Working languages:
English to Russian
French to Russian
English to Ukrainian

Alexander Glazunov

Melithopol, Zaporiz'ka Oblast', Ukraine

Native in: Russian Native in Russian, Ukrainian Native in Ukrainian
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3 positive reviews
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Hard-working, organized, resourceful.
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, Software localization, MT post-editing
Specializes in:
Automotive / Cars & TrucksEngineering (general)
Transport / Transportation / ShippingFood & Drink
Energy / Power GenerationEnvironment & Ecology
ManufacturingMechanics / Mech Engineering
Automation & RoboticsLaw: Contract(s)

English to Russian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word / 4 - 6 USD per hour
French to Russian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word / 4 - 6 USD per hour
English to Ukrainian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word / 4 - 6 USD per hour
French to Ukrainian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word / 4 - 6 USD per hour

KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 24, Questions answered: 9
Payment methods accepted Wire transfer, Check
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 4
Translation education Other - Foreign language courses "In-Yaz", Moscow, Russia
Experience Years of experience: 36. Registered at Dec 2008. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, DejaVu, Indesign, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, AutoCAD - Autodesk MDT 2007, Powerpoint, SDLX, STAR Transit, Trados Studio, Wordfast
CV/Resume French (DOC), English (DOCX)
Events and training
Powwows attended
Professional practices Alexander Glazunov endorses's Professional Guidelines (v1.0).
Native languages: Russian, Ukrainian

September 1969 - July 1974, Donetsk National University of Economy and Trade, Donetsk.
Specialist of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (Honors) in "Machinery and devices for food industries".

1975 - 1980 English language courses "IN-YAZ", Moscow, Russia
1971 - 1974 French language courses "IN-YAZ", Moscow, Russia

Also specialize in the following fields except for above mentioned ones:

Food manufacturing industry
Baking industry
Wine, vodka, brandy, beer, milk, mineral water bottling
Building, Marketing, IT
Glass fiber reinforced plastics

Over 20 years of experience in experimental, serial, mass machine-building production, including specification and selection, design approval, witness testing, inspection, installation, commissioning, start-up, maintenance and technical services. This involved project work in the design office and field support on site. Designing new machines, equipment or systems taking into account cost, energy saving, availability of materials, strength and maintenance requirements, liaison with foreign, internal enterprises-suppliers of special metal rolling, automatic devices to ensure that component quality and design was improved for automatic assembly, technological preparation of manufacture, production, putting into operation both separate machines, and automatic transfer lines for the food-processing industry.
Previously worked as a chief process engineer of fiberglass production, as a chief of technical department at the automotive equipment maintenance plant, the chief of department of association Donbasshleb for designing and manufacture of automatic lines for baking bread and long loafs and as a head of procurement and marketing department at the machine-tool constructing enterprise.

Therefore, excellent knowledge of production terminology of food-processing industry, fiberglass production industry, automotive production industry, machine-tool constructing industry.

With regards to my translation experience:

Deployment/Application of foreign equipment, technologies and software, as well as co-operation with foreign vendors and customers have always been my core responsibilities at every stage of my career since 1974. Therefore, I had plenty of opportunities to develop and master my English/French languages skills.
The themes of my last translations from English into Russian/Ukrainian were following: track/wheel excavators, crawler mounted blast hole drill, equipment for removing low specific gravity solids from slurries, natural gas condensate metering system, AutoCAD drawings for gas transport equipment, 3LPE steel pipe coating, baking equipment, website of a company-manufacturer of electronic components, display texts for truck manual and Saddle Span tent Assembly Instructions.
The topics of my last translations from French into Russian/Ukrainian were the following: operating instructions palletizer, Installation instructions. Chassis integrated sliding door, ski equipment, Presses Bucher JLB, commands on the car display, operating instructions means of communication, Peugeot
3008 accessories, CLAAS Square Balers, CLAAS Tractors AXION 
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 24
(All PRO level)

Language (PRO)
English to Ukrainian24
Top general fields (PRO)
Top specific fields (PRO)
Food & Drink4
Forestry / Wood / Timber4
Livestock / Animal Husbandry4
Automotive / Cars & Trucks4
Computers: Hardware4
Environment & Ecology4

