Working languages:
English to French

Jacqueline Johnston
Meticulous work carefully checked

Local time: 00:35 GMT (GMT+0)

Native in: French 
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9 positive reviews
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Investment / SecuritiesFinance (general)
Law: Contract(s)Accounting

KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 707, Questions answered: 351, Questions asked: 21
Blue Board entries made by this user  17 entries

Translation education Other - Licence ès Lettres - MBA - Dip Trans IoL
Experience Years of experience: 32. Registered at Apr 2002. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials English to French (Chartered Institute of Linguists)
English to French (Toulouse University France)
Memberships CIOL
Software Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, MemoQ 2014, SDL Studio 2017, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Events and training
Professional practices Jacqueline Johnston endorses's Professional Guidelines (v1.1).
general commerce, accounting, banking & finance, insurance, commercial law (not patents), 22 years' full time experience in translating English into French

French mother tongue. Degree in French and English (Licence ès Lettres) (Toulouse University), Master of Business Administration (MBA) (Bradford University) with electives in Finance, Post-grad diploma in Accounting and Finance(CDipAF) from Chartered Association of Certified Accountants, Final diploma of the Institute of Linguists (special option :Economics Translation) Diploma in Translation (Dip Trans IoLET), Member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CMIL) Membership number:008869, 22 years'experience of translation; large projects, fast turnover, SDL Trados Version 2007 Studio 2010 and 2014 - also Déjà Vu, Memo Q 2013 R2 and Memo Q 2014

General commerce- Import/Export
Law : Contracts in particular for the Oil and Gas industries and Telecommunications, Trust Deeds, Franchise, License and Distribution Agreements, Loan Agreements, Intellectual Property, Writs, International Fraud cases, Witness Statements, Employment Contracts, Articles of Association, Environmental Law and regulations.
Accounting/Finance : Companies'Annual Reports, Accounting Standards, Stock Market Analysts'Reports, Risk analysis, Credit rating reports, Bond Markets, Futures Markets, Hedge Funds, Stock Option Schemes - Asset Management Projects - KIID documentation, Islamic Finance
Banking : Manuals for Staff, Money Laundering, Internal rules, Syndicated loans, Ethics, Governance, Financial Stability
Insurance & Reinsurance: Tenders, Policies, newsletters, large Insurance Programmes, including Marine Insurance, insurance for satellites, aircrafts
Management: Strategic Management- Company profiles -
Keen to keep up to date - Reads monthly reports from the European Central Bank, Bank of France reports, BRI
Other languages studied : Spanish (at school and Toulouse University)+ Associated Membership in Spanish Institute of Linguists - Russian (elementary level)
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 780
PRO-level pts: 707

Top languages (PRO)
English to French699
French to English8
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 1 more fld >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Finance (general)333
Law: Contract(s)98
Business/Commerce (general)36
Investment / Securities8
Pts in 3 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: accounting, asset management, banking, investment, securities, stock exchange, bond markets, derivatives, hedge funds, finance. See more.accounting, asset management, banking, investment, securities, stock exchange, bond markets, derivatives, hedge funds, finance, Islamic Finance, insurance, law, contracts, oil, gas and mining industries contracts, management, economics, internal controls, windows 7, office2010, SDLTrados Studio 2014, MemoQ 2014, French mother tongue, comptabilité, banque, bourse, finance, finance islamique, contrats, droit commercial, gestion d'actifs, assurance, déontologie, sciences économiques. See less.

Profile last updated
Feb 12, 2019

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