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Swedish to English: Published annual report General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Investment / Securities
Source text - Swedish IP-Only är en svensk infrastuktursoperatör som bygger, driver och äger fiberinfrastruktur i Norden och lägger därmed grunden för det digitala samhället. Företaget investerar i Sverige, driver ett rikstäckande fibernät, ett växande antal stadsnät och bygger kontinuerligt ut ny fiberinfrastruktur. Alla IP-Onlys nät är öppna och neutrala. Företaget har flera datacenter och erbjuder bland annat molnbaserad serverkapacitet. Högsta tillförlitlighet och kvalitet är grunden för hela IP-Onlys arbete. Läs gärna mer på
Efterfrågan på högre bandbredd ökar och det sker en förskjutning till fiberbaserad accessteknik från tidigare lägre bandbredder och DSL-baserad accessteknik. Regeringens bredbandsmål, att 95 procent av alla hushåll och företag ska ha tillgång till bredbandskapacitet om minst 100 Mbit/s senast år 2020, är en starkt bidragande faktor till denna utveckling.
IP-Only's verksamhet drivs från 2018 operativt i två huvudområden; Enterprise och City Networks.
Genom att IP-Only driver ett öppet och neutralt nät är vi övertygade om att vi kan erbjuda våra kunder konkurrenskraftiga lösningar och pris/prestanda. Det skapas genom det egna nätet samt samarbete med alla nätägare från andra operatörer till stadsnät.
Translation - English IP-Only is a Swedish infrastructure operator who build, operate, and own fibre infrastructure in Nordic countries, whereby we are laying the foundation for the digital society. The company invest in Sweden, operating a nationwide fibre network, a growing number of urban networks, and continually building new fibre infrastructure. All IP-Only networks are open and neutral. The company has several data centers from which we also offer cloud-based server capacity. The highest reliability and quality is the foundation for all of IP-Only’s activities. Feel free to find out more at
Demand for more bandwidth is growing, and access technology is shifting towards becoming fibre-based, from previously having less bandwidth and DSL access technology. The Swedish government target for broadband – for 95% of all households and businesses to have access to at least 100Mbit/s capacity by 2020 – is a strong contributing factor to the demand.
As of 2018, IP-Only operations are conducted in two main operative units: Enterprise and City Networks.
We are convinced that operating an open and neutral network allows IP-Only to offer customers competitive solutions, prices, and performance. We do this using our own proprietary network and partnering with all network owners – from other providers to city networks.
Now it's been over 20 years as business and factual (copy) writer, editor and translator (Swe to Eng only).
I've worked on a wide range of texts websites, annual reports, marketing releases in many fields, and documentation in the banking, IT, technical, and engineering fields, including many procurement tenders, and technical IT documentation.
After earning a B.A and J.D. to practice law several years in the U.S., I moved to Sweden with my family. Now I write for a living!
I make complicated concepts easy to read so my customers can speak to the world in English. This has involved projects large and small - working directly with senior corporate managers or as part of a team. You can check out my recent work at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, Svenskt Näringsliv.
Words are the easy part, making them easy to read is the important part. That's what I do for my many Swedish customers who are already more or less proficient communicators in English.
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