Working languages:
English to Italian French to Italian Portuguese to Italian
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Rate vendor Manage list serena vigo 15 years medical and legal experience Local time : 00:37 CET (GMT+1)
Native in : Italian
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What serena vigo is working on Freelance translator and/or interpreter This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber .
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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Software localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, Training, Native speaker conversation Specializes in: Medical (general) Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright Law: Contract(s) Law (general) Psychology Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Also works in: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama Marketing Linguistics Petroleum Eng/Sci
Bachelor's degree - University of Trieste, Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori. Years of experience: 15. Registered at Feb 2006. N/A N/A N/A memoQ, MemSource Cloud English (PDF) Meet new translation company clients Meet new end/direct clients Screen new clients (risk management) Network with other language professionals Get help with terminology and resources Learn more about translation / improve my skills Get help on technical issues / improve my technical skills Buy or learn new work-related software
Having worked as the primary translator and interpreter for a US military base in Italy for ten years, I have specialized in the following fields:
- Legal (Contracts, Laws, decrees, appeal briefs, judgments, powers of attorney, notarial deeds, police reports, certificates, etc.)
- Medical (oncology, cardiology, orthopaedics, medical reports, insurance medicine, medical records)
- Science, Chemistry, Engineering (Water quality, machinery instructions, aviation)
- Human resources (job descriptions, disciplinary, employment policies and contracts, conditions of employment, etc.)
- Correspondence (Memos, emails, official letters between Italian and US authorities)
- Speeches (inauguration, farewell, achievements, awards)
- Media articles
I have also been a freelance interpreter since 2006. Fields of specialization: EU projects and policies, medicine, law, literature, music.
Keywords: medicine, physics, international relations, art, literature, history, economics
Profile last updated Feb 1, 2021