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Welcome to my profile! I specialize in translating technical and medical content and have experience in website localization, ensuring a seamless adaptation that respects cultural nuances and linguistic subtleties.
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2 projects entered 1 positive feedback from outsourcers
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 14 days Completed: Mar 2024 Languages: English to Italian
Italian Linguistic Validation Project
Medical: Health Care, Medical: Pharmaceuticals, Medical (general)
positive Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): Very prompt and professional. All steps were completed on time and we were able to finalize the project a bit early.
Website localization Volume: 30000 words Completed: Feb 2024 Languages: Italian to English
Localization ITA>EN for Isola Tiberina Hospital
Localization from Italian to English for Isola Tiberina Hospital - Gemelli Isola website, 30000 words
Medical (general), Medical: Cardiology, Medical: Health Care
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Sample translations submitted: 5
Italian to English: Scientific Research of the Cardiology department of Isola Tiberina Hospital - Gemelli Isola General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Cardiology
Source text - Italian ATTIVITA’ DI RICERCA SCIENTIFICA: il Prof. Leone è un cardiologo interventista particolarmente esperto nel campo della fisiologia coronarica invasiva ed è ideatore di una metodica di valutazione funzionale semplificata che sfrutta le proprietà vasodilatatorie del mezzo di contrasto definita cFFR. Con il suo gruppo di ricerca ha effettuato diversi studi clinici, anche in collaborazione con importanti istituzioni italiane ed estere, che hanno documentato la sicurezza e l’efficacia di un approccio “fisiologico” all’angioplastica coronarica. Questi studi hanno portato alla definizione di un algoritmo decisionale nelle procedure interventistiche coronariche, oggi conosciuto a livello internazionale come “#FullPhysiology”.
La UOC di Cardiologia Diagnostica e Interventistica / UTIC è, inoltre, molto attiva nel campo dell’Insufficienza Cardiaca partecipando con regolarità a studi clinici in collaborazione con le Società Scientifiche Nazionali di Cardiologia.
Translation - English SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Prof. Leone is an interventional cardiologist particularly experienced in the field of invasive coronary physiology and is the creator of a simplified functional evaluation method that exploits the vasodilatory properties of the contrast medium called cFFR. With his research group he has carried out several clinical studies, also in collaboration with important Italian and foreign institutions, which have documented the safety and effectiveness of a "physiological" approach to coronary angioplasty. These studies led to the definition of a decision-making algorithm in coronary intervention procedures, now known internationally as "#FullPhysiology".
The UOC of Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology/UTIC is also very active in the field of Heart Failure, regularly participating in clinical trials in collaboration with the National Scientific Societies of Cardiology.
Italian to English: Oncology Department General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Oncology
La Radioterapia è una delle terapie più efficaci nel combattere le malattie tumorali insieme alla chirurgia e alla chemioterapia. Alcuni tipi di tumore possono essere guariti con il ricorso alla sola terapia radiante, in altri casi può essere necessario procedere anche ad intervento chirurgico e/o alla somministrazione di farmaci antiblastici. La radioterapia è anche di grande utilità come terapia palliativa a scopo antalgico, decompressivo, emostatico, ecc. Circa la metà dei pazienti affetti da neoplasia ha necessità di sottoporsi a radioterapia a scopo curativo e sintomatico nel corso della propria storia clinica. I principali gruppi multidisciplinari di patologia al quale gli Oncologi Radioterapisti del Reparto prendono parte sono: patologia toracica, patologia mammaria, patologia gastrointestinale, patologia del distretto testa e collo, patologia genitourinaria, patologia ginecologica.
Translation - English MAIN CONDITIONS TREATED:
Radiation therapy is one of the most effective therapies in fighting cancer diseases along with surgery and chemotherapy. Some types of cancer can be cured with the use of radiation therapy alone, in other cases it may also be necessary to proceed with surgery and/or the administration of anti-blastic drugs. Radiation therapy is also very useful as palliative therapy for analgesic, decompression, hemostatic, etc. About half of patients with neoplasia need to undergo radiation therapy for curative and symptomatic purposes during their clinical history. The main multidisciplinary pathology groups in which the Radiation Oncologists of the Department take part are: thoracic pathology, breast pathology, gastrointestinal pathology, head and neck district pathology, genitourinary pathology, gynecological pathology.
