Spanish to English: Patio de Vecinos General field: Other Detailed field: Anthropology | |
Source text - Spanish Un Corral de Vecinos está conformado por un gran edificio rectangular, construido en torno a un patio, en cuyo centro se levanta la fuente, el cobertizo del lavadero y una fila de retretes públicos. Las puertas de las viviendas, todas modestos pisos de dos habitaciones, tres a lo sumo, se abren a una galería sostenida por pilares de madera que recorre todo el contorno del patio.
En los corrales solían vivir grupos dedicados a los mismos oficios: albañiles, herreros, carpinteros, tejedores, blanqueadores, lavanderas, planchadoras, costureras, criadas, zapateros. Muchos de los cuales tenían su banco de trabajo en el propio corral y vivían de la clientela del mismo.
| Translation - English A neighbours’ courtyard is made up of a large rectangular building around a courtyard or patio, with a fountain in its middle; there are also a laundry shed and several public WCs. The dwellings’ doors, all of them humble places with two or no more than three rooms, open onto a gallery supported by wooden columns around the whole courtyard.
People who used to live in these places often belonged to groups working in the same jobs: masons, blacksmiths, carpenters, weavers, whitewash painters, washerwomen, women who did the ironing, seamstresses, servants, shoemakers. Many of them had their working bench right in the same courtyard and lived on the customers of it.