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English to Indonesian: Measuring Advertising Message Effectiveness General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Marketing
Source text - English In their studies of thousands of TV commercials that have been aired in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere, Millward Brown, a global advertising research company, has determined that “watchable” commercials—those which involve the viewer and are enjoyable to watch—are much more likely than ordinary commercials to be remembered and are substantially more likely to drive sales.1But what makes one commercial more watchable than another? Based on Millward Brown’s research, here are some of the characteristics that distinguish watchable from less-watchable commercials:
Humor. Humor in advertising, when done effectively, is a key determinant of commercial watchability. Humor increases viewer involvement and enjoyment.
Music. Music is featured prominently in slightlyover 50 percent of commercials that are classified as watchable; comparatively, ordinary commercials emphasize music only about 20 percent of the time.
Voice-Overs. Watchable ads rarely include continuous voice-overs (only about 10 percent of the time), whereas ordinary ads often use this technique (about 50 percent of the time). Watchable ads tend to use voice-overs only at the end of commercials.
Pace. Watchable ads are more likely to be fastpaced compared to ordinary ads.
Celebrities. Watchable ads use celebrities considerably more often than ordinary ads. Celebrities are excellent attention-getters and can be chosen to attract a specific age group, people who share a particular passion, and so on.
Cute Things. Commercials that include children or animals—babies sleeping, playing, learning to walk; puppies romping, nipping, and napping—tend to be more watchable, primarily because these “cute things” increase viewing enjoyment if not necessarily involvement.
For TV commercials to be successful, it is critical that the viewer’s attention be captured and maintained. Many commercials initiate involuntary attention by using loud sounds or flashing lights, but these do not necessarily increase viewer involvement or enjoyment.
Moreover, other commercials may be enjoyable to view, but may not be particularly involving or link the message well with the advertised brand. The concept of watchability is relatively new in advertising. Its point of emphasis is that an effective, impactful commercial must be involving and enjoyable.
This then takes us to the subject of the present chapter: Advertising research is needed to test commercials both before they are printed or aired (pretesting research) and after they appear in magazines and newspapers or on television and radio (posttesting research). Advertisers cannot assume that creative executions will be effective; rather, they must test ads for effectiveness. Watchability is just one of various indicators of advertising effectiveness.
Translation - Indonesian Dalam ribuan studi mereka tentang iklan TV yang telah ditayangkan di Amerika Serikat, Eropa, dan di tempat lain, Millward Brown, sebuah perusahaan riset periklanan global, telah menetapkan bahwa iklan yang “layak untuk ditonton" - yang melibatkan penonton dan menyenangkan untuk ditonton - jauh lebih mungkin dibandingkan iklan biasa untuk diingat dan secara substansial lebih mungkin untuk mendorong penjualan.1 Tapi apa yang membuat satu iklan lebih layak ditonton daripada yang lain? Berdasarkan penelitian Millward Brown, berikut adalah beberapa karakteristik yang membedakan iklan yang layak ditonton daripada yang kurang ditonton:
Humor. Humor dalam iklan, bila dilakukan secara efektif, merupakan penentu utama layak ditontonnya sebuah iklan. Humor meningkatkan keterlibatan penonton dan kesenangan.
Musik. Musik ditonjolkan dalam sedikit di atas 50 persen dari iklan yang diklasifikasikan sebagai layak ditonton,secara komparatif, iklan biasa hanya menekankan musik sekitar 20 persen dari waktu.
Pengisi suara. Iklan layak ditonton jarang mencakup pengisian suara yang berkelanjutan (hanya sekitar 10 persen dari waktu), sedangkan iklan biasa sering menggunakan teknik ini (sekitar 50 persen dari waktu). Iklan layak ditonton cenderung menggunakan pengisian suara hanya pada akhir iklan.
Kecepatan. Iklan yang layak ditonton cenderung lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan iklan biasa
Selebriti. Iklan layak ditonton menggunakan selebritis jauh lebih sering daripada iklan biasa. Selebriti adalah peraih perhatian yang sangat baik dan dapat dipilih untuk menarik kelompok usia tertentu, orang-orang yang berbagi minat khusus, dan sebagainya.
Hal imut. Iklan yang mencakup anak-anak atau hewan - bayi tidur, bermain, belajar berjalan, anak anjing gembira-ria, menggigit, dan tidur siang - cenderung lebih layak ditonton, terutama karena " imut " meningkatkan kenikmatan tampilan atau paling tidak ada keterlibatannya.
