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Jan 5 (posted Human translation of medical records from French and Portuguese. Also, promoting some stage plays I was hired to translate: I'm circulating them to professional theaters in English-speaking countries....more »
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Source text - Spanish Fragmento de un artículo de El Mundo (Madrid), 26 de dic. de 2003:
El sector turístico aportó en 2002 el 11,8% del Producto Interior Bruto (PIB) español, frente al 12,1% registrado en el ejercicio precedente, según informó el Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE).
El INE achaca esta disminución del peso relativo de la actividad turística española a las transformaciones en los mercados internacionales acaecidas tras los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001 y a la recesión económica que sufren algunos de los mercados emisores, fundamentalmente Alemania.
No obstante, la caída del turismo motivada por estas circunstancias se ha visto compensada por un comportamiento más estable del turismo interno, no sólo en el segmento mayoritario del turismo de playa, también en otras formas emergentes como el turismo rural, el turismo cultural, el excursionismo de fin de semana o los viajes a segunda residencia.
Balanza de pagos
El turismo que viene del exterior aportó en 2002 más de 40.597 millones de euros a la Balanza de Pagos española, frente los 10.750 millones gastados por turistas españoles en el resto del mundo.
Translation - English Excerpt of an article from El Mundo (Madrid), Dec. 26, 2003:
The travel industry accounted for 11.8% of Spain's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2002, against 12.1% recorded in the previous cycle, the National Institute of Statistics (INE) reported.
According to the INE, this decline in the relative weight of Spain's travel business is due, in part, to the changes in international markets following the attacks of September 11, 2001. The INE also attributes it in part to the recession that some source markets are experiencing, particularly Germany.
However, the resultant drop in tourism has been offset by more stable performance in domestic travel. This is true not only in the leading area, beach travel, but also in other emerging areas such as rural travel, cultural travel, weekend excursions, or travel to a second home.
Balance of Payments
In 2002, inbound foreign travel contributed more than 40,597 million euros to Spain's Balance of Payments, against 10,750 million spent by Spanish travelers in the rest of the world.
French to English: Tech journalism Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - French Extrait d'une entrevue éditée
par, 2 décembre 2003:
Patrick Cocquet,
Task Force IPv6: «Les opérateurs savent qu’ils ne peuvent
pas reculer très longtemps le passage à IPv6»
Par Philippe Leroy, ZDNet France
Président de la
branche française de l'IPv6 Task Force et de 6Wind, constructeur de plates-formes
réseau intégrées IPv4 et IPv6, Patrick Cocquet fait le
point sur le développement de l'internet deuxième génération
et de son intégration dans les systèmes d'information.
Votre appel à
une mobilisation des industriels européens pour favoriser le développement
de réseaux et d'applications IPv6 commence-t-il à être entendu?
Oui, pas aussi rapidement que l’enjeu le nécessite, mais il n’y
a qu’à voir le nombre d’industriels, d’opérateurs
et de consultants qui participent aux diverses Task Force européennes
pour comprendre qu’il se passe quelque chose. Par exemple, ces dernières
semaines nous avons vu deux grands acteurs annoncer des nouveaux produits: Alcatel,
qui participait aux tests d’interopérabilité IPv6 organisés
par l’ETSI à Bruxelles avec sa gamme de routeurs de cœur, et
Nokia, qui a annoncé la disponibilité de son dernier terminal
en double stack IPv4 et IPv6. Du côté des PME innovantes, plusieurs
acteurs annoncent ou vont annoncer des produits IPv6. C’est le cas de 6Wind
[Patrick Cocquet est également Chairman de ce constructeur de plates-formes
réseau intégrées, Ndlr], qui élargit sa gamme de
routeurs et son offre technologique; c’est également celui de QoSmetrix,
qui réalise des outils de test de mesure de qualité des réseaux
Translation - English Excerpt of an interview published
on, December 2, 2003:
Patrick Cocquet, IPv6 Task Force: "Providers know they
cannot hold back the transition to IPv6 for very long"
By Philippe Leroy, ZDNet France
The president of the French division of the IPv6 Task Force and of 6Wind - which makes IPv4 and IPv6
integrated network platforms - Patrick Cocquet gives an update on the development
of the second-generation internet and its integration into information systems.
