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Sample translations submitted: 1
Arabic to English: Nour Screenplay General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - Arabic
المشرفة .. "ماجدة " سیدة محجبة فى أواخر الأربعینات من عمرھا تقف امام مكتبھا مع مشرفة
أخري أصغر سنا " عبیر" .. تقترب رضوى منھم.
رضوى: سلامو علیكو یا ابلھ ماجدة .. كنت محتاجھ اتكلم مع حضرتك على انفراد.
یبدو على ماجدة التوتر.
ماجدة: طب یا رضوي استنیني فى مكتبي خمس دقایق وجایلك.
فتتحرك رضوى مرة أخرى نحو المكتب والكامیرا تظل مع ماجدة والمشرفة الاخرى.
ماجدة: انتو مخلصین تمام بقالكو قد ایھ.
عبیر: تلت ساعة.
ماجدة: طب فیھ حد تانى ناقص؟
عبیر: لا.
ماجدة: طب حاولي توصلي لرقم اي حد یعرفھا و برضھ خلیكي وراھا على
مشھد 5 / مكتب ماجدة مشرفة الدار - لیل /داخلي
قطع زمني على الجواب وھو في ید ماجدة وھى تقرأه فى صمت " لا نرى ایضا ما ھو مكتوب فیھ".
ماجدة: ھي نور قالت لك ھي رایحة فین؟
رضوي: لا ( تصمت لحظة ثم تستكمل )
ھي مابتقولیش حاجة أصلا..
ماجدة: انتي عایزة تمشیھا م الأوضة لیھ؟
رضوى: مش مرتاحین مع بعض.
تنظر لھا بتركیز.
ماجدة: وضحي اكتر .. اكید في حاجة مضایقاكي.
Translation - English Magda is a veiled woman in her late
forties, standing with a younger supervisor Abeer. Radwa
approaches them.
RADWA: Salamo aleeko Miss. Magda. Please, can I speak to you
Magda seems concerned
MAGDA: Ok Radwa, go wait in my office. I’ll be there in 5
Radwa moves towards the office. The camera stays on Magda and
MAGDA: When did you finish the headcount?
ABEER: 20 minutes ago.
MAGDA: Anyone else missing?
MAGDA: Try to find any other contacts that she has, and keep
ringing her phone.
Scene 5\ Magda’s (the Supervisor) Office INT. NIGHT
Time Lapse on Magda reading the letter silently.
MAGDA: Has Sara told where she was going?
RADWA: No…(she pauses) she never says anything..
MAGDA: Why do you want her to move out?
RADWA: We’re just not comfortable together.
MAGDA (intently): Please clarify, there must be something
really bothering you.
RADWA: Just little things, you know we’re girls, yet the way
she looks at me, is like how a man..looks at a woman. Honestly
I can’t take it no more, it’s either her or me in the room.
MAGDA: Well, I cannot move her from the room for some looks.
There must be something else!
Translation education
Other - South Thames College
Years of experience: 4. Registered at Feb 2021.
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A creative & organized mind, which is passionate about delivering a delightful and informative Client experience. I can write and speak three Languages; English, Arabic and Norwegian and I have gained a Level 3 Certificate in Community Interpreting with Arabic as the target Language.
Having grown up in a Bilingual family, It is second nature to switch from one language to the other.
I have an extensive Cultural awareness, developed from working as a Manager in the Hospitality Industry for 25 years in Norway, Egypt and the U.K.
No situation or document is difficult to handle, as I take the welfare of the Client as seriously as my own. Attention to detail and time management is of essence when performing my translation assignments.