Translation knowledge + experience since 1970
Architecture, Building & construction, Manuals of different sorts, Film, Art, Music, Design, Sports, Literature,
Advertising & public relations, Marketing, Real estate, Multimedia, Gastronomy, Television & radio, Journalism, Theater, Automotive industry, Cosmetics, Philosophy, Electronics, Photography, Religion, Glass & ceramics
Machinery & tools C
Hotel management C
Labor relations C
Textiles & fashion C
Transportation C
Contracts C
Computer hardware C
Health care C
Industrial engineering C
Behavioral science C
Mechanical engineering C
Education C
History C
Let the SMART OLD FOX handle your translations!
References / CV
Born in Stockholm, S, in 1943
Studies in Sweden and Switzerland
Profession Architect ETH, own business
Swedish:- Born in Sweden, lived there the first 25 years.
German:- Live and work in Switzerland since 1967
English:- Numerous stays in the USA and UK, job experience
Translations since 1970 for numerous agencies
all over the world.
Total translated words + 2.000.000
English - Swedish
German - Swedish
Preferred text: Most any kind of texts, on demand.
Fee ca. $ 0.15 or |