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Sample translations submitted: 4
Russian to English: Sample Translation
Source text - Russian В цокольном этаже было открыто помещение с массивными столбами и низкими кирпичными сводами – это сохранившийся фрагмент погребов четвертого Зимнего дворца Петра I (1719–1723).
При строительстве театра в конце XVIII века помещение было засыпано строительным мусором, разбирая который эрмитажные археологи обнаружили фрагменты голландских плиток, русских изразцов, глиняных плошек-светильников, голландских курительных трубок, битой стеклянной и фарфоровой посуды XVIII века.
В южной стене погреба были раскрыты два узких горизонтальных окна с коваными решетками из вертикальных прутьев. Эти окна раньше выходили на парадный двор Зимнего дворца Петра I.
Петр I, владевший многими ремеслами, к токарному делу имел особую страсть. Токарная мастерская при царском дворе существовала с конца XVII в. В 1712 г. токарню из Москвы переводят в Петербург. В то время ее руководителем был Франц Зингер, в 1723 во главе мастерской встал выдающийся русский механик Андрей Нартов.
В токарне находилось свыше пятидесяти станков, 12 из которых сохранилось до наших дней (собрание Эрмитажа). На экспозиции представлен токарно-копировальный станок, резцы и предметы, созданные в знаменитой токарне Петра I.
Translation - English There was an open room in the basement which had huge pillars and low brick arches – This was a preserved section of the basements of Peter the first's Winter Palace (1719 – 1723).
During the construction of the theater at the end of the XVIII century, this room was covered in construction debris. Upon clearing the rubble, archeologists at The Hermitage found pieces of Dutch and Russian tiles, ceramic lampion lamps, Dutch tobacco pipes, broken glass, and china that dated to the XVIII century.
The wall of southern side of the room had two narrow, horizontal windows that were open made of wrought-iron grilles and vertical bars. In the past, these windows used to face the front courtyard of Peter the First’s Winter Palace.
Peter the first, who owned a lot handicraft, had a particular passion for lathe work. The existence of a lathe workshop in the royal court dates back to the end of the XVII century. In 1712 the lathe shop was transferred from Moscow to St. Petersburg. It was then managed by Franz Zinger. In 1723, a prominent Russian mechanic, Andrei Nartov took over as boss.
The lathe workshop was equipped with more than 50 machines twelve of which are still in tact. (Hermitage collection)
The exhibition displays a lathe duplicator, cutters, and other items made by Peter the first in the notorious lathe workshop.
Swedish to English: Translation Sample General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - Swedish LANDLORD
Facility Management System
- informationssystem för fastigheter och kundservice
5D System levererar användarvänliga, byggbara och pålitliga systemlösningar för kunder med höga krav. Mer än 250 företag och organisationer upplever dagligen fördelarna med att använda en applikation som är enkel att sätta sig in i och att använda, som är pålitlig och stabil, kan byggas ut i takt med verksamhetens nya behov. Vi är specialister på lönsamma system inom
• Teknisk och ekonomisk förvaltning för fastighets- och driftorganisationer
• Kundservice och ärendehantering för serviceorganisationer (FM)
Våra system är utvecklade för Windows och kan användas via webbläsare och mobila enheter.
5D System kombinerar på ett unikt sätt verksamhets- och IT-kunnande inom branschen. Dra nytta av det i din egen verksamhets utveckling!
Vår affärsidé
Vi skapar lönsamhet för våra kunder genom att anpassa standardsystem och integrera vår branschkompetens i vår programvara. Våra IT-lösningar är funktionella, nyttiga och representerar trygghet med hänsyn till din investering.
Landlord används av mellanstora och stora företag och organisationer inom fastighetsförvaltning och fastighetsservice men också i allt större omfattning av serviceverksamheter inom IT, städ, vaktmästeri, produktionskök, tele, dietist, café, butik, restaurang, foto, tryckeri, medicinsk teknik, sändningscentral, bevakning med flera.
Många kunder är fastighets- och serviceavdelningar som levererar tjänster till sin moderorganisation, Facility Management. Vi har en betydande erfarenhet av projekt för att implementera system med internhyra och interndebitering av tjänster.
Landlord använder webb-, windows- och mobil teknologi och erbjuder över 25 verksamhetskomponenter. Verksamhetskomponenterna, våra programmoduler, kan användas en och en eller i ett samverkande system för alla företagets processer. 5D System kan förse sina kunder med nya komponenter i takt med att verksamheten växer eller förändras.
