Hello! I am a French-to-English freelance translator born in the
UK, raised in English Canada, and now based in Quebec. I have over 20 years’
experience in translation and copyediting, 16 of them working as a translator
and reviser at one of Canada’s premier translation agencies. I have worked in many areas of the arts and social sciences,
with a focus in recent years on museology and Indigenous studies. I have also
translated and/or revised seven works of fiction for publisher QC Fiction and translated three works of non-fiction for Baraka Books. I also recently added voiceover to my language service offerings.
I have been a certified translator (Ordre des
traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes du Québec) since 2006, and have
mentored numerous translation candidates seeking to become certified themselves.
I look forward to having the opportunity to bring my talents
and expertise to your projects. |