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English to Swedish - Rates: 0.13 - 0.15 EUR per word / 45 - 50 EUR per hour Italian to Swedish - Rates: 0.13 - 0.15 EUR per word / 45 - 50 EUR per hour
English to Swedish: Marketing text for a calender General field: Marketing Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - English Time for Children
Wondering how to manage your time in the coming months?
As you draw up your plans for the year, XXX will be hard at work all over the world. Time is precious – and for us, so are children. Every second counts when a child’s life is in danger. The clock is ticking and every day, we do whatever it takes to save children, nourish them, educate them, protect them and safeguard their rights.
XXX is proud of its work for children and you can be proud of your support. As you turn the pages of this calendar, enjoy the inspiring photos of children from across the globe in friendship and togetherness.
In the time it takes you to read this page, XXX will have saved a young life somewhere. Tomorrow we will do the same. Our mission will continue until every child’s rights are realized.
Translation - Swedish Dags för barnen
Funderar du på hur dina kommande månader ska se ut?
Medan du gör upp planer för det närmaste året arbetar XXX hårt i hela världen. Tiden är dyrbar – och det är även barnen för oss. Varje sekund räknas när ett barns liv är i fara. Klockan tickar på och varje dag gör vi vad som än krävs för att rädda barn, ge dem näring, utbilda dem, skydda dem och värna om deras rättigheter.
XXX är stolt över sitt arbete för barnen och du kan vara stolt över ditt stöd. Medan du bläddrar i den här kalendern kan du glädja dig åt de inspirerande bilderna på barn från hela världen, enade i vänskap och samhörighet.
Under tiden du läser denna sida har XXX räddat ett ungt liv någonstans. Imorgon gör vi det igen. Vårt uppdrag fortsätter tills alla barns rättigheter har förverkligats.
English to Swedish: Software help file General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers: Software
Source text - English Regex tagger
Use the Regex Tagger to control how memoQ tags the text of a document that was imported using another document filter. The Regex tagger is a secondary filter that is used after another document filter in a cascading filter configuration. It cannot be used directly to import a document; it can parse the text of a document that was imported by another filter.
See also: Regex text filter
Loading and saving regular expression patterns
The main part of the dialog allows you to write and test the regular expression rules that control how memoQ recognizes a part of text that is replaced with an inline tag. Once you write a set of such patterns, you can save them as a filter configuration. You can also load a set of patterns that was saved earlier. To load an existing set of patterns, choose one from the Filter configuration drop-down list. To save the rule set you just created, choose in the Filter configuration drop-down box, and click the Save icon next to it. The Create new filter configuration dialog appears where you can save your regular expression rules as a light resource.
Setting up regular expression patterns
Click the Up and Down buttons to move rules up and down. This can be useful if two patterns match the same paragraph, but the content groups are different. In this case, the order of processing them is important. Click OK to close the Document import settings dialog, and start importing the selected documents. Click Cancel to close the dialog without importing documents.
Caution: The OK or the Cancel buttons do not save the rules. If you want to re-use the rule set for later tagging, click the Save icon at the top before leaving the Document import settings dialog.
Translation - Swedish Regex-taggfilter
Använd Regex-taggfiltret för att styra hur memoQ taggar texten i ett dokument som importerats med ett annat dokumentfilter. Regex-taggfiltret är ett sekundärt filter som används efter ett annat dokumentfilter i en kaskadkopplad filterkonfiguration. Det kan inte användas direkt för att importera ett dokument, men kan parsa texten i ett dokument som importerats med ett annat filter.
Se även: Regex-textfilter
Ladda och spara mönster för reguljära uttryck
I dialogrutans huvuddel kan du skriva och testa regler för reguljära uttryck som styr hur memoQ tolkar en del av en text som ersätts med en inlinetagg. När du har skrivit en uppsättning med sådana mönster kan du spara dem som en filterkonfiguration. Du kan även läsa in en mönsteruppsättning som sparats tidigare. Läs in en befintlig mönsteruppsättning genom att välja den i listrutan Filterkonfiguration. Spara regeluppsättningen som du precis har skapat genom att välja den i listrutan Filterkonfiguration och klicka på ikonen Spara bredvid. Dialogrutan Skapa nytt filter visas där du kan spara dina regler för reguljära uttryck som en lätt resurs.
