acrobat, Amara, Crowdin, Lokalise, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, PhraseApp, Plunet BusinessManager, Smartling, Subtitle Edit, Wordbee, Wordfast, XTM
CV available upon request
Training sessions attended Katrin Hoelscher endorses's Professional Guidelines .
Pharmacist (MSc), Translations English > German Scientific qualifications As a MSc in Pharmaceutical Science (German equivalent)(1996) I am an expert in the following fields:
pharmaceutics: SmPC, PILs, Labelling (regulatory) medical: clinical trials (ICFs, protocols, synopses, patient materials, plain language summaries) medical devices: IVDs (IFUs), imaging devices (IFUs, software manuals) biology: cellular biology, microbiology, biochemistry chemistry My scientific background enables me to translate your projects in a precise and scientifically accurate manner - get in touch and find out!
Linguistic qualifications Certificate course in translation techniques, including verification of C2 proficiency qualification (English) (2011).
Work experience Recent projects: Clinical Trials (ICFs, Synopses, Protocols, PLS), Pharmaceutical (SmPCs, PILs), IFUs (IVDs, imaging devices), Patient Materials, Localization of web app (Healthcare and Life-Sciences), Quality Assessment for new translators
Training courses & seminars (excerpt) Pharmakon at Home (focus mRNA vaccines) Proofreading concepts MTPE training Terminology for Medicine & Healthcare, levels 1 - 4 (Webinar) Pain management (rheumatism, joint disease, osteoporosis) Infectious diseases Gathering of information, handling of sources and pharmaceutical data Screening methods for examining body conditions and bodily fluids and their interpretation Veterinary medicinal products Target group marketing generation 50+ 15. NZW - Oncological pharmacist convention Medical devices (application of liquid feeding products, enteral and parenteral)
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided. Total pts earned: 32 (All PRO level) Top languages (PRO) English to German 24 German to English 8 Top general fields (PRO) Medical 20 Tech/Engineering 8 Art/Literary 4 Top specific fields (PRO) Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng 8 Medical: Pharmaceuticals 8 Medical: Instruments 8 Idioms / Maxims / Sayings 4 Medical: Health Care 4 See all points earned >
Keywords: Medizin, Pharmazie, Biologie, Biochemie, Chemie, Molekularbiologie, Übersetzung, medical, pharmaceutical, biology. See more . Medizin, Pharmazie, Biologie, Biochemie, Chemie, Molekularbiologie, Übersetzung, medical, pharmaceutical, biology, biochemistry, chemistry, molecular biology, translation, Pharmazeut, pharmacist, drugs, Arzneistoffe, Beipackzettel, genetics, Genetik, Antibiotika, antibiotics, Covid-19, virus, antiviral, infective, infection, Infektion, disease, Krankheit, therapy, Therapie, cardiology, Cardiologie, Kardiologie, treatment, Behandlung, cure, study, Studie, placebo, double-blind, doppelblind, English, englisch, German, deutsch, website, Webseite, toxicology, toxikologie, trial, proof-reading, cell, cells, Zelle, Zellen, pathology, Pathologie, subtitling, Untertitel, genetic engineering, Gentechnik, clinical trial, cancer, Krebs, TV, show, SDH, CC. See less . Profile last updated Aug 17