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Portuguese to English: Lease amendment General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Pelo presente instrumento, as “Partes”:
[EMPRESA LOCATÁRIA], pessoa jurídica de direito privado, com endereço na Avenida [...], XXX, [XXº] andar, Pinheiros, São Paulo/SP, CEP 05.425-070, inscrita no CNPJ/MF sob o nº. [XXXXXXX], representada na forma de seu contrato social, doravante denominada “LOCATÁRIA”;
[EMPRESA LOCADORA], pessoa jurídica de direito privado, com sede na Avenida [...], XXX, Parque Jubran, Barueri/SP, CEP 06460-040, inscrita no CNPJ/MF sob o nº. [XXXXXXX], representada na forma de seu contrato social, doravante denominada “LOCADORA”;
Considerando que:
(i) As Partes firmaram, em [XX] de abril de 20XX, o Contrato de Locação Não-Residencial e Outras Avenças (“CONTRATO”), tendo como objeto a locação do “Galpão X” de 2.400 m2 (dois mil e quatrocentos metros quadrados) de área dentro da Avenida [...], XXX, Parque Jubran, Barueri/SP (“área locada”);
(ii) As Partes ajustam em incluir na área locada o “Galpão Y”, com metragem de 2.400 m2 (dois mil e quatrocentos metros quadrados), dentre outras avenças.
(iii) As partes ratificam que a entrega do Galpão Y se dará nas condições descritas em laudo de vistoria próprio, o qual segue anexo a este instrumento como Anexo I; e
Resolvem as Partes, de mútuo e comum acordo, celebrar o presente Primeiro Aditivo (“1º Aditivo”) ao CONTRATO, que será regido pelas cláusulas e condições dispostas a seguir.
1.1. As Partes ajustam em incluir na área locada a área correspondente ao Galpão Y.
1.2. Em razão da modificação tratada nesta cláusula, o CONTRATO sofrerá as seguintes modificações:
I – Alteração do “caput” da Cláusula Primeira:
Constitui objeto da presente locação do Galpão X (“Galpão X”) e do Galpão Y (“Galpão Y”) cada um com de 2.400 m2 (dois mil e quatrocentos metros quadrados) de área, perfazendo 4.800 m2 (quatro mil e oitocentos metros quadrados) de área locável, dentro na Avenida [...], XXX, Parque Jubran, Barueri/SP, doravante denominadas “área locada” ou “imóvel”, imóvel este de propriedade da LOCADORA acima qualificada.
O Galpão Y disporá de 16 (dezesseis) vagas para carros e 5 (cinco) vagas para caminhões de carga e descarga ou carretas nas docas cobertas.
II – Inclusão do item “e.2” na Cláusula Segunda:
e.2) A LOCADORA se compromete a realizar as seguintes adaptações no Galpão Y: (i) instalar uma segunda escada de emergência no lado oposto a entrada do mezanino, de acordo com a legislação aplicável, especialmente a Instrução Técnica nº 11 do Corpo de Bombeiros do Estado de São Paulo; (ii) remover da entrada do Galpão Y o portão destinado a entrada de carros, deixando a entrada livre.
e.2.1) Fica desde já estabelecido que a LOCATÁRIA estará isenta da obrigação de retirar a referida escada do imóvel de que trata o subitem (i), do item e.2) acima, quando do término da locação por qualquer motivo.”
III - Alteração do “caput” da Cláusula Quarta:
O preço mensal da locação do imóvel descrito na cláusula primeira deste instrumento é de R$ XXXXX,XX (... reais), considerando o custo de R$ XX,XX (... reais) por metro quadrado locado. Fica desde já acertado entre as Partes o estabelecimento do período de carência de 45 (quarenta e cinco) dias contados da data de início de vigência do presente instrumento, exclusivamente para o Galpão Y, de modo que o aluguel devido pela LOCATÁRIA à LOCADORA durante este período será apenas R$ XXXX,XX (... reais) mensais.
IV – Alteração do “caput” da Cláusula Quinta:
Em que pese o contrato estar vigente desde maio de 20XX, as Partes decidem prorrogar o seu prazo de vigência por mais 05 (cinco) anos, contados da assinatura do presente 1º Aditivo, para os galpões X e Y.
V – Alteração da alínea “c” do item “ii” da Cláusula Sexta:
(c) Imotivadamente e a qualquer tempo, pela LOCATÁRIA, mediante comunicado escrito à LOCADORA de sua intenção, com antecedência mínima de 90 (noventa) dias.
c.1) No caso de rescisão antecipada do Galpão X, não será devido pela LOCATÁRIA qualquer tipo de multa compensatória.
c.2) No caso de rescisão antecipada do Galpão Y haverá multa compensatória, calculada proporcionalmente conforme dispõe a Lei nº 8.245/91, de (i) 2 (dois) meses de aluguel, caso a rescisão ocorra nos primeiros 24 (vinte e quatro) meses de vigência da locação; (ii) 1 (um) mês de aluguel, caso a rescisão ocorra durante o 3º (terceiro) ano de vigência da locação; e (iii) sem a incidência de multa compensatória caso a rescisão ocorra após o 3º (terceiro) ano de vigência da locação.
2.1. Em decorrência da alteração do endereço da LOCATÁRIA, as Partes ajustam em alterar a sua qualificação no preâmbulo do CONTRATO para:
[EMPRESA LOCATÁRIA], pessoa jurídica de direito privado, com sede na Av. [...], XXX – [XX] andar, São Paulo, SP - CEP 05502-001, inscrita no CNPJ/MF sob o nº. [XXXXXXXXX], representada na forma de seu contrato social, doravante denominada “LOCATÁRIA”.
3.1. As alterações trazidas por este instrumento vigorarão a partir da data de sua assinatura.
4.1. Todos os termos e condições estabelecidos no CONTRATO e não expressamente alterados por este 1º Aditivo permanecem inalterados, sendo, nesta oportunidade, expressamente ratificados pelas Partes.
E por estarem assim justas e contratadas, as Partes assinam o presente instrumento em 02 (duas) vias de igual teor e forma, em conjunto com as testemunhas abaixo.
São Paulo, ___ de ______________ de 20XX.
Hereby the “Parties”:
[LESSEE], a privately-owned legal entity, domiciled at Avenida […], XXX, [XX] floor, Pinheiros, São Paulo, SP, ZIP 05.425-070, registered with the CNPJ/MF under number [XXXXXXX], herein represented in accordance with its bylaws, hereinafter referred to as “LESSEE”;
[LESSOR], a privately-owned legal entity, with headquarters at Avenida […], XXX, Parque Jubran, Barueri/SP, ZIP 06460-040, registered with the CNPJ/MF under number [XXXXXXX] herein represented in accordance with its bylaws, hereinafter referred to as “LESSOR”;
(i) On April XX, 20XX, the Parties entered into the Non-Residential Lease Agreement and Other Covenants ("AGREEMENT"), relating to the lease of "Warehouse X" with 2400 sqm (two thousand and four hundred square meters) of internal area, located on Avenida […], XXX, Parque Jubran, Barueri/SP ("leased area");
(ii) The Parties agree to add "Warehouse Y", with 2400 sqm (two thousand and four hundred square meters) to the leased area, among other covenants.
