Site rules

Rules for the use of

The following rules have been created to extend and protect the pleasant, results-oriented atmosphere of the translation workplace. By using the site, you indicate your acceptance of, and agreement to abide by, these rules.

Site Rule

1 The forums are provided solely for discussions within's scope.
Valid topics for discussion include language and language services (translation, interpreting, localization, subtitling, etc.), as well as business and technical issues of interest specifically to language professionals in their work. Postings which are not related to language or translation, or the business of language or translation, are not allowed. Postings which are political, religious, or otherwise controversial in nature, or that may be considered offensive by other users, will be removed without regard to the views expressed. [ For details, see the site's Definition of Scope ]
2 Posters are expected to write detailed titles and post in the most appropriate forum.
Because the forums are very active, care is required to ensure the usefulness of the resource. The titles of postings must be as descriptive of the posting's content as possible, whenever possible, making the posting's main point in the title. (Note that for purposes of clarity and organization of the archives, moderators are given authority to edit posting titles and move topics between forums. Moderators can not modify the content of a forum posting.)
3 Postings should not be made more than once.
Do not post the same topic multiple times or to multiple forums.
4 Replies should not stray from the posted topic.
When responding to a topic, stick to the topic as introduced. To change the discussion, it is necessary to post a new topic.
5 Speculating on others' opinions is not allowed.
Commenting on others' opinions without authorization ('Jenny seems to think...'), is not allowed.
6 When a topic has been locked, discussion may not be resumed.
Discussions contained in threads locked or hidden by staff members or moderators should not be resumed. Posts made within such threads may not be edited once a topic has been locked.
7 A forum's designated language should be used.
A working language is defined for each forum, and this language should be used to the extent possible when posting. Where not otherwise specified, English is the working language.
8 Outsourcers may not be discussed specifically.
Posts or comments regarding a specific outsourcer (identified by name, reference, link or other means), whether positive or negative, are not permitted. (To indicate their likelihood of working again with a given outsourcer, site users should use the Blue Board.)
9 It is the responsibility of the poster to respect copyright.
Use of unauthorized copies of material (copyrighted, trademarked, or otherwise protected) is forbidden. Only excerpts and links to articles may be printed, unless permission has been obtained from the publishers. In such cases, the posting must make clear that such permission has been obtained.
10 No legal interpretations.
Legal interpretations and legal challenges to policies and features should not be made in the forums, but sent in writing to headquarters.
11 Use designated areas of the site.
Forums should not be used for issues that have dedicated areas in the site. [ You can find a list of the dedicated areas of the site here ]
12 The Certified PRO network screening process should not be discussed in the forums.
To maintain the integrity of the screening process for the Certified PRO network, specifics of the process should not be discussed in the forums. Details related to one's personal experience in the screening process for the Certified PRO network, including reasons received for acceptance or denial of one's application, should not be discussed in the forums. Questions may be submitted via support request.
13 Announcing events via the forums is only permitted in the "Language Industry Events & Announcements" forum.
One announcement may be posted per event either in the Language Industry Events & Announcements forum or via the Translation news service. Additional announcements (e.g. "reminder", "final call") are not allowed. Events should not be announced anywhere else in the forums. An exception is allowed for non-English or country-specific forums; an event may be posted once, in one non-English or country-specific forum (not in addition to, but in lieu of a post in the Events and Announcements forum or Translation news).

Adherence to the above rules is a condition for continued right to access and use the site.


Staff members and moderators may take any of the following actions to enforce the above rules:
* contacting site users to call attention to specific rules
* refraining from approving (or removing/hiding) postings that violate a rule
* causing a message related to the rules to appear to certain users when they undertake certain actions
* suspending, temporarily or permanently, access to site features that have been used in violation of the rules.
* termination of profile or membership (staff only)

Moderators and staff members must act in accordance with, and are protected by, site rules in exactly the same way as other members.


In rare cases of severe infraction, staff members may terminate a profile (and membership) with immediate effect. In most cases, however, uses a "yellow card/red card" policy, akin to yellow-card/red-card practice in the sport of football/soccer, for terminations.

Yellow and red cards are issued only by staff members. Rules are cited by number, and the date of the card is logged. The terms "yellow card" or "red card" are used explicitly; if an email is sent, the terms appear in the subject line.

A site user who has been issued a yellow card may continue to use the site (sometimes with certain restrictions), but is otherwise under notice that further infractions will lead to termination. A person whose profile has been terminated will not be readmitted to

Outsourcers are subject to the site's Termination policy.


For clarification regarding any of the above rules or rules enforcement, please submit a support request.

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Hayjor Roca

Hayjor Roca



Naiara Solano

Naiara Solano

Joseph Oyange

Joseph Oyange

Isabella Capuselli

Isabella Capuselli

Saint Machiste

Saint Machiste

Valentin Zaninelli

Valentin Zaninelli

Laura Rucci

Laura Rucci

Erika Melchor

Erika Melchor

Charlotte Gathoni

Charlotte Gathoni

Agostina Menghini

Agostina Menghini

Tanya Quintery

Tanya Quintery

Benedict Ouma

Benedict Ouma

Ana Moirano

Ana Moirano

Isabel Thomson

Isabel Thomson

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