Working languages:
French to English
Spanish to English
Latin to English

Rachael Singh
High-quality accurate legal translations

Local time: 07:48 GMT (GMT+0)

Native in: English Native in English
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Main areas of expertise are law and social sciences. Equally able to translate literary pieces and prose.

Interpreting service available (French <>English).

Proof-reading and revision work also undertaken.

Please contact me for further information either by e-mail or telephone (numbers as shown on CV). I also have an ICQ number: 24159149.

Legal background - English law and French law. Trained as a barrister in London, UK.

Knowledge of the following areas: public international law, international human rights law, EC law, criminal law, immigration law; general English law, general French law, general Spanish law.

Other areas: social sciences, literature, journalism, travel & tourism.

French and Spanish both written, read and spoken to mother-tongue standard.

High-quality, accurate translations produced within or before agreed deadlines.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 24
PRO-level pts: 12

Top languages (PRO)
French to English8
Spanish to English4
Top general fields (PRO)
Top specific fields (PRO)
Law: Contract(s)8
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion4

See all points earned >
Keywords: Law, Social Science, Literature, History, Sport, Popular Culture, Interpreting, Proof-reading, legal, general. See more.Law,Social Science,Literature,History,Sport,Popular Culture,Interpreting, Proof-reading, legal, general, reports, Spanish, French, transcription. See less.

Profile last updated
Jul 14, 2009

More translators and interpreters: French to English - Spanish to English - Latin to English   More language pairs