I Landlord behöver du bara lägga in informationen om objekten, kunderna eller projekten på ett ställe. Därför undgår du problemet att information som du uppdaterar i en modul inte blir uppdaterad i en annan. All information presenteras i ett enhetligt och användarvänligt gränssnitt vilket gör att Du och Dina medarbetare omedelbart kan utnyttja fördelarna som ett integrerat, utbyggbart och användarvänligt system skapar!
Translation - English LANDLORD
Facility Management System
- Information system for real estate and customer service.
5D System delivers user-friendly, adjustable, and reliable system solutions for customers with high demands. Every day, more than 250 companies and businesses experience the advantages of using a system that is easy to understand and use - one which is reliable, stable, and can be extended to meet new business demands. We specialize in profitable systems dealing with:
• Technical and financial administration for real estate and management companies.
• Customer service and case management for service companies - (FM).
Our systems are developed for Windows, and can be used with web browsers and mobile devices.
5D system combines, in a unique way, business know-how and expertise within the IT industry. Make use of it in the development of your own business!
Our Business Concept
We create profitability for our customers by adapting standard systems and integrating our expertise in the industry into our software. Our IT solutions are functional, useful and stand for security with regards to your investment.
Landlord is used by middle-sized and large companies, firms working with property management, building maintenance, and, on a larger scale, businesses dealing with IT, cleaning and janitorial services, production kitchens, telecommunications, dieticians, cafes, shops, restaurants, printing, medical engineering, broadcasting stations, security companies and others.
Many clients are real estate and service subdivisions which deliver services to their parent organization - Facility Management. We have considerable experience in projects for implementing systems for managing internal rent and internal billing for services.
Landlord uses the web, Windows, mobile technology, and provides over 25 operational components. The operational components; our software modules, can be used individually or in an interoperable system for all the company’s operations. 5D Systems can provide its customers with new components in step with how the business grows or changes.
With Landlord, you only need to enter the information about items, clients or projects in one spot. Consequently, you avoid the situation where information updated in one module is not updated in another. All the information is presented in one consistent and user-friendly interface, which allows you and your co-workers, to instantly reap the benefits generated by an integrated, extensible and user-friendly system!
Swedish to English: Medical General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Cardiology
Source text - Swedish "Den vettigaste förklaring jag har sett till hur och varför man får åderförkalkning och därmed hjärtinfarkt tycker jag att Uffe Ravnskov har kommit med.[1]
Som nämndes uppstår en hjärtinfarkt då ett kärl i hjärtat blir så tilltäppt att blod inte kan ta sig fram. Själva tilltäppandet beror på en s.k. åderförkalkning i ett hjärtkärl. Åderförkalkningen i sin tur beror på inflammationsprocesser i kärlväggarna och dessa inflammationer orsakas av bakterier och virus eller deras giftiga produkter.
Resultatet av detta tilltäppta kärl blir en syrebrist i hjärtat som gör att en del av hjärtmuskeln kan ”dö”. Om det blir en stor syrebrist på grund av att ett större kärl täppts igen kan så stora delar av hjärtat skadas att det leder till döden för den som drabbats.
I praktiken går det till så att vi andas in virus och bakterier, vi äter dem och de kan ta sig in via ögonen eller genom sår. Det är de här främmande mikroberna - virusen och bakterierna alltså - som är själva grunden för infarkten. Den uppkommer bara i artärerna, alltså de kärl som leder blod bort från hjärtat.
När mikroberna kommit in i kroppen angrips de av kroppens försvarssystem, vårt immunsystem. Immunsystemet består av..."
Translation - English "The most rational explanation I've seen, as to how and why people get atherosclerosis and then a heart attack, is I believe what Uffe Ravnskov has come up with.[1]
As mentioned, a heart attack occurs when the coronary artery becomes so clogged up that blood cannot pass through.
This blockage is itself caused by a condition called atherosclerosis of the coronary artery. Arteriosclerosis is in turn caused by the inflammation of the vascular walls due to bacteria and viruses, or their toxic products.
The consequence of this clogged vessel is the lack of oxygen in the heart, which can cause part of the cardiac muscle to "die". If the lack of oxygen is severe because a coronary artery has clogged up again, this can damage wider areas of the heart to such an extent that it can lead to the death of the victim.
