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English to Arabic: Euro Crisis Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - English The Greek strain of flu in the bond markets threatens to mutate into a Spanish and even an Italian strain, with the potential to finish the euro.
The first-ever EU president, Herman Van Rompuy, was hoping to use this week's brief Brussels get-together to lift sullen spirits, and persuade the club, which has just passed a decade expending every last joule of energy on rewriting its rules, to look outward and forward, and plot a path to a future in which Europe can carry its full measure of clout.
Alas, it did not quite pan out that way, but it was hardly going to in the midst of the most serious turbulence yet to befall the continent's currency.
National leaders devised only the merest outlines of a remedy, but they at least recognised that the eurozone might well, eventually, stand or fall as one.
For all Europe's contemporary gloom, the continent's leaders yesterday showed that they have a residual ability to stand together – when they really have to.
The outcome, however, was a fuzzy declaration of readiness to take "determined and co-ordinatedaction" if required, which in practice would most likely involve Paris and Berlin underwriting some Athenian debt in return for additional austerities.
It proved insufficient to steady jittery markets, because resolve to act is not the same as action itself.
Next week's meeting of finance ministers could come unstuck over the detail of what those in trouble will be expected to cut, and what form of support they will get.
The Germans, who have always harboured deep fears that the euro is a device to allow profligate neighbours to free-ride on the strength of the old mark, will expect their government to see to it that any medicine is sufficiently bitter to ensure that it will not be taken lightly.
The Greeks – who are often far keener on spending state budgets than paying their taxes – will be at pains to insist that economics, like politics, should be an art of the possible.
The haggling will not be pretty.
In a fractious world, though, swift transnational decisions – even in the face of an emergency – are hard to come by.
In comparison with the stalled trade round, and the climate chaos left at Copenhagen, yesterday's nudge in the direction of a deal ranks as a positive achievement.
Truly co-ordinated action could still prove beyond the EU, but at least yesterday's statement gives a reasonable sense of what such action would involve.
After yesterday, it is at least still possible that Europe will protect itself rather than passively await the arrival of Washington in the form of the IMF.
There seems no prospect of Europe, any time soon, forging a positive future in a spirit of solidarity.
But it just might muster a little of that to protect its currency, at a moment when European backs are against the wall.
Translation - Arabic تهدد سلالة الإنفلونزا اليونانية في أسواق السندات بالتحول إلى سلالة إسبانية بل وإلى سلالة إيطالية، مع احتمال انتهاء اليورو.
كان الرئيس هيرمان فان رومبوي، وهو الرئيس الأول للاتحاد الأوروبي، عاقدًا أمله على اجتماع بروكسل القصير هذا الأسبوع، حيث كان يسعى فيه إلى الارتقاء بالروح المعنوية للأعضاء وتوسيع آفاقهم، بإقناعهم بالنظر بعيدًا وإلى الأمام، وبرسم طريقًا إلى مستقبل يمكن لأوروبا أن تعزز فيه كامل نفوذها. هؤلاء الأعضاء، الذين أمضوا لتوهم عقدًا من الزمان، ما تركوا في سبيلاً إلا سعوا فيه قاصدين تنقيح قواعد الاتحاد الأوروبي.
وفي ظل أخطر الاضطرابات التي لم تمس عملة أوروبا حتى الآن، كان هذا على وشك أن يتحقق بالفعل. ولكن للأسف، جرت الرياح بما لا تشتهي السفن.
لم يتمكن القادة الوطنيون سوى من ابتكار أبسط الخطوط العريضة لحل الأزمة، لكنهم على الأقل باتوا مدركين أن منطقة اليورو قد ينتهي بها المطاف إما صامدة وإما منهارة تمامًا.
وعلى الرغم من حالة الكآبة التي تغمر أوروبا الآن، فإن قادة أوروبا أظهروا بالأمس تمتعهم بالقدرة المستدامة على الوقوف كرجل واحد، حين تفرض عليهم الظروف ذلك.
ولكن رغم ذلك، كانت النتيجة إعلانًا مبهمًا عن الاستعداد لاتخاذ "إجراءات حازمة ومنسقة" إذا لزم الأمر، والتي من المرجح عمليًا أن تضمن باريس وبرلين بعض الديون لأثينا مقابل إجراءات تقشف إضافية.
أثبتت النتيجة عدم كافيتها لاستقرار السوق المتوترة، لأن العزم على التصرف ليس كالتصرف نفسه.