Italian to English: Mini-invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy (MIVAT) General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Italian La tiroidectomia mini-invasiva video-assistita (MIVAT)
è una tecnica che, grazie all'utilizzo di una telecamera e di strumenti endoscopici dedicati, consente l'asportazione di parte o di tutta la ghiandola tiroide attraverso un’incisione cervicale centrale di 1.5-2 cm. I risultati di numerosi studi hanno dimostrato che la MIVAT rappresenta non solo una tecnica associata ad un migliore risultato estetico e decorso post-operatorio, ma anche una metodica sicura e riproducibile rendendola, tra gli approcci mini-invasivi alla tiroidectomia, la tecnica che ha avuto maggiore diffusione nel mondo.
La MIVAT si è dimostrata, inoltre, efficace e sicura anche nel trattamento di casi selezionati di carcinoma tiroideo. Ad oggi, nei Centri di riferimento, circa il 30% dei casi della patologia tiroidea di pertinenza chirurgica viene trattata con la MIVAT.
La MIVAT rappresenta una metodica sicura e riproducibile, con complicanze sovrapponibili rispetto alla chirurgia convenzionale, rispetto alla quale presenta vantaggi significativi in termini di dolore e decorso postoperatori. Indubbi, sono evidentemente i vantaggi in termini di risultato estetico.
Translation - English Mini-invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy (MIVAT)
is a technique that, thanks to the use of a camera and dedicated endoscopic instruments, allows the removal of part or all of the thyroid gland through a central cervical incision of 1.5-2 cm. The results of numerous studies have shown that MIVAT is not only a technique associated with a better aesthetic result and post-operative course, but also a safe and reproducible method, making it, among the minimally-invasive approaches to thyroidectomy, the technique that has been most widespread in the world.
MIVAT has also been shown to be effective and safe in the treatment of selected cases of thyroid cancer. To date, in the Reference Centres, about 30% of cases of thyroid disease of surgical relevance are treated with MIVAT.
MIVAT is a safe and reproducible method, with complications comparable to conventional surgery, compared to which it has significant advantages in terms of pain and postoperative course. Obviously, there are advantages in terms of aesthetic results.
Italian to English: Birth Point - Neonatology General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - Italian Il nostro Punto Nascita che si occupa del benessere della madre e del nascituro non solo al momento del parto ma anche durante l’intero periodo della gravidanza, dispone 24 ore su 24 di un équipe di ginecologi, anestesisti e neonatologi, di ostetriche e di infermieri professionali.
È in questa realtà che la presenza di un’unità operativa dipartimentale di anestesia e rianimazione in ostetricia, composta di medici specialisti in anestesia e rianimazione con ampie conoscenze e competenze in numerosi settori ma in particolare nel percorso nascita, oltre ad una valutazione di tutte le partorienti durante il terzo trimestre, offre la possibilità su richiesta materna di un controllo farmacologico del dolore con tecniche perimidollari, sulla base di protocolli condivisi che garantiscono la migliore qualità di analgesia associata alla sicurezza materno-fetale.
La stessa attenzione viene posta nel confronto del dolore post partum e soprattutto post-operatorio in caso di taglio cesareo, dove la possibilità di controllo peridurale del dolore equipara le neomamme rendendole libere di allattare perché i farmaci dell’ analgesia peridurale non si ritrovano nel latte materno.
La percentuale di parto analgesia in travaglio di parto è del 96% e considerando complessivamente le anestesie nel taglio cesareo, superiamo le 3200 procedure peridurali all’anno. Offriamo quindi mediamente ogni anno più di 3000 procedure neuroassiali (peridurali,spinali,spino-peridurali) per il travaglio di parto e per il taglio cesareo e negli interventi in ostetricia.
Translation - English Our Birth Point , which takes care of the well-being of the mother and the unborn child not only at the time of delivery but also during the entire period of pregnancy, has a 24-hour team of gynecologists, anesthetists and neonatologists, midwives and professional nurses.
It is in this reality that the presence of a departmental anesthesia and resuscitation unit in obstetrics, composed of physicians specializing in anesthesia and resuscitation with extensive knowledge and skills in numerous sectors but in particular in the birth path, in addition to an evaluation of all the parturients during the third trimester, offers the possibility at the maternal request of a pharmacological control of pain with perimidolar techniques, on the basis of shared protocols that guarantee the best quality of analgesia associated with maternal-fetal safety.
The same attention is paid to the comparison of postpartum pain and especially post-operative pain in the case of caesarean section, where the possibility of peridural pain control equates the new mothers making them free to breastfeed because the drugs of peridural analgesia are not found in breast milk.
