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Sample translations submitted: 2
Kazakh: Greeting women Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Kazakh Әйел адамдармен амандасу
Жасы үлкен ер адамдар өздерімен қатарлас әйел адамдарға: «Қалайсыз, бәйбіше, отағасы, бала-шаға аман-есен бе?», бойжеткен қыздарға: «Айналайын, амансың ба?», құрметпен сәлем салып амандасқан келіншектерге, «Жақсымысың келін, бақытты бол, ұл тап» деп жылы тілек тілей отырып амандасқан.
Қазақтар өзі қатарлы адамға, досы, құрбысына «Арма» деп амандасады. Мысалы «Қыз Жібек» жырында Бекежан Жібекке осылайша амандасады:
Айтамын, айт дегеннен арма, Жібек,
Ботасы өлген түйедей зарла Жібек.
Кеткелі жаман жарың көп жыл болды,
Хабары сол жездемнің бар ма, Жібек!
Translation - Kazakh Greeting women
Elderly men greeted women of their own age, saying: «How are you, baibichye? Are the head of the family and children in good health?», and maidens: «Ainalaiyn, are you in good health?». To young married women who greeted him with a gesture of respect, bowing their head, he replied: «How are you, my good daughter? Be happy, may you have a son», thus expressing his warm wishes.
Kazakhs greeted their peers, friends, female friends saying the word «Arma». For example, in the folk epic poem «Kyz Zhibek», Bekezhan greets Zhibek this way:
Айтамын, айт дегеннен арма, Жібек,
Ботасы өлген түйедей зарла Жібек.
Кеткелі жаман жарың көп жыл болды,
Хабары сол жездемнің бар ма, Жібек!
My greetings to you, arma, Zhibek,
Cry like a female camel, which lost its colt.
Many years have passed since your betrothed left,
Have you heard from my good brother, Zhibek?!
Kazakh: Проект ЖенПИ Detailed field: Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Source text - Kazakh В начале XXI века изучение национальных ценностей вызвало новую волну исследовательского интереса. С позиций исторической дистанции могут быть открыты проблемы, требующие глубокого и объективного осмысления. И даже, казалось бы, тщательно изученные в свое время вопросы нуждаются сейчас в новом подходе. Актуально в этом плане высказывание Елбасы Н.Назарбаева: «восприятие и оценка исторических явлений формируется на определенной временной дистанции и здесь наука (историческая, искусствоведческая) обязана выступать горячо заинтересованным фиксатором человеческой памяти, как свидетель и хранитель, как бесстрастный летописец тех или иных событий, фактов» [1, с. 203]. Кроме того, временное отдаление позволяет сделать обобщения в более широком контексте, а также использовать факты и документы, которые ранее оставались вне поля зрения
Translation - Kazakh At the beginning of the XXI century, the study of national values caused a new wave of research interest. From the perspective of historical distance, problems that require a deep and objective understanding can be revealed. And even issues that seemed to have been thoroughly studied at that time need a new approach now. In this respect, the Leader of the Nation N.Nazarbaev’s statement is relevant: «the perception and evaluation of historical phenomena is formed at a certain time distance, and here, science (history, art history) must act as a keenly interested fixator of human memory, as a witness and keeper, as a dispassionate chronicler of certain events and facts» [1, p. 203]. In addition, the time distance allows to make generalizations in a broader context, as well as use facts and documents that previously remained out of sight.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Kazakh National University of International Relations and World Languages
Years of experience: 11. Registered at Apr 2023.
Kazakh (Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, DejaVu, Fusion, Helium, LocStudio, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Passolo, Powerpoint, SDLX, Smartcat, Smartling, Trados Studio, Translation Exchange, Translation Workspace, Wordfast
My professional experience is 12 years and it is mostly associated with translation services. I started my career in Tengizchevroil company as a trilingual (English, Kazakh, Russian) translator, where I cooperated with a lot of expats and translated internal policies of the company. I also worked for many translation agencies both as a full timer and a freelancer. I translated IT projects, medical documents, contracts, food industry texts, movie plots, etc. from and into these three languages. The CAT tools that I can work with include Trados Studio, Translation workspace, Smartling, Deja Vu, etc.