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Nov 10, 2021 (posted Just finished a Consent /Assent documents translation from English into Spanish for a clinical trial of a device in a leading university of the USA. Legal/Medical, 5000+ words....more, + 5 other entries »
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English to Spanish: Bill Gates - You should appreciate germs - General field: Science
Source text - English In I Contain Multitudes, Yong synthesizes literally hundreds and hundreds of papers, but he never overwhelms you with the science. He just keeps imparting one surprising, fascinating insight after the next. I Contain Multitudes is science journalism at its best.
Yong makes clear that only a tiny fraction of microbes have the ability to make us sick. There are approximately 100 species of bacteria that cause infectious disease in humans. But there are hundreds of thousands of species that live peacefully, symbiotically within us, primarily in our gut. Microbes help us digest our food, break down toxins, guide our physical development, protect us from disease, and even speed human evolution. We are utterly dependent on them.
We are also utterly inseparable from them. Yong illustrates that we are at least as much microbe as human. We literally have more microbial cells living inside our bodies than human cells. And even the cells we label “human” are part microbe. With the exception of red blood cells and sperm, all our cells are powered by mitochondria, which are likely the descendants of ancient bacteria that became integrated into the type of cells that subsequently gave rise to all complex life.
Translation - Spanish En I Contain Multitudes (Yo tengo multitudes, traducción libre del título), Yong sintetiza literalmente cientos de tesis, pero nunca lo abruma con la ciencia. Solo se mantiene entregandole una tras otra sorprendente y fascinante percepción. I Contain Multitudes es de lo mejor en periodismo científico.
Yong deja claro que solo una pequeña fracción de microbios tiene habilidad para enfermarnos. Hay aproximadamente 100 especies de bacterias que causan infecciones en los humanos. Pero hay cientos de miles de especies que viven plácida y simbióticamente dentro de nosotros, principalmente en el intestino. Los microbios nos ayudan a digerir nuestros alimentos, descomponen toxinas, guían nuestro desarrollo físico, nos protegen de enfermedades, y aceleran la evolución humana. Somos absolutamente dependientes de ellas.
También somos absolutamente inseparables de ellas. Yong ilustra que somos tan microbios como humanos. Literalmente tenemos mas células microbianas que células humanas dentro de nuestro cuerpo. Y aún las que denominamos "humanas" son parte microbios. Con la excepción de los globulos rojos y el esperma, todas nuestras células son alimentadas por la mitocondria, las cuales son con seguridad las descendientes de bacterias ancestrales que se integraron al tipo de células que subsecuentemente desarollaron toda la vida compleja.
English to Spanish: David Frum - How to Build an Autocracy - The Atlantic General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - English It’s 2021, and President Donald Trump will shortly be sworn in for his second term. The 45th president has visibly aged over the past four years. He rests heavily on his daughter Ivanka’s arm during his infrequent public appearances.
Fortunately for him, he did not need to campaign hard for reelection. His has been a popular presidency: Big tax cuts, big spending, and big deficits have worked their familiar expansive magic. Wages have grown strongly in the Trump years, especially for men without a college degree, even if rising inflation is beginning to bite into the gains. The president’s supporters credit his restrictive immigration policies and his TrumpWorks infrastructure program.
The president’s critics, meanwhile, have found little hearing for their protests and complaints. A Senate investigation of Russian hacking during the 2016 presidential campaign sputtered into inconclusive partisan wrangling. Concerns about Trump’s purported conflicts of interest excited debate in Washington but never drew much attention from the wider American public.
Translation - Spanish Es el 2021, y pronto el Presidente Donald Trump tomará juramento para su segundo período. Es visible que el 45to presidente ha envejecido en los últimos cuatro años. Se apoya pesadamente en el brazo de su hija Ivanka durante sus apariciones públicas, cada vez menos frecuentes.
Afortunadamente, no necesitó hacer una fuerte campaña para reelegirse. La suya ha sido una presidencia popular: las grandes exenciones tributarias, el alto gasto, y los grandes deficits mostraron su conocida magia expansiva. Los salarios han crecido fuertemente en los años Trump, especialmente para los hombres sin educación universitaria, aun cuando el crecimiento de la inflación está comenzando a erosionar las ganancias. Los seguidores del presidente le dan crédito a sus políticas restrictivas de la inmigración y a su programa de infraestructura, TrumpWorks.
Entratanto, sus críticos han encontrado poca atención a sus protestas y reclamos. Una investigación sobre la intromisión de Rusia en la campaña presidencial del 2016 terminó en una inconclusiva riña partidista en el Senado. Las preocupaciones sobre los presuntos conflictos de interés provocaron un debate en Washington pero nunca atrajeron mucha atención del amplio público americano.
English (Universidad de Los Andes, verified) English ( Venezuela CEPET, verified) English (Universidad de Los Andes) English to Spanish (Universidad de Los Andes)
Adobe Acrobat, CafeTran Espresso, Lilt, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, XTM
An English into Spanish translator graduated as an Electrical Engineer (major in Telecommunications) and studies in Financial Management, Marketing and Sales, General Management, Teaching, and Safety (all of them at University level); my work started at supervisory roles as a Telecomm Engineer for Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A (PDVSA, Oil and Gas industry) back in 1992.
My father, an Ob-Gyn, worked for Creole Petroleum Co. (a Standard Oil / Exxon company in Venezuela), so I was enrolled in an american-style kindergarten (when 5 years old), practicing and learning english since. My mother (who studied for 3 years in San Antonio, TX) used to talk to me in english at home. I also lived in the US for 6 months after my high school graduation and started translating for my fellows during my undergraduate studies.
Avid reader; my main interests are technology in general, telecomm, politics, psychology, sociology, economics, news. Last, but not least, good command of both portuguese and italian.
In all my jobs (and, of course, during all my studies) I needed to deliver presentations and lectures; I worked as an University professor for 8 years, and as a Dean for another two, in which I went on live radio and TV interviews almost monthly. Currently I'm also working as a Safety consultant, and I'm a certified OHSAS 18001 Auditor.
My approach to translating is based on context and interpretation; on meaning. No one can deliver a really good work using the exact same words in the source document, and you must know how to say things properly in your languaje; that's why I only work with english into spanish translations. And I can assure you will have a document with a superb spanish spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure.
I would love to help you with your translation needs.
** UPDATE: after finishing an university-level course, in 2018 I received the official certificate as a professional broadcaster and speaker granted by the government of my country - ideal for voiceover work **
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