In practice, what happens is that we breathe in viruses and bacteria. We eat them, and they can enter out bodies through the eyes or open wounds. It is these foreign germs, viruses and bacteria which are the very causes of a heart attack. This only takes place in the arteries, i.e the vessels that transport blood away from the heart.
Once the germs enter the body, they are attacked by the body's defense system, our immune systems. The immune system consists of ... "
French to English: International Org. AVSF General field: Other Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - French Qui est AVSF ?
Née en 2004 de la fusion de Vétérinaires sans frontières et du Centre international de coopération pour le développement agricole, Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (AVSF) est une association de solidarité internationale reconnue d’utilité publique. Elle met les compétences de professionnels au service des familles paysannes menacées par l’exclusion dans les pays du Sud.
Des valeurs fondatrices
Montrer que l'agriculture paysanne est économiquement viable, écologiquement durable et socialement juste. En plus d’approvisionner les marchés, elle est source d'emploi et contribue à la vitalité de territoires ruraux et à la démocratie locale. Elle valorise la biodiversité
Se battre pour plus d'équité dans les relations internationales, en refusant de considérer l'exclusion comme inéluctable. L'association participe au plaidoyer en faveur d'une inflexion forte des politiques générales et des pratiques qui engendrent la pauvreté et l'injustice. Elle encourage les témoignages de ses membres et de ses partenaires pour alimenter réflexions et débats.
Une démarche globale : au Sud comme au Nord, AVSF mène un combat unique pour des politiques agricoles favorables aux agricultures familiales, une régulation des marchés et le respect des identités locales.
Mission et objectifs d’AVSF
Conformément à ses statuts, AVSF agit en appui aux agricultures paysannes dans des régions défavorisées et participe à des actions de plaidoyer en leur faveur, au Nord comme au Sud.
L’objectif premier de l’association est d’aider les populations paysannes à se doter de revenus et de moyens d'existence durables par la maîtrise des conditions du développement de leur agriculture et de l’élevage. Ses principales missions visent donc à :
- améliorer les conditions de vie de ces populations paysannes
- promouvoir leurs droits et la reconnaissance de l’utilité des paysans dans la société
- renforcer les organisations représentatives des agricultures paysannes
- créer des références pour l’élaboration des politiques publiques
- établir des liens entre les acteurs (Nord-Sud, Sud-Sud)
Une utilisation consciencieuse des fonds sur le terrain
Le conseil d’administration d’AVSF veille au respect des engagements de l’association vis-à-vis de ses membres et de ses partenaires, mais également des populations bénéficiaires, des financeurs, des professionnels engagés dans l’action et des donateurs. Le comité d’audit est chargé de cette analyse et présente régulièrement ses recommandations au conseil d’administration.
Les actions d’AVSF sur le terrain sont conduites par des équipes professionnelles basant leur travail sur ces engagements pris avec les populations et les entités locales.
Soucieuse de la qualité de son action, l’association a mis en place un dispositif de suivi et d’évaluation de l’impact de ses actions ; les financeurs d’AVSF effectuent également des évaluations régulières des projets. Les actions font donc l’objet d’évaluations et de contrôles internes et externes.
La transparence voulue par l’association envers les parties prenantes et les donateurs garantit à ces derniers l’utilisation conforme de leurs contributions. C’est pourquoi AVSF adhère aux règles du Comité de la charte du don en confiance.
Enfin, les comptes de l’association sont contrôlés annuellement par un commissaire aux comptes (Sofideec), et AVSF se soumet aux divers contrôles financiers, comptables et fiscaux qui peuvent être mandatés par ses partenaires, ainsi qu’à toute évaluation des résultats de ses actions.
Translation - English Who is AVSF?
Born in 2004 out of the merger between Vétérinaires sans frontières and the Centre for International Agricultural Development Cooperation, Agronomes et Vétérinaires sans frontières, AVSF is an international NGO serving public interest. It utilises professional expertise to benefit frural farming families threatened by the exclusion of the South.
Fundamental values
To show that rural farming is economically viable, ecologically sustainable, and socially just. In addition to providing supplies for the markets, it serves as is a source of employment, contributes to the vitality of rural areas and local democracy. It promotes biodiversity.