قد يفشل اجتماع وزراء المالية في الأسبوع المقبل في الاتفاق على حجم المبلغ المتوقع أن يخفضه أولئك الذين يواجهون مشاكل، وشكل الدعم الذي سيحصلون عليه.
لطالما كان الألمان يكتمون مخاوفًا عميقة من أن اليورو أداة للسماح للجيران المسرفين بالحصول على مزايا مجانية على حساب قوة عملة المارك القديمة، ونتيجة لهذا الخوف، فهم يتوقعون من حكومتهم معالجة الأمر بدواء مرير بما يكفي لضمان عدم الاستخفاف بها.
وأما اليونانيون، فسوف يسعون جاهدين للتأكيد على أن الاقتصاد مثل السياسة، يجب أن يكون فن الممكن. لن تكون المساومة لطيفة في خضم هذه الأزمات.
من العسير اتخاذ قرارات عبر وطنية سريعة في عالم صعب المراس حتى وإن كانت هناك حالة طوارئ.
تُعتبر محاولة عقد اتفاق ليلة أمس إنجازًا إيجابيًا مقارنة بحركة التجارة المتوقفة وفوضى المناخ التي خلفتها كوبنهاغن.
إن العمل المنسق خارج الاتحاد الأوروبي ما زال محتفظًا بإمكانية إثبات جدواه، لكن بيان الأمس على الأقل ينبأ بما قد ينطوي عليه مثل هذا الإجراء.
بعد ما حدث بالأمس، فما زالت هناك على الأقل احتمالية أن تنقذ أوروبا نفسها بدلًا من الترقب السلبي لوصول واشنطن في هيئة صندوق النقد الدولي.
من الواضح أنه لا ثمة أمل في أن ترسم أوروبا مستقبلًا إيجابيًا بروح من التضامن قريبًا.
لكنها قد تكرس القليل من ذلك لحماية عملتها، في وقت يقف فيه الأوروبيون مكتوفي الأيدي.
English to Arabic: Heart Twisting Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - English
I can do without you.
Don't think I can't.
You've never asked, I suppose,
whether I could do without you.
You'll have to do without me.
I can do without anybody!
I have my own soul,
my own spark of divine fire.
But, uh, I shall miss you, Eliza.
I confess that humbly and gratefully.
I've become accustomed to your voice and appearance.
I even like them, rather.
Well, you have them both on your
gramophone and in your book of photographs.
When you feel lonely, you can turn the machine on.
It's got no feelings to hurt.
I can't turn your soul on.
Oh, you're a devil.
You can twist the heart in a girl as easily
as some can twist her arms to hurt her.
I want a little kindness.
Why, I know I'm only a common, ignorant girl,
but I'm not dirt under your feet.
What I done, I-
What I did,
it wasn't for the dresses and the taxis.
It was because we were pleasant
together and because I come-
Came to care for you.
Not forgetting the difference between us...
and not wanting you to make love to me, but-
Well, more- more friendly like.
Of course, Eliza.
That's exactly how I feel.
And how Pickering feels.
Eliza, you're a fool.
That's not a proper answer to give me.
If you can't stand the coldness of my sort of life...
and the strain of it, go back to the gutter.
It's a fine life, the life of the gutter.
It's real, it's warm, it's violent.
Not like science, literature and classical music...
and philosophy and art.
You find me cold, unfeeling
selfish, don't you?
Very well. Then marry some
sentimental hog or other...
with a thick pair of lips to kiss you with...
and a thick pair of boots to kick you with.
If you can't appreciate what you've got,
you better get what you can appreciate.
- I won't care for anyone who doesn't care for me.
- Oh, Eliza, you're an idiot!
When I think of myself...
crawling under your feet...
and being trampled on and talked down,
when all the time I had only to
lift my finger to be as good as you are,
oh, I could just kick myself.
By George, Eliza, I said I'd make
a woman of you, and I have.
I like you like this.
Yes, you make up to me now
that I'm not afraid of you
and I can do without you.
Of course I do, you little fool.
Five minutes ago,
you were a millstone around my neck.
Now you're a tower of strength,
a consort battleship.
Good-bye, Professor Higgins.
Translation - Arabic
يمكنني العيش من دونك.
لا تظن أنني لا أستطيع.
An enthusiastic and talented person who is always passionate about languages and eager to learn more.
An experienced translator with an excellent command of both English and Arabic languages, and fully aware of the grammatical rules in both languages.
Due to being highly skilled in utilizing online dictionaries as well as CAT tools, and having a superb track record of proofreading, I managed to carry out and participate in a lot of big and successful projects and sites, besides participating in a lot of voluntary translations for schools and associations.