Member since Apr '20

Working languages:
French to Arabic
English to Arabic
Arabic to French
English to French
Arabic to English

Youssef Chabat
Master of Translation (MIT)

Fez, Fes, Morocco
Local time: 23:44 +01 (GMT+1)

Native in: Arabic (Variant: Standard-Arabian (MSA)) Native in Arabic, French (Variant: Standard-France) Native in French
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Feedback from
clients and colleagues

on Willingness to Work Again info
5 positive reviews
8 ratings (5.00 avg. rating)

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- Sworn and certified English-Arabic translations,

- Moroccan Berber languages’ translations,




Hello everyone, this is Youssef from Morocco. I hold a Master's degree in Multilingual and Interdisciplinary Translation (Arabic, English, French, and Italian), B.A degrees in English and French, and I'm a native speaker of Arabic, Native-like in French, and proficient in English and Italian. I provide professional translations covering the four languages above.  I have five years of experience during which I've accumulated a great
deal of experience working on different kinds of documents covering different fields, especially legal ones.
I’ve also followed different courses attested by obtaining the certificates 
included hereinafter, among which the SDL post-editing certification.

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protransgroup : As  head-translator in different fields on the top of which the legal

and medical-related ones.

(Verifiable by Email to

- 107 hours French
transcription project for Lionbridge.

-6595 W Arabic to English Legal
translation for Landmark associates.

-1759 W Arabic to English Legal
translation for Landmark associates.

Arabic to English Legal
translation for Landmark associates.

-2018 W Arabic to English Legal
translation for Landmark associates.

- 3649w  Covid 19-Education-related English to French
Translation for Transtec.

- 9600W French to Arabic electoral campaign for “the

- 8000w English
to Arabic proofreading for
Global lexicon.

- 5400w English to French Marketing translation for

- 6000w French to Arabic Legal proofreading for

- 7612
Arabic to English technical
regulations’ translation for “Landmark associates”.

- 32 min
English to French subtitling for

- 6100w
French to Arabic Legal Translation for “The Localize”

- 5000w
Media posts English to Arabic translation for “Global Citizens”

- 15min French
to English subtitling for

- 5000w
Arabic to French Legal Translation for “The Localize”

English to Arabic Legal
translation for Landmark associates.

-1700w Arabic to French legal Translation for Languagewire.

- 77min
English to Arabic
Transcription for “”

- 500W
French to Arabic automotive Lights advertising for “the localize”

- Huge mystery shopping project for Lionbridge

- Search Engine Evaluation project
for Lionbridge (ongoing).

- 1300w Arabic to English translation for “Landmark

- 12000w
General medical English
to Arabic translation for “”

- 45min Arabic to English proofreading for “Landmark

- 15000w multiple subjects’ English to Arabic translation for


- 39min Arabic to English proofreading for “Landmark

- 10000w multiple subjects’ English to Arabic translation for
“Global Citizens”

- 6000w
website English to Arabic translation for

- 6000w English
to Arabic volunteer Transcription for “Coursera” (please see the        course: refugees in the twenty-first

And other projects in collaboration with fellow
translators, among which
COVID-19-related ones.

so please feel free to get in touch.

Certified in:

Business English: 

Arizona state university                              


 Clinical Terminology: 

University of Pittsburgh


 خيارات لسانية لمحترفي اإلإعلام باللغة العربية"Linguistic options
for Arabic media professionals": Northwestern university


علم المعاني  Lexicology

RWAQ's digital courses' platform


Animal Behaviour and Welfare

 University of Edinburgh



This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 1217
PRO-level pts: 1181

Top languages (PRO)
English to Arabic565
Arabic to English411
Arabic to French112
French to Arabic64
English to French16
Pts in 1 more pair >
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 4 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Law (general)214
Law: Contract(s)98
Poetry & Literature94
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters60
Business/Commerce (general)47
Government / Politics40
Pts in 52 more flds >

See all points earned >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects4
With client feedback2
100% positive (2 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
English to Arabic2
Arabic to French1
Arabic to English1
Specialty fields
Law: Contract(s)1
Law (general)1
Medical: Health Care1
Medical (general)1
Other fields
Cooking / Culinary1
Keywords: English, French, Arabic, subtitles, translation, transcripts, clinical certified, law, art, defense. See more.English, French, Arabic, subtitles, translation, transcripts, clinical certified, law, art, defense, literature, journalism, resume certified, cover letter certified, voice-over, Moroccan, Egyptian, gulf, Lebanese, Syrian, Algerian, Tunisian, accurate, professional, communication, literary, art, cinema, movies, audio transcripts, letters, culture, religion, education, pedagogy, defense, military, cosmetics, linguistics, music, photography, idioms, accounting, Economics, Finance, Human Resources, Internet, E-commerce, drop shipping, management, Real Estates, transportation, Automotive, Computers, Electronics, Energy, Power, Solar, IT, Mechanics, Petroleum, Eolic, wind Energy, police, Manufacturing, Biology, General Science, Zoology, Archaeology, Advertising, Folklore, Food and drinks, General conversation and greetings, Government, Certificates, Agriculture, Animal behavior, animal welfare ترجمة، عربية،إنجليزية، فرنسية، أدب، قانون، رياضة، صحة، إقتصاد ، موارد بشرية، تجارة، نقل، الشبكة العنكبوتية، شهادات وديبلومات وسير ذاتية، بيولوجيا ، تكنولوجيا، سياسة، المجال العسكري والدفاع، الفلاحة وتربية الماشية، السقي، الطاقة الشمسية، البترول، الغاز الطبيعي، دين وثقافة، الهندسة، التعليق، الخايج، الروايات، الكتب، أفلام، موسيقى، ثقافة، دين، تقنيات،السلوكات الحيوانية، الإعتناء بالحيوانات، تربية المواشي Traduction arabe, Traduction française, Traduction Anglaise, droit, loi, responsabilité civile, responsabilité publique, médecine, stratégie, économie, sports, culture, défense, militaire, armement, arts et métiers, relations publiques, organismes internationaux, relations internationales, technologie numérique, agriculture, décorations et loisirs, bienêtre et nutrition, Traduction anglaise, française, arabe, soutirage, littérature, journalisme, CV, lettrer de recommandation, Marocain, Egyptien, Gulf, Libanais, Syrien, Algérien, Tunisien, professionnel, communication, littéraire, cinéma, films, audio culture, religion, éducation, pédagogie, défense, militaire, cosmétiques, linguistiques, music, photographie, idiomes, comptabilité, Economie, Finance, Ressources Humaines, Internet, E-commerce, drop shipping, management, immobilier, transport, Automobile, Electroniques, Energie, Solaire, IT, Mécaniques, Pétrole, Eolienne, police, Biologie, Science, Zoologie, Archéologie, Folklore, conversation, Gouvernement, Certificats, Agriculture comportement des animaus, bien être des animaux. See less.

Profile last updated
Aug 4, 2024

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