Member since Sep '08 Working languages:
Japanese to English English to Japanese
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Rate vendor Manage list Aya Yamamoto Interpreter with 20 yrs experience United States
Local time : 11:47 EST (GMT-5)
Native in : Japanese
, English
Native speaker and writer of both English and Japanese, with 20 years of experience. Formally trained simultaneous interpreter with extensive conference interpreting experience.
Freelance translator and/or interpreter This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
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Translation, Interpreting Specializes in: Engineering: Industrial IT (Information Technology) Law (general) Finance (general) Computers: Software Cinema, Film, TV, Drama Human Resources Medical: Health Care Medical: Pharmaceuticals Tourism & Travel
Also works in: Law: Contract(s) History Internet, e-Commerce Transport / Transportation / Shipping Computers (general) Medical (general) Aerospace / Aviation / Space Medical: Instruments Advertising / Public Relations Manufacturing Telecom(munications) Slang Retail Marketing Management Poetry & Literature International Org/Dev/Coop Government / Politics Education / Pedagogy Business/Commerce (general)
PRO-level points: 8 , Questions answered: 2 Wire transfer, PayPal, Check, paypal, Transferwise | Send a payment via ProZ*Pay Years of experience: 21. Registered at Sep 2008. Became a member: Sep 2008. N/A Japanese to English (Emerson College) English to Japanese (Emerson College) N/A Adobe Acrobat, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Transifex, Translation Workspace, XTM CV available upon request
Aya Yamamoto endorses's Professional Guidelines .
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This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided. Total pts earned: 8 (All PRO level) Language (PRO) Japanese to English 8 Top general fields (PRO) Science 4 Other 4 Top specific fields (PRO) Education / Pedagogy 4 Gaming/Video-games/E-sports 4 See all points earned >
Keywords: semiconductors, LCD, finance, IT, businss, CG graphics, animation, theatre, scripts, 治験. See more . semiconductors, LCD, finance, IT, businss, CG graphics, animation, theatre, scripts, 治験, mechanical, electrical, maintenance, robot, network, applications, software, computer, technical translator, clinical, drug trial, simultaneous interpreter, cv, resume, 和英, 英和, ウィスパリング, 同時通訳, ソフトウェア, アプリケーション, カスタマイズ, マニュアル, 工業, 医薬, education, 教育, システム構築, management, automobile, ロボット制御システム, 自動車, 国際協力, international cooperation, localization, 脚本, 演劇, electronics, SOP, marketing, sales, financial, UN, JICA, 契約書, contracts, legal documents, HR, medical, pharmaceuticals, sociology, film, animation, computer graphics, CGアニメーション, networks, コンピュータ, motorcycle, 取扱説明書, 保守, human resources, HR, subtitles, robotic process automation, RPA, education, marketing, copy, transcreation, questionnaires, surveys, eLearning. See less . Profile last updated Sep 12