(iii) The parties confirm that the delivery of Warehouse Y will be done according to the conditions described in the inspection report, which is attached hereto as Exhibit I.
Now, therefore, the Parties agree by mutual consent to enter into this First Amendment ("1st Amendment") to the AGREEMENT, which shall be governed by the terms and conditions set forth below.
1.1. The Parties agree to add Warehouse Y to the leased area.
1.2. Due to the change discussed in this section, the AGREEMENT shall be modified as follows:
I – Change in the opening paragraph of Section One:
The purpose of this agreement is to lease Warehouse X ("Warehouse X") and Warehouse Y ("Warehouse Y") each with 2400 sqm (two thousand and four hundred square meters), totaling 4,800 sqm (four thousand eight hundred square meters) of gross leasable area, on Avenida […], XXX, Parque Jubran, Barueri/SP, hereinafter referred to as "leased area" or "property", which is owned by the LESSOR duly identified above.
Warehouse Y will have 16 (sixteen) parking spaces for cars and 5 (five) spaces for loading and unloading trucks at the covered docks.
II – Inclusion of item "e.2" in Section Two:
e.2) The LESSOR undertakes to carry out the following alterations to Warehouse Y: (i) to build a second emergency staircase on the opposite side to the mezzanine entrance, in accordance with the applicable legislation, especially Instruction No. 11 of the Fire Department of the State of São Paulo; (ii) to remove the car access gate from the entrance to Warehouse Y, so as to grant free access.
e.2.1) It is hereby established that LESSEE shall be exempt from the obligation to remove the staircase referred to in item e.2) sub-item (i) above, upon termination of this agreement, regardless of the reason.”
III – Change in the opening paragraph of Section Four:
The monthly rental fee for the property described in section one of this agreement is R$XXXXX.XX (… reais), based on a cost of R$XX.XX (… reais) per leased square meter. The Parties hereby agree to a grace period of forty five (45) days as of the date this instrument comes into force exclusively for the rent of Warehouse Y, so that the rent due by LESSEE to LESSOR during this period will be only R$XXXXX.XX (… reais) per month.
IV – Change in the opening paragraph of Section Five:
In spite of this agreement being in force since May 20XX, the Parties hereby agree to extend its term for another five (5) years for Warehouses X and Y, commencing on the date of execution of this 1st Amendment.
V- Change on item "ii", paragraph "c" of Section Six:
(c) Without cause and at any time, by LESSEE, prior written notice is sent to LESSOR at least ninety (90) days in advance.
c.1) In the case of early termination for Warehouse X, LESSEE shall not pay any penalty whatsoever.
c.2) In case of early termination for Warehouse Y, LESSEE shall be liable to pay a compensatory penalty, proportionately calculated as established by Law 8245/91, equal to (i) two (2) monthly rents, if termination occurs within the first twenty four (24) months of the lease term; (ii) one (1) monthly rent, if termination occurs during the third (3rd) year of the lease term; and (iii) no penalty will be due if termination occurs after the third (3rd) year of the lease term.
2.1. As a result of the change in LESSEE's address, the parties agree to change the information in the preamble of the AGREEMENT as follows:
[LESSEE], a privately-owned legal entity, domiciled at Avenida […], XXX – [XX] floor, São Paulo, SP-CEP 05502-001, registered with the CNPJ/MF under number [XXXXXXX], herein represented in accordance with its bylaws, hereinafter referred to as “LESSEE”;
3.1. The changes contained herein shall become effective as of the date of execution of this instrument.
4.1. All terms and conditions set forth in the AGREEMENT that were not expressly modified by this 1st Amendment shall remain unchanged and are hereby expressly ratified by the Parties.
In witness whereof, the Parties have executed this Amendment in two (2) counterparts, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.
São Paulo, _________ _____, 20XX.
Spanish to English: Contrato de subarrendamiento General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Conste por el presente documento que se extiende por duplicado, el Contrato de Subarrendamiento que celebran de una parte:
[ARRENDADOR], con R.U.C. N° XXXXXXX, domiciliada en Calle […], Nº XXX, Of. XX, San Isidro, Lima 27, Perú, debidamente representada por su Gerente General, […], Sucursal Peruana, la cual, a su vez, es representada por el Sr. […], con C.E. No. XXXXXX, según poderes inscritos en la Partida Electrónica Nº XXXXXXX del Registro de Personas Jurídicas de Lima, a quien en adelante se le denominará “EL ARRENDADOR”, y de la otra parte:
[ARRENDATARIO], identificada con RUC N° XXXXXXX, con domicilio en Av. […] No. XXX, Piso XX, debidamente representada por el señor […], identificado con Carné de Extranjería No. XXXXXXX, según poderes inscritos en la Partida Electrónica, N° XXXXXX del Registro de Personas Jurídicas de Lima; a la que en adelante se le denominará “EL ARRENDATARIO”, de acuerdo a los términos y condiciones en las cláusulas siguientes:
1.1. Con fecha _____________ EL ARRENDADOR celebró un contrato de arrendamiento con la empresa […] S.A. respecto de los siguientes inmuebles del Edificio […] en la Calle […] No. XXX (en adelante, “LOS INMUEBLES”):
Inmueble Área Partida No. De Registro de Propiedades de Lima
De acuerdo con dicho contrato, la entrega de LOS INMUEBLES y el periodo de arrendamiento de los mismos se iniciará el día 1 de Setiembre de 20XX.
1.2. A la fecha LOS INMUEBLES se encuentran ocupados por EL ARRENDATARIO según contrato celebrado con la empresa […] S.A., el cual concluirá el 31 de agosto de 20XX. Sin perjuicio de ello, en la medida que EL ARRENDATARIO desea continuar utilizando LOS INMUEBLES con posterioridad a dicha fecha, ha solicitado al ARRENDADOR, que le subarriende los mismos por un plazo de dos meses. Como consecuencia de ello, las partes han decidido suscribir el presente contrato.
2.1. Por el presente contrato, EL ARRENDADOR da LOS INMUEBLES en subarriendo a EL ARRENDATARIO por el periodo indicado en la Cláusula Tercera y de acuerdo a las condiciones establecidas en este acuerdo.
3.1 El plazo de duración del subarrendamiento será de dos meses que comenzará a contarse a partir del 1 de Setiembre de 20XX y terminará el 31 de Octubre de 20XX. Las partes dejan constancia que dicho plazo no podrá ser prorrogado.
4.1. La renta mensual pactada de común acuerdo por las partes es la siguiente (en adelante, la “Renta”):
a) US$ XX más IGV por metro cuadrado de la Oficina XXX, con lo cual la renta mensual por dicha oficina asciende a la suma de US$ XXXXXX.XX más IGV.
b) US$ XXX más IGV por cada cochera arrendada.
