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Dutch to English: Portuguese translation Detailed field: General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Source text - Dutch Voters Overwhelmingly Pass GOB Referendum
On November 2, 2004 Hollywood voters passed both General Obligation Bond Referendum questions with nearly 70% voting yes to public safety improvements and 65% voting yes for park and community center improvements. The $54 million in projects will be implemented over a 5 – 7 year period and result in upgraded fire stations, parks and community centers.
Improvements will occur throughout the city including rebuilding the Fred Lippman Multi-Purpose and Senior Center, purchasing new buses to provide seniors with transportation to community centers and cultural events, building new athletic fields, and installing shade covers and safety features at playgrounds. Public safety projects include purchasing new life-saving vehicles for the Fire Rescue Department and advanced crime fighting technology for the Police Department, building a new public safety complex on Federal Highway, and to rebuilding three obsolete fire stations.
Translation - English Votadores aprovam Referendo Geral de Obrigação por larga maioria
No dia 2 de Novembro de 2004, os votadores de Hollywood aprovaram ambas as perguntas do Referendo Geral de Obrigação, com 70% a votar SIM para os melhoramentos na área da segurança pública e 65% a votar SIM para o desenvolvimento de centros comunitários e parques. Os 54 milhões de dólares vão ser disponibilizados num período de 5 a 7 anos e vão resultar em modernizações nos quartéis dos bombeiros, e desenvolvimento de parques e centros comunitários.
As obras vão decorrer por toda a cidade, incluindo a recuperação do centro comunitário multi-propósitos para idosos Fred Lippman, a compra de autocarros novos de modo a transportar idosos para os centros comunitários e actividades culturais, a construção de novas pistas de atletismo, colocação de toldos para sombras e mecanismos de segurança nos parques de recreio. Na área de segurança pública está incluído a compra de novos veículos salva-vidas para o Departamento dos Bombeiros e novas técnicas de combate anti-crime para o Departamento da Polícia construindo um novo complexo de segurança pública para a Polícia Rodoviária Federal, e a recuperação de três quartéis de bombeiros obsoletos.
Dutch to English: Translation Book about Orchids Detailed field: Botany
Source text - Dutch Sander stuurde de gedroogde planten op naar de plantkundige Reichenbach, die deze nieuwe Vanda beschreef en ter ere van Frederick Sander benoemde. Dit was maar een gedeeltelijke overwinning voor Sander. De eerste levende planten van deze soort die uiteindelijk in Engeland toekwamen, waren immers niet door Roebelin ingezameld, maar door zijn gehate rivaal Boxall die werkte voor Low, de aartsvijand van Sander.
De orchideeënjagers uit de negentiende eeuw hadden totaal geen ecologisch geweten.
Translation - English Sander sent the dried plants to the botanist Reichenbach, who described these new Vanda and named it in honor of Frederick Sander. This was only a partial victory for Sander. The first living plants of this kind that eventually belonged to England were not collected by Roebelin, but by his hated rival Boxall who worked for Low, the arch-enemy of Sander.
The orchid hunters from the nineteenth century had no ecological conscience.
Years of experience: 16. Registered at Sep 2007.
Easy Translation is an agency that specializes in translations between European languages. Although we mostly translate Dutch to other languages, we also provide translations with other language pairs.
Easy Translation works with a team of translators in The Netherlands and elsewhere on the globe. Because of our flexibility, we are most likely to be able to handle your job. Most important to us is that we will also decline a job when we can not take it.
All of our translations are written by native speakers of the target language and are, for quality reasons, proofread by a second translator.
We are looking forward to working on your project. You can contact us at or by phone at +31 85 002 1332.