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    • English
      • Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
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          • Term
            • machinima
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • Referring to the use of existing computer graphics and animation to create new video content, machinima is a kind of filmmaking wherein creators use video game content and graphics engines to create stories and narratives with game footage or graphics. Machinima can also be created with the intention of documenting gameplay. mediakix
          • Example sentence(s)
            • However machinima's future is not limited to what we see at gaming conventions or next generation game trailers. There's a lot of scientific development ranging from artificial intelligence to automated storytelling that will ultimately lead to even easier ways to make movies. - by
            • Machinima is also significantly cheaper than computer animation. A basic "Quake" movie could cost as little as the price of the game. Even if you splurge and buy top notch software and hardware to produce your machinima, you're likely to spend less than $10,000. - howsutffworks by
            • As machinima entered into the mainstream, it gave rise to the Machinima Film Festivals from 2002 to 2008, and also held nominations and wins in the Emmy Awards, Sundance Film Festival, and New Media Film Festival. - UChicagoVoices by
  • Compare this term in: Croatian, German, Persian (Farsi), French, Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian

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