En base a lo anterior, la Renta ascenderá a XXXXX.XX más IGV, suma que será cancelada por EL ARRENDATARIO dentro de los primeros tres días hábiles de cada mes, siempre que haya recibido la correspondiente factura por dicha suma emitida por EL ARRENDADOR.
4.2. La Renta será depositada en la cuenta bancaria que indiquen EL ARRENDADOR.
5.1. Se incluye como Anexo 1 del presente contrato el inventario de las instalaciones existentes en LOS INMUEBLES (eléctricas, de agua y desagüe u otros), así como el detalle sobre la condición en que se encuentran las mismas. Dichas instalaciones y su estado de conservación se verificará al momento de la entrega de LOS INMUEBLES, para lo cual, las partes elaborarán la correspondiente acta.
5.2. EL ARRENDATARIO se compromete a cuidar y mantener diligentemente LOS INMUEBLES en las mismas condiciones en que los recibe y a devolverlo sin más deterioro que el ocasionado por su uso normal y diligente. EL ARRENDATARIO tiene la obligación de no alterar, dañar o modificar la estructura o integridad de LOS INMUEBLES o del edificio donde se encuentran los mismos.
5.3. Los desperfectos ocasionados por vicios ocultos, fallas en la construcción, obsolescencia u otras causas no vinculadas al uso de LOS INMUEBLES por parte del ARRENDATARIO, deberán ser comunicados inmediatamente por EL ARRENDATARIO al ARRENDADOR, el cual informará a la empresa […] S.A. para que proceda con su reparación.
5.4. LOS INMUEBLES serán destinados única y exclusivamente pare el uso de oficinas comerciales, por lo que, en ningún caso, se destinarán a vivienda o para actividades industriales. El uso del bien para un destino diferente al indicado, otorgará al ARRENDADOR la posibilidad de resolver este contrato al amparo de lo dispuesto en el artículo 1430 del Código Civil.
5.5. EL ARRENDATARIO se encuentra obligado a cumplir con el Reglamento Interno del Edificio en el cual se encuentran LOS INMUEBLES.
6.1. Las partes declaran que LOS INMUEBLES son de propiedad de […] S.A. y que dicha empresa ha arrendado los mismos al ARRENDADOR en virtud del contrato descrito en el punto 1.1. Al respecto, se deja constancia que mediante carta de fecha _________________, […] S.A. ha autorizado la celebración del presente contrato de subarrendamiento. Dicha carta se adjunta al presente contrato como anexo 2.
7.1. Será de cuenta de EL ARRENDATARIO los pagos mensuales por consumo de energía eléctrica, gas, agua, teléfono, cable, Internet, así como el pago de los arbitrios municipales, limpieza pública, serenazgo, mantenimiento de edificio donde se encuentran LOS INMUEBLES, y en general cualquier servicio, tributo o pago vinculado con LOS INMUEBLES, con excepción del pago del Impuesto al Patrimonio Predial y todo otro impuesto, carga, tributo o gravamen, creado o por crearse, que grave directamente la propiedad del Inmueble, el cual será asumido por […] S.A..
8.1 EL ARRENDATARIO desocupará LOS INMUEBLES arrendados a más tardar a las 5 pm. del día 31 de octubre de 20XX, debiendo las partes suscribir en dicha fecha la correspondiente acta de devolución de los mismos.
8.2 Al momento de la devolución de LOS INMUEBLES, los mismos deberán encontrarse totalmente desocupados, libres de bienes muebles (con excepción de los indicados en el punto 8.3 de este acuerdo) y con las instalaciones de electricidad, agua y desagua operativas. Asimismo, el ARRENDADOR deberá haber pintado la oficina XXX en forma previa a la devolución de la misma.
8.3 Sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en el punto precedente, las partes acuerdan que al momento de la devolución de los INMUEBLES, EL ARRENDATARIO donará a EL ARRENDADOR los bienes indicados en la lista que se adjunta como Anexo 3. Para tal efecto, EL ARRENDATARIO deberá emitir el comprobante de pago correspondiente para la transferencia de dichos bienes.
8.4. Toda mejora que EL ARRENDATARIO introduzca en LOS INMUEBLES quedará en beneficio del bien arrendado, sin obligación de EL ARRENDADOR de realizar reembolso alguno por este concepto
8.5. En caso EL ARRENDATARIO no cumpla con devolver LOS INMUEBLES en la fecha de término del presente contrato (establecida en la cláusula tercera), o en caso de resolución del mismo al amparo de alguna de las cláusulas del presente documento, EL ARRENDATARIO pagará al ARRENDADOR una penalidad equivalente a dos meses de Renta.
9.1. La falta de pago de la Renta por más de 30 días dará otorgará al ARRENDADOR el derecho de resolver el presente contrato al amparo de lo dispuesto en el artículo 1430 del Código Civil. Para tal efecto, el contrato se entenderá resuelto al momento en que EL ARRENDATARIO reciba la correspondiente comunicación del ARRENDADOR aplicando lo dispuesto en la presente cláusula.
10.1 Para garantizar el fiel cumplimiento de todas y cada una de las cláusulas de este contrato, así como la obligación de devolver LOS INMUEBLES y sus instalaciones sin más deterioro de los que resulten de su buen uso, EL ARRENDATARIO entregará a EL ARRENDADOR al momento de la firma del presente contrato una suma equivalente a dos meses de Renta.
10.2 Dicho importe no devengará intereses ni podrá ser aplicado al pago de alquileres devengados y será devuelto a EL ARRENDATARIO al finalizar el presente contrato en la misma moneda, previa comprobación del estado de los INMUEBLES y que los pagos correspondientes a EL ARRENDATARIO establecidos en la cláusula sétima, hubiesen sido efectuados en su totalidad.
10.3 EL ARRENDADOR declara su conformidad en la recepción de la garantía antes referida.
11.1 El ARRENDATARIO, por su cuenta y costo, se obliga a contratar una póliza de seguros de responsabilidad civil por los daños que pudiera ocasionar a terceros como parte del uso u ocupación de LOS INMUEBLES.
11.2 EL ARRENDATARIO deberá incluir al ARRENDADOR como asegurado adicional en la póliza de seguros indicada en forma previa, y asimismo deberá incluir la renuncia de la aseguradora a los derechos de subrogación contra el ARRENDADOR.
11.3 EL ARRENDATARIO deberá entregar al ARRENDADOR una copia del certificado evidenciando dicha póliza de seguros, y cualquier cambio en la misma deberá ser notificado al ARRENDADOR con quince días de anticipación.
12.1. Las partes contratantes fijan como su domicilio los que figuran en la introducción del presente contrato. Dichos domicilios se considerarán válidos mientras su variación no sea comunicada notarialmente a la otra parte contratante, no pudiendo ser fijado por ningún motivo fuera del radio urbano de la ciudad de Lima.
12.2. Cualquier conflicto que surja entre las partes de este contrato con relación a la ejecución del mismo o los derechos u obligaciones derivados de aquél, o cualquier asunto resultante o relacionado con este acuerdo, y que no pueda ser resuelto de manera amigable, será resuelto mediante un arbitraje de derecho, mediante un solo árbitro, y de conformidad con el Reglamento Arbitral del Centro de Arbitraje de la Cámara de Comercio de Lima, a cuyas disposiciones las partes se someten íntegramente.