Bagi iklan TV untuk menjadi sukses, sangat penting menangkap perhatian pemirsa dan menjaganya. Banyak iklan memulai atensi yang disengaja dengan menggunakan suara keras atau lampu berkedip, tetapi ini tidak selalu meningkatkan keterlibatan atau menyenangkan penonton. Selain itu, iklan lain mungkin akan menyenangkan untuk dilihat, namun mungkin tidak khususnya yang berkaitan atau memberikan hubungan pesan baik dengan merek yang diiklankan. Konsep kemampuan layak untuk ditonton relatif baru dalam iklan. Sudut penekanannya adalah bahwa iklan yang efektif dan berdampak harus melibatkan dan menyenangkan.
Hal ini kemudian membawa kita ke subjek bab ini: Penelitian Periklanan diperlukan untuk menguji iklan sebelum dicetak atau ditayangkan (penelitian pra pengujian) dan setelah mereka muncul di majalah dan koran atau di televisi dan radio (penelitian pasca pengujian). Pengiklan tidak dapat mengasumsikan bahwa eksekusi kreatif akan efektif, tapi mereka harus menguji efektivitas iklan. Kemampuan untuk layak ditonton hanyalah salah satu dari berbagai indikator efektivitas periklanan.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Universitas Padjadjaran
Years of experience: 13. Registered at Dec 2010.
Indonesian to English (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia (Association of Indonesian Translators), verified) English to Indonesian (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia (Association of Indonesian Translators), verified)
As a simultaneous or consecutive Indonesian-English Interpreter, my main job is to support Ambassador Sung Kim. Before my recent responsibility, I had the honor of being the interpreter for three U.S. Ambassadors: Joseph Donovan(2016-2020), Robert Blake (2013-2016), and Scot Marciel (2011-2013) in promoting Strategic Partnership between the U.S. Government and Indonesian Government.
I am a certified HPI (Association of Indonesian Translators) for general English into Indonesian translation. I am also an AICI (Association of Indonesian Conference Interpreters) member.
I am always ready without preparation as I interpret as things come at me. I keep updated on various projects and current events that allow me to bridge conversations on the spot during meetings. I am always willing to show up at the last minute, no matter the circumstances.
To build understanding and increase people-to-people ties, I assist in various events, ranging from illegal fishing, business and investments, climate change, education, cultural exchange, and government to government cooperation, security, and defense.
I have the experience and expertise in simultaneous interpreting in an interpreting booth, remote simultaneous interpreting, over-the-phone interpreting, and consecutive interpreting on stage.
Through interpreting and translating, I bridge literal understanding between English and Bahasa Indonesian speakers and promote goodwill and greater contextual understanding of many cultural nuances in my work. I serve as a vessel for channeling ideas and a strong and positive voice in the broader community.
Succeeding in my job requires flexibility and good humor. I am always motivated to perform, exceeding the standard expectations. I quickly adapt to the challenging, stressful situation when the job has to be right every time. I always commit to performing various tasks outside my formal position description and take extra time.
I have records of interpreting high-level meetings and events. I have been providing my service in translating and interpreting for high-rank officials, ministers, governors, mayors, parliament members, chief of justice, business people, environmentalists, religious leaders, and community leaders.
The following are the names of the people for whom I have interpreted:
1. President Jokowi
2. Vice President Ma'aruf Amien
3. Secretary of Defence Jim Mattis
4. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross
5. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Lan Chao
6. Senator John McCain
Keywords: native speaker, Microsoft Word. freelancer, translator, proofreader, interpreter, PayPal, Western Union, Consecutive Interpretation, Simultaneous Interpretation, Law. See more.native speaker, Microsoft Word. freelancer, translator, proofreader, interpreter, PayPal, Western Union, Consecutive Interpretation, Simultaneous Interpretation, Law, Economy, Psychology, Finance, Microsoft Excel, book, textbook, novel, Embassy, Diplomacy, intrepreting, translator, Bahasa Indonesia, Indonesian, English, Hospitality, Tourism, Wordfast, Word, Office, interpreter, simultaneous, consecutive, IT, Technology, movies, film, TV, Bahasa Inggris, Trados, mining, medical, web, localization, penerjemah, juru bahasa, translating. See less.