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Italian to English: Financial Analysis for M&A General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Italian Le scritture di consolidamento per lo stato patrimoniale sono relative a:
• Elisione delle partite di debito/credito infragruppo: Sono state eliminati crediti verso ACME USA Inc. (e debiti di quest’ultima verso ACME) per 0,1 milioni di Euro;
• Elisione delle partecipazioni: E’ stato eliminato il valore di carico della partecipazione di ACME in ACME USA Inc. iscritta per un valore di 0,8 milioni di Euro, con il corrispondente valore di Patrimonio Netto della controllata. L’elisione non ha generato differenze di consolidamento.
• Eliminazione dell’effetto degli ammortamenti anticipati: Sono stati eliminati dal bilancio di ACME ammortamenti anticipati effettuati nei periodi precedenti al 2011 per 0.6 milioni di Euro, aumentando il valore netto delle immobilizzazioni materiali e aumentanto i retained earnings.
Mentre, per il conto economico:
• Elisione delle partite di costo/ricavo infragruppo: Sono state eliminati ricavi conseguiti con ACME USA Inc. (e costi di quest’ultima per acquisti da ACME) per 0,8 milioni di Euro.
Translation - English The consolidation adjustments made to the balance sheet were as follows:
• Elimination of intercompany receivables and payables: Receivables of Euro 0.1 million due from ACME USA Inc. were eliminated (for ACME USA Inc. these constituted payables to ACME S.p.A.);
• Elimination of equity investments: The book value of ACME S.p.A.’s investment in ACME USA Inc. (Euro 0.8 million) was offset against the corresponding net equity of the subsidiary. This adjustment did not lead to any consolidation differences.
• Elimination of the effect of accelerated depreciation: Accelerated depreciation of Euro 0.6 million charged in years prior to 2011 was eliminated from the balance sheet of ACME S.p.A. This increased the net book value of tangible fixed assets and retained earnings.
The following adjustment was made to the income statement:
• Elimination of intercompany costs and revenues: revenues of Euro 0.8 million from sales to ACME USA Inc. were eliminated (these represented costs to ACME USA Inc. in respect of purchases from ACME S.p.A.);
Italian to English: Due Diligence Report General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Italian La tabella a lato evidenzia il portafoglio ordini per gli esercizi oggetto di analisi; tale dato è confrontato inoltre con il fatturato degli esercizi 2012 e 2013, indicato nei bilanci civilistici alle date di riferimento, con il volume di affari dei primi 10 mesi 2014, inserito nel dettaglio fornito dal management, e con il fatturato atteso al 31 Dicembre 2014. Si osserva quanto segue:
*l’attuale portafoglio ordini dovrebbe garantire, secondo le stime effettuate dal management, per il 2015 un incremento dei ricavi del 11% se paragonato rispetto al dato del 2013.
*Tale incremento è imputabile principalmente al settore degli enti pubblici, per effetto dell’acquisizione di commesse aventi per oggetto la fornitura di tecnologie RRR / SSS (USL di Modena e di Potenza, per rispettivi Euro 5,7 milioni ed Euro 1 milione).
*per gli esercizi 2006 e 2007 il flusso di ricavi, coperto dall’attuale portafoglio ordini, è pari a circa Euro 30 milioni.
Translation - English The chart to the right shows the order backlog for the years under review. The figure has also been compared with the sales revenues for 2012 and 2013 as reported in the statutory accounts for those years, with turnover for the first 10 months of 2014 (as included in the analysis supplied by management) and with forecast sales at December 31, 2014. We note that:
*based on management’s estimates, the current order backlog should guarantee an 11% increase in sales revenues in 2015 compared to 2013.
*The increase comes mainly from the public sector as a result of Company won contracts to supply RRR/SSS technology (Modena and Potenza Health Authorities for Euro 5.7 million and Euro 1 million, respectively).
*For 2016 and 2017, the revenue flow covered by the current order backlog amounts to around Euro 30 million.
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I am a freelance translator specialised in business / financial translations from Italian to English. I have also done translations related to gourment food and wine, tourism, automotive, and film.
I have worked for more than 15 years as a financial director, controller, and analyst including 4 years for a Big 4 accounting firm in transaction services.
My native language is English and I am fluent in Italian. I have worked for a Big 4 accounting firm for which I translated due diligence reports, financial analyses, audit reports, and financial statements and related notes.
During my career I have worked in various industries including automotive, food and beverage, telecommunications, energy, advertising and engineering.
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