. Freelance translator video package - 30 videos for 30 USD

Format: Videos

Course summary
Availability:This training is available on-demand

Video recordings of 30 live panel discussions and presentations held during Freelance Translator Virtual Conference on September 30th 2010.

Buy access to all videos for only 30 USD - a total of 35 video hours.

Summary:Attention: certificates of attendance will not be issued after completion of this training.
Sessions included in this package:
Click on the link for each session below to learn more about each presentation:

The Future of Translation: Leveraging Online Translation Marketplaces - Click to learn more

Pro bono work – dos and don'ts - Click to learn more

Full speed ahead with memoQ - Click to learn more

Keep yourself busy: how to market to agencies, forge relationships and ensure you’ve always got a steady flow of work. - Click to learn more

Déjà vu X - Click to learn more

Deep Mining: get more than a fuzzy feeling from CAT - Click to learn more

Empower yourself with Machine Translation! - Click to learn more

Specialization is a key to quality and quality work equals success. - Click to learn more

How freelance translators can benefit from learning search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques. - Click to learn more

Becoming An Interpreter - Click to learn more

State of the translation industry 2010 - Click to learn more

Working for translation agencies - my view as an agency owner - Click to learn more

Boost Your Productivity Now! - Click to learn more

Is it worth investing in QA Processes? Tips to offer a high quality translation product - Click to learn more

Managing your Online Reputation - Click to learn more

Is your Translation Business Struggling? Maximize it by Developing a Strong Brand - Click to learn more

Learn how SDL Trados can make you more productive with 5 top tips - Click to learn more

Showing the best collection of tips and tricks around to make the most of SDL Trados Studio - Click to learn more

How to stand out in the translation market - Click to learn more

Specialize for Your Own Good - Click to learn more

PDF files: Getting Blood From a Stone - Click to learn more

Taming The Thousand-faced Beast: Anatomization of Linguistic Quality, Measuring The Opinion into the Fact - Click to learn more

SEO for freelance translators - how can you promote your website yourself - Click to learn more

Creating a Marketing Plan for Freelance Translators – a Practical Guide - Click to learn more

Project Management for Translators - Click to learn more

Machine Translation Trends - Click to learn more

Specialization for Today's Freelance Translator - Click to learn more

Trends and factors affecting rates in the translation industry - Click to learn more

Marketing & Promotion for Freelance Translators - Click to learn more

Quality in translation - a discussion on quality standards for today's freelance translator - Click to learn more

IMIA - Medical interpreting - Click to learn more

After you pruchase access to the videos click on the link for each session to access

Payment and access information
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Click on the buy button on the right to purchase your seat. Participation fee includes unlimited access to the recordings.

How do I purchase the videos?

To purchase your seat at this session please click on the "buy" button. After your payment is received, your status will be changed to “registered and paid” and an invoice and receipt of payment will be sent to you for your records.

How do I access the videos?

Once the payment is processed, click on the links for each session above tol to watch the videos.
General discussions on this training

. Freelance translator video package - 30 videos for 30 USD
Marwa Shehata
Marwa Shehata Identity Verified
Local time: 11:22
Member (2010)
English to Arabic
+ ...
video accessJan 24, 2012

If I purchase the whole package, do I get access to videos more than once?
I mean can I watch a video several times?

video accessJan 24, 2012

Marwa Shehata wrote:

If I purchase the whole package, do I get access to videos more than once?
I mean can I watch a video several times?

Hello Marwa,

By purchasing videos you receive unlimited access to them.
You can watch videos as many times as it is needed as until you have your ProZ.com profile active you will still have access to the videos.

Hope this helps.

My bests,

Sam Berner (X)
Sam Berner (X) Identity Verified
Local time: 19:22
English to Arabic
+ ...
Not full videos?Mar 12, 2012

Many of these presentations were apparently 60 mins in duration, of which there is about a half and often a quarter only on the videos provided. Am I having issues with my system, or are the videos not the complete presentation offered? Thanks in advance for clarifying.

Video durationMar 13, 2012

Dear Sam,

Since I do not have links to the videos you have mentioned, I am afraid I cannot fully address your request. Could you please submit a support request, http://www.proz.com/support/ , providing more information, such as: links to the videos, Internet connection type you use, browser you are using.

Also, please note that it is recommended to wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing,
... See more
Dear Sam,

Since I do not have links to the videos you have mentioned, I am afraid I cannot fully address your request. Could you please submit a support request, http://www.proz.com/support/ , providing more information, such as: links to the videos, Internet connection type you use, browser you are using.

Also, please note that it is recommended to wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

Hope this helps.

My bests,

Sam Berner (X)
Sam Berner (X) Identity Verified
Local time: 19:22
English to Arabic
+ ...
Spasiba, Helen, problem solvedMar 13, 2012

Just discovered that the 60 mins include Q&A and these are not part of the videos in the Proz Virtual Conference. So problem solved. Thank you very much.

I did log another question with support and haven't heard back yet.


Premium✍️ Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 02:22
Member (2006)
English to French
+ ...
Similar Deal for Previous YearsJun 20, 2013

Will there be a similar package deal for 2011, 2012, 2013 and the years prior?

Joao Rosa
Joao Rosa
English to Portuguese
+ ...
PaypalMar 3, 2014

I wonder whether I can pay via Paypal to get the videos downloaded. I had problems on international transactions with my credit card.


PaypalMar 4, 2014

Joao Rosa wrote:

I wonder whether I can pay via Paypal to get the videos downloaded. I had problems on international transactions with my credit card.


Hello Joao,

You can purchase the package with PayPal. Please follow the purchase steps and choose desired payment option. Please do not hesitate to submit a support request at http://www.proz.com/support/ if you need any assistance or have any doubts. Thanks!

My bests,

Brett Morrison
Brett Morrison Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 03:22
Spanish to English
+ ...
The course is fullMay 24, 2014

When is there going to be a new opening of this course (group of courses)? I was looking forward to getting my 30 videos and then I couldn't find where to purchase them only to realize that there is a cap on the amount of people who can participate on the online videos.

The course is fullMay 27, 2014

Brett Morrison wrote:

When is there going to be a new opening of this course (group of courses)? I was looking forward to getting my 30 videos and then I couldn't find where to purchase them only to realize that there is a cap on the amount of people who can participate on the online videos.

Hi Brett,

Thank you for reporting this. I have changed the course limit. You may wish to proceed with purchase by clicking on the purchase button under "Course registration".

Hope this helps.

My bests,


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