To fight for more equality in terms of international relations by refusing to consider the exclusion as inevitable. The association advocates for a deviation from practices and policies in general that breed poverty and injustice. It uses the testimonies of its members and partners to nourish reflections and debates.
A global approach: In the North as well as the South, AVSF is fighting a unique battle for the adoption of favourable agricultural policies toward rural farming, a regulation of the markets, and respect for local identities.
Aims and Objectives of AVSF
According to its statutes, AVSF acts in support of small-scale farmers living in disadvantaged parts of the world and takes part in advocacy actions on behalf of the North as well as the South. The primary objective of the association is to help the rural population earn a revenue and secure a sustaible livelihood by improving their standards in terms of agricultural and livestock farming. Its primary objectives are aimed at:
- Improving the living conditions of these rural populations
- Promoting their rights and recognising the importance of farmers in the society
- Empowering organisations representing small-scale farmers
- Creating references for the development of public policies
- Establishing links between the players (North-South, South-South)
Conscientious use of funds on the ground
The board of directors of AVSF supervises the affairs of the association in terms of the activities of its members, partners, as well as that of the beneficiaries, financiers, donors and other professionals involved in the programme. The audit committee is responsible for the audit and regularly presents its recommendations to the board.
Basing their work on these commitments, AVSF actions on the ground are undertaken by professional teams together with the local population and groups.
Concerned about the quality of its action, the association has put in place an evaluatory follow up mechanism to assess the impact of its actions; AVSF financiers also conduct regular assessments of projects. The actions then become objects of evaluation which include internal and external audits.
The transparency desired by the association for its stakeholders and donors garantees the latter that the usage conforms with their contributions. This is why AVSF complies with the guidelines of the Charter Committee of gift in trust.
Finally, the accounts of the association are audited annually by stautory auditors of Sofideec. AVSF is subject to various financial and accounting audits, which may be authorized by its partners, as well as a complete evaluation of the results of its actions.
Translation education
Master's degree - Moscow Linguistics University
Years of experience: 37. Registered at May 2008.
Swedish to English (Moscow State Linguistic University) Russian to English (Moscow State Linguistic University) French to English (Moscow State Linguistic University) Spanish to English (Moscow State Linguistic University) Swedish to English (Kammarkollegiet ( Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency))
Finnish to English (Moscow State Linguistic University)
Adobe Acrobat, Frontpage, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word
Patrick Walsh
Home Tel: 682 3315687 2020 Stream Creek LN, Fort Worth, TX 76131 Email:
Career Objective: Looking for a challenging position through which I can utilize and strengthen the talents and skills acquired over the last twenty years of very hard work in positions of trust and diverse demanding responsibilities
Education and Training:
1994 – Graduated with an M.A degree - Master of Arts in Philology
Specialty – Philology – Study of foreign Languages – Diplomate in interpretion and translation of French, Spanish, Russian, Swedish, and English.
• Diploma in Education – Certified teacher of Foreign Languages
Masters Thesis:
o Stylistic analysis of socio-political texts
o Use of grammatical transformations in translating publicist types of texts.
Masters Degree Work:
o Spanish to Russian translation of novel "Los Jovenes de España" by Jacinto Martin
Studies Included:
• Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting.
• Language commentary and voice-over of films and events.
• Translating and interpreting techniques.
• Translation Theories
• Linguistics, Stylistics, Text analysis, French History, Literature and Culture
• Spanish, History, Literature and Culture, Political Science etc.
Other Studies: University of California (Irvine)
• Constitutional Law
• Theory of Criminology
• Interpersonal Communication Skills (Stockholm)
• Listening Skills – the process by which listening (not hearing) occurs
• Obstacles to good listening - How to overcome them
Work Experience:
08.16.1989 – 08.12.1993
Upplands Bro High School – Sweden
• High School Teacher – French, Spanish, Russian
• Head of Language Institution: French, Russian, Spanish
08.16.1994 – 01.11.2001
Tornedalsskolan High School - Sweden
• High School Teacher – Spanish, French, Russian, English
• Head of Institution of foreign Languages – French, Russian, Spanish
• Tutor – Adult Education – ESL, Spanish, Russian
• Program Coordinator – European High School – Finland
1994 – 1996
• Worked as Spanish – Swedish – Spanish interpreter for EU sponsored railway project between BANVERKET of Sweden and RENFE of Spain.