Are people starting to
pay attention to your call for European manufacturers to actively promote
the development of IPv6 networks and applications?
Yes. Not as fast as the stakes require, but you just have to look at the number
of manufacturers, providers and consultants involved in the various European
Task Forces to understand that something is happening. For instance, in the
last few weeks we've seen two major players announce new products: Alcatel,
which is taking part in ETSI's IPv6 interoperability tests in Brussels with
its line of core routers, and Nokia, which announced the availability of its
latest dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 terminal. As for innovative small and mid-sized
companies, several players are announcing or will soon announce IPv6 products.
That's the case with 6Wind [Ed. Note: Patrick Cocquet is also Chairman of this
manufacturer of integrated network platforms], which is expanding its line of
routers and tech products. That's also the case at QoSmetrix, which makes test
utilities to measure the quality of IP networks.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Rutgers University
Years of experience: 22. Registered at Dec 2003. Became a member: Jan 2004.
MAIN TRANSLATION FIELDS: Biomedical, business, contracts, insurance, corporate social responsibility, environmental science, literary and historical, mass media and entertainment, education, theater scripts, and library and archival science.
BUSINESS TRANSLATION PROJECTS: Corporate internal and external communications, corporate contracts, insurance policies, HR policies, articles of incorporation, product catalogues.
BIOMEDICAL TRANSLATION PROJECTS: Extensive experience translating patients' clinical records, adverse effect reports, pharmaceutical fact sheets, clinical trial documentation (protocols, budgets, informed consent forms, etc.), patient education brochures about diseases and conditions, and similar documents.
ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSLATION PROJECTS: Environmental-impact studies for proposed construction; scholarly papers on climate change; research institutions’ websites dealing with forestry, oceanography, and zoology; government and corporate preparedness plans for natural disasters, industrial spills, etc.
Amazônia by Sebastião Salgado: a book about the land and people of the Amazon rainforest. English edition: Taschen, 2022.
The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, 10-volume series, Yale University Press (ongoing). I am the main Ladino-to-English translator for this series of books and also translate historical documents for them from Catalan, Portuguese, and medieval and early modern Spanish.
Homophobia in 1970s Spain: Psychiatry, Fascism, and the Transition to Democracy by Manuel Ángel Soriano. English edition: Egales, 2016.
Stage play: Happiness by Marilia Samper. Professional production of my English translation: Cervantes Theatre, London, 2022.
As co-translator: Latin American Economic Outlook, 2013 and 2014 volumes. English editions: OECD, 2014 and 2015.
As co-translator: Communication and Cultural Policies in Europe, edited by Isabel Fernández and Miquel de Moragas. English edition: Generalitat de Catalunya, 2008.
Contemporary plays: English performance scripts for the Catalandrama Project. More than a dozen plays, including In It for the Dough by Marc Angelet and Cristina Clemente, The Fight of the Century by Denise Duncan, Things We Don’t Say by Marilia Samper, Copycat by Carles Mallol. 2011–2023. My translation of Happiness (mentioned above) originated as part of this project.
Stage play: Eloise is Under an Almond Tree, a two-act comedy by Enrique Jardiel Poncela. Professional workshop: Cervantes Theatre, London, 2015. Translation published in an earlier form by University Press of America, 1991.
Lead historical consultant for the 2020 Apple TV+ docuseries Visible: Out on Television. Author of the book Alternate Channels (2000 and 2020 editions), whose first edition was a semifinalist for an American Library Association award. Historical consultant for several exhibitions by the Paley Center for Media at the Paley Museum in New York. Served on the research teams for documentaries seen on PBS and Bravo. Contributed media-history entries to reference books. Was a guest lecturer at dozens of colleges, universities, and other venues, speaking about the history of the broadcast media. Coordinated cataloguing of a large collection of historical papers prior to its donation to the Rare Books and Manuscripts Division of the New York Public Library.
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