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Nov 5, 2024 (posted Nearing completion on a 7000-word article exploring the third mission of universities—beyond teaching and research. Fascinating work!...more, + 1 other entry »
Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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English to Portuguese: Higher education quality assurance in the US General field: Other
Source text - English To meet accrediting agency demands, institutions typically assess learning indirectly, using indicators such as: the rate of student progress, retention and completion; the satisfaction of students, alumni and employers; and the post-graduate success of graduates in the labor market. Some adopt more direct learning indicators, including the analysis of classroom observations, of student essays and senior projects, of the products of task-oriented workgroups, and of video tapes of student argumentation. Almost all emphasize student evaluations of their professors, via questionnaires, interviews, and/or focus groups. Indeed, in most US institutions, the student evaluations that a professor receives is crucial for both job maintenance and career advancement.
Some scholars in the US have also proposed a national test to measure higher education learning. But the predominant position on the part of those involved in higher education accreditation is strongly against the use of such a measure. The OECD recently abandoned a massive, international effort to create a PISA-like test for higher education students, in part due to the technical difficulties associated with cross-national comparisons and in part because of political disagreements among the participating nations. In the US, there are currently a number of higher education examinations on the market, but their usage by institutions or programs is voluntary, and they tend to focus on critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and problem-solving capability rather than on knowledge content.
Translation - Portuguese Para atender as exigências das agências de acreditação, as instituições geralmente avaliam o aprendizado indiretamente, utilizando indicadores como: o índice de aprovação, reprovação e conclusão dos alunos; a satisfação dos alunos, ex-alunos e empregadores; e o sucesso dos formados, após a graduação, no mercado de trabalho. Algumas adotam indicadores mais diretos de aprendizado, analisando, inclusive, observações de classe, a produção textual e trabalhos de conclusão de curso, a produção resultante de grupos de trabalho focados em tarefas específicas, e registros em vídeo da argumentação dos alunos. Quase todas enfatizam avaliações dos professores pelos alunos, via questionários, entrevistas e grupos focais. De fato, na maioria das instituições dos EUA, a avaliação que o professor recebe dos alunos é crucial para a manutenção de seu emprego e para o progresso na carreira.
Alguns estudiosos do país também têm proposto uma prova nacional para medir o aprendizado no ensino superior. Mas a posição predominante por parte dos envolvidos na acreditação do ensino superior é fortemente contrária ao uso de tal medida. A OCDE recentemente abandonou um esforço internacional massivo de criação de um exame semelhante ao PISA para alunos do ensino superior, em parte devido às dificuldades técnicas relacionadas à comparação entre países, e em parte devido a discordâncias políticas entres os países participantes. Nos EUA, existem atualmente vários exames de ensino superior disponíveis no mercado, mas seu uso pelas instituições ou cursos é voluntário, e eles tendem a se concentrar no pensamento crítico, raciocínio analítico e capacidade de resolução de problemas, e não em conteúdos de conhecimentos.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of São Paulo
Years of experience: 13. Registered at Sep 2023. Became a member: Sep 2023.
I translate from English into BrazilianPortuguese.
Full-time freelance translator since 2012, working mainly for Brazilian academic journals and scholars, mainstream press, and publishing houses.
Management and Finance (3.5 million words); Education (2.2 million words); Legal; Literary (12 non-fiction books); Health, Nutrition, and Lifestyle (Men’s Health magazine); Marketing.
2024 Brazilian National Translators Union (SINTRA) Conference (São Paulo, Brazil), in person
SINTRA (Brazilian National Translators Union), member No. 515.
ATA (American Translators Association)
Three years working as a legal intern at a law firm in São Paulo, Brazil, with several different responsibilities:
Tracking the status of case procedures; researching jurisprudence to inform petition drafting; drafting petitions and extrajudicial notices; communicating with clients and vendors; maintaining and organizing the office’s files and library.
Law School – University of São Paulo, Brazil (3 years, 1994-1997)
Bachelor of Philosophy – University of São Paulo, Brazil (2015)
Catholic Pontifical University of Rio de Janeiro - Certified translation preparatory course – 2023
RWS Trados Webinar - Leveraging localization trends for success in 2024
Spanish (advanced), French (basic), and Italian (basic)
Collaboration with the pro-racial equality NGO Instituto do Negro Padre
Batista (INPB) from 2002 to 2004, assisting with translation of the
organization's institutional communication and with implementing its
monthly newsletter.
Etymology, History, 80s and 90s Pop Music, Theater, Running
Keywords: english translator, english to portuguese translator, english to brazilian portuguese translator, portuguese to english translator, literary translator, legal translator, english to portuguese legal translator, english to brazilian portuguese legal translator, english to portuguese mtpe, english to brazilian Portuguese mtpe. See more.english translator, english to portuguese translator, english to brazilian portuguese translator, portuguese to english translator, literary translator, legal translator, english to portuguese legal translator, english to brazilian portuguese legal translator, english to portuguese mtpe, english to brazilian Portuguese mtpe, english literary translation, english to portuguese literary translation, english to brazilian portuguese literary translation, english marketing translation, english to portuguese marketing translation, english to brazilian portuguese marketing translation, english financial translation, english to portuguese financial translation, english to brazilian portuguese financial translation, finance, law, education, coloniality, marketing, ethnographic studies, ethnography, theoretical reflection, theoretical reflections symbolic capital, cultural capital, social capital, rationality, asset location process, asset location, marketing managers, academic literacy, speech genres, post-graduation, new literacy studies, nls, student press, gender bias, teacher education, teacher education gaps, learning evaluation, learning assessment, student assessment, pupil assessment, pisa, pisa test, hermeneutics of the subject, psychoanalysis, care of the self, plato, environmental comfort, built environment, sustainability, customer relationship management, crm, crm design system, social media, sex education, teaching practice, teaching methodology, transfer payment policy, transfer payment, policy-making, policymaking, panel data model, panel data, phenomenology, phenomenology of attention, agency of objects, teacher education, teacher continuing education, parametric design, education provision, early childhood education, daycare, daycare access, longitudinal study, quilombo education, quilombola, quilombola education, quilombo, quilombos, symptomatic variable, collaterals, fiduciary lien, agribusiness, rural loan, loan conditions, fiscal federalism, social policies, purchasing power parity, household income, gini coefficient, welfare state, special education, critical accounting, critical discourse analysis, . See less.