See all points earned >
Keywords: English to Russian translator, French to Russian translator freelance, translation services, English, French, Russian, freelancer, freelance translations, translating service, industrial. See more.English to Russian translator, French to Russian translator freelance, translation services, English, French, Russian, freelancer, freelance translations, translating service, industrial, technical, techniques, engineering, editing, proofreading, reviewing, English into Russian, French into Russian, technical documentation, automatics, design, design-engineering, diary, machine-building manufacture, food-processing industry, air compressors, refrigerator, refrigerating machinery, metal rolling, frequency converters, induction, photo-electric, humidity gauges, metal-cutting machine tools, mechanical, industry, industrial, technology, engineering, hardware, computers, control, sensor, actuator, new construction materials, edit, proofread, review, article, summary, manual, industrial, climate control, structure, control systems, sensors, actuators, sensor, soft computing, building construction, dairy products, milk, wine, brandy, vodka, cognac, baked goods, baking, bottling, packaging, production unit, workshop, weighing-and-filling machine, crater, decrater, bottle washing machine, depalletizer, palletizer, labeling machine, PET-bottle, fiberglass, composite materials; la traduction, l'anglais, français, russe, ukrainien, la langue, laminés courants, le mécanicien, l'électronique, l'industrie de l'alimentation, l'équipement, le matériel, la technique, la traduction technique, la rédaction, corriger des épreuves, le contrôle, l'automatisation, l'automatique, l'équipement, les appareils électroménagers, la documentation, les instructions, les standards, les découpeuses à métaux, la construction, les installations frigorifiques, le réfrigérateur, la structure, la technologie, technologique, le procès, l'approvisionnement, la distribution, la production, unitaire, en série, massif, mécanique, la production, l'expérience, la conception, la mise en marche, l'exploitation, les lignes automatiques, la panification, l'embouteillage, les PET-bouteilles, le vin, la vodka, le cognac, le lait, laitier, la bière, les boissons non alcoolisées, l'eau minérale, la farine, le pain, la baguette, le petit-pain, le conditionnement, le bouchage, machine à laver des bouteilles, l'encaissage, la palettisation, l’étiquetage, le plastique verre-résine, les composites; перевод, английский, французский, русский, украинский язык, металлопрокат, механик, электроника, пищевая промышленность, оборудование, аппаратное обеспечение, техника, переводчик, технический перевод, редактирование, корректура, проверка, автоматизация, автоматика, аппаратура, оборудование, бытовые электроприборы, документация, инструкции, стандарты, металлорежущие станки, металлорежущее оборудование, строительство, холодильные установки, холодильник, конструктор, конструкция, технология, технологический, процесс, снабжение, сбыт, продукция, единичное, серийное, массовое, машиностроительное, производство, опыт, проектирование, пуск, эксплуатация, автоматические линии, выпечка, хлебобулочные изделия, розлив в бутылки, PET-бутылки, вино, винный, водка, водочный, коньяк, коньячный, молоко, молочный, пиво, безалкогольные напитки, минеральная вода, мука, хлеб, батон, булка, торговое, фасовочное, фасово-укупорочное, розливо-укупорочное оборудование, автомат для извлечения и укладки бутылок в ящики, бутылкомоечная, этикетировочная, штабелирующая машина для поддонов, стеклопластик, композитные материалы; переклад, переклади, англійська, французька, російська, українська, мова, з англійської на російську, з французької на російську, з англійської на українську, з французької на українську, металопрокат, механік, електроніка, харчова промисловість, устаткування, апаратне забезпечення, техніка, технічний, перекладач, технічний переклад, редагування, редактура, коректура, вичитування, перевірка, автоматизація, автоматика, апаратура, устаткування, побутові електроприлади, інженерний, документація, інструкції, стандарти, металоріжучі верстати, металоріжуче устаткування, будівництво, холодильні установки, холодильник, конструктор, конструкція, технологія, технологічний, процес, постачання, збут, продукція, одиничне, серійне, масове, машинобудівне, виробництво, досвід, проектування, пуск, експлуатація, автоматичні лінії, випічка, хлібобулочні вироби, розлив в пляшки, PET-пляшки, вино, винний, горілка, горілчаний, коньяк, коньячний, молоко, молочний, пиво, безалкогольні напої, мінеральна вода, мука, хліб, батон, булка, торгівельне, фасувальне, фасувально-закупорювальне, розливо-закупорювальне, устаткування, автомат для витягання і укладання пляшок в ящики, пляшкомийна, етикетувальна, штабелююча машина для піддонів, склопластик, композитні матеріали; tradutor, inglês, russo, traducător, engleză, rusă, ucraineană, traducteur, anglais, russe, Englisch, Russisch, Übersetzer, übersetzung, traduccion, traduzione, tlumaczenie. See less.

Profile last updated
Mar 9, 2021