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English to Serbian: WHAT IS WORDPRESS? General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - English So, you ask, what exactly is a blog engine, and what makes WordPress a blog engine? First, a blog simply is a website made up of individual articles or posts, where the posts are listed on the home page with the newest article at the top of the page (in reverse chronological order). A blog engine is the software that runs on a web server, not your machine at home, which makes a blog work.
Most blog engines work by combining scripts and code to display the pages and a database to store the articles and other settings. Blog engines also tend to use templates or themes to style how the web pages look to visitors. Altogether, that's the blog engine, and WordPress does all of that (and a few other tricks as well). This is a complicated way of saying that WordPress is a content management system (or CMS).
Not long ago, CMS-based websites were "the next big thing" online. Many large companies used them for their websites because they could enable people to author content, without having to learn HTML (the coding that makes the Web what it is) or worry that someone would "break" the website accidentally. A CMS with the features, power, and flexibility of WordPress would cost tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars. Now, WordPress is available as free, open-source software that you can download and install in minutes.
WordPress is open source, which means that users can look at the inner workings of WordPress and even modify how things work to their own liking. If your customizations or fixes are good enough or add a new (and needed) feature to WordPress, you can submit your changes to the community for review and inclusion as part of the WordPress core. To maintain order, continuity, and security in WordPress, five core developers are allowed to commit new code into the WordPress core. Even if your code might not be something that can be added to the WordPress core, you can release it as a plugin. A plugin is an extension to WordPress that adds a feature or functionality to WordPress that it doesn't have out-of-the-box—it's like putting a sunroof in your car if your car didn't come with it in the first place.
Translation - Serbian Objasnićemo šta je blog-mašina i šta je to što WordPress čini blog-mašinom. Blog, ili veb-dnevnik, jeste veb-lokacija koja se sastoji od pojedinačnih članaka ili priloga za blog. Prilozi se na početnu stranu lokacije postavljaju tako da se najnoviji tekst nalazi na vrhu (obrnuto od hronološkog redosleda). Blog-mašina je softver koji se izvršava na veb-serveru na kome se nalazi blog, a ne na vašem kućnom računaru.
U većini blog-mašina, makroi i programski kôd pomoću kojih se prikazuju stranice kombinuju se s bazom podataka u koju se snimaju članci i drugi parametri. U blog-mašinama se često koriste i šabloni ili teme za definisanje izgleda veb-stranica. Osim navedenih, postoje i drugi zadaci blog-mašina, a WordPress sve obavlja vrlo uspešno. WordPress je zapravo sistem za upravljanje sadržajem.
Ne tako davno, veb-lokacije zasnovane na CMS sistemima bile su novost. Koristile su ih mnoge velike kompanije zbog mogućnosti da korisnici prave razne vrste sadržaja, čak i ako ne znaju HTML (kodiranje koje čini veb onim što jeste) i ne brinući da će neko slučajno „pokvariti” veb-lokaciju. CMS sa funkcijama, snagom i prilagodljivošću WordPress-a koštao bi na desetine, ako ne i stotine hiljada dolara. Međutim, WordPress je sada dostupan kao besplatan softver otvorenog koda, koji možete preuzeti i instalirati za nekoliko minuta.
WordPress je program otvorenog koda, što znači da se korisnici mogu upoznati s načinom na koji WordPress radi i menjati ga prema svojim potrebama. Ako su vaše izmene ili dopune programskog koda uspešne, ili WordPress-u dodaju novo korisno svojstvo, možete ih proslediti zajednici. One će nakon toga biti pregledane i po potrebi uključene u jezgro WordPress-a. Da bi se održavali red, kontinuitet i bezbednost, u WordPress-u postoji pet članova razvojnog tima WordPress-a koji imaju dozvolu da integrišu nov kôd u programsko jezgro. Čak i ako se utvrdi da se vaša programska izmena ne može dodati jezgru WordPress-a, možete je objaviti kao dodatni programski modul. Dodatni modul je nadogradnja WordPress-a koja mu dodeljuje novu funkciju ili svojstvo – slično kao kada ugradite krovni prozor na automobil koji ga ranije nije imao.
English to Serbian: HTML5 General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - English HTML5 is not a new version of an old markup language—not even an improvement on this already “ancient” technology—but instead a new concept for the construction of websites and applications in the era of mobile devices, cloud computing and networking.
It all started a long time ago with a simple version of HTML proposed to create the basic structure of web pages, organize their content and share information. The language and the Web itself were born primarily with the intention of communicating information through text.
The narrow scope of HTML motivated companies to develop new languages and software to add characteristics to the Web and improve the user’s experience. These initial developments grew into powerful and popular plug-ins. Simple games and animated jokes soon turned into sophisticated applications, providing new possibilities that changed the concept of the Web forever.
While that silent but vigorous competition was taking place, the software to access the Web continued to evolve. Along with new features and faster techniques for Internet access, browsers were also improving their Javascript engines. More power brought more opportunities, and this scripting language was ready to embrace them.
