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Spanish to English: country profiles and vaccinations General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - Spanish VACCINES:
- Required
o Yellow Fever
- Recommended
o Diphtheria. In correctly vaccinated individuals, a booster is required at age 40, and again at age 65.
o Polio: Booster.
o Hepatitis A: Transmission by water and /or food.
o Typhoid: Transmission by water and food. Recommended for all travellers.
o Hepatitis B: Worldwide distribution. Incorporated in vaccine calendar after 1980.
o Rabies: For trips longer than 2 months and in rural areas.
o Meningococcal meningitis.
Translation - English VACCINES:
- Required
o Yellow Fever
- Recommended
o Diphtheria. In correctly vaccinated individuals, a booster is required at age 40, and again at age 65.
o Polio: Booster.
o Hepatitis A: Transmission by water and /or food.
o Typhoid: Transmission by water and food. Recommended for all travellers.
o Hepatitis B: Worldwide distribution. Incorporated in vaccine calendar after 1980.
o Rabies: For trips longer than 2 months and in rural areas.
Meningococcal meningitis.
Catalan to English: knee surgery procedures General field: Medical
Source text - Catalan L’artràlgia és un esdeveniment advers comú i esperat en pacients amb intervenció del genoll i es va observar a totes dues branques de tractament. Segons la informació disponible en l’informe de l’EMA, les dades del programa d’ús compassiu així com altres resultats publicats suggeririen que és possible reduir la hipertròfia del cartílag relacionada amb XXXXXXXX® si s’utilitzen membranes de col·lagen ja que aquestes disminuirien la morbiditat associada a l’obtenció del penjall del periosti. La inflamació del genoll és conseqüència de l’artrotomia i no es pot evitar. Tanmateix, és lleu i transitòria. Les anàlisis dels casos individuals indiquen que l’estat basal de la lesió i una major activitat física podrien estar relacionades amb el vessament articular. Els casos registrats en l’estudi no van ser greus i segons els revisors de l’EMA no representen un problema important. Es desconeix el perquè es van registrar amb major freqüència després del mes 18 de la intervenció.
Translation - English Arthralgia is a common and expected adverse occurrence in patients with intervention to the knee and can be observed in both branches of treatment. According to information available in the EMA report, the data from the compassionate use program as well as other findings published would suggest that it is possible to reduce the cartilage hypertrophy related to XXXXX® if collagen membranes are used since this would reduce the morbidity associated with the obtaining of periosteal flaps. The inflammation of the knee is a consequence of arthrotomy and cannot be avoided. Even so, it is mild and transitory. The analysis of individual cases indicates that the basal state of the injury and greater physical activity could be related to the articular spill. In the cases registered in the study, none were serious and according to the EMA reviewers they did not represent a serious issue. It remains unknown why a greater frequency was registered 18 months after the intervention.
Translation education
PhD - Univ. of Illinois-Urbana
Years of experience: 24. Registered at Jun 2011.
I am an American who has lived many years in Spain and Latin America. I have a Ph.D. in Spanish from the University of Illinois. My research interests have been in literature and medicine. I am certified as a medical interpreter (NBCMI) since 2016 and in Illinois courts since 2022. I specialize in psychological evaluations for immigration cases (U visas, T visas, asylum, and VAWA). I train interpreters at Knox College and through Americans Against Language Barriers.
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