Ange mönster för reguljära uttryck
Klicka på knapparna Uppåt och Nedåt för att flytta regler uppåt och nedåt. Detta kan vara användbart om två regler matchar samma stycke, men innehållsgrupperna skiljer sig åt. I detta fall är ordningen som de behandlas i viktig. Klicka på OK för att stänga dialogrutan Inställningar för dokumentimport och starta importen av de markerade dokumenten. Klicka på Avbryt för att stänga dialogrutan utan att importera något dokument.
Varning: Knapparna OK och Avbryt sparar inte reglerna. Klicka på ikonen Spara högst upp innan du lämnar dialogrutan Inställningar för dokumentimport om du vill återanvända regeluppsättningen för att tagga vid ett senare tillfälle.
Years of experience: 18. Registered at Nov 2007. Became a member: Jun 2008.
I am a native Swede working as a full-time freelance translator since 2007. I provide accurate and well-researched translations, making sure to always meet agreed deadlines and provide quick answers to availability requests.
The great majority of the projects that I work on are related to the following fields:
I work a lot with marketing texts, such as website content, brochures, online magazines and press releases, as well as technical texts such as owner manuals, repair manuals, recall campaigns, e-learning courses for resellers and sub-titles for instruction videos. While I work mainly with passenger cars, vans and trucks (and to some extent motorcycles), I also have experience with related fields such as electrical vehicle charging equipment, motorsport, construction equipment and tires. During the last few years, I have been working regularly for some of the leading manufacturers of electrical vehicles and I am well acquainted with EV terminology.
I have done many UI translations, from mobile apps to computer software, in-car multimedia/navigation systems and interfaces for industrial machinery. Being a Mac / iPhone / iPad / Apple Watch / Apple TV user, I am well acquainted with the Apple ecosystem and I also have an extensive experience with translating and reviewing texts related to these products. Software documentation is something I enjoy working with, and I have for example translated about 500 k words of documentation for software used in hospital environments. Another area that I work with is IT related marketing texts, such as website content for online services.
In-house software testing
I occasionally go abroad to work on in-house projects where I test telecom software localized to Swedish on Windows computers as well as Android and iOS devices, reporting both linguistic and functional issues by working with test cases. I also have plenty of experience with in-house linguistic quality assurance projects related to IT website content and iOS app translations.
Voice assistants
I work regularly with translating strings for voice assistants for mobile phones, computers and cars. This also involves advanced xml coding to make sure gender agreement, number agreement etc. is achieved.
Technical documentation
I have translated many large installation, operation and maintenance manuals for industrial machinery as well as consumer electronics and household appliances. Some of the larger projects that I have been working on include sorting machines, extruders, labelling machines, milling machines, pinspotters, electrosurgical generators, optical character recognition systems, air conditioners, centrifuges, kitchen appliances, audio and video equipment, wrist watches, etc.
Other working fields
I have translated many instructions for toys. Cooking is a big passion of mine and I like translating recipes. As a passionate padel player, I am good at padel terminology.
CAT tools
memoQ has been my main working tool since 2011 and consider myself an advanced user. When needed, I also work in e.g. SDL Trados Studio 2019, WorldServer, Phrase and Crowdin. I enjoy playing around with Regular expressions (mainly .NET Framework flavor) to create custom import filters, segmentation rules, tags, etc.
Team translations
If you need a small translation team for a large project, or a translator-proofreader duo, I often collaborate with my colleagues Magnus Ågård and Joshua Pachner. We have developed a similar style and are able to keep the translations coherent through close collaboration. We can also bring in more collaborators for very large projects and share resources in real-time through e.g. memoQ Cloud Server.
I have a Master’s degree in Social Science with a major in Culture and Media production. Other university courses taken include Italian, Rhetoric, Business administration, Evaluation and financing of entrepreneurial activities and Musicology. As far as translation goes, I have participated in some online courses as well as on-site courses arranged by The Swedish Association of Professional Translators. I have also received extensive in-house training from a couple of IT and automotive clients.