Hi, I’m Jane Womack, a native British English speaker with a passion for words and for the cross-cultural exchange that translation allows me to foster. I am a language enthusiast. I have loved learning foreign languages from a young age and have lived in Paris where I taught business English to employees of IBM. I also currently volunteer teaching English to non-native speakers in the community in Sheffield, UK where I live. I greatly enjoy the translation process and the connection to the cultures of France and Italy it brings. Above all, I see myself as a highly specialised writer of English as the potential reader of the target text is always first and foremost in my mind. My thorough knowledge of my source languages and their cultures allows me to produce engaging texts with a natural flow which convey information and nuance accurately and clearly. Aside from translation, I am a singer and musician and love to sing folk songs in a variety of languages. I believe that being multilingual adds colour and spice to life and allows for more than one perspective, something that is ever more important in today’s complicated world. I have completed several translation jobs through the UN volunteering programme and I am always looking to expand my client base. I very much look forward to working with you. |