Working languages:
Latin to English
English to Latin
Greek (Ancient) to English

Joseph Brazauskas
If You Want It Done Right

United States
Local time: 08:09 EST (GMT-5)

Native in: English Native in English, Spanish Native in Spanish
Feedback from
clients and colleagues

on Willingness to Work Again info
36 positive reviews
1 rating (5.00 avg. rating)

 Your feedback
User message
Quae philosophia fuit facta est philologia.
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, Transcription, MT post-editing, Transcreation, Language instruction, Software localization
Specializes in:
Poetry & LiteratureLinguistics
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.

All accepted currencies U. S. dollars (usd)
KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 999, Questions answered: 620, Questions asked: 97
Project History 5 projects entered    2 positive feedback from outsourcers

Blue Board entries made by this user  51 entries

Payment methods accepted Wire transfer, Check, Money order, PayPal
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 18
Glossaries Glossarium, Glossarium Emendatum
Translation education Master's degree - University of Massachusetts
Experience Years of experience: 40. Registered at Sep 2002. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials Latin to English (University of Massachusetts-B.A, M.A.)
Latin to Spanish (University of Massachusetts-B.A., M.A.)
English to Latin (University of Massachusetts-B.A., M.A.)
Spanish to Latin (University of Massachusetts-B.A., M.A.)
Greek (Ancient) to English (University of Massachusetts-B.A., M.A.)

Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Professional practices Joseph Brazauskas endorses's Professional Guidelines.

I am a retired Classicist with 50 years’ experience
at translating, emending, and annotating Ancient Greek and Latin texts,
inscriptions, and papyri into English, Spanish, Italian, and French, and vice
versa, as well as written materials from the aforesaid modern languages into
Ancient Greek and Latin.  I also occasionally work, to a limited degree,
in Lithuanian, German, and Portuguese.  

I have, during the past half century, rendered a
wide assortment of documents, including, but not exclusive of, hundreds of
advertisements and slogans for national and international companies, both
private and public; thousands of college, university, and other scholastic
degrees, generally composed in Latin;  a very wide array of business,
religious, medical, and academic documents, theses, diagnoses, and discussions
in numerous fields; compositions, such as legal indictments, cosmological
theories, and medical and scientific treatises; scenes for American, British,
and Turkish television; social welfare documents; genealogical documents;
commercial promotions and slogans; funerary inscriptions; skits for Disney
theme parks; proofreading of a bilingual Latin <> English dictionary;
consultant on Latin etymology; consultant on Ancient Greek etymology and
phonology; prayers, mottos, and tattoos; Latin translations and
phonemicizations of Latin and Italian words, phrases, and sentences for
language learning calendars; birth, baptismal, and death certificates;
supplementation of Ancient Greek coinage and Latin military inscriptions; Latin
recordings for the first chapters of Caesar’s de bello Gallico and of the first
chapters of Xenophon’s Anabasis for Mango Languages; English translations of
the extant poetry of Alcman, Alcaeus, and Sappho; English translation of the
poetry of C. Valerius Catullus; English translations of the extant fragments of
Heraclitus’ On Nature; English translation of Hieronymus Magius On Bells;
English translation of Johannes Trithemius’ Latin treatise Steganographia:
English translations of Latin medical correspondence between John Clephane,
Gauthier van Doeveren, Amadaeus Emanuel Haller, William Hunter, Johann Gottlieb
Walter, Vicq d’Azyr, et al., dated between 1757 and 1778; proofread,
translated, emended, and devised neologisms for a Latin version of the computer
game Glorie die Römer; Latin translation of a manual for a GPS navigation
system; English translation of Michael Florentius' Latin treatise On
Spherography; analysis of Latin and Greek names proposed for new pharmaceutical
drugs to determine their marketability; Latin literary translation from Thomas
Hardy; and much, much more.

A full CV is available upon request.


These are based upon the number of words in the
source text, excluding repetitions and words the standard meaning of which is uncommon.

Latin <> English/Ancient Greek/Spanish/French/Italian $0.15 USD per word/$15.00 USD per page

Payment is accepted via PayPal (at, Western
Union, cheque, or money order, 

Terms of 15, 30, 45, and 60 days net are available.