En señal de conformidad con la totalidad de las cláusulas del presente contrato, ambas partes suscriben este documento por duplicado, a los (---) días del mes de agosto de 20XX.
Translation - English SUBLEASE AGREEMENT
This sublease agreement is entered into by and between:
LESSOR, with Tax ID (R.U.C.) No. XXXXXX, headquartered at Calle […] XXX, Off. XX, San Isidro, Lima 27, Peru, duly represented by its General Manager, […], Peruvian Branch, which, in turn, is represented by […], bearer of ID No. XXXXX, per the power of attorney registered in Electronic file No. XXXXXXX of the Registry of Legal Entities in Lima, hereinafter referred to as “LESSOR", and:
LESSEE, with Tax ID (RUC) No. XXXXXX, located at Av […] XXX, Xth Floor, duly represented by Mr. […], bearer of Alien ID No. XXXXXXX, per the power of attorney registered in Electronic file No. XXXXXXX of the Registry of Legal Entities in Lima, hereinafter referred to as “LESSEE”, according to the terms and conditions set out below:
1.1. On [date] _____________ LESSOR entered into a lease agreement with the company […] SA with respect to the following properties in the […] Building located at […] XXX (hereinafter the "PREMISES"):
Property Area Registration # -Property Registry of Lima
Per the aforementioned agreement, the delivery of the PREMISES and commencement date of the lease will be September 1, 20XX.
1.2. To date, the PREMISES are occupied by LESSEE per the agreement signed with the company […] SA, which will end on August 31, 20XX. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent that LESSEE wants to continue using the PREMISES after that date, he has requested to sublet from LESSOR said PREMISES for a period of two months. As a result, the parties have decided to enter into this agreement.
2.1. LESSOR hereby gives the PREMISES to LESSEE who sublets from LESSOR for the period indicated in Section Three below and in accordance with the terms of this agreement.
3.1 The term of the sublease is two months, starting on September 1, 20XX and ending on October 31, 20XX. The parties agree that this period may not be extended.
4.1. The monthly rent mutually agreed by the parties is as follows (hereinafter, the "Rent"):
a) USDXX plus GST per square meter for Office XXX, with a total monthly rent for this office of USDXXXXX.XX plus GST.
b) USDXXX plus GST for each rented parking space.
Based on the foregoing, the total monthly rent will amount to USDXXXXX.XX plus GST, which shall be paid by LESSEE within the first three days of each month, provided it has received the corresponding payment order from LESSOR.
4.3. The Rent will be paid by a deposit in the bank account to be indicated by LESSOR.
5.1. An inventory of existing facilities in the PREMISES (electric, water and drainage or other), and details about their current condition is attached hereto as Exhibit 1. These facilities and their working condition will be verified upon delivery of the PREMISES, at which time the parties will produce the corresponding report.
5.2. LESSEE agrees to take care of and maintain the PREMISES and return them in the same condition that were received except for normal wear and tear. LESSEE undertakes not to make any changes, cause damage or modify the structure or integrity of the PREMISES or the building where they are located.
5.3. Any damage caused by hidden defects, faulty construction, obsolescence or other causes not related to the use of the PREMISES by LESSEE shall be reported immediately by LESSEE to LESSOR, who will inform the company […] SA to proceed with any needed repair.
5.4. The PREMISES will be used exclusively for commercial purposes, and under no circumstance should be given a residential or industrial use. The use of the property for a purpose other than the one described herein will give LESSOR the right to terminate this agreement pursuant to the provisions of Article 1430 of the Civil Code.
5.6. LESSEE is required to comply with the Internal Regulations of the Building where the PREMISES are located.
6.1. The parties declare that the PREMISES are the property of […] SA, who has leased said PREMISES to LESSOR per the agreement described in paragraph 1.1. In this regard, it is hereby noted that by letter dated _________________, […] SA has authorized the execution of this sublease agreement. This letter is attached hereto as Exhibit 2.
7.1. It will be LESSEE’s responsibility to bear the monthly cost for utility services (electricity, gas, water, telephone, cable, Internet) as well as any municipal taxes, security and waste services, and maintenance of the building where the PREMISES are located, and overall, any service, tax or charge linked to the PREMISES, except for the payment of Property Tax and any other tax or charge, currently levied or to be levied directly on the ownership of the PREMISES, which will be borne by […] SA.
8.1 LESSEE will vacate the leased PREMISES no later than by 5pm on October 31, 20XX, on which date the parties shall agree on and sign the corresponding surrender report.
8.2 PREMISES shall be surrendered empty and completely free from furniture and objects (other than those specified in paragraph 8.3 of this Agreement) and with working electricity, water and drainage installations. Also, LESSOR shall have office XXX painted prior to its surrender.
8.3 Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties agree that at the time of surrendering the PREMISES, LESSEE will donate to LESSOR all the items detailed in the list attached hereto as Exhibit 3. To this effect, LESSEE shall issue proof of payment to transfer said items.
8.4. Any improvement to the PREMISES made by LESSEE shall remain for the benefit of LESSOR, who will be under no obligation to refund LESSEE for them.
8.5. If LESSEE fails to return the PREMISES on the date this agreement expires (as established in Section Three) or is terminated pursuant to any provision hereof, LESSEE shall pay to LESSOR one penalty fee equal to two months of rent.
9.1. Default in Rent payment for more than 30 days will give LESSOR the right to terminate this agreement pursuant to the provisions of Article 1430 of the Civil Code. To this end, the agreement shall be deemed to be terminated on the date LESSEE receives notice from LESSOR as stated hereby.
10.1 To ensure due compliance with each and every one of the terms and conditions set forth herein, as well as the obligation to return the PREMISES and its facilities in good condition except for normal wear and tear, LESSEE will give LESSOR the amount equivalent to two months of rent as security deposit, upon execution of this agreement.
10.2 This amount will not accrue interest or shall not be applied toward unpaid rent and will be returned to LESSEE at the end of this agreement in the same currency, prior verification of the condition of the PREMISES and that all payments specified in Section Seven have been duly completed by LESSEE.
10.3 LESSOR agrees and receives the aforementioned security deposit.
11.1 LESSEE, at his own expense, undertakes to obtain a policy of general liability insurance to cover against any damage caused to third parties while using or occupying the PREMISES.
11.2 LESSEE shall include LESSOR as additional beneficiary on the insurance policy mentioned above, and shall also include a waiver of the insurer's right of subrogation against LESSOR.
11.3 LESSEE shall deliver to LESSOR a copy of the certificate of such insurance policy, and any changes in the same shall be notified to LESSOR fifteen days in advance.
12.1. The Parties confirm that their addresses are the ones indicated in the introduction to this agreement. These addresses are considered valid as long as any change thereof is not communicated via notarized notice to the other party, provided the new address is not located for any reason outside of the urban area of the city of Lima.
