Working languages:
German to Russian
English to Russian
Spanish to Russian

Kirill Rodionov
Tech translator

San Jose, California, United States
Local time: 07:02 PDT (GMT-7)

Native in: Russian (Variant: Standard-Russia) 
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6 positive reviews
7 ratings (5.00 avg. rating)
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Voiceover (dubbing), Language instruction, Copywriting, Training, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Translation, Website localization, Software localization, Subtitling, MT post-editing, Desktop publishing, Transcription, Transcreation, Native speaker conversation, Project management, Operations management
Specializes in:
Computers: HardwareComputers: Software
Computers: Systems, NetworksEngineering (general)
Engineering: IndustrialIT (Information Technology)
Internet, e-Commerce

German to Russian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.06 USD per word / 25 - 30 USD per hour / 2.50 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute
Spanish to Russian - Rates: 0.03 - 0.06 EUR per word / 14 - 20 EUR per hour / 2.50 - 5.00 EUR per audio/video minute
Russian to German - Rates: 0.03 - 0.06 EUR per word / 14 - 23 EUR per hour / 2.50 - 8.00 EUR per audio/video minute
German to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.10 USD per word / 30 - 40 USD per hour
Spanish to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.10 USD per word / 30 - 40 USD per hour

Payment methods accepted Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, Wire transfer, Bank transfer, Zelle, Venmo, Wise
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 19

New! Video portfolio:
Translation education Bachelor's degree - Moscow State University Of Railway Engineering
Experience Years of experience: 12. Registered at Sep 2018. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials Russian to German (Moscow State University of Railway Engineering, verified)
German to Russian (Moscow State University of Railway Engineering, verified)
Memberships TED Translators, UTR
Software Across, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Aegisub, Amara, AutoCAD, CafeTran Espresso, Crowdin, DejaVu, FrameMaker, Frontpage, Google Translator Toolkit, Indesign, Localizer, Lokalise, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, MovieCaptioner, OmegaT, Adobe Premier PRO, Adobe XD, AutoCAD, C , Camtasia, Google Adwords, HTML, InDesign, Joomla, Pascal, Photoshop, Python, SmartCat, Solid Works, Wordpress, Pagemaker, PhraseApp, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, Protemos, Translation Center, Smartcat, Subtitle Edit, Subtitle Editor, Subtitle Workshop, Titlevision Submachine, Trados Studio, Wordfast, XTRF Translation Management System
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Professional practices Kirill Rodionov endorses's Professional Guidelines.



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jrryqlwh7x3gs2lxpmna.png Send Email
rbwzrggjbq48x9wq5061.png LinkedIn
h1dclvjps6wxvz2chumt.png Website

About me:

▪️ Native Russian

▪️ B.S. in Engineering + B.A. in Translation

▪️ 10+ years of working experience

Business principles:

✔️ Respect the client's privacy

✔️ Constant communication

✔️ Maximum support

✔️ Don't make a promise I can't keep

My services:

▪️ Translation

▪️ Interpreting (in-person, remote)

▪️ Subtitling (incl. transcription, spotting)

▪️ Project management


▪️ Technical translation (user manuals, guides, web services, software&help files etc.)

▪️ Legal and law translation (general, contracts, certificates etc.)

▪️ Marketing and business (e-commerce, brochures, web-sites, presentations etc.) 


▪️ CAT tools (Trados, MemoQ, MemSource, SmartCat)

▪️ Subtitle software (AegiSub, Subtitle Edit)

▪️ DTP software (AutoCad, SolidWorks, Photoshop, InDesign, Adobe XD, FineReader)

▪️ Other (Adobe Premiere PRO, Camtasia, WordPress)

▪️ Good knowledges of HTML, Python

My subtitles/voice-over samples: (English-Russian) (Spanish-Russian)

My last TED translations:

It will certainly be a pleasure to work with you!