Please note that

1.  I will not translate a document without
previously having reviewed it.

2.  I do not work in collaboration
with other linguists.

3.  I do not take translation tests
in excess of 100 words.







This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 2006
PRO-level pts: 999

Top languages (PRO)
Latin to English444
English to Latin393
Spanish to Latin40
Greek (Ancient) to English28
English to Spanish24
Pts in 7 more pairs >
Top general fields (PRO)
Social Sciences44
Pts in 3 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Poetry & Literature172
Education / Pedagogy104
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs66
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters64
Idioms / Maxims / Sayings40
Pts in 28 more flds >

See all points earned >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects5
With client feedback2
100% positive (2 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
Latin to English3
English to Latin2
Specialty fields
Printing & Publishing1
Education / Pedagogy1
Computers: Software1
Other fields
Medical (general)1
Astronomy & Space1
Keywords: Latin, Ancient Greek, diplomas, certificates, licenses, history, literature, prose, poetry, tutoring. See more.Latin, Ancient Greek, diplomas, certificates, licenses, history, literature, prose, poetry, tutoring, cribs, epigraphy, maxims, greetings, slogans, astronomy, astrology, biology, botany, natural science, Latin composition, Greek composition, tattoos, correspondence, games, computer games, sports, calendars, time-reckoning, time-keeping, geography, zoology, general medicine, pharmaceuticals, herbs, fiction, novels, short stories, fables, mottos, charities, general conversation, literary tags, Latin quotations, Greek quotations, religion, theology, esoteric practices, rituals, mythology, New Testament studies, Greek history, Roman history, Greek culture, Roman culture, Greek literature, Latin literature, Greek religion, Mycenaean religion, Roman religion, Etruscan religion, papyri, codex, inscriptions, funerary inscriptions, epitaph, graffiti, numismatics, chronography, chronology, annals, archeology, ancient philosophy, advertising, editing, proofreading, literary exegesis, historical exegesis, grammatical exegesis, Latin versification, Greek versification, etymology, historical linguistics, comparative Indo-European linguistics, English grammar, Old English, Anglo-Saxon, rhetoric, oratory, oration, speech, belles-lettres, epistolography, medicine, herbs, law, law code, statute, handbook, encyclopedia, clothing, fashion, sculpture, painting, geology, paganism, animism, numinism, monotheism, polytheism, henotheism, spirituality, customs, psychology, logic, funerary practices, vocal music, microbiology, handicrafts, human evolution, prehistory, the humanities, sociology, economics, politics, goverment, human development, human relationships, non-human primates, ecology, war, military tactics, ethics, classical studies, chartography, editing, proofreading, Baltic studies, Baltic religion, civilization, anthropology, ancient cultures, Medieval history, the Renaissance, superstitions, celestial mechanics, Romance philology, Romance linguistics, semantics, human sexuality, mineralogy, jewelry, agriculture, animal husbandry, paleontology, paleobotany, environmental pollution, creation, the cosmos, natural law, Biblical studies, journalism, chemistry, drug and alcohol abuse, family planning, feminism, chauvinism, homosexuality, idolatry, eschatology, ideology, slavery, planetary science, space travel, stellar evolution, exobiology, motherhood, fatherhood, monasticism, gnosticism, hermeticism, ancient science, atmospheric phenomena, weather, drama, tragedy, comedy, epic poetry, elegiac poetry, lyric poetry, philanthropy, theosophy, racism, esthetics, meteorology, climate change, Old English literature, Mycenean Greek, Linear B, Mycenean civilization, Mycenean religion, Helladic Greece, the Pelasgians, Minoan civilization, Minoan religion, Pre-Socratic philosophy, Platonism, Stoicism, Epicureanism, fragmentary Greek authors, fragmentary Latin authors, prophecy, oracles, democracy, oligarchy, timocracy, tyranny, monarchy, trade, commerce, exploration, ancient relics, Greek temples, Roman temples, ancient churches, ancient synagogues, ancient travel, ancient hospitality, ancient money, ancient finance, ancient banking, Greek education, Roman education, Greek gods, Roman gods, Etruscan gods, Baltic gods, Greek religious festivals, Roman religious festivals, Baltic religious festivals, dainos, ancient Greek music, Greek biography, Roman biography, the Roman Republic, the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, ancient Italy, ancient Greece, ancient Europe, pre-Christian Lithuania, the Teutonic Knights, neopaganism, neo-Hellenism, Greek libraries, Roman libraries, Medieval libraries, scribes, ancient scholarship. See less.

Profile last updated
Jun 27, 2024