12.2. Any dispute arising between the parties with respect to the execution of this agreement or the rights or obligations arising therefrom, or any matter arising out of or in relation to this agreement, and that cannot be amicably resolved shall be submitted to legal arbitration by a sole arbitrator and in accordance with the Arbitration Regulations of the Arbitration Center of the Chamber of Commerce of Lima, by which the parties agree to abide.
In witness whereof, both parties execute this agreement in two counterparts on this (---) day of August, 20XX.
English to Spanish: Company profile General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - English Our history
Founded in 1999, Equity International (EI) has been at the vanguard of institutionalizing developing markets, identifying and partnering with leading operating companies, and attracting both equity and debt capital.
Our investment philosophy is founded on the premise and conviction that the most compelling real estate-related opportunities outside of the United States are operating platforms with the potential to achieve scale and realize significant enterprise value beyond the value of the underlying assets.
EI’s history is distinguished by our strategic focus on identifying markets shaped by significant macroeconomic trends such as the emergence of the middle class, capital inefficiencies and other high barriers to entry, and establishing an early and substantial presence in those markets. We are early in a market, if not first, and we plan our exits accordingly.
We were among the first and most active real estate investors in Mexico, having invested in four companies in the country. This portfolio included Homex, Mexico’s leading homebuilder, for which we led a fully registered initial public offering in 2004 (NYSE:HXM); Corporate Properties of the Americas, an industrial property company we created in 2000 and sold to a large U.S. public retirement fund in 2005; Credito Inmobiliario, a finance company we created through a merger in 2003 and sold to a large U.S. finance company in 2005; and Mexico Retail Properties, a retail property company we created in 2003 and sold to our co-founder in 2008.
As an example of replicating our strategy and success in new markets, we identified Brazil as a similar early-stage opportunity given its limited competition, attractive fundamentals and inefficient capital markets. Our investment in leading homebuilder Gafisa in 2005 led to a successful initial public offering on the Brazilian stock exchange in 2006 (Bovespa:GFSA3) and its listing on the New York Stock Exchange in 2007 (NYSE:GFA), the first U.S. listing by a Brazilian homebuilding company. Following our investment in Gafisa, we co-founded BRACOR in 2006, which has become one of Brazil’s leading corporate real estate companies. In 2006, we also invested in BR Malls, now the largest owner and operator of retail properties in Brazil for which we led successful initial and secondary public offerings on the Bovespa in 2007 (Bovespa:BRML3).
We have expanded our Brazil portfolio with investments in logistics, self-storage and specialty finance, all of which capitalize on the explosive growth of Brazil’s middle class and increasing access to consumer credit.
Our entry into China was similarly motivated by macroeconomic and demographic trends, with high rates of urbanization and a growing middle class driving significant demand for housing, particularly in China’s Tier 2 and 3 cities. In 2006, we invested in Xinyuan, a middle income homebuilder, and we played a principal role in the Company’s initial public equity offering on the New York Stock Exchange in 2007 (NYSE:XIN). We have augmented our portfolio in China with additional investments in homebuilding and warehousing/logistics.
Consistent with our disciplined approach, EI identified Colombia as an important country in a strategic region characterized by fundamental demand across a range of property sectors. Long regarded as a regional leader, Colombia is at an early stage of broad-based economic growth and institutionalizing capital markets. EI established a presence Colombia through a 2011 investment in Terranum Corporate Properties, a corporate property company poised to be the industry leader both in Colombia and in the Andean region.
We extended our strategy to the Middle East in 2006 as a co-founder of Orascom Housing Communities, an affordable homebuilder in Egypt, to capitalize on the strong unmet demand for entry-level housing in Egypt and the surrounding region.
We expect continued investment activity in our current as well as new frontier markets where we find inefficiencies and/or distinct competitive advantages, with a continued emphasis on building early and meaningful presence in these markets and chosen industry sectors.
Partner of choice
Equity International (EI) is an institutional investment management company focused on accelerating growth for world-class companies in the most compelling emerging and frontier markets.
We identify the highest-quality local operating partners and invest not only our capital but our operating expertise, ability to create enterprise value and exceptional access to capital.
Through our global reach, unique approach and successful track record, EI is recognized as a leading international investor, operator and partner of choice.
To date, EI has invested in 25 operating platforms in 15 countries across 6 continents.
Investment & operating principles
We create enterprise value in portfolio companies using an active and integrated strategy of:
• Co-investing with outstanding operating and financial partners
• Concentrating on scalable platforms with substantial growth potential
• Proactive involvement in key business decisions
• Establishing corporate governance best practices
• Providing access to growth capital from the private and public markets
We constantly balance adapting to dynamic markets and influencing change.
We adhere to a well-defined strategy and commit to the highest standards.
We continue to build upon a proven record of success, strong brand, global network, experienced team and robust investment pipeline.
EI is based in Chicago. We are an established, fully integrated organization with comprehensive investment, portfolio management, accounting, tax and legal capabilities.
Our people are distinguished by numerous qualities that define our corporate culture and our approach to our work: intrepid, entrepreneurial, bold, dynamic, relentless, innovative, aspiring, intelligent, passionate, challenging, committed, athletic, generous, practical, fearless, thoughtful, enthusiastic, inspiring, unexpected and boundless.
EI’s shareholders include Sam Zell, the EI senior management team and a group of strategic partners. Substantial ownership by senior management distinguishes EI as a true principal organization. Sam Zell founded the privately held Equity Group Investments in 1968 and has established a reputation as an opportunistic investor and operator of a wide range of companies. Strategic partners include The Olayan Group, a privately held multinational organization founded in Saudi Arabia more than 60 years ago with offices in Athens, London, New York, Riyadh and Vienna.
Our focus
Equity International (EI) is a strategic, growth-oriented investor drawing upon years of experience and a global network of relationships and resources. EI is regularly at the vanguard of new markets and industry sectors.
• We employ a partnership approach, co-investing with world-class capital and operating partners in both existing and newly formed companies.
• We look for strong management teams and meaningful growth potential. We effectively blend local expertise with our established financial discipline to generate both growth and liquidity opportunities.
• We focus on geographical regions characterized by strong economic growth, capital market inefficiency and limited competition.
In sum, we identify the most promising business opportunities in dynamic markets which we believe will ultimately achieve optimal scale and liquidity and be most attractive to institutional investors, public markets and strategic buyers.
Our approach
Equity International (EI) is distinguished by identifying high potential operating companies in the most compelling emerging markets and partnering with these companies to accelerate growth and liquidity.
We optimize enterprise value and liquidity for our institutional partners through a disciplined yet adaptive approach:
• Identify the most attractive business opportunities in the most compelling emerging markets
• Establish relationships and co-invest with outstanding local operating partners on a fully aligned basis
• Focus on scalable operating platforms, contributing as a highly active shareholder
• Transform organizations into industry-leading companies, distinguished by a commitment to the highest standards
• Provide exceptional access to private and public growth capital
Our results can best be measured in the strength of our organization, the quality of our partners and our proven ability to create substantial enterprise value in our portfolio companies.