At some point during this process, it became evident to some developers that neither Java nor Flash would be enough to provide the tools they needed to create the applications
demanded by an increasing number of users. These developers started to apply Javascript in their applications in a way that had never been seen before. The innovation and the amazing results attracted the attention of more programmers and soon the “Web 2.0” was born. From that point on, the perception of Javascript in the developers’ community radically changed.
Javascript was clearly the language that allowed developers to innovate and do things that nobody had done before on the Web. Over the last several years, programmers and web designers all over the world came up with incredible hacks to overcome the limitations of this technology and its initial deficiencies in portability. At some point, it became obvious that Javascript was the third element in a perfect combination of languages, a combination necessary for the evolution of the Web.
HTML5 is the development of that combination, the glue that holds everything together. HTML5 proposes standards for every aspect of the Web as well as a clear purpose for each technology involved. Now, HTML provides the structural elements, CSS manages the structure to make it attractive and useful, and Javascript has the power necessary to provide functionality and build full web applications.
Boundaries between websites and applications have finally disappeared. The required technologies are ready. The future of the Web is promising, and the evolution and combination of these three technologies (HTML, CSS and Javascript) into one powerful specification is turning the Internet into the leading platform for development. HTML5 is clearly leading the way.
Translation - Serbian HTML5 nije nova verzija starog jezika za označavanje — čak ni poboljšanje ove „drevne” tehnologije — nego sasvim nov koncept za izradu veb-lokacija i aplikacija u vremenu mobilnih uređaja, računarstva u oblaku i umrežavanja.
Sve je počelo davno, kada je predložena jednostavna verzija HTML-a namenjena izradi osnovne strukture veb-strana, organizovanju njihovog sadržaja i deljenju informacija. Ovaj jezik i veb nastali su i sami prvenstveno zbog razmene tekstualnih informacija.
Ograničena primena HTML-a motivisala je kompanije da razviju nove jezike i softver, kako bi se vebu dodale nove osobine i poboljšalo korišćenje. Ti početni razvojni koraci prerasli su u moćne i popularne programske dodatke. Jednostavne igrice i animirani isečci vrlo brzo su se pretvorili u sofistirane aplikacije, s novim mogućnostima koje su zauvek promenile koncept veba.
I dok se u tišini odvijala nemilosrdna borba za prevlast, softver za pristup vebu nastavio je da se razvija. Uporedo s novim mogućnostima i bržim metodama za pristup internetu, čitači veba su unapređivali i svoje mehanizme za JavaScript. Veća moć donela je povoljne prilike, a ovaj jezik za izradu skriptova bio je potpuno spreman da ih prigrli.
U određenoj fazi razvoja, nekim programerima je postalo jasno da im ni Java ni Flash neće ponuditi alatke potrebne za izradu aplikacija koje traži sve veći broj korisnika. Ti programeri su počeli da primenjuju JavaScript u svojim aplikacijama, i to na potpuno nov način. Nove mogućnosti i izvanredni rezultati privukli su pažnju drugih programera i uskoro se pojavio „Web 2.0”. Od tada se odnos zajednice programera prema JavaScript-u radikalno promenio.
Bilo je jasno da JavaScript programerima omogućava da na veb uvode dotad neviđene inovacije i načine rada. Tokom proteklih nekoliko godina, programeri i veb-dizajneri širom sveta dobijali su neverovatne ideje kako da prevaziđu ograničenja ove tehnologije i njenih početnih nedostataka u pogledu prenosivosti. Postalo je očigledno da je JavaScript treći element u savršenoj kombinaciji jezika neophodnoj za dalji razvoj veba.
HTML5 predstavlja novu fazu razvoja ove kombinacije, lepak koji elemente drži na okupu. HTML5 predlaže standarde za svaki aspekt veba i jasnu namenu svake njegove tehnologije. Danas HTML daje strukturne elemente, CSS omogućava da struktura bude atraktivna i korisna, a JavaScript je zadužen za funkcionalnost i izradu kompletnih veb-aplikacija.
Granice između veb-lokacija i aplikacija napokon su nestale. Potrebne tehnologije su spremne. Budućnost veba obećava, a razvoj i kombinovanje tri navedene tehnologije (HTML-a, CSS-a i JavaScript-a) u jednu moćnu specifikaciju pretvaraju internet u vodeću razvojnu platformu. Na tom putu predvodi HTML5.
English to Serbian: PICKING PIGS FOR DINNER General field: Other Detailed field: Esoteric practices
Source text - English Like a great urban legend, this story doesn’t have a lot of background information validating it, but it could be true. This tale is one of the first about Nostradamus’s powers for prediction, and it marks the beginning of his mystical reputation among the country people in France. Nostradamus didn’t write predictions at this point in his life (between 1543 and 1545). Instead, he traveled as a doctor curing the Black Plague. During his travels, Nostradamus stayed with many people, such as Seigneur de Florinville — a learned doctor from western France who very much doubted any of the so-called prophetic arts.
Three little pigs . . . No, wait, wrong story.
