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    • English
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          • Term
            • holdover audience
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          • Definition(s)
            • that portion of a television or radio program’s audience that emanates from the program immediately preceding it on the same station; also known as carryover audience or inherited audience.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Grey’s Anatomy owes its current hit status, in large part, to Kate Walsh and Addison Montgomery. Until she came along in the season one finale, it was just a soapy midseason replacement watched mostly by Desperate Housewives’ holdover audience. -
            • Whatever holdover audience there was for Mr Brooks seems to have been eaten by Ocean's 13 (starring such nice young men) and Knocked Up, which is going to ride high on curiousity this weekend. - The Hot Blog
            • Additionally, inside sources at Sci-Fi are reporting that the holdover audience from SG-1 has actually increased the base audience of Farscape, not decreased it, a fact that would make erroneous the information in Sci-Fi Channel's recent press release. - sci-fi double talk angers fans
  • Compare this term in: Chinese, Hungarian, Japanese, Romanian, Turkish

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