Our focus on durable market trends, consistent investment themes and the application of distinct competitive advantages has resulted in scalable platforms, sustainable growth and significant success.
We are generating multiple growth and liquidity options for our portfolio companies, achieving timely monetization and realizing attractive risk-adjusted returns.
Fundada en 1999, Equity International (E.I.) ha estado a la vanguardia de la institucionalización de los mercados en desarrollo, la identificación y asociación con empresas líderes y la captación de capital de inversión y deuda.
Nuestra filosofía de inversión se basa en la premisa y la convicción de que las oportunidades más atractivas de inversión en el mercado de bienes raíces fuera de los Estados Unidos se encuentran en las plataformas operativas con potencial de crecimiento en escala y de agregar valor a la empresa más allá del valor de los propios activos.
La historia de E.I. se destaca por nuestra estrategia de identificación de mercados caracterizados por importantes tendencias macroeconómicas, tales como el surgimiento de la clase media, la ineficiencia de capital y otras barreras de entrada, y la consolidación de una presencia temprana y sustancial en estos mercados. Entramos a un mercado temprano, sino somos pioneros, y programamos nuestra salida acorde.
Estuvimos entre los primeros inversionistas más activos en el mercado de bienes raíces en México e invertimos en cuatro empresas en el país. Esta cartera incluía Homex, constructora líder en México, para la cual gestamos la oferta pública inicial de acciones en 2004 (NYSE:HXM); Corporate Properties of the Americas, una compañía de propiedades industriales que creamos en el año 2000 y vendimos a un importante fondo de pensiones públicas de EE.UU. en 2005; Crédito Inmobiliario, una compañía financiera que creamos en 2003 a través de una fusión y vendimos a una gran compañía financiera de EE.UU. en 2005; y Mexico Retail Properties, una empresa de propiedades comerciales que creamos en 2003 y vendimos a su cofundador en 2008.
Como réplica de nuestra estrategia y éxito en nuevos mercados, identificamos a Brasil como una oportunidad similar en etapa temprana, dada su limitada competencia, fundamentos atractivos y mercados de capital ineficientes. Nuestra inversión en la constructora líder Gafisa en 2005 llevó a una exitosa oferta pública inicial en la bolsa de valores brasileña en 2006 (Bovespa:GFSA3) y su cotización en la Bolsa de Nueva York en 2007 (NYSE:GFA), convirtiéndola en la primera compañía constructora brasileña listada en la bolsa de EE.UU. Siguiendo nuestra inversión en Gafisa, fuimos cofundadores de BRACOR en 2006, que se ha convertido en una de las principales empresas de propiedades corporativas de Brasil. En 2006, también invertimos en BR Malls, ahora el mayor propietario y operador de centros comerciales en Brasil, y lideramos con éxito su oferta pública inicial y ofertas secundarias en el Bovespa en 2007 (Bovespa:BRML3).
Hemos ampliado nuestra cartera en Brasil, con inversiones en logística, auto-almacenaje y financiación especializada, a fin de sacar provecho del crecimiento explosivo de la clase media brasileña y el aumento del acceso a los créditos para consumo en el país.
Nuestra entrada en China fue igualmente motivada por las tendencias macroeconómicas y demográficas existentes, con altas tasas de urbanización y una creciente clase media que da lugar a una importante demanda de viviendas, particularmente en las ciudades del segundo y tercer nivel de China. En el año 2006, invertimos en Xinyuan, un constructor de viviendas para clase media, y desempeñamos un importante papel en la oferta pública inicial de acciones de la compañía en la Bolsa de Nueva York en 2007 (NYSE:XIN). Hemos aumentado nuestra cartera en China, con inversiones adicionales en las áreas de construcción de viviendas y almacenes/logística.
En línea con nuestro enfoque disciplinado, E.I. identificó a Colombia como un país importante en una región estratégica caracterizada por la gran demanda en varios rubros del sector inmobiliario. Considerada durante mucho tiempo como una líder regional, Colombia se encuentra en una etapa temprana de crecimiento económico en escala y la institucionalización de los mercados de capitales. E.I. ha establecido su presencia en Colombia a través de una inversión en 2011 en Terranum Corporate Properties, una compañía de propiedades corporativas posicionada para ser líder de la industria tanto en Colombia como en la región andina.
Llevamos nuestra estrategia hacia el Medio Oriente en 2006 como cofundadores de Orascom Housing Communities, una constructora de viviendas económicas en Egipto, para aprovechar la fuerte demanda insatisfecha de viviendas económicas en Egipto y la región circundante.
Esperamos continuar invirtiendo tanto en los mercados donde actualmente operamos como en nuevos mercados de frontera donde podamos identificar ineficiencias y/o ventajas competitivas particulares, poniendo constante énfasis en la consolidación de nuestra presencia temprana y significativa en los mercados y sectores industriales elegidos.
Socia de preferencia
Equity International (E.I.) es una compañía de gestión de inversiones institucionales que tiene por objetivo ayudar al rápido crecimiento de las empresas de clase mundial que identifica en los más atractivos mercados emergentes y de frontera.
Identificamos a los mejores socios operativos locales e además de invertir nuestro capital también aportamos nuestra experiencia en operación, capacidad para crear valor de empresa y excepcional acceso al capital.
Como resultado de nuestro alcance global, enfoque único y exitosa trayectoria, E.I. es reconocida como una de las principales inversoras y operadoras internacionales y socia de preferencia.
Hasta la fecha, E.I. ha invertido en 25 plataformas operativas en 15 países y 6 continentes.
Principios operativos y de inversión
Agregamos valor a las empresas de nuestra cartera empleando una estrategia activa e integrada que consiste en:
• Invertir junto a socios operativos y financieros excepcionales
• Concentrarnos en plataformas escalables con potencial de crecimiento
• Participar proactivamente en las decisiones de negocio clave
• Establecer mejores prácticas de gobierno corporativo
• Facilitar el acceso al capital de crecimiento en mercados públicos y privados
Mantenemos una posición equilibrada en cuanto a nuestra adaptación a los mercados dinámicos y la influencia para generar los cambios.
Adherimos a una estrategia bien definida y estamos comprometidos con los más altos estándares corporativos.
Continuamos construyendo sobre un historial de éxito comprobado, una marca fuerte, relaciones globales, un equipo con amplia experiencia y una importante cartera de oportunidades de inversión.
La empresa
E.I. tiene su casa matriz en Chicago. Somos una organización consolidada con una estructura integral para atender inversiones globales, gestión de portfolio, control contable, tributario y legal.
Nuestro equipo se distingue por numerosas cualidades que definen nuestra cultura corporativa y nuestro enfoque de trabajo: intrépido, emprendedor, audaz, dinámico, incansable, innovador, inteligente, ansioso, apasionado, exigente, comprometido, atlético, generoso, práctico, temerario, reflexivo, entusiasta, inspirador, inesperado y sin límites.