The percentage of birth analgesia in labour is 96% and considering the total anesthesia in the caesarean section, we exceed 3200 peridural procedures per year. We therefore offer on average more than 3000 neuraxial procedures (peridural,spinal, spino-peridural) every year for labour and caesarean section and obstetric interventions
Italian to English: DEA General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - Italian L’ Ospedale è sede di DEA (Dipartimenti Emergenza/Accettazione) di I° livello e garantisce assistenza a pazienti che richiedono trattamenti in condizioni di emergenza-urgenza ovvero con richiesta di assistenza non differibile.
Il DEA provvede a fornire le prestazioni finalizzate alla diagnosi e stabilizzazione clinica del paziente. Qualora le condizioni cliniche lo richiedano, si provvede al ricovero presso l’Ospedale o, in caso di non disponibilità di posto letto, al trasferimento protetto presso altra struttura sanitaria accettante. Le prestazioni sono a carico del SSN ad esclusione dei codici bianchi, che sono tenuti al pagamento della quota prevista dalle vigenti norme presso gli sportelli CUP del cortile centrale.
Ai cittadini stranieri anche non in regola con le norme relative all’ingresso ed al soggiorno, sono garantite le cure indifferibili ed urgenti, incluse la tutela della salute dei minori e la tutela della maternità. Ai cittadini stranieri dimoranti in Italia ed iscritti al SSN sono assicurate le cure previste dal SSR. È comunque obbligatorio, per tutti i cittadini italiani e stranieri presentare un documento di identità valido e l’attestazione TEAM (tessera sanitaria) o altra attestazione specifica per il Paese di provenienza.
Translation - English The Hospital is the headquarters of the 1st level DEA (Emergency/Acceptance Departments) and guarantees assistance to patients who require treatment in emergency conditions or with a request for non-deferrable assistance.
The DEA provides services aimed at the diagnosis and clinical stabilization of the patient. If the clinical conditions so require, hospitalisation at the Hospital or, in the event of unavailability of a bed, a protected transfer to another accepting health facility is provided.The benefits are borne by the NHS with the exception of the "white codes", which are required to pay the fee provided for by the current regulations at the CUP branches in the central courtyard.
Foreign citizens, even if not in compliance with the rules relating to entry and stay, are guaranteed immediate and urgent care, including the protection of the health of minors and the protection of maternity. Foreign citizens residing in Italy and registered with the NHS are guaranteed the care provided by the SSR. In any case, it is mandatory for all Italian and foreign citizens to present a valid identity document and the TEAM certificate (health card) or other certificate specific to the country of origin.
Translation education
Other - C2 CEFR English Certificate
Years of experience: 6. Registered at Jul 2022.
English (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), verified) Italian to English (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations)) English to Italian (native) Italian (native)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, CafeTran Espresso, ChatGPT, Google Translator Toolkit, MateCat, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Translation Center, Smartcat
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🌐Freelance Medical Translator - Bridging Knowledge and Communication Gaps
As a dedicated and aspiring medical professional pursuing Medicine and Surgery in English, I bring forth a solid foundation in the medical-scientific realm coupled with hands-on experience in translation and research. My journey as a student has equipped me with excellent theoretical knowledge, which I have seamlessly integrated into practical applications through various internships and training opportunities.
Isola Tiberina Hospital - Gemelli Isola
Involved in translating and localizing diverse medical content for Isola Tiberina Hospital, Gemelli Isola. Collaborating with medical professionals to convey accurate information in the target language. Managing terminology databases and ensuring consistency across translations.
Collaborated with global clients to provide translation services in various language pairs. Demonstrated versatility by handling a range of topics, maintaining accuracy and cultural nuances. Utilized linguistic proficiency to ensure effective communication and comprehension in translated content.
Translator - Treccani
Played a pivotal role in translating and adapting content for Treccani, a prestigious Italian cultural institution. Worked closely with subject matter experts to ensure accurate representation of information. Maintained consistency in style and tone throughout the translation process.
Translator - TED Talk and Wikipedia - Volunteering
Contributed translations and subtitles for TED Talk presentations, making content accessible to a global audience. Collaborated on Wikipedia projects, enhancing the availability of information in multiple languages. Ensured adherence to industry standards and guidelines for both platforms.
🌐Why Choose Me: My unique blend of medical education, language proficiency, and hands-on experience positions me as a versatile and reliable freelance translator. Whether it's translating complex medical documents or contributing to impactful projects, I am committed to delivering excellence.
Let's Connect: I am enthusiastic about connecting with like-minded professionals, organizations, and projects that align with my passion for medicine and language. Let's collaborate and create something extraordinary together.