While staying at the home of Seignior Florinville, Nostradamus told his benevolent host that he had the gift of prophecy, and the Seignior decided to test the young man’s ability. As they were taking a walk, Seignior Florinville asked what would happen to the two pigs they saw, and Nostradamus replied that he and Seignior Florinville would eat the white pig, and a wolf would eat the black pig. (The names have been changed to protect the eaten.)
Well, get this: The Seigneur secretly arranged to have the black pig served for dinner. Turns out, though, that a tame kitchen wolf ate the men’s dinner, and the cook, who didn’t know about the prediction, prepared the white pig so his master wouldn’t get upset. They discovered the switch during dinner, and Nostradamus’s reputation for prediction quickly spread, because he proved himself to a man with great doubts about the power of future telling.
During this time of relative freedom without ties to a home, his medical/apothecary practice, wealthy patrons, or church, Nostradamus began to feel less constrained by the expectations of his world, especially the Church, which didn’t approve of his occult studies. This was a time when he didn’t answer to anyone and began to express his own voice.
Translation - Serbian Kao i za mnoge druge legende, ni za ovu priču nemamo mnogo informacija koje bi potkrepile njenu verodostojnost, ali mogla bi biti i istinita. Ona govori o jednom od prvih Nostradamusovih predviđanja i označava početak tajanstvene reputacije koja ga je pratila među običnim ljudima po selima Francuske. Nostradamus u ovom periodu života (između 1543. i 1545. godine) nije beležio svoja proročanstva, nego je putovao i lečio ljude od crne kuge. Na svojim putovanjima Nostradamus je odsedao kod mnogih ljudi. Jedan od njih je bio i gospodin De Florenvil – učeni lekar iz zapadne Francuske, koji je bio više nego skeptičan u pogledu takozvanih proročkih veština.
I tako su tri mala praseta... Ne, čekajte, to je iz druge priče.
Dakle, dok je bio u gostima kod gospodina De Florenvila, Nostradamus je svom dobroćudnom domaćinu priznao da poseduje proročki dar, pa je domaćin rešio da ga testira. Dok su šetali, gospodin De Florenvil je upitao mladića šta će se desiti s dva mala praseta koja su se vrzmala po dvorištu. Nostradamus je odgovorio da će on i njegov domaćin pojesti belo prase, a da će crno pojesti vuk (imena u ovoj priči su promenjena da bi se zaštitili pojedeni likovi).
Naravno, domaćin je u tajnosti naložio da se za večeru servira crno prase. Međutim, to prase je zaista pojeo pripitomljeni vuk koji je obitavao u dvorištu, a kuvar je – ne znajući ništa o proročanstvu – brže-bolje pripremio belo prase kako se gospodar ne bi naljutio. Prevara je tokom večere otkrivena, a glas o Nostradamusovim proročkim sposobnostima proneo se munjevitom brzinom.
U periodu kada nije imao sopstvenu porodicu, lekarsku i apotekarsku praksu, obaveze prema bogatim pokroviteljima ili crkvi, Nostradamusa nisu sputavala očekivanja iz njegovog sopstvenog okruženja – pogotovo očekivanja crkve, koja nije odobravala njegova izučavanja okultnih znanja. U to vreme on nije nikome polagao račune te je počeo da se izražava jasno, bez straha od posledica.
Translation education
Graduate diploma - Association of Scientific and Technical Translators of Serbia
Years of experience: 21. Registered at Apr 2014. Became a member: Nov 2017.
After obtaining a BSc in Information Systems and Technologies, I worked as an application programmer, database administrator and developer for almost 10 years. For the last 20+ years I have been working as a freelance translator. I translated 16 books written by reputable authors and published by well-known publishing companies. I have also been translating/localizing website/UI/game contents, legal documents ("acquis communautaire", contracts, codes of conduct, privacy polcy, data privacy, etc), IT magazines, marketing texts, users' manuals, commercial correspondence, scientific and professional papers, legal documents, as well as other written materials in various fields. I am also experienced in editing, proofreading, post-editing, writing, and technical writing.
1. Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.:
Linux in the Workplace: How to Use Linux in Your Workplace
(No Starcgh Press, 2002)
2. Solveig Haughland, Floyd Jones:
OpenOffice.Org 1.0 Resource Kit
(Prentice Hall, 2003)
3. John Walkenbach:
Microsoft Excell 2003 Bible
4. Edward C. Willet:
Microsoft Office 2003 Bible
(Wiley, 2003)
5. Brian Underdahl:
Macromedia Flash MX 2004: The Complete Reference
(McGraw-Hill/Osborne, 2003)
6. Scarlett Ross:
Nostradamus for Dummies
(Wiley, 2005)
7. Alan Simpson:
Windows Vista Bible
(Wiley, 2007)
8. John Walkenbach, Herb Tyson, Faithe Wempen, Cary N. Prague, Michael R. Groh, Peter G. Aitken, Lisa A. Bucki:
Microsoft Office 2007 Bible
(Wiley, 2007)
9. Jim Boyce:
Windows 7 Bible
(Wiley, 2009)
10. Tris Hussey:
Using WordPress
(Que Publishing, 2011)
11. Rachel Andrew:
CSS3 Anthology: Take Your Sites To New Heights, 4th Edition