Estructura accionaria
Los accionistas de E.I. incluyen a Sam Zell, el equipo de dirección ejecutiva de la empresa y un grupo de socios estratégicos. La dirección ejecutiva posee un porcentaje sustancial de la propiedad de la empresa, lo que distingue a E.I. como una organización de propiedad directiva. Sam Zell fundó la empresa de inversiones privada Equity Group Investments en 1968 y se ha ganado la reputación de inversor oportunista y operador de una amplia gama de empresas. Entre los socios estratégicos se encuentra The Olayan Group, una organización privada multinacional fundada en Arabia Saudita hace más de 60 años y con oficinas en Atenas, Londres, Nueva York, Riyadh y Viena.
Nuestro foco de interés
Equity International (E.I.) es una inversora estratégica, orientada hacia el crecimiento basada en sus años de experiencia y una red de relaciones y recursos globales. E.I. se encuentra a menudo a la vanguardia en nuevos mercados y sectores industriales.
• Abordamos cada inversión como una sociedad e invertimos junto a capitales de nivel mundial y socios operativos en empresas nuevas y existentes.
• Buscamos equipos de gestión fuertes y potencial de crecimiento significativo. Logramos combinar efectivamente el conocimiento local con nuestra disciplina financiera consolidada para generar tanto crecimiento como oportunidades de liquidez.
• Nuestro foco de interés está centrado en las regiones geográficas caracterizadas por un fuerte crecimiento económico, ineficiencia del mercado de capitales y competencia limitada.
En resumen, identificamos las oportunidades de negocio más prometedoras en mercados dinámicos que creemos que en última instancia alcanzarán escala y liquidez óptimas y serán las más atractivas para los inversores institucionales, mercados públicos y compradores estratégicos.
Nuestro enfoque
Equity International (E.I.) se distingue por identificar empresas con alto potencial en los mercados emergentes más atractivos, y por su asociación con estas empresas con el fin de acelerar su crecimiento y liquidez.
Optimizamos el valor de la empresa y la liquidez de nuestros socios institucionales a través de nuestro enfoque disciplinado y adaptable:
• Identificamos las oportunidades de negocio más interesantes en los mercados emergentes más atractivos
• Establecemos relaciones e invertimos junto a destacados socios operativos locales con quienes estamos completamente alineados
• Nos centramos en plataformas operativas escalables y participamos activamente en su crecimiento
• Transformamos empresas en líderes de su industria, las que se distinguen por su compromiso con los más altos estándares corporativos
• Facilitamos el acceso a capitales públicos y privados para fomentar el crecimiento
Nuestros resultados se miden mejor dentro del marco de la solidez de nuestra organización, la calidad de nuestros socios y nuestra comprobada capacidad para agregar valor a las empresas de nuestra cartera.
Nuestra búsqueda y enfoque en tendencias de mercado duraderas y metas consistentes de inversión en combinación con nuestras destacadas ventajas competitivas han hecho posible la creación de plataformas escalables, crecimiento sostenible y un significativo éxito.
Generamos múltiples opciones de crecimiento y liquidez para las empresas de nuestra cartera, logrando la monetización oportuna y atractiva rentabilidad ajustada al riesgo.
Portuguese to English: Investidores estrangeiros no Brasil General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Real Estate
Source text - Portuguese Valor Econômico
29/05/2013 às 00h00
Investidores estrangeiros ampliam apostas no Brasil
Por Luiz De França e Roseli Loturco | Para o Valor, de São Paulo
O interesse do investidor estrangeiro no setor imobiliário brasileiro vem crescendo desde 2001, quando entraram no país US$ 187 milhões com essa finalidade. No ano passado, a injeção de dinheiro externo somou US$ 3,6 bilhões. A grande novidade dos últimos dois anos é que os investidores mais conservadores passaram a engrossar a fileira de interessados. "E isso só aconteceu depois que eles se convenceram do amadurecimento da economia brasileira", diz Marcelo da Costa Santos, vice-presidente para América do Sul da Cushman & Wakefield, empresa que intermedeia a compra, venda e locação de imóveis.
Os investidores de perfil mais conservador estão de olho no rendimento seguro que o setor imobiliário brasileiro pode oferecer. "Eles não querem correr risco que os anteriores tiveram. Muitos já vêm bem informados sabendo exatamente o que querem, as vezes até com o endereço certo da propriedade", diz Santos.
O Brasil é considerado, pelo segundo ano consecutivo, o melhor mercado para investimento em imóveis entre os países emergentes e o segundo a oferecer melhor oportunidade de ganho de capital, atrás somente dos Estados Unidos, de acordo com a Associação de Investidores Estrangeiros em Imóveis (Afire).
"Os investidores mais conservadores que gostam de imóveis escolhem aqueles com contratos de aluguéis mais seguros e os conjuntos comerciais da categoria triplo A. Atendemos muitos fundos estrangeiros, bancos, gestores e family office, que buscam esse tipo de investimento", diz Ana Cecília Manente, especialista em societário e mercado de capitais da Levy & Salomão Advogados.
Os investidores priorizam os prédios comerciais de alto padrão, shopping centers, galpões indústrias e de logística. Segundo o índice de preços globais de imóveis da consultoria internacional Knight Frank, apartamentos e casas usadas no Brasil representaram, em 2012, a maior alta entre os países pesquisados, de 15,2%. Até março deste ano, entretanto, a alta era de 12,2%, menor do que o verificado no mesmo período do ano passado, de 13,7%.
"Embora o Brasil continue a superar a maioria dos mercados imobiliários tradicionais em todo o mundo, a taxa de crescimento dos preços está mais lenta este ano", diz Kate Everett Allen, pesquisadora de residências da Knight Frank. "Mas a manutenção do crescimento econômico positivo do país deve atrair o interesse de investimentos nessa área", afirma.
As portas de entrada do investidor estrangeiro continua sendo as cidades de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, por serem as mais conhecidas e por terem liquidez no tipo de investimento escolhido. "Se o investidor decidir vender o prédio de alto padrão, ele sabe que não vai ter problema nessas duas cidades", diz Santos. Esse quadro, no entanto, começa a mudar. No Nordeste, Recife é apontada como um exemplo de cidade em que a liquidez começa a aumentar e despertar interesse nos condomínios industriais e de logística. "A próxima onda será de escritórios de alto padrão em Recife, que só tem uma torre corporativa desse tipo e a demanda não para de crescer ", diz Santos.
Investidor que anda a procura de novas oportunidades de negócios em outras regiões do país é a Equity International, um fundo de investimento americano que colocou cerca de IS$ 1 bilhão no Brasil, desde 2006, em companhias como as construtoras Gafisa e Tenda, de São Paulo, o Grupo Thá, de Curitiba, a rede de shopping centers BR Malls, do Rio, e a financiadora de imóveis Brazilian Finance & Real Estate (BFRE). "Quando começamos a investir no Brasil, São Paulo era o ponto de partida, e um bom lugar para construirmos uma estratégia de investimento nacional", conta Tom Heneghan, CEO da Equity International. "Acreditamos que ainda há muito a se fazer no Brasil. Tanto que estamos agora em meio a discussões avançadas com uma série de potenciais parceiros", revela Heneghan.