• Translated railway engineering material from Spanish - Swedish – English
• Translated railway engineering documentation including technical and railway engineering diagrams from Swedish to English
• On-site Spanish – Swedish - Spanish interpreter and translator for the above mentioned railway engineering project
1998 – 2001
Euroskolan – Finland
• High school teacher – French, Spanish, English
1998 -2002
Putanlukkio High School – Finland
• High School Teacher – French, Spanish, English
07.02.99 – 05.24.99 - Instructor
RUBUS AB Haparanda
• ESL, Corporate Communication Skills
09.01.1997 – 05.31.2000 – Lecturer
Kemi Tornio University of Applied Sciences – Finland (
• Corporate Communication Skills
• Business English
• Negotiating Skills
• How to conduct meetings and conferences
• Interviewing skills
• Technical Writing skills – English
• Engineering Ethics
• Philosophy
1994 – 2000 – Tutor
Sverigefinska folkhögskolan, Haparanda – Sweden (
• Interpreting Skills – Consecutive and simultaneous interpreting skills
• Tutor and Examiner – Interpreter Certification Courses for Swedish interpreters
• Simultaneous interpreter – Russian – Swedish, Swedish – Russian, French – Swedish, Swedish – French / Spanish – Swedish – French/Spanish
1994 – 2001
Haparanda Municipality - Sweden
• Simultaneous Interpreter – Russian – Swedish – Russian
• Simultaneous Interpreter – Swedish – Spanish – Swedish
• Simultaneous Interpreter - Swedish – French
1994 – 2001
Simultaneous Interpreter for miscellaneous conferences – Finland, Sweden, Europe
• French – Swedish- French
• English – Swedish - English
• Russian – Swedish –Russian
• Spanish – Swedish – Spanish
08.16.1995 – 07.11.200
Tornedalsskolan High School - Sweden
• Head of Institution of Foreign Languages
• Coordinator – Lingua School Exchange Program – European Union
• Swedish representative – Belgium European Conference of European Teachers of Foreign Languages
Work as simultaneous and consecutive interpreter for international conferences in the following language combinations:
• French – English - French
• Spanish - English - Spanish
• Russian – English – Russian
• Swedish – English – Swedish
2001 – 2007
Over the Phone Interpreting
• French – English - French
• Russian – English – Russian
• Swedish – English – Swedish
• Norwegian – English – Norwegian – English
• English – Finnish - English
• Examiner for Teleinterpreters – Evaluating prospective bilingual representatives
2007 – Current
Language Line Services
Over the Phone Interpreting
• French – English - French
• Russian – English – Russian
• Norwegian – English – Norwegian
• French Canadian – English – French Canadian
2010 – Current
Language Select Interpreting Company
Over the Phone Interpreting
• French – English - French
• Russian – English – Russian
• Swedish – English – Swedish
• French Canadian – English – French Canadian
Owner – Texas based language company - Elite Language Services, USA
2010 – Current
Document Translations and Proofreading For the Following Companies:
Transperfect Translations - New York
Tampa Bay Translations – Florida – Spain and New York
Translation Projects -
New Life, Legal documents, Contracts, Technology, Scientific Research, Medical, Insurance, Sanofi Pasteur, etc.
• Finnish – English
• Swedish - English
• Spanish – Swedish
• Russian - English
• French - English
• Russian - English - Russian
Consecutive interpreting - Heli Expo - Dallas Convention Center
• Spanish - English - Spanish
Simultaneous Interpreting - North American Rally
• Teacher - Swedish as a second language - Teachers of America
• Teacher - Advanced Spanish - Teachers of America
• French - English
Simultaneous Interpreting - Transperfect
• French - English - French
Consecutive Interpreting - Deposition - Transperfect
• Teacher - Swedish as a second language - Teachers of America
• Teacher - Advanced Spanish - Teachers of America
Other Merits:
• Member – LMS – Sweden – Lärare i moderna språk (Association for teachers of modern languages)
• Excellent communication skills
• Good people skills
• Excellent social skills
• Fluent in six foreign languages: Spanish, English, French, Swedish, Russian, Finnish
• Excellent computer skills
• Web design
• President – Solitaires Square and Round Dance Club - Texas
*Proof of qualification, and letters of recommendations from employers can be produced in their original forms or copies upon request.