Member since Nov '18 Working languages:
English to Chinese Chinese to English Mandarin Chinese to English English to Mandarin Chinese
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Rate vendor Manage list Junbo Hou Chinese Translator, Bringing It Closer Tieling, Liaoning, China
Local time : 20:19 CST (GMT+8)
Native in : Chinese (Variants: Traditional, Mandarin)
Feedback from clients and colleagues on Willingness to Work Again 6 positive reviews (2 unidentified)
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Translator likelihood of working again (LWA) No feedback collected
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Translation agency/company employee or owner, Verified member This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
This person is affiliated with:
Subtitling, Translation, MT post-editing, Copywriting, Transcreation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization Specializes in: Marketing IT (Information Technology) Law (general) Finance (general) Medical (general) Education / Pedagogy Business/Commerce (general) General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Government / Politics Tourism & Travel
Also works in: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama Advertising / Public Relations Environment & Ecology Science (general) History Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. Sports / Fitness / Recreation Computers (general) Transport / Transportation / Shipping Safety Media / Multimedia Gaming/Video-games/E-sports Military / Defense International Org/Dev/Coop Economics Geology Human Resources Management Internet, e-Commerce Computers: Software Ships, Sailing, Maritime Computers: Systems, Networks Medical: Health Care Furniture / Household Appliances Accounting Investment / Securities Real Estate Retail Printing & Publishing Agriculture
English to Chinese - Rates: 0.12 - 0.15 USD per word / 50 - 80 USD per hour / 25.00 - 35.00 USD per audio/video minute Chinese to English - Rates: 0.12 - 0.15 USD per character / 50 - 80 USD per hour / 25.00 - 35.00 USD per audio/video minute Mandarin Chinese to English - Rates: 0.12 - 0.15 USD per word / 50 - 80 USD per hour English to Mandarin Chinese - Rates: 0.12 - 0.15 USD per word / 50 - 80 USD per hour
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PayPal, Wire transfer, Transferwise, Veem, Payoneer | Send a payment via ProZ*Pay Years of experience: 9. Registered at Sep 2018. Became a member: Nov 2018. N/A N/A Google Translator Toolkit, MateCat, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, abbyy aligner, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, Translation Center, Smartcat, Smartling, Subtitle Edit, Trados Online Editor, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace, Wordbee, Wordfast, XTM, XTRF Translation Management System Junbo Hou endorses's Professional Guidelines .
· ProZ Certified Pro
· Over 6-year professional industry experience
· US study and living background
· Extensive and comprehensive knowledge in a variety of specific fields
· Professional Translation , Localization , Transcreation , Copywriting , Editing , MT Post-editing , Proofreading , Subtitle Translation , Transcription and Validation services
· Audience-oriented, guideline-focused and consistency-insisted
· High proficiency in common CAT tools and MS Office kit
· Flexible payment cycles and methods
· Good command of English during project coordination
· Prompt reply and smooth communication
· Patience to process any of the Clients’ feedback
· 100% client satisfaction
· Quality assured
For more information, please kindly email .
Keywords: Accommodation, Accounting, Advertising, Airline, Android, APP, Application, Asset Management, Bank, Banking. See more . Accommodation, Accounting, Advertising, Airline, Android, APP, Application, Asset Management, Bank, Banking, Book, Business, Campaign, CAT, CAT tools, China, Chinese, Cinema, Commerce, Computers, Copy Validation, Copywriter, Copywriting, Cutlery, Cybersecurity, Desktop, Ebook, eBook, E-book, Ecology, E-commerce, Economics, Edit, Editing, Editor, Education, eLearning, English, Environment, Equipment, Exhibition, Film, Finance, Financial, Fitness, Freelance Translator, Freelance, Freelancer, Furniture, Game Localisation, Game Localization, Game, General, Google Translator Toolkit, Government, Health, Home Accessores, Homeware, Hospitality, Houseware, Human Resources, Humanitarian, Internet, Investment, IOS, IT, Kitchenware, Law, Life Science, Localisation, Localization, Mainland China, Management, Mandarin, Manufacture, Manufacturing, Marketing, Master Validation, Media, Medical, MemoQ, Mobile Application, Mobile Apps, Movie, Multimedia, Navigation, Network, Non-litigation Practice, Notification, OmegaT, OS, Pedagogy, Politics, Product, Proofread, Proofreader, Proofreading, Public Relations, Publication, Publishing, QA, Real Estate, Recreation, Retail, Review, Reviewer, Safety, Securities, Series, Shipping, Ships, Simplified Chinese, SmartCat, Smartling, Social Sciences, Software, Sports, Subtitle, Subtitling, System, Technology, Tourism, Trados, Transcreation, Transcreator, Transcribe, Transcriber, Transcription, Translation, Translator, Transport, Transportation, Travel, TV, UN, Validation, Validator, Website, Wordbee, ZH, SEO. See less . This profile has received 45 visits in the last month, from a total of 45 visitors Profile last updated May 17, 2024