Outro grande investidor que intensificou sua presença no país é o fundo americano Paladin, que já aplicou mais de US$ 2 bilhões, é sócio das incorporadoras You Inc e Viver, em São Paulo, tem 60 projetos em execução pelo país e conta em seu portfólio com mais de 25 mil unidades residenciais entregues, desde imóveis de alto padrão ao popular do programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida.
Depois de investir em prédios de escritórios e no setor hoteleiro, o fundo prepara uma carteira de US$ 800 milhões para explorar a construção de logística. "Devemos começar no próximo ano pelo estado de São Paulo, onde estamos negociando a construção de um condomínio de 200 mil m2 ", diz o CEO Ricardo Raoul.
Especializado na estruturação de investimentos para estes fundos no Brasil, o escritório Levy & Salomão Advogados recebeu seis consultas este ano, já fechou três contratos e mantém um outro em negociação. "O ano começou bom. Os investidores estão interessados em salas comerciais de alto padrão via fundo imobiliário ou por meio de um fundo imobiliário de participação (Fip)", diz Ana Cecília.
Se o interesse externo não para de crescer, é preciso que se constitue um time de corretores preparados para ajudar nessa negociação. É aí que entra o IRM Brasil, um grupo de mil corretores de imóveis formado em janeiro do ano passado. O grupo é administrado pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (IBDES).
Nos últimos 12 meses, a procura por esses corretores cresceu pelo menos 200%. "Todos os dias aparecem interessados em comprar e vender imóvel no Brasil", diz Heitor Kuzer, presidente do IBDES. Os países que mais acessam o site da organização para o primeiro contato são os Estados Unidos, Espanha, Portugal e Reino Unido.
Translation - English Valor Econômico
By Luiz De França and Roseli Loturco
Foreign investors increase their bets in Brazil
Foreign investor interest in Brazilian real estate has been growing since 2001, when US$187 million entered the country for this purpose. Last year, the foreign capital inflows totaled US$3.6 billion. The big news of the past two years is that more conservative investors are now joining the original group. "But it only happened after they were convinced of the maturity of the Brazilian economy," says Marcelo da Costa Santos, vice president for South America with Cushman & Wakefield, a commercial real estate services firm.
More conservative investors are interested in the steady yield that the Brazilian real estate market can offer. "They did not want to take the risks that earlier investors did. Many come to the country well informed and knowing exactly what they want, sometimes they even have the exact address of the property they want," says Santos.
For the second consecutive year, Brazil is considered the best market for real estate investment among emerging countries and the second to offer better opportunity for capital gain, following the United States, according to the Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate (Afire).
"More conservative investors choose properties with secure lease contracts and triple A class commercial complexes. We work with many foreign funds, banks, and family office managers, who seek this kind of investment," says Ana Cecília Manente, a corporate and capital market specialist with law firm Levy & Salomão.
Investors prioritize upscale commercial buildings, shopping centers, industrial warehouses and logistics centers. According to the Knight Frank International global real estate price index, in 2012 pre-owned houses and apartments in Brazil increased 15.2%, the highest among the countries surveyed. As of March this year, however, the increase was 12.2%, down from 13.7% during the same period in 2012.
"While Brazil continues to outperform most traditional real estate markets around the world, prices are increasing at a slower rate this year," said Kate Everett Allen, residential researcher with Knight Frank. "But Brazil’s steady positive economic growth should attract investments in this area," he says.
The entry points for foreign investors continue to be the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, because they are more popular and have more liquidity for the type of investment chosen. "If the investor decides to sell a high end-building, he knows he will not have a problem in these two cities," says Santos. This scenario, however, is starting to change. In the Northeast, Recife is noted as an example of a city where liquidity has increased interest in industrial and logistics parks. "The next wave will be for high end office space in Recife, where there is currently only one corporate tower of the kind while demand continues to grow," says Santos.
One investor looking for new business opportunities in other regions in Brazil is Equity International, an investment firm that has invested about US$1 billion in Brazil since 2006, in companies such as homebuilders Gafisa and Tenda in São Paulo, Grupo Thá in Curitiba, shopping mall operator BR Malls in Rio, and real estate finance company, Brazilian Finance & Real Estate (BFRE). "When we started investing in Brazil, São Paulo was the starting point, and a good place to build a national investment strategy," says Tom Heneghan, CEO of Equity International. "We believe that there is still more to do in Brazil. So we are now in the midst of advanced discussions with a number of potential partners," says Heneghan
Another major investor that increased its presence in Brazil is the American fund Paladin, which has invested over US$2 billion and has partnered with developers You Inc and Viver in São Paulo, has 60 projects underway across the country and has delivered over 25,000 residential units, ranging from high-end properties to low-income housing within the Minha Casa, Minha Vida program.
After investing in office buildings and in the hospitality industry, Paladin is putting together a US$800 million portfolio to explore logistics construction. "We should start next year in the state of São Paulo, where we are negotiating the construction of a 200,000 square meter condominium," says CEO Richard Raoul.
Levy & Salomão Attorneys, a firm that specializes in structuring investments in Brazil for these funds, has been contacted six times this year, has already signed three contracts and has one more under negotiations. "The year started well. Investors are interested in investing in high-end office space through real estate investment funds (Fip)," says Ana Cecilia.
If the external interest continues to grow, a team of brokers will be needed to assist in this negotiation. That's where IRM Brazil, a group of 1,000 realtors formed in January last year, comes into play. The group is managed by the Brazilian Institute of Social and Economic Development (IBDES).
Over the past 12 months, demand for these brokers grew at least 200%. "People interested in buying and selling property in Brazil show up every day," says Hector Kuzer, president of IBDES. Most of those who access the organization's website for initial contact are from the United States, Spain, Portugal and the UK.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - INS Lenguas Vivas, Buenos Aires
Years of experience: 27. Registered at Jul 2013.
Spanish to English (Instituto de Enseñanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas "Juan Ramón Fernández") English to Spanish (Instituto de Enseñanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas "Juan Ramón Fernández")
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, GlobalLink TransStudio, Wordfast, Powerpoint, Wordfast
Language pairs:
English/Portuguese > Spanish
Portuguese/Spanish > English
Diploma in Translation awarded in 1990 by INSP Lenguas Vivas (Buenos Aires)
Curso de Lingua e Cultura do Brasil (6 niveis) – FUNCEB, Buenos Aires
Real estate (commercial leases/abstracts, market reviews, investment packets).
General business documentation (corporate presentations, employee handbooks, travel policies, marketing brochures)
Current and past assignments:
Lease contracts, amendments and abstracts.
Articles of incorporation and purchase agreements
Press releases
Media articles (construction, development, logistics, and international real estate market)
Business letters and presentations
Institutional video (subtitles)
Investment packets, confidentiality agreements
Website content (Equity International, in-house position)
Travel policy, employee manual and other procedures (US Equities, in-house position)
Keywords: spanish, portuguese, contracts, business, real estate