Keywords: Bauwesen, Metallbau, Vertraege, Verglasung, Fassadenbau, Kunststofffenster, Deutsch, Russisch, Englisch, Übersetzer. See more.Bauwesen, Metallbau, Vertraege, Verglasung, Fassadenbau, Kunststofffenster, Deutsch, Russisch, Englisch, Übersetzer, Sprache, Einkaufen, Einkauf, russische Sprache, deutsche Sprache, englische Sprache, Dolmetscher, übersetzen, dolmetschen, Präsentation, Deutschland, Russland, Text, Wort, Software, Lokalisierung, Blog, Softwarelokalisierung, Hardware, CSM, WordPress, Joomla, html, html5, Katalogen, Transkribieren, Service, Qualität, Preis, Raten, beste Raten, schnelle Arbeit, guter Preis, schneller Service, hohe Qualität, Übersetzungsbüro, Übersetzungsagentur, Maschinenbau, Hausgeräte, CRM, Qualitätssicherung, DIN, GOST, SNiP, Erfahrung, Werkbank, Maschine, Autocad, Netzwerk, Versicherung, Marketing, Finanzen, Bedienungsanleitung, Bedienungsanweisung, Web-Seite, Werbung, CV, Wirtschaft, Business, Projekt, Bau, Rechner, Computer, Umwelt, Landwirtschaft, Produktion, Sprachwissenschaft, IT, Kommunikation, Regierung, Internet, Architektur, Anlagen, Energiewirtschaft, Chemie, Handbuch, Benutzerhandbuch, Dokument, Datei, Anleitung, Einleitung, Wartungsvorschrift, Gebrauchsanweisung, Instandsetzungsanleitung, Reparaturanleitung, Reparaturhandbuch, Betriebsanweisung, System, Spanish, German, Russian, English, translator, language, interpreter, translate, Germany, Russia, text, word, localization, software localization, blog, quality, price, rates, best rates, fast turnaround, best price, quick service, good quality, translation bureau, translation agency, mechanical engineering, machine building, machinery construction, engineering industry, motor industry, automobile industry, automobile production, motor car construction, home appliances, CRM, quality control, quality management, DIN, experience, machine tool, machine, plant, network, insurance, marketing, finances, guide, handbook, manual, user's manual, user manual, operator guide, operator manual, catalogues, documentation, web site, advertising, economy, agreement, contract, furniture, building, construction, project, sales, agriculture, environment, production, manufacture, linguistics, IT, communications, government, architecture, installation, power engineering, system, chemistry, document, file, repair manual, standardization manual, installation guide, maintenance guide, maintenance manual, video, presentation, metallurgy, mining, slurry, oil, pump, filtration, civil building, cement industry, concrete, shotcrete, shotcrete machine, drilling, mine, plant, mixer, loader, excavator, hydraulic, engine, dump truck, truck, dozer, load-haul dump vehicle, underground, jumbo drill, Waterproofing, dewatering, drainage, injections, filling, technology, draglines, piston pump, concrete spraying, tunnel, equipment, double-piston, conveyor, belt, air, power, dump, spare parts, fly ash, sewage, water, silo, hopper, valve, pipeline, truck, mortal, copper, steel, ore, coal, engineering, civil engineering, alloy, batch, enemy, fire resistance, refractory, dust cleaning, rock support, manipulator, carrier, hoses, degassing, refractory repair, converters, furnace, oxygen furnace, basin, reel, metal, crushing, grinding, separation, flotation, dehydration, cooling, mill, press, tube, rotary kiln, feeder, scraper, stacker, reclaimer, drum, demolition, digging, heavy lifting, brush cutting, river dredging, bulldozer, grader, crawler, scrapper, dump truck, backhoe, trencher, tanker, crane, road rollers, pavers, batching plant, scissor, articulated haulers, asphalt plant, steer loader, concrete pump, demolition robot, metallurgical plant, washing house, concrete plant, waste treatment, metallurgie, bergbau, Schlamm, öl, erdöl, pumpe, bautechnik, Zementindustrie, beton, spritzbeton, betonspritzmaschine, torkret, ibohren, mine, werk, mischer, lader, bagger, hydraulik, motor, dumper, lkw, dozer, bulldozer, laden- haul dump vehicle, Untertageabbau, ausgesetzte Lagerstätte, jumbo drill, Untertage, Ausrüstung, Armatur, Einrichtung, Ausstattung, Geräte, Zubehör, Ersatzteile, logistic, certification, Feuchtigkeitsisolierung, Entwässerung, Dränage, Injektionen, Anlage, Technologie, Kolbenpumpe, Betonsprühen, Ausrüstung, Doppelkolben, Förderband, Transportband, Luft, Kraft, Dump, Ersatzteile, Flugasche, Abwasser, Wasser, trichter, ventil, rohrleitung, trailer, lkw, sterblich, kupfer, stahl, erze, kohle, maschinenbau, hochbau, Legierung, feuerfestigkeit, feuerfest, Feuerfestmaterial, Gasaufbereitung, Baubefestigung, manipulator, Dumper, schläuche, Entgasung, feuerfeste Reparatur, Konverter, Schmelzofen, Kelle, Gabelpfanne, Mischpfanne, Einschmelzofen, Sauerstoffofen, Becken, Rolle, Metall, Zerkleinern, Mahlen, Trennung, Kühlung, Mühle, Presse, Rohr, Drehrohrofen, Schrapper, Flachbagger, Stapler, Rücklader, Demontagearbeit, Abteufen, Bürsten schneiden, Fluss Baggerarbeiten, Kipper, Baggerlader, Grabenbagger, Kran, Schwarzdeckenfertiger, Strassenfertiger, Mischanlage, Schere, Knicklenker, Asphaltanlage, Betonpumpe, Hüttenwerk, Stahlwerk, Erzaufbereitung, Betonanlage, Abfallbehandlung, Abfallverwertung, Baumaschinen, Bergbaumaschinen, Zertifizierung, Logistik, Bergbau, machine manufactoring, commercial offer, instruction, sailing, subtitles, diving, surfing, wakeboard, Maschinenbau, kommerzielles Angebot, Anleitung, Segeln, Untertiteln, Tauchen, Birth Certificate, Geburtsbescheinigung, Lebensnachweis, Zyklonabscheider, Granulator, Aufgabeband, Siebmaschine, Siebkorb, Magnetbandabscheider, Shredder, Entwulsteten Reifen, Reifenaufbereitungsanlage, Betonanlage, repeater, Papier- und Zellstoff, PAPIERHERSTELLUNG, VERPACKUNG, HOLZVORBEREITUNGSABTEILUNG, Siebtisch, Schaumkanone, Kompressor, SUV, Start-Stop-System, Energie-Rückgewinnung, suspension, chassi, LKW, certificate, Authentication, Google Adwords, Yandex Direct, HTML, Wikicode, Markdown, Moscow, AegiSub, yacht, certificate, contracts, drawings, presentations, exhibitions, equipment installation, commissioning, negotiations, meetings, business trips, telephone calls, business localisation, education, sport, racing, ehevertrag, birth certificate, divorce certificate, extreme, rally, nascar, Schaumkanone, nozzle, düse, Kompressor, crane, Shredder, Aufgabeband, Granulator, Alligatorschere, Volvo, Audi, toyota, mercedes benz, Maybach, amg, Zellstoff, INVESTITIONSPROGRAMM, VERPACKUNG, e-commerce, games, soft, subtitles, Machine Translation Post editing, localization project manager, podcast, YouTube, subtitles. See less.

Profile last updated
May 16, 2024